Change/Scale the size of the player or furniture according to the values in config (works on server-side)根据config中的数值改变玩家或者家具的大小(仅服务端有效)
v 0.0.9
Slightly reduced maximum scale at random size
v 0.0.8
Markdown formatting
v 0.0.7
markdown image display fix
v 0.0.6
Add ability to change furniture size (still testing)
v 0.0.5
Fixed a bug with the Floating Helmet
v 0.0.4
Fixed a strange bug where player names were in italics
v 0.0.3
- Added the option to scale the size and fixed a bug where the hide visor option did not work as client 添加了成比例变化大小的选项,修复了面罩遮挡作为客机不生效的bug
v 0.0.2
- Fixed the case where the name you see when entering other people's rooms as a client is reversed, fixed the position of the visor when the Hide Visor option is true 修复了作为客户端进入其他人房间后看到的名字是反着的情况,修复了面罩遮挡打开后面罩的位置
v 0.0.1
- The main functionality is implemented, currently there are issues with the helmet view obscuring after flattening as well as large scraps blocking the view. The former can be solved by installing FOV_Adjust v1.1.1 by Rozebud or by turning on Hide Visor in this mod (only works for you), the latter is currently unknown. 主体功能实现,目前有变扁后头盔视野遮挡的问题以及垃圾挡视野的问题。前者可以安装FOV_Adjust v1.1.1 by Rozebud 或 在本模组中打开 隐藏面罩遮挡 (仅对自己有效),后者目前不知道如何解决。