

Well, it seems that the custom config did not work in multiplayer. So I added CSync to make it work. My bad xD If you already have the old config, simply delete it to create a new one.

Also, do not set the max value higher than the min value, as this can cause the game to crash at random seed.

  • Added CSync for syncing custom configs
  • Changed default spawn weight of all scraps


For better compatibility, the whole mod has been switched from LethalExpansion to LethalLib.

  • Changed the name of the scraps.
  • Added configuration to change scrap value and spawning weight per scrap.


  • Changed scrap value
  • Changed spawn rate


  • New, bigger and better Dino nugget!
  • Changed scrap value
  • Changed model for big knusperdino


Fixed a bug where the game wouldn't start

1.0.0 (1.0.1) [Don't use this version of the Mod]

Released Mod