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Grandioso Modpack

Grandioso Modpack is the succesor to my previous modpack named Lethal Gameplay, I took the time to balance each mod and fix each incompatibilty with the mods in this modpack through their cfg files.

By SmothBM



Initial Upload


Reduced the amount of enemies that spawn in the day

Reduced the amount of quota that goes up for every quota completed

The entity is no longer disguised


reduced even more enemy spaws, look I understand that I have a tendency of lowering the amount of enemies that spawn in both this mod pack and my past one a lot, but trust me I have been playing with my mod pack a ton and the amount of spawns are just crazy.

Reduced the amount of quota that goes up for every quota completed, again.....

Increased the amount of time that it takes for the mask to posses you. The risk of taking the mask is to high for so little reward, this little change should make the mask more worth it.


Reduced anger time of the bracken from 90 to 30

Reduced fractured/broken leg and arm time to 30 from 60

Landmine event chance raised from 5 to 10

Hoarding bug event chance raised from 15 to 20

Removed OpenTheNoor event that causes all big door to be closed by default

Removed OnAPowderKeg event that causes landmines to randomly explode at any time, annoying as heck.

Game now uses defaultlevelsettings instead hullbreaker level settings, meaning the game is less annoyingly hard. I tried my best to balance the hullbreaker level settings but it was too much trouble and all of my changes barely did anything. The game would start spawning too many enemies at the beggining of a game, example being that 6 nutcrackers would spawn only an hour into the game. So I decided to remove completly hullbreaker level settings as they were simply too hard. The game should run vanilla spawns and power levels now.

Advance company perks now save in profile instead of globally, meaning that now your maxed out character from file one does not transfer to file two or any other file.

Edited several item weights.

Bulletproof vest can now withstand 100 damage from 90.

Turret damage to the vest raised from 5 to 10.

Shotgun damage to the vest raised from 30 to 50.

Bulletproof vest when at full health reduces 60 percent damage.

Bulletproof vest when broken instead of reducing 20 percent of the damage now reduces 30 percent.

Changed Titan's moon price to 500 previously from 340. The price change was to balance out the two new moons added Orion and Kast.

Medkit price reduced from 300 to 80 but the heal amount has also been reduced from 40 to 20

Rebalanced some perks and changed xp prices for them too.

Scaling player credits amount raised from 30 to 35

GlobalTimeSpeedMultiplier lowered from 1.3 to 1.2

Entity can be disguised again but the chance of the entity spawning has been reduced fromn 24 to 10 and the disguise chance is now 2

Changed many of the enemies that can and cannot trigger mines, boombas and turrets.

Reduced the amount of mimics that spawn.


Fixed formating of my changelog


I completly removed the blindness effect

Removed player conditions