Decompiled source of WikiTerminalInfo v0.0.1


Decompiled 4 hours ago
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using HarmonyLib;
using LethalTerminalExtender.Patches;
using MoonInfoDisplay.Patches;
using UnityEngine;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("MoonInfoDisplay")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("MoonInfoDisplay")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2024")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("e1016796-d749-48d7-b3eb-016ee2688684")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.8", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.8")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace MoonInfoDisplay
	[BepInPlugin("Austria.WikiTerminalInfo", "Wiki Terminal Info", "0.0.1")]
	public class TerminalCommands : BaseUnityPlugin
		private const string modGUID = "Austria.WikiTerminalInfo";

		private const string modName = "Wiki Terminal Info";

		private const string modVersion = "0.0.1";

		private readonly Harmony harmony = new Harmony("Austria.WikiTerminalInfo");

		private static TerminalCommands Instance;

		internal ManualLogSource mls;

		private void Awake()
			//IL_0175: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01cd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01f9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0226: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0253: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0280: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02ad: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02da: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0307: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0334: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0361: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_038e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03bb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03e8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0415: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0442: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_046f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_049c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04c9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04f6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0523: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0550: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_057d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_05aa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_05d7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0604: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0631: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_065e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_068b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_06b8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_06e5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0712: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_073f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_076c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0799: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_07c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_07f3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0820: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_084d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null)
				Instance = this;
			mls = Logger.CreateLogSource("Austria.WikiTerminalInfo");
			mls.LogInfo((object)"MoonInfo has succsessfully loaded :D");
			string text = "                  Infocommands                     -                --------------                   -info <moon>                                        Availible moons: all vanilla moons                 ---------------------------------------------------info <item>                                        Availible items: bee hive, gold bar, cash register zed dog, shotgun, shotgun shell,                   ---------------------------------------------------info <entity>                                      Availible entities: all vanilla entities           Note: This mod is far from finished, it is being   worked on to add more information                  Thank you for using this mod :)                    ";
			string text2 = "                 41-Experimentation                -               --------------------              -Risk rating: B                                     Cost to route: 0                                   ---------------------------------------------------Map size: 1                                        Map layout:                                        - 98.68% Factory                                   -  0.33% Masion                                    -  0.99% Mineshaft                                 ---------------------------------------------------Possible weather:                                  - Rainy                                            - Stormy                                           - Foggy                                            - Flooded                                          - Eclipsed                                         ---------------------------------------------------Max Indoor Power: 4                                Max Outdoor Power: 8                               Max Daytime Power: 5                               ----------------- Indoor Entities --------------------- Entity    | Chance | Power | Max spawned | HP - Bunker Spider  25.55%     2          1        5  - Snare Flea     22.47%     1          4        3  - Hygrodere      13.66%     1          2        -  - Spore Lizard   12.33%     1          2        -  - Hoarding Bug   12.33%     1          8        3  - Thumper         7.05%     3          4        4  - Bracken         5.73%     3          1        5  - Ghost Girl      0.44%     2          1        -  - Nutcracker      0.44%     1          10       5  ----------------- Outdoor Entities ----------------- Eyeless Dog    55.56%     2          8        12 - Earth Worm     41.48%     2          3        -  - Old Bird        2.22%     3          20       -  - Forest Keeper   0.74%     3          3        38 ----------------- Daytime Entities ----------------- Manticoil      50.00%     1          16       2  - Locusts        35.14%     1          5        -  - Circuit Bees   14.86%     1          6        -  ---------------------------------------------------Min scrap: 8                                       Max scrap: 11                                      ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text3 = "                   220-Assurance                   -                 ---------------                 -Risk Rating: D                                     Cost to route: 0                                   ---------------------------------------------------Map size: 1                                        Map layout:                                        - 87.46% Factory                                   -  0.87% Mansion                                   - 11.66% Mineshaft                                 ---------------------------------------------------Possible weather:                                  - Rainy                                            - Stormy                                           - Foggy                                            - Flooded                                          - Eclipsed                                         ---------------------------------------------------Max Indoor Power: 6                                Max Outdoor Power: 8                               Max Daytime Power: 7                               ----------------- Indoor Entities --------------------- Entity    | Chance | Power | Max spawned | HP - Snare Flea     25.91%     1          4        3  - Hoarding Bug   21.73%     1          8        3  - Bunker Spider  19.22%     2          1        5  - Maneater        9.47%     2          1        5  - Hygrodere       7.80%     1          2        -  - Thumper         6.69%     3          4        4  - Bracken         3.90%     3          1        5  - Spore Lizard    3.90%     1          2        -  - Barber          0.84%     1          1        -  - Ghost Girl      0.28%     2          1        -  - Nutcracker      0.28%     1          10       5  ----------------- Outdoor Entities ----------------- Earth Worm     48.97%     2          3        -  - Eyeless Dog    40.21%     2          8        12 - Baboon Hawk    10.31%    0.5         15       4  - Forest Keeper   0.52%     3          3        38 ----------------- Daytime Entities ----------------- Manticoil      52.08%     1          16       2  - Locusts        23.96%     1          5        -  - Circuit Bees   22.40%     1          6        -  - Tulip Snake     1.56%    0.5         12       3  ---------------------------------------------------Min scrap: 13                                      Max scrap: 15                                      ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text4 = "                      56-Vow                       -                    --------                     -Risk Rating: C                                     Cost to route: 0                                   ---------------------------------------------------Map size: 1.15                                     