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OmegaMods-ToxicOmega_Tools-1.0.8 icon

ToxicOmega Tools

Commands triggered using the in-game chat. The main purpose of this mod is for exploring the technical aspects of the game and testing other mods.

Date uploaded 6 months ago
Version 1.0.8
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Downloads 358
Dependency string OmegaMods-ToxicOmega_Tools-1.0.8

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
xilophor-StaticNetcodeLib-1.0.3 icon

A library/patcher for NGO in a static context.

Preferred version: 1.0.3


ToxicOmega Tools

Commands triggered using the in-game chat. The main purpose of this mod is for exploring the technical aspects of the game and testing other mods.

Some important notes:

  • All commands only register if you are the host.
  • All players must have this mod installed, along with LC_API, for it to work properly.
  • Text chat will stay enabled while dead if you are the host.
  • Only the beginning of player names are required when using them in commands (example: searching John will return a player with the name Johnny).
  • Where applicable, certain symbols can be used when determining a destination:
    • $: Using "$" indicates random/natural destination. For players this will act as an inverse-teleporter putting them inside the factory. For items it will choose a normal item spawnpoint. For enemies it will either use vents or outside spawnpoints depending on the type of enemy.
    • !: Using "!" chooses the ships terminal as a target. This is only applicable for teleportation.
    • @(int): Using "@" followed by a number will choose the waypoint with that index as the target.
    • #(int): Using "#" followed by a number will choose the player with that Client ID as the target.


Help (Page Number)

Displays a page of the commands list. Includes brief descriptions of each command and its purpose.


  • Page Number: Specific page of the commands list to view.

Example: "help" displays page one of the commands list.

Item/Items (Page Number)

Displays a page of the items list. Includes item names and ID numbers.


  • Page Number: Specific page of the item list to view. Will default to the last page viewed.

Example: "item 2" displays page two of the items list.

Give (Item ID) Optional: (Amount) (Value) (Target)

Spawns an item based on given ID number. Able to specify how many items, their value, and what player it spawns on. "$" as the player will spawn the item in a random location inside the factory.


  • Item ID: Numerical ID of item you want to spawn. In the future names may be supported.
  • Amount (Default: 1): How many copies of the item should be spawned.
  • Value (Default: Random): Override the default value of the item with a given number.
  • Target (Default: Host Player): Where to spawn the item, supports natural spawning with "$" and waypoints with @(int).

Example: "give 17 1 420 #3" will spawn one Airhorn worth $420 on the player whose ID is 3.

En/Enemy/Enemies (Page Number)

Displays a page of the enemies list. Includes enemy names and ID numbers.


  • Page Number: Specific page of the enemies list to view. Will default to the last page viewed.

Example: "en 2" displays page two of the enemies list.

Sp/Spawn (Enemy ID) Optional: (Amount) (Target)

Spawns an enemy based on given ID number. Able to specify how many enemies, and where they spawn.


  • Enemy ID: Numerical ID of enemy you want to spawn. In the future names may be supported.
  • Amount (Default: 1): How many copies of the enemy should be spawned.
  • Target (Default: Natural): Player target, also supports natural spawning with "$" and waypoints with @(int).

Example: "sp 0 1" will spawn one enemy of ID zero naturally. Different moons assign different enemy IDs, so make sure you check the "enemy" command to find the ID of the enemy you want to spawn.

TP/Tele/Teleport Optional: (Target A) (Target B)

Teleports a given player to a given destination. Player being teleported cannot be dead. Will automatically sync lighting if your destination is inside or outside. If no arguments are provided, the host will be teleported to the ship's console.


  • Target A: If this is the only argument given it supports "!", "@(int)", and "$". Otherwise, it must be a player.
  • Target B: Can be a player, "!", "@(int)", or "$".

Example: "tp #0 $" will teleport the player with ID to a random location inside the factory.

WP/Waypoint/Waypoints Optional: Add/Clear/Door

Lists or creates a waypoint to use as a destination. Waypoints are cleared when leaving a moon.

Arguments (The text added after is the only argument accepted. If not provided it will list all waypoints):

  • Add: Will create a waypoint at your current position.
  • Clear: Will delete all waypoints.
  • Door: Will create a waypoint inside the factory at the main entrance.

Example: "wp add" will create a waypoint at your current location.

Ch/Charge Optional: (Player Target)

Charges a player's held item.


  • Player Target (Default: Host Player): Only supports player names/id.

Example: "ch" will simply charge the host's held item.

Heal/Save Optional: (Player Target)

Fully refills a player's health and stamina. Will save a player if they are currently in a kill animation with Snare Fleas, Forest Giants, or Masked Players. If the target player is dead, they will be revived at the ship's terminal.


