[1] ExpansionCompany FULL CHANGE LIST

Updated 5 months ago


Here you will find compiled, sorted information on all the changes that my modpack makes.

  • 80 MODS:
    • AdvancedCompany v1.1.1 by PotatoePet
    • Lategame Upgrades v3.1.1 by malco
    • LethalThings v0.9.4 by Evaisa
    • Wesleys_Moons v1.0.2 by Magic_Wesley
    • LETHALRESONANCE v4.0.8 by LethalResonance
    • LETHAL_RESONANCE_MELTDOWN v1.1.6 by LethalResonance
    • FacilityMeltdown v2.3.0 by loaforc
    • LethalStats v0.9.2 by Danos
    • WeatherTweaks v0.4.4 by mrov
    • TooManyEmotes v1.8.6 by FlipMods
  • Interiors MODS:
    • Scoopys_Variety_Mod v1.2.0 by scoopy
    • ScarletDevilMansion v1.2.6 by Alice
    • MoreInteriors v2.5.0 by Major_And_Skiz
    • PoolRooms v0.1.14 by skidz
    • Backrooms v0.1.3 by Backrooms
  • Monsters MODS:
    • Mirage v1.0.14 by qwbarch
    • Scopophobia v1.1.1 by jaspercreations
    • RollingGiant v2.5.2 by NomnomAB
    • Peepers v0.9.6 by x753
    • The_Fiend v1.0.5 by Rolevote
    • Dont_Touch_Me v1.2.1 by Kittenji
    • Mimics v2.4.1 by x753
    • Arachnophilia v1.5.0 by SillySquad
    • FairGiants v1.0.0 by LegoMaster3650
    • MaskedEnemyOverhaul v3.1.2 by HomelessGinger
    • BetterBrackenModel v1.2.4 by lethal_coder
    • Diversity v1.1.10 by IntegrityChaos
    • DontBlink v1.1.1 by Orion
  • Items MODS:
    • Emergency_Dice v1.1.15 by Theronguard
    • NeedyCats v1.1.1 by Jordo
    • ImmersiveScraps v1.1.9 by Justice69
  • Visual MODS:
    • Immersive_Visor v0.2.1 by Woecust
    • HDLethalCompany v1.5.6 by Sligili
  • QoL-Fixes MODS:
    • GeneralImprovements v1.1.9 by ShaosilGaming
    • JumpDelayPatch v1.0.1 by monkes_mods
    • WalkieUse v1.5.0 by Renegades
    • LCBetterSaves v1.7.3 by Pooble
    • AmberAlert v1.0.0 by gewdz
    • SellTracker v1.2.1 by NutNutty
    • LC_Masked_Fix v0.0.2 by kuba6000
    • JetpackFallFix v2.0.1 by Hamunii
    • JetpackWarning v2.2.0 by Hamunii
    • FasterItemDropship v1.2.1 by FlipMods
    • OpenBodyCams v1.2.1 by Zaggy1024
    • LethalConfig v1.3.4 by AinaVT
    • LethalUtilities v1.2.21 by kyxino
    • CompanyBuildingEnhancements v2.6.0 by Dreamweave
    • LCMaxSoundsFix v1.0.0 by Hardy
    • ExtraTerminalCommands v1.5.0 by Beauver
    • PathfindingLagFix v1.2.1 by Zaggy1024
    • FriendPatches v1.0.1 by Lauriichan
    • ModlistHashChecker v0.1.2 by TeamMLC
    • FixRPCLag v1.0.1 by Bobbie
    • LethalModManager v0.0.2 by kyxino
    • PerformanceEnhancer v1.3.6 by Solar32
    • CullFactory v0.8.3 by fumiko
    • DissonanceLagFix v1.0.0 by linkoid
    • MoreScreams v1.0.3 by egeadam
    • Runtime_Netcode_Patcher v0.2.5 by Ozone
    • CSync v1.0.7 by Owen3H
    • HookGenPatcher v0.0.5 by Evaisa
  • Core MODS:
    • BepInExPack v5.4.2100 by BepInEx
    • OdinSerializer v2022.11.9 by Lordfirespeed
    • TerminalApi v1.5.1 by NotAtomicBomb
    • PizzaTowerEscapeMusic v2.3.0 by BGN
    • LethalNetworkAPI v2.1.6 by xilophor
    • LethalExpansionCore v1.3.15 by jockie
    • LethalLib v0.14.2 by Evaisa
    • Coroner v1.5.3 by EliteMasterEric
    • LethalCompany_InputUtils v0.6.3 by Rune580
    • LethalLevelLoader v1.1.6 by IAmBatby
    • UniTask v2.5.0 by Bobbie
    • NAudio v2.2.2 by Bobbie
    • BarchLib v1.0.0 by qwbarch
    • loaforcsSoundAPI v0.1.1 by loaforc
    • HideChat v1.0.0 by Monkeytype
    • ExpansionCompany
    • QoLCoreCompany
    • OptimizationCoreCompany
    • ExpansionCoreCompany


