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ProjectSCP-SCP999-2.0.3 icon


Adds a friendly slime to the game that heals you and eats candy

Date uploaded 2 days ago
Version 2.0.3
Download link
Downloads 4691
Dependency string ProjectSCP-SCP999-2.0.3

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.16.1 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.16.1


SCP-999 (The Tickle Monster)

This mod is compatible with SCP-956 mod!

SCP File

Item #: SCP-999

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-999 is allowed to freely roam the facility should it desire to, but otherwise must stay in its pen either between 8PM-9PM for sleeping, or during emergency lockdowns for its own safety. Subject is not allowed out of its pen at night or off facility grounds at any time. Pen is to be kept clean and food replaced twice daily. All personnel are allowed inside SCP-999s holding area, but only if they are not assigned to other tasks at the time, or if they are on break. Subject is to be played with when bored and spoken to in a calm, non-threatening tone.

Description: SCP-999 appears to be a large, amorphous, gelatinous mass of translucent orange slime, weighing about 54 kg (120 lbs) with a consistency similar to that of peanut butter. Subjects size and shape is easily malleable and can change shape at will, though when at rest, SCP-999 becomes a rounded, oblate dome roughly 2 meters wide and 1 meter in height. The surface of SCP-999 consists of a thin, transparent membrane similar to that of an animal cell roughly .5 cm thick, and is highly elastic, allowing SCP-999 to flatten portions of its body up to 2 cm thin. This surface is also hydrophobic, although SCP-999 can willfully absorb liquids (see Addendum SCP-999-A). The rest of SCP-999's body is filled with a viscous orange substance of unknown chemical makeup, though it is capable of digesting organic materials with ease.

Subjects temperament is best described as playful and dog-like: when approached, SCP-999 will often react with overwhelming elation, slithering over to the nearest person and leaping upon them, hugging them with a pair of pseudopods while nuzzling the persons face with a third pseudopod, all the while emitting high-pitched gurgling and cooing noises. The surface of SCP-999 emits a pleasing odor that differs with whomever it is interacting with. Recorded scents include chocolate, fresh laundry, bacon, roses, and Play-Doh.

Simply touching SCP-999s surface causes an immediate mild euphoria, which intensifies the longer one is exposed to SCP-999, and lasts long after separation from the creature. Subjects favorite activity is "tickle-wrestling", often by completely enveloping a person from the neck down and tickling them until asked to stop (though it does not always immediately comply with this request). Though injuries may occur, SCP-999 has never been found to purposefully attempt to harm others, and will immediately back away and contract its body into a quivering mound while gurgling in a matter similar to a whimpering dog, seemingly "apologizing" for hurting someone on accident.

While the creature will interact with anyone, it seems to have a special interest in those who are unhappy or hurt in any way. Persons suffering from crippling depression or PTSD, for example, have reported having a far more positive outlook on life after multiple interactions with SCP-999. The possibility of manufacturing antidepressants from SCP-999's slime is currently being discussed.

In addition to its playful behavior, SCP-999 seems to love all animals (especially humans), refusing to eat any meat and even risking its own life to save others, on one occasion leaping in front of a person to take a bullet fired at them (subjects intellect is still up for debate: though its behavior is infantile, it seems to understand human speech and most modern technology, including guns). SCP-999s diet consists entirely of candy and sweets, with M&Ms and Necco wafers being its favorites. Its eating methods are similar to those of an amoeba.


Click to reveal spoilersaaa
  • SCP-999 will spawn and roam the facility looking for someone to follow. If he spots an enemy, he'll follow it until he spots a player. He prioritizes players more than monsters.
  • SCP-999 will prioritize following players closest to him.
  • Anything touching SCP-999 will be healed for 10hp per second (or 1hp for monsters) and SCP-999 will lower their fear to 0.
  • If a player or monster takes damage near SCP-999, he will rush over to give them a hug, healing them.
  • If a player drops candy around SCP-999, he will move over to eat it. Eating candy gives SCP-999 a healing and speed buff (x2 healing), but feeding him too much can have consequences.
  • If a followed player is targetted by a turret, SCP-999 will move in front of the turret and prevent it from shooting at the player.

About Project SCP:

Project Scp is in constant development and need help to grown into one of the major figure of Lethal Company Development. Join our discord server to see updates and give your touch on our mission to make Lethal Company the second SCP foundation.


For issues and suggestions visit the github or discord page.

For collaboration or queries:





  • JoeJoe: Project owner, designer, animations and executive
  • Snowy: Programmer and designer
  • Metatanium: SCP-999 Model
  • s1ckboy: Sound design



  • Changed the priority of SCP-999's navmesh agent so it doesnt block other enemies


  • Actually fixed issue with SCP-999 causing errors when spawning
  • Fixed animation syncing issues


  • Fixed issue with SCP-999 causing errors when spawning
  • The containment jar state now saves when stopping a session


  • Added Containment Jar item
  • Changed the size of SCP-999 (Also changeable in configs)
  • Added new animation for blocking turret fire
  • Increased default following range for players


  • Added SCP-999 to the game!