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Signalis Audio Replacer

Replaces much of the games audio with audio from the game Signalis. Check the Readme for a list of sounds that are currently replaced, + other details. This mod will be updated frequently with new sounds and audio tweaks.

By PixelHQ


Initial release.
Fixes / Tweaks: Main menu audio now loops properly.

New sounds: Water / Underwater sounds, landmine sounds, Time of day alert sounds, Shotgun / Shell sounds, Door sounds, Company ambient music, Player injury / death sounds, Scan sound, Charging sound, Suit change sound, Fan room sound, Flooded ambience, Vent / spawning sounds.
Fixes / Tweaks: Charge audio extended to better match the animation. Mine beep audio changed, should be less annoying.

New sounds: Boot up audio, Main menu button audio, Terminal keyboard and purchase sounds.
New Sounds: Intro speech audio, The majority of interior ambience sounds, delivery ship music, all players dead audio, normal map exterior wind and exterior factory ambience.