Decompiled source of ThatOneMPYK v1.0.0


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Bootstrap;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using GameNetcodeStuff;
using HarmonyLib;
using LC_API.BundleAPI;
using LC_API.ClientAPI;
using LC_API.Comp;
using LC_API.Data;
using LC_API.Extensions;
using LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI;
using LC_API.ManualPatches;
using LC_API.ServerAPI;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Steamworks;
using Steamworks.Data;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("LC_API")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Utilities for plugin devs")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("2.1.4")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("LC_API")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("LC_API")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace LC_API
	internal static class CheatDatabase
		private const string DAT_CD_BROADCAST = "LC_API_CD_Broadcast";

		private const string SIG_REQ_GUID = "LC_API_ReqGUID";

		private const string SIG_SEND_MODS = "LC_APISendMods";

		private static Dictionary<string, PluginInfo> PluginsLoaded = new Dictionary<string, PluginInfo>();

		public static void RunLocalCheatDetector()
			PluginsLoaded = Chainloader.PluginInfos;
			using Dictionary<string, PluginInfo>.ValueCollection.Enumerator enumerator = PluginsLoaded.Values.GetEnumerator();
			while (enumerator.MoveNext())
				switch (enumerator.Current.Metadata.GUID)
				case "mikes.lethalcompany.mikestweaks":
				case "mom.llama.enhancer":
				case "Posiedon.GameMaster":
				case "LethalCompanyScalingMaster":
				case "verity.amberalert":

		public static void OtherPlayerCheatDetector()
			Plugin.Log.LogWarning((object)"Asking all other players for their mod list..");
			GameTips.ShowTip("Mod List:", "Asking all other players for installed mods..");
			GameTips.ShowTip("Mod List:", "Check the logs for more detailed results.\n<size=13>(Note that if someone doesnt show up on the list, they may not have LC_API installed)</size>");
			Networking.Broadcast("LC_API_CD_Broadcast", "LC_API_ReqGUID");

		internal static void CDNetGetString(string data, string signature)
			if (data == "LC_API_CD_Broadcast" && signature == "LC_API_ReqGUID")
				string text = "";
				foreach (PluginInfo value in PluginsLoaded.Values)
					text = text + "\n" + value.Metadata.GUID;
				Networking.Broadcast(GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.playerUsername + " responded with these mods:" + text, "LC_APISendMods");
			if (signature == "LC_APISendMods")
				GameTips.ShowTip("Mod List:", data);
	[BepInPlugin("LC_API", "LC_API", "2.1.4")]
	public sealed class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
		internal static ManualLogSource Log;

		private ConfigEntry<bool> configOverrideModServer;

		private ConfigEntry<bool> configLegacyAssetLoading;

		private ConfigEntry<bool> configDisableBundleLoader;

		public static bool Initialized { get; private set; }

		private void Awake()
			//IL_00c9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01a4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01b2: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_01b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01b8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01c6: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_01c7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01ca: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01d8: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_01df: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01eb: Expected O, but got Unknown
			configOverrideModServer = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Force modded server browser", false, "Should the API force you into the modded server browser?");
			configLegacyAssetLoading = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Legacy asset bundle loading", false, "Should the BundleLoader use legacy asset loading? Turning this on may help with loading assets from older plugins.");
			configDisableBundleLoader = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Disable BundleLoader", false, "Should the BundleLoader be turned off? Enable this if you are having problems with mods that load assets using a different method from LC_API's BundleLoader.");
			CommandHandler.commandPrefix = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("General", "Prefix", "/", "Command prefix");
			Log = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger;
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogWarning((object)"\n.____    _________           _____  __________ .___  \r\n|    |   \\_   ___ \\         /  _  \\ \\______   \\|   | \r\n|    |   /    \\  \\/        /  /_\\  \\ |     ___/|   | \r\n|    |___\\     \\____      /    |    \\|    |    |   | \r\n|_______ \\\\______  /______\\____|__  /|____|    |___| \r\n        \\/       \\//_____/        \\/                 \r\n                                                     ");
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"LC_API Starting up..");
			if (configOverrideModServer.Value)
			Harmony val = new Harmony("ModAPI");
			MethodInfo methodInfo = AccessTools.Method(typeof(GameNetworkManager), "SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyCreated", (Type[])null, (Type[])null);
			AccessTools.Method(typeof(GameNetworkManager), "LobbyDataIsJoinable", (Type[])null, (Type[])null);
			MethodInfo methodInfo2 = AccessTools.Method(typeof(ServerPatch), "OnLobbyCreate", (Type[])null, (Type[])null);
			MethodInfo methodInfo3 = AccessTools.Method(typeof(MenuManager), "Awake", (Type[])null, (Type[])null);
			MethodInfo methodInfo4 = AccessTools.Method(typeof(ServerPatch), "CacheMenuManager", (Type[])null, (Type[])null);
			MethodInfo methodInfo5 = AccessTools.Method(typeof(HUDManager), "AddChatMessage", (Type[])null, (Type[])null);
			MethodInfo methodInfo6 = AccessTools.Method(typeof(ServerPatch), "ChatInterpreter", (Type[])null, (Type[])null);
			MethodInfo methodInfo7 = AccessTools.Method(typeof(HUDManager), "SubmitChat_performed", (Type[])null, (Type[])null);
			MethodInfo methodInfo8 = AccessTools.Method(typeof(CommandHandler.SubmitChatPatch), "Transpiler", (Type[])null, (Type[])null);
			val.Patch((MethodBase)methodInfo3, new HarmonyMethod(methodInfo4), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null);
			val.Patch((MethodBase)methodInfo5, new HarmonyMethod(methodInfo6), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null);
			val.Patch((MethodBase)methodInfo, new HarmonyMethod(methodInfo2), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null);
			val.Patch((MethodBase)methodInfo7, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(methodInfo8), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null);
			Networking.GetString = (Action<string, string>)Delegate.Combine(Networking.GetString, new Action<string, string>(CheatDatabase.CDNetGetString));
			Networking.GetListString = (Action<List<string>, string>)Delegate.Combine(Networking.GetListString, new Action<List<string>, string>(Networking.LCAPI_NET_SYNCVAR_SET));

		internal void Start()

		internal void OnDestroy()

		internal void Initialize()
			//IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0034: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003a: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (!Initialized)
				Initialized = true;
				if (!configDisableBundleLoader.Value)
				GameObject val = new GameObject("API");
				((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"LC_API Started!");

		internal static void PatchMethodManual(MethodInfo method, MethodInfo patch, Harmony harmony)
			//IL_0003: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0011: Expected O, but got Unknown
			harmony.Patch((MethodBase)method, new HarmonyMethod(patch), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null);
	public static class MyPluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "LC_API";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "LC_API";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "2.1.4";
namespace LC_API.ServerAPI
	public static class ModdedServer
		private static bool moddedOnly;

		[Obsolete("Use SetServerModdedOnly() instead. This will be removed/private in a future update.")]
		public static bool setModdedOnly;

		public static bool ModdedOnly => moddedOnly;

		public static void SetServerModdedOnly()
			moddedOnly = true;
			Plugin.Log.LogMessage((object)"A plugin has set your game to only allow you to play with other people who have mods!");

		public static void OnSceneLoaded()
			if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)GameNetworkManager.Instance) && ModdedOnly)
				GameNetworkManager instance = GameNetworkManager.Instance;
				instance.gameVersionNum += 16440;
				setModdedOnly = true;
	public static class Networking
		public static Action<string, string> GetString = delegate

		public static Action<List<string>, string> GetListString = delegate

		public static Action<int, string> GetInt = delegate

		public static Action<float, string> GetFloat = delegate

		public static Action<Vector3, string> GetVector3 = delegate

		private static Dictionary<string, string> syncStringVars = new Dictionary<string, string>();

		public static void Broadcast(string data, string signature)
			if (data.Contains("/"))
				Plugin.Log.LogError((object)"Invalid character in broadcasted string event! ( / )");
			HUDManager.Instance.AddTextToChatOnServer("<size=0>NWE/" + data + "/" + signature + "/" + NetworkBroadcastDataType.BDstring.ToString() + "/" + GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.playerClientId + "/</size>", -1);

		public static void Broadcast(List<string> data, string signature)
			string text = "";
			foreach (string datum in data)
				if (datum.Contains("/"))
					Plugin.Log.LogError((object)"Invalid character in broadcasted string event! ( / )");
				if (datum.Contains("\n"))
					Plugin.Log.LogError((object)"Invalid character in broadcasted string event! ( NewLine )");
				text = text + datum + "\n";
			HUDManager.Instance.AddTextToChatOnServer("<size=0>NWE/" + data?.ToString() + "/" + signature + "/" + NetworkBroadcastDataType.BDlistString.ToString() + "/" + GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.playerClientId + "/</size>", -1);

		public static void Broadcast(int data, string signature)
			HUDManager.Instance.AddTextToChatOnServer("<size=0>NWE/" + data + "/" + signature + "/" + NetworkBroadcastDataType.BDint.ToString() + "/" + GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.playerClientId + "/</size>", -1);

		public static void Broadcast(float data, string signature)
			HUDManager.Instance.AddTextToChatOnServer("<size=0>NWE/" + data + "/" + signature + "/" + NetworkBroadcastDataType.BDfloat.ToString() + "/" + GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.playerClientId + "/</size>", -1);

		public static void Broadcast(Vector3 data, string signature)
			//IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			HUDManager instance = HUDManager.Instance;
			string[] obj = new string[9] { "<size=0>NWE/", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null };
			Vector3 val = data;
			obj[1] = ((object)(Vector3)(ref val)).ToString();
			obj[2] = "/";
			obj[3] = signature;
			obj[4] = "/";
			obj[5] = NetworkBroadcastDataType.BDvector3.ToString();
			obj[6] = "/";
			obj[7] = GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.playerClientId.ToString();
			obj[8] = "/</size>";
			instance.AddTextToChatOnServer(string.Concat(obj), -1);

		public static void RegisterSyncVariable(string name)
			if (!syncStringVars.ContainsKey(name))
				syncStringVars.Add(name, "");
				Plugin.Log.LogError((object)("Cannot register Sync Variable! A Sync Variable has already been registered with name " + name));

		public static void SetSyncVariable(string name, string value)
			if (syncStringVars.ContainsKey(name))
				syncStringVars[name] = value;
				Broadcast(new List<string> { name, value }, "LCAPI_NET_SYNCVAR_SET");
				Plugin.Log.LogError((object)("Cannot set the value of Sync Variable " + name + " as it is not registered!"));

		private static void SetSyncVariableB(string name, string value)
			if (syncStringVars.ContainsKey(name))
				syncStringVars[name] = value;
				Plugin.Log.LogError((object)("Cannot set the value of Sync Variable " + name + " as it is not registered!"));

		internal static void LCAPI_NET_SYNCVAR_SET(List<string> list, string arg2)
			if (arg2 == "LCAPI_NET_SYNCVAR_SET")
				SetSyncVariableB(list[0], list[1]);

		public static string GetSyncVariable(string name)
			if (syncStringVars.ContainsKey(name))
				return syncStringVars[name];
			Plugin.Log.LogError((object)("Cannot get the value of Sync Variable " + name + " as it is not registered!"));
			return "";

		private static void GotString(string data, string signature)

		private static void GotInt(int data, string signature)

		private static void GotFloat(float data, string signature)

		private static void GotVector3(Vector3 data, string signature)
namespace LC_API.ManualPatches
	internal static class ServerPatch
		internal static bool OnLobbyCreate(GameNetworkManager __instance, Result result, Lobby lobby)
			//IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0002: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_0009: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if ((int)result != 1)
				Debug.LogError((object)$"Lobby could not be created! {result}", (Object)(object)__instance);
			__instance.lobbyHostSettings.lobbyName = "[MODDED]" + __instance.lobbyHostSettings.lobbyName.ToString();
			Plugin.Log.LogMessage((object)"server pre-setup success");
			return true;

		internal static bool CacheMenuManager(MenuManager __instance)
			LC_APIManager.MenuManager = __instance;
			return true;

		internal static bool ChatInterpreter(HUDManager __instance, string chatMessage)
			//IL_0312: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0128: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03a2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_019e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (!chatMessage.Contains("NWE") || !chatMessage.Contains("<size=0>"))
				return true;
			string[] array = chatMessage.Split(new char[1] { '/' });
			if (array.Length < 5)
				if (array.Length >= 3)
					if (!int.TryParse(array[4], out var result))
						Plugin.Log.LogWarning((object)"Failed to parse player ID!!");
						return false;
					if ((result == (int)GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.playerClientId) & !LC_APIManager.netTester)
						return false;
					Enum.TryParse<NetworkBroadcastDataType>(array[3], out var result2);
					switch (result2)
					case NetworkBroadcastDataType.BDstring:
						Networking.GetString(array[1], array[2]);
					case NetworkBroadcastDataType.BDint:
						Networking.GetInt(int.Parse(array[1]), array[2]);
					case NetworkBroadcastDataType.BDfloat:
						Networking.GetFloat(float.Parse(array[1]), array[2]);
					case NetworkBroadcastDataType.BDvector3:
						string[] array2 = array[1].Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Split(new char[1] { ',' });
						Vector3 arg = default(Vector3);
						if (array2.Length == 3)
							if (float.TryParse(array2[0], out var result3) && float.TryParse(array2[1], out var result4) && float.TryParse(array2[2], out var result5))
								arg.x = result3;
								arg.y = result4;
								arg.z = result5;
								Plugin.Log.LogError((object)"Vector3 Network receive fail. This is a failure of the API, and it should be reported as a bug.");
							Plugin.Log.LogError((object)"Vector3 Network receive fail. This is a failure of the API, and it should be reported as a bug.");
						Networking.GetVector3(arg, array[2]);
					case NetworkBroadcastDataType.BDlistString:
						string[] source = array[1].Split(new char[1] { '\n' });
						Networking.GetListString(source.ToList(), array[2]);
					_ = LC_APIManager.netTester;
					return false;
				Plugin.Log.LogError((object)"Generic Network receive fail. This is a failure of the API, and it should be reported as a bug.");
				Plugin.Log.LogError((object)$"Generic Network receive fail (expected 5+ data fragments, got {array.Length}). This is a failure of the API, and it should be reported as a bug.");
				return true;
			if (!int.TryParse(array[4], out var result6))
				Plugin.Log.LogWarning((object)("Failed to parse player ID '" + array[4] + "'!!"));
				return false;
			if ((result6 == (int)GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.playerClientId) & !LC_APIManager.netTester)
				return false;
			if (!Enum.TryParse<NetworkBroadcastDataType>(array[3], out var result7))
				Plugin.Log.LogError((object)("Unknown datatype - unable to parse '" + array[3] + "' into a known data type!"));
				return false;
			switch (result7)
			case NetworkBroadcastDataType.BDstring:
				Networking.GetString.InvokeActionSafe(array[1], array[2]);
			case NetworkBroadcastDataType.BDint:
				Networking.GetInt.InvokeActionSafe(int.Parse(array[1]), array[2]);
			case NetworkBroadcastDataType.BDfloat:
				Networking.GetFloat.InvokeActionSafe(float.Parse(array[1]), array[2]);
			case NetworkBroadcastDataType.BDvector3:
				string text = array[1].Trim('(', ')');
				string[] array3 = text.Split(new char[1] { ',' });
				Vector3 param = default(Vector3);
				float result8;
				float result9;
				float result10;
				if (array3.Length != 3)
					Plugin.Log.LogError((object)$"Vector3 Network receive fail (expected 3 numbers, got {array3.Length} number(?)(s) instead). This is a failure of the API, and it should be reported as a bug. (passing an empty Vector3 in its place)");
				else if (float.TryParse(array3[0], out result8) && float.TryParse(array3[1], out result9) && float.TryParse(array3[2], out result10))
					param.x = result8;
					param.y = result9;
					param.z = result10;
					Plugin.Log.LogError((object)("Vector3 Network receive fail (failed to parse '" + text + "' as numbers). This is a failure of the API, and it should be reported as a bug."));
				Networking.GetVector3.InvokeActionSafe(param, array[2]);
			_ = LC_APIManager.netTester;
			return false;

		internal static bool ChatCommands(HUDManager __instance, CallbackContext context)
			if (__instance.chatTextField.text.ToLower().Contains("/modcheck"))
				return false;
			return true;
namespace LC_API.GameInterfaceAPI
	public static class GameState
		private static readonly Action NothingAction = delegate

		public static int AlivePlayerCount { get; private set; }

		public static ShipState ShipState { get; private set; }

		public static event Action PlayerDied;

		public static event Action LandOnMoon;

		public static event Action WentIntoOrbit;

		public static event Action ShipStartedLeaving;

		internal static void GSUpdate()
			if (!((Object)(object)StartOfRound.Instance == (Object)null))
				if (StartOfRound.Instance.shipHasLanded && ShipState != ShipState.OnMoon)
					ShipState = ShipState.OnMoon;
				if (StartOfRound.Instance.inShipPhase && ShipState != 0)
					ShipState = ShipState.InOrbit;
				if (StartOfRound.Instance.shipIsLeaving && ShipState != ShipState.LeavingMoon)
					ShipState = ShipState.LeavingMoon;
				if (AlivePlayerCount < StartOfRound.Instance.livingPlayers)
				AlivePlayerCount = StartOfRound.Instance.livingPlayers;

		static GameState()
			GameState.PlayerDied = NothingAction;
			GameState.LandOnMoon = NothingAction;
			GameState.WentIntoOrbit = NothingAction;
			GameState.ShipStartedLeaving = NothingAction;
	public class GameTips
		private static List<string> tipHeaders = new List<string>();

		private static List<string> tipBodys = new List<string>();

		private static float lastMessageTime;

		public static void ShowTip(string header, string body)

		public static void UpdateInternal()
			lastMessageTime -= Time.deltaTime;
			if ((tipHeaders.Count > 0) & (lastMessageTime < 0f))
				lastMessageTime = 5f;
				if ((Object)(object)HUDManager.Instance != (Object)null)
					HUDManager.Instance.DisplayTip(tipHeaders[0], tipBodys[0], false, false, "LC_Tip1");
namespace LC_API.Extensions
	public static class DelegateExtensions
		private static readonly PropertyInfo PluginGetLogger = AccessTools.Property(typeof(BaseUnityPlugin), "Logger");

		public static void InvokeActionSafe(this Action action)
			//IL_009e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (action == null)
			Delegate[] invocationList = action.GetInvocationList();
			foreach (Delegate @delegate in invocationList)
				catch (Exception ex)
					Plugin.Log.LogError((object)"Exception while invoking hook callback!");
					string asmName = @delegate.GetMethodInfo().DeclaringType.Assembly.FullName;
					PluginInfo val = ((IEnumerable<PluginInfo>)Chainloader.PluginInfos.Values).FirstOrDefault((Func<PluginInfo, bool>)((PluginInfo pi) => ((object)pi.Instance).GetType().Assembly.FullName == asmName));
					if (val == null)

		public static void InvokeActionSafe<T>(this Action<T> action, T param)
			//IL_009f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (action == null)
			Delegate[] invocationList = action.GetInvocationList();
			foreach (Delegate @delegate in invocationList)
				catch (Exception ex)
					Plugin.Log.LogError((object)"Exception while invoking hook callback!");
					string asmName = @delegate.GetMethodInfo().DeclaringType.Assembly.FullName;
					PluginInfo val = ((IEnumerable<PluginInfo>)Chainloader.PluginInfos.Values).FirstOrDefault((Func<PluginInfo, bool>)((PluginInfo pi) => ((object)pi.Instance).GetType().Assembly.FullName == asmName));
					if (val == null)

		public static void InvokeActionSafe<T1, T2>(this Action<T1, T2> action, T1 param1, T2 param2)
			//IL_00a0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (action == null)
			Delegate[] invocationList = action.GetInvocationList();
			foreach (Delegate @delegate in invocationList)
					((Action<T1, T2>)@delegate)(param1, param2);
				catch (Exception ex)
					Plugin.Log.LogError((object)"Exception while invoking hook callback!");
					string asmName = @delegate.GetMethodInfo().DeclaringType.Assembly.FullName;
					PluginInfo val = ((IEnumerable<PluginInfo>)Chainloader.PluginInfos.Values).FirstOrDefault((Func<PluginInfo, bool>)((PluginInfo pi) => ((object)pi.Instance).GetType().Assembly.FullName == asmName));
					if (val == null)

		internal static void InvokeParameterlessDelegate<T>(this T paramlessDelegate) where T : Delegate
			//IL_00b9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if ((Delegate?)paramlessDelegate == (Delegate?)null)
			Delegate[] invocationList = paramlessDelegate.GetInvocationList();
			foreach (Delegate @delegate in invocationList)
				catch (Exception ex)
					Plugin.Log.LogError((object)"Exception while invoking hook callback!");
					string asmName = @delegate.GetMethodInfo().DeclaringType.Assembly.FullName;
					PluginInfo val = ((IEnumerable<PluginInfo>)Chainloader.PluginInfos.Values).FirstOrDefault((Func<PluginInfo, bool>)((PluginInfo pi) => ((object)pi.Instance).GetType().Assembly.FullName == asmName));
					if (val == null)
namespace LC_API.Data
	internal enum NetworkBroadcastDataType
	public enum ShipState
namespace LC_API.Comp
	internal class LC_APIManager : MonoBehaviour
		public static MenuManager MenuManager;

		public static bool netTester;

		private static int playerCount;

		private static bool wanttoCheckMods;

		private static float lobbychecktimer;

		public void Update()
			if ((((Object)(object)HUDManager.Instance != (Object)null) & netTester) && (Object)(object)GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController != (Object)null)
				Networking.Broadcast("testerData", "testerSignature");
			if (!ModdedServer.setModdedOnly)
			else if (ModdedServer.ModdedOnly && (Object)(object)MenuManager != (Object)null && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)MenuManager.versionNumberText))
				((TMP_Text)MenuManager.versionNumberText).text = $"v{GameNetworkManager.Instance.gameVersionNum - 16440}\nMOD";
			if ((Object)(object)GameNetworkManager.Instance != (Object)null)
				if (playerCount < GameNetworkManager.Instance.connectedPlayers)
					lobbychecktimer = -4.5f;
					wanttoCheckMods = true;
				playerCount = GameNetworkManager.Instance.connectedPlayers;
			if (lobbychecktimer < 0f)
				lobbychecktimer += Time.deltaTime;
			else if (wanttoCheckMods && (Object)(object)HUDManager.Instance != (Object)null)
				wanttoCheckMods = false;

		private void CD()
namespace LC_API.ClientAPI
	public static class CommandHandler
		internal static class SubmitChatPatch
			private static bool HandleMessage(HUDManager manager)
				string text = manager.chatTextField.text;
				if (!Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text) && text.StartsWith(commandPrefix.Value))
					string[] array = text.Split(new char[1] { ' ' });
					string text2 = array[0].Substring(commandPrefix.Value.Length);
					if (TryGetCommandHandler(text2, out var handler))
						string[] obj = array.Skip(1).ToArray();
						catch (Exception ex)
							Plugin.Log.LogError((object)("Error handling command: " + text2));
					manager.localPlayer.isTypingChat = false;
					manager.chatTextField.text = "";
					((Behaviour)manager.typingIndicator).enabled = false;
					return true;
				return false;

			internal static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> Transpiler(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions, ILGenerator generator)
				List<CodeInstruction> newInstructions = new List<CodeInstruction>(instructions);
				Label label = generator.DefineLabel();
				newInstructions[newInstructions.Count - 1].labels.Add(label);
				int index = newInstructions.FindIndex((CodeInstruction i) => i.opcode == OpCodes.Ldfld && (FieldInfo)i.operand == AccessTools.Field(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "isPlayerDead")) - 2;
				newInstructions.InsertRange(index, (IEnumerable<CodeInstruction>)(object)new CodeInstruction[3]
					CodeInstructionExtensions.MoveLabelsFrom(new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0, (object)null), newInstructions[index]),
					new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Call, (object)AccessTools.Method(typeof(SubmitChatPatch), "HandleMessage", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)),
					new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Brtrue, (object)label)
				for (int z = 0; z < newInstructions.Count; z++)
					yield return newInstructions[z];

		internal static ConfigEntry<string> commandPrefix;

		internal static Dictionary<string, Action<string[]>> CommandHandlers = new Dictionary<string, Action<string[]>>();

		internal static Dictionary<string, List<string>> CommandAliases = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();

		public static bool RegisterCommand(string command, Action<string[]> handler)
			if (command.Contains(" ") || CommandHandlers.ContainsKey(command))
				return false;
			CommandHandlers.Add(command, handler);
			return true;

		public static bool RegisterCommand(string command, List<string> aliases, Action<string[]> handler)
			if (command.Contains(" ") || GetCommandHandler(command) != null)
				return false;
			foreach (string alias in aliases)
				if (alias.Contains(" ") || GetCommandHandler(alias) != null)
					return false;
			CommandHandlers.Add(command, handler);
			CommandAliases.Add(command, aliases);
			return true;

		public static bool UnregisterCommand(string command)
			return CommandHandlers.Remove(command);

		internal static Action<string[]> GetCommandHandler(string command)
			if (CommandHandlers.TryGetValue(command, out var value))
				return value;
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> commandAlias in CommandAliases)
				if (commandAlias.Value.Contains(command))
					return CommandHandlers[commandAlias.Key];
			return null;

		internal static bool TryGetCommandHandler(string command, out Action<string[]> handler)
			handler = GetCommandHandler(command);
			return handler != null;
namespace LC_API.BundleAPI
	public static class BundleLoader
		[Obsolete("Use OnLoadedBundles instead. This will be removed/private in a future update.")]
		public delegate void OnLoadedAssetsDelegate();

		[Obsolete("Use GetLoadedAsset instead. This will be removed/private in a future update.")]
		public static ConcurrentDictionary<string, Object> assets = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Object>();

		[Obsolete("Use OnLoadedBundles instead. This will be removed/private in a future update.")]
		public static OnLoadedAssetsDelegate OnLoadedAssets = LoadAssetsCompleted;

		public static bool AssetsInLegacyDirectory { get; private set; }

		public static bool LegacyLoadingEnabled { get; private set; }

		public static event Action OnLoadedBundles;

		internal static void Load(bool legacyLoading)
			LegacyLoadingEnabled = legacyLoading;
			Plugin.Log.LogMessage((object)"BundleAPI will now load all asset bundles...");
			string path = Path.Combine(Paths.BepInExRootPath, "Bundles");
			if (!Directory.Exists(path))
				Plugin.Log.LogMessage((object)"BundleAPI Created legacy bundle directory in BepInEx/Bundles");
			string[] array = (from x in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
				where !x.EndsWith(".manifest", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
				select x).ToArray();
			AssetsInLegacyDirectory = array.Length != 0;
			if (!AssetsInLegacyDirectory)
				Plugin.Log.LogMessage((object)"BundleAPI got no assets to load from legacy directory");
			if (AssetsInLegacyDirectory)
				Plugin.Log.LogWarning((object)"The path BepInEx > Bundles is outdated and should not be used anymore! Bundles will be loaded from BepInEx > plugins from now on");
				LoadAllAssetsFromDirectory(array, legacyLoading);
			string[] invalidEndings = new string[8] { ".dll", ".json", ".png", ".md", ".old", ".txt", ".exe", ".lem" };
			path = Path.Combine(Paths.BepInExRootPath, "plugins");
			array = (from file in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
				where !invalidEndings.Any((string ending) => file.EndsWith(ending, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
				select file).ToArray();
			byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("UnityFS");
			List<string> list = new List<string>();
			string[] array2 = array;
			foreach (string text in array2)
				byte[] array3 = new byte[bytes.Length];
				using (FileStream fileStream = File.Open(text, FileMode.Open))
					fileStream.Read(array3, 0, array3.Length);
				if (array3.SequenceEqual(bytes))
			array = list.ToArray();
			if (array.Length == 0)
				Plugin.Log.LogMessage((object)"BundleAPI got no assets to load from plugins folder");
				LoadAllAssetsFromDirectory(array, legacyLoading);

		private static void LoadAllAssetsFromDirectory(string[] array, bool legacyLoading)
			if (legacyLoading)
				Plugin.Log.LogMessage((object)("BundleAPI got " + array.Length + " AssetBundles to load!"));
				for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
						SaveAsset(array[i], legacyLoading);
					catch (Exception)
						Plugin.Log.LogError((object)("Failed to load an assetbundle! Path: " + array[i]));
			Plugin.Log.LogMessage((object)("BundleAPI got " + array.Length + " AssetBundles to load!"));
			for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++)
					SaveAsset(array[j], legacyLoading);
				catch (Exception)
					Plugin.Log.LogError((object)("Failed to load an assetbundle! Path: " + array[j]));

		public static void SaveAsset(string path, bool legacyLoad)
			AssetBundle val = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(path);
				string[] allAssetNames = val.GetAllAssetNames();
				foreach (string text in allAssetNames)
					Plugin.Log.LogMessage((object)("Got asset for load: " + text));
					Object val2 = val.LoadAsset(text);
					if (val2 == (Object)null)
						Plugin.Log.LogWarning((object)$"Skipped/failed loading an asset (from bundle '{((Object)val).name}') - Asset path: {val2}");
					string key = (legacyLoad ? text.ToUpper() : text.ToLower());
					if (assets.ContainsKey(key))
						Plugin.Log.LogError((object)"BundleAPI got duplicate asset!");
					assets.TryAdd(key, val2);
					Plugin.Log.LogMessage((object)("Loaded asset: " +;
				if (val != null)

		public static TAsset GetLoadedAsset<TAsset>(string itemPath) where TAsset : Object
			Object value = null;
			if (LegacyLoadingEnabled)
				assets.TryGetValue(itemPath.ToUpper(), out value);
			if (value == (Object)null)
				assets.TryGetValue(itemPath.ToLower(), out value);
			return (TAsset)(object)value;

		private static void LoadAssetsCompleted()
			Plugin.Log.LogMessage((object)"BundleAPI finished loading all assets.");

		static BundleLoader()
			BundleLoader.OnLoadedBundles = LoadAssetsCompleted;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using GameNetcodeStuff;
using HarmonyLib;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("FPSSpectate")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("FPS spectate camera")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.0+ada41809ef3e18d1ac6f547212c170f1debd12d4")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("FPSSpectate")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("FPSSpectate")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace FPSSpectate
	[BepInPlugin("5Bit.FPSSpectate", "FPSSpectate", "1.0.0")]
	public class FPSSpectate : BaseUnityPlugin
		private const string modGUID = "5Bit.FPSSpectate";

		private const string modName = "FPSSpectate";

		private const string modVersion = "1.0.0";

		private readonly Harmony harmony = new Harmony("5Bit.FPSSpectate");

		private static FPSSpectate Instance;

		internal static ManualLogSource mls;

		private void Awake()
			if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null)
				Instance = this;
			mls = Logger.CreateLogSource("5Bit.FPSSpectate");
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "FPSSpectate";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "FPSSpectate";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.0.0";
namespace FPSSpectate.Patches
	internal class FPSSpectatePatch
		private const float SPECTATE_OFFSET = 1.5f;

		private static bool firstPerson = true;

		private static bool debounced = false;

		private static void LateUpdate(PlayerControllerB __instance)
			//IL_008d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0094: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0099: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ac: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ba: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (((ButtonControl)Keyboard.current.vKey).wasPressedThisFrame && !debounced)
				firstPerson = !firstPerson;
				debounced = true;
			if (((ButtonControl)Keyboard.current.vKey).wasReleasedThisFrame)
				debounced = false;
			if ((Object)(object)__instance.spectatedPlayerScript != (Object)null && firstPerson)
				Transform transform = ((Component)__instance.spectateCameraPivot).transform;
				Transform transform2 = ((Component)__instance.spectatedPlayerScript.visorCamera).transform;
				Vector3 position = transform2.position;
				Vector3 forward = transform2.forward;
				transform.position = position + ((Vector3)(ref forward)).normalized * 1.5f;
				transform.rotation = transform2.rotation;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using GameNetcodeStuff;
using HarmonyLib;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("LateCompany")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.0+31dbb98cfa5670c23f3ffb21c05582c54159b82d")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("LateCompany")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("LateCompany")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace LateCompany
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string GUID = "twig.latecompany";

		public const string PrintName = "Late Company";

		public const string Version = "1.0.6";
	[BepInPlugin("twig.latecompany", "Late Company", "1.0.6")]
	internal class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
		private ConfigEntry<bool> configLateJoinOrbitOnly;

		public static bool OnlyLateJoinInOrbit = false;

		public static bool LobbyJoinable = true;

		public void Awake()
			//IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			configLateJoinOrbitOnly = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Late join orbit only", true, "Don't allow joining while the ship is not in orbit.");
			OnlyLateJoinInOrbit = configLateJoinOrbitOnly.Value;
			Harmony val = new Harmony("twig.latecompany");
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.Log((LogLevel)16, (object)"Late Company loaded!");

		public static void SetLobbyJoinable(bool joinable)
			LobbyJoinable = joinable;
			QuickMenuManager val = Object.FindObjectOfType<QuickMenuManager>();
			if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val))
				val.inviteFriendsTextAlpha.alpha = (joinable ? 1f : 0.2f);
namespace LateCompany.Patches
	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameNetworkManager), "LeaveLobbyAtGameStart")]
	internal static class LeaveLobbyAtGameStart_Patch
		private static bool Prefix()
			return false;
	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameNetworkManager), "ConnectionApproval")]
	internal static class ConnectionApproval_Patch
		private static void Postfix(ConnectionApprovalRequest request, ConnectionApprovalResponse response)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (request.ClientNetworkId != NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId && response.Reason.Contains("Game has already started") && Plugin.LobbyJoinable)
				response.Reason = "";
				response.CreatePlayerObject = false;
				response.Approved = true;
				response.Pending = false;
	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(QuickMenuManager), "DisableInviteFriendsButton")]
	internal static class DisableInviteFriendsButton_Patch
		private static bool Prefix()
			return false;
	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(QuickMenuManager), "InviteFriendsButton")]
	internal static class InviteFriendsButton_Patch
		private static bool Prefix()
			if (Plugin.LobbyJoinable)
			return false;
	internal class RpcEnum : NetworkBehaviour
		public static int None => 0;

		public static int Client => 2;

		public static int Server => 1;
	internal static class WeatherSync
		public static bool DoOverride = false;

		public static LevelWeatherType CurrentWeather = (LevelWeatherType)(-1);
	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(RoundManager), "__rpc_handler_1193916134")]
	internal static class __rpc_handler_1193916134_Patch
		public static FieldInfo RPCExecStage = typeof(NetworkBehaviour).GetField("__rpc_exec_stage", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

		private static bool Prefix(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_0009: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
				int num = default(int);
				ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, ref num);
				int num2 = default(int);
				ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, ref num2);
				int num3 = default(int);
				ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, ref num3);
				WeatherSync.DoOverride = true;
				WeatherSync.CurrentWeather = (LevelWeatherType)num3;
				RPCExecStage.SetValue(target, RpcEnum.Client);
				((RoundManager)((target is RoundManager) ? target : null)).GenerateNewLevelClientRpc(num, num2);
				RPCExecStage.SetValue(target, RpcEnum.None);
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).Seek(0);
				return true;
			return false;
	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(RoundManager), "SetToCurrentLevelWeather")]
	internal static class SetToCurrentLevelWeather_Patch
		private static bool Prefix()
			//IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (!WeatherSync.DoOverride)
				return true;
			WeatherSync.DoOverride = false;
			TimeOfDay.Instance.currentLevelWeather = WeatherSync.CurrentWeather;
			return false;
	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(StartOfRound), "OnPlayerConnectedClientRpc")]
	internal class OnPlayerConnectedClientRpc_Patch
		public static MethodInfo BeginSendClientRpc = typeof(RoundManager).GetMethod("__beginSendClientRpc", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

		public static MethodInfo EndSendClientRpc = typeof(RoundManager).GetMethod("__endSendClientRpc", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

		private static void Postfix(ulong clientId, int connectedPlayers, ulong[] connectedPlayerIdsOrdered, int assignedPlayerObjectId, int serverMoneyAmount, int levelID, int profitQuota, int timeUntilDeadline, int quotaFulfilled, int randomSeed)
			//IL_0066: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0070: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0091: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0093: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00cd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00cf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00fc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0117: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_012e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0163: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0179: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_017e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_018f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			StartOfRound instance = StartOfRound.Instance;
			PlayerControllerB val = instance.allPlayerScripts[assignedPlayerObjectId];
			if (instance.connectedPlayersAmount + 1 >= instance.allPlayerScripts.Length)
				Plugin.SetLobbyJoinable(joinable: false);
			val.DisablePlayerModel(instance.allPlayerObjects[assignedPlayerObjectId], true, true);
			if (((NetworkBehaviour)instance).IsServer && !instance.inShipPhase)
				RoundManager instance2 = RoundManager.Instance;
				ClientRpcParams val2 = default(ClientRpcParams);
				val2.Send = new ClientRpcSendParams
					TargetClientIds = new List<ulong> { clientId }
				ClientRpcParams val3 = val2;
				FastBufferWriter val4 = (FastBufferWriter)BeginSendClientRpc.Invoke(instance2, new object[3] { 1193916134u, val3, 0 });
				BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(val4, StartOfRound.Instance.randomMapSeed);
				BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(val4, StartOfRound.Instance.currentLevelID);
				BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(val4, (short)instance2.currentLevel.currentWeather);
				EndSendClientRpc.Invoke(instance2, new object[4] { val4, 1193916134u, val3, 0 });
				FastBufferWriter val5 = (FastBufferWriter)BeginSendClientRpc.Invoke(instance2, new object[3] { 2729232387u, val3, 0 });
				EndSendClientRpc.Invoke(instance2, new object[4] { val5, 2729232387u, val3, 0 });
			instance.livingPlayers = instance.connectedPlayersAmount + 1;
			for (int i = 0; i < instance.allPlayerScripts.Length; i++)
				PlayerControllerB val6 = instance.allPlayerScripts[i];
				if (val6.isPlayerControlled && val6.isPlayerDead)
	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(StartOfRound), "OnPlayerDC")]
	internal class OnPlayerDC_Patch
		public static void Postfix()
			if (StartOfRound.Instance.inShipPhase || !Plugin.OnlyLateJoinInOrbit)
				Plugin.SetLobbyJoinable(joinable: true);
	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(StartOfRound), "StartGame")]
	internal class StartGame_Patch
		public static void Prefix()
			if (Plugin.OnlyLateJoinInOrbit)
				Plugin.SetLobbyJoinable(joinable: false);
	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(StartOfRound), "SetShipReadyToLand")]
	internal class SetShipReadyToLand_Patch
		public static void Postfix()
			if (Plugin.OnlyLateJoinInOrbit && StartOfRound.Instance.connectedPlayersAmount + 1 < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.Length)
				Plugin.SetLobbyJoinable(joinable: true);


