- Quality of life tweaks to the ship
- Fixed Masks being Invisible
- Rendering and Memory Performance improved
- Tips now display on loading screen
- Added a special storage container that automatically sorts equipment & Scrap
- Multiple Bug fixes
- No Gravity while in orbit
- Ability to spectate previous players
- Vents can now spawn multiple monsters (Should fix monster spawns being delayed or low)
- New Enemy (Men Stalker)
- Updated 41 Mods
In Depth
- Orbits (1.0.6)
- AutoScroll (0.0.1)
- MaskedInvisFix (0.0.2)
- LethalCasinoTweaks (1.2.0)
- LethalSponge (1.1.5)
- LoadingTips (1.1.6)
- SelfSortingStorage (1.0.7)
- GeneralImprovements (1.4.11)
- LethalFixes (1.2.6)
- MetalRechargingUpdated (1.0.0)
- LethalPhysics (1.0.0)
- ClaySurgeonOverhaul (1.3.9)
- SpectatePreviousPlayer (1.0.2)
- VentSpawnFix (1.2.3)
- MenStalker (2.6.0)
- EnemySoundFixes (1.6.6)
- LethalPhones (1.3.13)
- MrovWeathers (0.0.5)
- SoundAPI (2.0.5)
- LethalResonance (4.7.6)
- LethalLevelLoader (1.4.11)
- LobbyImprovements (1.0.9)
- Loadstone (0.1.22)
- WiseWeapons (1.3.3)
- TestAccountCore (1.14.2)
- WeatherRegistry (0.5.4)
- ButteryFixes (1.13.1)
- MaskFixes (1.3.1)
- BetterEXP (2.6.1)
- HotbarPlus (1.8.5)
- Mirage (1.19.0)
- WeatherTweaks (1.1.2)
- LethalCompanyInputUtils (0.7.10)
- HDLCPatch (1.3.0)
- EmergencyDiceUpdated (1.9.13)
- LategameUpgrades (3.12.2)
- TooManyEmotes (2.3.2)
- ImmersiveScrap (1.4.2)
- MrovLib (0.2.23)
- MoreSuits (1.5.2)
- ReservedItemSlotCore (2.0.48)
- LethalEmotesAPI (1.15.12)
- WesleysInteriors (2.1.0)
- JLL (1.9.3)
- WesleysMoons (5.1.4)
- ShipInventoryUpdated (1.2.13)
- LethalPerformance (1.0.1)
- LethalInternship (0.19.8)
- AsyncLoggers (2.1.4)
- SpiderPositionFix (1.4.0)
- SafeSoloScrap (2.0.1)
- LethalIntelligenceExperimental (0.4.7)
- RuntimeIcons (0.3.2)
- OpenBodyCams (3.0.5)
- LethalLib (0.16.4)
- LethalEscapeUpdated (0.9.6)
- Disabled Door Access in orbit
- Added Anime Characters (Couldn't tell you why)
- Added TONS of new moons
- New interiors
- Lategame Cruiser Upgrades!
- Brought back HDLethalCompany (For graphics settings)
- Updated Mods
- Fixed performance issues caused by SoundAPI
- Added ReservedUtilitySlot
- Added Nutcracker Skin
- Increased hand slots (4 -> 5)
- Balanced Graphics for FPS
- You can now be killed by the ship doors
- Press Y to use cell phones!
- New Elite Flashlight!