Map layout:                                        - 54.25% Factory                                   -  0.54% Mansion                                   - 45.21% Mineshaft                                 ---------------------------------------------------Possible weather:                                  - Stormy                                           - Foggy                                            - Flooded                                          - Eclipsed                                         ---------------------------------------------------Max Indoor Power: 7                                Max Outdoor Power: 6                               Max Daytime Power: 17                              ----------------- Indoor Entities --------------------- Entity    | Chance | Power | Max spawned | HP - Bracken        22.22%     3          1        5  - Hoarding Bug   17.50%     1          8        3  - Maneater       14.72%     2          1        5  - Snare Flea     13.33%     1          4        3  - Bunker Spider  11.11%     2          1        5  - Hygrodere       7.78%     1          2        -  - Spore Lizard    5.28%     1          2        -  - Barber          3.89%     1          1        -  - Thumper         2.50%     3          4        4  - Coil-Head       1.67%     1          5        -  ----------------- Outdoor Entities ----------------- Forest Keeper  65.36%     3          3        38 - Baboon Hawk    20.26%    0.5         15       4  - Earth Worm     11.76%     2          3        -  - Eyeless Dog     2.61%     2          8        12 ----------------- Daytime Entities ----------------- Manticoil      43.10%     1          16       2  - Locusts        28.88%     1          5        -  - Circuit Bees   26.29%     1          6        -  - Tulip Snake     1.72%    0.5         12       3  ---------------------------------------------------Min scrap: 12                                      Max scrap: 14                                      ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text5 = "                     21-Offense                    -                   ------------                  -Risk Rating: B                                     Cost to route: 0                                   ---------------------------------------------------Map size: 1.25                                     Map layout:                                        - 33.04% Factory                                   -  0.88% Mansion                                   - 66.08% Mineshaft                                 ---------------------------------------------------Possible weather:                                  - Rainy                                            - Stormy                                           - Foggy                                            - Flooded                                          - Eclipsed                                         ---------------------------------------------------Max Indoor Power: 12                               Max Outdoor Power: 8                               Max Daytime Power: 20                              ----------------- Indoor Entities --------------------- Entity    | Chance | Power | Max spawned | HP - Thumper        24.12%     3          4        4  - Bunker Spider  19.30%     2          1        5  - Hygrodere      14.04%     1          2        -  - Snare Flea     11.84%     1          4        3  - Coil-Head      10.96%     1          5        -  - Maneater        7.46%     2          1        5  - Hoarding Bug    7.02%     1          8        3  - Spore Lizard    3.07%     1          2        -  - Bracken         1.32%     3          1        5  - Nutcracker      0.88%     1          10       3  ----------------- Outdoor Entities ----------------- Eyeless Dog    47.39%     2          8        12 - Baboon Hawk    28.44%    0.5         15       4  - Earth Worm     17.54%     2          3        -  - Forest Keeper   4.27%     3          3        38 - Old Bird        2.37      3          20       -  ----------------- Daytime Entities ----------------- Manticoil     100.00%     1          16       2  ---------------------------------------------------Min scrap: 14                                      Max scrap: 17                                      ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text6 = "                    61-March                       -                  ----------                     -Risk Rating: B                                     Cost to route: 0                                   ---------------------------------------------------Map size: 2                                        Map layout:                                        - 100.00% Factory                                  -      0% Mansion                                  -      0% Mineshaft                                ---------------------------------------------------Possible weather:                                  - Stormy                                           - Foggy                                            - Flooded                                          - Eclipsed                                         ---------------------------------------------------Max Indoor Power: 14                               Max Outdoor Power: 12                              Max Daytime Power: 20                              ----------------- Indoor Entities --------------------- Entity    | Chance | Power | Max spawned | HP - Thumper        23.49%     3          4        4  - Bunker Spider  20.32%     2          1        5  - Bracken        17.78%     3          1        5  - Snare Flea     12.06%     1          4        3  - Hoarding Bug   11.43%     1          8        3  - Hygrodere       4.76%     1          2        -  - Coil-Head       3.17%     1          5        -  - Spore Lizard    2.86%     1          2        -  - Maneater        2.86%     2          1        5  - Nutcracker      0.95%     1          10       5  - Jester          0.32%     3          1        -  ----------------- Outdoor Entities ----------------- Baboon Hawk    41.87%    0.5         15       4  - Forest Keeper  31.53%     3          3        38 - Eyeless Dog    18.72%     2          8        12 - Earth Worm      7.88%     2          3        -  ----------------- Daytime Entities ----------------- Manticoil      42.35%     1          16       2  - Circuit Bees   35.71%     1          6        -  - Locusts        19.90%     1          5        -  - Tulip Snake     2.04%    0.5         12       3  ---------------------------------------------------Min scrap: 13                                      Max scrap: 16                                      ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text7 = "                   20-Adamance                     -                 -------------                   -Risk Rating: B                                     Cost to route: 0                                   ---------------------------------------------------Map size: 1.18                                     Map layout:                                        - 66.96% Factory                                   -  2.90% Mansion                                   - 30.13& Mineshaft                                 ---------------------------------------------------Possible weather:                                  - Rainy                                            - Stormy                                           - Foggy                                            - Flooded                                          - Eclipsed                                         ---------------------------------------------------Max Indoor Power: 13                               Max Outdoor Power: 13                              Max Daytime Power: 20                              ----------------- Indoor Entities --------------------- Entity    | Chance | Power | Max spawned | HP - Thumper        16.50%     3          4        4  - Bunker Spider  15.27%     2          1        5  - Hoarding Bug   14.04%     1          8        3  - Maneater       10.59%     2          1        5  - Snare Flea     10.34%     1          4        3  - Bracken         9.85%     3          1        5  - Spore Lizard    8.13%     1          2        -  - Hygrodere       4.19%     1          2        -  - Butler          2.46%     2          7        8  - Coil-Head       2.46%     1          5        -  - Nutcracker      1.97%     1          10       5  - Jester          1.72%     3          1        -  - Masked          1.23%     1          10       4  - Barber          0.74%     1          1        -  - Ghost Girl      0.49%     2          1        -  ----------------- Outdoor Entities ----------------- Baboon Hawk    54.74%    0.5         15       4  - Eyeless Dog    20.00%     2          8        12 - Forest Keeper  16.84%     3          3        38 - Earth Worm      6.32%     2          3        -  - Old Bird        2.11%     3          20       -  ----------------- Daytime Entities ----------------- Manticoil      54.31%     1          16       2  - Locusts        25.86%     1          5        -  - Circuit Bees   14.66%     1          6        -  - Tulip Snake     5.17%    0.5         12       3  ---------------------------------------------------Min scrap: 16                                      Max scrap: 