joi Female Scavenger
Adds a female scavenger as an option on the suit rack. This model replacement has normal female proportions. She does have jiggle physics since real woman have those.
v1.0.0 Release
- Release
- Updated Icon
- Minor description changes
- Added 5 more colors: Red, Cyan, Green, Purple, and Pink
- Updated her texture to be less shiny and more cloth-like
- Adjusted item placement to match Male Scavenger Positioning
- Adjusted the breast and butt physics
- Swapped out her pair of shoes for a new pair (They weren't her size)
- Changed Suit names to be Joi X (EX: Joi Defualt) for less confusion
- Fixed file issue
- New shoes. They were a little too small
- Added 2 more colors: Black and Blue
- Changed the nametag to be 3D
- Updated the textures on the boots to looks nicer
- Fixed texturing issues
- Added suits to the store! All suits are 60 company credits. You can disable this in the "more suits" config
- Adjusted the suit names to not have spaces. The terminal doesn't allow spaces for purchasing suits
- Added "Terminal Conflit Fix" as a dependency. This fixed an issue with not being able to purchase suits.
- Updated the details description to show the correct number of suits
- Fixed File Issue
- Updated readme