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ProjectSCP-HeavyItemSCPs-1.2.1 icon


A collection of SCP items with a monster attached to it

Date uploaded a day ago
Version 1.2.1
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Downloads 1619
Dependency string ProjectSCP-HeavyItemSCPs-1.2.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.16.1 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.16.1
Snowlance-WearableItemsAPI-0.1.9 icon

A customizable API for wearable items

Preferred version: 0.1.9


HeavyItemSCPs Mod



Item #: SCP-427

Object Class: Safe* (see containment procedures)

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-427 displays no means of self-locomotion or malicious intent at this time, and requires only minimal containment. Due to SCP-427's adverse effects, only medical staff of Class 3 or above may handle or utilize it.

All personnel using SCP-427 must record their total time using it in order to avoid unwanted mutations.

*Instances of SCP-427-1 (colloquially referred to as "Flesh Beasts") created by SCP-427 must be killed immediately as it is impossible to communicate with or experiment on them safely. For this reason instances of SCP-427-1 are classified as Keter.

Description: SCP-427 is a small, spherical, ornately carved locket made of a polished silver material. The ornate carvings do not seem to serve any function; it is unknown whether SCP-427's outer casing was crafted by sentients or not. Its circumference at its widest point is roughly 3 cm.

SCP-427 was created after placing a pill of SCP-500 in the Input booth of SCP-914 and using the Fine setting. It displays no unusual activity when closed. When opened, a small glowing orb is visible at the center. The orb emits no radiation or energy aside from the visible spectrum.

When SCP-427 is opened and exposed to biological tissue, it rapidly regenerates cellular damage and somehow is able to purge invading compounds or infections. As a standard of measure, the common cold takes 3 to 10 days to be worked through the human immune system and eventually removed. In the presence of an opened SCP-427, this time is reduced to 2 to 4 minutes. Its healing abilities are directional, so anything not in line of sight with the central orb experiences no effects.

However, long-term exposure produces a significant health hazard. As the locket heals damage, it optimizes the body's natural systems. Resistance to disease and toxins is increased by 500% compared to accepted LD50 or death-rate values after a total of 10 minutes of exposure, and 1000% after 15. After 15 minutes of exposure, muscular systems begin optimizing, increasing strength and pain tolerance by 200-300%. All other systems continue to optimize. Class-D personnel exposed to the device for over an hour total began mutating into a shapeless mass of tissue. The conversion time accelerates with continued exposure to SCP-427.

The "Flesh Beasts" (so named due to their appearance) created by SCP-427 are incredibly aggressive, attacking any and all personnel on sight with lethal results. They are highly resistant to most known weaponry, but can be disabled with sufficient shock trauma or heat in excess of 1100 degrees Celsius (2000 degrees Fahrenheit). Intelligence cannot be accurately gauged, but mapping of biological enhancement of the brain as a direct relationship with optimization of other systems suggests intelligence could exceed levels measured in humans when fully transformed.

SCP-427 is currently being used as a partial replacement for SCP-500 pills, as it can cure almost anything SCP-500 is able to. All "optimizations" imparted by SCP-427 are cumulative. Oversight has deemed the side effects an "acceptable risk" but users must carefully record their total exposure time as sufficient mutations are grounds for termination.


Item #: SCP-178

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-178 is to be stored in a Class 3 Anomalous Object Container guarded by no fewer than two (2) armed personnel with Level 3 clearance when not undergoing testing. Item is to be removed from containment only with the written permission of personnel with Level 4 clearance or higher. Following Incident #178-14-Alpha all tests are to be monitored remotely and the presence of all personnel apart from test subjects in the testing area during experimentation is expressly prohibited.

Description: SCP-178 is a pair of white stereoscopic ("3-D") glasses with a rectangular white cardboard frame and lenses of transparent blue and red (left and right lenses, respectively) plastic. The item exhibits no unusual physical properties apart from a slight discoloration of the cardboard consistent with age. When worn, the wearer begins perceiving large bipedal entities in addition to its ordinary surroundings. Entities reportedly exhibit a docile and occasionally curious behavior (reports include entities leaning over the shoulder of persons working and observing them with interest), with one exception. Any attempt by the wearer or any other personnel (see Incident Report #178-14-Alpha) to directly interact with the entities results in severe lacerations suddenly appearing on persons involved. The appearance of lacerations is rapid and continues until the moment the wearer expires. The pattern of lacerations is always consistent with being slashed with three (3) parallel, tapered sharp objects of lengths varying between 14.2 and 27.4 cm and maximum thickness varying between 2.9 and 8.1 cm. Recording and measuring devices used during testing failed to detect any anomalies, including while lacerations were appearing on subject(s). Subjects do not report hearing any sounds emanating from the entities. Long-term observation of subjects exposed to the item reveals no lasting effects. Stereoscopic images viewed through the item appear three-dimensional.

Future SCPs

  • SCP-323
  • SCP-513
  • SCP-019
  • SCP-963
  • SCP-662
  • SCP-019


For issues and suggestions visit the github, PojectSCP Discord page, or Modding Discord.

For collaboration or queries






  • Players now drop all held items they were carrying when being picked up by SCP-427-1 (including the Cave Dweller baby) (configurable)
  • Decreased priority of SCP-178-1's navmesh agent so they dont collide with other enemies
  • Decreased SCP-427-1's player push force and distance as well as size limit so they dont get stuck in doorways and block players
  • Only one instance of SCP-178 can and should exist at a time


  • Added variations for SCP-427-1 depending on what he transforms from
  • SCP-427-1 now throws hoarder bugs and baboon hawks
  • Baboon hawks and RadMechs now see SCP-427-1 as a threat
  • Fixed issue with player body not despawning properly when transforming
  • Fixed issue with hoarderbugs not transforming
  • More configs added for SCP-427-1 and SCP-178-1
  • Optimizations for SCP-178-1
  • SCP-427-1 now has 150 hp and can take damage from anything now
  • SCP-427-1 now takes 75 damage from explosions


  • Fixed issue with SCP-178-1 able to be scanned by other clients not wearing the glasses
  • Fixed desyncing and softlocking issues when client other than host picks up and drops SCP-427
  • Fixed issue with baboon hawks not transforming or picking up 427


  • Added SCP-178
  • Fixed bug with network handler when leaving a lobby and re-entering
  • Fixed bug where client transforming will softlock them
  • Fixed bug where 427-1 freezes
  • Fixed bug where player softlocks after being thrown in some cases
  • Fixed bug where player cant move and screen shakes after being thrown
  • Fixed desync issues with 427


  • Some fixes to how SCP-427-1 throws players
  • AI Changes
  • Some fixes to how the necklace opens and closes


  • Added a new configs
  • Added Secret Labs level rarity and SCP Dungeon rarity
  • Heal amount for 427 changed from 10 to 5 holding and 15 to 10 when open
  • Fixed some bugs for 427
  • SCP-427-1 now properly spawns when turning spawning on


  • SCP-427-1 now only takes damage from mines if chasing a player
  • Fixed issue with players not transforming
  • Fixed some issues with the necklace
  • Player will no longer be critically injured after thrown and will lose half their stamina instead
  • Fixed death animation


  • Initial release adding SCP-427