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using FreeJester.Patches;
using HarmonyLib;
using UnityEngine;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("FreeJester")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("FreeJester")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2023")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("cb752f14-68ca-44e9-836b-f8a323fbbf36")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace FreeJester
	[BepInPlugin("atg.FreeJester", "Free Jester", "1.0.3")]
	public class FreeJesterBase : BaseUnityPlugin
		private const string modGUID = "atg.FreeJester";

		private const string modName = "Free Jester";

		private const string modVersion = "1.0.3";

		private Harmony harmony = new Harmony("atg.FreeJester");

		private static FreeJesterBase Instance;

		internal ManualLogSource mls;

		internal static AudioClip[] newSFX;

		private void Awake()
			//IL_009c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a7: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null)
				Instance = this;
			mls = Logger.CreateLogSource("atg.FreeJester");
			mls.LogInfo((object)"Starting Free Jester :D");
			mls.LogInfo((object)(((BaseUnityPlugin)Instance).Info.Location.TrimEnd("FreeJester.dll".ToCharArray()) + "freebird"));
			AssetBundle val = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(((BaseUnityPlugin)Instance).Info.Location.TrimEnd("FreeJester.dll".ToCharArray()) + "freebird");
			if ((Object)val == (Object)null)
				mls.LogError((object)"Failed to load audio assets!");
			newSFX = val.LoadAssetWithSubAssets<AudioClip>("assets/freebird.mp3");
			mls.LogInfo((object)"Free Jester is loaded");
namespace FreeJester.Patches
	internal class JesterAIPatch
		public static void FreeJesterPatch(ref AudioClip ___popGoesTheWeaselTheme)
			AudioClip[] newSFX = FreeJesterBase.newSFX;
			if (newSFX != null && newSFX.Length != 0)
				AudioClip val = newSFX[0];
				___popGoesTheWeaselTheme = val;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using AssetRipper.VersionUtilities.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("VersionUtilities.Tests")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("AssetRipper")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright (c) 2022 ds5678")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Managed library for handling Unity versions")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("AssetRipper.VersionUtilities")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("AssetRipper.VersionUtilities")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	internal sealed class IsReadOnlyAttribute : Attribute
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte[] NullableFlags;

		public NullableAttribute(byte P_0)
			NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 };

		public NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0)
			NullableFlags = P_0;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableContextAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte Flag;

		public NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0)
			Flag = P_0;
namespace AssetRipper.VersionUtilities
	public struct CompactUnityVersion24 : IEquatable<CompactUnityVersion24>, IComparable, IComparable<CompactUnityVersion24>
		private const int majorOffset = 3;

		private const int buildOffset = 9;

		private const int typeOffset = 6;

		private const uint bitMask3 = 7u;

		private const uint bitMask5 = 31u;

		private const uint bitMask6 = 63u;

		private const uint bitMask7 = 127u;

		private readonly byte m_MajorMinorByte;

		private readonly ushort m_BuildTypeShort;

		public const ushort MajorMaxValue = 2042;

		private byte MajorRaw => (byte)((ulong)(m_MajorMinorByte >> 3) & 0x1FuL);

		public ushort Major => ConvertMajorRawToNormal(MajorRaw);

		public byte Minor => (byte)(m_MajorMinorByte & 7u);

		public byte Build => (byte)((ulong)(m_BuildTypeShort >> 9) & 0x7FuL);

		public UnityVersionType Type => (UnityVersionType)((ulong)(m_BuildTypeShort >> 6) & 7uL);

		public byte TypeNumber => (byte)(m_BuildTypeShort & 0x3Fu);

		public static CompactUnityVersion24 MinVersion { get; } = new CompactUnityVersion24((byte)0, (ushort)0);

		public static CompactUnityVersion24 MaxVersion { get; } = new CompactUnityVersion24(byte.MaxValue, ushort.MaxValue);

		public CompactUnityVersion24(ushort major)
			m_MajorMinorByte = (byte)(ConvertMajorRawToNormal(major) << 3);
			m_BuildTypeShort = 0;

		public CompactUnityVersion24(ushort major, byte minor)
			m_MajorMinorByte = (byte)((ConvertMajorRawToNormal(major) << 3) | CastToThreeBits(minor));
			m_BuildTypeShort = 0;

		public CompactUnityVersion24(ushort major, byte minor, byte build)
			m_MajorMinorByte = (byte)((ConvertMajorRawToNormal(major) << 3) | CastToThreeBits(minor));
			m_BuildTypeShort = (ushort)(CastToSevenBits(build) << 9);

		public CompactUnityVersion24(ushort major, byte minor, byte build, UnityVersionType type)
			m_MajorMinorByte = (byte)((ConvertMajorRawToNormal(major) << 3) | CastToThreeBits(minor));
			m_BuildTypeShort = (ushort)((CastToSevenBits(build) << 9) | (CastToThreeBits((byte)type) << 6));

		public CompactUnityVersion24(ushort major, byte minor, byte build, UnityVersionType type, byte typeNumber)
			m_MajorMinorByte = (byte)((ConvertMajorRawToNormal(major) << 3) | CastToThreeBits(minor));
			m_BuildTypeShort = (ushort)((CastToSevenBits(build) << 9) | (CastToThreeBits((byte)type) << 6) | CastToSixBits(typeNumber));

		private CompactUnityVersion24(byte majorMinorByte, ushort buildTypeShort)
			m_MajorMinorByte = majorMinorByte;
			m_BuildTypeShort = buildTypeShort;

		public void GetBits(out byte majorMinorByte, out ushort buildTypeShort)
			majorMinorByte = m_MajorMinorByte;
			buildTypeShort = m_BuildTypeShort;

		public static CompactUnityVersion24 FromBits(byte majorMinorByte, ushort buildTypeShort)
			return new CompactUnityVersion24(majorMinorByte, buildTypeShort);

		private static ushort ConvertMajorRawToNormal(byte raw)
			if (raw >= 6)
				return (ushort)(raw + 2011);
			return raw;

		private static byte ConvertMajorRawToNormal(ushort major)
			if (major < 6)
				return (byte)major;
			if (major >= 2017 && major <= 2042)
				return (byte)(major - 2011);
			throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("major");

		private static byte CastToThreeBits(byte b)
			if ((uint)b > 7u)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("b");
			return b;

		private static byte CastToSixBits(byte b)
			if ((uint)b > 63u)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("b");
			return b;

		private static byte CastToSevenBits(byte b)
			if ((uint)b > 127u)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("b");
			return b;

		public override string ToString()
			return $"{Major}.{Minor}.{Build}{Type.ToCharacter()}{TypeNumber}";

		public int CompareTo(object? obj)
			if (!(obj is CompactUnityVersion24 other))
				return 1;
			return CompareTo(other);

		public int CompareTo(CompactUnityVersion24 other)
			if (this > other)
				return 1;
			if (this < other)
				return -1;
			return 0;

		public override bool Equals(object? obj)
			if (obj is CompactUnityVersion24 compactUnityVersion)
				return this == compactUnityVersion;
			return false;

		public bool Equals(CompactUnityVersion24 other)
			return this == other;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return (m_MajorMinorByte << 16) | m_BuildTypeShort;

		public static implicit operator UnityVersion(CompactUnityVersion24 version)
			return new UnityVersion(version.Major, version.Minor, version.Build, version.Type, version.TypeNumber);

		public static implicit operator CompactUnityVersion32(CompactUnityVersion24 version)
			return new CompactUnityVersion32(version.Major, version.Minor, version.Build, version.Type, version.TypeNumber);

		public static explicit operator CompactUnityVersion24(UnityVersion version)
			return new CompactUnityVersion24(version.Major, (byte)version.Minor, (byte)version.Build, version.Type, version.TypeNumber);

		public static explicit operator CompactUnityVersion24(CompactUnityVersion32 version)
			return new CompactUnityVersion24(version.Major, version.Minor, version.Build, version.Type, version.TypeNumber);

		public static bool operator ==(CompactUnityVersion24 left, CompactUnityVersion24 right)
			if (left.m_MajorMinorByte == right.m_MajorMinorByte)
				return left.m_BuildTypeShort == right.m_BuildTypeShort;
			return false;

		public static bool operator !=(CompactUnityVersion24 left, CompactUnityVersion24 right)
			if (left.m_MajorMinorByte == right.m_MajorMinorByte)
				return left.m_BuildTypeShort != right.m_BuildTypeShort;
			return true;

		public static bool operator >(CompactUnityVersion24 left, CompactUnityVersion24 right)
			if (left.m_MajorMinorByte <= right.m_MajorMinorByte)
				if (left.m_MajorMinorByte == right.m_MajorMinorByte)
					return left.m_BuildTypeShort > right.m_BuildTypeShort;
				return false;
			return true;

		public static bool operator >=(CompactUnityVersion24 left, CompactUnityVersion24 right)
			if (left.m_MajorMinorByte <= right.m_MajorMinorByte)
				if (left.m_MajorMinorByte == right.m_MajorMinorByte)
					return left.m_BuildTypeShort >= right.m_BuildTypeShort;
				return false;
			return true;

		public static bool operator <(CompactUnityVersion24 left, CompactUnityVersion24 right)
			if (left.m_MajorMinorByte >= right.m_MajorMinorByte)
				if (left.m_MajorMinorByte == right.m_MajorMinorByte)
					return left.m_BuildTypeShort < right.m_BuildTypeShort;
				return false;
			return true;

		public static bool operator <=(CompactUnityVersion24 left, CompactUnityVersion24 right)
			if (left.m_MajorMinorByte >= right.m_MajorMinorByte)
				if (left.m_MajorMinorByte == right.m_MajorMinorByte)
					return left.m_BuildTypeShort <= right.m_BuildTypeShort;
				return false;
			return true;
	public struct CompactUnityVersion32 : IEquatable<CompactUnityVersion32>, IComparable, IComparable<CompactUnityVersion32>
		private const int majorOffset = 24;

		private const int minorOffset = 20;

		private const int buildOffset = 12;

		private const int typeOffset = 8;

		private const uint byteMask = 255u;

		private const uint bitMask4 = 15u;

		private readonly uint m_data;

		public const ushort MajorMaxValue = 2266;

		private byte MajorRaw => (byte)((m_data >> 24) & 0xFFu);

		public ushort Major => ConvertMajorRawToNormal(MajorRaw);

		public byte Minor => (byte)((m_data >> 20) & 0xFu);

		public byte Build => (byte)((m_data >> 12) & 0xFFu);

		public UnityVersionType Type => (UnityVersionType)((m_data >> 8) & 0xFu);

		public byte TypeNumber => (byte)(m_data & 0xFFu);

		public static CompactUnityVersion32 MinVersion { get; } = new CompactUnityVersion32(0u);

		public static CompactUnityVersion32 MaxVersion { get; } = new CompactUnityVersion32(uint.MaxValue);

		public CompactUnityVersion32(ushort major)
			m_data = (uint)(ConvertMajorRawToNormal(major) << 24);

		public CompactUnityVersion32(ushort major, byte minor)
			m_data = (uint)((ConvertMajorRawToNormal(major) << 24) | (CastToFourBits(minor) << 20));

		public CompactUnityVersion32(ushort major, byte minor, byte build)
			m_data = (uint)((ConvertMajorRawToNormal(major) << 24) | (CastToFourBits(minor) << 20) | (build << 12));

		public CompactUnityVersion32(ushort major, byte minor, byte build, UnityVersionType type)
			m_data = (uint)((ConvertMajorRawToNormal(major) << 24) | (CastToFourBits(minor) << 20) | (build << 12)) | ((uint)CastToFourBits(type) << 8);

		public CompactUnityVersion32(ushort major, byte minor, byte build, UnityVersionType type, byte typeNumber)
			m_data = (uint)((ConvertMajorRawToNormal(major) << 24) | (CastToFourBits(minor) << 20) | (build << 12)) | ((uint)CastToFourBits(type) << 8) | typeNumber;

		private CompactUnityVersion32(uint data)
			m_data = data;

		public uint GetBits()
			return m_data;

		public static CompactUnityVersion32 FromBits(uint bits)
			return new CompactUnityVersion32(bits);

		private static ushort ConvertMajorRawToNormal(byte raw)
			if (raw >= 6)
				return (ushort)(raw + 2011);
			return raw;

		private static byte ConvertMajorRawToNormal(ushort major)
			if (major < 6)
				return (byte)major;
			if (major >= 2017 && major <= 2266)
				return (byte)(major - 2011);
			throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("major");

		private static byte CastToFourBits(byte b)
			if ((uint)b > 15u)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("b");
			return b;

		private static UnityVersionType CastToFourBits(UnityVersionType type)
			if (type > (UnityVersionType)15)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("type");
			return type;

		public override string ToString()
			return $"{Major}.{Minor}.{Build}{Type.ToCharacter()}{TypeNumber}";

		public int CompareTo(object? obj)
			if (!(obj is CompactUnityVersion32 other))
				return 1;
			return CompareTo(other);

		public int CompareTo(CompactUnityVersion32 other)
			if (this > other)
				return 1;
			if (this < other)
				return -1;
			return 0;

		public override bool Equals(object? obj)
			if (obj is CompactUnityVersion32 compactUnityVersion)
				return this == compactUnityVersion;
			return false;

		public bool Equals(CompactUnityVersion32 other)
			return this == other;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			uint data = m_data;
			return data.GetHashCode();

		public static implicit operator UnityVersion(CompactUnityVersion32 version)
			return new UnityVersion(version.Major, version.Minor, version.Build, version.Type, version.TypeNumber);

		public static explicit operator CompactUnityVersion32(UnityVersion version)
			return new CompactUnityVersion32(version.Major, (byte)version.Minor, (byte)version.Build, version.Type, version.TypeNumber);

		public static bool operator ==(CompactUnityVersion32 left, CompactUnityVersion32 right)
			return left.m_data == right.m_data;

		public static bool operator !=(CompactUnityVersion32 left, CompactUnityVersion32 right)
			return left.m_data != right.m_data;

		public static bool operator >(CompactUnityVersion32 left, CompactUnityVersion32 right)
			return left.m_data > right.m_data;

		public static bool operator >=(CompactUnityVersion32 left, CompactUnityVersion32 right)
			return left.m_data >= right.m_data;

		public static bool operator <(CompactUnityVersion32 left, CompactUnityVersion32 right)
			return left.m_data < right.m_data;

		public static bool operator <=(CompactUnityVersion32 left, CompactUnityVersion32 right)
			return left.m_data <= right.m_data;
	public readonly struct UnityVersion : IEquatable<UnityVersion>, IComparable, IComparable<UnityVersion>
		private const ulong subMajorMask = 281474976710655uL;

		private const ulong subMinorMask = 4294967295uL;

		private const ulong subBuildMask = 65535uL;

		private const ulong subTypeMask = 255uL;

		private const int majorOffset = 48;

		private const int minorOffset = 32;

		private const int buildOffset = 16;

		private const int typeOffset = 8;

		private const ulong byteMask = 255uL;

		private const ulong ushortMask = 65535uL;

		private readonly ulong m_data;

		public ushort Major => (ushort)((m_data >> 48) & 0xFFFF);

		public ushort Minor => (ushort)((m_data >> 32) & 0xFFFF);

		public ushort Build => (ushort)((m_data >> 16) & 0xFFFF);

		public UnityVersionType Type => (UnityVersionType)((m_data >> 8) & 0xFF);

		public byte TypeNumber => (byte)(m_data & 0xFF);

		public static UnityVersion MinVersion { get; } = new UnityVersion(0uL);

		public static UnityVersion MaxVersion { get; } = new UnityVersion(ulong.MaxValue);

		public bool IsEqual(ushort major)
			return this == From(major);

		public bool IsEqual(ushort major, ushort minor)
			return this == From(major, minor);

		public bool IsEqual(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build)
			return this == From(major, minor, build);

		public bool IsEqual(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build, UnityVersionType type)
			return this == From(major, minor, build, type);

		public bool IsEqual(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build, UnityVersionType type, byte typeNumber)
			return this == new UnityVersion(major, minor, build, type, typeNumber);

		public bool IsEqual(string version)
			return this == Parse(version);

		public bool IsLess(ushort major)
			return this < From(major);

		public bool IsLess(ushort major, ushort minor)
			return this < From(major, minor);

		public bool IsLess(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build)
			return this < From(major, minor, build);

		public bool IsLess(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build, UnityVersionType type)
			return this < From(major, minor, build, type);

		public bool IsLess(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build, UnityVersionType type, byte typeNumber)
			return this < new UnityVersion(major, minor, build, type, typeNumber);

		public bool IsLess(string version)
			return this < Parse(version);

		public bool IsLessEqual(ushort major)
			return this <= From(major);

		public bool IsLessEqual(ushort major, ushort minor)
			return this <= From(major, minor);

		public bool IsLessEqual(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build)
			return this <= From(major, minor, build);

		public bool IsLessEqual(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build, UnityVersionType type)
			return this <= From(major, minor, build, type);

		public bool IsLessEqual(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build, UnityVersionType type, byte typeNumber)
			return this <= new UnityVersion(major, minor, build, type, typeNumber);

		public bool IsLessEqual(string version)
			return this <= Parse(version);

		public bool IsGreater(ushort major)
			return this > From(major);

		public bool IsGreater(ushort major, ushort minor)
			return this > From(major, minor);

		public bool IsGreater(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build)
			return this > From(major, minor, build);

		public bool IsGreater(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build, UnityVersionType type)
			return this > From(major, minor, build, type);

		public bool IsGreater(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build, UnityVersionType type, byte typeNumber)
			return this > new UnityVersion(major, minor, build, type, typeNumber);

		public bool IsGreater(string version)
			return this > Parse(version);

		public bool IsGreaterEqual(ushort major)
			return this >= From(major);

		public bool IsGreaterEqual(ushort major, ushort minor)
			return this >= From(major, minor);

		public bool IsGreaterEqual(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build)
			return this >= From(major, minor, build);

		public bool IsGreaterEqual(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build, UnityVersionType type)
			return this >= From(major, minor, build, type);

		public bool IsGreaterEqual(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build, UnityVersionType type, byte typeNumber)
			return this >= new UnityVersion(major, minor, build, type, typeNumber);

		public bool IsGreaterEqual(string version)
			return this >= Parse(version);

		private UnityVersion From(ushort major)
			return new UnityVersion(((ulong)major << 48) | (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFuL & m_data));

		private UnityVersion From(ushort major, ushort minor)
			return new UnityVersion(((ulong)major << 48) | ((ulong)minor << 32) | (0xFFFFFFFFu & m_data));

		private UnityVersion From(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build)
			return new UnityVersion(((ulong)major << 48) | ((ulong)minor << 32) | ((ulong)build << 16) | (0xFFFF & m_data));

		private UnityVersion From(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build, UnityVersionType type)
			return new UnityVersion(((ulong)major << 48) | ((ulong)minor << 32) | ((ulong)build << 16) | ((ulong)type << 8) | (0xFF & m_data));

		public UnityVersion(ushort major)
			m_data = (ulong)major << 48;

		public UnityVersion(ushort major, ushort minor)
			m_data = ((ulong)major << 48) | ((ulong)minor << 32);

		public UnityVersion(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build)
			m_data = ((ulong)major << 48) | ((ulong)minor << 32) | ((ulong)build << 16);

		public UnityVersion(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build, UnityVersionType type)
			m_data = ((ulong)major << 48) | ((ulong)minor << 32) | ((ulong)build << 16) | ((ulong)type << 8);

		public UnityVersion(ushort major, ushort minor, ushort build, UnityVersionType type, byte typeNumber)
			m_data = ((ulong)major << 48) | ((ulong)minor << 32) | ((ulong)build << 16) | ((ulong)type << 8) | typeNumber;

		private UnityVersion(ulong data)
			m_data = data;

		public ulong GetBits()
			return m_data;

		public static UnityVersion FromBits(ulong bits)
			return new UnityVersion(bits);

		public int CompareTo(object? obj)
			if (!(obj is UnityVersion other))
				return 1;
			return CompareTo(other);

		public int CompareTo(UnityVersion other)
			if (this > other)
				return 1;
			if (this < other)
				return -1;
			return 0;

		public override bool Equals(object? obj)
			if (obj is UnityVersion unityVersion)
				return this == unityVersion;
			return false;

		public bool Equals(UnityVersion other)
			return this == other;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			ulong data = m_data;
			return 827 + 911 * data.GetHashCode();

		public static UnityVersion Max(UnityVersion left, UnityVersion right)
			if (!(left > right))
				return right;
			return left;

		public static UnityVersion Min(UnityVersion left, UnityVersion right)
			if (!(left < right))
				return right;
			return left;

		public static ulong Distance(UnityVersion left, UnityVersion right)
			if (left.m_data >= right.m_data)
				return left.m_data - right.m_data;
			return right.m_data - left.m_data;

		public UnityVersion GetClosestVersion(UnityVersion[] versions)
			if (versions == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("versions");
			if (versions.Length == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("Length cannot be zero", "versions");
			UnityVersion unityVersion = versions[0];
			ulong num = Distance(this, unityVersion);
			for (int i = 1; i < versions.Length; i++)
				ulong num2 = Distance(this, versions[i]);
				if (num2 < num)
					num = num2;
					unityVersion = versions[i];
			return unityVersion;

		public static bool operator ==(UnityVersion left, UnityVersion right)
			return left.m_data == right.m_data;

		public static bool operator !=(UnityVersion left, UnityVersion right)
			return left.m_data != right.m_data;

		public static bool operator >(UnityVersion left, UnityVersion right)
			return left.m_data > right.m_data;

		public static bool operator >=(UnityVersion left, UnityVersion right)
			return left.m_data >= right.m_data;

		public static bool operator <(UnityVersion left, UnityVersion right)
			return left.m_data < right.m_data;

		public static bool operator <=(UnityVersion left, UnityVersion right)
			return left.m_data <= right.m_data;

		public override string ToString()
			return $"{Major}.{Minor}.{Build}{Type.ToCharacter()}{TypeNumber}";

		public string ToString(bool hasUnderscorePrefix, bool useUnderscores, bool hasExtension)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			char value = (useUnderscores ? '_' : '.');
			if (hasUnderscorePrefix)
			if (hasExtension)
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public string ToStringWithoutType()
			return $"{Major}.{Minor}.{Build}";

		public static UnityVersion ParseFromDllName(string dllName)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dllName))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("dllName");
			if (dllName[0] == '_')
				dllName = dllName.Substring(1);
			return Parse(dllName.Replace('_', '.').Replace(".dll", ""));

		public static UnityVersion Parse(string version)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("version");
			int num = 0;
			int num2 = 0;
			int num3 = 0;
			UnityVersionType type = UnityVersionType.Final;
			int num4 = 0;
			using StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(version);
			while (true)
				int num5 = stringReader.Read();
				if (num5 == -1)
					throw new ArgumentException("Invalid version formatting: " + version, "version");
				char c = (char)num5;
				if (c == '.')
				num = num * 10 + c.ParseDigit();
			while (true)
				int num6 = stringReader.Read();
				if (num6 == -1)
				char c2 = (char)num6;
				if (c2 == '.')
				num2 = num2 * 10 + c2.ParseDigit();
			while (true)
				int num7 = stringReader.Read();
				if (num7 == -1)
				char c3 = (char)num7;
				if (char.IsDigit(c3))
					num3 = num3 * 10 + c3.ParseDigit();
				type = c3.ToUnityVersionType();
			while (true)
				int num8 = stringReader.Read();
				if (num8 == -1)
				char @this = (char)num8;
				num4 = num4 * 10 + @this.ParseDigit();
			return new UnityVersion((ushort)num, (ushort)num2, (ushort)num3, type, (byte)num4);
	public enum UnityVersionType : byte
		Alpha = 0,
		Beta = 1,
		China = 2,
		Final = 3,
		Patch = 4,
		Experimental = 5,
		MinValue = 0,
		MaxValue = 5
	public static class UnityVersionTypeExtentions
		[Obsolete("Changed to ToCharacter", true)]
		public static char ToLiteral(this UnityVersionType _this)
			return _this.ToCharacter();

		public static char ToCharacter(this UnityVersionType type)
			return type switch
				UnityVersionType.Alpha => 'a', 
				UnityVersionType.Beta => 'b', 
				UnityVersionType.China => 'c', 
				UnityVersionType.Final => 'f', 
				UnityVersionType.Patch => 'p', 
				UnityVersionType.Experimental => 'x', 
				_ => 'u', 
namespace AssetRipper.VersionUtilities.Extensions
	public static class BinaryReaderExtensions
		public static UnityVersion ReadUnityVersion(this BinaryReader reader)
			return UnityVersion.FromBits(reader.ReadUInt64());

		public static CompactUnityVersion32 ReadCompactUnityVersion32(this BinaryReader reader)
			return CompactUnityVersion32.FromBits(reader.ReadUInt32());

		public static CompactUnityVersion24 ReadCompactUnityVersion24(this BinaryReader reader)
			byte majorMinorByte = reader.ReadByte();
			ushort buildTypeShort = reader.ReadUInt16();
			return CompactUnityVersion24.FromBits(majorMinorByte, buildTypeShort);
	public static class BinaryWriterExtensions
		public static void Write(this BinaryWriter writer, UnityVersion version)

		public static void Write(this BinaryWriter writer, CompactUnityVersion32 version)

		public static void Write(this BinaryWriter writer, CompactUnityVersion24 version)
			version.GetBits(out var majorMinorByte, out var buildTypeShort);
	public static class CharacterExtensions
		internal static int ParseDigit(this char _this)
			return _this - 48;

		public static UnityVersionType ToUnityVersionType(this char c)
			return c switch
				'a' => UnityVersionType.Alpha, 
				'b' => UnityVersionType.Beta, 
				'c' => UnityVersionType.China, 
				'f' => UnityVersionType.Final, 
				'p' => UnityVersionType.Patch, 
				'x' => UnityVersionType.Experimental, 
				_ => throw new ArgumentException($"There is no version type {c}", "c"), 


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using AssetsTools.NET.Extra;
using AssetsTools.NET.Extra.Decompressors.LZ4;
using LZ4ps;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Collections.Generic;
using SevenZip;
using SevenZip.Compression.LZ;
using SevenZip.Compression.LZMA;
using SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("AssetTools.NET")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("A remake and port of DerPopo's AssetTools")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("nesrak1")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("AssetTools.NET")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Written by nes")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("e09d5ac2-1a2e-4ec1-94ad-3f5e22f17658")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace SevenZip
	internal class CRC
		public static readonly uint[] Table;

		private uint _value = uint.MaxValue;

		static CRC()
			Table = new uint[256];
			for (uint num = 0u; num < 256; num++)
				uint num2 = num;
				for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
					num2 = (((num2 & 1) == 0) ? (num2 >> 1) : ((num2 >> 1) ^ 0xEDB88320u));
				Table[num] = num2;

		public void Init()
			_value = uint.MaxValue;

		public void UpdateByte(byte b)
			_value = Table[(byte)_value ^ b] ^ (_value >> 8);

		public void Update(byte[] data, uint offset, uint size)
			for (uint num = 0u; num < size; num++)
				_value = Table[(byte)_value ^ data[offset + num]] ^ (_value >> 8);

		public uint GetDigest()
			return _value ^ 0xFFFFFFFFu;

		private static uint CalculateDigest(byte[] data, uint offset, uint size)
			CRC cRC = new CRC();
			cRC.Update(data, offset, size);
			return cRC.GetDigest();

		private static bool VerifyDigest(uint digest, byte[] data, uint offset, uint size)
			return CalculateDigest(data, offset, size) == digest;
	internal class DataErrorException : ApplicationException
		public DataErrorException()
			: base("Data Error")
	internal class InvalidParamException : ApplicationException
		public InvalidParamException()
			: base("Invalid Parameter")
	public interface ICodeProgress
		void SetProgress(long inSize, long outSize);
	public interface ICoder
		void Code(Stream inStream, Stream outStream, long inSize, long outSize, ICodeProgress progress);
	public enum CoderPropID
	public interface ISetCoderProperties
		void SetCoderProperties(CoderPropID[] propIDs, object[] properties);
	public interface IWriteCoderProperties
		void WriteCoderProperties(Stream outStream);
	public interface ISetDecoderProperties
		void SetDecoderProperties(byte[] properties);
namespace SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder
	internal class Encoder
		public const uint kTopValue = 16777216u;

		private Stream Stream;

		public ulong Low;

		public uint Range;

		private uint _cacheSize;

		private byte _cache;

		private long StartPosition;

		public void SetStream(Stream stream)
			Stream = stream;

		public void ReleaseStream()
			Stream = null;

		public void Init()
			StartPosition = Stream.Position;
			Low = 0uL;
			Range = uint.MaxValue;
			_cacheSize = 1u;
			_cache = 0;

		public void FlushData()
			for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

		public void FlushStream()

		public void CloseStream()

		public void Encode(uint start, uint size, uint total)
			Low += start * (Range /= total);
			Range *= size;
			while (Range < 16777216)
				Range <<= 8;

		public void ShiftLow()
			if ((uint)Low < 4278190080u || (int)(Low >> 32) == 1)
				byte b = _cache;
					Stream.WriteByte((byte)(b + (Low >> 32)));
					b = byte.MaxValue;
				while (--_cacheSize != 0);
				_cache = (byte)((uint)Low >> 24);
			Low = (uint)((int)Low << 8);

		public void EncodeDirectBits(uint v, int numTotalBits)
			for (int num = numTotalBits - 1; num >= 0; num--)
				Range >>= 1;
				if (((v >> num) & 1) == 1)
					Low += Range;
				if (Range < 16777216)
					Range <<= 8;

		public void EncodeBit(uint size0, int numTotalBits, uint symbol)
			uint num = (Range >> numTotalBits) * size0;
			if (symbol == 0)
				Range = num;
				Low += num;
				Range -= num;
			while (Range < 16777216)
				Range <<= 8;

		public long GetProcessedSizeAdd()
			return _cacheSize + Stream.Position - StartPosition + 4;
	internal class Decoder
		public const uint kTopValue = 16777216u;

		public uint Range;

		public uint Code;

		public Stream Stream;

		public void Init(Stream stream)
			Stream = stream;
			Code = 0u;
			Range = uint.MaxValue;
			for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
				Code = (Code << 8) | (byte)Stream.ReadByte();

		public void ReleaseStream()
			Stream = null;

		public void CloseStream()

		public void Normalize()
			while (Range < 16777216)
				Code = (Code << 8) | (byte)Stream.ReadByte();
				Range <<= 8;

		public void Normalize2()
			if (Range < 16777216)
				Code = (Code << 8) | (byte)Stream.ReadByte();
				Range <<= 8;

		public uint GetThreshold(uint total)
			return Code / (Range /= total);

		public void Decode(uint start, uint size, uint total)
			Code -= start * Range;
			Range *= size;

		public uint DecodeDirectBits(int numTotalBits)
			uint num = Range;
			uint num2 = Code;
			uint num3 = 0u;
			for (int num4 = numTotalBits; num4 > 0; num4--)
				num >>= 1;
				uint num5 = num2 - num >> 31;
				num2 -= num & (num5 - 1);
				num3 = (num3 << 1) | (1 - num5);
				if (num < 16777216)
					num2 = (num2 << 8) | (byte)Stream.ReadByte();
					num <<= 8;
			Range = num;
			Code = num2;
			return num3;

		public uint DecodeBit(uint size0, int numTotalBits)
			uint num = (Range >> numTotalBits) * size0;
			uint result;
			if (Code < num)
				result = 0u;
				Range = num;
				result = 1u;
				Code -= num;
				Range -= num;
			return result;
	internal struct BitEncoder
		public const int kNumBitModelTotalBits = 11;

		public const uint kBitModelTotal = 2048u;

		private const int kNumMoveBits = 5;

		private const int kNumMoveReducingBits = 2;

		public const int kNumBitPriceShiftBits = 6;

		private uint Prob;

		private static uint[] ProbPrices;

		public void Init()
			Prob = 1024u;

		public void UpdateModel(uint symbol)
			if (symbol == 0)
				Prob += 2048 - Prob >> 5;
				Prob -= Prob >> 5;

		public void Encode(Encoder encoder, uint symbol)
			uint num = (encoder.Range >> 11) * Prob;
			if (symbol == 0)
				encoder.Range = num;
				Prob += 2048 - Prob >> 5;
				encoder.Low += num;
				encoder.Range -= num;
				Prob -= Prob >> 5;
			if (encoder.Range < 16777216)
				encoder.Range <<= 8;

		static BitEncoder()
			ProbPrices = new uint[512];
			for (int num = 8; num >= 0; num--)
				int num2 = 1 << 9 - num - 1;
				uint num3 = (uint)(1 << 9 - num);
				for (uint num4 = (uint)num2; num4 < num3; num4++)
					ProbPrices[num4] = (uint)(num << 6) + (num3 - num4 << 6 >> 9 - num - 1);

		public uint GetPrice(uint symbol)
			return ProbPrices[(((Prob - symbol) ^ (int)(0 - symbol)) & 0x7FF) >> 2];

		public uint GetPrice0()
			return ProbPrices[Prob >> 2];

		public uint GetPrice1()
			return ProbPrices[2048 - Prob >> 2];
	internal struct BitDecoder
		public const int kNumBitModelTotalBits = 11;

		public const uint kBitModelTotal = 2048u;

		private const int kNumMoveBits = 5;

		private uint Prob;

		public void UpdateModel(int numMoveBits, uint symbol)
			if (symbol == 0)
				Prob += 2048 - Prob >> numMoveBits;
				Prob -= Prob >> numMoveBits;

		public void Init()
			Prob = 1024u;

		public uint Decode(Decoder rangeDecoder)
			uint num = (rangeDecoder.Range >> 11) * Prob;
			if (rangeDecoder.Code < num)
				rangeDecoder.Range = num;
				Prob += 2048 - Prob >> 5;
				if (rangeDecoder.Range < 16777216)
					rangeDecoder.Code = (rangeDecoder.Code << 8) | (byte)rangeDecoder.Stream.ReadByte();
					rangeDecoder.Range <<= 8;
				return 0u;
			rangeDecoder.Range -= num;
			rangeDecoder.Code -= num;
			Prob -= Prob >> 5;
			if (rangeDecoder.Range < 16777216)
				rangeDecoder.Code = (rangeDecoder.Code << 8) | (byte)rangeDecoder.Stream.ReadByte();
				rangeDecoder.Range <<= 8;
			return 1u;
	internal struct BitTreeEncoder
		private BitEncoder[] Models;

		private int NumBitLevels;

		public BitTreeEncoder(int numBitLevels)
			NumBitLevels = numBitLevels;
			Models = new BitEncoder[1 << numBitLevels];

		public void Init()
			for (uint num = 1u; num < 1 << NumBitLevels; num++)

		public void Encode(Encoder rangeEncoder, uint symbol)
			uint num = 1u;
			int num2 = NumBitLevels;
			while (num2 > 0)
				uint num3 = (symbol >> num2) & 1u;
				Models[num].Encode(rangeEncoder, num3);
				num = (num << 1) | num3;

		public void ReverseEncode(Encoder rangeEncoder, uint symbol)
			uint num = 1u;
			for (uint num2 = 0u; num2 < NumBitLevels; num2++)
				uint num3 = symbol & 1u;
				Models[num].Encode(rangeEncoder, num3);
				num = (num << 1) | num3;
				symbol >>= 1;

		public uint GetPrice(uint symbol)
			uint num = 0u;
			uint num2 = 1u;
			int num3 = NumBitLevels;
			while (num3 > 0)
				uint num4 = (symbol >> num3) & 1u;
				num += Models[num2].GetPrice(num4);
				num2 = (num2 << 1) + num4;
			return num;

		public uint ReverseGetPrice(uint symbol)
			uint num = 0u;
			uint num2 = 1u;
			for (int num3 = NumBitLevels; num3 > 0; num3--)
				uint num4 = symbol & 1u;
				symbol >>= 1;
				num += Models[num2].GetPrice(num4);
				num2 = (num2 << 1) | num4;
			return num;

		public static uint ReverseGetPrice(BitEncoder[] Models, uint startIndex, int NumBitLevels, uint symbol)
			uint num = 0u;
			uint num2 = 1u;
			for (int num3 = NumBitLevels; num3 > 0; num3--)
				uint num4 = symbol & 1u;
				symbol >>= 1;
				num += Models[startIndex + num2].GetPrice(num4);
				num2 = (num2 << 1) | num4;
			return num;

		public static void ReverseEncode(BitEncoder[] Models, uint startIndex, Encoder rangeEncoder, int NumBitLevels, uint symbol)
			uint num = 1u;
			for (int i = 0; i < NumBitLevels; i++)
				uint num2 = symbol & 1u;
				Models[startIndex + num].Encode(rangeEncoder, num2);
				num = (num << 1) | num2;
				symbol >>= 1;
	internal struct BitTreeDecoder
		private BitDecoder[] Models;

		private int NumBitLevels;

		public BitTreeDecoder(int numBitLevels)
			NumBitLevels = numBitLevels;
			Models = new BitDecoder[1 << numBitLevels];

		public void Init()
			for (uint num = 1u; num < 1 << NumBitLevels; num++)

		public uint Decode(Decoder rangeDecoder)
			uint num = 1u;
			for (int num2 = NumBitLevels; num2 > 0; num2--)
				num = (num << 1) + Models[num].Decode(rangeDecoder);
			return num - (uint)(1 << NumBitLevels);

		public uint ReverseDecode(Decoder rangeDecoder)
			uint num = 1u;
			uint num2 = 0u;
			for (int i = 0; i < NumBitLevels; i++)
				uint num3 = Models[num].Decode(rangeDecoder);
				num <<= 1;
				num += num3;
				num2 |= num3 << i;
			return num2;

		public static uint ReverseDecode(BitDecoder[] Models, uint startIndex, Decoder rangeDecoder, int NumBitLevels)
			uint num = 1u;
			uint num2 = 0u;
			for (int i = 0; i < NumBitLevels; i++)
				uint num3 = Models[startIndex + num].Decode(rangeDecoder);
				num <<= 1;
				num += num3;
				num2 |= num3 << i;
			return num2;
namespace SevenZip.Compression.LZ
	internal interface IInWindowStream
		void SetStream(Stream inStream);

		void Init();

		void ReleaseStream();

		byte GetIndexByte(int index);

		uint GetMatchLen(int index, uint distance, uint limit);

		uint GetNumAvailableBytes();
	internal interface IMatchFinder : IInWindowStream
		void Create(uint historySize, uint keepAddBufferBefore, uint matchMaxLen, uint keepAddBufferAfter);

		uint GetMatches(uint[] distances);

		void Skip(uint num);
	public class BinTree : InWindow, IMatchFinder, IInWindowStream
		private uint _cyclicBufferPos;

		private uint _cyclicBufferSize;

		private uint _matchMaxLen;

		private uint[] _son;

		private uint[] _hash;

		private uint _cutValue = 255u;

		private uint _hashMask;

		private uint _hashSizeSum;

		private bool HASH_ARRAY = true;

		private const uint kHash2Size = 1024u;

		private const uint kHash3Size = 65536u;

		private const uint kBT2HashSize = 65536u;

		private const uint kStartMaxLen = 1u;

		private const uint kHash3Offset = 1024u;

		private const uint kEmptyHashValue = 0u;

		private const uint kMaxValForNormalize = 2147483647u;

		private uint kNumHashDirectBytes;

		private uint kMinMatchCheck = 4u;

		private uint kFixHashSize = 66560u;

		public void SetType(int numHashBytes)
			HASH_ARRAY = numHashBytes > 2;
			if (HASH_ARRAY)
				kNumHashDirectBytes = 0u;
				kMinMatchCheck = 4u;
				kFixHashSize = 66560u;
				kNumHashDirectBytes = 2u;
				kMinMatchCheck = 3u;
				kFixHashSize = 0u;

		public new void SetStream(Stream stream)

		public new void ReleaseStream()

		public new void Init()
			for (uint num = 0u; num < _hashSizeSum; num++)
				_hash[num] = 0u;
			_cyclicBufferPos = 0u;

		public new void MovePos()
			if (++_cyclicBufferPos >= _cyclicBufferSize)
				_cyclicBufferPos = 0u;
			if (_pos == int.MaxValue)

		public new byte GetIndexByte(int index)
			return base.GetIndexByte(index);

		public new uint GetMatchLen(int index, uint distance, uint limit)
			return base.GetMatchLen(index, distance, limit);

		public new uint GetNumAvailableBytes()
			return base.GetNumAvailableBytes();

		public void Create(uint historySize, uint keepAddBufferBefore, uint matchMaxLen, uint keepAddBufferAfter)
			if (historySize > 2147483391)
				throw new Exception();
			_cutValue = 16 + (matchMaxLen >> 1);
			uint keepSizeReserv = (historySize + keepAddBufferBefore + matchMaxLen + keepAddBufferAfter) / 2 + 256;
			Create(historySize + keepAddBufferBefore, matchMaxLen + keepAddBufferAfter, keepSizeReserv);
			_matchMaxLen = matchMaxLen;
			uint num = historySize + 1;
			if (_cyclicBufferSize != num)
				_son = new uint[(_cyclicBufferSize = num) * 2];
			uint num2 = 65536u;
			if (HASH_ARRAY)
				num2 = historySize - 1;
				num2 |= num2 >> 1;
				num2 |= num2 >> 2;
				num2 |= num2 >> 4;
				num2 |= num2 >> 8;
				num2 >>= 1;
				num2 |= 0xFFFFu;
				if (num2 > 16777216)
					num2 >>= 1;
				_hashMask = num2;
				num2 += kFixHashSize;
			if (num2 != _hashSizeSum)
				_hash = new uint[_hashSizeSum = num2];

		public uint GetMatches(uint[] distances)
			uint num;
			if (_pos + _matchMaxLen <= _streamPos)
				num = _matchMaxLen;
				num = _streamPos - _pos;
				if (num < kMinMatchCheck)
					return 0u;
			uint num2 = 0u;
			uint num3 = ((_pos > _cyclicBufferSize) ? (_pos - _cyclicBufferSize) : 0u);
			uint num4 = _bufferOffset + _pos;
			uint num5 = 1u;
			uint num6 = 0u;
			uint num7 = 0u;
			uint num10;
			if (HASH_ARRAY)
				uint num8 = CRC.Table[_bufferBase[num4]] ^ _bufferBase[num4 + 1];
				num6 = num8 & 0x3FFu;
				int num9 = (int)num8 ^ (_bufferBase[num4 + 2] << 8);
				num7 = (uint)num9 & 0xFFFFu;
				num10 = ((uint)num9 ^ (CRC.Table[_bufferBase[num4 + 3]] << 5)) & _hashMask;
				num10 = (uint)(_bufferBase[num4] ^ (_bufferBase[num4 + 1] << 8));
			uint num11 = _hash[kFixHashSize + num10];
			if (HASH_ARRAY)
				uint num12 = _hash[num6];
				uint num13 = _hash[1024 + num7];
				_hash[num6] = _pos;
				_hash[1024 + num7] = _pos;
				if (num12 > num3 && _bufferBase[_bufferOffset + num12] == _bufferBase[num4])
					num5 = (distances[num2++] = 2u);
					distances[num2++] = _pos - num12 - 1;
				if (num13 > num3 && _bufferBase[_bufferOffset + num13] == _bufferBase[num4])
					if (num13 == num12)
						num2 -= 2;
					num5 = (distances[num2++] = 3u);
					distances[num2++] = _pos - num13 - 1;
					num12 = num13;
				if (num2 != 0 && num12 == num11)
					num2 -= 2;
					num5 = 1u;
			_hash[kFixHashSize + num10] = _pos;
			uint num14 = (_cyclicBufferPos << 1) + 1;
			uint num15 = _cyclicBufferPos << 1;
			uint val;
			uint val2 = (val = kNumHashDirectBytes);
			if (kNumHashDirectBytes != 0 && num11 > num3 && _bufferBase[_bufferOffset + num11 + kNumHashDirectBytes] != _bufferBase[num4 + kNumHashDirectBytes])
				num5 = (distances[num2++] = kNumHashDirectBytes);
				distances[num2++] = _pos - num11 - 1;
			uint cutValue = _cutValue;
			while (true)
				if (num11 <= num3 || cutValue-- == 0)
					_son[num14] = (_son[num15] = 0u);
				uint num16 = _pos - num11;
				uint num17 = ((num16 <= _cyclicBufferPos) ? (_cyclicBufferPos - num16) : (_cyclicBufferPos - num16 + _cyclicBufferSize)) << 1;
				uint num18 = _bufferOffset + num11;
				uint num19 = Math.Min(val2, val);
				if (_bufferBase[num18 + num19] == _bufferBase[num4 + num19])
					while (++num19 != num && _bufferBase[num18 + num19] == _bufferBase[num4 + num19])
					if (num5 < num19)
						num5 = (distances[num2++] = num19);
						distances[num2++] = num16 - 1;
						if (num19 == num)
							_son[num15] = _son[num17];
							_son[num14] = _son[num17 + 1];
				if (_bufferBase[num18 + num19] < _bufferBase[num4 + num19])
					_son[num15] = num11;
					num15 = num17 + 1;
					num11 = _son[num15];
					val = num19;
					_son[num14] = num11;
					num14 = num17;
					num11 = _son[num14];
					val2 = num19;
			return num2;

		public void Skip(uint num)
				uint num2;
				if (_pos + _matchMaxLen <= _streamPos)
					num2 = _matchMaxLen;
					num2 = _streamPos - _pos;
					if (num2 < kMinMatchCheck)
				uint num3 = ((_pos > _cyclicBufferSize) ? (_pos - _cyclicBufferSize) : 0u);
				uint num4 = _bufferOffset + _pos;
				uint num9;
				if (HASH_ARRAY)
					uint num5 = CRC.Table[_bufferBase[num4]] ^ _bufferBase[num4 + 1];
					uint num6 = num5 & 0x3FFu;
					_hash[num6] = _pos;
					int num7 = (int)num5 ^ (_bufferBase[num4 + 2] << 8);
					uint num8 = (uint)num7 & 0xFFFFu;
					_hash[1024 + num8] = _pos;
					num9 = ((uint)num7 ^ (CRC.Table[_bufferBase[num4 + 3]] << 5)) & _hashMask;
					num9 = (uint)(_bufferBase[num4] ^ (_bufferBase[num4 + 1] << 8));
				uint num10 = _hash[kFixHashSize + num9];
				_hash[kFixHashSize + num9] = _pos;
				uint num11 = (_cyclicBufferPos << 1) + 1;
				uint num12 = _cyclicBufferPos << 1;
				uint val;
				uint val2 = (val = kNumHashDirectBytes);
				uint cutValue = _cutValue;
				while (true)
					if (num10 <= num3 || cutValue-- == 0)
						_son[num11] = (_son[num12] = 0u);
					uint num13 = _pos - num10;
					uint num14 = ((num13 <= _cyclicBufferPos) ? (_cyclicBufferPos - num13) : (_cyclicBufferPos - num13 + _cyclicBufferSize)) << 1;
					uint num15 = _bufferOffset + num10;
					uint num16 = Math.Min(val2, val);
					if (_bufferBase[num15 + num16] == _bufferBase[num4 + num16])
						while (++num16 != num2 && _bufferBase[num15 + num16] == _bufferBase[num4 + num16])
						if (num16 == num2)
							_son[num12] = _son[num14];
							_son[num11] = _son[num14 + 1];
					if (_bufferBase[num15 + num16] < _bufferBase[num4 + num16])
						_son[num12] = num10;
						num12 = num14 + 1;
						num10 = _son[num12];
						val = num16;
						_son[num11] = num10;
						num11 = num14;
						num10 = _son[num11];
						val2 = num16;
			while (--num != 0);

		private void NormalizeLinks(uint[] items, uint numItems, uint subValue)
			for (uint num = 0u; num < numItems; num++)
				uint num2 = items[num];
				num2 = ((num2 > subValue) ? (num2 - subValue) : 0u);
				items[num] = num2;

		private void Normalize()
			uint subValue = _pos - _cyclicBufferSize;
			NormalizeLinks(_son, _cyclicBufferSize * 2, subValue);
			NormalizeLinks(_hash, _hashSizeSum, subValue);

		public void SetCutValue(uint cutValue)
			_cutValue = cutValue;
	public class InWindow
		public byte[] _bufferBase;

		private Stream _stream;

		private uint _posLimit;

		private bool _streamEndWasReached;

		private uint _pointerToLastSafePosition;

		public uint _bufferOffset;

		public uint _blockSize;

		public uint _pos;

		private uint _keepSizeBefore;

		private uint _keepSizeAfter;

		public uint _streamPos;

		public void MoveBlock()
			uint num = _bufferOffset + _pos - _keepSizeBefore;
			if (num != 0)
			uint num2 = _bufferOffset + _streamPos - num;
			for (uint num3 = 0u; num3 < num2; num3++)
				_bufferBase[num3] = _bufferBase[num + num3];
			_bufferOffset -= num;

		public virtual void ReadBlock()
			if (_streamEndWasReached)
			while (true)
				int num = (int)(0 - _bufferOffset + _blockSize - _streamPos);
				if (num == 0)
				int num2 = _stream.Read(_bufferBase, (int)(_bufferOffset + _streamPos), num);
				if (num2 == 0)
				_streamPos += (uint)num2;
				if (_streamPos >= _pos + _keepSizeAfter)
					_posLimit = _streamPos - _keepSizeAfter;
			_posLimit = _streamPos;
			if (_bufferOffset + _posLimit > _pointerToLastSafePosition)
				_posLimit = _pointerToLastSafePosition - _bufferOffset;
			_streamEndWasReached = true;

