
  • Fixed terrain near the ship so it no longer clips into the ship when leaving
  • Moved the fire exit to the top of a hill to the left of the main entrance


  • Fixed scan being off center to the main entrance
  • Fixed wrong position when leaving through the main entrance and fire exit
  • Disabled the Flooding weather
  • Adjusted timescale to 0.7 (prev. 0.75)
  • Adjusted fog height
  • Updated mod icon
  • Added some lights along the road and at the entrances


  • Increased the fog
  • Increased scrap and monster spawns
  • Fixed terrain clipping into ship when leaving
  • Increased the chance for Facility and decreased the chance for Manor


  • Added a road
  • Added some hills so you can't drive off
  • Added a few more trees
  • Added some actual buildings (cubes)
  • Changed the timescale to 1.25x


  • Inital release