Ryktear-AceMod icon


Replaces Hoarding Bugs with 32 unique Ace_Ezreal voices lines (Profanity included) and other monster sounds (Configurable).

By Ryktear



  • Add a few more Hoarding Bug sounds (Total now at 32 unique Hoarding Bug voice lines!!!).

v2.1.0 (Removed censored version until further notice)

  • Removed censored Hoarding Bug sounds. The censor sounds didn't fit quite right, may revisit this in the future if there's a demand for it.
    • Profanity version is now the new Default, there's only one soundpack for AceMod Hoarding Bug sounds.
  • Reorganized Hoarding Bug sounds into three separate categories ("Chitter1", "Chitter2", "Chitter3"), instead of all three being grouped using the same sounds.
    • This should allow Hoarding Bug sounds to be more varied.
  • Added a sound for Immortal Snail (Requires ImmortalSnail & DarkSoulsSnail )
    • Snail sound setting is turned off by default (Can be changed via soundpack.AceMod.cfg).
  • Add a few more Hoarding Bug sounds.

v2.0.0 (Major Update: Public Release & loaforcsSoundAPI)

  • AceMod is now public
  • Changed main dependency to loaforcsSoundAPI.
  • Removed LCSoundTool and CustomSounds as dependencies.
  • Added two versions of Hoarding Bug sound pack:
    • These can be changed via soundpack.AceMod.cfg file (Just make sure you only enable one Hoarding Bug sound pack version at a time).
    • Default = Censored profanities with beep sounds (Turned on by default).
    • Profanity = Uncensored & not altered (Turned off by default).
  • Added a setting to toggle Nutcracker Kick sound via Config (Turned on by default).
  • Added a setting to toggle Bracken neck snap sound via Config (Turned off by default).
  • Added a few more Hoarding Bug sounds.
v1.2.1 - v1.0.0 (OUTDATED)


  • Added a few more Hoarding Bug sounds.


  • Converted files to .ogg from .wav (1/10th the size now).
  • Added a Nutcracker kick sound.
  • Added two Hoarding Bug sounds.


  • Added more sounds.
  • Adjusted chances to be more varied.
  • Added a name to each custom sound.


  • Very slightly lowered volume.


  • Removed & Added sounds.
  • Adjusted chances.
  • Slightly increased volume (May adjust this in the future).
  • Sounds starting and ending delay is now consistent between all sound clips.


  • Adjusted volume and chances.


  • Folder fix. (for real)


  • Folder fix.


  • Release.