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Sconeys-abandonedcompanyassets-0.8.29 icon


[NEW: COBWEB BURNING & NEW EASTER EGG] Over time many Company 'Assets' go missing, this mod will give you the opportunity to retrieve some of them. This mod is currently WIP but contains two useful new tools, Candles, Glowsticks AND flip lighters!

Date uploaded 8 months ago
Version 0.8.29
Download link
Downloads 823
Dependency string Sconeys-abandonedcompanyassets-0.8.29

This mod requires the following mods to function

Evaisa-LethalLib-0.14.2 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.14.2
BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


Abandoned Company Assets

Abandoned Company Assets is a mod that will allow you to find old beat up equipment left behind by crews before you... All of the items added in this mod will be unique versions of shop items and or brand new ones fulfilling new purposes!

Current Features:

The mod at the current moment is in WIP, however that doesn't mean it's contentless. Currently the mod adds THREE new tools for you to find/buy from the shop, the humble candle, glowsticks and flip lighters! (satisfying sounds included)


  • The Antique Candle
    • The 'Antique Candle' is now the cheapest source of light in the game, but is however extremely unreliable. It costs 7 credits and is completely intended to be disposable.
  • The Glowsticks
    • Glowsticks are a new CONSUMABLE item that I have added to Lethal Company. They take up one slot and come in bundles of 3, they are inteded to be used as navigation tools, rather than to light your way, helping you to escape better!
  • The Flip Lighter
    • Flip Lighters are an upgrade to the candle, they light an increased area around the player, last longer and cannot fail to light. However, they cannot be bought only found and have limited fuel. Can also be sold as scrap!
    • Burns away spider cobwebs...for a price.


  1. Install BepInEx.
  2. Run your game once with BepInEx installed to generate the necessary folders and files.
  3. Place mod file into the bepinex/plugins directory. Make sure that you have LethalLib installed.


The future of this mod:

  • Create broken/malfunctioning versions of all of The Company's provided equipment, all of which will have unique/interesting malfunctions...and can be sold for scrap!
  • Add brand new equipment that brings new mechanics, benefits and negatives with each.
  • Allow you to find equipment within the facility that can aid you in your scavenging.
  • Easter Eggs.

Special thanks to:

  • The Lethal Company Modding Discord community, you guys have been incredibly helpful and patient with me! This is my first time releasing a mod and you guys helped so much!
  • Hamunii, for spending hours helping me test and bugfix this mod across multiple days!
  • You! (If you've downloaded this and supported me!) This is, again, my first mod and I've been working very hard on it, thank you for your interest!

Patch Notes:

Version 0.2.0:

  • Initial release, Antique Candle item added.

Version 0.3.5

  • Candle changes:
    • Candles can now be toggled on and off via left mouse button!
    • Added delay between activations of candle.
    • || Candles have had their failure to light count until breaking nerfed heavily, from 5-15 to 2-5. They were almost impossible to break. ||
    • || Candles have had their light range reduced slightly. ||
    • Candles will now spawn less commonly.
    • Smoke particles overhauled (again).

Version 0.3.6

  • Added tooltip for candle.

Version 0.3.7

  • Fixed syncing on candles!

Version 0.4.12

    • Glowsticks come in two forms, piles of unlit (but still emitting some light) glowsticks and lit/dropped glowsticks, which will work as scanner markers AND light sources for guiding for a limited amount of time, after which they will die.
    • Glowsticks are a consumable item, intended to be used for navigation and come in stacks of 3! (3 glowsticks take up one slot.)
    • Monsters may be attracted to them.
  • Candle Changes:
    • Fixed Candle not lighting as intended when swapping slots.
    • Candle light will now fade in and out instead of cutting in and out.
    • || Minimum amount of failures to light was nerfed slightly, nerfed again. ||
    • || Range of candle light slightly nerfed again. ||
  • All items will now save their important data, e.g candles times burned out and glowsticks tracking how many have been used.
  • New Icon! :D

Version 0.5.14

  • ADDED FLIP LIGHTER! -Flip Lighters are an upgrade over the candle, they light surrounding area better, they last longer and are far more reliable. -Unable to be bought and must be found. -Cannot be refilled. -Random amount of fuel. -Can be sold as scrap!
  • Fixed Syncing on All Items.
  • Slight Candle Buff.

Version 0.5.15

  • Fixed(?) candle death non-sync.

Version 0.6.16

  • FLIP LIGHTERS BURN AWAY SPIDERS WEBS! -Flip lighters can now be used to burn spider cobwebs! Beware...spiders don't like having their home arson'd... -Burning cobwebs consumes a random amount of fuel from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
  • Fixed Desync on glowstick death.

