Adds 10% chance for mine to be crawling one, it crawls around the facility!
v1.0.6 (Released 22-01-2024)
- Fixed critial error while loading by HarmonyX framework
v1.0.5 (Released 21-01-2024)
- Added configurability for mine to turn off the Beep sound for regular mines and crawling ones
- Fixed lack of proper description when scanned
- Added few optimizations
v1.0.4 (Released 19-01-2024)
- Disabled useless debug logs that were spamming the BepIn console
v1.0.3 (Released 19-01-2024)
- Fixed shadows movement after explosion
v1.0.2 (Released 08-01-2024)
- Fixed lack of mine "beep" sound
- Fixed mine not being able to be scanned
- Fixed mine changing floors drastically
- Added better scan description for crawling landmine
v1.0.0 (Released 05-01-2024)
- Initial release
- Custom crawl frequency
- Custom crawl range
- Custom crawl chance for mine to become crawling one