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RosiePies-Gordion_Sect0-2.2.2 icon

Gordion Sect0

[2.2.2] A custom moon based on the mysteries behind the Company Building...

Date uploaded 2 months ago
Version 2.2.2
Download link
Downloads 48257
Dependency string RosiePies-Gordion_Sect0-2.2.2

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
IAmBatby-LethalLevelLoader-1.2.4 icon

A Custom API to support the manual and dynamic integration of all forms of custom content in Lethal Company. (v50 Compatible)

Preferred version: 1.2.4
IAmBatby-LethalToolbox-1.0.2 icon

A Lethal Company Mod & Editor Tool to provide custom content creators with easily accessible ways to implement features and mechanics without then need for custom code.

Preferred version: 1.0.2
AudioKnight-StarlancerAIFix-3.6.0 icon

Automatically assigns interior/exterior AI for enemies based on their spawn location. Also fixes a null reference exception regarding EnableEnemyMesh(). Part of my Starlancer Series!

Preferred version: 3.6.0
RosiePies-RoseLib-1.0.1 icon

[1.0.1] A collection of tools for RosiesMoons / their standalones.

Preferred version: 1.0.1
RosiePies-Sector0_Interior-2.0.3 icon

[2.0.3] Sector-0's Interior, an ominous secret awaits

Preferred version: 2.0.3
Hardy-LCMaxSoundsFix-1.2.0 icon

Simple mod that increase max number of simultaneous playing sounds, hopefully fixing missing footsteps and other missing sound problems.

Preferred version: 1.2.0


|---------------------- ~⚠️~ IMPORTANT NOTE ~⚠️~ ---------------------|

-------- The mod HDLethalCompany is not stable with this mod, it is recommended to use LCUltrawide instead. -------

|---------------------------- ~🌌~ Sector-0 ~🌌~ ---------------------------|

A custom moon based on the mysteries behind the Company Building...

WARNING: You are advised to steer clear of this info, a lack of consideration to this warning will lead to CONSEQUENCES.


MOON NAME: 71-Gordion
POPULATION: Abandoned?
CONDITIONS: No land masses. Continual storms.
FAUNA: Unknown, likely extremely dangerous...
HISTORY: The Derelict Zone, otherwise known as Sector-0 originates on the exomoon of 71-Gordion. Long ago, before becoming a selling point for employees, 71-Gordion held a facility which contained a sect of testing chambers home to making new innovational creatures and tools. This facility has been abandoned due to UNKNOWN reasons. Do not go looking for answers...







Special thanks to:


Feedback and Bugs:

-= =-

(FYI, you need to be in the discord server for this link to function).




Sector-0 Version 2.2.2


  • Added Dependency to mod so I don't have to update everytime I change code for all moons.

Sector-0 Version 2.2.1


  • Possibly fixed some stray AI Nodes causing enemies to spawn in strange areas.

Sector-0 Version 2.2.0


  • Rosie's Moons version of Sector-0 now is the same as this standalone.


  • Changed interior to dependancy instead of built-in.

Version 2.1.4


  • Tweaked walls to make look more thick.
  • Tweaked note on moon. (Easter egg for Lunxara)
  • Adjusted fog settings to give a more gloomy mood, like the original company building.


  • Giant lag spikes while walking into exit doors and ship.
  • Enemies being unable to walk to the exit areas when some large doors are open.. again.
  • May of fixed note disappearing after reloading game.
  • Interior fog being blue (???).

Sector-0 Interior Version 1.1.4


  • Hopefully fixed all issues with colliders and walls. No more invisible walls or items/turrets in the walls.

Version 2.1.0

Added: * New visuals to the sky! * Lore note found near a crashed ship

Changed: * Adjusted difficulty to walking to an exit.

Fixed: * Enemies being unable to walk to the exit areas when the large door is open.

Sector-0 Interior Version 1.1.0

Added: * New catwalk tile. * Decommissioned Turrets.

Changed: * Catwalk tiles, they are much more tall now. * Laboratory-catwalk transition tile, it is now the same as the warehouse-catwalk transition tile.

Fixed: * Nucleus not having an icon.

Version 2.0.3

  • Changes:
    • Changes to fog and lighting.

Sector Interior Version 1.0.2

  • Fixed:
    • Sound bug should now be fixed, as well as FPS drops.
    • Load time might be fixed? I don't know

Version 2.0.2

  • Changes:
    • Compressed audio files.

Sector Interior Version 1.0.1

  • Fixed:
    • Doors spawning high in certain rooms.
    • Lack of collision in doors.
    • Hopefully fixed the wall turrets and enemies phasing through areas.
  • Changes:
    • Compressed audio files.

Version 2.0.1

  • Added:
    • Animations for interior test tubes
    • Added bracken child to test tubes.
  • Changes:
    • Elevator has new controls.
    • Better keyboard sounds.
    • Renamed Gordion again again again.. Derelict Zone -> 71 Sector-0
  • Fixed:
    • Massive load time, 40s -> 12s.
    • Sound now plays normally.
    • Possibly reduced lag.
    • Enemies phasing through walls in interior.
    • Possibly fixed interior desync issues.
    • Clipping issues.
    • Config issues.
    • Weird prop placements.
    • Textures.

Version 2.0.0

  • Added:
    • Interior!
    • New sounds.
    • Dependency for LCMaxSoundsFix just in case.
  • Changes:
    • Removed ladder and platforms underneath main floor.
    • Renamed Gordion again again again.. Sector-0 -> Derelict Zone SHOULD FIX COMPAT BETWEEN SECRET LAB AND SECTOR-0
    • Raised loot avg loot.
  • Fixed:
    • Cut down on some bugs, still can't figure out the monitor.

Version 1.1.4

  • Fixed:
    • Added support for sfDesat's Celestial Tint.

Version 1.1.3

  • Fixed:
    • Fixed surface sounds not working while walking on them.

Version 1.1.2

  • Changes:
    • Changed Giant sign, made more worn and less electronic. Sector-Midae -> Sector-0
    • Replaced outdated photos of Sector-0.

Version 1.1.1

  • Added:
    • Giant sign, "SECTOR-MIDAE"
  • Changes:
    • Temporarily removed custom enemies until I can figure out how to properly implement them.
    • Renamed Gordion again again.. Gordion Sect-0 -> Sector-0 SHOULD FIX SIMULATION ISSUES
    • Lowered price. 2250 -> 1750
  • Fixed:
    • Ladder teleporting to the sky.
    • Bell not making sounds when ringing.

Version 1.1.0

  • Added:
    • Genetically modified thumpers.
    • More map details.
  • Changes:
    • Main entrance & fire exits.
      • Fire exits now have a unique mechanic.
    • Renamed Gordion again, to fix conflicts. 71-2 Gordion -> Gordion Sect-0.
      • Click HERE for deprecated project.
    • Terminal info.
  • Fixed:
    • Enemy issues.
    • ReverbTrigger spam.

Version 1.0.1

  • Adjusted ship height.
  • Reworked main entrance texture.
    • Fixed main entrance scan node.
    • Added 'sell desk' easter egg.
  • Renamed moon to 71-2 Gordion to fix conflicts with the company building when configuring with LLL.
  • Removed shadows to some lights to help with performance.
  • Updated to StarlancerAiFix 3.3.0

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release.