		private void Free()
			_bufferBase = null;

		public void Create(uint keepSizeBefore, uint keepSizeAfter, uint keepSizeReserv)
			_keepSizeBefore = keepSizeBefore;
			_keepSizeAfter = keepSizeAfter;
			uint num = keepSizeBefore + keepSizeAfter + keepSizeReserv;
			if (_bufferBase == null || _blockSize != num)
				_blockSize = num;
				_bufferBase = new byte[_blockSize];
			_pointerToLastSafePosition = _blockSize - keepSizeAfter;

		public void SetStream(Stream stream)
			_stream = stream;

		public void ReleaseStream()
			_stream = null;

		public void Init()
			_bufferOffset = 0u;
			_pos = 0u;
			_streamPos = 0u;
			_streamEndWasReached = false;

		public void MovePos()
			if (_pos > _posLimit)
				if (_bufferOffset + _pos > _pointerToLastSafePosition)

		public byte GetIndexByte(int index)
			return _bufferBase[_bufferOffset + _pos + index];

		public uint GetMatchLen(int index, uint distance, uint limit)
			if (_streamEndWasReached && _pos + index + limit > _streamPos)
				limit = _streamPos - (uint)(int)(_pos + index);
			uint num = _bufferOffset + _pos + (uint)index;
			uint num2;
			for (num2 = 0u; num2 < limit && _bufferBase[num + num2] == _bufferBase[num + num2 - distance]; num2++)
			return num2;

		public uint GetNumAvailableBytes()
			return _streamPos - _pos;

		public void ReduceOffsets(int subValue)
			_bufferOffset += (uint)subValue;
			_posLimit -= (uint)subValue;
			_pos -= (uint)subValue;
			_streamPos -= (uint)subValue;
	public class OutWindow
		private byte[] _buffer;

		private uint _pos;

		private uint _windowSize;

		private uint _streamPos;

		private Stream _stream;

		public uint TrainSize;

		public void Create(uint windowSize)
			if (_windowSize != windowSize)
				_buffer = new byte[windowSize];
			_windowSize = windowSize;
			_pos = 0u;
			_streamPos = 0u;

		public void Init(Stream stream, bool solid)
			_stream = stream;
			if (!solid)
				_streamPos = 0u;
				_pos = 0u;
				TrainSize = 0u;

		public bool Train(Stream stream)
			long length = stream.Length;
			uint num = (TrainSize = (uint)((length < _windowSize) ? length : _windowSize));
			stream.Position = length - num;
			_streamPos = (_pos = 0u);
			while (num != 0)
				uint num2 = _windowSize - _pos;
				if (num < num2)
					num2 = num;
				int num3 = stream.Read(_buffer, (int)_pos, (int)num2);
				if (num3 == 0)
					return false;
				num -= (uint)num3;
				_pos += (uint)num3;
				_streamPos += (uint)num3;
				if (_pos == _windowSize)
					_streamPos = (_pos = 0u);
			return true;

		public void ReleaseStream()
			_stream = null;

		public void Flush()
			uint num = _pos - _streamPos;
			if (num != 0)
				_stream.Write(_buffer, (int)_streamPos, (int)num);
				if (_pos >= _windowSize)
					_pos = 0u;
				_streamPos = _pos;

		public void CopyBlock(uint distance, uint len)
			uint num = _pos - distance - 1;
			if (num >= _windowSize)
				num += _windowSize;
			while (len != 0)
				if (num >= _windowSize)
					num = 0u;
				_buffer[_pos++] = _buffer[num++];
				if (_pos >= _windowSize)

		public void PutByte(byte b)
			_buffer[_pos++] = b;
			if (_pos >= _windowSize)

		public byte GetByte(uint distance)
			uint num = _pos - distance - 1;
			if (num >= _windowSize)
				num += _windowSize;
			return _buffer[num];
namespace SevenZip.Compression.LZMA
	internal abstract class Base
		public struct State
			public uint Index;

			public void Init()
				Index = 0u;

			public void UpdateChar()
				if (Index < 4)
					Index = 0u;
				else if (Index < 10)
					Index -= 3u;
					Index -= 6u;

			public void UpdateMatch()
				Index = ((Index < 7) ? 7u : 10u);

			public void UpdateRep()
				Index = ((Index < 7) ? 8u : 11u);

			public void UpdateShortRep()
				Index = ((Index < 7) ? 9u : 11u);

			public bool IsCharState()
				return Index < 7;

		public const uint kNumRepDistances = 4u;

		public const uint kNumStates = 12u;

		public const int kNumPosSlotBits = 6;

		public const int kDicLogSizeMin = 0;

		public const int kNumLenToPosStatesBits = 2;

		public const uint kNumLenToPosStates = 4u;

		public const uint kMatchMinLen = 2u;

		public const int kNumAlignBits = 4;

		public const uint kAlignTableSize = 16u;

		public const uint kAlignMask = 15u;

		public const uint kStartPosModelIndex = 4u;

		public const uint kEndPosModelIndex = 14u;

		public const uint kNumPosModels = 10u;

		public const uint kNumFullDistances = 128u;

		public const uint kNumLitPosStatesBitsEncodingMax = 4u;

		public const uint kNumLitContextBitsMax = 8u;

		public const int kNumPosStatesBitsMax = 4;

		public const uint kNumPosStatesMax = 16u;

		public const int kNumPosStatesBitsEncodingMax = 4;

		public const uint kNumPosStatesEncodingMax = 16u;

		public const int kNumLowLenBits = 3;

		public const int kNumMidLenBits = 3;

		public const int kNumHighLenBits = 8;

		public const uint kNumLowLenSymbols = 8u;

		public const uint kNumMidLenSymbols = 8u;

		public const uint kNumLenSymbols = 272u;

		public const uint kMatchMaxLen = 273u;

		public static uint GetLenToPosState(uint len)
			len -= 2;
			if (len < 4)
				return len;
			return 3u;
	public class Decoder : ICoder, ISetDecoderProperties
		private class LenDecoder
			private BitDecoder m_Choice;

			private BitDecoder m_Choice2;

			private BitTreeDecoder[] m_LowCoder = new BitTreeDecoder[16];

			private BitTreeDecoder[] m_MidCoder = new BitTreeDecoder[16];

			private BitTreeDecoder m_HighCoder = new BitTreeDecoder(8);

			private uint m_NumPosStates;

			public void Create(uint numPosStates)
				for (uint num = m_NumPosStates; num < numPosStates; num++)
					m_LowCoder[num] = new BitTreeDecoder(3);
					m_MidCoder[num] = new BitTreeDecoder(3);
				m_NumPosStates = numPosStates;

			public void Init()
				for (uint num = 0u; num < m_NumPosStates; num++)

			public uint Decode(SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.Decoder rangeDecoder, uint posState)
				if (m_Choice.Decode(rangeDecoder) == 0)
					return m_LowCoder[posState].Decode(rangeDecoder);
				uint num = 8u;
				if (m_Choice2.Decode(rangeDecoder) == 0)
					return num + m_MidCoder[posState].Decode(rangeDecoder);
				num += 8;
				return num + m_HighCoder.Decode(rangeDecoder);

		private class LiteralDecoder
			private struct Decoder2
				private BitDecoder[] m_Decoders;

				public void Create()
					m_Decoders = new BitDecoder[768];

				public void Init()
					for (int i = 0; i < 768; i++)

				public byte DecodeNormal(SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.Decoder rangeDecoder)
					uint num = 1u;
						num = (num << 1) | m_Decoders[num].Decode(rangeDecoder);
					while (num < 256);
					return (byte)num;

				public byte DecodeWithMatchByte(SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.Decoder rangeDecoder, byte matchByte)
					uint num = 1u;
						uint num2 = (uint)(matchByte >> 7) & 1u;
						matchByte <<= 1;
						uint num3 = m_Decoders[(1 + num2 << 8) + num].Decode(rangeDecoder);
						num = (num << 1) | num3;
						if (num2 != num3)
							while (num < 256)
								num = (num << 1) | m_Decoders[num].Decode(rangeDecoder);
					while (num < 256);
					return (byte)num;

			private Decoder2[] m_Coders;

			private int m_NumPrevBits;

			private int m_NumPosBits;

			private uint m_PosMask;

			public void Create(int numPosBits, int numPrevBits)
				if (m_Coders == null || m_NumPrevBits != numPrevBits || m_NumPosBits != numPosBits)
					m_NumPosBits = numPosBits;
					m_PosMask = (uint)((1 << numPosBits) - 1);
					m_NumPrevBits = numPrevBits;
					uint num = (uint)(1 << m_NumPrevBits + m_NumPosBits);
					m_Coders = new Decoder2[num];
					for (uint num2 = 0u; num2 < num; num2++)

			public void Init()
				uint num = (uint)(1 << m_NumPrevBits + m_NumPosBits);
				for (uint num2 = 0u; num2 < num; num2++)

			private uint GetState(uint pos, byte prevByte)
				return ((pos & m_PosMask) << m_NumPrevBits) + (uint)(prevByte >> 8 - m_NumPrevBits);

			public byte DecodeNormal(SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.Decoder rangeDecoder, uint pos, byte prevByte)
				return m_Coders[GetState(pos, prevByte)].DecodeNormal(rangeDecoder);

			public byte DecodeWithMatchByte(SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.Decoder rangeDecoder, uint pos, byte prevByte, byte matchByte)
				return m_Coders[GetState(pos, prevByte)].DecodeWithMatchByte(rangeDecoder, matchByte);

		private OutWindow m_OutWindow = new OutWindow();

		private SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.Decoder m_RangeDecoder = new SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.Decoder();

		private BitDecoder[] m_IsMatchDecoders = new BitDecoder[192];

		private BitDecoder[] m_IsRepDecoders = new BitDecoder[12];

		private BitDecoder[] m_IsRepG0Decoders = new BitDecoder[12];

		private BitDecoder[] m_IsRepG1Decoders = new BitDecoder[12];

		private BitDecoder[] m_IsRepG2Decoders = new BitDecoder[12];

		private BitDecoder[] m_IsRep0LongDecoders = new BitDecoder[192];

		private BitTreeDecoder[] m_PosSlotDecoder = new BitTreeDecoder[4];

		private BitDecoder[] m_PosDecoders = new BitDecoder[114];

		private BitTreeDecoder m_PosAlignDecoder = new BitTreeDecoder(4);

		private LenDecoder m_LenDecoder = new LenDecoder();

		private LenDecoder m_RepLenDecoder = new LenDecoder();

		private LiteralDecoder m_LiteralDecoder = new LiteralDecoder();

		private uint m_DictionarySize;

		private uint m_DictionarySizeCheck;

		private uint m_PosStateMask;

		private bool _solid;

		public Decoder()
			m_DictionarySize = uint.MaxValue;
			for (int i = 0; (long)i < 4L; i++)
				m_PosSlotDecoder[i] = new BitTreeDecoder(6);

		private void SetDictionarySize(uint dictionarySize)
			if (m_DictionarySize != dictionarySize)
				m_DictionarySize = dictionarySize;
				m_DictionarySizeCheck = Math.Max(m_DictionarySize, 1u);
				uint windowSize = Math.Max(m_DictionarySizeCheck, 4096u);

		private void SetLiteralProperties(int lp, int lc)
			if (lp > 8)
				throw new InvalidParamException();
			if (lc > 8)
				throw new InvalidParamException();
			m_LiteralDecoder.Create(lp, lc);

		private void SetPosBitsProperties(int pb)
			if (pb > 4)
				throw new InvalidParamException();
			uint num = (uint)(1 << pb);
			m_PosStateMask = num - 1;

		private void Init(Stream inStream, Stream outStream)
			m_OutWindow.Init(outStream, _solid);
			for (uint num = 0u; num < 12; num++)
				for (uint num2 = 0u; num2 <= m_PosStateMask; num2++)
					uint num3 = (num << 4) + num2;
			for (uint num = 0u; num < 4; num++)
			for (uint num = 0u; num < 114; num++)

		public void Code(Stream inStream, Stream outStream, long inSize, long outSize, ICodeProgress progress)
			Init(inStream, outStream);
			Base.State state = default(Base.State);
			uint num = 0u;
			uint num2 = 0u;
			uint num3 = 0u;
			uint num4 = 0u;
			ulong num5 = 0uL;
			if (num5 < (ulong)outSize)
				if (m_IsMatchDecoders[state.Index << 4].Decode(m_RangeDecoder) != 0)
					throw new DataErrorException();
				byte b = m_LiteralDecoder.DecodeNormal(m_RangeDecoder, 0u, 0);
			while (num5 < (ulong)outSize)
				uint num6 = (uint)(int)num5 & m_PosStateMask;
				if (m_IsMatchDecoders[(state.Index << 4) + num6].Decode(m_RangeDecoder) == 0)
					byte @byte = m_OutWindow.GetByte(0u);
					byte b2 = (state.IsCharState() ? m_LiteralDecoder.DecodeNormal(m_RangeDecoder, (uint)num5, @byte) : m_LiteralDecoder.DecodeWithMatchByte(m_RangeDecoder, (uint)num5, @byte, m_OutWindow.GetByte(num)));
				uint num8;
				if (m_IsRepDecoders[state.Index].Decode(m_RangeDecoder) == 1)
					if (m_IsRepG0Decoders[state.Index].Decode(m_RangeDecoder) == 0)
						if (m_IsRep0LongDecoders[(state.Index << 4) + num6].Decode(m_RangeDecoder) == 0)
						uint num7;
						if (m_IsRepG1Decoders[state.Index].Decode(m_RangeDecoder) == 0)
							num7 = num2;
							if (m_IsRepG2Decoders[state.Index].Decode(m_RangeDecoder) == 0)
								num7 = num3;
								num7 = num4;
								num4 = num3;
							num3 = num2;
						num2 = num;
						num = num7;
					num8 = m_RepLenDecoder.Decode(m_RangeDecoder, num6) + 2;
					num4 = num3;
					num3 = num2;
					num2 = num;
					num8 = 2 + m_LenDecoder.Decode(m_RangeDecoder, num6);
					uint num9 = m_PosSlotDecoder[Base.GetLenToPosState(num8)].Decode(m_RangeDecoder);
					if (num9 >= 4)
						int num10 = (int)((num9 >> 1) - 1);
						num = (2 | (num9 & 1)) << num10;
						if (num9 < 14)
							num += BitTreeDecoder.ReverseDecode(m_PosDecoders, num - num9 - 1, m_RangeDecoder, num10);
							num += m_RangeDecoder.DecodeDirectBits(num10 - 4) << 4;
							num += m_PosAlignDecoder.ReverseDecode(m_RangeDecoder);
						num = num9;
				if (num >= m_OutWindow.TrainSize + num5 || num >= m_DictionarySizeCheck)
					if (num == uint.MaxValue)
					throw new DataErrorException();
				m_OutWindow.CopyBlock(num, num8);
				num5 += num8;

		public void SetDecoderProperties(byte[] properties)
			if (properties.Length < 5)
				throw new InvalidParamException();
			int lc = properties[0] % 9;
			int num = properties[0] / 9;
			int lp = num % 5;
			int num2 = num / 5;
			if (num2 > 4)
				throw new InvalidParamException();
			uint num3 = 0u;
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
				num3 += (uint)(properties[1 + i] << i * 8);
			SetLiteralProperties(lp, lc);

		public bool Train(Stream stream)
			_solid = true;
			return m_OutWindow.Train(stream);
	public class Encoder : ICoder, ISetCoderProperties, IWriteCoderProperties
		private enum EMatchFinderType

		private class LiteralEncoder
			public struct Encoder2
				private BitEncoder[] m_Encoders;

				public void Create()
					m_Encoders = new BitEncoder[768];

				public void Init()
					for (int i = 0; i < 768; i++)

				public void Encode(SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.Encoder rangeEncoder, byte symbol)
					uint num = 1u;
					for (int num2 = 7; num2 >= 0; num2--)
						uint num3 = (uint)(symbol >> num2) & 1u;
						m_Encoders[num].Encode(rangeEncoder, num3);
						num = (num << 1) | num3;

				public void EncodeMatched(SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.Encoder rangeEncoder, byte matchByte, byte symbol)
					uint num = 1u;
					bool flag = true;
					for (int num2 = 7; num2 >= 0; num2--)
						uint num3 = (uint)(symbol >> num2) & 1u;
						uint num4 = num;
						if (flag)
							uint num5 = (uint)(matchByte >> num2) & 1u;
							num4 += 1 + num5 << 8;
							flag = num5 == num3;
						m_Encoders[num4].Encode(rangeEncoder, num3);
						num = (num << 1) | num3;

				public uint GetPrice(bool matchMode, byte matchByte, byte symbol)
					uint num = 0u;
					uint num2 = 1u;
					int num3 = 7;
					if (matchMode)
						while (num3 >= 0)
							uint num4 = (uint)(matchByte >> num3) & 1u;
							uint num5 = (uint)(symbol >> num3) & 1u;
							num += m_Encoders[(1 + num4 << 8) + num2].GetPrice(num5);
							num2 = (num2 << 1) | num5;
							if (num4 != num5)
					while (num3 >= 0)
						uint num6 = (uint)(symbol >> num3) & 1u;
						num += m_Encoders[num2].GetPrice(num6);
						num2 = (num2 << 1) | num6;
					return num;

			private Encoder2[] m_Coders;

			private int m_NumPrevBits;

			private int m_NumPosBits;

			private uint m_PosMask;

			public void Create(int numPosBits, int numPrevBits)
				if (m_Coders == null || m_NumPrevBits != numPrevBits || m_NumPosBits != numPosBits)
					m_NumPosBits = numPosBits;
					m_PosMask = (uint)((1 << numPosBits) - 1);
					m_NumPrevBits = numPrevBits;
					uint num = (uint)(1 << m_NumPrevBits + m_NumPosBits);
					m_Coders = new Encoder2[num];
					for (uint num2 = 0u; num2 < num; num2++)

			public void Init()
				uint num = (uint)(1 << m_NumPrevBits + m_NumPosBits);
				for (uint num2 = 0u; num2 < num; num2++)

			public Encoder2 GetSubCoder(uint pos, byte prevByte)
				return m_Coders[(int)((pos & m_PosMask) << m_NumPrevBits) + (prevByte >> 8 - m_NumPrevBits)];

		private class LenEncoder
			private BitEncoder _choice;

			private BitEncoder _choice2;

			private BitTreeEncoder[] _lowCoder = new BitTreeEncoder[16];

			private BitTreeEncoder[] _midCoder = new BitTreeEncoder[16];

			private BitTreeEncoder _highCoder = new BitTreeEncoder(8);

			public LenEncoder()
				for (uint num = 0u; num < 16; num++)
					_lowCoder[num] = new BitTreeEncoder(3);
					_midCoder[num] = new BitTreeEncoder(3);

			public void Init(uint numPosStates)
				for (uint num = 0u; num < numPosStates; num++)

			public void Encode(SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.Encoder rangeEncoder, uint symbol, uint posState)
				if (symbol < 8)
					_choice.Encode(rangeEncoder, 0u);
					_lowCoder[posState].Encode(rangeEncoder, symbol);
				symbol -= 8;
				_choice.Encode(rangeEncoder, 1u);
				if (symbol < 8)
					_choice2.Encode(rangeEncoder, 0u);
					_midCoder[posState].Encode(rangeEncoder, symbol);
					_choice2.Encode(rangeEncoder, 1u);
					_highCoder.Encode(rangeEncoder, symbol - 8);

			public void SetPrices(uint posState, uint numSymbols, uint[] prices, uint st)
				uint price = _choice.GetPrice0();
				uint price2 = _choice.GetPrice1();
				uint num = price2 + _choice2.GetPrice0();
				uint num2 = price2 + _choice2.GetPrice1();
				uint num3 = 0u;
				for (num3 = 0u; num3 < 8; num3++)
					if (num3 >= numSymbols)
					prices[st + num3] = price + _lowCoder[posState].GetPrice(num3);
				for (; num3 < 16; num3++)
					if (num3 >= numSymbols)
					prices[st + num3] = num + _midCoder[posState].GetPrice(num3 - 8);
				for (; num3 < numSymbols; num3++)
					prices[st + num3] = num2 + _highCoder.GetPrice(num3 - 8 - 8);

		private class LenPriceTableEncoder : LenEncoder
			private uint[] _prices = new uint[4352];

			private uint _tableSize;

			private uint[] _counters = new uint[16];

			public void SetTableSize(uint tableSize)
				_tableSize = tableSize;

			public uint GetPrice(uint symbol, uint posState)
				return _prices[posState * 272 + symbol];

			private void UpdateTable(uint posState)
				SetPrices(posState, _tableSize, _prices, posState * 272);
				_counters[posState] = _tableSize;

			public void UpdateTables(uint numPosStates)
				for (uint num = 0u; num < numPosStates; num++)

			public new void Encode(SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.Encoder rangeEncoder, uint symbol, uint posState)
				base.Encode(rangeEncoder, symbol, posState);
				if (--_counters[posState] == 0)

		private class Optimal
			public Base.State State;

			public bool Prev1IsChar;

			public bool Prev2;

			public uint PosPrev2;

			public uint BackPrev2;

			public uint Price;

			public uint PosPrev;

			public uint BackPrev;

			public uint Backs0;

			public uint Backs1;

			public uint Backs2;

			public uint Backs3;

			public void MakeAsChar()
				BackPrev = uint.MaxValue;
				Prev1IsChar = false;

			public void MakeAsShortRep()
				BackPrev = 0u;
				Prev1IsChar = false;

			public bool IsShortRep()
				return BackPrev == 0;

		private const uint kIfinityPrice = 268435455u;

		private static byte[] g_FastPos;

		private Base.State _state;

		private byte _previousByte;

		private uint[] _repDistances = new uint[4];

		private const int kDefaultDictionaryLogSize = 22;

		private const uint kNumFastBytesDefault = 32u;

		private const uint kNumLenSpecSymbols = 16u;

		private const uint kNumOpts = 4096u;

		private Optimal[] _optimum = new Optimal[4096];

		private IMatchFinder _matchFinder;

		private SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.Encoder _rangeEncoder = new SevenZip.Compression.RangeCoder.Encoder();

		private BitEncoder[] _isMatch = new BitEncoder[192];

		private BitEncoder[] _isRep = new BitEncoder[12];

		private BitEncoder[] _isRepG0 = new BitEncoder[12];

		private BitEncoder[] _isRepG1 = new BitEncoder[12];

		private BitEncoder[] _isRepG2 = new BitEncoder[12];

		private BitEncoder[] _isRep0Long = new BitEncoder[192];

		private BitTreeEncoder[] _posSlotEncoder = new BitTreeEncoder[4];

		private BitEncoder[] _posEncoders = new BitEncoder[114];

		private BitTreeEncoder _posAlignEncoder = new BitTreeEncoder(4);

		private LenPriceTableEncoder _lenEncoder = new LenPriceTableEncoder();

		private LenPriceTableEncoder _repMatchLenEncoder = new LenPriceTableEncoder();

		private LiteralEncoder _literalEncoder = new LiteralEncoder();

		private uint[] _matchDistances = new uint[548];

		private uint _numFastBytes = 32u;

		private uint _longestMatchLength;

		private uint _numDistancePairs;

		private uint _additionalOffset;

		private uint _optimumEndIndex;

		private uint _optimumCurrentIndex;

		private bool _longestMatchWasFound;

		private uint[] _posSlotPrices = new uint[256];

		private uint[] _distancesPrices = new uint[512];

		private uint[] _alignPrices = new uint[16];

		private uint _alignPriceCount;

		private uint _distTableSize = 44u;

		private int _posStateBits = 2;

		private uint _posStateMask = 3u;

		private int _numLiteralPosStateBits;

		private int _numLiteralContextBits = 3;

		private uint _dictionarySize = 4194304u;

		private uint _dictionarySizePrev = uint.MaxValue;

		private uint _numFastBytesPrev = uint.MaxValue;

		private long nowPos64;

		private bool _finished;

		private Stream _inStream;

		private EMatchFinderType _matchFinderType = EMatchFinderType.BT4;

		private bool _writeEndMark;

		private bool _needReleaseMFStream;

		private uint[] reps = new uint[4];

		private uint[] repLens = new uint[4];

		private const int kPropSize = 5;

		private byte[] properties = new byte[5];

		private uint[] tempPrices = new uint[128];

		private uint _matchPriceCount;

		private static string[] kMatchFinderIDs;

		private uint _trainSize;

		static Encoder()
			g_FastPos = new byte[2048];
			kMatchFinderIDs = new string[2] { "BT2", "BT4" };
			int num = 2;
			g_FastPos[0] = 0;
			g_FastPos[1] = 1;
			for (byte b = 2; b < 22; b++)
				uint num2 = (uint)(1 << (b >> 1) - 1);
				uint num3 = 0u;
				while (num3 < num2)
					g_FastPos[num] = b;

		private static uint GetPosSlot(uint pos)
			if (pos < 2048)
				return g_FastPos[pos];
			if (pos < 2097152)
				return (uint)(g_FastPos[pos >> 10] + 20);
			return (uint)(g_FastPos[pos >> 20] + 40);

		private static uint GetPosSlot2(uint pos)
			if (pos < 131072)
				return (uint)(g_FastPos[pos >> 6] + 12);
			if (pos < 134217728)
				return (uint)(g_FastPos[pos >> 16] + 32);
			return (uint)(g_FastPos[pos >> 26] + 52);

		private void BaseInit()
			_previousByte = 0;
			for (uint num = 0u; num < 4; num++)
				_repDistances[num] = 0u;

		private void Create()
			if (_matchFinder == null)
				BinTree binTree = new BinTree();
				int type = 4;
				if (_matchFinderType == EMatchFinderType.BT2)
					type = 2;
				_matchFinder = binTree;
			_literalEncoder.Create(_numLiteralPosStateBits, _numLiteralContextBits);
			if (_dictionarySize != _dictionarySizePrev || _numFastBytesPrev != _numFastBytes)
				_matchFinder.Create(_dictionarySize, 4096u, _numFastBytes, 274u);
				_dictionarySizePrev = _dictionarySize;
				_numFastBytesPrev = _numFastBytes;

		public Encoder()
			for (int i = 0; (long)i < 4096L; i++)
				_optimum[i] = new Optimal();
			for (int j = 0; (long)j < 4L; j++)
				_posSlotEncoder[j] = new BitTreeEncoder(6);

		private void SetWriteEndMarkerMode(bool writeEndMarker)
			_writeEndMark = writeEndMarker;

		private void Init()
			for (uint num = 0u; num < 12; num++)
				for (uint num2 = 0u; num2 <= _posStateMask; num2++)
					uint num3 = (num << 4) + num2;
			for (uint num = 0u; num < 4; num++)
			for (uint num = 0u; num < 114; num++)
			_lenEncoder.Init((uint)(1 << _posStateBits));
			_repMatchLenEncoder.Init((uint)(1 << _posStateBits));
			_longestMatchWasFound = false;
			_optimumEndIndex = 0u;
			_optimumCurrentIndex = 0u;
			_additionalOffset = 0u;

		private void ReadMatchDistances(out uint lenRes, out uint numDistancePairs)
			lenRes = 0u;
			numDistancePairs = _matchFinder.GetMatches(_matchDistances);
			if (numDistancePairs != 0)
				lenRes = _matchDistances[numDistancePairs - 2];
				if (lenRes == _numFastBytes)
					lenRes += _matchFinder.GetMatchLen((int)(lenRes - 1), _matchDistances[numDistancePairs - 1], 273 - lenRes);

		private void MovePos(uint num)
			if (num != 0)
				_additionalOffset += num;

		private uint GetRepLen1Price(Base.State state, uint posState)
			return _isRepG0[state.Index].GetPrice0() + _isRep0Long[(state.Index << 4) + posState].GetPrice0();

		private uint GetPureRepPrice(uint repIndex, Base.State state, uint posState)
			uint price;
			if (repIndex == 0)
				price = _isRepG0[state.Index].GetPrice0();
				return price + _isRep0Long[(state.Index << 4) + posState].GetPrice1();
			price = _isRepG0[state.Index].GetPrice1();
			if (repIndex == 1)
				return price + _isRepG1[state.Index].GetPrice0();
			price += _isRepG1[state.Index].GetPrice1();
			return price + _isRepG2[state.Index].GetPrice(repIndex - 2);

		private uint GetRepPrice(uint repIndex, uint len, Base.State state, uint posState)
			return _repMatchLenEncoder.GetPrice(len - 2, posState) + GetPureRepPrice(repIndex, state, posState);

		private uint GetPosLenPrice(uint pos, uint len, uint posState)
			uint lenToPosState = Base.GetLenToPosState(len);
			uint num = ((pos >= 128) ? (_posSlotPrices[(lenToPosState << 6) + GetPosSlot2(pos)] + _alignPrices[pos & 0xF]) : _distancesPrices[lenToPosState * 128 + pos]);
			return num + _lenEncoder.GetPrice(len - 2, posState);

		private uint Backward(out uint backRes, uint cur)
			_optimumEndIndex = cur;
			uint posPrev = _optimum[cur].PosPrev;
			uint backPrev = _optimum[cur].BackPrev;
				if (_optimum[cur].Prev1IsChar)
					_optimum[posPrev].PosPrev = posPrev - 1;
					if (_optimum[cur].Prev2)
						_optimum[posPrev - 1].Prev1IsChar = false;
						_optimum[posPrev - 1].PosPrev = _optimum[cur].PosPrev2;
						_optimum[posPrev - 1].BackPrev = _optimum[cur].BackPrev2;
				uint num = posPrev;
				uint backPrev2 = backPrev;
				backPrev = _optimum[num].BackPrev;
				posPrev = _optimum[num].PosPrev;
				_optimum[num].BackPrev = backPrev2;
				_optimum[num].PosPrev = cur;
				cur = num;
			while (cur != 0);
			backRes = _optimum[0].BackPrev;
			_optimumCurrentIndex = _optimum[0].PosPrev;
			return _optimumCurrentIndex;

		private uint GetOptimum(uint position, out uint backRes)
			if (_optimumEndIndex != _optimumCurrentIndex)
				uint result = _optimum[_optimumCurrentIndex].PosPrev - _optimumCurrentIndex;
				backRes = _optimum[_optimumCurrentIndex].BackPrev;
				_optimumCurrentIndex = _optimum[_optimumCurrentIndex].PosPrev;
				return result;
			_optimumCurrentIndex = (_optimumEndIndex = 0u);
			uint lenRes;
			uint numDistancePairs;
			if (!_longestMatchWasFound)
				ReadMatchDistances(out lenRes, out numDistancePairs);
				lenRes = _longestMatchLength;
				numDistancePairs = _numDistancePairs;
				_longestMatchWasFound = false;
			uint num = _matchFinder.GetNumAvailableBytes() + 1;
			if (num < 2)
				backRes = uint.MaxValue;
				return 1u;
			if (num > 273)
				num = 273u;
			uint num2 = 0u;
			for (uint num3 = 0u; num3 < 4; num3++)
				reps[num3] = _repDistances[num3];
				repLens[num3] = _matchFinder.GetMatchLen(-1, reps[num3], 273u);
				if (repLens[num3] > repLens[num2])
					num2 = num3;
			if (repLens[num2] >= _numFastBytes)
				backRes = num2;
				uint num4 = repLens[num2];
				MovePos(num4 - 1);
				return num4;
			if (lenRes >= _numFastBytes)
				backRes = _matchDistances[numDistancePairs - 1] + 4;
				MovePos(lenRes - 1);
				return lenRes;
			byte indexByte = _matchFinder.GetIndexByte(-1);
			byte indexByte2 = _matchFinder.GetIndexByte((int)(0 - _repDistances[0] - 1 - 1));
			if (lenRes < 2 && indexByte != indexByte2 && repLens[num2] < 2)
				backRes = uint.MaxValue;
				return 1u;
			_optimum[0].State = _state;
			uint num5 = position & _posStateMask;
			_optimum[1].Price = _isMatch[(_state.Index << 4) + num5].GetPrice0() + _literalEncoder.GetSubCoder(position, _previousByte).GetPrice(!_state.IsCharState(), indexByte2, indexByte);
			uint price = _isMatch[(_state.Index << 4) + num5].GetPrice1();
			uint num6 = price + _isRep[_state.Index].GetPrice1();
			if (indexByte2 == indexByte)
				uint num7 = num6 + GetRepLen1Price(_state, num5);
				if (num7 < _optimum[1].Price)
					_optimum[1].Price = num7;
			uint num8 = ((lenRes >= repLens[num2]) ? lenRes : repLens[num2]);
			if (num8 < 2)
				backRes = _optimum[1].BackPrev;
				return 1u;
			_optimum[1].PosPrev = 0u;
			_optimum[0].Backs0 = reps[0];
			_optimum[0].Backs1 = reps[1];
			_optimum[0].Backs2 = reps[2];
			_optimum[0].Backs3 = reps[3];
			uint num9 = num8;
				_optimum[num9--].Price = 268435455u;
			while (num9 >= 2);
			for (uint num3 = 0u; num3 < 4; num3++)
				uint num10 = repLens[num3];
				if (num10 < 2)
				uint num11 = num6 + GetPureRepPrice(num3, _state, num5);
					uint num12 = num11 + _repMatchLenEncoder.GetPrice(num10 - 2, num5);
					Optimal optimal = _optimum[num10];
					if (num12 < optimal.Price)
						optimal.Price = num12;
						optimal.PosPrev = 0u;
						optimal.BackPrev = num3;
						optimal.Prev1IsChar = false;
				while (--num10 >= 2);
			uint num13 = price + _isRep[_state.Index].GetPrice0();
			num9 = ((repLens[0] >= 2) ? (repLens[0] + 1) : 2u);
			if (num9 <= lenRes)
				uint num14;
				for (num14 = 0u; num9 > _matchDistances[num14]; num14 += 2)
				while (true)
					uint num15 = _matchDistances[num14 + 1];
					uint num16 = num13 + GetPosLenPrice(num15, num9, num5);
					Optimal optimal2 = _optimum[num9];
					if (num16 < optimal2.Price)
						optimal2.Price = num16;
						optimal2.PosPrev = 0u;
						optimal2.BackPrev = num15 + 4;
						optimal2.Prev1IsChar = false;
					if (num9 == _matchDistances[num14])
						num14 += 2;
						if (num14 == numDistancePairs)
			uint num17 = 0u;
			uint lenRes2;
			while (true)
				if (num17 == num8)
					return Backward(out backRes, num17);
				ReadMatchDistances(out lenRes2, out numDistancePairs);
				if (lenRes2 >= _numFastBytes)
				uint num18 = _optimum[num17].PosPrev;
				Base.State state;
				if (_optimum[num17].Prev1IsChar)
					if (_optimum[num17].Prev2)
						state = _optimum[_optimum[num17].PosPrev2].State;
						if (_optimum[num17].BackPrev2 < 4)
						state = _optimum[num18].State;
					state = _optimum[num18].State;
				if (num18 == num17 - 1)
					if (_optimum[num17].IsShortRep())
					uint num19;
					if (_optimum[num17].Prev1IsChar && _optimum[num17].Prev2)
						num18 = _optimum[num17].PosPrev2;
						num19 = _optimum[num17].BackPrev2;
						num19 = _optimum[num17].BackPrev;
						if (num19 < 4)
					Optimal optimal3 = _optimum[num18];
					switch (num19)
					case 0u:
						reps[0] = optimal3.Backs0;
						reps[1] = optimal3.Backs1;
						reps[2] = optimal3.Backs2;
						reps[3] = optimal3.Backs3;
					case 1u:
						reps[0] = optimal3.Backs1;
						reps[1] = optimal3.Backs0;
						reps[2] = optimal3.Backs2;
						reps[3] = optimal3.Backs3;
					case 2u:
						reps[0] = optimal3.Backs2;
						reps[1] = optimal3.Backs0;
						reps[2] = optimal3.Backs1;
						reps[3] = optimal3.Backs3;
					case 3u:
						reps[0] = optimal3.Backs3;
						reps[1] = optimal3.Backs0;
						reps[2] = optimal3.Backs1;
						reps[3] = optimal3.Backs2;
						reps[0] = num19 - 4;
						reps[1] = optimal3.Backs0;
						reps[2] = optimal3.Backs1;
						reps[3] = optimal3.Backs2;
				_optimum[num17].State = state;
				_optimum[num17].Backs0 = reps[0];
				_optimum[num17].Backs1 = reps[1];
				_optimum[num17].Backs2 = reps[2];
				_optimum[num17].Backs3 = reps[3];
				uint price2 = _optimum[num17].Price;
				indexByte = _matchFinder.GetIndexByte(-1);
				indexByte2 = _matchFinder.GetIndexByte((int)(0 - reps[0] - 1 - 1));
				num5 = position & _posStateMask;
				uint num20 = price2 + _isMatch[(state.Index << 4) + num5].GetPrice0() + _literalEncoder.GetSubCoder(position, _matchFinder.GetIndexByte(-2)).GetPrice(!state.IsCharState(), indexByte2, indexByte);
				Optimal optimal4 = _optimum[num17 + 1];
				bool flag = false;
				if (num20 < optimal4.Price)
					optimal4.Price = num20;
					optimal4.PosPrev = num17;
					flag = true;
				price = price2 + _isMatch[(state.Index << 4) + num5].GetPrice1();
				num6 = price + _isRep[state.Index].GetPrice1();
				if (indexByte2 == indexByte && (optimal4.PosPrev >= num17 || optimal4.BackPrev != 0))
					uint num21 = num6 + GetRepLen1Price(state, num5);
					if (num21 <= optimal4.Price)
						optimal4.Price = num21;
						optimal4.PosPrev = num17;
						flag = true;
				uint val = _matchFinder.GetNumAvailableBytes() + 1;
				val = Math.Min(4095 - num17, val);
				num = val;
				if (num < 2)
				if (num > _numFastBytes)
					num = _numFastBytes;
				if (!flag && indexByte2 != indexByte)
					uint limit = Math.Min(val - 1, _numFastBytes);
					uint matchLen = _matchFinder.GetMatchLen(0, reps[0], limit);
					if (matchLen >= 2)
						Base.State state2 = state;
						uint num22 = (position + 1) & _posStateMask;
						uint num23 = num20 + _isMatch[(state2.Index << 4) + num22].GetPrice1() + _isRep[state2.Index].GetPrice1();
						uint num24 = num17 + 1 + matchLen;
						while (num8 < num24)
							_optimum[++num8].Price = 268435455u;
						uint num25 = num23 + GetRepPrice(0u, matchLen, state2, num22);
						Optimal optimal5 = _optimum[num24];
						if (num25 < optimal5.Price)
							optimal5.Price = num25;
							optimal5.PosPrev = num17 + 1;
							optimal5.BackPrev = 0u;
							optimal5.Prev1IsChar = true;
							optimal5.Prev2 = false;
				uint num26 = 2u;
				for (uint num27 = 0u; num27 < 4; num27++)
					uint num28 = _matchFinder.GetMatchLen(-1, reps[num27], num);
					if (num28 < 2)
					uint num29 = num28;
					while (true)
						if (num8 < num17 + num28)
							_optimum[++num8].Price = 268435455u;
						uint num30 = num6 + GetRepPrice(num27, num28, state, num5);
						Optimal optimal6 = _optimum[num17 + num28];
						if (num30 < optimal6.Price)
							optimal6.Price = num30;
							optimal6.PosPrev = num17;
							optimal6.BackPrev = num27;
							optimal6.Prev1IsChar = false;
						if (--num28 < 2)
					num28 = num29;
					if (num27 == 0)
						num26 = num28 + 1;
					if (num28 >= val)
					uint limit2 = Math.Min(val - 1 - num28, _numFastBytes);
					uint matchLen2 = _matchFinder.GetMatchLen((int)num28, reps[num27], limit2);
					if (matchLen2 >= 2)
						Base.State state3 = state;
						uint num31 = (position + num28) & _posStateMask;
						uint num32 = num6 + GetRepPrice(num27, num28, state, num5) + _isMatch[(state3.Index << 4) + num31].GetPrice0() + _literalEncoder.GetSubCoder(position + num28, _matchFinder.GetIndexByte((int)(num28 - 1 - 1))).GetPrice(matchMode: true, _matchFinder.GetIndexByte((int)(num28 - 1 - (reps[num27] + 1))), _matchFinder.GetIndexByte((int)(num28 - 1)));
						num31 = (position + num28 + 1) & _posStateMask;
						uint num33 = num32 + _isMatch[(state3.Index << 4) + num31].GetPrice1() + _isRep[state3.Index].GetPrice1();
						uint num34 = num28 + 1 + matchLen2;
						while (num8 < num17 + num34)
							_optimum[++num8].Price = 268435455u;
						uint num35 = num33 + GetRepPrice(0u, matchLen2, state3, num31);
						Optimal optimal7 = _optimum[num17 + num34];
						if (num35 < optimal7.Price)
							optimal7.Price = num35;
							optimal7.PosPrev = num17 + num28 + 1;
							optimal7.BackPrev = 0u;
							optimal7.Prev1IsChar = true;
							optimal7.Prev2 = true;
							optimal7.PosPrev2 = num17;
							optimal7.BackPrev2 = num27;
				if (lenRes2 > num)
					lenRes2 = num;
					for (numDistancePairs = 0u; lenRes2 > _matchDistances[numDistancePairs]; numDistancePairs += 2)
					_matchDistances[numDistancePairs] = lenRes2;
					numDistancePairs += 2;
				if (lenRes2 < num26)
				num13 = price + _isRep[state.Index].GetPrice0();
				while (num8 < num17 + lenRes2)
					_optimum[++num8].Price = 268435455u;
				uint num36;
				for (num36 = 0u; num26 > _matchDistances[num36]; num36 += 2)
				uint num37 = num26;
				while (true)
					uint num38 = _matchDistances[num36 + 1];
					uint num39 = num13 + GetPosLenPrice(num38, num37, num5);
					Optimal optimal8 = _optimum[num17 + num37];
					if (num39 < optimal8.Price)
						optimal8.Price = num39;
						optimal8.PosPrev = num17;
						optimal8.BackPrev = num38 + 4;
						optimal8.Prev1IsChar = false;
					if (num37 == _matchDistances[num36])
						if (num37 < val)
							uint limit3 = Math.Min(val - 1 - num37, _numFastBytes);
							uint matchLen3 = _matchFinder.GetMatchLen((int)num37, num38, limit3);
							if (matchLen3 >= 2)
								Base.State state4 = state;
								uint num40 = (position + num37) & _posStateMask;
								uint num41 = num39 + _isMatch[(state4.Index << 4) + num40].GetPrice0() + _literalEncoder.GetSubCoder(position + num37, _matchFinder.GetIndexByte((int)(num37 - 1 - 1))).GetPrice(matchMode: true, _matchFinder.GetIndexByte((int)(num37 - (num38 + 1) - 1)), _matchFinder.GetIndexByte((int)(num37 - 1)));
								num40 = (position + num37 + 1) & _posStateMask;
								uint num42 = num41 + _isMatch[(state4.Index << 4) + num40].GetPrice1() + _isRep[state4.Index].GetPrice1();
								uint num43 = num37 + 1 + matchLen3;
								while (num8 < num17 + num43)
									_optimum[++num8].Price = 268435455u;
								num39 = num42 + GetRepPrice(0u, matchLen3, state4, num40);
								optimal8 = _optimum[num17 + num43];
								if (num39 < optimal8.Price)
									optimal8.Price = num39;
									optimal8.PosPrev = num17 + num37 + 1;
									optimal8.BackPrev = 0u;
									optimal8.Prev1IsChar = true;
									optimal8.Prev2 = true;
									optimal8.PosPrev2 = num17;
									optimal8.BackPrev2 = num38 + 4;
						num36 += 2;
						if (num36 == numDistancePairs)
			_numDistancePairs = numDistancePairs;
			_longestMatchLength = lenRes2;
			_longestMatchWasFound = true;
			return Backward(out backRes, num17);

		private bool ChangePair(uint smallDist, uint bigDist)
			if (smallDist < 33554432)
				return bigDist >= smallDist << 7;
			return false;