18                                      ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text8 = "                    85-Rend                        -                  ---------                      -Risk Rating: A                                     Cost to route: 550                                 ---------------------------------------------------Map size: 1.8                                      Map layout:                                        -  1.41% Factory                                   - 84.51% Mansion                                   - 14.08% Mineshaft                                 ---------------------------------------------------Possible weather:                                  - Stormy                                           - Eclipsed                                         ---------------------------------------------------Max Indoor Power: 10                               Max Outdoor Power: 6                               Max Daytime Power: 20                              ----------------- Indoor Entities --------------------- Entity    | Chance | Power | Max spawned | HP - Nutcracker     24.10%     1          10       5  - Jester         14.46%     3          1        -  - Bracken        12.29%     3          1        5  - Bunker Spider  10.36%     2          1        5  - Coil-Head      10.36%     1          5        -  - Snare Flea      7.47%     1          4        3  - Masked          6.02%     1          10       4  - Ghost Girl      4.82%     2          1        -  - Butler          4.34%     2          7        8  - Barber          2.65%     1          1        -  - Spore Lizard    1.69%     1          2        -  - Hygrodere       1.45%     1          2        -  ----------------- Outdoor Entities ----------------- Eyeless Dog    55.22%     2          8        12 - Forest Keeper  44.78%     3          3        38 ----------------- Daytime Entities ----------------None                                               ---------------------------------------------------Min scrap: 18                                      Max scrap: 25                                      ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text9 = "                      7-Dine                       -                    --------                     -Risk Rating: S                                     Cost to route: 600                                 ---------------------------------------------------Map Size: 1.8                                      Map layout:                                        -  1.57% Factory                                   - 67.11% Mansion                                   - 31.32% Mineshaft                                 ---------------------------------------------------Possible weather:                                  - Rainy                                            - Flooded                                          - Eclipsed                                         ---------------------------------------------------Max Indoor Power: 16                               Max Outdoor Power: 7                               Max Daytime Power: 20                              ----------------- Indoor Entities --------------------- Entity    | Chance | Power | Max spawned | HP - Butler         27.91%     2          7        8  - Barber         13.95%     1          1        -  - Hoarding Bug    8.14%     1          8        3  - Nutcracker      6.98%     1          10       5  - Jester          6.98%     3          1        -  - Bracken         5.81%     3          1        5  - Coil-Head       5.81%     1          5        -  - Bunker Spider   4.65%     2          1        5  - Snare Flea      4.65%     1          4        3  - Thumper         3.49%     3          4        4  - Ghost Girl      3.49%     2          1        -  - Spore Lizard    3.49%     1          2        -  - Maneater        2.33%     2          1        5  - Hygrodere       2.33%     1          2        -  ----------------- Outdoor Entities ----------------- Forest Keeper  60.24%     3          3        38 - Eyeless Dog    30.12%     2          8        12 - Old Bird        7.83%     3          20       -  - Earth Worm      1.81%     2          3        -  ----------------- Daytime Entities ----------------None                                               ---------------------------------------------------Min scrap: 22                                      Max scrap: 25                                      ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text10 = "                     8-Titan                       -                   ---------                     -Risk Rating S+                                     Cost to route: 700                                 ---------------------------------------------------Map Size: 2.2                                      Map layout:                                        - 63.56% Factory                                   - 12.08% Mansion                                   - 24.36% Mineshaft                                 ---------------------------------------------------Possible weather:                                  - Stormy                                           - Foggy                                            - Eclipsed                                         ---------------------------------------------------Max Indoor Power: 18                               Max Outdoor Power: 7                               Max Daytime Power: 20                              ----------------- Indoor Entities --------------------- Entity    | Chance | Power | Max spawned | HP - Jester         12.84%     3          1        -  - Nutcracker     12.84%     1          10       5  - Bracken        11.21%     3          1        5  - Coil-Head      10.67%     1          5        -  - Bunker Spider  10.67%     2          1        5  - Thumper         9.76%     3          4        4  - Snare Flea      9.76%     1          4        3  - Hoarding Bug    6.87%     1          8        3  - Masked          5.79%     1          10       4  - Hygrodere       3.62%     1          2        -  - Ghost Girl      3.07%     2          1        -  - Spore Lizard    2.89%     1          2        -  ----------------- Outdoor Entities ----------------- Eyeless Dog    65.04%     2          8        12 - Forest Keeper  26.02%     3          3        38 - Old Bird        5.69%     3          20       -  - Earth Worm      3.25%     2          3        -  ----------------- Daytime Entities ----------------None                                               ---------------------------------------------------Min scrap: 28                                      Max scrap: 31                                      ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text11 = "                     5-Embrion                     -                   -----------                   -Secret moon                                        Risk Rating: S                                     Cost to route: 150                                 ---------------------------------------------------Map Size: 1.1                                      Map layout:                                        - 84.75% Factory                                   -  2.82% Mansion                                   - 12.43% Mineshaft                                 ---------------------------------------------------Possible weather:                                  - Foggy                                            - Eclipsed                                         ---------------------------------------------------Max Indoor Power: 8                                Max Outdoor Power: 70                              Max Daytime Power: 20                              ----------------- Indoor Entities --------------------- Entity    | Chance | Power | Max spawned | HP - Hoarding Bug   27.13%     1          8        3  - Hygrodere      13.25%     1          2        -  - Barber         11.36%     1          1        -  - Spore Lizard   11.04%     1          2        -  - Thumper         9.46%     3          4        4  - Coil-Head       7.89%     1          5        -  - Bunker Spider   7.26%     2          1        5  - Nutcracker      6.94%     1          10       5  - Snare Flea      4.73%     1          4        3  - Bracken         0.95%     3          1        5  ----------------- Outdoor Entities ----------------- Old Bird       86.96%     3          20       -  - Earth Worm      7.83%     2          3        -  - Forest Keeper   2.61%     3          3        38 - Eyeless Dog     2.61%     2          8        12 ----------------- Daytime Entities ----------------None                                               ---------------------------------------------------Min scrap: 14                                      Max scrap: 16                                      ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text12 = "                    68-Artifice                    -                  -------------                  -Secret moon                                        Risk Rating: S++                                   Cost to route: 1500                                ---------------------------------------------------Map size: 1.8                                      Map layout:                                        - 14.95% Factory                                   - 35.28% Mansion                                   - 49.77% Mineshaft                                 ---------------------------------------------------Possible weather:                                  - Rainy                                            - Stormy                                           - Flooded                                          - Eclipsed                                         ---------------------------------------------------Max Indoor Power: 13                               Max Outdoor Power: 13                              Max Daytime Power: 15                              ----------------- Indoor Entities --------------------- Entity    | Chance | Power | Max spawned | HP - Bracken         8.29%     3          1        5  - Nutcracker      8.29%     1          10       5  - Bunker Spider   8.29%     2          1        5  - Hoarding Bug    7.87%     1          8        3  - Jester          7.62%     3          1        -  - Thumper         7.62%     3          4        4  - Butler          7.54%     2          7        8  - Spore Lizard    7.46%     1          2        -  - Masked          7.37%     1          10       4  - Coil-Head       7.13%     1          5        -  - Snare Flea      6.38%     1          4        3  - Hygrodere       6.05%     1          2        -  - Barber          3.73%     1          1        -  - Maneater        3.48%     2          1        5  - Ghost Girl      2.90%     2          1        -  ----------------- Outdoor Entities ----------------- Old Bird       45.00%     3          20       -  - Forest Keeper  23.00%     3          3        38 - Eyeless Dog    19.00%     2          8        12 - Baboon Hawk     7.00%    0.5         15       4  - Earth Worm      6.00%     2          3        -  ----------------- Daytime Entities ----------------Min scrap: 26                                      Max scrap: 30                                      ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text13 = "                   44-Liquidation                  -                 ----------------                -Unused Moon! Can't travel there                    Risk Rating: S++                                   Cost to route: ???                                 ---------------------------------------------------Map size: 1.6                                      Map layout:                                        - 28.23% Factory                                   - 71.77% Mansion                                   -  0.00% Mineshaft                                 ---------------------------------------------------Possible weather:                                  - Rainy                                            - Stormy                                           - Flooded                                          - Eclipsed                                         ---------------------------------------------------Max Indoor Power: 13                               Max Outdoor Power: 13                              Max Daytime Power: 20                              ----------------- Indoor Entities --------------------- Entity    | Chance | Power | Max spawned | HP - Nutcracker     13.30%     1          10       5  - Bracken        11.61%     3          1        5  - Bunker Spider  11.05%     2          1        5  - Jester         10.49%     3          1        -  - Thumper        10.11%     3          4        4  - Snare Flea     10.11%     1          4        3  - Coil-Head       8.24%     1          5        -  - Hoarding Bug    7.12%     1          8        3  - Masked          5.99%     1          10       4  - Ghost Girl      5.24%     2          1        -  - Hygrodere       3.75%     1          2        -  - Spore Lizard    3.00%     1          2        -  ----------------- Outdoor Entities ----------------None by now                                        ----------------- Daytime Entities ----------------None by now                                        ---------------------------------------------------Min scrap: 28                                      Max scrap: 44                                      ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text14 = "                 Bunker Spider                     -               ---------------                   -HP: 5                                              Power level: 2                                     Max Spawn count: 1                                 Door opening speed: 6.67s                          ---------------------------------------------------Contact damage: 90                                 Attack damage: 90                                  Attack speed: 1s                                   Flash stun time: 7.5s                              Radar stun time: 1.75s                             ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation   25.55%                           Assurance         19.22%                           Vow               11.11%                           -                                                 -Offense           19.30%                           March             20.32%                           Adamance          15.27%                           -                                                 -Rend              10.36%                           Dine               4.65%                           Titan             10.67%                           -                                                 -Embrion            7.26%                           Artifice           8.29%                           -                                                 -Liquidation       11.05%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text15 = "                    Snare Flea                     -                  ------------                   -HP: 3                                              Power level: 1                                     Max Spawn count: 4                                 Door opening speed: 4.35s                          ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage: 10                                  Attack speed: 2s                                   Flash stun time: 22.5s                             Radar stun time: 5.25s                             ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation   22.47%                           Assurance         25.91%                           Vow               13.33%                           -                                                 -Offense           11.84%                           March             12.06%                           Adamance          10.34%                           -                                                 -Rend               7.47%                           Dine               4.65%                           Titan              9.76%                           -                                                 -Embrion            4.73%                           Artifice           6.38%                           -                                                 -Liquidation       10.11%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text16 = "                   Hygrodere                                         -----------                      HP: invincible                                     Power level: 1                                     Max Spawn count: 2                                 Door opening speed: can't open                     ---------------------------------------------------Contact damage: 35                                 Attack damage: 35                                  Attack speed: 0.25s                                Flash stun time: 30s                               Radar stun time: 7s                                ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation   13.66%                           Assurance          7.80%                           Vow                7.78%                           -                                                 -Offense           14.04%                           March              4.76%                           Adamance           4.19%                           -                                                 -Rend               1.45%                           Dine               2.33%                           Titan              3.62%                           -                                                 -Embrion           13.25%                           Artifice           6.05%                           -                                                 -Liquidation        3.75%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text17 = "                   Spore Lizard                    -                 --------------                  -HP: invincible                                     Power level: 1                                     Max Spawn count: 2                                 Door opening speed: 3.33s                          ---------------------------------------------------Contact damage: 20                                 Flash stun time: 4.5s                              Radar stun time: 1.05s                             ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation   12.33%                           Assurance          3.90%                           Vow                5.28%                           -                                                 -Offense            3.07%                           March              2.86%                           Adamance           8.13%                           -                                                 -Rend               1.69%                           Dine               3.49%                           Titan              2.89%                           -                                                 -Embrion           11.04%                           Artifice           7.46%                           -                                                 -Liquidation        3.00%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text18 = "                    Hoarding Bug                   -                  --------------                  HP: 3                                              Power level: 1                                     Max Spawn count: 8                                 Door opening speed: 0.67s                          ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage: 30                                  Flash stun time: 3.75s                             Radar stun time: 0.88s                             ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation   12.33%                           Assurance         21.73%                           Vow               17.50%                           -                                                 -Offense            7.02%                           March             11.43%                           Adamance          14.04%                           -                                                 -Rend                  0%                           Dine               8.14%                           Titan              6.87%                           -                                                 -Embrion           27.13%                           Artifice           7.87%                           -                                                 -Liquidation        7.12%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text19 = "                     Thumper                       -                   ---------                     -HP: 4                                              Power level: 3                                     Max Spawn count: 4                                 Door opening speed: 3.33s (can open instantly!)    ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage: 40                                  Attack speed: 0.65s                                Flash stun time: 7.5s                              Radar stun time: 1.75s                             ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation    7.05%                           Assurance          6.69%                           Vow                2.50%                           -                                                 -Offense           24.12%                           March             23.49%                           Adamance          16.50%                           -                                                 -Rend                  0%                           Dine               3.49%                           Titan              9.76%                           -                                                 -Embrion            9.46%                           Artifice           7.62%                           -                                                 -Liquidation       10.11%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text20 = "                     Bracken                       -                   ---------                      HP: 5                                              Power level: 3                                     Max Spawn count: 1                                 Door opening speed: 0.8s                           ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage: Instant Kill                        Flash stun time: 1.88s                             Radar stun time: 0.44s                             ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation    5.73%                           Assurance          3.90%                           Vow               22.22%                           -                                                 -Offense            1.32%                           March             17.78%                           Adamance           9.85%                           -                                                 -Rend              12.29%                           Dine               5.81%                           Titan             11.21%                           -                                                 -Embrion            0.95%                           Artifice           8.29%                           -                                                 -Liquidation       11.61%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text21 = "                   Ghost Girl                      -                 ------------                    -HP: Invincible                                     Power level: 2                                     Max Spawn count: 1                                 Door opening speed: 0.67s                          ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage: Instant Kill                        Flash stun time: 0s                                Radar stun time: 0s                                ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation    0.44%                           Assurance          0.28%                           Vow                   0%                           -                                                 -Offense               0%                           March                 0%                           Adamance           0.49%                           -                                                 -Rend               4.95%                           Dine               3.49%                           Titan              3.07%                           -                                                 -Embrion               0%                           Artifice           2.90%                           -                                                 -Liquidation        5.24%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text22 = "                     Nutcracker                    -                   ------------                  -HP: 5                                              Power level: 1                                     Max Spawn count: 10                                Door opening speed: 0.5s                           ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage:                                     - 0-15 units: 100                                  - 15-23 units: 40                                  - 23-30 units: 20                                  Contact damage: Instant Kill                       Aim duration:                                      - First shot: 1.75s                                - Second shot: 1.3s                                - On 1 HP: 0.5s                                    Reload speed: 0.5s                                 Flash stun time: 3.75s                             Radar stun time: 0.88s                             ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation    0.44%                           Assurance          0.28%                           Vow                   0%                           -                                                 -Offense            0.88%                           March              0.95%                           Adamance           1.97%                           -                                                 -Rend              24.10%                           Dine               6.98%                           Titan             12.84%                           -                                                 -Embrion            6.94%                           Artifice           8.29%                           -                                                 -Liquidation       13.30%                           ---------------------------------------------------Notes:                                             - Drops shotgun and 2 shells when killed           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text23 = "                       Maneater                    -                     ----------                  -HP:                                                - Baby: Invincible                                 - Adult: 5                                         Power level: 2                                     Max Spawn count: 1                                 Door opening speed: 1.25s                          ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage: Instant Kill                        Attack speed: 0.5s - 1s                            Flash stun time: 1.88s                             Radar stun time: 0.44s                             ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation       0%                           Assurance          9.47%                           Vow               14.72%                           -                                                 -Offense            7.46%                           March              2.86%                           Adamance          