SourceShard-ShatteredCompanyModularMoonsExpanded icon


Shattered Company Modular Moons Expanded is a moon/interior pack featuring 19 new moons and 4 new interiors. All interior weights are pre-configured for your convieninece. Built for use standalone, or with the Shattered Company Full/Light modpacks


  • 3.0.0 v50 Update!

      - Lethal Expansion
      - Lethal Expansion Core
      - Amplify
      - Conviction
      - Fnaf Moon
      - Kast
      - Spring Factory
      - Felix and Friends Scraps
      - Immersive Scraps
      - Indie Game Scrap
      Updated all mods
      Added Mods
      - Kaldor Moon
      - Overhaul Moons
      - Welcome to Ooblterra Moon/Interior
      - Siabudabu Moon
      - Black Mesa Moon/Interior
      - WesleysInteriors
      - WesleysInteriorsAddon
V49 Releases
  • 2.0.0 Added Lethal Expansion to the Manifest. The incorrect version of Lethal Expansion was being installed and causing a lot of problems.

  • 1.0.0 Release