Mirage (SkinWalkers)

Mirage is a mod that gives any enemy the ability to mimic a player's voice.

This mod is a more advanced version of Skinwalkers, although the author does not say so directly. So if you didn't see skinwalkers in the list of mods, don't worry, it's here.

The following creatures can imitate voice:
  • Masked [Delay:6-10s]
  • BaboonHawk [Delay:15-30s]
  • Spider [Delay:15-30s]
  • CoilHead [Delay:15-30s]
  • EyelessDog [Delay:15-30s]
  • Ghostgirl [Delay:15-30s]
  • HoardingBug [Delay:15-30s]
  • Nutcracker [Delay:15-30s]
  • SnareFlea [Delay:15-30s]
  • SporeLizard [Delay:15-30s]
  • Thumper [Delay:15-30s]


Now, when a player dies, there is a 25% chance that a Maskman will appear from his corpse. Be careful and take care of your comrades!

Lategame Upgrades (Ship-Player upgrades)

Lots of upgrades for both the ship and the player to improve the late game experience.

List of Upgrades:

Values ​​in % are calculated immediately taking into account previous levels, not just the current one.

  • Shutter Batteries

    • Increase the time the doors can spend closed.
    • LVL1 - Initial battery boost +5 [200$]
    • LVL2 - Initial battery boost +5 [250$]
    • LVL3 - Initial battery boost +5 [300$]
    • LVL3 - Initial battery boost +5 [380$]
  • Sick Beats

    • Upgrade to boombox that gives buffs to players in radius.
    • Increases speed by 25% and stamina recovery rate by 40%.
    • UNLOCK PRICE [400$]
  • Stimpack - $600

    • Increase health
    • LVL1 +20 HP [700$]
    • LVL2 +30 HP [280$]
    • LVL3 +40 HP [440$]
    • LVL4 +50 HP [320$]
  • Hunter - $700

    • Allows you to collect and sell samples from killed monsters
    • Lvl 1: Hoarding Bugs & Snare Fleas
    • Lvl 2: Spiders & Baboon Hawks
    • Lvl 3: Bracken, Thumper, & Eyeless Dog
  • Protein Powder - $500

    • Increase damage dealt with shovels and signs.
  • Lightning Rod - $1000

    • Redirects lightning to the ship.
    • The closer you (and your metal object) are to the ship, the more likely the ship will attract the lightning.
  • Fast Encryption - $300

    • Upgrades the signal transmitter.
    • Must have signal transmitter purchased.
    • Instantly sends an unrestricted message to all clients chat when using transmit.
  • Walkie GPS - $450

    • Upgrades the walkie talkie to show your position and time.
    • Must be holding it.
    • Useful for fog or finding home.
  • Locksmith - $640

    • Makes noise when picking, makes a lot of noise when failing.
    • Just run into a locked door to start the minigame.
    • Strike the pins in the order they flash to unlock the door.
  • Beekeeper - $450