10.59%                           -                                                 -Rend                  0%                           Dine               2.33%                           Titan                 0%                           -                                                 -Embrion               0%                           Artifice           3.48%                           -                                                 -Liquidation           0%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text24 = "                     Barber                        -                   --------                      -HP: Invincible                                     Power level: 1                                     Max Spawn count: 1                                 Door opening speed: 3.33s                          ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage: Instant Kill                        Jump speed: 2.75s (Decreases by 0.1s every hour)   Flash stun time: 10.13s                            Radar stun time: 2.36s                             ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation       0%                           Assurance          0.84%                           Vow                3.89%                           -                                                 -Offense               0%                           March                 0%                           Adamance           0.74%                           -                                                 -Rend               2.65%                           Dine              13.95%                           Titan                 0%                           -                                                 -Embrion           11.36%                           Artifice           3.73%                           -                                                 -Liquidation           0%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text25 = "                    Coil-Head                      -                  -----------                    -HP: Invincible                                     Power level: 1                                     Max Spawn count: 5                                 Door opening speed: 16.67s                         ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage: 90                                  Attack speed: 0.2s                                 Flash stun time: 24.38s                            Radar stun time: 5.69s                             ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation       0%                           Assurance             0%                           Vow                1.67%                           -                                                 -Offense           10.96%                           March              3.17%                           Adamance           2.46%                           -                                                 -Rend              10.36%                           Dine               5.81%                           Titan             10.67%                           -                                                 -Embrion            7.89%                           Artifice           7.13%                           -                                                 -Liquidation        8.24%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text26 = "                      Jester                       -                    --------                     -HP: Invincible                                     Power level: 3                                     Max Spawn count: 1                                 Door opening speed: 2s                             ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage: Instant Kill                        Flash stun time: 4.5s                              Radar stun time: 1.05s                             ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation       0%                           Assurance             0%                           Vow                   0%                           -                                                 -Offense               0%                           March              0.32%                           Adamance           1.72%                           -                                                 -Rend              14.46%                           Dine               6.98%                           Titan             12.84%                           -                                                 -Embrion               0%                           Artifice           7.62%                           -                                                 -Liquidation       10.49%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text27 = "                      Butler                       -                    --------                     -HP:                                                - Multiplayer: 8                                   - Singleplayer: 2                                  Power level: 2                                     Max Spawn count: 7                                 Door opening speed: 1.67s                          ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage: 10                                  Attack speed: 0.25s                                Flash stun time: 4.5s                              Radar stun time: 1.05s                             ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation       0%                           Assurance             0%                           Vow                   0%                           -                                                 -Offense               0%                           March                 0%                           Adamance           2.46%                           -                                                 -Rend               4.34%                           Dine              27.91%                           Titan                 0%                           -                                                 -Embrion               0%                           Artifice           7.54%                           -                                                 -Liquidation           0%                           ---------------------------------------------------Notes:                                             - Drops a knife when killed                        - Spawns Mask hornets when killed                  ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text28 = "                  Mask Hornets                     -                --------------                   -HP: Invincible                                     Power level: 2                                     Max Spawn count: 7                                 Door opening speed: 12.5s                          ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage: 10                                  Contact damage: 10                                 Attack speed: 0.5s                                 Flash stun time: 4.5s                              Radar stun time: 1.05s                             ---------------------------------------------------Notes:                                             - Only spawns when a butler is killed              ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text29 = "                      Masked                       -                    --------                     -HP: 4                                              Power level: 1                                     Max Spawn count: 10                                Door opening speed: 0.5s                           ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage: Instant Kill                        Flash stun time: 5.63s                             Radar stun time: 1.31s                             ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation       0%                           Assurance             0%                           Vow                   0%                           -                                                 -Offense               0%                           March                 0%                           Adamance           0.23%                           -                                                 -Rend               6.02%                           Dine                  0%                           Titan              5.79%                           -                                                 -Embrion               0%                           Artifice           7.37%                           -                                                 -Liquidation        5.99%                           ---------------------------------------------------Notes:                                             - When an Employee dies to a Masked, the Employee  will be turned into another Masked                 - Also spawns when an Employee puts a Mask srap    item on their head                                 - Masked Employees can be watched on the terminal  camera                                             - The masked Employees dot always spins in circles on the terminal camera                             - Can enter and leave the Facility                 ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text30 = "                   