		private void WriteEndMarker(uint posState)
			if (_writeEndMark)
				_isMatch[(_state.Index << 4) + posState].Encode(_rangeEncoder, 1u);
				_isRep[_state.Index].Encode(_rangeEncoder, 0u);
				uint num = 2u;
				_lenEncoder.Encode(_rangeEncoder, num - 2, posState);
				uint symbol = 63u;
				uint lenToPosState = Base.GetLenToPosState(num);
				_posSlotEncoder[lenToPosState].Encode(_rangeEncoder, symbol);
				int num2 = 30;
				uint num3 = (uint)((1 << num2) - 1);
				_rangeEncoder.EncodeDirectBits(num3 >> 4, num2 - 4);
				_posAlignEncoder.ReverseEncode(_rangeEncoder, num3 & 0xFu);

		private void Flush(uint nowPos)
			WriteEndMarker(nowPos & _posStateMask);

		public void CodeOneBlock(out long inSize, out long outSize, out bool finished)
			inSize = 0L;
			outSize = 0L;
			finished = true;
			if (_inStream != null)
				_needReleaseMFStream = true;
				_inStream = null;
				if (_trainSize != 0)
			if (_finished)
			_finished = true;
			long num = nowPos64;
			if (nowPos64 == 0L)
				if (_matchFinder.GetNumAvailableBytes() == 0)
				ReadMatchDistances(out var _, out var _);
				uint num2 = (uint)(int)nowPos64 & _posStateMask;
				_isMatch[(_state.Index << 4) + num2].Encode(_rangeEncoder, 0u);
				byte indexByte = _matchFinder.GetIndexByte((int)(0 - _additionalOffset));
				_literalEncoder.GetSubCoder((uint)nowPos64, _previousByte).Encode(_rangeEncoder, indexByte);
				_previousByte = indexByte;
			if (_matchFinder.GetNumAvailableBytes() == 0)
			while (true)
				uint backRes;
				uint optimum = GetOptimum((uint)nowPos64, out backRes);
				uint num3 = (uint)(int)nowPos64 & _posStateMask;
				uint num4 = (_state.Index << 4) + num3;
				if (optimum == 1 && backRes == uint.MaxValue)
					_isMatch[num4].Encode(_rangeEncoder, 0u);
					byte indexByte2 = _matchFinder.GetIndexByte((int)(0 - _additionalOffset));
					LiteralEncoder.Encoder2 subCoder = _literalEncoder.GetSubCoder((uint)nowPos64, _previousByte);
					if (!_state.IsCharState())
						byte indexByte3 = _matchFinder.GetIndexByte((int)(0 - _repDistances[0] - 1 - _additionalOffset));
						subCoder.EncodeMatched(_rangeEncoder, indexByte3, indexByte2);
						subCoder.Encode(_rangeEncoder, indexByte2);
					_previousByte = indexByte2;
					_isMatch[num4].Encode(_rangeEncoder, 1u);
					if (backRes < 4)
						_isRep[_state.Index].Encode(_rangeEncoder, 1u);
						if (backRes == 0)
							_isRepG0[_state.Index].Encode(_rangeEncoder, 0u);
							if (optimum == 1)
								_isRep0Long[num4].Encode(_rangeEncoder, 0u);
								_isRep0Long[num4].Encode(_rangeEncoder, 1u);
							_isRepG0[_state.Index].Encode(_rangeEncoder, 1u);
							if (backRes == 1)
								_isRepG1[_state.Index].Encode(_rangeEncoder, 0u);
								_isRepG1[_state.Index].Encode(_rangeEncoder, 1u);
								_isRepG2[_state.Index].Encode(_rangeEncoder, backRes - 2);
						if (optimum == 1)
							_repMatchLenEncoder.Encode(_rangeEncoder, optimum - 2, num3);
						uint num5 = _repDistances[backRes];
						if (backRes != 0)
							for (uint num6 = backRes; num6 >= 1; num6--)
								_repDistances[num6] = _repDistances[num6 - 1];
							_repDistances[0] = num5;
						_isRep[_state.Index].Encode(_rangeEncoder, 0u);
						_lenEncoder.Encode(_rangeEncoder, optimum - 2, num3);
						backRes -= 4;
						uint posSlot = GetPosSlot(backRes);
						uint lenToPosState = Base.GetLenToPosState(optimum);
						_posSlotEncoder[lenToPosState].Encode(_rangeEncoder, posSlot);
						if (posSlot >= 4)
							int num7 = (int)((posSlot >> 1) - 1);
							uint num8 = (2 | (posSlot & 1)) << num7;
							uint num9 = backRes - num8;
							if (posSlot < 14)
								BitTreeEncoder.ReverseEncode(_posEncoders, num8 - posSlot - 1, _rangeEncoder, num7, num9);
								_rangeEncoder.EncodeDirectBits(num9 >> 4, num7 - 4);
								_posAlignEncoder.ReverseEncode(_rangeEncoder, num9 & 0xFu);
						uint num10 = backRes;
						for (uint num11 = 3u; num11 >= 1; num11--)
							_repDistances[num11] = _repDistances[num11 - 1];
						_repDistances[0] = num10;
					_previousByte = _matchFinder.GetIndexByte((int)(optimum - 1 - _additionalOffset));
				_additionalOffset -= optimum;
				nowPos64 += optimum;
				if (_additionalOffset == 0)
					if (_matchPriceCount >= 128)
					if (_alignPriceCount >= 16)
					inSize = nowPos64;
					outSize = _rangeEncoder.GetProcessedSizeAdd();
					if (_matchFinder.GetNumAvailableBytes() == 0)
					if (nowPos64 - num >= 4096)
			_finished = false;
			finished = false;

		private void ReleaseMFStream()
			if (_matchFinder != null && _needReleaseMFStream)
				_needReleaseMFStream = false;

		private void SetOutStream(Stream outStream)

		private void ReleaseOutStream()

		private void ReleaseStreams()

		private void SetStreams(Stream inStream, Stream outStream, long inSize, long outSize)
			_inStream = inStream;
			_finished = false;
			_lenEncoder.SetTableSize(_numFastBytes + 1 - 2);
			_lenEncoder.UpdateTables((uint)(1 << _posStateBits));
			_repMatchLenEncoder.SetTableSize(_numFastBytes + 1 - 2);
			_repMatchLenEncoder.UpdateTables((uint)(1 << _posStateBits));
			nowPos64 = 0L;

		public void Code(Stream inStream, Stream outStream, long inSize, long outSize, ICodeProgress progress)
			_needReleaseMFStream = false;
				SetStreams(inStream, outStream, inSize, outSize);
				while (true)
					CodeOneBlock(out var inSize2, out var outSize2, out var finished);
					if (finished)
					progress?.SetProgress(inSize2, outSize2);

		public void WriteCoderProperties(Stream outStream)
			properties[0] = (byte)((_posStateBits * 5 + _numLiteralPosStateBits) * 9 + _numLiteralContextBits);
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
				properties[1 + i] = (byte)((_dictionarySize >> 8 * i) & 0xFFu);
			outStream.Write(properties, 0, 5);

		private void FillDistancesPrices()
			for (uint num = 4u; num < 128; num++)
				uint posSlot = GetPosSlot(num);
				int num2 = (int)((posSlot >> 1) - 1);
				uint num3 = (2 | (posSlot & 1)) << num2;
				tempPrices[num] = BitTreeEncoder.ReverseGetPrice(_posEncoders, num3 - posSlot - 1, num2, num - num3);
			for (uint num4 = 0u; num4 < 4; num4++)
				BitTreeEncoder bitTreeEncoder = _posSlotEncoder[num4];
				uint num5 = num4 << 6;
				for (uint num6 = 0u; num6 < _distTableSize; num6++)
					_posSlotPrices[num5 + num6] = bitTreeEncoder.GetPrice(num6);
				for (uint num6 = 14u; num6 < _distTableSize; num6++)
					_posSlotPrices[num5 + num6] += (num6 >> 1) - 1 - 4 << 6;
				uint num7 = num4 * 128;
				uint num8;
				for (num8 = 0u; num8 < 4; num8++)
					_distancesPrices[num7 + num8] = _posSlotPrices[num5 + num8];
				for (; num8 < 128; num8++)
					_distancesPrices[num7 + num8] = _posSlotPrices[num5 + GetPosSlot(num8)] + tempPrices[num8];
			_matchPriceCount = 0u;

		private void FillAlignPrices()
			for (uint num = 0u; num < 16; num++)
				_alignPrices[num] = _posAlignEncoder.ReverseGetPrice(num);
			_alignPriceCount = 0u;

		private static int FindMatchFinder(string s)
			for (int i = 0; i < kMatchFinderIDs.Length; i++)
				if (s == kMatchFinderIDs[i])
					return i;
			return -1;

		public void SetCoderProperties(CoderPropID[] propIDs, object[] properties)
			for (uint num = 0u; num < properties.Length; num++)
				object obj = properties[num];
				switch (propIDs[num])
				case CoderPropID.NumFastBytes:
					if (!(obj is int num2))
						throw new InvalidParamException();
					if (num2 < 5 || (long)num2 > 273L)
						throw new InvalidParamException();
					_numFastBytes = (uint)num2;
				case CoderPropID.MatchFinder:
					if (!(obj is string))
						throw new InvalidParamException();
					EMatchFinderType matchFinderType = _matchFinderType;
					int num6 = FindMatchFinder(((string)obj).ToUpper());
					if (num6 < 0)
						throw new InvalidParamException();
					_matchFinderType = (EMatchFinderType)num6;
					if (_matchFinder != null && matchFinderType != _matchFinderType)
						_dictionarySizePrev = uint.MaxValue;
						_matchFinder = null;
				case CoderPropID.DictionarySize:
					if (!(obj is int num7))
						throw new InvalidParamException();
					if ((long)num7 < 1L || (long)num7 > 1073741824L)
						throw new InvalidParamException();
					_dictionarySize = (uint)num7;
					int i;
					for (i = 0; (long)i < 30L && num7 > (uint)(1 << i); i++)
					_distTableSize = (uint)(i * 2);
				case CoderPropID.PosStateBits:
					if (!(obj is int num3))
						throw new InvalidParamException();
					if (num3 < 0 || (long)num3 > 4L)
						throw new InvalidParamException();
					_posStateBits = num3;
					_posStateMask = (uint)((1 << _posStateBits) - 1);
				case CoderPropID.LitPosBits:
					if (!(obj is int num5))
						throw new InvalidParamException();
					if (num5 < 0 || (long)num5 > 4L)
						throw new InvalidParamException();
					_numLiteralPosStateBits = num5;
				case CoderPropID.LitContextBits:
					if (!(obj is int num4))
						throw new InvalidParamException();
					if (num4 < 0 || (long)num4 > 8L)
						throw new InvalidParamException();
					_numLiteralContextBits = num4;
				case CoderPropID.EndMarker:
					if (!(obj is bool))
						throw new InvalidParamException();
					throw new InvalidParamException();
				case CoderPropID.Algorithm:

		public void SetTrainSize(uint trainSize)
			_trainSize = trainSize;
	public static class SevenZipHelper
		private static CoderPropID[] propIDs = new CoderPropID[8]

		private static object[] properties = new object[8] { 2097152, 2, 3, 0, 2, 32, "bt4", false };

		public static byte[] Compress(byte[] inputBytes, ICodeProgress progress = null)
			MemoryStream inStream = new MemoryStream(inputBytes);
			MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			Compress(inStream, memoryStream, progress);
			return memoryStream.ToArray();

		public static void Compress(Stream inStream, Stream outStream, ICodeProgress progress = null)
			Encoder encoder = new Encoder();
			encoder.SetCoderProperties(propIDs, properties);
			encoder.Code(inStream, outStream, -1L, -1L, progress);

		public static byte[] Decompress(byte[] inputBytes)
			MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(inputBytes);
			Decoder decoder = new Decoder();
			memoryStream.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
			MemoryStream memoryStream2 = new MemoryStream();
			byte[] array = new byte[5];
			if (memoryStream.Read(array, 0, 5) != 5)
				throw new Exception("input .lzma is too short");
			long num = 0L;
			for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
				int num2 = memoryStream.ReadByte();
				if (num2 < 0)
					throw new Exception("Can't Read 1");
				num |= (long)((ulong)(byte)num2 << 8 * i);
			long inSize = memoryStream.Length - memoryStream.Position;
			decoder.Code(memoryStream, memoryStream2, inSize, num, null);
			return memoryStream2.ToArray();

		public static MemoryStream StreamDecompress(MemoryStream newInStream)
			Decoder decoder = new Decoder();
			newInStream.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
			MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			byte[] array = new byte[5];
			if (newInStream.Read(array, 0, 5) != 5)
				throw new Exception("input .lzma is too short");
			long num = 0L;
			for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
				int num2 = newInStream.ReadByte();
				if (num2 < 0)
					throw new Exception("Can't Read 1");
				num |= (long)((ulong)(byte)num2 << 8 * i);
			long inSize = newInStream.Length - newInStream.Position;
			decoder.Code(newInStream, memoryStream, inSize, num, null);
			memoryStream.Position = 0L;
			return memoryStream;

		public static MemoryStream StreamDecompress(MemoryStream newInStream, long outSize)
			Decoder decoder = new Decoder();
			newInStream.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
			MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			byte[] array = new byte[5];
			if (newInStream.Read(array, 0, 5) != 5)
				throw new Exception("input .lzma is too short");
			long inSize = newInStream.Length - newInStream.Position;
			decoder.Code(newInStream, memoryStream, inSize, outSize, null);
			memoryStream.Position = 0L;
			return memoryStream;

		public static void StreamDecompress(Stream compressedStream, Stream decompressedStream, long compressedSize, long decompressedSize)
			long position = compressedStream.Position;
			Decoder decoder = new Decoder();
			byte[] array = new byte[5];
			if (compressedStream.Read(array, 0, 5) != 5)
				throw new Exception("input .lzma is too short");
			decoder.Code(compressedStream, decompressedStream, compressedSize - 5, decompressedSize, null);
			compressedStream.Position = position + compressedSize;
namespace SevenZip.Buffer
	public class InBuffer
		private byte[] m_Buffer;

		private uint m_Pos;

		private uint m_Limit;

		private uint m_BufferSize;

		private Stream m_Stream;

		private bool m_StreamWasExhausted;

		private ulong m_ProcessedSize;

		public InBuffer(uint bufferSize)
			m_Buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
			m_BufferSize = bufferSize;

		public void Init(Stream stream)
			m_Stream = stream;
			m_ProcessedSize = 0uL;
			m_Limit = 0u;
			m_Pos = 0u;
			m_StreamWasExhausted = false;

		public bool ReadBlock()
			if (m_StreamWasExhausted)
				return false;
			m_ProcessedSize += m_Pos;
			int num = m_Stream.Read(m_Buffer, 0, (int)m_BufferSize);
			m_Pos = 0u;
			m_Limit = (uint)num;
			m_StreamWasExhausted = num == 0;
			return !m_StreamWasExhausted;

		public void ReleaseStream()
			m_Stream = null;

		public bool ReadByte(byte b)
			if (m_Pos >= m_Limit && !ReadBlock())
				return false;
			b = m_Buffer[m_Pos++];
			return true;

		public byte ReadByte()
			if (m_Pos >= m_Limit && !ReadBlock())
				return byte.MaxValue;
			return m_Buffer[m_Pos++];

		public ulong GetProcessedSize()
			return m_ProcessedSize + m_Pos;
	public class OutBuffer
		private byte[] m_Buffer;

		private uint m_Pos;

		private uint m_BufferSize;

		private Stream m_Stream;

		private ulong m_ProcessedSize;

		public OutBuffer(uint bufferSize)
			m_Buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
			m_BufferSize = bufferSize;

		public void SetStream(Stream stream)
			m_Stream = stream;

		public void FlushStream()

		public void CloseStream()

		public void ReleaseStream()
			m_Stream = null;

		public void Init()
			m_ProcessedSize = 0uL;
			m_Pos = 0u;

		public void WriteByte(byte b)
			m_Buffer[m_Pos++] = b;
			if (m_Pos >= m_BufferSize)

		public void FlushData()
			if (m_Pos != 0)
				m_Stream.Write(m_Buffer, 0, (int)m_Pos);
				m_Pos = 0u;

		public ulong GetProcessedSize()
			return m_ProcessedSize + m_Pos;
namespace SevenZip.CommandLineParser
	public enum SwitchType
	public class SwitchForm
		public string IDString;

		public SwitchType Type;

		public bool Multi;

		public int MinLen;

		public int MaxLen;

		public string PostCharSet;

		public SwitchForm(string idString, SwitchType type, bool multi, int minLen, int maxLen, string postCharSet)
			IDString = idString;
			Type = type;
			Multi = multi;
			MinLen = minLen;
			MaxLen = maxLen;
			PostCharSet = postCharSet;

		public SwitchForm(string idString, SwitchType type, bool multi, int minLen)
			: this(idString, type, multi, minLen, 0, "")

		public SwitchForm(string idString, SwitchType type, bool multi)
			: this(idString, type, multi, 0)
	public class SwitchResult
		public bool ThereIs;

		public bool WithMinus;

		public ArrayList PostStrings = new ArrayList();

		public int PostCharIndex;

		public SwitchResult()
			ThereIs = false;
	public class Parser
		public ArrayList NonSwitchStrings = new ArrayList();

		private SwitchResult[] _switches;

		private const char kSwitchID1 = '-';

		private const char kSwitchID2 = '/';

		private const char kSwitchMinus = '-';

		private const string kStopSwitchParsing = "--";

		public SwitchResult this[int index] => _switches[index];

		public Parser(int numSwitches)
			_switches = new SwitchResult[numSwitches];
			for (int i = 0; i < numSwitches; i++)
				_switches[i] = new SwitchResult();

		private bool ParseString(string srcString, SwitchForm[] switchForms)
			int length = srcString.Length;
			if (length == 0)
				return false;
			int num = 0;
			if (!IsItSwitchChar(srcString[num]))
				return false;
			while (num < length)
				if (IsItSwitchChar(srcString[num]))
				int num2 = 0;
				int num3 = -1;
				for (int i = 0; i < _switches.Length; i++)
					int length2 = switchForms[i].IDString.Length;
					if (length2 > num3 && num + length2 <= length && string.Compare(switchForms[i].IDString, 0, srcString, num, length2, ignoreCase: true) == 0)
						num2 = i;
						num3 = length2;
				if (num3 == -1)
					throw new Exception("maxLen == kNoLen");
				SwitchResult switchResult = _switches[num2];
				SwitchForm switchForm = switchForms[num2];
				if (!switchForm.Multi && switchResult.ThereIs)
					throw new Exception("switch must be single");
				switchResult.ThereIs = true;
				num += num3;
				int num4 = length - num;
				SwitchType type = switchForm.Type;
				switch (type)
				case SwitchType.PostMinus:
					if (num4 == 0)
						switchResult.WithMinus = false;
					switchResult.WithMinus = srcString[num] == '-';
					if (switchResult.WithMinus)
				case SwitchType.PostChar:
					if (num4 < switchForm.MinLen)
						throw new Exception("switch is not full");
					string postCharSet = switchForm.PostCharSet;
					if (num4 == 0)
						switchResult.PostCharIndex = -1;
					int num6 = postCharSet.IndexOf(srcString[num]);
					if (num6 < 0)
						switchResult.PostCharIndex = -1;
					switchResult.PostCharIndex = num6;
				case SwitchType.LimitedPostString:
				case SwitchType.UnLimitedPostString:
					int minLen = switchForm.MinLen;
					if (num4 < minLen)
						throw new Exception("switch is not full");
					if (type == SwitchType.UnLimitedPostString)
						return true;
					string text = srcString.Substring(num, minLen);
					num += minLen;
					int num5 = minLen;
					while (num5 < switchForm.MaxLen && num < length)
						char c = srcString[num];
						if (IsItSwitchChar(c))
						text += c;
			return true;

		public void ParseStrings(SwitchForm[] switchForms, string[] commandStrings)
			int num = commandStrings.Length;
			bool flag = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
				string text = commandStrings[i];
				if (flag)
				else if (text == "--")
					flag = true;
				else if (!ParseString(text, switchForms))

		public static int ParseCommand(CommandForm[] commandForms, string commandString, out string postString)
			for (int i = 0; i < commandForms.Length; i++)
				string iDString = commandForms[i].IDString;
				if (commandForms[i].PostStringMode)
					if (commandString.IndexOf(iDString) == 0)
						postString = commandString.Substring(iDString.Length);
						return i;
				else if (commandString == iDString)
					postString = "";
					return i;
			postString = "";
			return -1;

		private static bool ParseSubCharsCommand(int numForms, CommandSubCharsSet[] forms, string commandString, ArrayList indices)
			int num = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < numForms; i++)
				CommandSubCharsSet commandSubCharsSet = forms[i];
				int num2 = -1;
				int length = commandSubCharsSet.Chars.Length;
				for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
					char value = commandSubCharsSet.Chars[j];
					int num3 = commandString.IndexOf(value);
					if (num3 >= 0)
						if (num2 >= 0)
							return false;
						if (commandString.IndexOf(value, num3 + 1) >= 0)
							return false;
						num2 = j;
				if (num2 == -1 && !commandSubCharsSet.EmptyAllowed)
					return false;
			return num == commandString.Length;

		private static bool IsItSwitchChar(char c)
			if (c != '-')
				return c == '/';
			return true;
	public class CommandForm
		public string IDString = "";

		public bool PostStringMode;

		public CommandForm(string idString, bool postStringMode)
			IDString = idString;
			PostStringMode = postStringMode;
	internal class CommandSubCharsSet
		public string Chars = "";

		public bool EmptyAllowed;
namespace LZ4ps
	public static class LZ4Codec
		private class LZ4HC_Data_Structure
			public byte[] src;

			public int src_base;

			public int src_end;

			public int src_LASTLITERALS;

			public byte[] dst;

			public int dst_base;

			public int dst_len;

			public int dst_end;

			public int[] hashTable;

			public ushort[] chainTable;

			public int nextToUpdate;

		private const int MEMORY_USAGE = 14;


		private const int BLOCK_COPY_LIMIT = 16;

		private const int MINMATCH = 4;

		private const int SKIPSTRENGTH = 6;

		private const int COPYLENGTH = 8;

		private const int LASTLITERALS = 5;

		private const int MFLIMIT = 12;

		private const int MINLENGTH = 13;

		private const int MAXD_LOG = 16;

		private const int MAXD = 65536;

		private const int MAXD_MASK = 65535;

		private const int MAX_DISTANCE = 65535;

		private const int ML_BITS = 4;

		private const int ML_MASK = 15;

		private const int RUN_BITS = 4;

		private const int RUN_MASK = 15;

		private const int STEPSIZE_64 = 8;

		private const int STEPSIZE_32 = 4;

		private const int LZ4_64KLIMIT = 65547;

		private const int HASH_LOG = 12;

		private const int HASH_TABLESIZE = 4096;

		private const int HASH_ADJUST = 20;

		private const int HASH64K_LOG = 13;

		private const int HASH64K_TABLESIZE = 8192;

		private const int HASH64K_ADJUST = 19;

		private const int HASHHC_LOG = 15;

		private const int HASHHC_TABLESIZE = 32768;

		private const int HASHHC_ADJUST = 17;

		private static readonly int[] DECODER_TABLE_32 = new int[8] { 0, 3, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

		private static readonly int[] DECODER_TABLE_64 = new int[8] { 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 };

		private static readonly int[] DEBRUIJN_TABLE_32 = new int[32]
			0, 0, 3, 0, 3, 1, 3, 0, 3, 2,
			2, 1, 3, 2, 0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2,
			2, 2, 2, 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0,
			1, 1

		private static readonly int[] DEBRUIJN_TABLE_64 = new int[64]
			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 3,
			1, 3, 1, 4, 2, 7, 0, 2, 3, 6,
			1, 5, 3, 5, 1, 3, 4, 4, 2, 5,
			6, 7, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6,
			2, 6, 5, 5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1,
			2, 4, 6, 4, 4, 5, 7, 2, 6, 5,
			7, 6, 7, 7

		private const int MAX_NB_ATTEMPTS = 256;

		private const int OPTIMAL_ML = 18;

		public static int MaximumOutputLength(int inputLength)
			return inputLength + inputLength / 255 + 16;

		internal static void CheckArguments(byte[] input, int inputOffset, ref int inputLength, byte[] output, int outputOffset, ref int outputLength)
			if (inputLength < 0)
				inputLength = input.Length - inputOffset;
			if (inputLength == 0)
				outputLength = 0;
			if (input == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
			if (inputOffset < 0 || inputOffset + inputLength > input.Length)
				throw new ArgumentException("inputOffset and inputLength are invalid for given input");
			if (outputLength < 0)
				outputLength = output.Length - outputOffset;
			if (output == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("output");
			if (outputOffset >= 0 && outputOffset + outputLength <= output.Length)
			throw new ArgumentException("outputOffset and outputLength are invalid for given output");

		private static void Assert(bool condition, string errorMessage)
			if (!condition)
				throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage);

		internal static void Poke2(byte[] buffer, int offset, ushort value)
			buffer[offset] = (byte)value;
			buffer[offset + 1] = (byte)(value >> 8);

		internal static ushort Peek2(byte[] buffer, int offset)
			return (ushort)(buffer[offset] | (buffer[offset + 1] << 8));

		internal static uint Peek4(byte[] buffer, int offset)
			return (uint)(buffer[offset] | (buffer[offset + 1] << 8) | (buffer[offset + 2] << 16) | (buffer[offset + 3] << 24));

		private static uint Xor4(byte[] buffer, int offset1, int offset2)
			int num = buffer[offset1] | (buffer[offset1 + 1] << 8) | (buffer[offset1 + 2] << 16) | (buffer[offset1 + 3] << 24);
			uint num2 = (uint)(buffer[offset2] | (buffer[offset2 + 1] << 8) | (buffer[offset2 + 2] << 16) | (buffer[offset2 + 3] << 24));
			return (uint)num ^ num2;

		private static ulong Xor8(byte[] buffer, int offset1, int offset2)
			ulong num = buffer[offset1] | ((ulong)buffer[offset1 + 1] << 8) | ((ulong)buffer[offset1 + 2] << 16) | ((ulong)buffer[offset1 + 3] << 24) | ((ulong)buffer[offset1 + 4] << 32) | ((ulong)buffer[offset1 + 5] << 40) | ((ulong)buffer[offset1 + 6] << 48) | ((ulong)buffer[offset1 + 7] << 56);
			ulong num2 = buffer[offset2] | ((ulong)buffer[offset2 + 1] << 8) | ((ulong)buffer[offset2 + 2] << 16) | ((ulong)buffer[offset2 + 3] << 24) | ((ulong)buffer[offset2 + 4] << 32) | ((ulong)buffer[offset2 + 5] << 40) | ((ulong)buffer[offset2 + 6] << 48) | ((ulong)buffer[offset2 + 7] << 56);
			return num ^ num2;

		private static bool Equal2(byte[] buffer, int offset1, int offset2)
			if (buffer[offset1] != buffer[offset2])
				return false;
			return buffer[offset1 + 1] == buffer[offset2 + 1];

		private static bool Equal4(byte[] buffer, int offset1, int offset2)
			if (buffer[offset1] != buffer[offset2])
				return false;
			if (buffer[offset1 + 1] != buffer[offset2 + 1])
				return false;
			if (buffer[offset1 + 2] != buffer[offset2 + 2])
				return false;
			return buffer[offset1 + 3] == buffer[offset2 + 3];

		private static void Copy4(byte[] buf, int src, int dst)
			buf[dst + 3] = buf[src + 3];
			buf[dst + 2] = buf[src + 2];
			buf[dst + 1] = buf[src + 1];
			buf[dst] = buf[src];

		private static void Copy8(byte[] buf, int src, int dst)
			buf[dst + 7] = buf[src + 7];
			buf[dst + 6] = buf[src + 6];
			buf[dst + 5] = buf[src + 5];
			buf[dst + 4] = buf[src + 4];
			buf[dst + 3] = buf[src + 3];
			buf[dst + 2] = buf[src + 2];
			buf[dst + 1] = buf[src + 1];
			buf[dst] = buf[src];

		private static void BlockCopy(byte[] src, int src_0, byte[] dst, int dst_0, int len)
			if (len >= 16)
				Buffer.BlockCopy(src, src_0, dst, dst_0, len);
			while (len >= 8)
				dst[dst_0] = src[src_0];
				dst[dst_0 + 1] = src[src_0 + 1];
				dst[dst_0 + 2] = src[src_0 + 2];
				dst[dst_0 + 3] = src[src_0 + 3];
				dst[dst_0 + 4] = src[src_0 + 4];
				dst[dst_0 + 5] = src[src_0 + 5];
				dst[dst_0 + 6] = src[src_0 + 6];
				dst[dst_0 + 7] = src[src_0 + 7];
				len -= 8;
				src_0 += 8;
				dst_0 += 8;
			while (len >= 4)
				dst[dst_0] = src[src_0];
				dst[dst_0 + 1] = src[src_0 + 1];
				dst[dst_0 + 2] = src[src_0 + 2];
				dst[dst_0 + 3] = src[src_0 + 3];
				len -= 4;
				src_0 += 4;
				dst_0 += 4;
			while (len-- > 0)
				dst[dst_0++] = src[src_0++];

		private static int WildCopy(byte[] src, int src_0, byte[] dst, int dst_0, int dst_end)
			int num = dst_end - dst_0;
			if (num >= 16)
				Buffer.BlockCopy(src, src_0, dst, dst_0, num);
				while (num >= 4)
					dst[dst_0] = src[src_0];
					dst[dst_0 + 1] = src[src_0 + 1];
					dst[dst_0 + 2] = src[src_0 + 2];
					dst[dst_0 + 3] = src[src_0 + 3];
					num -= 4;
					src_0 += 4;
					dst_0 += 4;
				while (num-- > 0)
					dst[dst_0++] = src[src_0++];
			return num;

		private static int SecureCopy(byte[] buffer, int src, int dst, int dst_end)
			int num = dst - src;
			int num2 = dst_end - dst;
			int num3 = num2;
			if (num >= 16)
				if (num >= num2)
					Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, src, buffer, dst, num2);
					return num2;
					Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, src, buffer, dst, num);
					src += num;
					dst += num;
					num3 -= num;
				while (num3 >= num);
			while (num3 >= 4)
				buffer[dst] = buffer[src];
				buffer[dst + 1] = buffer[src + 1];
				buffer[dst + 2] = buffer[src + 2];
				buffer[dst + 3] = buffer[src + 3];
				dst += 4;
				src += 4;
				num3 -= 4;
			while (num3-- > 0)
				buffer[dst++] = buffer[src++];
			return num2;

		public static int Encode32(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLength, byte[] output, int outputOffset, int outputLength)
			CheckArguments(input, inputOffset, ref inputLength, output, outputOffset, ref outputLength);
			if (outputLength == 0)
				return 0;
			if (inputLength < 65547)
				return LZ4_compress64kCtx_safe32(new ushort[8192], input, output, inputOffset, outputOffset, inputLength, outputLength);
			return LZ4_compressCtx_safe32(new int[4096], input, output, inputOffset, outputOffset, inputLength, outputLength);

		public static byte[] Encode32(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLength)
			if (inputLength < 0)
				inputLength = input.Length - inputOffset;
			if (input == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
			if (inputOffset < 0 || inputOffset + inputLength > input.Length)
				throw new ArgumentException("inputOffset and inputLength are invalid for given input");
			byte[] array = new byte[MaximumOutputLength(inputLength)];
			int num = Encode32(input, inputOffset, inputLength, array, 0, array.Length);
			if (num != array.Length)
				if (num < 0)
					throw new InvalidOperationException("Compression has been corrupted");
				byte[] array2 = new byte[num];
				Buffer.BlockCopy(array, 0, array2, 0, num);
				return array2;
			return array;

		public static int Encode64(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLength, byte[] output, int outputOffset, int outputLength)
			CheckArguments(input, inputOffset, ref inputLength, output, outputOffset, ref outputLength);
			if (outputLength == 0)
				return 0;
			if (inputLength < 65547)
				return LZ4_compress64kCtx_safe64(new ushort[8192], input, output, inputOffset, outputOffset, inputLength, outputLength);
			return LZ4_compressCtx_safe64(new int[4096], input, output, inputOffset, outputOffset, inputLength, outputLength);

		public static byte[] Encode64(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLength)
			if (inputLength < 0)
				inputLength = input.Length - inputOffset;
			if (input == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
			if (inputOffset < 0 || inputOffset + inputLength > input.Length)
				throw new ArgumentException("inputOffset and inputLength are invalid for given input");
			byte[] array = new byte[MaximumOutputLength(inputLength)];
			int num = Encode64(input, inputOffset, inputLength, array, 0, array.Length);
			if (num != array.Length)
				if (num < 0)
					throw new InvalidOperationException("Compression has been corrupted");
				byte[] array2 = new byte[num];
				Buffer.BlockCopy(array, 0, array2, 0, num);
				return array2;
			return array;

		public static int Decode32(byte[] input, int inputOffset, int inputLength, byte[] output, int outputOffset, int outputLength, bool knownOutputLength)
			CheckArguments(input, inputOffset, ref inputLength, output, outputOffset, ref outputLength);
			if (outputLength == 0)
				return 0;
			if (knownOutputLength)
				if (LZ4_uncompress_safe32(input, output, inputOffset, 


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using MelonLoader;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader.UnityMono")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("BepInEx5")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("MelonLoader loader for UnityMono games")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("2.1.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader.UnityMono")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader.UnityMono")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader.UnityMono
	[BepInPlugin("BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader.UnityMono", "BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader.UnityMono", "2.1.0")]
	public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
		private void Awake()
			AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += (object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) => args.Name.Contains("MelonLoader") ? typeof(Core).Assembly : null;
			Core.Initialize(((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config, false);
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader.UnityMono";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader.UnityMono";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "2.1.0";


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Timers;
using WebSocketDotNet;
using WebSocketDotNet.Messages;
using bHapticsLib.Internal;
using bHapticsLib.Internal.Models.Connection;
using bHapticsLib.Internal.SimpleJSON;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("bHapticsLib")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Lava Gang")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("bHapticsLib")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Created by Herp Derpinstine")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("Lava Gang")]
[assembly: Guid("C55CC59C-138B-48DF-95CC-FA956D064600")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("1.0.6")]
[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace bHapticsLib
	public class bHapticsConnection : ThreadedTask
		private static readonly Type intType = typeof(int);

		private static readonly Type byteType = typeof(byte);

		private static readonly Type dotPointType = typeof(DotPoint);

		private List<RegisterRequest> RegisterCache = new List<RegisterRequest>();

		private ThreadSafeQueue<RegisterRequest> RegisterQueue = new ThreadSafeQueue<RegisterRequest>();

		private ThreadSafeQueue<SubmitRequest> SubmitQueue = new ThreadSafeQueue<SubmitRequest>();

		internal static int Port = 15881;

		internal static string Endpoint = "v2/feedbacks";

		private IPAddress _ipaddress = IPAddress.Loopback;

		private string _id;

		private string _name;

		public bool TryToReconnect;

		private int _maxRetries = 5;

		internal WebSocketConnection Socket;

		private PlayerPacket Packet = new PlayerPacket();

		private bool ShouldRun = true;

		public IPAddress IPAddress
				return _ipaddress;
				if (value == null)
						_ipaddress = IPAddress.Loopback;
						_ipaddress = value;

		public string ID
				return _id;
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
					throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
					_id = value.Replace(" ", "_");

		public string Name
				return _name;
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
					throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
					_name = value.Replace(" ", "_");

		public int MaxRetries
				return _maxRetries;
				_maxRetries = value.Clamp(0, int.MaxValue);

		public bHapticsStatus Status
				if (IsAlive())
					if (IsConnected())
						return bHapticsStatus.Connected;
					return bHapticsStatus.Connecting;
				return bHapticsStatus.Disconnected;

		internal bHapticsConnection()

		public bHapticsConnection(string id, string name, bool tryToReconnect = true, int maxRetries = 5)
			: this(null, id, name, tryToReconnect, maxRetries)

		public bHapticsConnection(IPAddress ipaddress, string id, string name, bool tryToReconnect = true, int maxRetries = 5)
			Setup(ipaddress, id, name, tryToReconnect, maxRetries);

		internal void Setup(IPAddress ipaddress, string id, string name, bool tryToReconnect, int maxRetries)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
			ID = id;
			Name = name;
			TryToReconnect = tryToReconnect;
			MaxRetries = maxRetries;
			IPAddress = ipaddress;

		internal override bool BeginInitInternal()
			if (Socket != null)
			Socket = new WebSocketConnection(this);
			ShouldRun = true;
			return true;

		internal override bool EndInitInternal()
			if (Socket == null)
				return false;
			ShouldRun = false;
			while (IsAlive())
			Socket = null;
			return true;

		internal override void WithinThread()
			while (ShouldRun)
				if (Socket.FirstTry)
					Socket.FirstTry = false;
				if (IsConnected())
					RegisterRequest aItem;
					while ((aItem = RegisterQueue.Dequeue()) != null)
					SubmitRequest aItem2;
					while ((aItem2 = SubmitQueue.Dequeue()) != null)
					if (!Packet.IsEmpty())
				if (ShouldRun)

		internal void QueueRegisterCache()
			int count = RegisterCache.Count;
			if (count <= 0)
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				RegisterRequest registerRequest = RegisterCache[i];
				if (!(registerRequest == null) && !registerRequest.IsNull)

		private void RestartAndRunAction(Action whileDisconnected)
			bool num = Socket != null;
			if (num)
			if (num)

		internal bool IsConnected()
			return Socket?.IsConnected() ?? false;

		public int GetConnectedDeviceCount()
			return (Socket?.LastResponse?.ConnectedDeviceCount).GetValueOrDefault();

		public bool IsDeviceConnected(PositionID type)
			if (type == PositionID.VestFront || type == PositionID.VestBack)
				type = PositionID.Vest;
			return (Socket?.LastResponse?.ConnectedPositions?.ContainsValue(type.ToPacketString())).GetValueOrDefault();

		public int[] GetDeviceStatus(PositionID type)
			if (Socket == null || Socket.LastResponse == null)
				return null;
			JSONNode status = Socket.LastResponse.Status;
			if (type == PositionID.Vest)
				JSONNode jSONNode = status[PositionID.VestFront.ToPacketString()];
				JSONNode jSONNode2 = status[PositionID.VestBack.ToPacketString()];
				int num = jSONNode.Count + jSONNode2.Count;
				int[] array = new int[num];
				for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
					if (i < jSONNode.Count)
						array[i] = jSONNode[i].AsInt;
						array[i] = jSONNode2[i - jSONNode.Count].AsInt;
				return array;
			JSONNode jSONNode3 = status[type.ToPacketString()];
			int count = jSONNode3.Count;
			int[] array2 = new int[count];
			for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
				array2[j] = jSONNode3[j].AsInt;
			return array2;

		public bool IsPlaying(string key)
			return (Socket?.LastResponse?.ActiveKeys?.ContainsValue(key)).GetValueOrDefault();

		public bool IsPlayingAny()
			WebSocketConnection socket = Socket;
			if (socket == null)
				return false;
			return socket.LastResponse?.ActiveKeys?.Count > 0;

		public void StopPlaying(string key)
			if (IsAlive() && IsConnected())
				SubmitQueue.Enqueue(new SubmitRequest
					key = key,
					type = "turnOff"

		public void StopPlayingAll()
			if (IsAlive() && IsConnected())
				SubmitQueue.Enqueue(new SubmitRequest
					type = "turnOffAll"

		public bool IsPatternRegistered(string key)
			return (Socket?.LastResponse?.RegisteredKeys?.ContainsValue(key)).GetValueOrDefault();

		public void RegisterPatternFromFile(string key, string tactFilePath)
			if (File.Exists(tactFilePath))
				RegisterPatternFromJson(key, File.ReadAllText(tactFilePath));

		public void RegisterPatternFromJson(string key, string tactFileJson)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tactFileJson))
			JSONNode jSONNode = JSON.Parse(tactFileJson);
			if (!jSONNode.HasKey("project"))
			JSONNode jSONNode2 = jSONNode["project"];
			if (!(jSONNode2 == null) && !jSONNode2.IsNull && jSONNode2.IsObject)
				RegisterRequest registerRequest = new RegisterRequest();
				registerRequest.key = key;
				registerRequest.project = jSONNode2.AsObject;
				if (IsConnected())

		public void RegisterPatternSwappedFromFile(string key, string tactFilePath)
			if (File.Exists(tactFilePath))
				RegisterPatternSwappedFromJson(key, File.ReadAllText(tactFilePath));

		public void RegisterPatternSwappedFromJson(string key, string tactFileJson)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tactFileJson))
			JSONNode jSONNode = JSON.Parse(tactFileJson);
			if (!jSONNode.HasKey("project"))
			JSONNode jSONNode2 = jSONNode["project"];
			if (!(jSONNode2 == null) && !jSONNode2.IsNull && jSONNode2.IsObject)
				RegisterRequest registerRequest = new RegisterRequest();
				registerRequest.key = key;
				JSONObject asObject = jSONNode2.AsObject;
				JSONArray asArray = asObject["tracks"].AsArray;
				LoopTracks(asArray, delegate(JSONObject effect)
					JSONNode jSONNode3 = effect["modes"];
					JSONNode value = jSONNode3[0];
					JSONNode value2 = jSONNode3[1];
					jSONNode3[0] = value2;
					jSONNode3[1] = value;
					effect["modes"] = jSONNode3;
				asObject["tracks"] = asArray;
				registerRequest.project = asObject;
				if (IsConnected())

		private static void LoopTracks(JSONArray tracks, Action<JSONObject> act)
			for (int i = 0; i < tracks.Count; i++)
				JSONObject asObject = tracks[i].AsObject;
				JSONArray asArray = asObject["effects"].AsArray;
				for (int j = 0; j < asArray.Count; j++)
					JSONObject asObject2 = asArray[j].AsObject;
					asArray[j] = asObject2;
				asObject["effects"] = asArray;
				tracks[i] = asObject;

		public void Play<A, B>(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, A dotPoints, B pathPoints, MirrorDirection dotMirrorDirection = MirrorDirection.None) where A : IList, ICollection where B : IList<PathPoint>, ICollection<PathPoint>
			if (!IsAlive())
			if (position == PositionID.Vest)
				Play(key + "Front", durationMillis, PositionID.VestFront, dotPoints, pathPoints, dotMirrorDirection);
				Play(key + "Back", durationMillis, PositionID.VestBack, dotPoints, pathPoints, dotMirrorDirection);
			SubmitRequest submitRequest = new SubmitRequest
				key = key,
				type = "frame"
			submitRequest.Frame.durationMillis = durationMillis;
			submitRequest.Frame.position = position.ToPacketString();
			if (dotPoints != null && dotPoints.Count > 0)
				object[] dotPoints2 = null;
				if (dotMirrorDirection != 0)
					dotPoints2 = new object[dotPoints.Count];
					for (int i = 0; i < dotPoints.Count; i++)
						dotPoints2[i] = dotPoints[i];
					switch (dotMirrorDirection)
					case MirrorDirection.Horizontal:
						MirrorHorizontal(ref dotPoints2, position);
					case MirrorDirection.Vertical:
						MirrorVertical(ref dotPoints2, position);
					case MirrorDirection.Both:
						MirrorHorizontal(ref dotPoints2, position);
						MirrorVertical(ref dotPoints2, position);
				Type type = null;
				for (int j = 0; j < ((dotPoints2 == null) ? dotPoints.Count : dotPoints2.Length); j++)
					object obj = ((dotPoints2 == null) ? dotPoints[j] : dotPoints2[j]);
					if (obj == null)
					if ((object)type == null)
						type = obj.GetType();
					if ((object)type == intType || (object)type == byteType)
						JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
						jSONObject["index"] = j.Clamp(0, 20);
						if ((object)type == intType)
							jSONObject["intensity"] = Extensions.Clamp<int>((int)obj, 0, 500);
						else if ((object)type == byteType)
							jSONObject["intensity"] = Extensions.Clamp((byte)obj, (byte)0, (byte)200);
					else if ((object)type == dotPointType)
						submitRequest.Frame.dotPoints.Add((obj as DotPoint).node);

