RookieG'sCosmetics by RookieG
Pack releases
Version 1.0.1
- Forgot to put the right cosmetic files in
Version 1.0.0
- Black fedora (blackhat.cosmetics)
- Cigar (cigar.cosmetics)
- Mustache (mustache.cosmetics)
- White fedora (whitehat.cosmetics)
- Aviators Gold (aviatorsgold.cosmetics)
- Aviators Silver (aviatorssilver.cosmetics)
- Blockhead (Blockhead.cosmetics)
- Cat Ears (Cat Ears.cosmetics)
- Clown Nose (Clown Nose.cosmetics)
- Golden Aviators (Golden Aviators.cosmetics)
- Googly Eyes (Googly Eyes.cosmetics)
- Moustache (Moustache.cosmetics)
- Silver Aviators (Silver Aviators.cosmetics)
- Tie (Tie.cosmetics)
- Top Hat (Top Hat.cosmetics)
- VM Helmet (VM Helmet 1.3.cosmetics)
- VM Helmet Neck (VM Helmet Neck.cosmetics)
- VM Helmet No Neck (VM Helmet No Neck.cosmetics)