Eyeless Dog                     -                 -------------                   -HP: 12                                             Power level: 2                                     Max Spawn count: 8                                 Door opening speed: 3.33s                          ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage:                                     - Players: Instant Kill                            - Entities: 3                                      Flash stun time: 5.25s                             Radar stun time: 1.23s                             ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation   55.56%                           Assurance         40.21%                           Vow                2.61%                           -                                                 -Offense           47.39%                           March             18.72%                           Adamance          20.00%                           -                                                 -Rend              55.22%                           Dine              30.12%                           Titan             65.04%                           -                                                 -Embrion            2.61%                           Artifice          19.00%                           -                                                 -Liquidation       None by now                      ---------------------------------------------------Notes:                                             - Can find employees and other entities only by    sound                                              ";
			string text31 = "                 Forest Giant (Keeper)             -               -----------------------           -HP: 38                                             Power level: 3                                     Max Spawn count: 3                                 Door opening speed: 1s                             ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage: Instant Kill                        Flash stun time: 9s                                Radar stun time: 2.1s                              ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation    0.74%                           Assurance          0.52%                           Vow               65.36%                           -                                                 -Offense            4.27%                           March             31.53%                           Adamance          16.84%                           -                                                 -Rend              44.78%                           Dine              60.24%                           Titan             26.02%                           -                                                 -Embrion            2.61%                           Artifice          23.00%                           -                                                 -Liquidation       None by now                      ---------------------------------------------------Notes                                              - Can see extremely far                            ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text32 = "                    Baboon Hawk                    -                 -------------                   -HP: 4                                              Power level: 0.5                                   Max Spawn count: 15                                Spawn number: 2 (Spawn in pairs)                   Door opening speed: instant                        ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage:                                     - Players: 20                                      - Entities: 2                                      Attack speed: 0.5s                                 Flash stun time: 3s                                Radar stun time: 0.7s                              ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation       0%                           Assurance         10.31%                           Vow               20.26%                           -                                                 -Offense           28.44%                           March             41.87%                           Adamance          54.74%                           -                                                 -Rend                  0%                           Dine                  0%                           Titan                 0%                           -                                                 -Embrion               0%                           Artifice           7.00%                           -                                                 -Liquidation        None by now                     ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text33 = "                 Earth Leviathan                   -               -----------------                 -HP: Invincible                                     Power level: 2                                     Max Spawn count: 3                                 ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage: Instant Kill (Player & Entities)    Emerge time: 1s - 3s                               Flash stun time: 0s                                Radar stun time: 0s                                ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation   41.48%                           Assurance         48.97%                           Vow               11.76%                           -                                                 -Offense           17.54%                           March              7.88%                           Adamance           6.32%                           -                                                 -Rend                  0%                           Dine               1.81%                           Titan              3.25%                           -                                                 -Embrion            7.83%                           Artifice           6.00%                           -                                                 -Liquidation        None by now                     ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text34 = "                     Old Bird                      -                   ----------                    -HP: Invincible                                     Power level: 3                                     Max Spawn count: 20                                ---------------------------------------------------Attack damage:                                     - Missile: 30                                      - Stomp: 10                                        - Grab: Instant Kill                               - Missile to Entities: Instant Kill                Flash stun time: 0s                                Radar stun time: 0s                                ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation    2.22%                           Assurance             0%                           Vow                   0%                           -                                                 -Offense            2.37%                           March                 0%                           Adamance           2.11%                           -                                                 -Rend                  0%                           Dine               6.88%                           Titan              5.69%                           -                                                 -Embrion           86.96%                           Artifice          45.00%                           -                                                 -Liquidation        None by now                     ---------------------------------------------------Notes:                                             - Old Birds will kill every Entity in line of      sight                                              ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text35 = "                     Bee Hive                      -                   ----------                    -Min Value: 50                                      Avg Value: 103                                     Max Value: 156                                     ---------------------------------------------------Weight: 0 lb                                       Conductive: Yes                                    Two-handed: Yes                                    ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation   14.86%                           Assurance         22.40%                           Vow               26.29%                           -                                                 -Offense               0%                           March             35.71%                           Adamance          14.66%                           -                                                 -Rend                  0%                           Dine                  0%                           Titan                 0%                           -                                                 -Embrion               0%                           Artifice          15.62%                           -                                                 -Liquidation           