Sector0 Interior
[2.1.4] Sector-0's Interior, an ominous secret awaits
Sector-0 Interior Version 2.1.2
- Fixed interior from not generating correctly
Sector-0 Interior Version 2.1.1
- Added four new tiles
- Added bunkbeds to bunker area.
- Added breaker boxes.
- Fixed dead bodies in walls.
Sector-0 Interior Version 2.1.0
- Fixed broken entrances on moons which are not Sector-0
- Changed steam valves to be red which will do slow damage in the future.
Sector-0 Interior Version 2.0.9
- Added weights to vanilla moons Titan and Artifice, and added weights to modded moons Ichor and Corrosion
- Fleshy bits and monsterous sounds wont spawn on other moons unless it is 71 Sector-0. Same goes with the heart, it is replaced by a vanilla apparatus on other moons.
- Made tile transitions more seemless in the Warehouse and Bunker areas.
- Pipe fixes and added steam valves.
Sector-0 Interior Version 2.0.8
- Synced objects are fixed
- Flesh webs now work like spider webs sorta
- New doors to get to the outside area and large garage doors inside the outside area.
Sector-0 Interior Version 2.0.7
- Possibly fixed ladder not showing for some clients.
- Fixed echoey ship.
Sector-0 Interior Version 2.0.6
- Added small pipes around the warehouse and bunker sections.
- Added larger pipes in the outside section.
- Fixed collision with catwalk stairs.
Sector-0 Interior Version 2.0.5
- Forgot to add vents, so I added them.
Sector-0 Interior Version 2.0.4
- Re-did the interior AGAIN... This one will stay I hope.
Sector-0 Interior Version 2.0.3
- Fixed:
- Making an echoey sound when in orbit. Have no idea why, but apparently it was from the AudioReverbTriggers inside of the interior.
Sector-0 Interior Version 2.0.2
- Entry garage door being unsynced.
- Entry garage door blocking certain pathways to the sides of the Entry Room.
- Added some new sounds to the drill for further immersion.
- Made Baby Lung Apparatuses much quieter and increased their pitch.
- Lowered pitch of the Nuclei.
Known Issues:
- Mod makes ship slightly echoey in orbit for some odd reason.
Sector-0 Interior Version 2.0.1
- Doors being unsynced / enemies not being able to use doors.
- Some blockers being missing, causing missing generation.
Known Issues:
- Mod makes ship slightly echoey in orbit for some odd reason.
Sector-0 Interior Version 2.0.0
- Total overhaul of interior due to old one being lost.
- Vault Doors
- Industrial Doors
- Functional Drill
- "Baby Lungs"
Sector-0 Interior Version 1.1.4
- Hopefully fixed all issues with colliders and walls. No more invisible walls or items/turrets in the walls.
- Removed decommissioned Turrets.
Sector-0 Interior Version 1.1.0
- New catwalk tile.
- Decommissioned Turrets.
- Catwalk tiles, they are much more tall now.
- Laboratory-catwalk transition tile, it is now the same as the warehouse-catwalk transition tile.
- Nucleus not having an icon.
Version 1.0.2
- Fixed:
- Sound bug should now be fixed, as well as FPS drops.
- Load time might be fixed? I don't know
Version 1.0.1
- Fixed:
- Doors spawning high in a certain room.
- Lack of collision in doors.
- Hopefully fixed the wall turrets and enemies phasing through areas.
Version 1.0.0
- Initial release.