  • Player Target (Default: Host Player): Only supports player names/id.

Example: "heal John" will heal a player whose name starts with (or is) John.

Li/List (List Name) (Page Number)

Displays a page from the list of currently spawned players, items, or enemies. Will smart-search for the list name.


  • List Name (Default: Players): Which list to view, supports "players", "items", and "enemy/enemies".

Example: "li e" will list every enemy currently spawned in the current moon.

Credit/Credits/Money Optional (Amount)

Lists or adjusts the current amount of group credits in the terminal. If the amount argument is not given it will just display the current amount of credits.


  • Amount: The amount is the adjustment to be made to the current amount of credits.

Example: "credit -10" will subtract 10 from the current amount of group credits.

Code/Codes (Code)

Toggles doors/turrets/mines by using their terminal code. If no argument is given it will list all terminal objects on the map.


  • Code: The code that appears on the ship's map corresponding to the object.

Example: "code d2" will toggle all objects on the map with code d2.


Toggles the breaker box's state.

Example: "br" while the breaker is on will toggle it to be off.



  • 1.2.1: New commands: Defog, NightVision, NoClip, and Lock/Unlock. More info on them can be found in the file.
Version History
  • 1.2.0: MAJOR UPDATE!!! Give/Spawn/Trap have all been combined into the single "Spawn" command which can spawn anything. NEW "Give" command to spawn an item right into a players inventory. Kill command can now target a range of items/enemies by putting a "-" between their IDs. New position type "+/-" to target a position in front of, or behind a player. "List" command when used with no arguments will enable a new HUD that shows all items/players/enemies/traps regardless of how far away they are. Waypoints and Terminal Codes now have proper lists with the "List" command. Current time of day on moon is now shown on GUI. Several QOL changes which have been listed in the "". Many bugfixes, see GitHub commit history for more info. Code is now significantly optimized, including fixing the major performance hit that started in v1.1.4 caused by the GUI updating every frame.
  • 1.1.9: Dead players can now be targeted, this will target their corpse. Old Birds will now drop players if the Heal command is ran for that player. Majorly cleaned up codebase.
  • 1.1.8: Spike Traps can now be spawned. WP Door/Entrance are now two separate commands for outside/inside waypoints. Major issue of traps persisting between moons has been resolved. Spawned traps now have their terminal codes synced between players. Fixed the way the GUI grabs certain information. Fixed many issues with traps not being listed properly. Other small issues fixed.
  • 1.1.7: Major issue where enemies were spawning earlier than they should has been resolved. Several GUI improvements including now listing nearby traps. Other small fixes have been included as well.
  • 1.1.6: Added "Suit" command to change the equipped suit of a given player. Also fixed various small bugs.
  • 1.1.5: If you are dead, HUD will now display position and items/enemies near the spectated player. If you are dead and you spawn an item without specifying location, it will choose the spectated player as the location.
  • 1.1.4: V50 Support Update! Able to spawn items/enemies by name instead of requiring ID. Added Kill and GUI commands. Now able to target already existing items/enemies with commands using their Network ID (shown in the list command or new GUI command). Able to use ship terminal and waypoints as targets in all applicable commands. Replaced LC API with StaticNetcodeLib.
  • 1.1.3: Updated LC API.
  • 1.1.2: Updated LC API.
  • 1.1.1: Fixed bug with listing active enemies and items. Also fixed enemies list continuously growing.
  • 1.1.0: Trap command to spawn mines/turrets. Godmode command to toggle invincibility. Any enemy can now be spawned regardless of map (Credit: MrMiinxx)! Cleaned up codebase.
  • 1.0.9: Accidentally forgot to upload, skipping to 1.1.0 in commemoration of how big the update is.
  • 1.0.8: Blood is now properly cleared off screen when healing or teleporting players in the Masked kill animation.
  • 1.0.7: Updated to support v49. Several other small adjustments.
  • 1.0.6: Added help command to list commands in-game. Combined spawnin and spawnout commands into the all-in-one spawn command (which now includes daylight enemies). List command has also been revamped from the ground up to display the current list of spawned players, items, or enemies. This update is not yet tested on v47.
  • 1.0.5: Codes command to toggle doors/turrets/mines! Breaker command to toggle the breaker!
  • 1.0.4: Added a system for creating waypoints to use as teleport destinations. Fully remade system for determining position when using command system.
  • 1.0.3: Heal command will now revive dead players. Chat stays enabled for host while dead. Items can now be spawned in random locations instead of just on players.
  • 1.0.2: Updated icon.png.
  • 1.0.1: Updated
  • 1.0.0: Initial Release.