Eclipsed Shores LC
A lightweight modpack that expands upon the base game improving replayability and quality of life
By Smxrez
Im not 100% how I should format the "buffs" and "nerfs" as of right now if its a nerf to something (even if its an enemy) I put it in the nerfed catagory and vice versa but im not sure that is a great way to do it.
Final update as maintaining a modpack isnt fun (I may return someday but not for now)
- Added/Enabled
- SCPFoundationDungeon
- SmoreCosmetics
- SaiCosmetics
- Gridian_Cosmetics
- Replaced LethalExtension with Scoopy's Variety Mod (It is the same mod the creator just wants to rename it to avoid confusion)
- Limited the dungeon to unpaid moons
- Decreased the chance of the dungeon spawning 50% -> 20%
- Made the phrases for turning the lights on and more complex so it doesnt get accidentally triggered (this kept happening with the group I was playing with) they are now "turn the lights on" "turn the lights off"
- Removed NicerInverseTeleporters as it doesn't work
LethalExtension and LethalExpansion are 2 diffrent mods Extension adds a new interior and Expansion adds an api for adding new moons along with 2 example moons As of writing this they are incompatible with eachother and having both installed will produce bugs and because you spend most of the time inside I picked Extension's new dungeon over Expansion's new moons
- Added/Enabled
- LethalExtension
- Corporate Restructure
- ShipVoiceCommands
- Increased/Buffed
- Rocket launcher price 700 -> 600
- Stormy increased loot 25% -> 30%
- Flooded increased loot 35% -> 45%
- Decreased/Nerfed
- Eclipsed increased loot 70% -> 60%
- Rainy increased loot 10% -> 5%
- Dust clouds increased loot 5% -> 2.5%
- Monsters plus spawn limit 4 -> 3
- Removed/Disabled
- LethalExpansion
- E Gypt moon
- Aquatis
- Added/Enabled
- Removed/Disabled
- Replaced LateCompany with ShipLobby as it causes less issues
- Too many suits (it was causing performance problems for some reason???)
- Decreased/Nerfed
- Masked spawn multiplyer 1.2 -> 1
- Monsters plus spawn delay 90s -> 120s
- Monsters plus spawn limit 5 -> 4
- Dropship delivery time 10s -> 20s
- Dropship land duration 60s -> 40s
- Dropship leave after door opens 6s -> 8s
- Release