Racist Hoarding Bugs
(Seperate Youtube Friendly Version in Desc.) No Slurs were used in the making of Racist Bugs, That's a Promise.
By Panton
1.0.1: Replaced Chitter3 with something more fitting
1.0.2: Replaced Chitter3 again since it didn't seem right, again.
1.0.3: Not a replacement, but added something for when you ticked off the bug
1.0.4: fucked up README.md and fixed it, thats it.
1.0.5: new audio was too quiet, fixed it.
1.0.6: There's barely an update, just wanted to call out "https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/yippeeeeee/Racist_Hoarding_Bugs/" for blatantly uploading a copy of my mod. Coward, if you wanted racist bugs, UPLOAD YOUR OWN SFX. -Panton_CLEO.
1.0.7: small tweaks, nothing special
1.0.8: Replaced Fly.wav with something else
1.0.9: Made the Bug angrier
1.0.10: fixed BugDie.wav, since now I know what the fuck it's used for, lol.
1.0.11: Due to popular demand, I have lowered the volume of when the bug gets pissed off at you.
1.1.0: First, happy new years.
SECOND! I am experimenting with one of the customsound tools features, a chance to play alternate audio.
During testing, however, I was unsuccessful. I am leaving the original lines with a higher chance to play however. So, incase the multiple lines decide to work, then yay! I dont need to stress my ass off worrying about it. Just enjoy the racist bugs.
1.1.1: Small tweaks.
1.1.2: added another few lines for good measure.
1.1.3: Rounded Chances up to 100.
1.1.4: added youtube link
HOLY SHIT. AND ALL I NEEDED TO DO WAS... lowercase the .wav in the file.
I would NOT have figured this shit out if it wasn't for the guy behind Dracula Flow Bug (https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/KlippKlubben/DraculaFlowBug/), huge shoutout to him for even suggesting the dumb fucking idea of lowercasing .WAV to .wav, lmao.
2.0.1: Balanced the chances, Added a new song into fly.wav
2.0.2: See Readme, also added 2 more lines and one more piece of bullshit into fly.wav
2.0.3: Changed 1 line, added 2 more lines, and changed the brief description in manifest.json, Yes i'm getting too into this stupid fucking mod, fuck you.
2.0.4: Added in more songs from another Racist Bug mod, which gives me an excuse to not only update this, but also shamelessly link the mentioned mod in readme.
2.0.5: Considered the volume, turned down the volume, and said more dumbass shit that replaces some mediocre lines I didn't like.
2.0.6: fucked up lmfao, fixed it