    • Circuit bees do significantly less damage to you.
  • Bigger Lungs - $600

    • Increased sprint duration.
  • Running Shoes - $650

    • Increased movement speed.
  • Strong Legs - $300

    • Jump higher.
  • Malware Broadcaster - $550

    • Instead of disabling turrets and landmines; Destroy them.
    • Can enable alternate behaviours - Exploding hazards (default), destroying, or disabling for a longer period.
  • Discombobulator - $450

    • Enter initattack into the terminal to stun enemies around the ship.
    • Enter cooldown to view cooldown (120 seconds).
    • Attracts enemies in a larger radius than loud horn.
  • Better Scanner - $650

    • Level 1
      • Increase distance of Ship and Entrance pings drastically.
      • Increase distance of all other pings.
    • Level 2
      • Unlocks 5 new scan commands - scan player, scan enemies, scan scrap, scan hives, scan doors.
      • Type info better scanner for information on each.
    • Level 3
      • Allows you to scan scrap through walls.
      • Change the config if you also want to scan enemies through walls.
  • Back Muscles - $715

    • Carryweight is drastically reduced.
    • % reduced increases each upgrade.


Contracts are difficult team oriented missions that serve two purposes: extra income and incentive to visit non high tier moons.
Enter contract into the terminal to receive a random contract for a random moon.
As usual all contracts are completely configurable.
Currently there are 5 contracts implemented (click to expand):

Exorcism Contract
  • Paranormal activity has been detected in the facility at the given moon.
  • You must find the ritual site, discover what type of ghost you have to exorcise, enter `demon GhostType` into the terminal to get the correct ritual instructions.
  • Collect ritual items and correctly conduct the ritual to banish the ghost and get your loot.
  • Click for consequences of failure spoilerA satanic chant will start, the site will explode, and ghost girls will spawn on the site.
  • 10 ghost types
  • 5 ritual items
Data Contract
  • An active device has been detected in the facility at the given moon.
  • You must find it then 'hack' it and retrieve a valuable .db file.
  • To do this you have to enter the devices IP address into the terminal with the bruteforce command.
  • Then you can login with the credentials and start looking for the file through the terminal.
  • use `ls` `cd` and `mv` ls lists the files in that directory, cd changes to a directory (.. or ~ to go back) and mv moves a file (use to win the game).
  • EX: `cd someDirectory`, `cd ..`/`cd ~`, `ls`, `mv survey.db`
Exterminator Contract
  • The facility at the given moon has become overun with Hoarding bugs.
  • You must find and destroy their nest.
  • The bugs are very aggressive. Work tactifully with your team to ensure your success.
  • Hold E on the nest to destroy it and get the loot.
  • Pair with the hunter upgrade to get filthy rich.
Bomb Defusal Contract
  • A bomb has been planted in the facility at the given moon.
  • You must locate and defuse it.
  • Each bomb will have three wires, a timer, and a serial number.
  • Enter `lookup SerialNumber` in the terminal to get defusal instructions.
  • Cutting the wrong wire is fatal, entering the wrong serial number will give you incorrect instructions.
Extraction Contract
  • An operative from another crew has been lost in the facility on the given moon.
  • You must find and retrieve them.
  • You will need to bring or find a medkit to heal them then carry them out.
  • Animated NPC with 20 custom voicelines and 3 different states.
  • Very loud.


The company loves and appreciates you, so it is ready to provide new opportunities for its employees. You can delay the deadline, ransom a dead ally, or keep all your scrap.

List comands:
  • Extend Deadline - 800$
    • Extend current quota by x days.
    • EX: extend deadline 2 -> you will now have 2 more days.
  • Interns - 500$
    • Replaces your dead friend with a fresh intern (revives your friend).
    • Teleports to a random location in the facility.
    • $1k per use
  • Scrap Insurance - 350$
    • Prevents you from losing scrap on team wipe for your next moon.