		public void PlayRegistered(string key, string altKey = null, ScaleOption scaleOption = null, RotationOption rotationOption = null)
			if (IsAlive())
				SubmitRequest submitRequest = new SubmitRequest
					key = key,
					type = "key"
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(altKey))
					submitRequest.Parameters["altKey"] = altKey;
				if (scaleOption != null)
					submitRequest.Parameters["scaleOption"] = scaleOption.node;
				if (rotationOption != null)
					submitRequest.Parameters["rotationOption"] = rotationOption.node;

		public void PlayRegisteredMillis(string key, int startTimeMillis = 0)
			if (IsAlive())
				SubmitRequest submitRequest = new SubmitRequest
					key = key,
					type = "key"
				submitRequest.Parameters["startTimeMillis"] = startTimeMillis;

		private static void MirrorHorizontal<A>(ref A dotPoints, PositionID position) where A : IList, ICollection
			int count = dotPoints.Count;
			int num = count / 2;
			if (count != 20)
				dotPoints.Reverse(0, count);
			switch (position)
			case PositionID.Head:
				dotPoints.Reverse(0, count);
			case PositionID.VestFront:
			case PositionID.VestBack:
				dotPoints.Reverse(0, 4);
				dotPoints.Reverse(4, 4);
				dotPoints.Reverse(8, 4);
				dotPoints.Reverse(12, 4);
				dotPoints.Reverse(16, 4);
			case PositionID.FootLeft:
			case PositionID.FootRight:
			case PositionID.ArmLeft:
			case PositionID.ArmRight:
				dotPoints.Reverse(0, num);
				dotPoints.Reverse(num + 1, count);

		private static void MirrorVertical<A>(ref A dotPoints, PositionID position) where A : IList, ICollection
			int count = dotPoints.Count;
			if (count != 20)
				dotPoints.Reverse(0, count);
			switch (position)
			case PositionID.VestFront:
			case PositionID.VestBack:
				dotPoints.Swap(0, 16);
				dotPoints.Swap(1, 17);
				dotPoints.Swap(2, 18);
				dotPoints.Swap(3, 19);
				dotPoints.Swap(4, 12);
				dotPoints.Swap(5, 13);
				dotPoints.Swap(6, 14);
				dotPoints.Swap(7, 15);
			case PositionID.ArmLeft:
			case PositionID.ArmRight:
				dotPoints.Swap(0, 3);
				dotPoints.Swap(1, 4);
				dotPoints.Swap(2, 5);
			case PositionID.HandLeft:
			case PositionID.HandRight:
				dotPoints.Reverse(0, count);
	public static class bHapticsManager
		public const int MaxIntensityInInt = 500;

		public const byte MaxIntensityInByte = 200;

		public const int MaxMotorsPerDotPoint = 20;

		public const int MaxMotorsPerPathPoint = 3;

		private static bHapticsConnection Connection = new bHapticsConnection();

		public static bHapticsStatus Status => Connection.Status;

		public static bool Connect(string id, string name, bool tryToReconnect = true, int maxRetries = 5)
			Connection.Setup(null, id, name, tryToReconnect, maxRetries);
			if (Status == bHapticsStatus.Disconnected)
				return Connection.BeginInit();
			return true;

		public static bool Disconnect()
			if (Status == bHapticsStatus.Disconnected)
				return true;
			return Connection.EndInit();

		public static int GetConnectedDeviceCount()
			return Connection.GetConnectedDeviceCount();

		public static bool IsAnyDevicesConnected()
			return GetConnectedDeviceCount() > 0;

		public static bool IsDeviceConnected(PositionID type)
			return Connection.IsDeviceConnected(type);

		public static int[] GetDeviceStatus(PositionID type)
			return Connection.GetDeviceStatus(type);

		public static bool IsAnyMotorActive(PositionID type)
			return GetDeviceStatus(type)?.ContainsValueMoreThan(0) ?? false;

		public static bool IsPlaying(string key)
			return Connection.IsPlaying(key);

		public static bool IsPlayingAny()
			return Connection.IsPlayingAny();

		public static void StopPlaying(string key)

		public static void StopPlayingAll()

		public static bool IsPatternRegistered(string key)
			return Connection.IsPatternRegistered(key);

		public static void RegisterPatternFromJson(string key, string tactFileJson)
			Connection.RegisterPatternFromJson(key, tactFileJson);

		public static void RegisterPatternFromFile(string key, string tactFilePath)
			Connection.RegisterPatternFromFile(key, tactFilePath);

		public static void RegisterPatternSwappedFromJson(string key, string tactFileJson)
			Connection.RegisterPatternSwappedFromJson(key, tactFileJson);

		public static void RegisterPatternSwappedFromFile(string key, string tactFilePath)
			Connection.RegisterPatternSwappedFromFile(key, tactFilePath);

		public static void Play(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, int[] dotPoints)
			Connection.Play<int[], PathPoint[]>(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, null);

		public static void Play(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, List<int> dotPoints)
			Connection.Play<List<int>, PathPoint[]>(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, null);

		public static void Play(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, byte[] dotPoints)
			Connection.Play<byte[], PathPoint[]>(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, null);

		public static void Play(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, List<byte> dotPoints)
			Connection.Play<List<byte>, PathPoint[]>(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, null);

		public static void Play(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, DotPoint[] dotPoints)
			Connection.Play<DotPoint[], PathPoint[]>(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, null);

		public static void Play(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, List<DotPoint> dotPoints)
			Connection.Play<List<DotPoint>, PathPoint[]>(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, null);

		public static void Play<A>(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, A pathPoints) where A : IList<PathPoint>, ICollection<PathPoint>
			Connection.Play<DotPoint[], A>(key, durationMillis, position, null, pathPoints);

		public static void Play<A>(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, int[] dotPoints, A pathPoints) where A : IList<PathPoint>, ICollection<PathPoint>
			Connection.Play(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, pathPoints);

		public static void Play<A>(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, List<int> dotPoints, A pathPoints) where A : IList<PathPoint>, ICollection<PathPoint>
			Connection.Play(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, pathPoints);

		public static void Play<A>(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, byte[] dotPoints, A pathPoints) where A : IList<PathPoint>, ICollection<PathPoint>
			Connection.Play(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, pathPoints);

		public static void Play<A>(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, List<byte> dotPoints, A pathPoints) where A : IList<PathPoint>, ICollection<PathPoint>
			Connection.Play(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, pathPoints);

		public static void Play<A>(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, DotPoint[] dotPoints, A pathPoints) where A : IList<PathPoint>, ICollection<PathPoint>
			Connection.Play(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, pathPoints);

		public static void Play<A>(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, List<DotPoint> dotPoints, A pathPoints) where A : IList<PathPoint>, ICollection<PathPoint>
			Connection.Play(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, pathPoints);

		public static void PlayMirrored(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, int[] dotPoints, MirrorDirection mirrorDirection)
			Connection.Play<int[], PathPoint[]>(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, null, mirrorDirection);

		public static void PlayMirrored(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, List<int> dotPoints, MirrorDirection mirrorDirection)
			Connection.Play<List<int>, PathPoint[]>(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, null, mirrorDirection);

		public static void PlayMirrored(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, byte[] dotPoints, MirrorDirection mirrorDirection)
			Connection.Play<byte[], PathPoint[]>(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, null, mirrorDirection);

		public static void PlayMirrored(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, List<byte> dotPoints, MirrorDirection mirrorDirection)
			Connection.Play<List<byte>, PathPoint[]>(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, null, mirrorDirection);

		public static void PlayMirrored(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, DotPoint[] dotPoints, MirrorDirection mirrorDirection)
			Connection.Play<DotPoint[], PathPoint[]>(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, null, mirrorDirection);

		public static void PlayMirrored(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, List<DotPoint> dotPoints, MirrorDirection mirrorDirection)
			Connection.Play<List<DotPoint>, PathPoint[]>(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, null, mirrorDirection);

		public static void PlayMirrored<A>(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, int[] dotPoints, A pathPoints, MirrorDirection dotMirrorDirection) where A : IList<PathPoint>, ICollection<PathPoint>
			Connection.Play(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, pathPoints, dotMirrorDirection);

		public static void PlayMirrored<A>(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, List<int> dotPoints, A pathPoints, MirrorDirection dotMirrorDirection) where A : IList<PathPoint>, ICollection<PathPoint>
			Connection.Play(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, pathPoints, dotMirrorDirection);

		public static void PlayMirrored<A>(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, byte[] dotPoints, A pathPoints, MirrorDirection dotMirrorDirection) where A : IList<PathPoint>, ICollection<PathPoint>
			Connection.Play(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, pathPoints, dotMirrorDirection);

		public static void PlayMirrored<A>(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, List<byte> dotPoints, A pathPoints, MirrorDirection dotMirrorDirection) where A : IList<PathPoint>, ICollection<PathPoint>
			Connection.Play(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, pathPoints, dotMirrorDirection);

		public static void PlayMirrored<A>(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, DotPoint[] dotPoints, A pathPoints, MirrorDirection dotMirrorDirection) where A : IList<PathPoint>, ICollection<PathPoint>
			Connection.Play(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, pathPoints, dotMirrorDirection);

		public static void PlayMirrored<A>(string key, int durationMillis, PositionID position, List<DotPoint> dotPoints, A pathPoints, MirrorDirection dotMirrorDirection) where A : IList<PathPoint>, ICollection<PathPoint>
			Connection.Play(key, durationMillis, position, dotPoints, pathPoints, dotMirrorDirection);

		public static void PlayRegistered(string key)

		public static void PlayRegistered(string key, int startTimeMillis)
			Connection.PlayRegisteredMillis(key, startTimeMillis);

		public static void PlayRegistered(string key, ScaleOption option)
			Connection.PlayRegistered(key, null, option);

		public static void PlayRegistered(string key, RotationOption option)
			Connection.PlayRegistered(key, null, null, option);

		public static void PlayRegistered(string key, ScaleOption scaleOption, RotationOption rotationOption)
			Connection.PlayRegistered(key, null, scaleOption, rotationOption);

		public static void PlayRegistered(string key, string altKey)
			Connection.PlayRegistered(key, altKey);

		public static void PlayRegistered(string key, string altKey, ScaleOption option)
			Connection.PlayRegistered(key, altKey, option);

		public static void PlayRegistered(string key, string altKey, RotationOption option)
			Connection.PlayRegistered(key, altKey, null, option);

		public static void PlayRegistered(string key, string altKey, ScaleOption scaleOption, RotationOption rotationOption)
			Connection.PlayRegistered(key, altKey, scaleOption, rotationOption);
	public enum bHapticsStatus
	public class DotPoint
		internal JSONObject node = new JSONObject();

		public int Index
				return node["index"].AsInt;
				node["index"] = value.Clamp(0, 20);

		public int Intensity
				return node["intensity"].AsInt;
				node["intensity"] = value.Clamp(0, 500);

		public DotPoint(int index = 0, int intensity = 50)
			Index = index;
			Intensity = intensity;

		public override string ToString()
			return string.Format("{0} ( {1}: {2}, {3}: {4} )", "DotPoint", "Index", Index, "Intensity", Intensity);
	public static class Extensions
		private static string OscAddressHeader = "/bhaptics";

		public static string ToOscAddress(this PositionID value)
			return value switch
				PositionID.Head => OscAddressHeader + "/head", 
				PositionID.Vest => OscAddressHeader + "/vest", 
				PositionID.VestFront => OscAddressHeader + "/vest/front", 
				PositionID.VestBack => OscAddressHeader + "/vest/back", 
				PositionID.ArmLeft => OscAddressHeader + "/arm/left", 
				PositionID.ArmRight => OscAddressHeader + "/arm/right", 
				PositionID.HandLeft => OscAddressHeader + "/hand/left", 
				PositionID.HandRight => OscAddressHeader + "/hand/right", 
				PositionID.GloveLeft => OscAddressHeader + "/glove/left", 
				PositionID.GloveRight => OscAddressHeader + "/glove/right", 
				PositionID.FootLeft => OscAddressHeader + "/foot/left", 
				PositionID.FootRight => OscAddressHeader + "/foot/right", 
				_ => null, 

		internal static string ToPacketString(this PositionID value)
			return value switch
				PositionID.ArmLeft => "ForearmL", 
				PositionID.ArmRight => "ForearmR", 
				PositionID.HandLeft => "HandL", 
				PositionID.HandRight => "HandR", 
				PositionID.GloveLeft => "GloveL", 
				PositionID.GloveRight => "GloveR", 
				PositionID.FootLeft => "FootL", 
				PositionID.FootRight => "FootR", 
				_ => value.ToString(), 

		internal static T Clamp<T>(T value, T min, T max) where T : IComparable<T>
			if (value.CompareTo(min) < 0)
				return min;
			if (value.CompareTo(max) > 0)
				return max;
			return value;

		internal static short Clamp(this short value, short min, short max)
			return Extensions.Clamp<short>(value, min, max);

		internal static ushort Clamp(this ushort value, ushort min, ushort max)
			return Extensions.Clamp<ushort>(value, min, max);

		internal static int Clamp(this int value, int min, int max)
			return Extensions.Clamp<int>(value, min, max);

		internal static uint Clamp(this uint value, uint min, uint max)
			return Extensions.Clamp<uint>(value, min, max);

		internal static double Clamp(this double value, double min, double max)
			return Extensions.Clamp<double>(value, min, max);

		internal static float Clamp(this float value, float min, float max)
			return Extensions.Clamp<float>(value, min, max);

		internal static void AddRange<T, Z>(this T arr, List<Z> value) where T : JSONNode where Z : JSONNode
			if (value == null || arr.IsNull)
			int count = value.Count;
			if (count <= 0)
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				Z val = value[i];
				if (!((JSONNode)val == (object)null) && !val.IsNull)

		internal static void AddRange<T, Z>(this T arr, Z[] value) where T : JSONNode where Z : JSONNode
			if (value == null || arr.IsNull)
			int num = value.Length;
			if (num <= 0)
			for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
				Z val = value[i];
				if (!((JSONNode)val == (object)null) && !val.IsNull)

		internal static bool ContainsValue<T, Z>(this T arr, Z value) where T : JSONNode where Z : JSONNode
			if (arr.IsNull || (JSONNode)value == (object)null || value.IsNull)
				return false;
			int count = arr.Count;
			if (count <= 0)
				return false;
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				JSONNode jSONNode = arr[i];
				if (!(jSONNode == null) && !jSONNode.IsNull)
					if (value.IsObject && jSONNode.IsObject && jSONNode.AsObject == value)
						return true;
					if (value.IsArray && jSONNode.IsArray && jSONNode.AsArray == value)
						return true;
			return false;

		internal static bool ContainsValue<T>(this T arr, bool value) where T : JSONNode
			if (arr.IsNull)
				return false;
			int count = arr.Count;
			if (count <= 0)
				return false;
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				JSONNode jSONNode = arr[i];
				if (!(jSONNode == null) && !jSONNode.IsNull && jSONNode.IsBoolean && jSONNode.AsBool == value)
					return true;
			return false;

		internal static bool ContainsValue<T>(this T arr, string value) where T : JSONNode
			if (arr.IsNull || string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
				return false;
			int count = arr.Count;
			if (count <= 0)
				return false;
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				JSONNode jSONNode = arr[i];
				if (!(jSONNode == null) && !jSONNode.IsNull && jSONNode.IsString && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(jSONNode.Value) && jSONNode.Value.Equals(value))
					return true;
			return false;

		internal static bool ContainsValueMoreThan<T>(this T[] arr, T value) where T : IComparable<T>
			int num = arr.Length;
			if (num <= 0)
				return false;
			for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
				if (arr[i].CompareTo(value) > 0)
					return true;
			return false;

		internal static void ReverseAll<A>(this A arr) where A : IList, ICollection
			arr.Reverse(0, arr.Count);

		internal static void Reverse<A>(this A arr, int index, int length) where A : IList, ICollection
			int num = index;
			int num2 = index + length - 1;
			while (num < num2)
				arr.Swap(num2, num);

		internal static void ReverseAll(this JSONNode node)
			node.Reverse(0, node.Count);

		internal static void Reverse(this JSONNode node, int index, int length)
			int num = index;
			int num2 = index + length - 1;
			while (num < num2)
				JSONNode value = node[num2];
				JSONNode value2 = node[num];
				node[num2] = value2;
				node[num] = value;

		internal static void Swap<A>(this A dotPoints, int indexA, int indexB) where A : IList, ICollection
			int count = dotPoints.Count;
			if (count <= 1 || indexA < 0 || indexA > count - 1 || indexB < 0 || indexB > count - 1)
			object obj = dotPoints[indexA];
			object obj2 = dotPoints[indexB];
			if ((object)obj.GetType() == typeof(DotPoint))
				if (obj != null)
					(obj as DotPoint).Index = indexB;
				if (obj2 != null)
					(obj2 as DotPoint).Index = indexA;
			dotPoints[indexB] = obj;
			dotPoints[indexA] = obj2;
	public class HapticPattern
		public string Key { get; private set; }

		public static HapticPattern LoadFromJson(string key, string tactFileJson)
			bHapticsManager.RegisterPatternFromJson(key, tactFileJson);
			return new HapticPattern
				Key = key

		public static HapticPattern LoadFromFile(string key, string tactFilePath)
			bHapticsManager.RegisterPatternFromFile(key, tactFilePath);
			return new HapticPattern
				Key = key

		public static HapticPattern LoadSwappedFromJson(string key, string tactFileJson)
			bHapticsManager.RegisterPatternSwappedFromJson(key, tactFileJson);
			return new HapticPattern
				Key = key

		public static HapticPattern LoadSwappedFromFile(string key, string tactFilePath)
			bHapticsManager.RegisterPatternSwappedFromFile(key, tactFilePath);
			return new HapticPattern
				Key = key

		public bool IsRegistered()
			return bHapticsManager.IsPatternRegistered(Key);

		public bool IsPlaying()
			return bHapticsManager.IsPlaying(Key);

		public void Stop()

		public void Play()

		public void Play(ScaleOption option)
			bHapticsManager.PlayRegistered(Key, option);

		public void Play(RotationOption option)
			bHapticsManager.PlayRegistered(Key, option);

		public void Play(ScaleOption scaleOption, RotationOption rotationOption)
			bHapticsManager.PlayRegistered(Key, scaleOption, rotationOption);
	public enum MirrorDirection
	public class PathPoint
		internal JSONObject node = new JSONObject();

		public float X
				return node["x"].AsFloat;
				node["x"] = value;

		public float Y
				return node["y"].AsFloat;
				node["y"] = value;

		public int Intensity
				return node["intensity"].AsInt;
				node["intensity"] = value.Clamp(0, 500);

		public int MotorCount
				return node["motorCount"].AsInt;
				node["motorCount"] = value.Clamp(0, 3);

		public PathPoint(float x = 0f, float y = 0f, int intensity = 50, int motorCount = 3)
			X = x;
			Y = y;
			Intensity = intensity;
			MotorCount = motorCount;

		public override string ToString()
			return string.Format("{0} ( {1}: {2}, {3}: {4}, {5}: {6}, {7}: {8} )", "PathPoint", "X", X, "Y", Y, "MotorCount", MotorCount, "Intensity", Intensity);
	public enum PositionID
		Vest = 3,
		Head = 4,
		HandLeft = 6,
		HandRight = 7,
		FootLeft = 8,
		FootRight = 9,
		ArmLeft = 10,
		ArmRight = 11,
		VestFront = 201,
		VestBack = 202,
		GloveLeft = 203,
		GloveRight = 204
	public class RotationOption
		internal JSONObject node = new JSONObject();

		public float OffsetAngleX
				return node["offsetAngleX"].AsFloat;
				node["offsetAngleX"] = value;

		public float OffsetY
				return node["offsetY"].AsFloat;
				node["offsetY"] = value;

		public RotationOption(float offsetAngleX = 0f, float offsetY = 0f)
			OffsetAngleX = offsetAngleX;
			OffsetY = offsetY;

		public override string ToString()
			return string.Format("{0} ( {1}: {2}, {3}: {4} )", "RotationOption", "OffsetAngleX", OffsetAngleX, "OffsetY", OffsetY);
	public class ScaleOption
		internal JSONObject node = new JSONObject();

		public float Intensity
				return node["intensity"].AsFloat;
				node["intensity"] = value;

		public float Duration
				return node["duration"].AsFloat;
				node["duration"] = value;

		public ScaleOption(float intensity = 1f, float duration = 1f)
			Intensity = intensity;
			Duration = duration;

		public override string ToString()
			return string.Format("{0} ( {1}: {2}, {3}: {4} )", "ScaleOption", "Intensity", Intensity, "Duration", Duration);
namespace bHapticsLib.Properties
	internal static class BuildInfo
		public const string Name = "bHapticsLib";

		public const string Author = "Herp Derpinstine";

		public const string Company = "Lava Gang";

		public const string Version = "1.0.6";

		public const string DownloadLink = "";
namespace bHapticsLib.Internal
	public abstract class ThreadedTask
		private Thread thread;

		internal bool IsAlive()
			return thread?.IsAlive ?? false;

		public bool BeginInit()
			if (!BeginInitInternal())
				return false;
			return true;

		internal abstract bool BeginInitInternal();

		public bool EndInit()
			if (!EndInitInternal())
				return false;
			return true;

		internal abstract bool EndInitInternal();

		internal abstract void WithinThread();

		private void RunThread()
			if (IsAlive())
			thread = new Thread(WithinThread);

		private void KillThread()
			if (IsAlive())
				thread = null;
	internal class ThreadSafeQueue<T> : IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable, ICollection
		private Queue<T> queue = new Queue<T>();

		public int Count => queue.Count;

		public object SyncRoot => ((ICollection)queue).SyncRoot;

		public bool IsSynchronized => true;

		public void Enqueue(T item)
			lock (SyncRoot)

		public T Dequeue()
			if (Count <= 0)
				return default(T);
			lock (SyncRoot)
				return queue.Dequeue();

		public void Clear()
			lock (SyncRoot)

		public void CopyTo(Array array, int index)
			lock (SyncRoot)
				((ICollection)queue).CopyTo(array, index);

		IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
			return GetEnumerator();

		public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
			lock (SyncRoot)
				foreach (T item in queue)
					yield return item;
	internal class WebSocketConnection : IDisposable
		private bHapticsConnection Parent;

		internal bool FirstTry;

		private bool isConnected;

		private int RetryCount;

		private int RetryDelay = 3;

		private System.Timers.Timer RetryTimer;

		internal WebSocket Socket;

		internal PlayerResponse LastResponse;

		internal WebSocketConnection(bHapticsConnection parent)
			//IL_006e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0079: Expected O, but got Unknown
			Parent = parent;
			string text = $"ws://{parent.IPAddress}:{bHapticsConnection.Port}/{bHapticsConnection.Endpoint}?app_id={parent.ID}&app_name={parent.Name}";
			WebSocketConfiguration val = default(WebSocketConfiguration);
			((WebSocketConfiguration)(ref val))..ctor();
			((WebSocketConfiguration)(ref val)).AutoConnect = false;
			((WebSocketConfiguration)(ref val)).UseAutomaticReceiveThread = true;
			Socket = new WebSocket(text, val);
			Socket.TextReceived += delegate(string txt)
					if (LastResponse == null)
						LastResponse = new PlayerResponse();
					JSONNode jSONNode = JSON.Parse(txt);
					if (!(jSONNode == null) && !jSONNode.IsNull && jSONNode.IsObject)
						LastResponse.m_Dict = jSONNode.AsObject.m_Dict;
			Socket.Opened += delegate
				isConnected = true;
				RetryCount = 0;
			Socket.Closed += delegate
				isConnected = false;
				LastResponse = null;
			if (parent.TryToReconnect)
				RetryTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(RetryDelay * 1000);
				RetryTimer.AutoReset = true;
				RetryTimer.Elapsed += delegate
			FirstTry = true;

		public void Dispose()
				Socket.SendClose((WebSocketCloseCode)1000, (string)null);
				isConnected = false;
				if (Parent.TryToReconnect)

		internal void TryConnect()

		private void RetryCheck()
			//IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002f: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			if (IsConnected() || !Parent.TryToReconnect || (int)Socket.State == 0 || (int)Socket.State == 2)
			if (Parent.MaxRetries > 0)
				if (RetryCount >= Parent.MaxRetries)

		internal bool IsConnected()
			//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0014: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			if (isConnected)
				return (int)Socket.State == 1;
			return false;

		internal void Send(JSONObject jsonNode)

		internal void Send(string msg)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (!IsConnected())
				Socket.Send((WebSocketMessage)new WebSocketTextMessage(msg));
namespace bHapticsLib.Internal.SimpleJSON
	internal enum JSONNodeType
		Array = 1,
		Object = 2,
		String = 3,
		Number = 4,
		NullValue = 5,
		Boolean = 6,
		None = 7,
		Custom = 255
	internal enum JSONTextMode
	internal abstract class JSONNode
		internal struct Enumerator
			private enum Type

			private Type type;

			private Dictionary<string, JSONNode>.Enumerator m_Object;

			private List<JSONNode>.Enumerator m_Array;

			internal bool IsValid => type != Type.None;

			internal KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> Current
					if (type == Type.Array)
						return new KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode>(string.Empty, m_Array.Current);
					if (type == Type.Object)
						return m_Object.Current;
					return new KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode>(string.Empty, null);

			internal Enumerator(List<JSONNode>.Enumerator aArrayEnum)
				type = Type.Array;
				m_Object = default(Dictionary<string, JSONNode>.Enumerator);
				m_Array = aArrayEnum;

			internal Enumerator(Dictionary<string, JSONNode>.Enumerator aDictEnum)
				type = Type.Object;
				m_Object = aDictEnum;
				m_Array = default(List<JSONNode>.Enumerator);

			internal bool MoveNext()
				if (type == Type.Array)
					return m_Array.MoveNext();
				if (type == Type.Object)
					return m_Object.MoveNext();
				return false;

		internal struct ValueEnumerator
			private Enumerator m_Enumerator;

			internal JSONNode Current => m_Enumerator.Current.Value;

			internal ValueEnumerator(List<JSONNode>.Enumerator aArrayEnum)
				: this(new Enumerator(aArrayEnum))

			internal ValueEnumerator(Dictionary<string, JSONNode>.Enumerator aDictEnum)
				: this(new Enumerator(aDictEnum))

			internal ValueEnumerator(Enumerator aEnumerator)
				m_Enumerator = aEnumerator;

			internal bool MoveNext()
				return m_Enumerator.MoveNext();

			internal ValueEnumerator GetEnumerator()
				return this;

		internal struct KeyEnumerator
			private Enumerator m_Enumerator;

			internal string Current => m_Enumerator.Current.Key;

			internal KeyEnumerator(List<JSONNode>.Enumerator aArrayEnum)
				: this(new Enumerator(aArrayEnum))

			internal KeyEnumerator(Dictionary<string, JSONNode>.Enumerator aDictEnum)
				: this(new Enumerator(aDictEnum))

			internal KeyEnumerator(Enumerator aEnumerator)
				m_Enumerator = aEnumerator;

			internal bool MoveNext()
				return m_Enumerator.MoveNext();

			internal KeyEnumerator GetEnumerator()
				return this;

		public class LinqEnumerator : IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode>>, IDisposable, IEnumerator, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode>>, IEnumerable
			private JSONNode m_Node;

			private Enumerator m_Enumerator;

			public KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> Current => m_Enumerator.Current;

			object IEnumerator.Current => m_Enumerator.Current;

			internal LinqEnumerator(JSONNode aNode)
				m_Node = aNode;
				if (m_Node != null)
					m_Enumerator = m_Node.GetEnumerator();

			public bool MoveNext()
				return m_Enumerator.MoveNext();

			public void Dispose()
				m_Node = null;
				m_Enumerator = default(Enumerator);

			public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode>> GetEnumerator()
				return new LinqEnumerator(m_Node);

			public void Reset()
				if (m_Node != null)
					m_Enumerator = m_Node.GetEnumerator();

			IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
				return new LinqEnumerator(m_Node);

		internal static bool forceASCII = false;

		internal static bool longAsString = false;

		internal static bool allowLineComments = true;

		private static StringBuilder m_EscapeBuilder;

		internal abstract JSONNodeType Tag { get; }

		internal virtual JSONNode this[int aIndex]
				return null;

		internal virtual JSONNode this[string aKey]
				return null;

		internal virtual string Value
				return "";

		internal virtual int Count => 0;

		internal virtual bool IsNumber => false;

		internal virtual bool IsString => false;

		internal virtual bool IsBoolean => false;

		internal virtual bool IsNull => false;

		internal virtual bool IsArray => false;

		internal virtual bool IsObject => false;

		internal virtual bool Inline
				return false;

		internal virtual IEnumerable<JSONNode> Children
				yield break;

		internal IEnumerable<JSONNode> DeepChildren
				foreach (JSONNode child in Children)
					foreach (JSONNode deepChild in child.DeepChildren)
						yield return deepChild;

		internal IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode>> Linq => new LinqEnumerator(this);

		internal KeyEnumerator Keys => new KeyEnumerator(GetEnumerator());

		internal ValueEnumerator Values => new ValueEnumerator(GetEnumerator());

		internal virtual double AsDouble
				double result = 0.0;
				if (double.TryParse(Value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result))
					return result;
				return 0.0;
				Value = value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

		internal virtual int AsInt
				return (int)AsDouble;
				AsDouble = value;

		internal virtual float AsFloat
				return (float)AsDouble;
				AsDouble = value;

		internal virtual bool AsBool
				bool result = false;
				if (bool.TryParse(Value, out result))
					return result;
				return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value);
				Value = (value ? "true" : "false");

		internal virtual long AsLong
				long result = 0L;
				if (long.TryParse(Value, out result))
					return result;
				return 0L;
				Value = value.ToString();

		internal virtual JSONArray AsArray => this as JSONArray;

		internal virtual JSONObject AsObject => this as JSONObject;

		internal static StringBuilder EscapeBuilder
				if (m_EscapeBuilder == null)
					m_EscapeBuilder = new StringBuilder();
				return m_EscapeBuilder;

		internal virtual void Add(string aKey, JSONNode aItem)

		internal virtual void Add(JSONNode aItem)
			Add("", aItem);

		internal virtual JSONNode Remove(string aKey)
			return null;

		internal virtual JSONNode Remove(int aIndex)
			return null;

		internal virtual JSONNode Remove(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode;

		internal virtual bool HasKey(string aKey)
			return false;

		internal virtual JSONNode GetValueOrDefault(string aKey, JSONNode aDefault)
			return aDefault;

		public override string ToString()
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			WriteToStringBuilder(stringBuilder, 0, 0, JSONTextMode.Compact);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		internal virtual string ToString(int aIndent)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			WriteToStringBuilder(stringBuilder, 0, aIndent, JSONTextMode.Indent);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		internal abstract void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode);

		internal abstract Enumerator GetEnumerator();

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(string s)
			return new JSONString(s);

		public static implicit operator string(JSONNode d)
			if (!(d == null))
				return d.Value;
			return null;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(double n)
			return new JSONNumber(n);

		public static implicit operator double(JSONNode d)
			if (!(d == null))
				return d.AsDouble;
			return 0.0;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(float n)
			return new JSONNumber(n);

		public static implicit operator float(JSONNode d)
			if (!(d == null))
				return d.AsFloat;
			return 0f;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(int n)
			return new JSONNumber(n);

		public static implicit operator int(JSONNode d)
			if (!(d == null))
				return d.AsInt;
			return 0;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(long n)
			if (longAsString)
				return new JSONString(n.ToString());
			return new JSONNumber(n);

		public static implicit operator long(JSONNode d)
			if (!(d == null))
				return d.AsLong;
			return 0L;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(bool b)
			return new JSONBool(b);

		public static implicit operator bool(JSONNode d)
			if (!(d == null))
				return d.AsBool;
			return false;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> aKeyValue)
			return aKeyValue.Value;

		public static bool operator ==(JSONNode a, object b)
			if ((object)a == b)
				return true;
			bool flag = a is JSONNull || (object)a == null || a is JSONLazyCreator;
			bool flag2 = b is JSONNull || b == null || b is JSONLazyCreator;
			if (flag && flag2)
				return true;
			if (!flag)
				return a.Equals(b);
			return false;

		public static bool operator !=(JSONNode a, object b)
			return !(a == b);

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			return (object)this == obj;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return base.GetHashCode();

		internal static string Escape(string aText)
			StringBuilder escapeBuilder = EscapeBuilder;
			escapeBuilder.Length = 0;
			if (escapeBuilder.Capacity < aText.Length + aText.Length / 10)
				escapeBuilder.Capacity = aText.Length + aText.Length / 10;
			foreach (char c in aText)
				switch (c)
				case '\\':
				case '"':
				case '\n':
				case '\r':
				case '\t':
				case '\b':
				case '\f':
				if (c < ' ' || (forceASCII && c > '\u007f'))
					ushort num = c;
			string result = escapeBuilder.ToString();
			escapeBuilder.Length = 0;
			return result;

		private static JSONNode ParseElement(string token, bool quoted)
			if (quoted)
				return token;
			string text = token.ToLower();
			switch (text)
			case "false":
			case "true":
				return text == "true";
			case "null":
				return JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
				if (double.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var result))
					return result;
				return token;

		internal static JSONNode Parse(string aJSON)
			Stack<JSONNode> stack = new Stack<JSONNode>();
			JSONNode jSONNode = null;
			int i = 0;
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			string aKey = "";
			bool flag = false;
			bool flag2 = false;
			for (; i < aJSON.Length; i++)
				switch (aJSON[i])
				case '{':
					if (flag)
					stack.Push(new JSONObject());
					if (jSONNode != null)
						jSONNode.Add(aKey, stack.Peek());
					aKey = "";
					stringBuilder.Length = 0;
					jSONNode = stack.Peek();
				case '[':
					if (flag)
					stack.Push(new JSONArray());
					if (jSONNode != null)
						jSONNode.Add(aKey, stack.Peek());
					aKey = "";
					stringBuilder.Length = 0;
					jSONNode = stack.Peek();
				case ']':
				case '}':
					if (flag)
					if (stack.Count == 0)
						throw new Exception("JSON Parse: Too many closing brackets");
					if (stringBuilder.Length > 0 || flag2)
						jSONNode.Add(aKey, ParseElement(stringBuilder.ToString(), flag2));
					flag2 = false;
					aKey = "";
					stringBuilder.Length = 0;
					if (stack.Count > 0)
						jSONNode = stack.Peek();
				case ':':
					if (flag)
					aKey = stringBuilder.ToString();
					stringBuilder.Length = 0;
					flag2 = false;
				case '"':
					flag = !flag;
					flag2 = flag2 || flag;
				case ',':
					if (flag)
					if (stringBuilder.Length > 0 || flag2)
						jSONNode.Add(aKey, ParseElement(stringBuilder.ToString(), flag2));
					flag2 = false;
					aKey = "";
					stringBuilder.Length = 0;
					flag2 = false;
				case '\t':
				case ' ':
					if (flag)
				case '\\':
					if (flag)
						char c = aJSON[i];
						switch (c)
						case 't':
						case 'r':
						case 'n':
						case 'b':
						case 'f':
						case 'u':
							string s = aJSON.Substring(i + 1, 4);
							stringBuilder.Append((char)int.Parse(s, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier));
							i += 4;
				case '/':
					if (allowLineComments && !flag && i + 1 < aJSON.Length && aJSON[i + 1] == '/')
						while (++i < aJSON.Length && aJSON[i] != '\n' && aJSON[i] != '\r')
				case '\n':
				case '\r':
				case '\ufeff':
			if (flag)
				throw new Exception("JSON Parse: Quotation marks seems to be messed up.");
			if (jSONNode == null)
				return ParseElement(stringBuilder.ToString(), flag2);
			return jSONNode;
	internal class JSONArray : JSONNode
		private List<JSONNode> m_List = new List<JSONNode>();

		private bool inline;

		internal override bool Inline
				return inline;
				inline = value;

		internal override JSONNodeType Tag => JSONNodeType.Array;

		internal override bool IsArray => true;

		internal override JSONNode this[int aIndex]
				if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= m_List.Count)
					return new JSONLazyCreator(this);
				return m_List[aIndex];
				if (value == null)
					value = JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
				if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= m_List.Count)
					m_List[aIndex] = value;

		internal override JSONNode this[string aKey]
				return new JSONLazyCreator(this);
				if (value == null)
					value = JSONNull.CreateOrGet();

		internal override int Count => m_List.Count;

		internal override IEnumerable<JSONNode> Children
				foreach (JSONNode item in m_List)
					yield return item;

		internal override Enumerator GetEnumerator()
			return new Enumerator(m_List.GetEnumerator());

		internal override void Add(string aKey, JSONNode aItem)
			if (aItem == null)
				aItem = JSONNull.CreateOrGet();

		internal override JSONNode Remove(int aIndex)
			if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= m_List.Count)
				return null;
			JSONNode result = m_List[aIndex];
			return result;

		internal override JSONNode Remove(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode;

		internal void Clear()

		internal override void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode)
			int count = m_List.Count;
			if (inline)
				aMode = JSONTextMode.Compact;
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				if (i > 0)
				if (aMode == JSONTextMode.Indent)
				if (aMode == JSONTextMode.Indent)
					aSB.Append(' ', aIndent + aIndentInc);
				m_List[i].WriteToStringBuilder(aSB, aIndent + aIndentInc, aIndentInc, aMode);
			if (aMode == JSONTextMode.Indent)
				aSB.AppendLine().Append(' ', aIndent);
	internal class JSONObject : JSONNode
		internal Dictionary<string, JSONNode> m_Dict = new Dictionary<string, JSONNode>();

		private bool inline;

		internal override bool Inline
				return inline;
				inline = value;

		internal override JSONNodeType Tag => JSONNodeType.Object;

		internal override bool IsObject => true;

		internal override JSONNode this[string aKey]
				if (m_Dict.ContainsKey(aKey))
					return m_Dict[aKey];
				return new JSONLazyCreator(this, aKey);
				if (value == null)
					value = JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
				if (m_Dict.ContainsKey(aKey))
					m_Dict[aKey] = value;
					m_Dict.Add(aKey, value);

		internal override JSONNode this[int aIndex]
				if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= m_Dict.Count)
					return null;
				return m_Dict.ElementAt(aIndex).Value;
				if (value == null)
					value = JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
				if (aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < m_Dict.Count)
					string key = m_Dict.ElementAt(aIndex).Key;
					m_Dict[key] = value;

		internal override int Count => m_Dict.Count;

		internal override IEnumerable<JSONNode> Children
				foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> item in m_Dict)
					yield return item.Value;

		internal override Enumerator GetEnumerator()
			return new Enumerator(m_Dict.GetEnumerator());

		internal override void Add(string aKey, JSONNode aItem)
			if (aItem == null)
				aItem = JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
			if (aKey != null)
				if (m_Dict.ContainsKey(aKey))
					m_Dict[aKey] = aItem;
					m_Dict.Add(aKey, aItem);
				m_Dict.Add(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), aItem);

		internal override JSONNode Remove(string aKey)
			if (!m_Dict.ContainsKey(aKey))
				return null;
			JSONNode result = m_Dict[aKey];
			return result;

		internal override JSONNode Remove(int aIndex)
			if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= m_Dict.Count)
				return null;
			KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> keyValuePair = m_Dict.ElementAt(aIndex);
			return keyValuePair.Value;

		internal override JSONNode Remove(JSONNode aNode)
				KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> keyValuePair = m_Dict.Where((KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> k) => k.Value == aNode).First();
				return aNode;
				return null;

		internal override bool HasKey(string aKey)
			return m_Dict.ContainsKey(aKey);

		internal override JSONNode GetValueOrDefault(string aKey, JSONNode aDefault)
			if (m_Dict.TryGetValue(aKey, out var value))
				return value;
			return aDefault;

		internal override void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode)
			bool flag = true;
			if (inline)
				aMode = JSONTextMode.Compact;
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> item in m_Dict)
				if (!flag)
				flag = false;
				if (aMode == JSONTextMode.Indent)
				if (aMode == JSONTextMode.Indent)
					aSB.Append(' ', aIndent + aIndentInc);
				if (aMode == JSONTextMode.Compact)
					aSB.Append(" : ");
				item.Value.WriteToStringBuilder(aSB, aIndent + aIndentInc, aIndentInc, aMode);
			if (aMode == JSONTextMode.Indent)
				aSB.AppendLine().Append(' ', aIndent);
	internal class JSONString : JSONNode
		private string m_Data;

		internal override JSONNodeType Tag => JSONNodeType.String;

		internal override bool IsString => true;

		internal override string Value
				return m_Data;
				m_Data = value;

		internal override Enumerator GetEnumerator()
			return default(Enumerator);

		internal JSONString(string aData)
			m_Data = aData;

		internal override void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode)

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			if (base.Equals(obj))
				return true;
			if (obj is string text)
				return m_Data == text;
			JSONString jSONString = obj as JSONString;
			if (jSONString != null)
				return m_Data == jSONString.m_Data;
			return false;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return m_Data.GetHashCode();
	internal class JSONNumber : JSONNode
		private double m_Data;

		internal override JSONNodeType Tag => JSONNodeType.Number;

		internal override bool IsNumber => true;

		internal override string Value
				return m_Data.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
				if (double.TryParse(value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var result))
					m_Data = result;

		internal override double AsDouble
				return m_Data;
				m_Data = value;

		internal override long AsLong
				return (long)m_Data;
				m_Data = value;

		internal override Enumerator GetEnumerator()
			return default(Enumerator);

		internal JSONNumber(double aData)
			m_Data = aData;

		internal JSONNumber(string aData)
			Value = aData;

		internal override void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode)

		private static bool IsNumeric(object value)
			if (!(value is int) && !(value is uint) && !(value is float) && !(value is double) && !(value is decimal) && !(value is long) && !(value is ulong) && !(value is short) && !(value is ushort) && !(value is sbyte))
				return value is byte;
			return true;

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			if (obj == null)
				return false;
			if (base.Equals(obj))
				return true;
			JSONNumber jSONNumber = obj as JSONNumber;
			if (jSONNumber != null)
				return m_Data == jSONNumber.m_Data;
			if (IsNumeric(obj))
				return Convert.ToDouble(obj) == m_Data;
			return false;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return m_Data.GetHashCode();
	internal class JSONBool : JSONNode
		private bool m_Data;

		internal override JSONNodeType Tag => JSONNodeType.Boolean;

		internal override bool IsBoolean => true;

		internal override string Value
				return m_Data.ToString();
				if (bool.TryParse(value, out var result))
					m_Data = result;

		internal override bool AsBool
				return m_Data;
				m_Data = value;

		internal override Enumerator GetEnumerator()
			return default(Enumerator);

		internal JSONBool(bool aData)
			m_Data = aData;

		internal JSONBool(string aData)
			Value = aData;

		internal override void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode)
			aSB.Append(m_Data ? "true" : "false");

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			if (obj == null)
				return false;
			if (obj is bool)
				return m_Data == (bool)obj;
			return false;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return m_Data.GetHashCode();
	internal class JSONNull : JSONNode
		private static JSONNull m_StaticInstance = new JSONNull();

		internal static bool reuseSameInstance = true;

		internal override JSONNodeType Tag => JSONNodeType.NullValue;

		internal override bool IsNull => true;

		internal override string Value
				return "null";

		internal override bool AsBool
				return false;

		internal static JSONNull CreateOrGet()
			if (reuseSameInstance)
				return m_StaticInstance;
			return new JSONNull();

		private JSONNull()

		internal override Enumerator GetEnumerator()
			return default(Enumerator);

