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Sozak_TM-CustomSounds-2.3.1 icon


Let's you easily load audio files (With LCSoundTool) and replace any in game audio clip.

Date uploaded 8 months ago
Version 2.3.1
Download link
Downloads 1562
Dependency string Sozak_TM-CustomSounds-2.3.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
no00ob-LCSoundTool-1.5.0 icon

Let's you easily load audio files, replace in game audio, send audio over the network and log any audio playback into console.

Preferred version: 1.5.0


What It Does:

This mod lets you replace the game's default sounds with your own .wav/.mp3/.ogg files. It's a simple way to edit any of the game's audio.

How to Install:

  • Use any compatible mod manager for the easiest installation.


  • Make sure you have BepInEx & LCSoundTool installed.
  • Download this mod and put it in your BepInEx plugins folder. (\GAME_LOCATION\Lethal Company\BepInEx\plugins)
  • Put your matching .wav/.mp3/.ogg files in the "CustomSounds" directory.

How to Use:

The mod automatically replaces game sounds with the .wav/.mp3/.ogg files from the "CustomSounds" folder. Make sure your file names match the in-game sounds you want to replace.

Terminal Commands:

  • CUSTOMSOUNDS LIST/L: Displays all currently loaded sounds
  • CUSTOMSOUNDS RELOAD/RL: Reloads and applies sounds from the 'CustomSounds' folder and its subfolders
  • CUSTOMSOUNDS REVERT/RV: Unloads all custom sounds and restores original game sounds
  • CUSTOMSOUNDS HELP/H: Provides a list of all CustomSounds commands


Syncing Custom Sounds with Clients (Experimental Feature):

CustomSounds now introduces an experimental feature allowing the host to sync their custom sounds with all clients in the lobby. This feature ensures that everyone in the game experiences the same custom audio environment. However, it requires all clients to have the CustomSounds mod installed.

How to Sync:

As a host, you can initiate the sync process through terminal commands. This will send your custom sounds to all connected clients who have CustomSounds installed.

Terminal Commands for Sync:

- CUSTOMSOUNDS SYNC/S: Starts the synchronization process of custom sounds with all clients. - CUSTOMSOUNDS FORCE-UNSYNC/FU: Forces all clients to unsync and revert to their original sounds. - CUSTOMSOUNDS UNSYNC/U: Allows clients to manually unsync from the host's custom sounds and revert to their original audio setup.

When the host initiates a sync, clients will receive a notification to accept the sync request. On acceptance, custom sounds from the host will be downloaded and applied to the client's game.

Note: The sync feature is experimental and might not work as expected in all scenarios. Feedback and bug reports are appreciated to improve this functionality!

For Sound Packs Creator

To make installation easier, you will need to organize your release as follows:

- manifest.json
- (Optional)
- BepInEx
    - plugins
        - CustomSounds
            - <YourSoundPackName>
                - [Insert All Audio Files Here]

You now have the option to specify the AudioSource by appending '-AS' to the end of a folder's name. For example, if you name your folder MovementAudio-AS, every audio file within it will be exclusively applied to the AudioSource named 'MovementAudio'.

For a better understanding, you can refer to the folder structure of MinecraftCompany Doors


You can utilize LCSoundTool and its F5 logging feature to identify the name of the audio you want to replace.



  • Luukex (@luukex)


  • 2.3.1

    • Fixed the percentage display error in the terminal
    • Resolved an issue where CustomSounds tried to load audio files from beyond its designated range
    • Introduced a sound count in the terminal to show the number of sounds being replaced
  • 2.3.0

    • You can now use .mp3 and .ogg file formats to replace the game's audio
    • AudioSource can be specified by appending '-AS' to the end of a folder's name
    • Updated the LCSoundTool dependency to version 1.5.0 to address certain issues and incorporate the above changes into CustomSounds
    • Refactored the hierarchy displayed in the terminal to improve readability
    • /!\ The syncing feature has been removed and will be reimplemented in a future update /!\
  • 2.2.0

    • Added 'Accept Sync' keybind through the In-Game keybind settings menu
  • 2.1.2

    • Enhanced unique key generation logic for sounds to resolve issues with duplicate sound handling (Now, the key includes both the sound name and percentage to ensure uniqueness)
    • Refined sound name parsing in C# to handle cases without percentages
    • Debugged and fixed the ListAllSounds method to ensure consistent listing of sounds on subsequent calls, addressing an issue where the list of sounds was not displaying correctly
    • Corrected instantiation of TerminalNode objects in Unity, now using ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<T>() to avoid errors related to ScriptableObject instantiation
    • Various small fixes and changes
  • 2.1.1

    • Forgot to update the LCSoundTools dependency
  • 2.1.0

    • Added a new config setting to address issues with joining servers: "EnableNetworking" (Whether or not to use the networking built into this plugin. If set to true everyone in the lobby needs CustomSounds to join and also "EnableNetworking" set to true.)
    • Added aliases for the CUSTOMSOUNDS command and its sub-commands
    • The bundle asset is now embedded in the DLL
    • CustomSounds now supports random sounds via the latest update of LCSoundTools (For example, with 2 files named JackOLanternHit-25.wav and JackOLanternHit-75.wav, there will be 2 possible sounds for one AudioClip with respectively 25% and 75% chances of playing)
    • You can now also give names to audio clips to better describe what sound they are replacing (For example, JackOLanternHit-Funny-Laugh.wav will display as "JackOLanternHit [Funny Laugh]" in the terminal)
    • Various small fixes and changes
  • 2.0.0

    • Added new terminal commands: "customsounds sync", "customsounds unsync" and "customsounds force-unsync"
    • EXPERIMENTAL: As the host, you can now sync your custom sounds with all clients in the lobby via the terminal (requires CustomSounds to be installed on their end)
  • 1.2.4

    • Fixed an issue occurring on the first start while using a mod manager, there's now no need to restart/reload when installing a sound pack for the first time
  • 1.2.3

    • Minor edits to mod page
  • 1.2.2

    • Minor edits to mod page
  • 1.2.1

    • Modified how the script manages Sound Packs to improve fluidity when using a mod manager
  • 1.2.0

    • Added new terminal commands: "customsounds list" and "customsounds help"
    • Sound Packs can now be created by adding custom sounds to named subfolders within the "CustomSounds" directory
    • "CustomSounds" folder will be automatically created if it does not exist
    • [Chainloader] HideManagerGameObject in BepInEx.cfg will automatically be set to "true" if it is still on defaut "false"
  • 1.1.1

    • Fixed some paths and updated the dependencies of LCSoundTool from version 1.2.0 to 1.2.2 to resolve additional issues with mod managers
  • 1.1.0

    • Added new terminal commands: "customsounds reload" and "customsounds revert"
    • Fix path errors when installing with a mod manager
  • 1.0.0

    • Mod release