Pinecones_Crew-Deep_Lethal_Galactic icon

Deep Lethal Galactic

Awesome modification that combines Lethal Company with Deep Rock Galactic game. Endless waves of deadly enemies, shotgun, teamwork, bugs and lots of fun included!




  • Changed the way swarm sync between clients
  • Fixed wrong Out of Ammo Tip display
  • Fixed NullReferenceException in SwarmPatches
  • Changed DLGEnemyAI a bit
  • Fixed #3 (see it here issue


  • Fixed ammunition pack and supply drop items issue
  • Fixed Incorrect RPC Handler issue in OnGameStarted method


The development is a really long and challenging journey. There are so many ROCKS and STONES. But the main obstacle of all this adventur... SWARM ON A DIRECT INTERCEPT COURSE!

Meet the SWARMy update:

  • There could be no more than some amount of swarm enemies
  • Swarm enemies now see players position every 10 seconds
  • There could be no more than some amount of swarm enemies targeting a single player
  • Added more strong version of Crawler which glows red color (pretty cool I guess)
  • Added SwarmAllocation class for enemies to choose target player properly
  • Increased danger level for each moon
    • Just added yellow light to Hoarding bug prefab
    • Hoarding bug now drops Gold Bar on death
  • Added Outside Swarm Enemies
  • Changed scripts logic a bit
  • Changed formulas that calculates amount of swarm enemies
  • Also added some extra Enemy Patches
  • Fixed some swarm-related bugs
  • Moved SwarmPatch into another file
  • Changed Crawler Enemy damage
  • Added extra references


  • Fixed issue with eternal loop of game start and game crash


  • Added some values sync between all clients
  • Changed the way ammunition pack and supply drop creates
  • Added extra logs


  • Fixed issue when amount of shotguns from ammunition pack was bigger than amount of players
  • Increased amount of shotgun ammo in ammunition pack and supply drop
  • Added logging to make finding bugs a bit easier


  • You can't change mission hazard level while you're not in orbit anymore
  • Removed some unused references
  • Small code improvements
  • Fixed DLGMissionHub value update


Another big step on the way to the transcendence

  • Fixed some issues with supply drop and ammunition pack purchasement
  • Improved compability with another mods a bit
  • Fixed v61-related issues
  • Changed swarm logic a litle bit
  • Added DLG Mission Controller Hub to the Terminal
  • Changed ammunition pack and supply drop after purchase text
  • Lowered danger levels
  • Added hazards which also influence on swarm chance and amount of enemies
  • Made an TZP-Treatment limits (and now your health cannot become more that 100)

Version note: Since hazard level also influences on swarm chance and amount of enemies, Artifice on 5th hazard with 4 people can set your PC on fire!)


Fixed issue with wrong sound bundle path... again


Really great progress in development

  • Added ammunition pack and supply drop in the terminal store
  • Added "Out of ammo?" tip
  • Removed '/resupply' command from chat
  • Added TZP-Treatment (AKA Aid kit)
  • Changed swarm logic (Chances of swarm now depend on hazard level and current time of day, moreover amount of enemies spawned during swarm now also depends on hazard level)
  • Bunker Spiders no more longer spawn during swarm
  • Changed swarm soundtrack (VERY HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE thanks to Spinmaster for composing it for me :3)
  • Removed Mission Control quotes due to all that commerical stuff (GSG don't explode my house please)

Version note: Rendering a LOT of enemies at the same time can be really hard for CPU, RAM e.t.c., so you can experience low FPS during some of your disembarkations on hard moons like 68-Artifice or 8-Titan


Fixed issue with wrong sound bundle path. All custom music should be playable now


Alright, this the first version of this mod published on Thunderstore Mod Manager. Let's jump right into it!

This is not such a buggy version of this mod as the previous version was. Some critical issues with Swarm music synchronization among clients was fixed. The chance of Bunker Spider enemy spawn during swarm was decreased to ~33%


This is the first version of Deep Lethal Galactic mod ever! It was born only a few days ago so watch out of bugs!!!

Select any moon you want, grab shotgun and ammo from item dropship and go kill some bugs (NOT YOUR TEAMMATES!) in the facility. This mod version contains almost infinite waves of spawning enemies and free resupply pod requests.

Mod files should be extracted into Thunderstore Mod Manager profile directory!

Check this post on Reddit for mod installation instructions

This version is only available here!