Nikki-USC_Vortex icon

USC Vortex

(LLL) A custom spaceship moon, made by xXenocage and ported to LLL by me, with some balance and performance adjustments.

By Nikki



  • Fixed an issue where None was the forced weather
  • Fixed an issue where the clock was visible inside
  • Fixed an issue where there were no sounds for entering the facility
  • Fixed the Plasma Sword being hard to grab when placed inside of a locker


  • Updated to v62
  • Added CustomStoryLogs as a dependency for custom story logs
  • Added JLL as a dependency for fire damage and weather fx
  • Added StarlancerAIFix as a dependency for new spawns
  • Added Plasma Sword sfx
  • Added a few new vanilla scraps to the spawn pool
  • Added a kill trigger under the elevator :)
  • Added a new, mostly decorative room to USC Vortex
  • Added a special surprise periodically on Eclipsed weather :)
  • Added a wide variety of inside enemies as potential spawns outside, with low rates
  • Added brand new lighting for Eclipsed weather
  • Added feature where lighting changes after the Apparatus is pulled (no animation, yet)
  • Added GPU instancing for the main material (FPS boosts, hopefully)
  • Added more decoration to USC Vortex
  • Added the Eyeless dog as a very small chance inside
  • Added the new vanilla enemy as a high chance spawn inside
  • Added the new vanilla enemy as a very small chance spawn outside
  • Added two new story logs
  • Added mostly decorative vents :)
  • Adjusted level description slightly
  • Adjusted the elevator speed
  • Adjusted the elevator to be smoother and carry scraps properly
  • Adjusted the loading bay to allow the cruiser in
  • Fixed a ladder, maybe
  • Fixed a slight hole in the level
  • Fixed doppler levels on the alarm sfx
  • Fixed enemies not being able to go on the elevator :)
  • Fixed fire triggers having a missing interact icon when looking at them
  • Fixed fire triggers not doing damage due to old scripts
  • Fixed the dropship spawning incorrectly
  • Increased the spawn weight of Butlers from 11 to 18
  • Increased the spawn weight of Gift Boxes from 22 to 32
  • Optimized file size further than before
  • Reduced the impact of Eclipsed slightly to account for new surprise
  • Reduced the spawn weight of Hygroderes from 37 to 22
  • Reduced the spawn weight of Nutcrackers from 45 to 30
  • Reduced the spawn weight of Plasma Swords from 18 to 12
  • Removed an AI node in the fire room
  • Slightly increased min/max scrap to account for new scraps (by 1 each)
  • Slightly increased the range of the fog
  • Slightly reduced spawn curve of landmines (there were A LOT)
  • Slightly reduced spawn curve of turrets (there were A LOT)
  • Temporarily made the Plasma Sword do 2 damage until future updates adjust it


  • Fixed an issue with the Plasma Sword not spawning
  • Potentially fixed an issue with ladder triggers being visible in the green room
  • Increased spawn rate of Gold Bar, Laser Pointer, Ballistic Photon Torpedo and Ion Propulsion Engine
  • Decreased spawn rate of Numerical Sign
  • Increased scrap value of Ammunition Crate, Antimatter Power Cell, Ballistic Photon Torpedo, Medical Supplies, PID, Plant Pot, Plasma Sword, and Security Cards
  • Total changes should increase average scrap by about 300 with high variation, putting it above Titan but below Artifice as intended


  • Added custom "Starship" tag for content matching with future mods
  • Adjusted scrap spawn weights to increase likelihood of rare and custom scraps
  • Increased the various packaged meal's average values
  • Updated ContentTags for USC Vortex and custom scraps
  • Updated to LLL 1.3.8 and moved scraps to LevelMatchingProperties


  • Updated to 1.3.8 LethalLevelLoader to hopefully fix a recurring bug with custom scrap only appearing for host
  • Fixed dropship items dropping higher than they are supposed to
  • Fixed space being visible from the elevator shaft
  • Reduced chance of Forest Giants and Tulip Snakes
  • Reduced file size significantly
  • Slightly cleaned up the Navmesh, more improvements coming soon
  • Updated some lore on terminal to be in-line with xXenocage's universe and avoid copyright infringement


  • Further adjusted lights to fully fix the black box issue
  • Added colliders for the rim of the ship energy windows
  • Re-added catwalk fire exit lights
  • Reduced transparency of ship energy windows to be less jarring when landing and made it more visible from inside
  • Fixed the Plasma Sword breaking non-host clients
  • Fixed Damaged Repair Drone beeping globally at start of game
  • Fixed Damaged Repair Drone's rotation


  • Repaired ExtendedLevel file which should fix incompatibilities
  • Remade several scrap items due to presumably corrupted files? I honestly have no clue
  • Optimized some lights on the broken Sweepo


  • Ported to LethalLevelLoader
  • Added PathfindingLagFix as a dependency to reduce stutters
  • Added more AI nodes to ship to increase enemy spawn and pathing variety
  • Added new enemies from v50+ (moon spawns updated as of v56)
  • Added view of ship when using ShipWindows
  • Rebalanced scrap spawns and values heavily
  • Changed moon cost to 1000 for balance
  • Changed description and route text to be more in-line with the base game
  • Reduced Factory Size from 5 to 2.5 to increase performance
  • Reduced the number of lights to increase performance and reduce black box issue
  • Some other minor changes that I can't remember
  • Known issue: Incompatibility with FacilityMeltdown, will try to come up with a fix


  • changes to global lighting settings
  • moved localized fog options to separate object


  • fixes to light script errors missing references
  • tuning to fog settings
  • Added some extra decoration


  • Added some extra decor to areas that felt empty and changes to catwalk


  • Fixed name to be United Starfleet Capitol Class as it was meant to be (USC not UCS)


  • fixed space not killing player sometimes
  • lowered antimatter brightness just a smidge
  • rebalanced item spawning rates


  • uploaded start project
  • UCS Vortex starship
  • Custom loot