SOOH-SOOHsVanillaPlus icon


A premade pack to make the game more fun and varied while staying true to the feel of vanilla


  • v1.8.1
    • rebalanced a tiny bit
    • made events more random
    • made custom interiors less likely to spawn
  • v1.8.0
    • added a new interior
    • added a few new monsters
    • fixed a couple bugs (no, persistent weather was not fixed. I am actually losing it.)
    • re-added facilitymeltdown
    • did some rebalancing
    • replaced hullbreakercompany with savagecompany
    • Removed Herobrine
  • v1.7.3
    • hopefully fixed persistent weather (i am going insane)
  • v1.7.2
    • removed a bunch of stuff to reduce bugs
    • sadly actually did remove herobrine for the sake of immersion
    • removed facilitymeltdown until api issues stop happening
    • you no longer blink (we think it causes the spectate to go black)
  • v1.7.1
    • updated mods
  • v1.7.0
    • bunch more balancing changes
    • more scrap
    • fixed some lag
    • new mob
    • new mechanics
    • recentlyplayedwith
    • attempt to fix modlist showing up
    • hostfixes mod to combat goobers
    • please I swear someone help me figure out why spectator goes black
  • v1.6.3
    • removed aeiou for the sake of my sanity
    • Removed Herobrine
  • v1.6.2
    • literally just changed the readme
    • Removed Herobrine
  • v1.6.1
    • uhhh you can use more items now or something idk
    • Removed Herobrine
  • v1.6.0
    • added a couple more scrap items (mainly plushies)
    • added a crow
    • Removed Herobrine
  • v1.5.4
    • added a snail (UNTESTED)
  • v1.5.3
  • v1.5.2
    • removed the sewer interior
  • v1.5.1
    • removed a couple of buggy mods, changed some configs, did some rebalancing (still needs testing)
  • v1.5.0
    • Office
  • v1.4.3
    • Removed 2 mods affecting the weather to fix desync
  • v1.4.2
    • Figured out how to make the changelog
    • Added more gambling (buyratesettings)
    • Removed some moons for the sake of balancing (and performance)
    • hides the blink bar while not in range of a coil (might be weird, haven't tested yet)
    • quotarollover (don't be fooled, this could very well be your downfall)