- Release
- Made filtering music by games/genres in config file more flexible:
- Filter is no longer case sensitive to capital letters
- More options allowed for splitting up multiple selections, not forced to use a comma and a space anymore
- Updated code to be more efficient
- Fixed issue that would occur if asset bundles couldn't be found
- Added option to Config file: Add Or Overwrite
- Lets you choose to add the MySims music to the total list of songs, or make them the only boombox music
- By default set to true (do not replace boombox songs)
- Added 50 more songs
- Bringing the total up to 150 songs
- These songs include more music from the DS games, to hopefully diversify the playlist
- The issue of missing combinations of games and genres has hereby also been fixed
- Slightly optimized code
- Moved mod to Asset Replacements category (with pain in my heart...)
- Implemented compatability with STSharedAudioLib and LCSimonTendoPlaylistsMod
- Added 50 more songs
- Bringing the total up to 200 songs
- Added Config option [Prioritize Selected Games]
- This option is meant to save some memory/performance in case you only wanted songs from specific games, as selected in Config option [Selected Games]
- It will now only load all songs of the selected games, effectively saving however much space the songs from unselected games would take up
- By default set to true (do not load songs of unselected games)
- Added 4 more [REDACTED]