Facility Meltdown

A 2 minute meltdown sequence where everything begins to go wrong inside the facility. After the 2 minutes is up the nuclear reactor blows up into a fireball that will engulf you if you aren't fast enough.

  • Appartus value: 240$

  • Monster spawn amount during the meltdown: 5


Your coworkers may disappear into the Backrooms. Make sure to keep an eye on them. Escape the Backrooms before the ship leaves.

  • Players will now have a small chance of getting into backrooms after taking damage, and a higher chance when taking lethal damage instead of dying.

Weather Rework

The weather is now more like a double-edged sword. It is now much more unpredictable, but the amount of scrap will depend on the complexity of the weather.

Weather scrap multiplier:
  • Clear: Scrap amount [1x]/ Scrap value [1x]

  • Rainy: Scrap amount [1.1x]/ Scrap value [1x]

  • Foggy: Scrap amount [1.3x]/ Scrap value [1x]

  • Flooded: Scrap amount [1.1x]/ Scrap value [1.3x]

  • Stormy: Scrap amount [1.4x]/ Scrap value [1.1x]

  • Eclipsed: Scrap amount [1.2x]/ Scrap value [1.5x]


Players will receive conditions such as broken leg, broken arm, bleeding, blindness, and concussions.

Conditions list:
  • Fractured Leg - Loss of limb control, slowing/incapacity. Temporarily [time:30s]

  • Fractured Arm - Loss of limb control, slowing/incapacity. Temporarily [time:30s]

  • Broken Leg - Loss of limb control, slowing/incapacity.

  • Broken Arm - Loss of limb control, slowing/incapacity.

  • Bleeding - Disabling HP Recovery [time:60s]

  • Blindness - Vision loss [time:15s]

  • Concussed - The gunner is shell-shocked!


The player can now blink. This feature only appears when seeing Coilhead or a girl. The player can also close his eyes to the Z key


Now all the player’s statistics will be saved on a special website, where you can compare them with other players.

New Moons

Now the company is providing trips to the new solar system, especially for its employees.

A new solar system has been added, with 7 new moons from Magic_Wesley, and generation on old moons has also been updated.

Where is Cosmocos?

Moon information
  • Experimentation [0$]

    • Hazard level [B]
    • Difficulty [Very Easy]
    • Dungeon size [1.0]
    • Interior variations:
      • Level1 [46%]
      • PoolRooms [30%]
      • Castle [7.5%]
      • Sewer [7.5%]
      • Bunker [7.5%]
  • Assurance [0$]

    • Hazard level [D]
    • Difficulty [Easy]
    • Dungeon size [1.0]
    • Interior variations:
      • Level1 [60%]
      • Castle [40%]
  • Vow [0$]

    • Hazard level [C]
    • Difficulty [Easy]
    • Dungeon size [1.15]
    • Interior variations:
      • Level1 [40%]
      • Sewer [33%]
      • Pools [26%]
  • Offense [0$]

    • Hazard level [B]
    • Difficulty [Medium]
    • Dungeon size [1.25]
    • Interior variations:
      • Level1 [42%]
      • PoolRooms [28%]
      • Bunker [28%]
  • March [0$]

    • Hazard level [B]
    • Difficulty [Medium]
    • Interior size [1.8]
    • Interiors variations:
      • Level1 [55%]
      • Sewer [45%]
  • Asteroid-13 [0$]

    • Hazard level [B+]
    • Difficulty [Medium+]
    • Dungeon size [1.3]
    • Interior variations:
      • Level1 [42%]
      • Bunker [42%]
      • Mansion[15%]
  • Atlantica [130$]

    • Hazard level [B+]
    • Difficulty [Medium+]
    • Dungeon size [1.23]
    • Interior variations:
      • Level1 [20%]
      • Mansion[40%]
      • Pools [40%]
  • Infernis [280$]

    • Hazard level [A+]
    • Difficulty [Hard]
    • Dungeon size [1.48]
    • Interior variations:
      • Level1 [42%]
      • Bunker [28%]
      • Castle [28%]
  • Gratar [430$]

