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Popa Suits

Silly suits for my friends and I :> Includes template png I used.


4.0.0 · 20/02 · Added 2 suits, again made by friends

  • EMEU by Youchoir
  • ShovelMaster by YasIIIII

3.0.0 · 08/02 · Added 3 suits made by friends >:3

  • Lapinou by Lerilim
  • WAAAAAH by Youchoir
  • Joker by Callamastia

2.1.0 · 18/01 · Edited the Indi suit so its spots are less jarring (The outline post-processing filter does not do it any favor lol).

2.0.0 · 16/01 · Added 2 suits (4 counting recolors) and corrected a typo in the readme.

  • Sammie (Splatoon2 SR Gloopsuit/Slopsuit)
    • With 2 extra recolors SammieCoffee and SammieBob
  • Indi (friend's cat)

1.0.0 · 14/01 · 3 suits added, and a template image.

  • Monokuma (+ Blood stained version)
  • Silly
  • Space