Updated 3 months agoConfigs
Here you will find all config options for LCGoldScrapMod, available through the Thunderstore Mod Manager, the BepInEx folder used for modding, or in-game through the mod LethalConfig.
[Selected Moons]
"Select every vanilla Lethal Company level you want gold scrap to be able to appear on. Select moons by typing their full name, without the numbers (for example 'Experimentation Offense Dine'), or use 'All' or 'None'."
Lobby host's values are used.
Default value: All
[Multiplier Minimum Value]
"Set by how much gold scrap multiplies the lowest random value of its original item."
Cannot be negative. Lobby host's values are used.
Default value: 2.5
[Multiplier Maximum Value]
"Set by how much gold scrap multiplies the highest random value of its original item."
Cannot be negative. Lobby host's values are used.
Default value: 2
[Multiplier Rarity]
"Set the multiplier for the spawn chance of gold scrap on vanilla Lethal Company Moons."
Cannot be 0 or negative. Lobby host's values are used.
Default value: 3
[Multiplier Weight]
"Set the multiplier for the weight of gold scrap, most of which is the original item's weight multiplied by this amount."
Cannot be negative. Lobby host's values are used.
Default value: 1.5
Modded Moons
[Modded Spawn Enabled]
"Set whether gold scrap can spawn on moons added through mods, or if it will only spawn on Lethal Company's vanilla moons."
Lobby host's values are used.
Default value: true
[Modded Spawn Rarity]
"Set how rare all gold scrap is on moons added through mods."
Cannot be 0 or negative. Lobby host's values are used.
Default value: 1
[Modded Minimum Cost]
"Set the travel cost that a moon added through mods needs to pass before gold scrap can spawn there."
Lobby host's values are used.
Default value: 0
[Other New Sounds]
"Set whether specific items, currently only the Golden Glove, uses new experimental sounds I myself made or reuses Lethal Company sounds."
Local values are used.
Default value: true
[Other Sound Effects]
"Set whether gold scrap that makes unique noise, such as the Golden Airhorn, uses sounds from other media or vanilla Lethal Company item sounds."
Local values are used.
Default value: true
[Other Enemy Sounds]
"Set whether gold scrap that is based on enemies or hazards, such as the Gold Spring, uses sounds from other media or vanilla Lethal Company enemy sounds."
Local values are used.
Default value: false
[Other Scan Command]
"Choose whether the terminal's 'Scan' command uses a custom scan to search for scrap, or uses vanilla Lethal Company's scan, which has the possibility of breaking due to a bug."
Local values are used.
Default value: false
[Other Tools Balance]
"Set whether gold scrap with specific gameplay mechanics, for example through use with the left mouse button, will not be struck by lightning at the cost of a slight penalty."
Lobby host's values are used.
Default value: false