- Mask Fixes
- Hotbar Icons are now generated for scrap and tools
- Bug fixes regardling Melee weapons
- New Enemy (She wants to play Simon Says)
- Increased Starting money (500 -> 750)
In Depth
- LategameCruiserUpgrades (1.1.4)
- DungeonGenerationPlus (1.3.4)
- CustomStoryLogs (1.4.6)
- WesleysMoons (5.0.21)
- HDLethalCompany (1.5.6)
- HDLCPatch (1.2.1)
- MoonDaySpeedMultiplierPatcher (1.0.1)
- JigglePhysicsPlugin (1.1.21)
- VocaloidCompany (0.1.3)
- AnimeModels (1.5.1)
- EnemySkinRegistry (1.4.6)
- EnemySkinKit (1.3.4)
- WesleysSkins (1.0.1)
- ReservedUtilitySlot (1.0.7)
- Chameleon (2.1.1)
- EliteFlashlight (1.0.2)
- LethalDoors (1.2.0)
- MaskFixes (1.1.2)
- VertexLibrary (1.1.0)
- RuntimeIcons (0.3.1)
- LethalPhones (1.3.1)
- MeleeFixes (1.4.0)
- PathfindingLib (0.0.14)
- Football (1.1.11)
- HotbarPlus (1.8.2)
- ReservedItemSlotCore (2.0.43)
- LategameUpgrades (3.12.0)
- ButteryFixes (1.11.2)
- CullFactory (1.7.0)
- Mirage (1.18.1)
- LethalIntelligence (0.4.6)
- LobbyImprovements (1.0.8)
- JLL (1.9.1)
- WesleysInteriors (2.0.11)
- FixPluginTypesSerialization (1.1.2)
- TerminalFormatter (0.2.28)
- MrovLib (0.2.21)
- LethalPerformance (0.5.1)
- LethalHands (22.1.7)
- EmergencyDiceUpdated (1.8.2)
- BarberFixes (1.3.0)
- EnemySoundFixes (1.6.4)
- JetpackFixes (1.5.2)
- PathfindingLagFix (2.1.1)
- ReservedWalkieSlot (2.0.7)
- ReservedFlashlightSlot (2.0.10)
- LobbyCompatibility (1.4.0)
- LethalLevelLoader (1.4.8)
- LethalConfig (1.4.6)
- TooManyItems (1.4.1)
- Kast (1.1.0)
- WeatherRegistry (0.4.1)
- WeatherTweaks (1.0.3)
- MrovWeathers (0.0.4)
- Catalyst
- Synthesis
- LC16bitGraphicsRemove
- Diversity
- GraphicsAPI
- Disabled Multithreading for SoundAPI
- Increased Slot Count: (4 -> 5)
- Finally Fixed Ship Landing Bug
- Changed multiple Configs
- Overhauled Sound Effects (LethalResonance)
- Squashed bugs
- Removed broken/unused mods
- Shotgun & Shotgun shells now buyable
- Terminal Is Formatted Again
- Cutscenes during ship landing
- Braken now kidnaps you to a run level
- New Elevator Music
In Depth
- TerminalFormatter (0.2.26)
- Diversity (3.0.2)
- GraphicsAPI (1.0.0)
- LCCutscene (1.0.0)
- BuyableShotgun (1.3.0)
- BuyableShutgunShells (1.3.0)
- LethalResonance (4.7.5)
- ElevatorSymphony (1.1.2)
- TestAccountCore (1.14.0)
- ButteryFixes (1.10.18)
- NaturalSelectionLib (0.6.5)
- LethalInternship (0.19.4)
- EnemySoundFixes (1.6.2)
- NaturalSelection (0.2.6)
- MrovLib (0.2.17)
- LethalEmotesAPI (1.15.10)
- LethalIntelligence (0.4.1)
- JetPackFixes (1.5.1)
- ShipInventory (1.2.5)
- SpiderPositionFix (1.2.1)
- WeatherRegistry (0.3.16)
- LethalLevelLoader (1.4.6)
- StarlancerEnemyEscape
- ScoopysVarietyMod
- LCShrimp
Config Changes
- Lowered Credit penalty on lost company cruiser: 150 -> 50
- Raised Credit Bonus for surviving players: 100 -> 150
- Lowered Weight in items required to stop jester from popping: 60lbs -> 50lbs
- All barbers now drumroll before jumping
- Mimic footsteps now sound more like normal player steps
- Dropping the jetpack while in motion will now carry your momentum
- You can now go outside in orbit
