Version 1.2.0
- added the new suits from version 50
Version 1.1.0
- tweaked some of the default config values
- added configurable starting items for seeker
- by default seeker now also gets spray paint
- hiders now can get one item, selectable in the config
- pro flashlight now is heavier and battery depletes quicker, configurable
- added ui to constantly display amount of alive players
- config option to increse jump height helps to hide in more places
Version 1.0.0
- seeker wins now if daytime runs out
- can recieve messages faster (backend)
- no longer get billed for people dying
- seeker now alwasy gets teleported back to ship when they win
- added a config
- fixed the time syncronyzing issue
- added a bigger popup when someoen dies
- post game screen works with more company
- time speed is the same with or without more company
- increased default cooldown for seeker ability
Version 0.9.1
- fixed issue where hiders wouldnt' win if time ran out
- hiders drop held items before gettting teleported in
Version 0.9.0
- UI to let you know how long you still are waiting for as seeker
- pop up as hiders to know when the seekr has begun seeking
- right clicking as seekr now makes the closest player fart
- no more weather on planents
- notify players when someone dies
Version 0.8.0
- spawn a flashlight along with shovel
- flashlight has infinite battery
- flashlight is less good
- turrets should no longer work
- if seeker dies then game ends
- fixed issue with non host being able to use terminal
Version 0.7.0
- inital launch