Onifam-Lethal_Onifam icon

Lethal Onifam

A wonderful modpack for the onifam! Combines the server-sided, cosmetics and miscellaneous modpacks (icon was made by Yoclesh)



  • split the modpack into multiple smaller packs so that it is easier to manage and people have the choice to only install the neccessary server sided mods.
  • bigger changes in the corresponding modpacks will be also noted here. Otherwise please look at their respected changelogs.
  • the modpacks will be split into the following: server-sided, cosmetics and miscellaneous
  • dependencies now only contain the base kit, as well as the cosmetics and misc extentions.


  • removed the anime soundpack (it's clientsided so feel free to add it by hand if you like it)
  • updated dependencies


  • fixed a few things (forgot to remove some mods even though they were noted in the changes)
  • added a few suit mods
  • removed following mods:
    • "Better Teleporter" because the modpage was removed
    • "fast item dropship"
    • "item quick switch"
  • updated dependencies
  • removed the surprise that was added in 1.1.7


  • added following mods:
    • personal boomboxes
    • anime soundpack (can be disabled manually)
    • boombox pack (can be disabled manually)
    • more company (adds cosmetics)
  • removed following mods:
    • "reserved item slots" (Flashlight and Walkie-Talkie)
    • "scan for enemies"
    • "motion tracker"
    • "fast switch player view in radar
    • "black mesa intern transfer program"
    • "glowstick"
    • "jetpack warning" since it was deprecated
    • "bigger lobby" redundant because of "more company"
  • updated dependencies
  • (added a little surprise)


  • added following mods:
    • "Raiden Suit"
    • "HEV Suit"
    • "Yakuza Suits"
    • "More Emotes"
    • "Compatability Checker"
  • updated dependencies


  • added "Super Landmine" mod for all the hardcore players <.<
  • removed Lethal Rebinding since it became base kit
  • updated dependencies

(optimized changelog such that the newest changes are always on top)


  • added following mods:
    • "Yippie mod"
    • "Skinwalkers"
    • "Push to mute"


  • removed "Mirror Decoration" due to bug spawning a second playermodel inside the player


  • cleaned up the changelog
  • added stuff to the README
  • removed "Lategame Upgrades" due to a bug with nightvision goggles
  • updated some dependencies(mods)


  • removed the following mods:
    • Space Pajamas Suit
    • Lockdown
    • 1000 Quota Stare
    • More Emotes
    • PushCompany
    • 3rdPerson
    • VHS Bodycam Reshade
  • swapped "QuickRestart" for "QuickTerminalRestart"
  • updated some dependencies(mods)


Official release! :D


(you can ignore this one)