
  • Added weather settings!! This allows you to add/replace enemies (day, night, inside), add scrap, multiply the scrap count, and multiply the scrap values when a moon has this weather.

  • Added replacing enemies by tag. So instead of say adding in say DriftWoodGiant:100, you can do ForestGiant:DriftWoodGiant and that would instead remove the forest giant and input the DriftWoodGiant with the same rarity.

  • Added setting under _Enemies_ that when true, removes duplicate enemies from list and keeps the highest. For example after tags and/or weather all add the same enemy you will only have one entry for it. If the list has Flowerman:69,Flowerman:34,Flowerman:75,Flowerman:2 then only Flowerman:75 will be kept.

  • Changed the moon specific scrapValueMultiplier to be *= so it stacks with other modifiers for the value.

  • Moon tags are now registered if either adding enemies or scrap by tag are enabled.

  • Fixed misc typos.

  • Read through all the loggings and only now have the ones I think are important, people can understand, and aren't super wordy.


  • Adding setting that if enabled, renames Celest to Celeste.

This allows it to be distinguished from Celestria correctly in the config.


  • After the tag injections are put in, duplicates are removed and the higher rarity entry is kept


  • Added tag configs, allows you to add enemies and/scrap to any moons that have that tag.

  • Added dungeon injection by tag under the dungeon selection config

  • Added two new moon settings under moons:

  • Free Them increases the enemy caps from 20 to 127 and makes interior enemies spawn on the hour instead of only every other hour.

  • Scale Enemy Spawn Rate essentially makes the speed at which enemies spawn be multiplied by (configEnemy Power/originalEnemy Power) (for all three groups of enemies).


  • Visiting the company early no longer spents a day.

  • Removed the verbose dev logging I accidentally left in.


  • The day is now moved even if the currrent level is timeless.


  • Finally fixed time, now I count how much timeuntildeadline has been decreased during the day and subtract the remainder of the day at the end. This works as long as other mods do not change the actual length of hours or number of hours.


  • Time fixes are not applied if misc moon settings are disabled


  • Rewrote time entirely, the timeuntildeadline is no longer undated every second but is instead reduced by 1 in game day worth of time when the day passes to the next


  • Fixed time again I hope


  • Added fines under the misc config tab: You can set the fine amount and the fine reduction for bringing back bodies The company building has its own values for those There is also a setting that if true, makes it so that the fine amount resembles 100% death, if only half of the players die, it will be half of the fine amount (then reduced further by the insured reduction).


  • The bunker is now granted retries as well. This should be fixed on their end soon as it has to do with the RATS.


  • The time fix is now always enabled, this should fix the Quantum Warp upgrade from LGU and the same setting in LLL.

  • CozyOffice and Black Mesa are granted retries as they do not always load correctly first attempt.


  • Hopefully fixed time this time? It it now decreased a second a second, if WaitForShipToLand is true for the moon, it doesn't decrease for the first 20 seconds (enough time for the ship to land)


  • Moved the processes from the start match lever to the hanger door, this fixes some incompats.

  • Sector-0 has 10 attempts to load now, this should almost guarantee loading success.

  • Refactored the config cleaner, now it accurately checks if it is ready to clean.

  • Config Aider is now a singleton


  • Weather is now randomized on the first day

  • Unsure if the dungeon was randomized the first day but it definitely will be now.


  • Fixed weather desync.

  • Default weather list no longer has None duplicated sometimes.

  • Fixed interior seed desync, (and made the interior selection safer just in case).

  • Apparatus should be fixed as a result (think that is a side effect of the interior seed desync).


  • When grabbing the default values for lists, entries with a rarity of 0 are omitted.

  • Cleaned up prefixes to immediately return the original method if the related setting is false.

  • Rewrote the whole MoveGlobalTime method again so that time should move the same still but timeUntilDeadline should now be calculated the same as vanilla (just not time speed multiplier dependent).

  • The scrap value multiplier is divided by 2.5 to make it correctly 1:1 with vanilla values.


  • Added the mod oops


  • First Version