Overhaul Moons
Adds 2 new moons: Mycordytum, a moon covered in a colony of massive mushrooms; and Terminus, and supernatural moon with a haunted cemetary.
Version 1.3.5:
- Added hot load functionality
Version 1.3.4:
- Fixed issue with custom moon music
- Downscaled terrain textures
- Adjusted particles and lowered their quantity
- Added new terrain textures
- Fixed orbit object again
- Fixed navmesh around giant pumpkins
Version 1.3.3:
- Slightly change scrap pool
- Fixed drop ship opening
- Fixed rare crash instances
- Price returned to 150 now that Halloween is over
Version 1.3.2:
- Adjusted item drop ship far music audio
- Updated icon
- Flattened area around item drop ship to prevent items clipping into grounds
- Adjusted item drop ship far audio clip
- Removed unused story log
- Adjusted orbit object
- Updated icon
Version 1.3.1:
- Redid structure to include every moon package instead of just dependencies due to feedback
Version 1.3.0:
Happy Overhaulloween!
- Moons have been seperated into distinct mods for accessibility (storage space or just distaste towards one of the moons)
- Will likely move away from having a "general" section for the sake of convenience
- Made Mycordytum a standalone mod
- Added JLL and LevelMusicLib as dependencies
- Removed CompanyCruiserFix
- Added ambient music for day/night stings
- Made weather cloudy during Storms
- Moved ambient particles to be active during DustClouds and Eclipse weather, changed the colors, and added new ones
- Added some hypnotic volumes near the myconids
- Properly implemented mineshaft interior this time
- Hazards should no longer spawn near entrances
- Fixed various reverbtrigger stuff
- Fixed ship nav links
- Fix dropship being in a legacy state (no cruisers without dependency)
- Lots of optimization, which did reduce some texture and model quality
- For Overhaulloween, Terminus is 90% cheaper to fly to and has triple the candy spawn rate
- Restructured various things to make Terminus a standalone mod
- Removed CompanyCruiser dependency
- Added JLL and LevelMusicLib as dependencies
- Added more animations to the ghost NPCs
- Skies now become cloudy when Rainy or Stormy
- Made a new moon orbit object
- New spirit particles all around and bats at the main entrancce
- Properly implemented mines as interior (why is it ID 4???)
- Made clouds darker, made lighting less red, and made things a bit darker
- Added ambient music for day/night queues
- Fixed dropship and its music and updated its visuals
- Made terrain less flat (again)
- Moved around some giant pumpkins and added a few more (long story)
- Fixed a variety of reverb trigger issues
- Fix ship nav links and removed some unused links
- Scaled down a cart that I missed
- Made environment fog a radius a bit smaller
- Fixed a floating fence
- Various minor prop adjustments here and there
- Hazards should not spawn near the entrance
- Probably some other minor stuff I forgot
Version 1.2.0:
- Updated to V64
- Added CompanyCruiserFix as a dependency and made other truck friendly changes
- Updated dependencies, README, manifest, and added license
- Swapped to modern LLL structure
- All custom enemies and critters are gone (WanderingCreatures support dropped)
- Changed the types of scrap that spawn on both moons; many are new scraps
- Fixed various audio sources
- Tweaked occlusion areas and terrain layer settings
- Fixed flame textures for rockets and made the flame colors custom for each moon
- Added 2 hidden non-wandering myconids
- Added mines interior chance (Factory: 150, Mines 45, Manor 5)
- Tweak ship leave animation and lowered hill behind ship
- Adjusted left path to main entrance to be more cruiser friendly
- Various misc minor terrain and mushroom adjustments
- Tweaked fire exit spawn blocker position
- Removed Valley tag
- Fixed issues with water
- Added 3 hidden non-wandering ghosts
- Added mines interior chance (Factory 5, Mines 45, Manor 250)
- Adjusted fog variables to generally be less dense
- Added rain
- Added the Barber and Cave Crawler to interior
- Made terrain less flat
- Reduced the sizes of various props to be more to scale to player (many parts still big for hiding and maintaing certain lines of sight)
- Moved dropship position for easier cruiser use
- Various misc minor terrain and prop adjustments
Version 1.1.0:
- Updated project for Lethal Company V50 and LLL 1.2
- Removed WIP moons from mod bundle
- Added dll for wandering creatures
- Adjusted terrain textures
- Added Tulip Snakes to enemy spawn list (without reducing hive spawns) and removed Snare Fleas
- Reduced Baboon Hawk spawn rates to account for new v50 changes
- Added passive mushroom critters
- Added spike traps to interior
- Tweaked scrap loot table
- Temporarily removed Spore Dragon and Gnome - they will return in a hopefully improved way but they are currently broken
- Added Argon, Valley, Marsh, and Free tags for parity with LLL and Celestial Tint tags
- Enabled accidentally disabled bound walls
- Added Butlers to enemy spawn list
- Added passive ghost critters
- Removed turrets and added spike traps to interior
- Adjusted lighting (more red and moody)
- Made Drop Ship spookier
- Reduced max enemy spawns outside and a tad
- Tweaked scrap loot table
- Added Paid and Wasteland tags for parity with LLL tags
Version 1.0.2:
- Fixed issue with asset bundling in project set up
- Updated StarlancerAIFix dependency
- Project fix in turn fixed some nav mesh issues
- Fixed moon orbit prefab size
- Lowered particle height
- Increased price to 150
- Project fix in turn fixed some nav mesh issues
