A custom moon for Lethal Company. April is an easy moon with decent scrap spawns.
- Changed the sky texture.
- Changed outside power level to 5.
- Changed max scrap spawns from 19 to 15.
- Made facility spawn more frequently.
- Earth Worm no longer spawns.
- When its flooded the flood ends a little higher.
- Changed facility size multiplier from 1.1 to 1.4
- (hopefully) fixed flashling light bug.
- Made giant more rare.
- Changed outside power level to 8.
- Fixed bug that caused scrap to be collected when entering the building.
- Fixed flashing lights at the main entrance of mansion.
- Increased mansion chance.
- Removed the catwalk stairs at the main entrance.
- Added an extra bridge at the dropship location.
- When its flooded weather the flood starts a little bit lower.
- Changed the inside power level to 4.
- Changed the outside power level to 12.
- More fog.
- Release