A Moon for Lethal Company.
AB-17 Facility Changelog
- Added more things near the main entrance.
- Added stairs to entrances of the small buildings.
- Eclipsed does not work for this moon for some reason and its only happening with AB-17.
- Decreased coil head spawns.
- Decreased inside power level to 13
- Increased min scrap spawn from 19 to 21
- Increased max spawn scrap from 25 to 26
- Beehives can now spawn.
- Max outside power increased from 2 to 3
- Another fire exit.
- Revamp of the exterior, there arent that many terain changes however I added a lot of details.
- Theres small buildings you can go through to get to the main entrance.
- New fire exit.
- Removed all the weather. (I will add eclipsed back in another update because theres currently a bug with it.)
- Changed the fog to look like how it was before 2.0.0
- New icon again.
- I feel like the music no longer fits but im keeping it in just in case some people still like it.
- Revamp of the exterior.
- Some scrap changes and enemy spawn changes.
- The moon now plays music.
- Facility size is now 1.6
- It now costs 500 to orbit this moon.
- Theres now one fire exit and its very close to the ship, but you need to traverse a dangerous bridge to get there.
- Removed foggy weather.
- The delivery ship is in a different location and you need to climb a ladder to get to it.
- New icon.
- Updated readme.
- Fixed the ship camera.
- Added enemy collision to the catwalk area.
- Route price is now 200.
- Release