- Locker now has a chance to spawn on the following moons: Dine, Rend, Vow, March
- Updated Mods
- Fixed Multiplayer Networking Issues
In Depth
- JLL (1.8.0)
- MoreCompany (1.11.0)
- LethalThings (0.10.7)
- BepInExFasterLoadAssetBundlesPatcher (0.6.5)
- HauntedHarpist (1.3.19)
- CruiserTunes (1.3.3)
- ShipInventory (1.2.3)
- Synthesis (1.1.3)
- LethalInternship (0.19.1)
- LethalEscapeUpdated (0.9.5)
- ReservedItemSlotCore (2.0.39)
- ShipWindows (1.11.0)
- ModelReplacementAPI (2.4.12)
- SpiderPositionFix (1.2.0)
- LethalIntelligence (0.3.6)
- NaturalSelection (0.2.3)
- LCShrimp (1.0.4)
- ShowCapacity
- Now compatible with v69
- Items now recharge when re-entering orbit
- Stutters should be fixed for some who encountered them
- Re-added the ability to see capacity for paint spray and TZP
- Shrimp is now its own mod
- Enemies should no longer get stuck on Kast
- Music Rotation for Boombox and Cruiser
- Eyeless Dogs can now hear when the ship door is open and closed
- New Weather Types
- Cruiser is now easier to drive
In Depth
- OrbitRecharge (0.1.0)
- DisableLethalThingsDartScanNodes (0.0.1)
- ShowCapacity (1.0.12)
- LCShrimp (1.0.1)
- AudibleHydraulics (1.0.1)
- MrovWeathers (0.0.3)
- NaturalSelection (0.2.2)
- NaturalSelectionLib (0.6.1)
- CompanyCruiserSteeringFix (1.0.0)
- WeatherRegistry (0.3.15)
- MrovLib (0.2.13)
- ButteryFixes (1.10.13)
- EmergencyDiceUpdated (1.7.4)
- LethalPerformance (0.5.0)
- LethalLevelLoader (1.3.13)
- AsyncLoggers (2.1.3)
- BarberFixes (1.2.2)
- TooManyEmotes (2.2.14)
- LethalEmotesAPI (1.15.9)
- LategameUpgrades (3.11.0)
- LobbyImprovements (1.0.7)
- Mirage (1.15.5)
- Locker (1.6.1)
- TestAccountCore (1.13.1)
- LethalIntelligenceExperimental (0.3.5)
- LethalLib (0.16.2)
- ShipInventory (1.2.2)
- Emblem (1.6.4)
- ImmersiveScrap (1.4.1)
- Zombies (0.3.13)
- Loadstone (0.1.18)
- FairAI (1.4.3)
- LethalNetworkAPI (3.3.2)
- CullFactory (1.6.3)
- EnemySoundFixes (1.6.0)
- ObjectVolumeController (1.1.2)
- LCOffice (1.2.7)
- Kast (1.0.9)
- DiminishingReturns (1.0.9)
- Added New Enemies
- Fixed Enemies not leaving the dungeons
- Balanced Spike Traps
- Balanced Mineshafts
- Framerate Increase (I get around 120fps now)
- Added a new moon (Catalyst)
In Depth
- Kast (1.0.8)
- InfiniteBoomboxBattery (1.0.0)
- LethalEscapeUpdated (0.9.5)
- SpikeTrapFixes (1.1.2)
- RebalancedMineshaft (0.3.0)
- SpiderPositionFix (1.1.1)
- Catalyst (1.1.2)
- ButteryFixes (1.10.8)
- JLL (1.7.7)
- LethalEmotesAPI (1.15.8)
- TooManyEmotes (2.2.11)
- MoreCounterplay (1.4.1)
- WesleysInteriors (1.6.2)
- EmergencyDice (1.6.5)
- ImmersiveScrap (1.4.0)
- LCOffice (1.2.5)
- Zombies (0.3.12)
- LobbyImprovements (1.0.6)
- WeatherRegistry (0.2.9)
- MaskedEnemyOverhaulFork (3.4.0)
- OpenBodyCams (3.0.3)
- LobbyCompatibility (1.3.0)
- BarberFixes (1.2.0)
- HauntedHarpist (1.3.18)
- Loadstone (0.1.16)
- LethalIntelligenceExperimental (0.3.2)
- MrovLib (0.2.8)
- CullFactory (1.5.0)
- Mirage (1.12.2)
- Biodiversity (0.1.4)
- TestAccountCore (1.10.0)
- Desolation
- LethalSleep
- FixCameraResolution
- YieldDmgTweak
- DuckCompany
- DeathQuota
- BoomboxNoPower