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			if ((object)this == obj)
				return true;
			return obj is JSONNull;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return 0;

		internal override void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode)
	internal class JSONLazyCreator : JSONNode
		private JSONNode m_Node;

		private string m_Key;

		internal override JSONNodeType Tag => JSONNodeType.None;

		internal override JSONNode this[int aIndex]
				return new JSONLazyCreator(this);
				Set(new JSONArray()).Add(value);

		internal override JSONNode this[string aKey]
				return new JSONLazyCreator(this, aKey);
				Set(new JSONObject()).Add(aKey, value);

		internal override int AsInt
				Set(new JSONNumber(0.0));
				return 0;
				Set(new JSONNumber(value));

		internal override float AsFloat
				Set(new JSONNumber(0.0));
				return 0f;
				Set(new JSONNumber(value));

		internal override double AsDouble
				Set(new JSONNumber(0.0));
				return 0.0;
				Set(new JSONNumber(value));

		internal override long AsLong
				if (JSONNode.longAsString)
					Set(new JSONString("0"));
					Set(new JSONNumber(0.0));
				return 0L;
				if (JSONNode.longAsString)
					Set(new JSONString(value.ToString()));
					Set(new JSONNumber(value));

		internal override bool AsBool
				Set(new JSONBool(aData: false));
				return false;
				Set(new JSONBool(value));

		internal override JSONArray AsArray => Set(new JSONArray());

		internal override JSONObject AsObject => Set(new JSONObject());

		internal override Enumerator GetEnumerator()
			return default(Enumerator);

		internal JSONLazyCreator(JSONNode aNode)
			m_Node = aNode;
			m_Key = null;

		internal JSONLazyCreator(JSONNode aNode, string aKey)
			m_Node = aNode;
			m_Key = aKey;

		private T Set<T>(T aVal) where T : JSONNode
			if (m_Key == null)
				m_Node.Add(m_Key, aVal);
			m_Node = null;
			return aVal;

		internal override void Add(JSONNode aItem)
			Set(new JSONArray()).Add(aItem);

		internal override void Add(string aKey, JSONNode aItem)
			Set(new JSONObject()).Add(aKey, aItem);

		public static bool operator ==(JSONLazyCreator a, object b)
			if (b == null)
				return true;
			return (object)a == b;

		public static bool operator !=(JSONLazyCreator a, object b)
			return !(a == b);

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			if (obj == null)
				return true;
			return (object)this == obj;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return 0;

		internal override void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode)
	internal static class JSON
		internal static JSONNode Parse(string aJSON)
			return JSONNode.Parse(aJSON);
namespace bHapticsLib.Internal.Models.Connection
	internal class PlayerPacket : JSONObject
		internal JSONArray Register
				string aKey = "Register";
				if (this[aKey] == null)
					this[aKey] = new JSONArray();
				return this[aKey].AsArray;

		internal JSONArray Submit
				string aKey = "Submit";
				if (this[aKey] == null)
					this[aKey] = new JSONArray();
				return this[aKey].AsArray;

		internal void Clear()

		internal bool IsEmpty()
			if (Register.Count <= 0)
				return Submit.Count <= 0;
			return false;
	internal class PlayerResponse : JSONObject
		internal int ConnectedDeviceCount => this["ConnectedDeviceCount"].AsInt;

		internal JSONArray ActiveKeys
				string aKey = "ActiveKeys";
				if (this[aKey] == null)
					this[aKey] = new JSONArray();
				return this[aKey].AsArray;

		internal JSONArray ConnectedPositions
				string aKey = "ConnectedPositions";
				if (this[aKey] == null)
					this[aKey] = new JSONArray();
				return this[aKey].AsArray;

		internal JSONArray RegisteredKeys
				string aKey = "RegisteredKeys";
				if (this[aKey] == null)
					this[aKey] = new JSONArray();
				return this[aKey].AsArray;

		internal JSONObject Status
				string aKey = "Status";
				if (this[aKey] == null)
					this[aKey] = new JSONObject();
				return this[aKey].AsObject;
	internal class RegisterRequest : JSONObject
		internal string key
				return this["key"];
				this["key"] = value;

		internal JSONObject project
				string aKey = "project";
				if (this[aKey] == null)
					this[aKey] = new JSONObject();
				return this[aKey].AsObject;
				this["project"] = value;
	internal class SubmitRequest : JSONObject
		internal string type
				return this["type"];
				this["type"] = value;

		internal string key
				return this["key"];
				this["key"] = value;

		internal JSONObject Parameters
				string aKey = "Parameters";
				if (this[aKey] == null)
					this[aKey] = new JSONObject();
				return this[aKey].AsObject;

		internal SubmitRequestFrame Frame
				string aKey = "Frame";
				if (this[aKey] == null)
					this[aKey] = new SubmitRequestFrame();
				return this[aKey].AsObject as SubmitRequestFrame;
	internal class SubmitRequestFrame : JSONObject
		internal int durationMillis
				return this["durationMillis"].AsInt;
				this["durationMillis"] = value;

		internal string position
				return this["position"];
				this["position"] = value.ToString();

		internal JSONArray dotPoints
				string aKey = "dotPoints";
				if (this[aKey] == null)
					this[aKey] = new JSONArray();
				return this[aKey].AsArray;

		internal JSONArray pathPoints
				string aKey = "pathPoints";
				if (this[aKey] == null)
					this[aKey] = new JSONArray();
				return this[aKey].AsArray;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using AssetRipper.VersionUtilities;
using AssetsTools.NET;
using AssetsTools.NET.Extra;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using Harmony;
using HarmonyLib;
using HarmonyLib.Public.Patching;
using HarmonyLib.Tools;
using MelonLoader;
using MelonLoader.Assertions;
using MelonLoader.Fixes;
using MelonLoader.ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.BZip2;
using MelonLoader.ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Checksum;
using MelonLoader.ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Core;
using MelonLoader.ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Encryption;
using MelonLoader.ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip;
using MelonLoader.ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression;
using MelonLoader.ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams;
using MelonLoader.InternalUtils;
using MelonLoader.Lemons.Cryptography;
using MelonLoader.Modules;
using MelonLoader.MonoInternals;
using MelonLoader.MonoInternals.ResolveInternals;
using MelonLoader.Preferences;
using MelonLoader.Preferences.IO;
using MelonLoader.TinyJSON;
using Microsoft.Cci;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Mono.Cecil.Mdb;
using Mono.Cecil.Pdb;
using Mono.Cecil.Rocks;
using Mono.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter;
using MonoMod.Cil;
using MonoMod.ModInterop;
using MonoMod.RuntimeDetour;
using MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.HookGen;
using MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.Platforms;
using MonoMod.Utils;
using MonoMod.Utils.Cil;
using Semver;
using Tomlet;
using Tomlet.Attributes;
using Tomlet.Exceptions;
using Tomlet.Models;
using bHapticsLib;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Created by Lava Gang")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: Guid("A662769A-B294-434F-83B5-176FC4795334")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("0.5.7")]
[assembly: PatchShield]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader.UnityMono")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader.IL2CPP")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AccessTools))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ArgumentType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CodeInstruction))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CodeInstructionExtensions))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CodeMatch))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CodeMatcher))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CollectionExtensions))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DelegateTypeFactory))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExceptionBlock))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExceptionBlockType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FastAccess))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FastInvokeHandler))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileLog))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GeneralExtensions))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GetterHandler<, >))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Harmony))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyAfter))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyArgument))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyAttribute))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyBefore))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyCleanup))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyDebug))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyDelegate))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyEmitIL))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyFinalizer))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyGlobalSettings))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyILManipulator))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyMethod))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyMethodExtensions))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyPatch))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyPatchAll))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyPatchType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyPostfix))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyPrefix))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyPrepare))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyPriority))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyReversePatch))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyReversePatchType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyTargetMethod))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyTargetMethods))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyTranspiler))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyWrapSafe))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InlineSignature))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InstantiationHandler<>))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidHarmonyPatchArgumentException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberNotFoundException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodBaseExtensions))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodDispatchType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodInvoker))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Patch))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PatchClassProcessor))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Patches))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PatchInfo))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PatchProcessor))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Priority))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyManipulator))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ManagedMethodPatcher))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodPatcher))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NativeDetourMethodPatcher))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PatchManager))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReversePatcher))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SetterHandler<, >))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SymbolExtensions))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyFileLog))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Logger))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Transpilers))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Traverse))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Traverse<>))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ILocalScope))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IName))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(INamespaceScope))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IUsedNamespace))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ArrayDimension))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ArrayMarshalInfo))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ArrayType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyAttributes))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyDefinition))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyHashAlgorithm))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyLinkedResource))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyNameDefinition))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyNameReference))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyResolutionException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyResolveEventArgs))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyResolveEventHandler))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BaseAssemblyResolver))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ByReferenceType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CallSite))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsyncMethodBodyDebugInformation))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BinaryCustomDebugInformation))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Code))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConstantDebugInformation))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CustomDebugInformation))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CustomDebugInformationKind))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DebugInformation))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultSymbolReaderProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultSymbolWriterProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Document))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DocumentHashAlgorithm))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DocumentLanguage))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DocumentLanguageVendor))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DocumentType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EmbeddedPortablePdbReader))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EmbeddedPortablePdbReaderProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EmbeddedPortablePdbWriter))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EmbeddedPortablePdbWriterProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EmbeddedSourceDebugInformation))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExceptionHandler))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExceptionHandlerType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FlowControl))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICustomDebugInformationProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ILProcessor))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ImageDebugDirectory))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ImageDebugHeader))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ImageDebugHeaderEntry))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ImageDebugType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ImportDebugInformation))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ImportTarget))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ImportTargetKind))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Instruction))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InstructionOffset))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISymbolReader))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISymbolReaderProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISymbolWriter))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISymbolWriterProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodBody))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodDebugInformation))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OpCode))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OpCodes))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OpCodeType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OperandType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PortablePdbReader))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PortablePdbReaderProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PortablePdbWriter))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PortablePdbWriterProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ScopeDebugInformation))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SequencePoint))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SourceLinkDebugInformation))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StackBehaviour))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StateMachineScope))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StateMachineScopeDebugInformation))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SymbolsNotFoundException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SymbolsNotMatchingException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(VariableAttributes))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(VariableDebugInformation))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(VariableDefinition))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(VariableIndex))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(VariableReference))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CustomAttribute))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CustomAttributeArgument))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CustomAttributeNamedArgument))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CustomMarshalInfo))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultAssemblyResolver))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultMetadataImporter))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultReflectionImporter))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EmbeddedResource))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventAttributes))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventDefinition))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventReference))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExportedType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FieldAttributes))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FieldDefinition))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FieldReference))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FixedArrayMarshalInfo))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FixedSysStringMarshalInfo))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FunctionPointerType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GenericInstanceMethod))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GenericInstanceType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GenericParameter))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GenericParameterAttributes))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GenericParameterType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IAssemblyResolver))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IConstantProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICustomAttribute))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICustomAttributeProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IGenericInstance))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IGenericParameterProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IMarshalInfoProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IMemberDefinition))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IMetadataImporter))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IMetadataImporterProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IMetadataResolver))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IMetadataScope))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IMetadataTokenProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IMethodSignature))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IModifierType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InterfaceImplementation))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IReflectionImporter))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IReflectionImporterProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISecurityDeclarationProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LinkedResource))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ManifestResourceAttributes))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MarshalInfo))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MdbReader))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MdbReaderProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MdbWriter))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MdbWriterProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberReference))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MetadataKind))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MetadataResolver))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MetadataScopeType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MetadataToken))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MetadataType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodAttributes))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodCallingConvention))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodDefinition))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodImplAttributes))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodReference))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodReturnType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodSemanticsAttributes))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodSpecification))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ModuleAttributes))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ModuleCharacteristics))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ModuleDefinition))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ModuleKind))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ModuleParameters))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ModuleReference))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NativeType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OptionalModifierType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParameterAttributes))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParameterDefinition))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParameterReference))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NativePdbReader))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NativePdbReaderProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NativePdbWriter))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NativePdbWriterProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PdbReaderProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PdbWriterProvider))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PinnedType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PInvokeAttributes))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PInvokeInfo))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PointerType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PropertyAttributes))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PropertyDefinition))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PropertyReference))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReaderParameters))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReadingMode))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RequiredModifierType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ResolutionException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Resource))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ResourceType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DocCommentId))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IILVisitor))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ILParser))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodBodyRocks))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodDefinitionRocks))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ModuleDefinitionRocks))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParameterReferenceRocks))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SecurityDeclarationRocks))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeDefinitionRocks))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeReferenceRocks))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SafeArrayMarshalInfo))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SecurityAction))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SecurityAttribute))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SecurityDeclaration))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SentinelType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TargetArchitecture))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TargetRuntime))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TokenType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeAttributes))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeDefinition))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeReference))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeSpecification))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeSystem))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(VariantType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WriterParameters))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Collection<>))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReadOnlyCollection<>))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AnonymousScopeEntry))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CapturedScope))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CapturedVariable))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CodeBlockEntry))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CompileUnitEntry))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICompileUnit))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IMethodDef))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISourceFile))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LineNumberEntry))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LineNumberTable))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LocalVariableEntry))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodEntry))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MonoSymbolFile))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MonoSymbolFileException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MonoSymbolWriter))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NamespaceEntry))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OffsetTable))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ScopeVariable))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SourceFileEntry))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SourceMethodBuilder))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SymbolWriterImpl))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IILReferenceBag))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ILContext))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ILCursor))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ILLabel))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ILPatternMatchingExt))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MoveType))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NopILReferenceBag))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RuntimeILReferenceBag))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SearchTarget))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ModExportNameAttribute))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ModImportNameAttribute))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ModInteropManager))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Detour))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Detour<>))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourConfig))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourContext))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourHelper))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourModManager))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HarmonyDetourBridge))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Hook))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Hook<>))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Hook<, >))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HookConfig))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HookEndpointManager))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDetour))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDetourNativePlatform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDetourRuntimePlatform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ILHook))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ILHookConfig))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISortableDetour))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NativeDetour))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NativeDetourConfig))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NativeDetourData))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OnMethodCompiledEvent))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourNativeARMPlatform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourNativeLibcPlatform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourNativeMonoPlatform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourNativeMonoPosixPlatform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourNativeWindowsPlatform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourNativeX86Platform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourRuntimeILPlatform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourRuntimeMonoPlatform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourRuntimeNET50Platform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourRuntimeNET60Platform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourRuntimeNETCore30Platform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourRuntimeNETCorePlatform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DetourRuntimeNETPlatform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CecilILGenerator))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ILGeneratorShim))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ILGeneratorShimExt))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DMDCecilGenerator))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DMDEmitDynamicMethodGenerator))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DMDEmitMethodBuilderGenerator))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DMDGenerator<>))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DynamicMethodDefinition))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DynamicMethodHelper))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DynamicMethodReference))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DynData<>))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DynDll))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DynDllImportAttribute))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DynDllMapping))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Extensions))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FastReflectionDelegate))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FastReflectionHelper))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GCListener))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GenericMethodInstantiationComparer))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GenericTypeInstantiationComparer))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICallSiteGenerator))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LazyDisposable))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LazyDisposable<>))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MMReflectionImporter))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Platform))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PlatformHelper))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReflectionHelper))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Relinker))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RelinkFailedException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RelinkTargetNotFoundException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WeakReferenceComparer))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IgnoresAccessChecksToAttribute))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlDoNotInlineObjectAttribute))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlInlineCommentAttribute))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlPrecedingCommentAttribute))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlPropertyAttribute))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidTomlDateTimeException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidTomlEscapeException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidTomlInlineTableException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidTomlKeyException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidTomlNumberException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MissingIntermediateInTomlTableArraySpecException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NewLineInTomlInlineTableException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NoTomlKeyException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TimeOffsetOnTomlDateOrTimeException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlArraySyntaxException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlContainsDottedKeyNonTableException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlDateTimeMissingSeparatorException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlDateTimeUnnecessarySeparatorException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlDottedKeyException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlDottedKeyParserException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlDoubleDottedKeyException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlEndOfFileException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlEnumParseException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlExceptionWithLine))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlFieldTypeMismatchException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlInlineTableSeparatorException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlInstantiationException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlInternalException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlInvalidValueException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlKeyRedefinitionException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlMissingEqualsException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlMissingNewlineException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlNewlineInInlineCommentException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlNonTableArrayUsedAsTableArrayException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlNoSuchValueException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlPrimitiveToDocumentException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlStringException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlTableArrayAlreadyExistsAsNonArrayException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlTableLockedException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlTableRedefinitionException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlTripleQuotedKeyException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlTypeMismatchException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlUnescapedUnicodeControlCharException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlWhitespaceInKeyException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TripleQuoteInTomlMultilineLiteralException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TripleQuoteInTomlMultilineSimpleStringException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UnterminatedTomlKeyException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UnterminatedTomlStringException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UnterminatedTomlTableArrayException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UnterminatedTomlTableNameException))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ITomlValueWithDateTime))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlArray))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlBoolean))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlCommentData))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlDocument))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlDouble))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlLocalDate))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlLocalDateTime))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlLocalTime))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlLong))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlOffsetDateTime))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlString))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlTable))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlValue))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomletMain))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomletStringReader))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlNumberUtils))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlParser))]
[assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TomlSerializationMethods))]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace Semver
	internal static class IntExtensions
		public static int Digits(this int n)
			if (n < 10)
				return 1;
			if (n < 100)
				return 2;
			if (n < 1000)
				return 3;
			if (n < 10000)
				return 4;
			if (n < 100000)
				return 5;
			if (n < 1000000)
				return 6;
			if (n < 10000000)
				return 7;
			if (n < 100000000)
				return 8;
			if (n < 1000000000)
				return 9;
			return 10;
	public sealed class SemVersion : IComparable<SemVersion>, IComparable, ISerializable
		private static readonly Regex ParseEx = new Regex("^(?<major>\\d+)(?>\\.(?<minor>\\d+))?(?>\\.(?<patch>\\d+))?(?>\\-(?<pre>[0-9A-Za-z\\-\\.]+))?(?>\\+(?<build>[0-9A-Za-z\\-\\.]+))?$", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);

		public int Major { get; }

		public int Minor { get; }

		public int Patch { get; }

		public string Prerelease { get; }

		public string Build { get; }

		private SemVersion(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
			if (info == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("info");
			SemVersion semVersion = Parse(info.GetString("SemVersion"));
			Major = semVersion.Major;
			Minor = semVersion.Minor;
			Patch = semVersion.Patch;
			Prerelease = semVersion.Prerelease;
			Build = semVersion.Build;

		public SemVersion(int major, int minor = 0, int patch = 0, string prerelease = "", string build = "")
			Major = major;
			Minor = minor;
			Patch = patch;
			Prerelease = prerelease ?? "";
			Build = build ?? "";

		public SemVersion(Version version)
			if (version == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("version");
			Major = version.Major;
			Minor = version.Minor;
			if (version.Revision >= 0)
				Patch = version.Revision;
			Prerelease = "";
			Build = ((version.Build > 0) ? version.Build.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : "");

		public static SemVersion Parse(string version, bool strict = false)
			Match match = ParseEx.Match(version);
			if (!match.Success)
				throw new ArgumentException("Invalid version '" + version + "'.", "version");
			int major = int.Parse(match.Groups["major"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			Group group = match.Groups["minor"];
			int minor = 0;
			if (group.Success)
				minor = int.Parse(group.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			else if (strict)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid version (no minor version given in strict mode)");
			Group group2 = match.Groups["patch"];
			int patch = 0;
			if (group2.Success)
				patch = int.Parse(group2.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
			else if (strict)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid version (no patch version given in strict mode)");
			string value = match.Groups["pre"].Value;
			string value2 = match.Groups["build"].Value;
			return new SemVersion(major, minor, patch, value, value2);

		public static bool TryParse(string version, out SemVersion semver, bool strict = false)
			semver = null;
			if (version == null)
				return false;
			Match match = ParseEx.Match(version);
			if (!match.Success)
				return false;
			if (!int.TryParse(match.Groups["major"].Value, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var result))
				return false;
			Group group = match.Groups["minor"];
			int result2 = 0;
			if (group.Success)
				if (!int.TryParse(group.Value, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result2))
					return false;
			else if (strict)
				return false;
			Group group2 = match.Groups["patch"];
			int result3 = 0;
			if (group2.Success)
				if (!int.TryParse(group2.Value, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result3))
					return false;
			else if (strict)
				return false;
			string value = match.Groups["pre"].Value;
			string value2 = match.Groups["build"].Value;
			semver = new SemVersion(result, result2, result3, value, value2);
			return true;

		public static bool Equals(SemVersion versionA, SemVersion versionB)
			if ((object)versionA == versionB)
				return true;
			if ((object)versionA == null || (object)versionB == null)
				return false;
			return versionA.Equals(versionB);

		public static int Compare(SemVersion versionA, SemVersion versionB)
			if ((object)versionA == versionB)
				return 0;
			if ((object)versionA == null)
				return -1;
			if ((object)versionB == null)
				return 1;
			return versionA.CompareTo(versionB);

		public SemVersion Change(int? major = null, int? minor = null, int? patch = null, string prerelease = null, string build = null)
			return new SemVersion(major ?? Major, minor ?? Minor, patch ?? Patch, prerelease ?? Prerelease, build ?? Build);

		public override string ToString()
			int capacity = 4 + Major.Digits() + Minor.Digits() + Patch.Digits() + Prerelease.Length + Build.Length;
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(capacity);
			if (Prerelease.Length > 0)
			if (Build.Length > 0)
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public int CompareTo(object obj)
			return CompareTo((SemVersion)obj);

		public int CompareTo(SemVersion other)
			int num = CompareByPrecedence(other);
			if (num != 0)
				return num;
			return CompareComponent(Build, other.Build);

		public bool PrecedenceMatches(SemVersion other)
			return CompareByPrecedence(other) == 0;

		public int CompareByPrecedence(SemVersion other)
			if ((object)other == null)
				return 1;
			int num = Major.CompareTo(other.Major);
			if (num != 0)
				return num;
			num = Minor.CompareTo(other.Minor);
			if (num != 0)
				return num;
			num = Patch.CompareTo(other.Patch);
			if (num != 0)
				return num;
			return CompareComponent(Prerelease, other.Prerelease, nonemptyIsLower: true);

		private static int CompareComponent(string a, string b, bool nonemptyIsLower = false)
			bool flag = string.IsNullOrEmpty(a);
			bool flag2 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(b);
			if (flag && flag2)
				return 0;
			if (flag)
				return nonemptyIsLower ? 1 : (-1);
			if (flag2)
				return (!nonemptyIsLower) ? 1 : (-1);
			string[] array = a.Split(new char[1] { '.' });
			string[] array2 = b.Split(new char[1] { '.' });
			int num = Math.Min(array.Length, array2.Length);
			for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
				string text = array[i];
				string text2 = array2[i];
				int result;
				bool flag3 = int.TryParse(text, out result);
				int result2;
				bool flag4 = int.TryParse(text2, out result2);
				int num2;
				if (flag3 && flag4)
					num2 = result.CompareTo(result2);
					if (num2 != 0)
						return num2;
				if (flag3)
					return -1;
				if (flag4)
					return 1;
				num2 = string.CompareOrdinal(text, text2);
				if (num2 != 0)
					return num2;
			return array.Length.CompareTo(array2.Length);

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			if (obj == null)
				return false;
			if (this == obj)
				return true;
			SemVersion semVersion = (SemVersion)obj;
			return Major == semVersion.Major && Minor == semVersion.Minor && Patch == semVersion.Patch && string.Equals(Prerelease, semVersion.Prerelease, StringComparison.Ordinal) && string.Equals(Build, semVersion.Build, StringComparison.Ordinal);

		public override int GetHashCode()
			int hashCode = Major.GetHashCode();
			hashCode = hashCode * 31 + Minor.GetHashCode();
			hashCode = hashCode * 31 + Patch.GetHashCode();
			hashCode = hashCode * 31 + Prerelease.GetHashCode();
			return hashCode * 31 + Build.GetHashCode();

		[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
		public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
			if (info == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("info");
			info.AddValue("SemVersion", ToString());

		public static implicit operator SemVersion(string version)
			return Parse(version);

		public static bool operator ==(SemVersion left, SemVersion right)
			return Equals(left, right);

		public static bool operator !=(SemVersion left, SemVersion right)
			return !Equals(left, right);

		public static bool operator >(SemVersion left, SemVersion right)
			return Compare(left, right) > 0;

		public static bool operator >=(SemVersion left, SemVersion right)
			return Equals(left, right) || Compare(left, right) > 0;

		public static bool operator <(SemVersion left, SemVersion right)
			return Compare(left, right) < 0;

		public static bool operator <=(SemVersion left, SemVersion right)
			return Equals(left, right) || Compare(left, right) < 0;
namespace Harmony
	[Obsolete("Harmony.MethodType is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.MethodType instead.")]
	public enum MethodType
	[Obsolete("Harmony.PropertyMethod is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.MethodType instead.")]
	public enum PropertyMethod
		Getter = 1,
	[Obsolete("Harmony.ArgumentType is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.ArgumentType instead.")]
	public enum ArgumentType
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatchType is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatchType instead.")]
	public enum HarmonyPatchType
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyAttribute is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyAttribute instead.")]
	public class HarmonyAttribute : HarmonyAttribute
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = true)]
	public class HarmonyPatch : HarmonyPatch
		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch()

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(Type declaringType)
			: base(declaringType)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(Type declaringType, Type[] argumentTypes)
			: base(declaringType, argumentTypes)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(Type declaringType, string methodName)
			: base(declaringType, methodName)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(Type declaringType, string methodName, params Type[] argumentTypes)
			: base(declaringType, methodName, argumentTypes)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(Type declaringType, string methodName, Type[] argumentTypes, ArgumentType[] argumentVariations)
			: base(declaringType, methodName, argumentTypes, Array.ConvertAll(argumentVariations, (ArgumentType x) => (ArgumentType)x))

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(Type declaringType, MethodType methodType)
			: base(declaringType, (MethodType)methodType)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(Type declaringType, MethodType methodType, params Type[] argumentTypes)
			: base(declaringType, (MethodType)methodType, argumentTypes)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(Type declaringType, MethodType methodType, Type[] argumentTypes, ArgumentType[] argumentVariations)
			: base(declaringType, (MethodType)methodType, argumentTypes, Array.ConvertAll(argumentVariations, (ArgumentType x) => (ArgumentType)x))

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(Type declaringType, string propertyName, MethodType methodType)
			: base(declaringType, propertyName, (MethodType)methodType)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(string methodName)
			: base(methodName)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(string methodName, params Type[] argumentTypes)
			: base(methodName, argumentTypes)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(string methodName, Type[] argumentTypes, ArgumentType[] argumentVariations)
			: base(methodName, argumentTypes, Array.ConvertAll(argumentVariations, (ArgumentType x) => (ArgumentType)x))

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(string propertyName, MethodType methodType)
			: base(propertyName, (MethodType)methodType)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(MethodType methodType)
			: base((MethodType)methodType)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(MethodType methodType, params Type[] argumentTypes)
			: base((MethodType)methodType, argumentTypes)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(MethodType methodType, Type[] argumentTypes, ArgumentType[] argumentVariations)
			: base((MethodType)methodType, argumentTypes, Array.ConvertAll(argumentVariations, (ArgumentType x) => (ArgumentType)x))

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(Type[] argumentTypes)
			: base(argumentTypes)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(Type[] argumentTypes, ArgumentType[] argumentVariations)
			: base(argumentTypes, Array.ConvertAll(argumentVariations, (ArgumentType x) => (ArgumentType)x))

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(string propertyName, PropertyMethod type)
			: base(propertyName, (MethodType)type)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatch instead.")]
		public HarmonyPatch(string assemblyQualifiedDeclaringType, string methodName, MethodType methodType, Type[] argumentTypes = null, ArgumentType[] argumentVariations = null)
			: base(assemblyQualifiedDeclaringType, methodName, (MethodType)methodType, argumentTypes, Array.ConvertAll(argumentVariations, (ArgumentType x) => (ArgumentType)x))
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPatchAll is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPatchAll instead.")]
	public class HarmonyPatchAll : HarmonyPatchAll
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPriority is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPriority instead.")]
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
	public class HarmonyPriority : HarmonyPriority
		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPriority is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPriority instead.")]
		public HarmonyPriority(int prioritiy)
			: base(prioritiy)
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyBefore is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyBefore instead.")]
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
	public class HarmonyBefore : HarmonyBefore
		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyBefore is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyBefore instead.")]
		public HarmonyBefore(params string[] before)
			: base(before)
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyAfter is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyAfter instead.")]
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
	public class HarmonyAfter : HarmonyAfter
		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyAfter is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyAfter instead.")]
		public HarmonyAfter(params string[] after)
			: base(after)
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPrepare is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPrepare instead.")]
	public class HarmonyPrepare : HarmonyPrepare
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyCleanup is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyCleanup instead.")]
	public class HarmonyCleanup : HarmonyCleanup
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyTargetMethod is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyTargetMethod instead.")]
	public class HarmonyTargetMethod : HarmonyTargetMethod
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyTargetMethods is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyTargetMethods instead.")]
	public class HarmonyTargetMethods : HarmonyTargetMethods
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPrefix is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPrefix instead.")]
	public class HarmonyPrefix : HarmonyPrefix
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyPostfix is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyPostfix instead.")]
	public class HarmonyPostfix : HarmonyPostfix
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyTranspiler is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyTranspiler instead.")]
	public class HarmonyTranspiler : HarmonyTranspiler
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyArgument is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyArgument instead.")]
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = true)]
	public class HarmonyArgument : HarmonyArgument
		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyArgument is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyArgument instead.")]
		public HarmonyArgument(string originalName)
			: base(originalName, (string)null)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyArgument is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyArgument instead.")]
		public HarmonyArgument(int index)
			: base(index, (string)null)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyArgument is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyArgument instead.")]
		public HarmonyArgument(string originalName, string newName)
			: base(originalName, newName)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyArgument is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyArgument instead.")]
		public HarmonyArgument(int index, string name)
			: base(index, name)
	public class DelegateTypeFactory : DelegateTypeFactory
	public delegate object GetterHandler(object source);
	public delegate void SetterHandler(object source, object value);
	public delegate object InstantiationHandler();
	public class FastAccess
		[Obsolete("Use AccessTools.MethodDelegate<Func<T, S>>(PropertyInfo.GetGetMethod(true))")]
		public static InstantiationHandler CreateInstantiationHandler(Type type)
			//IL_003d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0043: Expected O, but got Unknown
			ConstructorInfo constructor = type.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[0], null);
			if ((object)constructor == null)
				throw new ApplicationException($"The type {type} must declare an empty constructor (the constructor may be private, internal, protected, protected internal, or public).");
			DynamicMethodDefinition val = new DynamicMethodDefinition("InstantiateObject_" + type.Name, type, (Type[])null);
			ILGenerator iLGenerator = val.GetILGenerator();
			iLGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, constructor);
			return (InstantiationHandler)Extensions.CreateDelegate((MethodBase)val.Generate(), typeof(InstantiationHandler));

		[Obsolete("Use AccessTools.MethodDelegate<Func<T, S>>(PropertyInfo.GetGetMethod(true))")]
		public static GetterHandler CreateGetterHandler(PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
			MethodInfo getMethod = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true);
			DynamicMethodDefinition val = CreateGetDynamicMethod(propertyInfo.DeclaringType);
			ILGenerator iLGenerator = val.GetILGenerator();
			iLGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, getMethod);
			return (GetterHandler)Extensions.CreateDelegate((MethodBase)val.Generate(), typeof(GetterHandler));

		[Obsolete("Use AccessTools.FieldRefAccess<T, S>(fieldInfo)")]
		public static GetterHandler CreateGetterHandler(FieldInfo fieldInfo)
			DynamicMethodDefinition val = CreateGetDynamicMethod(fieldInfo.DeclaringType);
			ILGenerator iLGenerator = val.GetILGenerator();
			iLGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, fieldInfo);
			return (GetterHandler)Extensions.CreateDelegate((MethodBase)val.Generate(), typeof(GetterHandler));

		[Obsolete("Use AccessTools.FieldRefAccess<T, S>(name) for fields and AccessTools.MethodDelegate<Func<T, S>>(AccessTools.PropertyGetter(typeof(T), name)) for properties")]
		public static GetterHandler CreateFieldGetter(Type type, params string[] names)
			foreach (string name in names)
				FieldInfo field = type.GetField(name, AccessTools.all);
				if ((object)field != null)
					return CreateGetterHandler(field);
				PropertyInfo property = type.GetProperty(name, AccessTools.all);
				if ((object)property != null)
					return CreateGetterHandler(property);
			return null;

		[Obsolete("Use AccessTools.MethodDelegate<Action<T, S>>(PropertyInfo.GetSetMethod(true))")]
		public static SetterHandler CreateSetterHandler(PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
			MethodInfo setMethod = propertyInfo.GetSetMethod(nonPublic: true);
			DynamicMethodDefinition val = CreateSetDynamicMethod(propertyInfo.DeclaringType);
			ILGenerator iLGenerator = val.GetILGenerator();
			iLGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, setMethod);
			return (SetterHandler)Extensions.CreateDelegate((MethodBase)val.Generate(), typeof(SetterHandler));

		[Obsolete("Use AccessTools.FieldRefAccess<T, S>(fieldInfo)")]
		public static SetterHandler CreateSetterHandler(FieldInfo fieldInfo)
			DynamicMethodDefinition val = CreateSetDynamicMethod(fieldInfo.DeclaringType);
			ILGenerator iLGenerator = val.GetILGenerator();
			iLGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, fieldInfo);
			return (SetterHandler)Extensions.CreateDelegate((MethodBase)val.Generate(), typeof(SetterHandler));

		private static DynamicMethodDefinition CreateGetDynamicMethod(Type type)
			//IL_002d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0033: Expected O, but got Unknown
			return new DynamicMethodDefinition("DynamicGet_" + type.Name, typeof(object), new Type[1] { typeof(object) });

		private static DynamicMethodDefinition CreateSetDynamicMethod(Type type)
			//IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0040: Expected O, but got Unknown
			return new DynamicMethodDefinition("DynamicSet_" + type.Name, typeof(void), new Type[2]
	public delegate object FastInvokeHandler(object target, object[] paramters);
	public class MethodInvoker
		public static FastInvokeHandler GetHandler(DynamicMethod methodInfo, Module module)
			return ConvertFastInvokeHandler(MethodInvoker.GetHandler((MethodInfo)methodInfo, false));

		public static FastInvokeHandler GetHandler(MethodInfo methodInfo)
			return ConvertFastInvokeHandler(MethodInvoker.GetHandler(methodInfo, false));

		private static FastInvokeHandler ConvertFastInvokeHandler(FastInvokeHandler sourceDelegate)
			return (FastInvokeHandler)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(FastInvokeHandler), ((Delegate)(object)sourceDelegate).Target, ((Delegate)(object)sourceDelegate).Method);
	public class HarmonyInstance : Harmony
		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyInstance is obsolete. Please use HarmonyLib.Harmony instead.")]
		public HarmonyInstance(string id)
			: base(id)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyInstance.Create is obsolete. Please use the HarmonyLib.Harmony Constructor instead.")]
		public static HarmonyInstance Create(string id)
			if (id == null)
				throw new Exception("id cannot be null");
			return new HarmonyInstance(id);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyInstance.Patch is obsolete. Please use HarmonyLib.Harmony.Patch instead.")]
		public DynamicMethod Patch(MethodBase original, HarmonyMethod prefix = null, HarmonyMethod postfix = null, HarmonyMethod transpiler = null)
			((Harmony)this).Patch(original, (HarmonyMethod)(object)prefix, (HarmonyMethod)(object)postfix, (HarmonyMethod)(object)transpiler, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null);
			return null;

		public void Unpatch(MethodBase original, HarmonyPatchType type, string harmonyID = null)
			((Harmony)this).Unpatch(original, (HarmonyPatchType)type, harmonyID);
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyMethod is obsolete. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod instead.")]
	public class HarmonyMethod : HarmonyMethod
		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyMethod.prioritiy is obsolete. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod.priority instead.")]
		public int prioritiy = -1;

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyMethod is obsolete. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod instead.")]
		public HarmonyMethod()

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyMethod is obsolete. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod instead.")]
		public HarmonyMethod(MethodInfo method)
			: base(method)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyMethod is obsolete. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod instead.")]
		public HarmonyMethod(Type type, string name, Type[] parameters = null)
			: base(type, name, parameters)

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyMethod.Merge is obsolete. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod.Merge instead.")]
		public static HarmonyMethod Merge(List<HarmonyMethod> attributes)
			return (HarmonyMethod)(object)HarmonyMethod.Merge(Array.ConvertAll(attributes.ToArray(), (HarmonyMethod x) => (HarmonyMethod)(object)x).ToList());

		public override string ToString()
			return ((HarmonyMethod)this).ToString();
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyMethodExtensions is obsolete. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethodExtensions instead.")]
	public static class HarmonyMethodExtensions
		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyMethodExtensions.CopyTo is obsolete. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethodExtensions.CopyTo instead.")]
		public static void CopyTo(this HarmonyMethod from, HarmonyMethod to)
			HarmonyMethodExtensions.CopyTo((HarmonyMethod)(object)from, (HarmonyMethod)(object)to);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyMethodExtensions.Clone is obsolete. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethodExtensions.Clone instead.")]
		public static HarmonyMethod Clone(this HarmonyMethod original)
			return (HarmonyMethod)(object)HarmonyMethodExtensions.Clone((HarmonyMethod)(object)original);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyMethodExtensions.Merge is obsolete. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethodExtensions.Merge instead.")]
		public static HarmonyMethod Merge(this HarmonyMethod master, HarmonyMethod detail)
			return (HarmonyMethod)(object)HarmonyMethodExtensions.Merge((HarmonyMethod)(object)master, (HarmonyMethod)(object)detail);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyMethodExtensions.GetHarmonyMethods(Type) is obsolete. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethodExtensions.GetFromType instead.")]
		public static List<HarmonyMethod> GetHarmonyMethods(this Type type)
			return Array.ConvertAll(HarmonyMethodExtensions.GetFromType(type).ToArray(), (HarmonyMethod x) => (HarmonyMethod)(object)x).ToList();

		[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyMethodExtensions.GetHarmonyMethods(MethodBase) is obsolete. Please use HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethodExtensions.GetFromMethod instead.")]
		public static List<HarmonyMethod> GetHarmonyMethods(this MethodBase method)
			return Array.ConvertAll(HarmonyMethodExtensions.GetFromMethod(method).ToArray(), (HarmonyMethod x) => (HarmonyMethod)(object)x).ToList();
	[Obsolete("Harmony.PatchInfoSerialization is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.PatchInfoSerialization instead.")]
	public static class PatchInfoSerialization
		private delegate PatchInfo HarmonyLib_PatchInfoSerialization_Deserialize_Delegate(byte[] bytes);

		private delegate int HarmonyLib_PatchInfoSerialization_PriorityComparer_Delegate(object obj, int index, int priority);

		private static HarmonyLib_PatchInfoSerialization_Deserialize_Delegate HarmonyLib_PatchInfoSerialization_Deserialize = Extensions.CreateDelegate<HarmonyLib_PatchInfoSerialization_Deserialize_Delegate>((MethodBase)AccessTools.Method("HarmonyLib.PatchInfoSerialization:Deserialize", (Type[])null, (Type[])null));

		private static HarmonyLib_PatchInfoSerialization_PriorityComparer_Delegate HarmonyLib_PatchInfoSerialization_PriorityComparer = Extensions.CreateDelegate<HarmonyLib_PatchInfoSerialization_PriorityComparer_Delegate>((MethodBase)AccessTools.Method("HarmonyLib.PatchInfoSerialization:PriorityComparer", (Type[])null, (Type[])null));

		[Obsolete("Harmony.PatchInfoSerialization.Deserialize is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.PatchInfoSerialization.Deserialize instead.")]
		public static PatchInfo Deserialize(byte[] bytes)
			return (PatchInfo)(object)HarmonyLib_PatchInfoSerialization_Deserialize(bytes);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.PatchInfoSerialization.PriorityComparer is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.PatchInfoSerialization.PriorityComparer instead.")]
		public static int PriorityComparer(object obj, int index, int priority, string[] before, string[] after)
			return HarmonyLib_PatchInfoSerialization_PriorityComparer(obj, index, priority);
	[Obsolete("Harmony.PatchInfo is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.PatchInfo instead.")]
	public class PatchInfo : PatchInfo
	[Obsolete("Harmony.Patch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.Patch instead.")]
	public class Patch : IComparable
		public readonly MethodInfo patch;

		private Patch patchWrapper;

		[Obsolete("Harmony.Patch is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.Patch instead.")]
		public Patch(MethodInfo patch, int index, string owner, int priority, string[] before, string[] after)
			//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0024: Expected O, but got Unknown
			this.patch = patch;
			patchWrapper = new Patch(patch, index, owner, priority, before, after, false);

		public MethodInfo GetMethod(MethodBase original)
			return patchWrapper.GetMethod(original);

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			return ((object)patchWrapper).Equals(obj);

		public int CompareTo(object obj)
			return patchWrapper.CompareTo(obj);

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return ((object)patchWrapper).GetHashCode();
	[Obsolete("Harmony.Priority is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.Priority instead.")]
	public static class Priority
		[Obsolete("Harmony.Priority.Last is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.Priority.Last instead.")]
		public const int Last = 0;

		[Obsolete("Harmony.Priority.VeryLow is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.Priority.VeryLow instead.")]
		public const int VeryLow = 100;

		[Obsolete("Harmony.Priority.Low is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.Priority.Low instead.")]
		public const int Low = 200;

		[Obsolete("Harmony.Priority.LowerThanNormal is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.Priority.LowerThanNormal instead.")]
		public const int LowerThanNormal = 300;

		[Obsolete("Harmony.Priority.Normal is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.Priority.Normal instead.")]
		public const int Normal = 400;

		[Obsolete("Harmony.Priority.HigherThanNormal is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.Priority.HigherThanNormal instead.")]
		public const int HigherThanNormal = 500;

		[Obsolete("Harmony.Priority.High is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.Priority.High instead.")]
		public const int High = 600;

		[Obsolete("Harmony.Priority.VeryHigh is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.Priority.VeryHigh instead.")]
		public const int VeryHigh = 700;

