the log, if anyone wants to read it without installing the mod:
Comedy Troupe - December 1968
Again their wasn't a bestiary entry for these things, and we couldn't scan them either so i had to put it here. I'll start with the story first, we were in one of those creepy ass mansions that some of the snowy moons have, and jess found this fucking scary mask. it was smiling, somebody (im not saying who0 took it and was trying to be funny and was wearing it to scare us but nobody thought it was funny. he put it away when he said it felt like it was magnetizing to his face. what the fuck? anyways we were almost done with the scrap and about to leave, when we hear somebody stomping around, it was louder then us, I don't know why we didn't think it was weird since shit like that could get you killed. then we went back to the ship, we couldn't find the guy (im STILL not saying his name) who was pranking, they sent ME out because of course everyone hates me. i was trying to find him by making noise and calling out, he wasn't anywhere. then i heard that stomping again, and this thing comes around the doorway, he was wearing an orange suit like the other guy, he looked just like one of us, right down to the badge except he had one of those FUCKING CREEPY THEATER MASKS on his face. I don't know how he got it to stay, there's no straps.
but he was just staring at me, I don't think either of us knew what to do i thought it was another employee, and if we were even supposed to know about other crews. he was looking at me like how kids look at you when you catch them sneaking around out of bed. but he was still smiling. i think i tried to say hello but he just lauhghed at me all muffled. then he fucking SPRINTED full speed at me, he had his arms up and out like he was going to fucking strangle me. I don't know how but I was able to run out of there, he was chasing me the entire time cackling like a fucking psycho. then there was one of those fucking toy soldiers with the boomstick so i had to stop. AND I shit you not there WAS ANOTHER ONE. of those masked wearing Freaks. i didnt bother to wsee if it was chasing me or not, i kepgt going past the library and into that big main room, and i couldnt fucking believe my eyes when there was a THIRD one of them. it was like a sick damn comedy troupe i was out the door and i could hear them laughing at me. I ran back to the ship and told everyone that where were more people, nobody except jess believes me. we tried to use the monitor to see if that masked freak was our guy but it wasn't. he was dead in a corner somewhere, those fucking things was spinning around trying to get us to use our teleporter. we could hear them outside the ship door banging on it and stomping around, we didn't wait and risk the hydrualics failing, we juts left. we're getting a replacement "soon" but the company wont tell us when that is.