Added new Mech sounds
Added custom meltdown (temporarily using pizzatowerescape until i can find the correct string to replace for SoundAPI)
Changed company bell sound
Changed jester theme
- Fixed bonk sound not playing when hitting another player
Added Bug sounds
Added Centipede sounds
Fixed Icecream Truck sounds not playing
- Reduced the file size. I didn't check before uploading (oops)
MAJOR UPDATE (this mod should've started on 1.0.0, too bad)
The mod has been re-done to now use loaforcsSoundAPI. This now gives me more control and allows me to add multiple replacements for 1 sound in the game.
The mod also now features a config file which can be used to toggle sounds added by the soundpack
Here's to hoping everything works (I think i tested everything)
turned down jester sounds and got rid of the ANNOYING baby crying from the old birds
forgor to remove night sound
Accidentally put a sound onto the wrong file, oops. fixed now
Added: New Company Intro Speech. New Deadline Alarm and Speech. New Company Voicelines when selling scrap.
Updated: New Turret voiceline when seeing the player. Stepping on a Landmine plays a new sound.
Removed: Half-Life Stalker from Landmine Explosion.
Updated: Quieter Landmine. RewardMid = YIP!.
Updated: The README & Description
Removed: Left4Dead StressMusic (Moved to a separate mod with the same name) Boombox tracks (Also been moved to a separate pack, these were kinda random and I dont feel they belong in this pack. They can be found on my profile if you still want them for whatever reason :D )
Added: ShovelHit = MetalPipe.
Added: RewardGood/Mid = YIPPEE!. HitPlayer = Bonk. BreakerBox = Microwave. CriticalInjury = HL1 Vital Signs Critical. DropBell = Bong. Spider = TheGiantEnemySpider. Lizard Fart = Fart. Rattle Teeth = Shiver.
Changed: Turrets = Are now voiced by turrets from Portal 2.
Updated: Fixed "stress" music (I think). All Boombox volumes reduced. Greatly reduced jester wind up theme volume.
Added: Purchase + New Quota = Bad to the bone.
Changed: Boombox5 = Portal Reconstructing Science
Updated: Lowered volume of Mine Beep again. AirHorn Improved.
Changed: Air Horn = Train Horn, "Stress" Music = Left 4 Dead Witch + Left for Death Tracks, Intro Speech = Madness., FiredVoiceline = laughs at you
Updated: Lowered volume of Mine Beep
DOES THE MOD WORK NOW? IDK, I gotta update to test everytime...
Minor update, no biggy
Mod Uploaded. More to come (maybe)