PhantomDergwulf-Dergs_Suits icon

Dergs Suits

Personal mod for the More_Suits for me and friends!


v1.1.1 Release

  • Fixed main suit gloves (ones that are dedicated to people)
  • Added back old suits under the suffix "- Legacy"
  • Moved Mao's out of the shop rotation (bad rng once, permanently upsetti spaghetti)

v1.1.0 Release

  • Added Ermah(burd)
  • Revamped several of the personalised suits

v1.0.3 Release

  • Fixed Mao's outfit (should've been in the shop for 60 credits)
  • Added Fizero's suit
  • Added (Lucky)vulp's suit
  • Added Black, Blue, Cyan, Dark Blue, Green, Grey, Lime, Magneta, Pink, Red, White and Yellow (for 5 credits each in the shop)

v1.0.2 Release

  • Added a suit to the store rotation for a friend
  • Reticulated Splines

v1.0.1 Release

  • Reformatted due unknown issues with markdown formatting

v1.0.0 Release

  • Added (Phantom)Derg(wulf)'s suit (:O that's mine!)
  • Added Carl(TheFox)'s suit
  • Release