    • Hazard level [A]
    • Difficulty [Hard]
    • Interior size [1.5]
    • Interiors variations:
      • Level1 [60%]
      • Bunker [40%]
  • Rend [550$]

    • Hazard level [A]
    • Difficulty [Hard]
    • Dungeon size [1.2]
    • Interior variations:
      • Mansion [50%]
      • Divil Mansion [50%]
  • Acidir [580$]

    • Hazard level [S]
    • Difficulty [Hard]
    • Dungeon size [1.4]
    • Interior variations:
      • Mansion [60%]
      • Divil Mansion [40%]
  • Dine [600$]

    • Hazard level [S]
    • Difficulty [Hard+]
    • Dungeon size [1.3]
    • Interior variations:
      • Mansion [50%]
      • Divil Mansion [50%]
  • Polarus [650$]

    • Hazard level [S]
    • Difficulty [Insane]
    • Dungeon size [1.68]
    • Interior variations:
      • Pools [40%]
      • Level1 [30%]
      • Mansion [30%]
  • Titan [700$]

    • Hazard level [S+]
    • Difficulty [Hard+]
    • Dungeon size [2.35]
    • Interior variations:
      • Level1 [82%]
      • Mansion [18%]
  • Etern [750$]

    • Hazard level [S+]
    • Difficulty [Insane]
    • Dungeon size [1.9]
    • Interior variations:
      • Level1 [60%]
      • Bunker [40%]



This asteroid was previously used for the testing of biological weapons. Not much is known about the current state of the facility but a decontamination level 5: Incineration has been reported.

All we know is that none returned from Asteroid-13

High value objects remain inside.

There are 13 new themed scrap items to find on this moon.

DIfficulty: B (between offense and march)

Can you survive the dark?




The moon named Atlantica was hit by rogue rays from a supernova. This caused a disturbance in the local flow of time. Because of this, The city of Atlantica is forever doomed to sink over and over.

Every inhabitant has drowned.

High value ancient artefacts remain inside.

There are 12 new themed scrap items to find on this moon.

DIfficulty: B (between march and rend)

Can you survive the floods?




This moon was previously used for the mining of crystals and other various materials. But due to the increase of volcanic activity all sorts of insects infiltrated the facilities to seek refuge. Every employee within the building at this time was either devoured or cooked by the extreme heat. High value materials remain inside.

There are 11 new themed scrap items to find on this moon.

DIfficulty: A (between offense and rend)

Can you survive the heat?




Gratar was known for housing the biggest factory in the solar system. The whole facility was controlled by an AI made by a fantastic inventor last seen on Etern. As of recent, legend has it that the AI on Gratar has gone rogue. High value scrap remain inside.

There are 14 new themed scrap items to find on this moon.

DIfficulty: A (between march and rend)

Will you overcome the factory?




This moon used to be home to the rich collectors of mysterious artefacts. But the soil on which this residence sits is cursed, water turned to acid and their mansion changed. The halls of the mansion expanded to a seemingly infinite size, every resident within got lost and presumably died. High value artefacts remain inside.

There are 12 new themed scrap items to find on this moon.

DIfficulty: S (between rend and dine)

Will you find the way?




This moon houses the legendary Polar Vaults. These vaults contained very valuable riches before the corporation went bankrupt. The corporation was known for their extremely high hiring rates. It also appears that many of these employees magically dissapeared after being fired. High value valuables remain inside.

There are 14 new themed scrap items to find on this moon.

DIfficulty: A (between dine and titan)

Can you survive the cold?




This moon was home to a scientific lab where the creation of unique life took place. Many new lifeforms were created among which are the famous Baboon Hawks. In more recent times they have been conducting experiments on creating living toys. Rumors are that they used human subjects for emotional manipulation using certain toy masks. High value experiments remain inside.

There are 14 new themed scrap items to find on this moon.

DIfficulty: S+ (Post Titan)

Will madness devour you?


New interiors

New Monsters

New Equipment

New Scrap

New Visual