		[Obsolete("Harmony.Priority.First is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.Priority.First instead.")]
		public const int First = 800;
	[Obsolete("Harmony.AccessTools is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.AccessTools instead.")]
	public static class AccessTools
		public delegate ref U FieldRef<T, U>(T obj);

		public static BindingFlags all = AccessTools.all;

		public static Type TypeByName(string name)
			return AccessTools.TypeByName(name);

		public static T FindIncludingBaseTypes<T>(Type type, Func<Type, T> action) where T : class
			return AccessTools.FindIncludingBaseTypes<T>(type, action);

		public static T FindIncludingInnerTypes<T>(Type type, Func<Type, T> action) where T : class
			return AccessTools.FindIncludingInnerTypes<T>(type, action);

		public static FieldInfo Field(Type type, string name)
			return AccessTools.Field(type, name);

		public static FieldInfo Field(Type type, int idx)
			return AccessTools.DeclaredField(type, idx);

		public static PropertyInfo DeclaredProperty(Type type, string name)
			return AccessTools.DeclaredProperty(type, name);

		public static PropertyInfo Property(Type type, string name)
			return AccessTools.Property(type, name);

		public static MethodInfo DeclaredMethod(Type type, string name, Type[] parameters = null, Type[] generics = null)
			return AccessTools.DeclaredMethod(type, name, parameters, generics);

		public static MethodInfo Method(Type type, string name, Type[] parameters = null, Type[] generics = null)
			return AccessTools.Method(type, name, parameters, generics);

		public static MethodInfo Method(string typeColonMethodname, Type[] parameters = null, Type[] generics = null)
			return AccessTools.Method(typeColonMethodname, parameters, generics);

		public static List<string> GetMethodNames(Type type)
			return AccessTools.GetMethodNames(type);

		public static List<string> GetMethodNames(object instance)
			return AccessTools.GetMethodNames(instance);

		public static ConstructorInfo DeclaredConstructor(Type type, Type[] parameters = null)
			return AccessTools.DeclaredConstructor(type, parameters, false);

		public static ConstructorInfo Constructor(Type type, Type[] parameters = null)
			return AccessTools.Constructor(type, parameters, false);

		public static List<ConstructorInfo> GetDeclaredConstructors(Type type)
			return AccessTools.GetDeclaredConstructors(type, (bool?)null);

		public static List<MethodInfo> GetDeclaredMethods(Type type)
			return AccessTools.GetDeclaredMethods(type);

		public static List<PropertyInfo> GetDeclaredProperties(Type type)
			return AccessTools.GetDeclaredProperties(type);

		public static List<FieldInfo> GetDeclaredFields(Type type)
			return AccessTools.GetDeclaredFields(type);

		public static Type GetReturnedType(MethodBase method)
			return AccessTools.GetReturnedType(method);

		public static Type Inner(Type type, string name)
			return AccessTools.Inner(type, name);

		public static Type FirstInner(Type type, Func<Type, bool> predicate)
			return AccessTools.FirstInner(type, predicate);

		public static MethodInfo FirstMethod(Type type, Func<MethodInfo, bool> predicate)
			return AccessTools.FirstMethod(type, predicate);

		public static ConstructorInfo FirstConstructor(Type type, Func<ConstructorInfo, bool> predicate)
			return AccessTools.FirstConstructor(type, predicate);

		public static PropertyInfo FirstProperty(Type type, Func<PropertyInfo, bool> predicate)
			return AccessTools.FirstProperty(type, predicate);

		public static Type[] GetTypes(object[] parameters)
			return AccessTools.GetTypes(parameters);

		public static List<string> GetFieldNames(Type type)
			return AccessTools.GetFieldNames(type);

		public static List<string> GetFieldNames(object instance)
			return AccessTools.GetFieldNames(instance);

		public static List<string> GetPropertyNames(Type type)
			return AccessTools.GetPropertyNames(type);

		public static List<string> GetPropertyNames(object instance)
			return AccessTools.GetPropertyNames(instance);

		public static FieldRef<T, U> FieldRefAccess<T, U>(string fieldName)
			return ConvertFieldRef<T, U>(AccessTools.FieldRefAccess<T, U>(fieldName));

		public static ref U FieldRefAccess<T, U>(T instance, string fieldName)
			return ref FieldRefAccess<T, U>(fieldName)(instance);

		private static FieldRef<T, U> ConvertFieldRef<T, U>(FieldRef<T, U> sourceDelegate)
			return (FieldRef<T, U>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(FieldRef<T, U>), ((Delegate)(object)sourceDelegate).Target, ((Delegate)(object)sourceDelegate).Method);

		public static void ThrowMissingMemberException(Type type, params string[] names)
			AccessTools.ThrowMissingMemberException(type, names);

		public static object GetDefaultValue(Type type)
			return AccessTools.GetDefaultValue(type);

		public static object CreateInstance(Type type)
			return AccessTools.CreateInstance(type);

		public static bool IsStruct(Type type)
			return AccessTools.IsStruct(type);

		public static bool IsClass(Type type)
			return AccessTools.IsClass(type);

		public static bool IsValue(Type type)
			return AccessTools.IsValue(type);

		public static bool IsVoid(Type type)
			return AccessTools.IsVoid(type);
	[Obsolete("Harmony.GeneralExtensions is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.GeneralExtensions instead.")]
	public static class GeneralExtensions
		[Obsolete("Harmony.GeneralExtensions.Join is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.GeneralExtensions.Join instead.")]
		public static string Join<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumeration, Func<T, string> converter = null, string delimiter = ", ")
			return GeneralExtensions.Join<T>(enumeration, converter, delimiter);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.GeneralExtensions.Description is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.GeneralExtensions.Description instead.")]
		public static string Description(this Type[] parameters)
			return GeneralExtensions.Description(parameters);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.GeneralExtensions.FullDescription is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.GeneralExtensions.FullDescription instead.")]
		public static string FullDescription(this MethodBase method)
			return GeneralExtensions.FullDescription(method);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.GeneralExtensions.Types is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.GeneralExtensions.Types instead.")]
		public static Type[] Types(this ParameterInfo[] pinfo)
			return GeneralExtensions.Types(pinfo);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.GeneralExtensions.GetValueSafe is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.GeneralExtensions.GetValueSafe instead.")]
		public static T GetValueSafe<S, T>(this Dictionary<S, T> dictionary, S key)
			return GeneralExtensions.GetValueSafe<S, T>(dictionary, key);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.GeneralExtensions.GetTypedValue is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.GeneralExtensions.GetTypedValue instead.")]
		public static T GetTypedValue<T>(this Dictionary<string, object> dictionary, string key)
			return GeneralExtensions.GetTypedValue<T>(dictionary, key);
	[Obsolete("Harmony.CollectionExtensions is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions instead.")]
	public static class CollectionExtensions
		[Obsolete("Harmony.CollectionExtensions.Do is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.Do instead.")]
		public static void Do<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence, Action<T> action)
			CollectionExtensions.Do<T>(sequence, action);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.CollectionExtensions.DoIf is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.DoIf instead.")]
		public static void DoIf<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence, Func<T, bool> condition, Action<T> action)
			CollectionExtensions.DoIf<T>(sequence, condition, action);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.CollectionExtensions.Add is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.Add instead.")]
		public static IEnumerable<T> Add<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence, T item)
			return CollectionExtensions.AddItem<T>(sequence, item);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.CollectionExtensions.AddRangeToArray is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.AddRangeToArray instead.")]
		public static T[] AddRangeToArray<T>(this T[] sequence, T[] items)
			return CollectionExtensions.AddRangeToArray<T>(sequence, items);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.CollectionExtensions.AddToArray is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.AddToArray instead.")]
		public static T[] AddToArray<T>(this T[] sequence, T item)
			return CollectionExtensions.AddToArray<T>(sequence, item);
	[Obsolete("Harmony.SymbolExtensions is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.SymbolExtensions instead.")]
	public static class SymbolExtensions
		[Obsolete("Harmony.SymbolExtensions.GetMethodInfo is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.SymbolExtensions.GetMethodInfo instead.")]
		public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo(Expression<Action> expression)
			return SymbolExtensions.GetMethodInfo(expression);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.SymbolExtensions.GetMethodInfo is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.SymbolExtensions.GetMethodInfo instead.")]
		public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo<T>(Expression<Action<T>> expression)
			return GetMethodInfo((LambdaExpression)expression);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.SymbolExtensions.GetMethodInfo is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.SymbolExtensions.GetMethodInfo instead.")]
		public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo<T, TResult>(Expression<Func<T, TResult>> expression)
			return GetMethodInfo((LambdaExpression)expression);

		[Obsolete("Harmony.SymbolExtensions.GetMethodInfo is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use HarmonyLib.SymbolExtensions.GetMethodInfo instead.")]
		public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo(LambdaExpression expression)
			return SymbolExtensions.GetMethodInfo(expression);
	[Obsolete("Harmony.HarmonyShield is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use MelonLoader.PatchShield instead.")]
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly | AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method)]
	public class HarmonyShield : PatchShield
namespace MelonLoader
	public class HarmonyDontPatchAllAttribute : Attribute
	public class MelonAdditionalDependenciesAttribute : Attribute
		public string[] AssemblyNames { get; internal set; }

		public MelonAdditionalDependenciesAttribute(params string[] assemblyNames)
			AssemblyNames = assemblyNames;
	public class MelonAuthorColorAttribute : Attribute
		public ConsoleColor Color { get; internal set; }

		public MelonAuthorColorAttribute()
			Color = MelonLogger.DefaultTextColor;

		public MelonAuthorColorAttribute(ConsoleColor color)
			Color = ((color == ConsoleColor.Black) ? MelonLogger.DefaultMelonColor : color);
	public class MelonColorAttribute : Attribute
		public ConsoleColor Color { get; internal set; }

		public MelonColorAttribute()
			Color = MelonLogger.DefaultMelonColor;

		public MelonColorAttribute(ConsoleColor color)
			Color = ((color == ConsoleColor.Black) ? MelonLogger.DefaultMelonColor : color);
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
	public class MelonGameAttribute : Attribute
		public string Developer { get; internal set; }

		public string Name { get; internal set; }

		public bool Universal => string.IsNullOrEmpty(Developer) || Developer.Equals("UNKNOWN") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) || Name.Equals("UNKNOWN");

		public MelonGameAttribute(string developer = null, string name = null)
			Developer = developer;
			Name = name;

		public bool IsCompatible(string developer, string gameName)
			return Universal || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(developer) && Developer.Equals(developer) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameName) && Name.Equals(gameName));

		public bool IsCompatible(MelonGameAttribute att)
			return IsCompatibleBecauseUniversal(att) || (att.Developer.Equals(Developer) && att.Name.Equals(Name));

		public bool IsCompatibleBecauseUniversal(MelonGameAttribute att)
			return att == null || Universal || att.Universal;

		[Obsolete("IsCompatible(MelonModGameAttribute) is obsolete. Please use IsCompatible(MelonGameAttribute) instead.")]
		public bool IsCompatible(MelonModGameAttribute att)
			return att == null || IsCompatibleBecauseUniversal(att) || (att.Developer.Equals(Developer) && att.GameName.Equals(Name));

		[Obsolete("IsCompatible(MelonPluginGameAttribute) is obsolete. Please use IsCompatible(MelonGameAttribute) instead.")]
		public bool IsCompatible(MelonPluginGameAttribute att)
			return att == null || IsCompatibleBecauseUniversal(att) || (att.Developer.Equals(Developer) && att.GameName.Equals(Name));

		[Obsolete("IsCompatibleBecauseUniversal(MelonModGameAttribute) is obsolete. Please use IsCompatible(MelonGameAttribute) instead.")]
		public bool IsCompatibleBecauseUniversal(MelonModGameAttribute att)
			return att == null || Universal || string.IsNullOrEmpty(att.Developer) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(att.GameName);

		[Obsolete("IsCompatibleBecauseUniversal(MelonPluginGameAttribute) is obsolete. Please use IsCompatible(MelonGameAttribute) instead.")]
		public bool IsCompatibleBecauseUniversal(MelonPluginGameAttribute att)
			return att == null || Universal || string.IsNullOrEmpty(att.Developer) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(att.GameName);
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
	public class MelonGameVersionAttribute : Attribute
		public string Version { get; internal set; }

		public bool Universal => string.IsNullOrEmpty(Version);

		public MelonGameVersionAttribute(string version = null)
			Version = version;
	public class MelonIDAttribute : Attribute
		public string ID { get; internal set; }

		public MelonIDAttribute(string id)
			ID = id;

		public MelonIDAttribute(int id)
			ID = id.ToString();
	public class MelonIncompatibleAssembliesAttribute : Attribute
		public string[] AssemblyNames { get; internal set; }

		public MelonIncompatibleAssembliesAttribute(params string[] assemblyNames)
			AssemblyNames = assemblyNames;
	public class MelonInfoAttribute : Attribute
		public Type SystemType { get; internal set; }

		public string Name { get; internal set; }

		public string Version { get; internal set; }

		public SemVersion SemanticVersion { get; internal set; }

		public string Author { get; internal set; }

		public string DownloadLink { get; internal set; }

		public MelonInfoAttribute(Type type, string name, string version, string author, string downloadLink = null)
			if ((object)type == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
			SystemType = type;
			Name = name ?? "UNKNOWN";
			Author = author ?? "UNKNOWN";
			DownloadLink = downloadLink;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
				Version = "1.0.0";
				Version = version;
			if (SemVersion.TryParse(Version, out var semver))
				SemanticVersion = semver;

		public MelonInfoAttribute(Type type, string name, int versionMajor, int versionMinor, int versionRevision, string versionIdentifier, string author, string downloadLink = null)
			: this(type, name, string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}{3}", versionMajor, versionMinor, versionRevision, string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionIdentifier) ? "" : versionIdentifier), author, downloadLink)

		public MelonInfoAttribute(Type type, string name, int versionMajor, int versionMinor, int versionRevision, string author, string downloadLink = null)
			: this(type, name, versionMajor, versionMinor, versionRevision, null, author, downloadLink)
	public class MelonOptionalDependenciesAttribute : Attribute
		public string[] AssemblyNames { get; internal set; }

		public MelonOptionalDependenciesAttribute(params string[] assemblyNames)
			AssemblyNames = assemblyNames;
	public class MelonPlatformAttribute : Attribute
		public enum CompatiblePlatforms

		public CompatiblePlatforms[] Platforms { get; internal set; }

		public MelonPlatformAttribute(params CompatiblePlatforms[] platforms)
			Platforms = platforms;

		public bool IsCompatible(CompatiblePlatforms platform)
			return Platforms == null || Platforms.Length == 0 || Platforms.Contains(platform);
	public class MelonPlatformDomainAttribute : Attribute
		public enum CompatibleDomains

		public CompatibleDomains Domain { get; internal set; }

		public MelonPlatformDomainAttribute(CompatibleDomains domain = CompatibleDomains.UNIVERSAL)
			Domain = domain;

		public bool IsCompatible(CompatibleDomains domain)
			return Domain == CompatibleDomains.UNIVERSAL || domain == CompatibleDomains.UNIVERSAL || Domain == domain;
	public class MelonPriorityAttribute : Attribute
		public int Priority;

		public MelonPriorityAttribute(int priority = 0)
			Priority = priority;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
	public class MelonProcessAttribute : Attribute
		public string EXE_Name { get; internal set; }

		public bool Universal => string.IsNullOrEmpty(EXE_Name);

		public MelonProcessAttribute(string exe_name = null)
			EXE_Name = RemoveExtension(exe_name);

		public bool IsCompatible(string processName)
			return Universal || string.IsNullOrEmpty(processName) || RemoveExtension(processName) == EXE_Name;

		private string RemoveExtension(string name)
			return (name == null) ? null : (name.EndsWith(".exe") ? name.Remove(name.Length - 4) : name);
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly | AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method)]
	public class PatchShield : Attribute
		private static FieldRef<object, MethodBase> PatchProcessor_OriginalRef;

		private static void LogException(Exception ex)
			MelonLogger.Warning($"Patch Shield Exception: {ex}");

		private static bool MethodCheck(MethodBase method)
			return (object)method != null && method.DeclaringType.Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PatchShield), inherit: false).Length == 0 && method.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PatchShield), inherit: false).Length == 0 && method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PatchShield), inherit: false).Length == 0;

		internal static void Install()
			Type typeFromHandle = typeof(PatchProcessor);
			Type typeFromHandle2 = typeof(PatchShield);
			PatchProcessor_OriginalRef = AccessTools.FieldRefAccess<MethodBase>(typeFromHandle, "original");
				Core.HarmonyInstance.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.Method("HarmonyLib.PatchFunctions:ReversePatch", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), AccessTools.Method(typeFromHandle2, "PatchMethod_PatchFunctions_ReversePatch", (Type[])null, (Type[])null).ToNewHarmonyMethod(), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null);
			catch (Exception ex)
				HarmonyMethod val = AccessTools.Method(typeFromHandle2, "PatchMethod_PatchProcessor_Unpatch", (Type[])null, (Type[])null).ToNewHarmonyMethod();
				foreach (MethodInfo item in from x in typeFromHandle.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)
					where x.Name.Equals("Unpatch")
					select x)
					Core.HarmonyInstance.Patch((MethodBase)item, val, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null);
			catch (Exception ex2)
				Core.HarmonyInstance.Patch((MethodBase)AccessTools.Method(typeFromHandle, "Patch", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), AccessTools.Method(typeFromHandle2, "PatchMethod_PatchProcessor_Patch", (Type[])null, (Type[])null).ToNewHarmonyMethod(), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null);
			catch (Exception ex3)
			Hook.OnDetour = (Func<Hook, MethodBase, MethodBase, object, bool>)Delegate.Combine(Hook.OnDetour, (Func<Hook, MethodBase, MethodBase, object, bool>)((Hook detour, MethodBase originalMethod, MethodBase patchMethod, object delegateTarget) => MethodCheck(originalMethod)));
			ILHook.OnDetour = (Func<ILHook, MethodBase, Manipulator, bool>)Delegate.Combine(ILHook.OnDetour, (Func<ILHook, MethodBase, Manipulator, bool>)((ILHook detour, MethodBase originalMethod, Manipulator ilmanipulator) => MethodCheck(originalMethod)));
			Detour.OnDetour = (Func<Detour, MethodBase, MethodBase, bool>)Delegate.Combine(Detour.OnDetour, (Func<Detour, MethodBase, MethodBase, bool>)((Detour detour, MethodBase originalMethod, MethodBase patchMethod) => MethodCheck(originalMethod)));

		private static bool PatchMethod_PatchFunctions_ReversePatch(MethodBase __1)
			return MethodCheck(__1);

		private static bool PatchMethod_PatchProcessor_Patch(PatchProcessor __instance)
			return MethodCheck(PatchProcessor_OriginalRef.Invoke((object)__instance));

		private static bool PatchMethod_PatchProcessor_Unpatch(PatchProcessor __instance)
			return MethodCheck(PatchProcessor_OriginalRef.Invoke((object)__instance));
	public class RegisterTypeInIl2Cpp : Attribute
		internal static List<Assembly> registrationQueue = new List<Assembly>();

		internal static bool ready;

		internal bool LogSuccess = true;

		public RegisterTypeInIl2Cpp()

		public RegisterTypeInIl2Cpp(bool logSuccess)
			LogSuccess = logSuccess;

		public static void RegisterAssembly(Assembly asm)
			if (!MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
			if (!ready)
			IEnumerable<Type> validTypes = asm.GetValidTypes();
			if (validTypes == null || validTypes.Count() <= 0)
			foreach (Type item in validTypes)
				object[] customAttributes = item.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RegisterTypeInIl2Cpp), inherit: false);
				if (customAttributes != null && customAttributes.Length != 0)
					RegisterTypeInIl2Cpp registerTypeInIl2Cpp = (RegisterTypeInIl2Cpp)customAttributes[0];
					if (registerTypeInIl2Cpp != null)
						UnhollowerSupport.RegisterTypeInIl2CppDomain(item, registerTypeInIl2Cpp.LogSuccess);

		internal static void SetReady()
			ready = true;
			if (registrationQueue == null)
			foreach (Assembly item in registrationQueue)
			registrationQueue = null;
	public class VerifyLoaderBuildAttribute : Attribute
		public string HashCode { get; internal set; }

		public VerifyLoaderBuildAttribute(string hashcode)
			HashCode = hashcode;

		public bool IsCompatible(string hashCode)
			return string.IsNullOrEmpty(HashCode) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(hashCode) || HashCode == hashCode;
	public class VerifyLoaderVersionAttribute : Attribute
		public SemVersion SemVer { get; private set; }

		public int Major { get; }

		public int Minor { get; }

		public int Patch { get; }

		public bool IsMinimum { get; private set; }

		public VerifyLoaderVersionAttribute(int major, int minor, int patch)
			: this(new SemVersion(major, minor, patch), is_minimum: false)

		public VerifyLoaderVersionAttribute(int major, int minor, int patch, bool is_minimum)
			: this(new SemVersion(major, minor, patch), is_minimum)

		public VerifyLoaderVersionAttribute(string version)
			: this(version, is_minimum: false)

		public VerifyLoaderVersionAttribute(string version, bool is_minimum)
			: this(SemVersion.Parse(version), is_minimum)

		public VerifyLoaderVersionAttribute(SemVersion semver, bool is_minimum)
			SemVer = semver;
			IsMinimum = is_minimum;

		public bool IsCompatible(SemVersion version)
			return SemVer == null || version == null || (IsMinimum ? (SemVer <= version) : (SemVer == version));

		public bool IsCompatible(string version)
			SemVersion semver;
			return !SemVersion.TryParse(version, out semver) || IsCompatible(semver);
	public static class bHaptics
		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.DeviceType is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons.")]
		public enum DeviceType

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.PositionType is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.PositionID instead.")]
		public enum PositionType
			All = 0,
			Left = 1,
			Right = 2,
			Vest = 3,
			Head = 4,
			Racket = 5,
			HandL = 6,
			HandR = 7,
			FootL = 8,
			FootR = 9,
			ForearmL = 10,
			ForearmR = 11,
			VestFront = 201,
			VestBack = 202,
			GloveLeft = 203,
			GloveRight = 204,
			Custom1 = 251,
			Custom2 = 252,
			Custom3 = 253,
			Custom4 = 254

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.RotationOption is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.RotationOption instead.")]
		public class RotationOption
			public float OffsetX;

			public float OffsetY;

			public RotationOption(float offsetX, float offsetY)
				OffsetX = offsetX;
				OffsetY = offsetY;

			public override string ToString()
				return "RotationOption { OffsetX=" + OffsetX + ", OffsetY=" + OffsetY + " }";

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.ScaleOption is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.ScaleOption instead.")]
		public class ScaleOption
			public float Intensity;

			public float Duration;

			public ScaleOption(float intensity = 1f, float duration = 1f)
				Intensity = intensity;
				Duration = duration;

			public override string ToString()
				return "ScaleOption { Intensity=" + Intensity + ", Duration=" + Duration + " }";

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.DotPoint is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.DotPoint instead.")]
		public class DotPoint
			public int Index;

			public int Intensity;

			public DotPoint(int index, int intensity = 50)
				if (index < 0 || index > 19)
					throw new Exception("Invalid argument index : " + index);
				Intensity = MelonUtils.Clamp(intensity, 0, 100);
				Index = index;

			public override string ToString()
				return "DotPoint { Index=" + Index + ", Intensity=" + Intensity + " }";

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.PathPoint is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.PathPoint instead.")]
		public struct PathPoint
			public float X;

			public float Y;

			public int Intensity;

			public int MotorCount;

			public PathPoint(float x, float y, int intensity = 50, int motorCount = 3)
				X = MelonUtils.Clamp(x, 0f, 1f);
				Y = MelonUtils.Clamp(y, 0f, 1f);
				Intensity = MelonUtils.Clamp(intensity, 0, 100);
				MotorCount = MelonUtils.Clamp(motorCount, 0, 3);

			public override string ToString()
				return "PathPoint { X=" + X + ", Y=" + Y + ", MotorCount=" + MotorCount + ", Intensity=" + Intensity + " }";

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.FeedbackStatus is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons.")]
		public struct FeedbackStatus
			[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 20)]
			public int[] values;

		private static Converter<DotPoint, DotPoint> DotPointConverter = (DotPoint x) => new DotPoint(0, 50)
			Index = x.Index,
			Intensity = x.Intensity

		private static Converter<PathPoint, PathPoint> PathPointConverter = (PathPoint x) => new PathPoint(0f, 0f, 50, 3)
			X = x.X,
			Y = x.Y,
			Intensity = x.Intensity,
			MotorCount = x.MotorCount

		public static bool WasError => false;

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.IsPlaying is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.IsPlayingAny instead.")]
		public static bool IsPlaying()
			return bHapticsManager.IsPlayingAny();

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.IsPlaying(string) is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.IsPlaying instead.")]
		public static bool IsPlaying(string key)
			return bHapticsManager.IsPlaying(key);

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.IsDeviceConnected(DeviceType, bool) is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.IsDeviceConnected instead.")]
		public static bool IsDeviceConnected(DeviceType type, bool isLeft = true)
			return IsDeviceConnected(DeviceTypeToPositionType(type, isLeft));

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.IsDeviceConnected(PositionType) is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.IsDeviceConnected instead.")]
		public static bool IsDeviceConnected(PositionType type)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return bHapticsManager.IsDeviceConnected(PositionTypeToPositionID(type));

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.IsFeedbackRegistered is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.IsPatternRegistered instead.")]
		public static bool IsFeedbackRegistered(string key)
			return bHapticsManager.IsPatternRegistered(key);

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.RegisterFeedback is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.RegisterPatternFromJson instead.")]
		public static void RegisterFeedback(string key, string tactFileStr)
			ProxyArray proxyArray = new ProxyArray();
			proxyArray["project"] = MelonLoader.TinyJSON.Decoder.Decode(tactFileStr);
			bHapticsManager.RegisterPatternFromJson(key, MelonLoader.TinyJSON.Encoder.Encode(proxyArray));

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.RegisterFeedbackFromTactFile is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.RegisterPatternFromJson instead.")]
		public static void RegisterFeedbackFromTactFile(string key, string tactFileStr)
			bHapticsManager.RegisterPatternFromJson(key, tactFileStr);

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.RegisterFeedbackFromTactFileReflected is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.RegisterPatternSwappedFromJson instead.")]
		public static void RegisterFeedbackFromTactFileReflected(string key, string tactFileStr)
			bHapticsManager.RegisterPatternSwappedFromJson(key, tactFileStr);

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.SubmitRegistered is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.PlayRegistered instead.")]
		public static void SubmitRegistered(string key)

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.SubmitRegistered is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.PlayRegistered instead.")]
		public static void SubmitRegistered(string key, int startTimeMillis)
			bHapticsManager.PlayRegistered(key, startTimeMillis);

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.SubmitRegistered is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.PlayRegistered instead.")]
		public static void SubmitRegistered(string key, string altKey, ScaleOption option)
			//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0030: Expected O, but got Unknown
			bHapticsManager.PlayRegistered(key, altKey, new ScaleOption(1f, 1f)
				Duration = option.Duration,
				Intensity = option.Intensity

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.SubmitRegistered is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.PlayRegistered instead.")]
		public static void SubmitRegistered(string key, string altKey, ScaleOption sOption, RotationOption rOption)
			//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0059: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0059: Expected O, but got Unknown
			bHapticsManager.PlayRegistered(key, altKey, new ScaleOption(1f, 1f)
				Duration = sOption.Duration,
				Intensity = sOption.Intensity
			}, new RotationOption(0f, 0f)
				OffsetAngleX = rOption.OffsetX,
				OffsetY = rOption.OffsetY

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.TurnOff is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.StopPlayingAll instead.")]
		public static void TurnOff()

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.TurnOff(string) is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.StopPlaying instead.")]
		public static void TurnOff(string key)

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.Submit is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.Play instead.")]
		public static void Submit(string key, DeviceType type, bool isLeft, byte[] bytes, int durationMillis)
			Submit(key, DeviceTypeToPositionType(type, isLeft), bytes, durationMillis);

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.Submit is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.Play instead.")]
		public static void Submit(string key, PositionType position, byte[] bytes, int durationMillis)
			//IL_0003: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			bHapticsManager.Play(key, durationMillis, PositionTypeToPositionID(position), bytes);

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.Submit is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.Play instead.")]
		public static void Submit(string key, DeviceType type, bool isLeft, List<DotPoint> points, int durationMillis)
			Submit(key, DeviceTypeToPositionType(type, isLeft), points, durationMillis);

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.Submit is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.Play instead.")]
		public static void Submit(string key, PositionType position, List<DotPoint> points, int durationMillis)
			//IL_0003: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			bHapticsManager.Play(key, durationMillis, PositionTypeToPositionID(position), points.ConvertAll(DotPointConverter));

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.Submit is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.Play instead.")]
		public static void Submit(string key, DeviceType type, bool isLeft, List<PathPoint> points, int durationMillis)
			Submit(key, DeviceTypeToPositionType(type, isLeft), points, durationMillis);

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.Submit is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.Play instead.")]
		public static void Submit(string key, PositionType position, List<PathPoint> points, int durationMillis)
			//IL_0003: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			bHapticsManager.Play<List<PathPoint>>(key, durationMillis, PositionTypeToPositionID(position), (DotPoint[])null, points.ConvertAll(PathPointConverter));

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.GetCurrentFeedbackStatus is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.GetDeviceStatus instead.")]
		public static FeedbackStatus GetCurrentFeedbackStatus(DeviceType type, bool isLeft = true)
			return GetCurrentFeedbackStatus(DeviceTypeToPositionType(type, isLeft));

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.GetCurrentFeedbackStatus is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons. Please use bHapticsLib.bHapticsManager.GetDeviceStatus instead.")]
		public static FeedbackStatus GetCurrentFeedbackStatus(PositionType pos)
			//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			FeedbackStatus result = default(FeedbackStatus);
			result.values = bHapticsManager.GetDeviceStatus(PositionTypeToPositionID(pos));
			return result;

		[Obsolete("MelonLoader.bHaptics.DeviceTypeToPositionType is Only Here for Compatibility Reasons.")]
		public static PositionType DeviceTypeToPositionType(DeviceType pos, bool isLeft = true)
			if (1 == 0)
			PositionType result = pos switch
				DeviceType.Tactal => PositionType.Head, 
				DeviceType.TactSuit => PositionType.Vest, 
				DeviceType.Tactosy_arms => isLeft ? PositionType.ForearmL : PositionType.ForearmR, 
				DeviceType.Tactosy_feet => isLeft ? PositionType.FootL : PositionType.FootR, 
				DeviceType.Tactosy_hands => isLeft ? PositionType.HandL : PositionType.HandR, 
				_ => PositionType.Head, 
			if (1 == 0)
			return result;

		private static PositionID PositionTypeToPositionID(PositionType pos)
			//IL_0051: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0055: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0094: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0059: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0066: Unknown result type (might be due to inval


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Tomlet.Attributes;
using Tomlet.Exceptions;
using Tomlet.Models;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("N/A")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("\n            Tomlet allows consumption and creation of TOML files (often used as configuration files) in .NET applications.\n            It supports serialization and deserialization of objects to and from TOML, and is compliant with version 1.0.0 of the TOML specification.\n        ")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("5.0.0+6c956664aa89c34c3d8ec0c0342ccd675646589d")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Tomlet")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Tomlet")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte[] NullableFlags;

		public NullableAttribute(byte P_0)
			NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 };

		public NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0)
			NullableFlags = P_0;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableContextAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte Flag;

		public NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0)
			Flag = P_0;
namespace Tomlet
	internal static class Extensions
		private static readonly HashSet<int> IllegalChars = new HashSet<int>
			0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11,
			14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
			24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 127

		internal static bool IsWhitespace(this int val)
			if (!val.IsNewline())
				return char.IsWhiteSpace((char)val);
			return false;

		internal static bool IsEquals(this int val)
			return val == 61;

		internal static bool IsSingleQuote(this int val)
			return val == 39;

		internal static bool IsDoubleQuote(this int val)
			return val == 34;

		internal static bool IsHashSign(this int val)
			return val == 35;

		internal static bool IsNewline(this int val)
			if (val != 13)
				return val == 10;
			return true;

		internal static bool IsDigit(this int val)
			return char.IsDigit((char)val);

		internal static bool IsComma(this int val)
			return val == 44;

		internal static bool IsPeriod(this int val)
			return val == 46;

		internal static bool IsEndOfArrayChar(this int val)
			return val == 93;

		internal static bool IsEndOfInlineObjectChar(this int val)
			return val == 125;

		internal static bool IsHexDigit(this char c)
			if (IsDigit(c))
				return true;
			char c2 = char.ToUpperInvariant(c);
			if (c2 >= 'A')
				return c2 <= 'F';
			return false;

		internal static bool TryPeek(this TomletStringReader reader, out int nextChar)
			nextChar = reader.Peek();
			return nextChar != -1;

		internal static int SkipWhitespace(this TomletStringReader reader)
			return reader.ReadWhile((int c) => c.IsWhitespace()).Length;

		internal static void SkipPotentialCarriageReturn(this TomletStringReader reader)
			if (reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar) && nextChar == 13)

		internal static void SkipAnyComment(this TomletStringReader reader)
			if (reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar) && nextChar.IsHashSign())
				reader.ReadWhile((int commentChar) => !commentChar.IsNewline());

		internal static int SkipAnyNewlineOrWhitespace(this TomletStringReader reader)
			return reader.ReadWhile((int c) => c.IsNewline() || c.IsWhitespace()).Count((char c) => c == '\n');

		internal static int SkipAnyCommentNewlineWhitespaceEtc(this TomletStringReader reader)
			int num = 0;
			int nextChar;
			while (reader.TryPeek(out nextChar) && (nextChar.IsHashSign() || nextChar.IsNewline() || nextChar.IsWhitespace()))
				if (nextChar.IsHashSign())
				num += reader.SkipAnyNewlineOrWhitespace();
			return num;

		internal static int SkipAnyNewline(this TomletStringReader reader)
			return reader.ReadWhile((int c) => c.IsNewline()).Count((char c) => c == '\n');

		internal static char[] ReadChars(this TomletStringReader reader, int count)
			char[] array = new char[count];
			reader.ReadBlock(array, 0, count);
			return array;

		internal static string ReadWhile(this TomletStringReader reader, Predicate<int> predicate)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			int nextChar;
			while (reader.TryPeek(out nextChar) && predicate(nextChar))
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		internal static bool ExpectAndConsume(this TomletStringReader reader, char expectWhat)
			if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar))
				return false;
			if (nextChar == expectWhat)
				return true;
			return false;

		public static void Deconstruct<TKey, TValue>(this KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> pair, out TKey one, out TValue two)
			one = pair.Key;
			two = pair.Value;

		public static bool IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this string s)
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
				return string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Trim());
			return true;

		internal static T? GetCustomAttribute<T>(this MemberInfo info) where T : Attribute
			return (from a in info.GetCustomAttributes(inherit: false)
				where a is T
				select a).Cast<T>().FirstOrDefault();

		internal static void EnsureLegalChar(this int c, int currentLineNum)
			if (IllegalChars.Contains(c))
				throw new TomlUnescapedUnicodeControlCharException(currentLineNum, c);

		public static bool RuntimeCorrectContains(this string original, char c)
			return original.Contains(c.ToString());
	internal static class TomlCompositeDeserializer
		public static TomlSerializationMethods.Deserialize<object> For(Type type)
			Type type2 = type;
			TomlSerializationMethods.Deserialize<object> deserialize;
			if (type2.IsEnum)
				TomlSerializationMethods.Deserialize<object> stringDeserializer = TomlSerializationMethods.GetDeserializer(typeof(string));
				deserialize = delegate(TomlValue value)
					string text = (string)stringDeserializer(value);
						return Enum.Parse(type2, text, ignoreCase: true);
					catch (Exception)
						throw new TomlEnumParseException(text, type2);
				FieldInfo[] fields = type2.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
				fields = fields.Where((FieldInfo f) => !f.IsNotSerialized && f.GetCustomAttribute<CompilerGeneratedAttribute>() == null).ToArray();
				PropertyInfo[] properties = type2.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
				Dictionary<PropertyInfo, TomlPropertyAttribute> propsDict = (from p in properties
					where (object)p.GetSetMethod(nonPublic: true) != null
					select new KeyValuePair<PropertyInfo, TomlPropertyAttribute>(p, p.GetCustomAttribute<TomlPropertyAttribute>())).ToDictionary((KeyValuePair<PropertyInfo, TomlPropertyAttribute> tuple) => tuple.Key, (KeyValuePair<PropertyInfo, TomlPropertyAttribute> tuple) => tuple.Value);
				if (fields.Length + propsDict.Count == 0)
					return delegate
							return Activator.CreateInstance(type2);
						catch (MissingMethodException)
							throw new TomlInstantiationException(type2);
				deserialize = delegate(TomlValue value)
					if (!(value is TomlTable tomlTable))
						throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlTable), value.GetType(), type2);
					object obj;
						obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type2);
					catch (MissingMethodException)
						throw new TomlInstantiationException(type2);
					FieldInfo[] array = fields;
					foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in array)
						if (tomlTable.TryGetValue(fieldInfo.Name, out TomlValue value2))
							object value3;
								value3 = TomlSerializationMethods.GetDeserializer(fieldInfo.FieldType)(value2);
							catch (TomlTypeMismatchException cause)
								throw new TomlFieldTypeMismatchException(type2, fieldInfo, cause);
							fieldInfo.SetValue(obj, value3);
					foreach (KeyValuePair<PropertyInfo, TomlPropertyAttribute> item in propsDict)
						Extensions.Deconstruct(item, out var one, out var two);
						PropertyInfo propertyInfo = one;
						string key = two?.GetMappedString() ?? propertyInfo.Name;
						if (tomlTable.TryGetValue(key, out TomlValue value4))
							object value5;
								value5 = TomlSerializationMethods.GetDeserializer(propertyInfo.PropertyType)(value4);
							catch (TomlTypeMismatchException cause2)
								throw new TomlPropertyTypeMismatchException(type2, propertyInfo, cause2);
							propertyInfo.SetValue(obj, value5, null);
					return obj;
			TomlSerializationMethods.Register(type2, null, deserialize);
			return deserialize;
	internal static class TomlCompositeSerializer
		public static TomlSerializationMethods.Serialize<object> For(Type type)
			Type type2 = type;
			TomlSerializationMethods.Serialize<object> serialize;
			if (type2.IsEnum)
				TomlSerializationMethods.Serialize<object> stringSerializer = TomlSerializationMethods.GetSerializer(typeof(string));
				serialize = (object? o) => stringSerializer(Enum.GetName(type2, o) ?? throw new ArgumentException($"Tomlet: Cannot serialize {o} as an enum of type {type2} because the enum type does not declare a name for that value"));
				FieldInfo[] fields = type2.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
				var fieldAttribs = fields.ToDictionary((FieldInfo f) => f, (FieldInfo f) => new
					inline = f.GetCustomAttribute<TomlInlineCommentAttribute>(),
					preceding = f.GetCustomAttribute<TomlPrecedingCommentAttribute>()
				PropertyInfo[] props = type2.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic).ToArray();
				var propAttribs = props.ToDictionary((PropertyInfo p) => p, (PropertyInfo p) => new
					inline = p.GetCustomAttribute<TomlInlineCommentAttribute>(),
					preceding = p.GetCustomAttribute<TomlPrecedingCommentAttribute>(),
					prop = p.GetCustomAttribute<TomlPropertyAttribute>()
				bool isForcedNoInline = type2.GetCustomAttribute<TomlDoNotInlineObjectAttribute>() != null;
				fields = fields.Where((FieldInfo f) => !f.IsNotSerialized && f.GetCustomAttribute<CompilerGeneratedAttribute>() == null && !Enumerable.Contains(f.Name, '<')).ToArray();
				if (fields.Length + props.Length == 0)
					return (object? _) => new TomlTable();
				serialize = delegate(object? instance)
					if (instance == null)
						throw new ArgumentNullException("instance", "Object being serialized is null. TOML does not support null values.");
					TomlTable tomlTable = new TomlTable
						ForceNoInline = isForcedNoInline
					FieldInfo[] array = fields;
					foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in array)
						object value = fieldInfo.GetValue(instance);
						if (value != null)
							TomlValue tomlValue = TomlSerializationMethods.GetSerializer(fieldInfo.FieldType)(value);
							if (tomlValue != null)
								var anon = fieldAttribs[fieldInfo];
								if (!tomlTable.ContainsKey(fieldInfo.Name))
									tomlValue.Comments.InlineComment = anon.inline?.Comment;
									tomlValue.Comments.PrecedingComment = anon.preceding?.Comment;
									tomlTable.PutValue(fieldInfo.Name, tomlValue);
					PropertyInfo[] array2 = props;
					foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in array2)
						if ((object)propertyInfo.GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true) != null && !(propertyInfo.Name == "EqualityContract"))
							object value2 = propertyInfo.GetValue(instance, null);
							if (value2 != null)
								TomlValue tomlValue2 = TomlSerializationMethods.GetSerializer(propertyInfo.PropertyType)(value2);
								if (tomlValue2 != null)
									var anon2 = propAttribs[propertyInfo];
									tomlValue2.Comments.InlineComment = anon2.inline?.Comment;
									tomlValue2.Comments.PrecedingComment = anon2.preceding?.Comment;
									tomlTable.PutValue(anon2.prop?.GetMappedString() ?? propertyInfo.Name, tomlValue2);
					return tomlTable;
			TomlSerializationMethods.Register(type2, serialize, null);
			return serialize;
	internal static class TomlDateTimeUtils
		private static readonly Regex DateTimeRegex = new Regex("^(?:(\\d+)-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12]\\d|3[01]))?([\\sTt])?(?:([01]\\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]\\d):([0-5]\\d|60)(\\.\\d+)?((?:[Zz])|(?:[\\+|\\-](?:[01]\\d|2[0-3])(?::[0-6][0-9])?(?::[0-6][0-9])?))?)?$", RegexOptions.Compiled);

		internal static TomlValue? ParseDateString(string input, int lineNumber)
			Match match = DateTimeRegex.Match(input);
			bool flag = !match.Groups[1].Value.IsNullOrWhiteSpace();
			bool flag2 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups[4].Value);
			bool flag3 = !match.Groups[5].Value.IsNullOrWhiteSpace();
			bool flag4 = !match.Groups[9].Value.IsNullOrWhiteSpace();
			if (flag && flag3 && !flag2)
				throw new TomlDateTimeMissingSeparatorException(lineNumber);
			if (flag2 && (!flag3 || !flag))
				throw new TomlDateTimeUnnecessarySeparatorException(lineNumber);
			if (flag4 && (!flag3 || !flag))
				throw new TimeOffsetOnTomlDateOrTimeException(lineNumber, match.Groups[9].Value);
			if (!flag)
				return TomlLocalTime.Parse(input);
			if (!flag3)
				return TomlLocalDate.Parse(input);
			if (!flag4)
				return TomlLocalDateTime.Parse(input);
			return TomlOffsetDateTime.Parse(input);
	public static class TomletMain
		public static void RegisterMapper<T>(TomlSerializationMethods.Serialize<T>? serializer, TomlSerializationMethods.Deserialize<T>? deserializer)
			TomlSerializationMethods.Register(serializer, deserializer);

		public static T To<T>(string tomlString)
			return To<T>(new TomlParser().Parse(tomlString));

		public static T To<T>(TomlValue value)
			return (T)To(typeof(T), value);

		public static object To(Type what, TomlValue value)
			return TomlSerializationMethods.GetDeserializer(what)(value);

		public static TomlValue? ValueFrom<T>(T t)
			if (t == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("t");
			return ValueFrom(t.GetType(), t);

		public static TomlValue? ValueFrom(Type type, object t)
			return TomlSerializationMethods.GetSerializer(type)(t);

		public static TomlDocument DocumentFrom<T>(T t)
			if (t == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("t");
			return DocumentFrom(t.GetType(), t);

		public static TomlDocument DocumentFrom(Type type, object t)
			TomlValue tomlValue = ValueFrom(type, t);
			if (!(tomlValue is TomlDocument result))
				if (tomlValue is TomlTable from)
					return new TomlDocument(from);
				throw new TomlPrimitiveToDocumentException(type);
			return result;

		public static string TomlStringFrom<T>(T t)
			return DocumentFrom(t).SerializedValue;

		public static string TomlStringFrom(Type type, object t)
			return DocumentFrom(type, t).SerializedValue;
	public class TomletStringReader : IDisposable
		private string? _s;

		private int _pos;

		private int _length;

		public TomletStringReader(string s)
			_s = s;
			_length = s.Length;

		public void Backtrack(int amount)
			if (_pos < amount)
				throw new Exception("Cannot backtrack past the beginning of the string");
			_pos -= amount;

		public void Dispose()
			_s = null;
			_pos = 0;
			_length = 0;

		public int Peek()
			if (_pos != _length)
				return _s[_pos];
			return -1;

		public int Read()
			if (_pos != _length)
				return _s[_pos++];
			return -1;

		public int Read(char[] buffer, int index, int count)
			int num = _length - _pos;
			if (num <= 0)
				return num;
			if (num > count)
				num = count;
			_s.CopyTo(_pos, buffer, index, num);
			_pos += num;
			return num;

		public int ReadBlock(char[] buffer, int index, int count)
			int num = 0;
			int num2;
				num += (num2 = Read(buffer, index + num, count - num));
			while (num2 > 0 && num < count);
			return num;
	internal static class TomlKeyUtils
		internal static void GetTopLevelAndSubKeys(string key, out string ourKeyName, out string restOfKey)
			bool flag = (key.StartsWith("\"") && key.EndsWith("\"")) || (key.StartsWith("'") && key.EndsWith("'"));
			bool flag2 = !flag && (key.StartsWith("\"") || key.StartsWith("'"));
			if (!key.Contains(".") || flag)
				ourKeyName = key;
				restOfKey = "";
			if (!flag2)
				string[] array = key.Split(new char[1] { '.' });
				ourKeyName = array[0];
				ourKeyName = key;
				string text = ourKeyName.Substring(1);
				if (ourKeyName.Contains("\""))
					ourKeyName = ourKeyName.Substring(0, 2 + text.IndexOf("\"", StringComparison.Ordinal));
					ourKeyName = ourKeyName.Substring(0, 2 + text.IndexOf("'", StringComparison.Ordinal));
			restOfKey = key.Substring(ourKeyName.Length + 1);
			ourKeyName = ourKeyName.Trim();
	internal static class TomlNumberStyle
		internal static NumberStyles FloatingPoint = NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowThousands | NumberStyles.AllowExponent;