Version 0.6.19

  • Fixed an incorrect client rpc call on lighter.
  • Fixed lighter syncing.
  • Fixed lighter web destroy rpc calls.

Version 0.6.20

  • Uhm...made web burning work again-

Version 0.6.21

  • Uhhh...

Version 0.6.22

  • Fixing upload of previous version.

Version 0.8.28

  • Candle Changes
    • Candles now have a random chance to go out while being held, making them closer to unreliable.
    • Candles have had their volumetric light reduced.
  • Lighter Changes
    • Lighters will no longer stay on when not held in hand.
    • Fixed lighter being deleted when owning player leaves.
  • Glowstick Changes -Dropped glowsticks are now deleted on round start. -Glowsticks are no longer infinite for non-host players. (Thank you to the people who reported these bugs!)

Version 0.8.29

  • Bullet Lighter spawn rate fixed.


Patch Notes:

Version 0.2.0:

  • Initial release, Antique Candle item added.

Version 0.3.5

  • Candle changes:
    • Candles can now be toggled on and off via left mouse button!
    • Added delay between activations of candle.
    • || Candles have had their failure to light count until breaking nerfed heavily, from 5-15 to 2-5. They were almost impossible to break. ||
    • || Candles have had their light range reduced slightly. ||
    • Candles will now spawn less commonly.
    • Smoke particles overhauled (again).

Version 0.3.6

  • Added tooltip for candle.

Version 0.3.7

  • Fixed syncing on candles!

Version 0.4.12

    • Glowsticks come in two forms, piles of unlit (but still emitting some light) glowsticks and lit/dropped glowsticks, which will work as scanner markers AND light sources for guiding for a limited amount of time, after which they will die.
    • Glowsticks are a consumable item, intended to be used for navigation and come in stacks of 3! (3 glowsticks take up one slot.)
    • Monsters may be attracted to them.
  • Candle Changes:
    • Fixed Candle not lighting as intended when swapping slots.
    • Candle light will now fade in and out instead of cutting in and out.
    • || Minimum amount of failures to light was nerfed slightly, nerfed again. ||
    • || Range of candle light slightly nerfed again. ||
  • All items will now save their important data, e.g candles times burned out and glowsticks tracking how many have been used.
  • New Icon! :D

Version 0.5.14

  • ADDED FLIP LIGHTER! -Flip Lighters are an upgrade over the candle, they light surrounding area better, they last longer and are far more reliable. -Unable to be bought and must be found. -Cannot be refilled. -Random amount of fuel. -Can be sold as scrap!
  • Fixed Syncing on All Items.
  • Slight Candle Buff.

Version 0.5.15

  • Fixed(?) candle death non-sync.

Version 0.6.16

  • FLIP LIGHTERS BURN AWAY SPIDERS WEBS! -Flip lighters can now be used to burn spider cobwebs! Beware...spiders don't like having their home arson'd... -Burning cobwebs consumes a random amount of fuel from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
  • Fixed Desync on glowstick death.

Version 0.6.19

  • Fixed an incorrect client rpc call on lighter.
  • Fixed lighter syncing.
  • Fixed lighter web destroy rpc calls.

Version 0.6.20

  • Uhm...made web burning work again-

Version 0.6.21

  • Uhhh...

Version 0.6.22

  • Fixing upload of previous version.

Version 0.8.28

  • Candle Changes
    • Candles now have a random chance to go out while being held, making them closer to unreliable.
    • Candles have had their volumetric light reduced.
  • Lighter Changes
    • Lighters will no longer stay on when not held in hand.
    • Fixed lighter being deleted when owning player leaves.
  • Glowstick Changes -Dropped glowsticks are now deleted on round start. -Glowsticks are no longer infinite for non-host players. (Thank you to the people who reported these bugs!)

Version 0.8.29

  • Bullet Lighter spawn rate fixed.

Version 0.8.30

  • Placed glowstick deletion fixed.

Version 0.8.31

  • Patched the Bullet Lighter again.

Version 0.9.32

    • Emergency flares can be used to light majority (or all of) the outside, or used to signal danger to other employees.
    • Emergency flares are single use but can be bought from the shop for (currently) 100 credits.
    • Lasts around 3 minutes (almost a quarter of a vanilla day)
    • Flares can be scanned from a distance of 250, allowing for better visibility and navigation, potentially even in low visiblity conditions.
    • Use with caution.
  • Candle Changes -Candles will now no longer function outside in some weather states.