- Tweaked fire exit bloom effect to be cleaner and less obstructive
- Tweaked light beam above entrance to be shorter to avoid rare instances of it overlapping with dungeon generation
- Added some level tags
- Tweaked scrap balance (more potential max scrap, less overall scrap value)
- Tweaked reverb triggers
Version 1.0.1:
- Updated README file with important moon information and more sources
Version 1.0.0:
- Added tiny mushrooms all over as a sort of "foliage"
- Added spore clouds ands falling spores and particle VFX
- Further modified Drop Ship visuals
- Made Spore Dragon stop slightly further away (Diversity based fixes)
- Tweaked fog and sky colors a bit and added a mushroomy skybox
- Reduced Drop Ship far music volume
- Tweaked scrap types found in interior
- Made custom orbit moon object
- Minor tweaks to terrain
- Upped indirect lighting
- Did various backend tweaks to support multiple moons in one mod
- Initial release
Version 0.4.2:
- Fixed issue with level technically not generating an explicit dungeon and instead defaulting to factory or any capable modded interior
- Factory will now spawn as the primary interior with a weight of 200 (67% chance) and mansion will spawn with a weight of 100 (33% chance)
- Baked occlusion culling onto all mushrooms aside from Chanteregallia (and the ones attached to it), Glowagaric, Bacillipads, and Mantleshelf
- Tweaked Spore Dragon audio values to be more audible and mysterious
- Increased stopping distance of Spore Dragon so that it doesn't just soft lock you with Diversity
Version 0.4.1:
- Fixed issue with Navmesh not detecting level props after moving them in hierarchy
- Made Spore Dragon stop a set distance away to help not break things with Diversity
- Added glow post processing effect to Spore Dragon in set radius
Version 0.4.0:
- Added PathfindingLagFix as a dependency for edge cases with outside enemies
- Tweaked a couple of AI nodes that were slightly out of place
- Added a few tactically placed mushrooms to break up linear pathways and line of sight
- Added some ambient sounds that are weird but off-putting - should catch people off guard (the mushrooms are in your head get them out)
- Made the Drop Ship into a giant mushroom and moved around some components to fit
- Fixed minor issue with custom Drop Ship music
- The Spore Dragon now roams the these lands (another experimental subspecies to test out)
- Accidentally released under "v0.3.5" before quickly changing version number
Version 0.3.4:
- Fixed entrance triggers having shifted out of place
Version 0.3.3:
- Placed down a solid 200 enemy AI nodes around the moon to enhance enemy behavior
- Tweaked enemy spawn rates a tiny bit
- Made the Gnome a bit less loud
- Increased local fog height so that it's more consistent throughout the map
- Made the sky more space-like
Version 0.3.2:
- Changed Drop Ship music (see README or mod page for source)
- Tweaked Drop Ship visuals (will be overhauled more later)
- Reduced dirtiness of Sungus, Moonshroom, Bloodamanita, Bacillipad, Glowagaric, and Mantleshelf
- Moved Gnome to more remote reaches of the map and reverted the last volume change (I was wrong)
- Further improved README format
Version 0.3.1:
- Swapped from volumetric clouds to cloud layer for performance
- Changed cloud and sky colors again so that the Chanteregallias can stick out
- Increased Gnome volume radius by one (found the sweet spot)
Version 0.3.0:
- Reworked sky, sun, fog, and lighting elements into a physics based lighting system with reworked settings
- Fog should be more balanced now towards the intended tone
- The sun takes a different path across the sky and no longer clips into terrain when setting
- Changed sky, clouds, and sun color
- Retextured and adjusted UVs for every fungi so that they all look dirtier and more in line with base game
- Replaced the entrances with custom models
- Minor terrain tweaks
- Small visual tweaks to Nightcap, Bloodamanita, and Bacillipad
- Minor tweaks to water visuals
- Further reduced Gnome effect radius
Version 0.2.2:
- Fixed ship area trigger being offset
- Tweaked sun and fog colors
- Reduced local fog a bit
- Improved the grace period for spawns at the beginning of the day
- Made minor tweaks to landscape
- Tweaked AI spawn/navigation nodes a tiny bit
- Made the Gnome volume more effective but smaller
- Polished up the README
Version 0.2.1:
- Reduced the local fog
- Made entrance off mesh links one-way so that enemies can get down from entrances but cannot go up to them
- Tweaked scale of effect volume attached to Gnome across the river
Version 0.2.0:
- Added emissive textures to Glowagarics, Bacillipads, Chanteregallia, Stranglemolds, and Moonshrooms
- Tweaked the light emitted by Glowagarics and added a bloom volume that applies to a short range around it
- Increased variance in all mushroom sizes and added slight random skews to Sungi, Moonshrooms, Nightcaps, and Stranglemolds
- Made lighting overall much darker and shifted it to a light cyan for a more gloomy, mysterious feel
- Made the local fog thicker
- Decreased the amount of enemy spawns during the first quarter of the day
- Made Stranglemold footstep noises in line with other mushrooms
- Tweaked terrain and added rock and dry grass textures that apply to steep and flat regions of the terrain respectively
- Added off mesh links from the entrances so that enemies like Masked can roam the map
- Slightly offset the teleporter point from the entrances to help with the above links
- Tweaked main entrance scan node
- Added a Gnome across the river to get initial testing and feedback on
Version 0.1.0:
Initial Release