0%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text36 = "                     Gold Bar                      -                   ----------                    -Min Value: 102                                     Avg Value: 156                                     Max Value: 210                                     ---------------------------------------------------Weight: 77 lb                                      Conductive: Yes                                    Two-hamded: No                                     ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation    0.18%                           Assurance             0%                           Vow                   0%                           -                                                 -Offense               0%                           March              0.46%                           Adamance              0%                           -                                                 -Rend                  0%                           Dine                  0%                           Titan                 0%                           -                                                 -Embrion               0%                           Artifice           2.36%                           -                                                 -Liquidation           0%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text37 = "                  Cash Register                    -                ---------------                  -Min Value: 80                                      Avg Value: 120                                     Max Value: 160                                     ---------------------------------------------------Weight: 84 lb                                      Conductive: Yes                                    Two-handed: Yes                                    ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation    0.53%                           Assurance          0.35%                           Vow                0.51%                           -                                                 -Offense               0%                           March              0.34%                           Adamance           0.74%                           -                                                 -Rend               1.49%                           Dine               1.40%                           Titan                 0%                           -                                                 -Embrion               0%                           Artifice           1.92%                           -                                                 -Liquidation           0%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text38 = "                      Zed dog                      -                    ---------                    -Min Value: 0.4                                     Avg Value: 100.2                                   Max Value: 200                                     ---------------------------------------------------Weight: 0 lb                                       Conductive: Yes                                    Two-handed: No                                     ---- Moon       | Chance --------------------------Experimentation       0%                           Assurance          0.12%                           Vow                0.10%                           -                                                 -Offense            0.12%                           March              0.11%                           Adamance              0%                           -                                                 -Rend               0.09%                           Dine               0.10%                           Titan                 0%                           -                                                 -Embrion               0%                           Artifice           0.07%                           -                                                 -Liquidation           0%                           ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text39 = "                    Shotgun                        -                  ---------                      -Value: 60                                          ---------------------------------------------------Weight: 16 lb                                      Conductive: No                                     Two-handed: No                                     ---------------------------------------------------Source: Obtained from Nutcrackers                  Damage to Entities:                                - 0-3.7 units: 5                                   - 3.7-6 units: 3                                   - 6-15 units: 2                                    Damage to Players:                                 - 0-15 units: 100                                  - 15-23 units: 40                                  - 23-30 units: 20                                  ---------------------------------------------------Notes:                                             - Needs shotgun shells                             - Will misfire when safety is not on               - If the text says (Turn safety on) the safety is  not activated                                      - Only drops from nutcrackers                      ---------------------------------------------------";
			string text40 = "                    Shotgun shell                  -                  ---------------                -Value: 0                                           ---------------------------------------------------Weight: 0                                          Conductive: No                                     Two-handed: No                                     ---------------------------------------------------Source: Obtained from nutcrackers (2 per)          ---------------------------------------------------Notes:                                             - Is needed to reload the shotgun                  - Only drops from nutcrackers                      ---------------------------------------------------";
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info help", text, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info experimentation", text2, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info assurance", text3, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info vow", text4, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info offense", text5, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info march", text6, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info adamance", text7, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info rend", text8, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info dine", text9, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info titan", text10, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info embrion", text11, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info artifice", text12, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info liquidation", text13, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info bunker spider", text14, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info snare flea", text15, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info hygrodere", text16, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info spore lizard", text17, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info hoarding bug", text18, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info thumper", text19, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info bracken", text20, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info ghost girl", text21, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info nutcracker", text22, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info maneater", text23, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info barber", text24, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info coil-head", text25, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info jester", text26, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info butler", text27, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info mask hornets", text28, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info masked", text29, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info eyeless dog", text30, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info forest giant", text31, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info baboon hawk", text32, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info earth worm", text33, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info old bird", text34, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info bee hive", text35, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info gold bar", text36, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info cash register", text37, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info zed dog", text38, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info shotgun", text39, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
			TerminalExtenderUtils.addQuickCommand("info shotgun shell", text40, true, (Action<Terminal, TerminalNode>)delegate
namespace MoonInfoDisplay.Patches
	internal class MoonCommands
		private static void mooncommand()