Version 0.9.34

  • Fixed network syncing with glowsticks, glowsticks will now spawn for all players.
  • Fixed potential similar issue with signal flares.

Version 0.9.35

  • Fixed lighter destroying webs while pocketed.

Version 0.9.36

  • Lighters and candles will no longer function underwater.

Version 0.10.41

    • Abandoned Flashlights can be found inside the facilities.
    • Abandoned Flashlights will have a randomized amount of charge and will have one of seven random malfunctions. c:
    • The Abanonded Flashlight has an altered model and texture!
    • This is the FIRST of the vanilla game items to get this treatment! (The plan is to have all of them!)
  • Glowstick Changes:
    • Glowsticks cannot be used while in orbit anymore.
    • Glowstick Pile price lowered from 20 to 15.
  • Config added to enable and disable items. (And use a compatibility name for the flare.)
  • All flickering is now handled server-side. (Should be)
  • Fixed lighters not using fuel on burning a cobweb.

Version 0.10.42

  • Fixed the Abandoned Flashlight icon.

Version 0.10.43

  • Slight buff to Abandoned Flashlight item spawnrate.

Version 0.11.45

    • Industrial Flashlights can be found inside the facilities.
    • Industrial Flashlights are a two handed, heavy flashlight, with significant lighting potential!
    • Slowly charges when left on the ship, or being held on the ship.
  • Fixed random chances on flashlight script.
  • Altered Flashlight script to be used with non-broken flashlights (or anything akin to).

Version 0.11.46

  • Potentially fixed the weird crash when closing the game.

Version 0.11.47

  • Fixed the Industrial Flashlight.
    • Much brighter than before.
    • Has significantly more charge.
    • Charges much slower on ship.
    • Slightly heavier.

Version 0.11.48

  • Fixed missing object reference.

Version 0.11.49

  • Minor Industrial Flashlight balance patch.

Version 0.11.50

  • Industrial Flashlight balance again.
    • Battery consumtion is slightly higher.
    • Weight reduced from 63 to 47.
    • Max potential value reduced from 200 to 125

Version 0.12.51

    • Spawns inside the facility.
    • Works the similarly to the normal Abandoned Flashlight!
    • Custom textures!
  • Secret abandoned item patch.

Version 0.12.52

  • Slight spawnrate buff to some items!

Version 0.12.53

  • Fixed scan name bug on "PlatformEffector2DEditor" (Abandoned Pro-Flashlight).

Version 0.12.55

  • Fixed the Abandoned Pro-Flashlight's position in hand.
  • Added a small easter egg.

Version 0.13.57

    • Spawns inside the facility.
    • Multiple possible malfunctions.
    • Random amount of charge.
  • Fixed a bug with Abandoned Flashlights.
  • Potentially fixed the flickering light issue.

Version 0.13.58

  • Fixed Walkie icon.

Versopn 0.13.61

  • Fixed Walkie save data, should not have any issues now.
  • Walkie now has a scan node.
  • Flashlights will now have random charge as intended.

Version 0.13.63

  • Flashlight batteries can no longer go past 100% or below 0%.
  • Walkie batteries can no longer go below 0%.

Version 0.13.64

  • (Hopefully) fixed lighter sound duping.

Version 0.13.65

  • Lighter should not cause errors from the web burning.

Version 0.13.66

  • Fix to Abandoned Flashlight/Walkie traits that should make them network sync properly.

Version 0.13.67

  • im gunna esplode

Version 0.14.67

  • ADDED ABANDONED TZP (floor drugs)
    • Spawns randomly in the facility.
    • Has a chance to damage you!
    • Way bigger high.
    • (don't do floor drugs, kids)

Version 0.15.68

  • All items now have configurable spawn weights.
  • Buffed Abandoned TZP spawnrate.

Version 0.15.69 (nice)

  • Dropped Glowsticks added to the spawn weight config.

Version 0.15.71

  • Abandoned TZP now have a scan node.
  • Hopefully fixed flashlight saving issue.

Version 0.15.72

  • Finally fixed the Abandoned TZP, (Thank you DiFFoZ from the LC Modding Discord!)

Version 0.15.73

  • Hopefully fixed bug with Abandoned Flashlights.

Version 0.15.75

  • Hopefully fixed lighter stuff.
  • Removed one of the problematic malfunctions, may reintroduce later.

Version 0.15.77

  • Hopefully fixed lighting inside bug with the Candle.
  • Hopefully fixed stack trace bug with walkie.

Version 0.15.78

  • Hopefully fixed TZP dealing damage when not being used issue.

Version 0.15.79

  • Fixed busted Bullet Lighter.