SlapItNow-LethalHands icon


Allows the usage of your hands to fight back in dire situations.


v22.1.7 :

- Changed the way the MainSlots item mode works to fix an issue with items becoming invisible and unpickable for non-host players

v22.1.6 :

- Added a new config option to restrict dropped items (upon squaring up) to only the 4 main slots (for compatibility with Reserved<Tool>Slot mods)

v22.1.5 :

- Changed the clinger config to be a probability instead of a boolean (suggested by Xeraccoon)

v22.1.4 :

- Updated animation parameters to no longer trigger LethalEmotesAPI's animated healthbar player outline (thank u Nunchuk part 2)

v22.1.3 :

- Added a config option for player damage

v22.1.2 (v55/56) :

- Added fox tongues to the list of clingers
- Sitting in the Company Cruiser now exits the fighting mode

v22.1.1 :

- Added a config option to toggle being able to punch snarefleas/tulip snakes (suggested by teacyn)
- Switched to a different system for cooldowns : 
	- The cooldown should be more accurate when using mods like MoreCompany
	- Punching at incredible hihg speed is possible again

v22.1.0 :

- Punches now do fixed, possibly non integer damage
- Dead enemies no longer absorb punches

v22.0.10 :

- Fixed 'Current' item drop option not allowing squaring up unless an item is held
- Fixed trying to interact while squared up exiting the fighting mode

v22.0.9 :

- Added an extra check to exit the fighting mode after picking up an item (credits to NecroWing for sparing me some research)
- Added extra config options regarding items :
	- Which items are dropped upon squaring up : all, current or none (all by default)
	- Whether or not holding an item in the fighting mode is allowed (false by default)

v22.0.8 :

- Fixed an issue with TooManyEmotes that would prevent the player from scanning/punching

v22.0.7 :

- Implemented the changes from the MeleeFixes mod by ButteryStancakes (suggested by NeatWolf)
- Terrain now plays its sound when punched
- Slightly delayed the punch hit registration to sync the hit with the animation
- Added more stamina-related config options (suggested by Kondakov02) :
	- Stamina required to perform a punch (0% by default)
	- Punching stops stamina regen for some time (false by default)

v22.0.6 :

- Animations now use new parameters to force first person instead of overwriting LethalEmotesAPI's settings (thank u Nunchuk)

v22.0.5 :

- Added configuration for punches (range, cooldown, damage, stamina drain,chance to deal damage)
- Adjusted some default values : 
	- Punch range : 1f -> 1.2f (knife is 0.75f and shovel is 1.5f for reference)
	- Stamina drain : 10% -> 0%
- Fixed being able to throw punches while climbing ladders

v22.0.4 :

- Changed control tips to reflect the correct controls (any instance of [RMB] in the tips is replaced by the game with [LMB] for some reason)
- The mod now changes LethalEmotesAPI's third person mode to Normal upon loading, this should fix people being in third person

v22.0.3 :

- Fixed being able to punch while being killed by a masked

v22.0.2 :

- Disabled scanning while squared up

v22.0.1 :

- File structure should now be correct for mod manager installation

v22.0.0 :

- I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee