Updated 4 months agov1.0.0 Release
v1.0.1 Fixed some stuff
v1.0.2 A bit more fixes
v1.0.3 Added new mods
v1.0.4 Configurated some mods properly
v1.0.6 Epic update! Changed logo. Configurated and fixed many things, replaced some mods that affect performance negatively.
v1.0.7 Changed the logo again.
v1.0.8 Fixed a few mods not working and fixed logo being stretched.
v1.0.9 Added more Wiki pages and added a mod for ultrawide monitor support! I Don't know if it works properly though.
v1.1.0 Fixes!
v1.1.1 Fixed Readme and Wiki
v1.1.4 Revamped quick drop system and added more music, and less console spam. Heavily improved the quality of the new logo.
v1.1.5 Forgor to add logo :|
v1.1.6 Edited description
v1.1.7 Performance
v1.1.8 Update! I'm gonna start making less updates. Haven't been playing besides updating my modpack.
v1.1.9 New logo. Do you like it? eugbghadjkjddsgj
v1.2.1 Huehafhhgadjsahghsjdu? Haha minecraft Added a mod that i accidentaly deleted and more stuff done.
v1.2.2 Hehe description update and logo tweaks