Known Issues

Updated 3 months ago

Known Issues

This page will list the bugs and errors of LCGoldScrapMod that I am currently aware of. Some of these may be caused by me being bad at programming, some of these may be caused by any random combination of mods leading to incompatibility with this mod (and also because I am bad at programming).

Please keep in mind that I am often busy and can't get around to everything immediately, but take priority to fix game-stopping bugs.


  • GoldStore unlockables are sometimes already unlocked when loading into an old lobby with this mod installed for the first time. This happens because mods from a previous save file might have unlocked specific items in a specific order, but I don't think I can feasibly fix this due to the way mods are loaded in alphabetical order.
    • If it's your first time playing with the mod, I strongly recommend starting with a clean save file.
  • Credits Cards are supposed to go on sale more often than they do right now. I simply flubbed up the moment I reroll for a new sale, and will probably change this in the future.
  • Gold scrap that originated from scrap with special animations does not use the animations of the original item. I'm planning on just recreating the AnimationClips myself in the future, since I now finally know how to do that, and it shouldn't be that big of a deal.
  • Large two-handed gold scrap sometimes spawns in small closets and shelves meant for one-handed gold scrap. I have not been able to find a satisfying solution to this, but it should theoretically not make a gameplay difference.
  • Jacob's Ladder sometimes casts shadow of itself or the player holding it. I have tried to minimize the chance of this happening, but this is simply inevitable. I attempted to strike a balance between it looking logical while not casting a shadow of itself, but there's maybe a possible solution I could think of.
  • Golden Throne sometimes can't be placed by non-lobby hosts. If this is the case, have the lobby host put the item in storage and return it from storage again.
  • Gold Crowns sometimes don't appear on the person supposedly wearing it. I am not entirely sure why this happens, because they are technically wearing it according to the code, but it's still something I want to look into.
    • It is sometimes also struck by lightning, despite not being intended to (but maybe I'll keep it on purpose to force the wearer into the role of camera duty)
  • The terminal will sometimes still display "[DATA CORRUPTED OR OVERWRITTEN]" when trying to buy Gold Store items. This is likely because there is an empty space at the end of the text that was typed (probably because people want to type a number to buy multiple and then change their mind), I've been wanting to fix this but am not sure how yet.
  • In conjunction with another mod, the Golden Pickaxe sometimes cannot be swung anymore after hitting anything. I do not yet know what causes the issue and in conjunction with which specific mod, but it's something I'm trying to keep an eye out for. It does not happen by default.

My apologies if you encounter any other bugs still, but I believe the major bugs should have been stamped out by now.