NewDiranalt-Helldivers_FTL_Jump_Music icon

Helldivers FTL Jump Music

Adds the 5 or so Helldivers II FTL jump tracks to the ship's moon transit sounds.

Last updated 2 weeks ago
Total downloads 653
Total rating 0 
Categories Misc Audio Asset Replacements
Dependency string NewDiranalt-Helldivers_FTL_Jump_Music-1.0.1
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BGN-PizzaTowerEscapeMusic-2.4.0 icon

Plays music from Pizza Tower when the early ship leave alert appears

Preferred version: 2.4.0


Helldivers FTL Jump Music


Adds the 5 or so Helldivers II FTL jump tracks to the ship's moon transit sounds.

This requires PizzaTowerEscapeMusic as a dependency?

Because Jaydenbgn is based and can have my Super Earth C-01 form, PizzaTowerEscapeMusic is an awesome mod that allows you to do some great stuff using its scripting system:

All you really need to know is that it's required because of its scripting system, but you will not hear its default music because it prefers other mods' default configs over its own.

This should work with other PizzaTowerEscapeMusic addon mods but if it doesn't let me know via Discord: prototype464

  • I would make it possible for it to be used alongside PizzaTowerEscapeMusic's original function but for ease of installion, it's not set up that way by default. If you would for some deranged reason like to use both at the same time, rename this mod's Default.json config (findable in R2Modman via Settings > Locations > Browse Profile Folder > BepInEx > plugins > NewDiranalt-Helldivers_FTL_Jump_Music > BepInEx > plugins > BGN-PizzaTowerEscapeMusic > Scripts) to something like FTLjump.json, and then add it to PizzaTowerEscapeMusic's config under Scripts which would look like Default,FTLjump

  • If this mod is updated, I'm pretty sure it might re-add the Default.json file, so you'd have to repeat the above process.

    • If a vanilla update doesn't scrongle it, no updates should be necessary unless I add more to it or something in the far future.