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SillySquad-Arachnophilia-1.6.2 icon


Makes several improvements to spiders, currently one new feature with more to come. The mod also makes spiders very configurable.

Date uploaded 4 months ago
Version 1.6.2
Download link
Downloads 19497
Dependency string SillySquad-Arachnophilia-1.6.2

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Sigurd-CSync-4.1.0 icon

Configuration file syncing library for BepInEx.

Preferred version: 4.1.0


Arachnophilia is a mod that makes spiders better and will be updated as time goes on.

The mod currently adds one "new" feature:

Spiders will string up cocoons as part of their nest building without needing to kill players first

1 2

”…they weren’t part of our crew… must’ve been left behind.

The mod makes spiders highly configurable:

  • Spider speed when chasing the player and while setting up the nest.
  • Spider damage and health.
  • Min/Max webs.
  • Min/Max web length.
  • Min web distance from one another.
  • Three values for web placement speed.
  • Two values related to extra cocoons.

Here is my patreon for anyone who would like to support me Any tip is very appreciated :3



  • Updated to Csync 4.1.0
  • Should now work correctly with other Csync mods


  • Ported to Csync 4.0.2
  • First build for v50, I haven't seen any issues on my end


  • Added several config values that effect how the spider uses walls
  • Changed the default min wall height from 1.5 to 2


  • Updated ReadMe


  • Migrated to the Sigurd branch of Csync


  • Added Csync


  • Moved the outside check to be in the coroutine, instead of not starting the coroutine while outside, the spider now pausing any existing coroutine while outside
  • Added a check to the coroutine to see if the spider is alive, once it dies the coroutine should immediatly end (fixes bodies spawning a few seconds after a spider dies)
  • I've overridden the spider's standard grab function so that if the spider kills a player, it will not check if it isn't outside before grabbing the body


  • Added a check to not spawn and hang cocoons if the spider is currently outside


  • Completely changed how the spider creates "fake players" Instead of using SpawnDeadBody it instantiates a game object from the playerRagdoll prefab at StartOfRound This should fix any issues regarding the game mixxing up fake bodies with real player corpses


  • Spiders are much less picky about which walls can be climbed and scan for a valid wall essentially anywhere nearby (they still go to the wall with line of sight) This should make the spiders function much better on modded interiors with wacky wall shapes, I tested both scoopys interiors, majors bunker, and piggys office


  • your silly gurl forgor that networking is a thing, now the extra cocoons exist for clients as well
  • If a spider starts chasing a player will holding/spooling a body they will drop it to chase the player
  • Spiders now wait until they are out of chase to spawn another body in their mouth
  • These 2 things fix the issues of them spawning extra bodies on death and chasing players with a body flapping around their gums


  • Read me?


  • Read me!
  • Forgor to apply the hp config :skull: (is now fixed)


  • Please work read me please please please


  • Fixed read me I hope


  • Spider Setup speed now applies while going into hiding and placing bodies
  • Updated ReadMe
  • Added Changelog


  • The spider no longer waits until it is on a wall to hang a body
  • This should result in less clipping issues and should also help spread out bodies better


  • Added the first "new" feature!!! After the spider has finished its web placement mode it can now spawn in 3 bodies (configurable) to decorate its nest with
  • Added config for the spiders health points
  • Tweaked many values and fixed an oopsie


  • Adds six new config options:
  • Spider Damage,
  • Spider Chase Speed,
  • Spider Setup Speed,
  • and three for web placement times.


  • Intial Release