- Updated the manifest to remove my twitter link from the top of the page so that people actually have to read the README to find where to report bugs and hopefully find the disclaimer that LEcore doesn't work
Apologies for these minimal updates that just change metadata on Thunderstore, this is the only way I can update this suff
- Updated README to give instructions on how to change LethalExpansionCore config to prevent conflict with the mod
- Added custom grab sounds to the BooBall, Poison Mushroom, and Mario's Star
- Changed all 5 of the Keys to be Noisemakers, using their appropriate collection jingles
- Fixed the particles being broken
- Hopefully fixed a possible bug where the moon didn't show up on the list, but was still able to be traveled to
- Reminder to NOT use Lethal Expansion Core, disable it or edit your LEC config to change "UseOriginalLethalExpansion" to true :)
I forgot the changelog, I'm a fool
- Added a note at the bottom of the README to NOT use Lethal Expansion Core with this mod due to LEC being outdated compared to main Lethal Expansion
- Tweaked the values of some scrap items to have higher average value to be closer to Titan's loot pool
- Also tweaked a few scrap weights as well
- Made a handful of scrap conductive too :)
- Scrap stats and data can be found in an Excel spreadsheet in the plugin folder if you'd like to reference it