SenileSquad-WeatherRegistry_RouteRandom_Compat icon

WeatherRegistry RouteRandom Compat

A mod for controlling the game's weather system. Patched by SenilePenguin to work with RouteRandom.



  • one-off patch implementing a pull request #5 to fix random moons


  • fixed StartOfRound.OnDisable patch not firing correctly


  • improved resolving planet and weather names that have spaces in them


  • fixed SetupFinished event firing correctly


  • fixed an issue with Nuget propagating wrong LC dependency version further (thanks, giosuel)


  • MrovLib is now a required dependency
  • WeatherChanged event is now properly invoked when new weathers are picked


  • fixed an issue with randomWeathers having multiple entries of the same modded weather (thanks, xuxiaolan)


  • added config options to disable logging startup logs & weather selection logs


  • optimized the weight-picking algorithm (thanks, whitespike)
  • changed some logs


  • LevelWeights and WeatherWeights config options are now functional
  • redid the ConfigHandler completely (it's cursed)
  • added a set of defaults for vanilla weather>weather transitions (this requires testing and feedback!)
  • changed some logs
  • weights are now clamped between 0 and 10000
  • added new options for weather makers: DefaultLevelWeights and DefaultWeatherToWeatherWeights


  • fixed an error with config strings not being resolved correctly (thanks, xuxiaolan)
  • changed some logs


  • changed the scale of weather multipliers from (0,10000) to (0,100)


  • added ScrapAmountMultiplier, ScrapValueMultiplier config options
  • added LevelWeights and WeatherWeights config options (they don't do anything yet)
  • fixed an error with WeatherRegistry not disabling registered weathers' effects when leaving lobby (thanks: endoxicom, xuxiaolan, lunxara)


  • (hopefully) fixed an error with WeatherRegistry not disabling registered weathers' effects when leaving lobby (thanks, endoxicom)


  • fixed an error with WeatherRegistry crashing when there were more than 1 weather to register (thanks, xuxiaolan)


  • fixed an issue with LethalLib weathers not being registered correctly on modded moons
  • fixed an issue with WeatherRegistry weathers being destroyed on joining lobbies
  • (hopefully) fixed a Dictionary issue with modded weathers on clients
  • renamed events: setupFinished -> SetupFinished, weatherChanged -> WeatherChanged
  • added DisableAllWeathers event
  • added WeatherController for changing weathers
  • changed some logs
  • changed possibleWeathers table to be sorted using enum values
  • changed WeatherRegistry to forcefully remove all "None" weather entries from randomWeathers


Please re-generate your configs!

  • added a check to SunAnimator to verify if custom weather has an animator bool defined (thanks, PureFPSZac)
  • added a check to SunAnimator to honor the blacklist setting (although the result should be virtually the same)
  • possibleWeathers table displayed during startup is now sorted correctly
  • fixed the default filtering options not having a semicolon at the end
  • added an option to blacklist vanilla weathers from happening on selected moons


  • added an check to SunAnimator to check if there are any sun animator clips (thanks, finembelli)


  • fixed an error with WeatherRegistry keeping references to previous lobby weathers
  • changed weather fields


  • added config options for setting the default weights and level filtering
  • fixed an issue with LethalLib hard dependency
  • added an event system


  • fixed an error preventing people from joining online lobbies


  • hello! 👋