		internal static NumberStyles Integer = NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowThousands;
	public static class TomlNumberUtils
		public static long? GetLongValue(string input)
			bool flag = input.StartsWith("0o");
			bool flag2 = input.StartsWith("0x");
			bool flag3 = input.StartsWith("0b");
			if (flag3 || flag2 || flag)
				input = input.Substring(2);
			if (input.Contains("__") || input.Any((char c) => c != '_' && c != '-' && c != '+' && !char.IsDigit(c) && (c < 'a' || c > 'f')))
				return null;
			if (input.First() == '_')
				return null;
			if (input.Last() == '_')
				return null;
			input = input.Replace("_", "");
				if (flag3)
					return Convert.ToInt64(input, 2);
				if (flag)
					return Convert.ToInt64(input, 8);
				if (flag2)
					return Convert.ToInt64(input, 16);
				return Convert.ToInt64(input, 10);
			catch (Exception)
				return null;

		public static double? GetDoubleValue(string input)
			string text = input.Substring(1);
			if (input == "nan" || input == "inf" || text == "nan" || text == "inf")
				if (input == "nan" || text == "nan")
					return double.NaN;
				if (input == "inf")
					return double.PositiveInfinity;
				if (text == "inf")
					return input.StartsWith("-") ? double.NegativeInfinity : double.PositiveInfinity;
			if (input.Contains("__") || input.Any((char c) => c != '_' && c != '-' && c != '+' && c != 'e' && c != '.' && !char.IsDigit(c)))
				return null;
			if (input.First() == '_')
				return null;
			if (input.Last() == '_')
				return null;
			input = input.Replace("_", "");
			if (input.Contains("e"))
				string[] array = input.Split(new char[1] { 'e' });
				if (array.Length != 2)
					return null;
				if (array[0].EndsWith("."))
					return null;
			if (double.TryParse(input, TomlNumberStyle.FloatingPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var result))
				return result;
			return null;
	public class TomlParser
		private static readonly char[] TrueChars = new char[4] { 't', 'r', 'u', 'e' };

		private static readonly char[] FalseChars = new char[5] { 'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e' };

		private int _lineNumber = 1;

		private string[] _tableNames = new string[0];

		private TomlTable? _currentTable;

		public static TomlDocument ParseFile(string filePath)
			string input = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
			return new TomlParser().Parse(input);

		public TomlDocument Parse(string input)
				TomlDocument tomlDocument = new TomlDocument();
				using TomletStringReader tomletStringReader = new TomletStringReader(input);
				string text = null;
				int nextChar;
				while (tomletStringReader.TryPeek(out nextChar))
					_lineNumber += tomletStringReader.SkipAnyNewlineOrWhitespace();
					text = ReadAnyPotentialMultilineComment(tomletStringReader);
					if (!tomletStringReader.TryPeek(out var nextChar2))
					if (nextChar2 == 91)
						if (!tomletStringReader.TryPeek(out var nextChar3))
							throw new TomlEndOfFileException(_lineNumber);
						TomlValue tomlValue = ((nextChar3 == 91) ? ((TomlValue)ReadTableArrayStatement(tomletStringReader, tomlDocument)) : ((TomlValue)ReadTableStatement(tomletStringReader, tomlDocument)));
						tomlValue.Comments.PrecedingComment = text;
					ReadKeyValuePair(tomletStringReader, out string key, out TomlValue value);
					value.Comments.PrecedingComment = text;
					text = null;
					if (_currentTable != null)
						_currentTable.ParserPutValue(key, value, _lineNumber);
						tomlDocument.ParserPutValue(key, value, _lineNumber);
					if (!tomletStringReader.ExpectAndConsume('\n') && tomletStringReader.TryPeek(out var nextChar4))
						throw new TomlMissingNewlineException(_lineNumber, (char)nextChar4);
				tomlDocument.TrailingComment = text;
				return tomlDocument;
			catch (Exception ex) when (!(ex is TomlException))
				throw new TomlInternalException(_lineNumber, ex);

		private void ReadKeyValuePair(TomletStringReader reader, out string key, out TomlValue value)
			key = ReadKey(reader);
			if (!reader.ExpectAndConsume('='))
				if (reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar))
					throw new TomlMissingEqualsException(_lineNumber, (char)nextChar);
				throw new TomlEndOfFileException(_lineNumber);
			value = ReadValue(reader);

		private string ReadKey(TomletStringReader reader)
			if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar))
				return "";
			if (nextChar.IsEquals())
				throw new NoTomlKeyException(_lineNumber);
			string text;
			if (nextChar.IsDoubleQuote())
				if (reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar2) && nextChar2.IsDoubleQuote())
					if (reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar3) && nextChar3.IsDoubleQuote())
						throw new TomlTripleQuotedKeyException(_lineNumber);
					return string.Empty;
				text = "\"" + ReadSingleLineBasicString(reader, consumeClosingQuote: false).StringValue + "\"";
				if (!reader.ExpectAndConsume('"'))
					throw new UnterminatedTomlKeyException(_lineNumber);
			else if (nextChar.IsSingleQuote())
				text = "'" + ReadSingleLineLiteralString(reader, consumeClosingQuote: false).StringValue + "'";
				if (!reader.ExpectAndConsume('\''))
					throw new UnterminatedTomlKeyException(_lineNumber);
				text = ReadKeyInternal(reader, (int keyChar) => keyChar.IsEquals() || keyChar.IsHashSign());
			return text.Replace("\\n", "\n").Replace("\\t", "\t");

		private string ReadKeyInternal(TomletStringReader reader, Func<int, bool> charSignalsEndOfKey)
			List<string> list = new List<string>();
			int nextChar;
			while (reader.TryPeek(out nextChar))
				if (charSignalsEndOfKey(nextChar))
					return string.Join(".", list.ToArray());
				if (nextChar.IsPeriod())
					throw new TomlDoubleDottedKeyException(_lineNumber);
				StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
				while (reader.TryPeek(out nextChar))
					int num = reader.SkipWhitespace();
					reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar2);
					if (nextChar2.IsPeriod())
					if (num > 0 && charSignalsEndOfKey(nextChar2))
					if (charSignalsEndOfKey(nextChar))
					if (num > 0)
						throw new TomlWhitespaceInKeyException(_lineNumber);
			throw new TomlEndOfFileException(_lineNumber);

		private TomlValue ReadValue(TomletStringReader reader)
			if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar))
				throw new TomlEndOfFileException(_lineNumber);
			TomlValue tomlValue;
			switch (nextChar)
			case 91:
				tomlValue = ReadArray(reader);
			case 123:
				tomlValue = ReadInlineTable(reader);
			case 34:
			case 39:
				int num = reader.Read();
				if (reader.Peek() != num)
					tomlValue = (num.IsSingleQuote() ? ReadSingleLineLiteralString(reader) : ReadSingleLineBasicString(reader));
				int num2 = reader.Peek();
				if (num2 == num)
					tomlValue = (num.IsSingleQuote() ? ReadMultiLineLiteralString(reader) : ReadMultiLineBasicString(reader));
				if (num2.IsWhitespace() || num2.IsNewline() || num2.IsHashSign() || num2.IsComma() || num2.IsEndOfArrayChar() || num2 == -1)
					tomlValue = TomlString.Empty;
				throw new TomlStringException(_lineNumber);
			case 43:
			case 45:
			case 48:
			case 49:
			case 50:
			case 51:
			case 52:
			case 53:
			case 54:
			case 55:
			case 56:
			case 57:
			case 105:
			case 110:
				string text = reader.ReadWhile((int valueChar) => !valueChar.IsEquals() && !valueChar.IsNewline() && !valueChar.IsHashSign() && !valueChar.IsComma() && !valueChar.IsEndOfArrayChar() && !valueChar.IsEndOfInlineObjectChar()).ToLowerInvariant().Trim();
				tomlValue = ((!Enumerable.Contains(text, ':') && !Enumerable.Contains(text, 't') && !Enumerable.Contains(text, ' ') && !Enumerable.Contains(text, 'z')) ? ((!Enumerable.Contains(text, '.') && (!Enumerable.Contains(text, 'e') || text.StartsWith("0x")) && !Enumerable.Contains(text, 'n') && !Enumerable.Contains(text, 'i')) ? (TomlLong.Parse(text) ?? TomlDateTimeUtils.ParseDateString(text, _lineNumber) ?? throw new InvalidTomlNumberException(_lineNumber, text)) : (TomlDouble.Parse(text) ?? TomlDateTimeUtils.ParseDateString(text, _lineNumber) ?? throw new InvalidTomlNumberException(_lineNumber, text))) : (TomlDateTimeUtils.ParseDateString(text, _lineNumber) ?? throw new InvalidTomlDateTimeException(_lineNumber, text)));
			case 116:
				char[] second2 = reader.ReadChars(4);
				if (!TrueChars.SequenceEqual(second2))
					throw new TomlInvalidValueException(_lineNumber, (char)nextChar);
				tomlValue = TomlBoolean.True;
			case 102:
				char[] second = reader.ReadChars(5);
				if (!FalseChars.SequenceEqual(second))
					throw new TomlInvalidValueException(_lineNumber, (char)nextChar);
				tomlValue = TomlBoolean.False;
				throw new TomlInvalidValueException(_lineNumber, (char)nextChar);
			tomlValue.Comments.InlineComment = ReadAnyPotentialInlineComment(reader);
			return tomlValue;

		private TomlValue ReadSingleLineBasicString(TomletStringReader reader, bool consumeClosingQuote = true)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			bool flag = false;
			bool fourDigitUnicodeMode = false;
			bool eightDigitUnicodeMode = false;
			StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder();
			int nextChar;
			while (reader.TryPeek(out nextChar))
				if (nextChar == 34 && !flag)
				if (nextChar == 92 && !flag)
					flag = true;
				else if (flag)
					flag = false;
					char? c = HandleEscapedChar(nextChar, out fourDigitUnicodeMode, out eightDigitUnicodeMode);
					if (c.HasValue)
				else if (fourDigitUnicodeMode || eightDigitUnicodeMode)
					if ((fourDigitUnicodeMode && stringBuilder2.Length == 4) || (eightDigitUnicodeMode && stringBuilder2.Length == 8))
						string unicodeString = stringBuilder2.ToString();
						stringBuilder.Append(DecipherUnicodeEscapeSequence(unicodeString, fourDigitUnicodeMode));
						fourDigitUnicodeMode = false;
						eightDigitUnicodeMode = false;
						stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder();
					if (nextChar.IsNewline())
						throw new UnterminatedTomlStringException(_lineNumber);
			if (consumeClosingQuote && !reader.ExpectAndConsume('"'))
				throw new UnterminatedTomlStringException(_lineNumber);
			return new TomlString(stringBuilder.ToString());

		private string DecipherUnicodeEscapeSequence(string unicodeString, bool fourDigitMode)
			if (unicodeString.Any((char c) => !c.IsHexDigit()))
				throw new InvalidTomlEscapeException(_lineNumber, $"\\{(fourDigitMode ? 'u' : 'U')}{unicodeString}");
			if (fourDigitMode)
				return ((char)short.Parse(unicodeString, NumberStyles.HexNumber)).ToString();
			return char.ConvertFromUtf32(int.Parse(unicodeString, NumberStyles.HexNumber));

		private char? HandleEscapedChar(int escapedChar, out bool fourDigitUnicodeMode, out bool eightDigitUnicodeMode, bool allowNewline = false)
			eightDigitUnicodeMode = false;
			fourDigitUnicodeMode = false;
			char value;
			switch (escapedChar)
			case 98:
				value = '\b';
			case 116:
				value = '\t';
			case 110:
				value = '\n';
			case 102:
				value = '\f';
			case 114:
				value = '\r';
			case 34:
				value = '"';
			case 92:
				value = '\\';
			case 117:
				fourDigitUnicodeMode = true;
				return null;
			case 85:
				eightDigitUnicodeMode = true;
				return null;
				if (allowNewline && escapedChar.IsNewline())
					return null;
				throw new InvalidTomlEscapeException(_lineNumber, $"\\{escapedChar}");
			return value;

		private TomlValue ReadSingleLineLiteralString(TomletStringReader reader, bool consumeClosingQuote = true)
			string text = reader.ReadWhile((int valueChar) => !valueChar.IsSingleQuote() && !valueChar.IsNewline());
			foreach (int item in ((IEnumerable<char>)text).Select((Func<char, int>)((char c) => c)))
			if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar))
				throw new TomlEndOfFileException(_lineNumber);
			if (!nextChar.IsSingleQuote())
				throw new UnterminatedTomlStringException(_lineNumber);
			if (consumeClosingQuote)
			return new TomlString(text);

		private TomlValue ReadMultiLineLiteralString(TomletStringReader reader)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			_lineNumber += reader.SkipAnyNewline();
			int nextChar;
			while (reader.TryPeek(out nextChar))
				int num = reader.Read();
				if (!num.IsSingleQuote())
					if (num == 10)
				if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar2) || !nextChar2.IsSingleQuote())
				if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar3) || !nextChar3.IsSingleQuote())
				if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar4) || !nextChar4.IsSingleQuote())
				if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar5) || !nextChar5.IsSingleQuote())
				if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar6) || !nextChar6.IsSingleQuote())
				throw new TripleQuoteInTomlMultilineLiteralException(_lineNumber);
			return new TomlString(stringBuilder.ToString());

		private TomlValue ReadMultiLineBasicString(TomletStringReader reader)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			bool flag = false;
			bool fourDigitUnicodeMode = false;
			bool eightDigitUnicodeMode = false;
			StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder();
			_lineNumber += reader.SkipAnyNewline();
			int nextChar;
			while (reader.TryPeek(out nextChar))
				int num = reader.Read();
				if (num == 92 && !flag)
					flag = true;
				if (flag)
					flag = false;
					char? c = HandleEscapedChar(num, out fourDigitUnicodeMode, out eightDigitUnicodeMode, allowNewline: true);
					if (c.HasValue)
					else if (num.IsNewline())
						if (num == 13 && !reader.ExpectAndConsume('\n'))
							throw new Exception($"Found a CR without an LF on line {_lineNumber}");
				if (fourDigitUnicodeMode || eightDigitUnicodeMode)
					if ((fourDigitUnicodeMode && stringBuilder2.Length == 4) || (eightDigitUnicodeMode && stringBuilder2.Length == 8))
						string unicodeString = stringBuilder2.ToString();
						stringBuilder.Append(DecipherUnicodeEscapeSequence(unicodeString, fourDigitUnicodeMode));
						fourDigitUnicodeMode = false;
						eightDigitUnicodeMode = false;
						stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder();
				if (!num.IsDoubleQuote())
					if (num == 10)
				if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar2) || !nextChar2.IsDoubleQuote())
				if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar3) || !nextChar3.IsDoubleQuote())
				if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar4) || !nextChar4.IsDoubleQuote())
				if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar5) || !nextChar5.IsDoubleQuote())
				if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar6) || !nextChar6.IsDoubleQuote())
				throw new TripleQuoteInTomlMultilineSimpleStringException(_lineNumber);
			return new TomlString(stringBuilder.ToString());

		private TomlArray ReadArray(TomletStringReader reader)
			if (!reader.ExpectAndConsume('['))
				throw new ArgumentException("Internal Tomlet Bug: ReadArray called and first char is not a [");
			_lineNumber += reader.SkipAnyCommentNewlineWhitespaceEtc();
			TomlArray tomlArray = new TomlArray();
			int nextChar;
			while (reader.TryPeek(out nextChar))
				_lineNumber += reader.SkipAnyCommentNewlineWhitespaceEtc();
				if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar2))
					throw new TomlEndOfFileException(_lineNumber);
				if (nextChar2.IsEndOfArrayChar())
				_lineNumber += reader.SkipAnyNewlineOrWhitespace();
				if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar3))
					throw new TomlEndOfFileException(_lineNumber);
				if (nextChar3.IsEndOfArrayChar())
				if (!nextChar3.IsComma())
					throw new TomlArraySyntaxException(_lineNumber, (char)nextChar3);
			return tomlArray;

		private TomlTable ReadInlineTable(TomletStringReader reader)
			if (!reader.ExpectAndConsume('{'))
				throw new ArgumentException("Internal Tomlet Bug: ReadInlineTable called and first char is not a {");
			_lineNumber += reader.SkipAnyCommentNewlineWhitespaceEtc();
			TomlTable tomlTable = new TomlTable
				Defined = true
			int nextChar;
			while (reader.TryPeek(out nextChar))
				if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar2))
					throw new TomlEndOfFileException(_lineNumber);
				if (nextChar2.IsEndOfInlineObjectChar())
				if (nextChar2.IsNewline())
					throw new NewLineInTomlInlineTableException(_lineNumber);
					ReadKeyValuePair(reader, out string key, out TomlValue value);
					tomlTable.ParserPutValue(key, value, _lineNumber);
				catch (TomlException ex) when (ex is TomlMissingEqualsException || ex is NoTomlKeyException || ex is TomlWhitespaceInKeyException)
					throw new InvalidTomlInlineTableException(_lineNumber, ex);
				if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar3))
					throw new TomlEndOfFileException(_lineNumber);
				if (!reader.ExpectAndConsume(','))
					if (!reader.TryPeek(out nextChar3))
						throw new TomlEndOfFileException(_lineNumber);
					if (nextChar3.IsEndOfInlineObjectChar())
					throw new TomlInlineTableSeparatorException(_lineNumber, (char)nextChar3);
			tomlTable.Locked = true;
			return tomlTable;

		private TomlTable ReadTableStatement(TomletStringReader reader, TomlDocument document)
			string text = reader.ReadWhile((int c) => !c.IsEndOfArrayChar() && !c.IsNewline());
			TomlTable parent = document;
			string relativeName = text;
			FindParentAndRelativeKey(ref parent, ref relativeName);
			TomlTable tomlTable;
				if (parent.ContainsKey(relativeName))
						tomlTable = (TomlTable)parent.GetValue(relativeName);
						if (tomlTable.Defined)
							throw new TomlTableRedefinitionException(_lineNumber, text);
					catch (InvalidCastException)
						throw new TomlKeyRedefinitionException(_lineNumber, text);
					tomlTable = new TomlTable
						Defined = true
					parent.ParserPutValue(relativeName, tomlTable, _lineNumber);
			catch (TomlContainsDottedKeyNonTableException ex2)
				throw new TomlDottedKeyParserException(_lineNumber, ex2.Key);
			if (!reader.TryPeek(out var _))
				throw new TomlEndOfFileException(_lineNumber);
			if (!reader.ExpectAndConsume(']'))
				throw new UnterminatedTomlTableNameException(_lineNumber);
			tomlTable.Comments.InlineComment = ReadAnyPotentialInlineComment(reader);
			if (!reader.TryPeek(out var nextChar2))
				throw new TomlEndOfFileException(_lineNumber);
			if (!nextChar2.IsNewline())
				throw new TomlMissingNewlineException(_lineNumber, (char)nextChar2);
			_currentTable = tomlTable;
			_tableNames = text.Split(new char[1] { '.' });
			return tomlTable;

		private TomlArray ReadTableArrayStatement(TomletStringReader reader, TomlDocument document)
			if (!reader.ExpectAndConsume('['))
				throw new ArgumentException("Internal Tomlet Bug: ReadTableArrayStatement called and first char is not a [");
			string text = reader.ReadWhile((int c) => !c.IsEndOfArrayChar() && !c.IsNewline());
			if (!reader.ExpectAndConsume(']') || !reader.ExpectAndConsume(']'))
				throw new UnterminatedTomlTableArrayException(_lineNumber);
			TomlTable parent = document;
			string relativeName = text;
			FindParentAndRelativeKey(ref parent, ref relativeName);
			if (parent == document && Enumerable.Contains(relativeName, '.'))
				throw new MissingIntermediateInTomlTableArraySpecException(_lineNumber, relativeName);
			TomlArray tomlArray2;
			if (parent.ContainsKey(relativeName))
				if (!(parent.GetValue(relativeName) is TomlArray tomlArray))
					throw new TomlTableArrayAlreadyExistsAsNonArrayException(_lineNumber, text);
				tomlArray2 = tomlArray;
				if (!tomlArray2.IsLockedToBeTableArray)
					throw new TomlNonTableArrayUsedAsTableArrayException(_lineNumber, text);
				tomlArray2 = new TomlArray
					IsLockedToBeTableArray = true
				parent.ParserPutValue(relativeName, tomlArray2, _lineNumber);
			_currentTable = new TomlTable
				Defined = true
			_tableNames = text.Split(new char[1] { '.' });
			return tomlArray2;

		private void FindParentAndRelativeKey(ref TomlTable parent, ref string relativeName)
			for (int i = 0; i < _tableNames.Length; i++)
				string text = _tableNames[i];
				if (!relativeName.StartsWith(text + "."))
				TomlValue value = parent.GetValue(text);
				if (value is TomlTable tomlTable)
					parent = tomlTable;
					if (!(value is TomlArray source))
						throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlArray), value.GetType(), typeof(TomlArray));
					parent = (TomlTable)source.Last();
				relativeName = relativeName.Substring(text.Length + 1);

		private string? ReadAnyPotentialInlineComment(TomletStringReader reader)
			if (!reader.ExpectAndConsume('#'))
				return null;
			string text = reader.ReadWhile((int c) => !c.IsNewline()).Trim();
			if (text.Length < 1)
				return null;
			if (text[0] == ' ')
				text = text.Substring(1);
			foreach (int item in ((IEnumerable<char>)text).Select((Func<char, int>)((char c) => c)))
			return text;

		private string? ReadAnyPotentialMultilineComment(TomletStringReader reader)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			while (reader.ExpectAndConsume('#'))
				string text = reader.ReadWhile((int c) => !c.IsNewline());
				if (text[0] == ' ')
					text = text.Substring(1);
				foreach (int item in ((IEnumerable<char>)text).Select((Func<char, int>)((char c) => c)))
				_lineNumber += reader.SkipAnyNewlineOrWhitespace();
			if (stringBuilder.Length == 0)
				return null;
			return stringBuilder.ToString();
	public static class TomlSerializationMethods
		public delegate T Deserialize<out T>(TomlValue value);

		public delegate TomlValue? Serialize<in T>(T? t);

		private static MethodInfo _stringKeyedDictionaryMethod;

		private static MethodInfo _genericDictionarySerializerMethod;

		private static MethodInfo _genericNullableSerializerMethod;

		private static readonly Dictionary<Type, Delegate> Deserializers;

		private static readonly Dictionary<Type, Delegate> Serializers;

		static TomlSerializationMethods()
			_stringKeyedDictionaryMethod = typeof(TomlSerializationMethods).GetMethod("StringKeyedDictionaryDeserializerFor", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			_genericDictionarySerializerMethod = typeof(TomlSerializationMethods).GetMethod("GenericDictionarySerializer", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			_genericNullableSerializerMethod = typeof(TomlSerializationMethods).GetMethod("GenericNullableSerializer", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			Deserializers = new Dictionary<Type, Delegate>();
			Serializers = new Dictionary<Type, Delegate>();
			Register((string? s) => new TomlString(s), (TomlValue value) => (value as TomlString)?.Value ?? value.StringValue);
			Register(TomlBoolean.ValueOf, (TomlValue value) => ((value as TomlBoolean) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlBoolean), value.GetType(), typeof(bool))).Value);
			Register((byte i) => new TomlLong(i), (TomlValue value) => (byte)((value as TomlLong) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlLong), value.GetType(), typeof(byte))).Value);
			Register((sbyte i) => new TomlLong(i), (TomlValue value) => (sbyte)((value as TomlLong) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlLong), value.GetType(), typeof(sbyte))).Value);
			Register((ushort i) => new TomlLong(i), (TomlValue value) => (ushort)((value as TomlLong) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlLong), value.GetType(), typeof(ushort))).Value);
			Register((short i) => new TomlLong(i), (TomlValue value) => (short)((value as TomlLong) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlLong), value.GetType(), typeof(short))).Value);
			Register((uint i) => new TomlLong(i), (TomlValue value) => (uint)((value as TomlLong) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlLong), value.GetType(), typeof(uint))).Value);
			Register((int i) => new TomlLong(i), (TomlValue value) => (int)((value as TomlLong) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlLong), value.GetType(), typeof(int))).Value);
			Register((ulong l) => new TomlLong((long)l), (TomlValue value) => (ulong)((value as TomlLong) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlLong), value.GetType(), typeof(ulong))).Value);
			Register((long l) => new TomlLong(l), (TomlValue value) => ((value as TomlLong) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlLong), value.GetType(), typeof(long))).Value);
			Register((double d) => new TomlDouble(d), (TomlValue value) => (value as TomlDouble)?.Value ?? ((double)((value as TomlLong) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlDouble), value.GetType(), typeof(double))).Value));
			Register((float f) => new TomlDouble(f), (TomlValue value) => (float)((value as TomlDouble)?.Value ?? ((double)((value as TomlLong) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlDouble), value.GetType(), typeof(float))).Value)));
			Register((DateTime dt) => (!(dt.TimeOfDay == TimeSpan.Zero)) ? ((TomlValue?)new TomlLocalDateTime(dt)) : ((TomlValue?)new TomlLocalDate(dt)), (TomlValue value) => ((value as ITomlValueWithDateTime) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(ITomlValueWithDateTime), value.GetType(), typeof(DateTime))).Value);
			Register((DateTimeOffset odt) => new TomlOffsetDateTime(odt), (TomlValue value) => ((value as TomlOffsetDateTime) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlOffsetDateTime), value.GetType(), typeof(DateTimeOffset))).Value);
			Register((TimeSpan lt) => new TomlLocalTime(lt), (TomlValue value) => ((value as TomlLocalTime) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlLocalTime), value.GetType(), typeof(TimeSpan))).Value);

		internal static Serialize<object> GetSerializer(Type t)
			if (Serializers.TryGetValue(t, out Delegate value))
				return (Serialize<object>)value;
			if (t.IsArray || (t.Namespace == "System.Collections.Generic" && t.Name == "List`1"))
				Serialize<object> serialize = GenericEnumerableSerializer();
				Serializers[t] = serialize;
				return serialize;
			if (t.IsGenericType)
				Type[] genericArguments = t.GetGenericArguments();
				if (genericArguments != null)
					if ((object)t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Dictionary<, >))
						MethodInfo method = _genericDictionarySerializerMethod.MakeGenericMethod(genericArguments);
						Delegate del2 = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Serialize<>).MakeGenericType(t), method);
						Serialize<object> serialize2 = (object? dict) => (TomlValue)del2.DynamicInvoke(dict);
						Serializers[t] = serialize2;
						return serialize2;
					if ((object)t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>))
						MethodInfo method2 = _genericNullableSerializerMethod.MakeGenericMethod(genericArguments);
						Delegate del = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Serialize<>).MakeGenericType(t), method2);
						Serialize<object> serialize3 = (object? dict) => (TomlValue)del.DynamicInvoke(dict);
						Serializers[t] = serialize3;
						return serialize3;
			return TomlCompositeSerializer.For(t);

		internal static Deserialize<object> GetDeserializer(Type t)
			if (Deserializers.TryGetValue(t, out Delegate value))
				return (Deserialize<object>)value;
			if (t.IsArray)
				Deserialize<object> deserialize = ArrayDeserializerFor(t.GetElementType());
				Deserializers[t] = deserialize;
				return deserialize;
			if (t.Namespace == "System.Collections.Generic" && t.Name == "List`1")
				Deserialize<object> deserialize2 = ListDeserializerFor(t.GetGenericArguments()[0]);
				Deserializers[t] = deserialize2;
				return deserialize2;
			if (t.IsGenericType && (object)t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>))
				Type[] genericArguments = t.GetGenericArguments();
				if (genericArguments != null && genericArguments.Length == 1)
					Deserialize<object> deserialize3 = NullableDeserializerFor(t);
					Deserializers[t] = deserialize3;
					return deserialize3;
			if (t.IsGenericType && (object)t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Dictionary<, >))
				Type[] genericArguments2 = t.GetGenericArguments();
				if (genericArguments2 != null && genericArguments2.Length == 2 && (object)genericArguments2[0] == typeof(string))
					return (Deserialize<object>)_stringKeyedDictionaryMethod.MakeGenericMethod(genericArguments2[1]).Invoke(null, new object[0]);
			return TomlCompositeDeserializer.For(t);

		private static Serialize<object?> GenericEnumerableSerializer()
			return delegate(object? o)
				IEnumerable obj = (o as IEnumerable) ?? throw new Exception("How did ArraySerializer end up getting a non-array?");
				TomlArray tomlArray = new TomlArray();
				foreach (object item in obj)
				return tomlArray;

		private static Deserialize<object> ArrayDeserializerFor(Type elementType)
			Type elementType2 = elementType;
			return delegate(TomlValue value)
				if (!(value is TomlArray tomlArray))
					throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlArray), value.GetType(), elementType2.MakeArrayType());
				Array array = Array.CreateInstance(elementType2, tomlArray.Count);
				Deserialize<object> deserializer = GetDeserializer(elementType2);
				for (int i = 0; i < tomlArray.ArrayValues.Count; i++)
					TomlValue value2 = tomlArray.ArrayValues[i];
					array.SetValue(deserializer(value2), i);
				return array;

		private static Deserialize<object> ListDeserializerFor(Type elementType)
			Type elementType2 = elementType;
			Type listType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(elementType2);
			MethodInfo relevantAddMethod = listType.GetMethod("Add");
			return delegate(TomlValue value)
				TomlArray obj = (value as TomlArray) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlArray), value.GetType(), listType);
				object obj2 = Activator.CreateInstance(listType);
				Deserialize<object> deserializer = GetDeserializer(elementType2);
				foreach (TomlValue arrayValue in obj.ArrayValues)
					relevantAddMethod.Invoke(obj2, new object[1] { deserializer(arrayValue) });
				return obj2;

		private static Deserialize<object> NullableDeserializerFor(Type nullableType)
			Type nullableType2 = nullableType;
			Type t = nullableType2.GetGenericArguments()[0];
			Deserialize<object> elementDeserializer = GetDeserializer(t);
			return delegate(TomlValue value)
				object obj = elementDeserializer(value);
				return Activator.CreateInstance(nullableType2, obj);

		private static Deserialize<Dictionary<string, T>> StringKeyedDictionaryDeserializerFor<T>()
			Deserialize<object> deserializer = GetDeserializer(typeof(T));
			return (TomlValue value) => ((value as TomlTable) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlTable), value.GetType(), typeof(Dictionary<string, T>))).Entries.ToDictionary<KeyValuePair<string, TomlValue>, string, T>((KeyValuePair<string, TomlValue> entry) => entry.Key, (KeyValuePair<string, TomlValue> entry) => (T)deserializer(entry.Value));

		private static TomlValue? GenericNullableSerializer<T>(T? nullable) where T : struct
			Serialize<object> serializer = GetSerializer(typeof(T));
			if (nullable.HasValue)
				return serializer(nullable.Value);
			return null;

		private static TomlValue GenericDictionarySerializer<TKey, TValue>(Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dict) where TKey : notnull
			Serialize<object> serializer = GetSerializer(typeof(TValue));
			TomlTable tomlTable = new TomlTable();
			foreach (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> item in dict)
				TKey key = item.Key;
				string text = ((key != null) ? key.ToString() : null);
				if (text != null)
					tomlTable.PutValue(text, serializer(item.Value), quote: true);
			return tomlTable;

		internal static void Register<T>(Serialize<T>? serializer, Deserialize<T>? deserializer)
			if (serializer != null)
			if (deserializer != null)

		internal static void Register(Type t, Serialize<object>? serializer, Deserialize<object>? deserializer)
			if (serializer != null)
			if (deserializer != null)

		private static void RegisterDeserializer<T>(Deserialize<T> deserializer)
			Deserialize<T> deserializer2 = deserializer;
			Deserializers[typeof(T)] = new Deserialize<object>(BoxedDeserializer);
			object BoxedDeserializer(TomlValue value)
				T val = deserializer2(value);
				if (val == null)
					throw new Exception("TOML Deserializer returned null for type T");
				return val;

		private static void RegisterSerializer<T>(Serialize<T> serializer)
			Serialize<T> serializer2 = serializer;
			Serializers[typeof(T)] = new Serialize<object>(ObjectAcceptingSerializer);
			TomlValue? ObjectAcceptingSerializer(object value)
				return serializer2((T)value);

		private static void RegisterDictionarySerializer<T>(Serialize<T> serializer)
			Serialize<T> serializer2 = serializer;
			RegisterSerializer(delegate(Dictionary<string, T>? dict)
				TomlTable tomlTable = new TomlTable();
				if (dict == null)
					return tomlTable;
				List<string> list = dict.Keys.ToList();
				List<TomlValue> list2 = dict.Values.Select(serializer2.Invoke).ToList();
				for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
					tomlTable.PutValue(list[i], list2[i], quote: true);
				return tomlTable;

		private static void RegisterDictionaryDeserializer<T>(Deserialize<T> deserializer)
			Deserialize<T> deserializer2 = deserializer;
			RegisterDeserializer((TomlValue value) => ((value as TomlTable) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlTable), value.GetType(), typeof(Dictionary<string, T>))).Entries.Select<KeyValuePair<string, TomlValue>, KeyValuePair<string, T>>((KeyValuePair<string, TomlValue> kvp) => new KeyValuePair<string, T>(kvp.Key, deserializer2(kvp.Value))).ToDictionary((KeyValuePair<string, T> kvp) => kvp.Key, (KeyValuePair<string, T> kvp) => kvp.Value));
	internal static class TomlUtils
		public static string EscapeStringValue(string key)
			return key.Replace("\\", "\\\\").Replace("\n", "\\n").Replace("\r", "");

		public static string AddCorrectQuotes(string key)
			if (key.Contains("'") && key.Contains("\""))
				throw new InvalidTomlKeyException(key);
			if (key.Contains("\""))
				return "'" + key + "'";
			return "\"" + key + "\"";
namespace Tomlet.Models
	public class TomlArray : TomlValue, IEnumerable<TomlValue>, IEnumerable
		public readonly List<TomlValue> ArrayValues = new List<TomlValue>();

		internal bool IsLockedToBeTableArray;

		public override string StringValue => $"Toml Array ({ArrayValues.Count} values)";

		public bool IsTableArray
				if (!IsLockedToBeTableArray)
					return ArrayValues.All((TomlValue t) => t is TomlTable);
				return true;

		public bool CanBeSerializedInline
				if (IsTableArray)
					if (ArrayValues.All((TomlValue o) => o is TomlTable tomlTable && tomlTable.ShouldBeSerializedInline))
						return ArrayValues.Count <= 5;
					return false;
				return true;

		public bool IsSimpleArray
				if (!IsLockedToBeTableArray)
					return !ArrayValues.Any((TomlValue o) => o is TomlArray || o is TomlTable || !o.Comments.ThereAreNoComments);
				return false;

		public TomlValue this[int index] => ArrayValues[index];

		public int Count => ArrayValues.Count;

		public override string SerializedValue => SerializeInline(!IsSimpleArray);

		public void Add<T>(T t) where T : new()
			TomlValue tomlValue2 = (((object)t is TomlValue tomlValue) ? tomlValue : TomletMain.ValueFrom(t));
			if (tomlValue2 != null)

		public string SerializeInline(bool multiline)
			if (!CanBeSerializedInline)
				throw new Exception("Complex Toml Tables cannot be serialized into a TomlArray if the TomlArray is not a Table Array. This means that the TOML array cannot contain anything other than tables. If you are manually accessing SerializedValue on the TomlArray, you should probably be calling SerializeTableArray here. (Check the CanBeSerializedInline property and call that method if it is false)");
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("[");
			char value = (multiline ? '\n' : ' ');
			using (IEnumerator<TomlValue> enumerator = GetEnumerator())
				while (enumerator.MoveNext())
					TomlValue current = enumerator.Current;
					if (current.Comments.PrecedingComment != null)
					if (multiline)
					if (current.Comments.InlineComment != null)
						stringBuilder.Append(" # ").Append(current.Comments.InlineComment);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public string SerializeTableArray(string key)
			if (!IsTableArray)
				throw new Exception("Cannot serialize normal arrays using this method. Use the normal TomlValue.SerializedValue property.");
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			if (base.Comments.InlineComment != null)
				throw new Exception("Sorry, but inline comments aren't supported on table-arrays themselves. See for my rationale on this.");
			bool flag = true;
			using (IEnumerator<TomlValue> enumerator = GetEnumerator())
				while (enumerator.MoveNext())
					TomlValue current = enumerator.Current;
					if (!(current is TomlTable tomlTable))
						throw new Exception($"Toml Table-Array contains non-table entry? Value is {current}");
					if (current.Comments.PrecedingComment != null)
						if (flag && base.Comments.PrecedingComment != null)
					flag = false;
					if (current.Comments.InlineComment != null)
						stringBuilder.Append(" # ").Append(current.Comments.InlineComment);
					stringBuilder.Append(tomlTable.SerializeNonInlineTable(key, includeHeader: false)).Append('\n');
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public IEnumerator<TomlValue> GetEnumerator()
			return ArrayValues.GetEnumerator();

		IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
			return ArrayValues.GetEnumerator();
	public class TomlBoolean : TomlValue
		private bool _value;

		public static TomlBoolean True => new TomlBoolean(value: true);

		public static TomlBoolean False => new TomlBoolean(value: false);

		public bool Value => _value;

		public override string StringValue
				if (!Value)
					return bool.FalseString.ToLowerInvariant();
				return bool.TrueString.ToLowerInvariant();

		public override string SerializedValue => StringValue;

		private TomlBoolean(bool value)
			_value = value;

		public static TomlBoolean ValueOf(bool b)
			if (!b)
				return False;
			return True;
	public class TomlCommentData
		private string? _inlineComment;

		public string? PrecedingComment { get; set; }

		public string? InlineComment
				return _inlineComment;
				if (value == null)
					_inlineComment = null;
				if (value.Contains("\n") || value.Contains("\r"))
					throw new TomlNewlineInInlineCommentException();
				_inlineComment = value;

		public bool ThereAreNoComments
				if (InlineComment == null)
					return PrecedingComment == null;
				return false;

		internal string FormatPrecedingComment(int indentCount = 0)
			if (PrecedingComment == null)
				throw new Exception("Preceding comment is null");
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			string[] array = PrecedingComment.Split(new char[1] { '\n' });
			bool flag = true;
			string[] array2 = array;
			foreach (string value in array2)
				if (!flag)
				flag = false;
				string value2 = new string('\t', indentCount);
				stringBuilder.Append(value2).Append("# ").Append(value);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();
	public class TomlDocument : TomlTable
		public string? TrailingComment { get; set; }

		public override string SerializedValue => SerializeDocument();

		public override string StringValue => $"Toml root document ({Entries.Count} entries)";

		public static TomlDocument CreateEmpty()
			return new TomlDocument();

		internal TomlDocument()

		internal TomlDocument(TomlTable from)
			foreach (string key in from.Keys)
				PutValue(key, from.GetValue(key));

		private string SerializeDocument()
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			stringBuilder.Append(SerializeNonInlineTable(null, includeHeader: false));
			if (TrailingComment != null)
				TomlCommentData tomlCommentData = new TomlCommentData
					PrecedingComment = TrailingComment
			return stringBuilder.ToString();
	public class TomlDouble : TomlValue
		private double _value;

		public bool HasDecimal => Value != (double)(int)Value;

		public double Value => _value;

		public bool IsNaN => double.IsNaN(Value);

		public bool IsInfinity => double.IsInfinity(Value);

		public override string StringValue
				if (this != null)
					if (IsInfinity)
						return double.IsPositiveInfinity(Value) ? "inf" : "-inf";
					if (IsNaN)
						return "nan";
					if (HasDecimal)
						return Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
				return $"{Value:F1}";

		public override string SerializedValue => StringValue;

		public TomlDouble(double value)
			_value = value;

		internal static TomlDouble? Parse(string valueInToml)
			double? doubleValue = TomlNumberUtils.GetDoubleValue(valueInToml);
			if (!doubleValue.HasValue)
				return null;
			return new TomlDouble(doubleValue.Value);
	public class TomlLocalDate : TomlValue, ITomlValueWithDateTime
		private readonly DateTime _value;

		public DateTime Value => _value;

		public override string StringValue => XmlConvert.ToString(Value, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Unspecified);

		public override string SerializedValue => StringValue;

		public TomlLocalDate(DateTime value)
			_value = value;

		public static TomlLocalDate? Parse(string input)
			if (!DateTime.TryParse(input, out var result))
				return null;
			return new TomlLocalDate(result);
	public class TomlLocalDateTime : TomlValue, ITomlValueWithDateTime
		private readonly DateTime _value;

		public DateTime Value => _value;

		public override string StringValue => XmlConvert.ToString(Value, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Unspecified);

		public override string SerializedValue => StringValue;

		public TomlLocalDateTime(DateTime value)
			_value = value;

		public static TomlLocalDateTime? Parse(string input)
			if (!DateTime.TryParse(input, out var result))
				return null;
			return new TomlLocalDateTime(result);
	public class TomlLocalTime : TomlValue
		private readonly TimeSpan _value;

		public TimeSpan Value => _value;

		public override string StringValue => Value.ToString();

		public override string SerializedValue => StringValue;

		public TomlLocalTime(TimeSpan value)
			_value = value;

		public static TomlLocalTime? Parse(string input)
			if (!TimeSpan.TryParse(input, out var result))
				return null;
			return new TomlLocalTime(result);
	public class TomlLong : TomlValue
		private long _value;

		public long Value => _value;

		public override string StringValue => Value.ToString();

		public override string SerializedValue => StringValue;

		public TomlLong(long value)
			_value = value;

		internal static TomlLong? Parse(string valueInToml)
			long? longValue = TomlNumberUtils.GetLongValue(valueInToml);
			if (!longValue.HasValue)
				return null;
			return new TomlLong(longValue.Value);
	public class TomlOffsetDateTime : TomlValue
		private readonly DateTimeOffset _value;

		public DateTimeOffset Value => _value;

		public override string StringValue => Value.ToString("O");

		public override string SerializedValue => StringValue;

		public TomlOffsetDateTime(DateTimeOffset value)
			_value = value;

		public static TomlOffsetDateTime? Parse(string input)
			if (!DateTimeOffset.TryParse(input, out var result))
				return null;
			return new TomlOffsetDateTime(result);
	public class TomlString : TomlValue
		private readonly string _value;

		public static TomlString Empty => new TomlString("");

		public string Value => _value;

		public override string StringValue => Value;

		public override string SerializedValue
				if (!Value.RuntimeCorrectContains('\'') && Value.RuntimeCorrectContains('\\'))
					if (!Value.RuntimeCorrectContains('\n'))
						return LiteralStringSerializedForm;
					return MultiLineLiteralStringSerializedForm;
				if (Value.RuntimeCorrectContains('\'') && !Value.RuntimeCorrectContains('"'))
					return StandardStringSerializedForm;
				if (Value.RuntimeCorrectContains('"') && !Value.RuntimeCorrectContains('\'') && !Value.RuntimeCorrectContains('\n'))
					return LiteralStringSerializedForm;
				if (Value.RuntimeCorrectContains('"') && !Value.RuntimeCorrectContains('\''))
					return MultiLineLiteralStringSerializedForm;
				return StandardStringSerializedForm;

		internal string StandardStringSerializedForm => "\"" + TomlUtils.EscapeStringValue(Value) + "\"";

		internal string LiteralStringSerializedForm => "'" + Value + "'";

		internal string MultiLineLiteralStringSerializedForm => "'''\n" + Value + "'''";

		public TomlString(string? value)
			_value = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("value", "TomlString's value cannot be null");
	public class TomlTable : TomlValue
		public readonly Dictionary<string, TomlValue> Entries = new Dictionary<string, TomlValue>();

		internal bool Locked;

		internal bool Defined;

		public bool ForceNoInline { get; set; }

		public override string StringValue => $"Table ({Entries.Count} entries)";

		public HashSet<string> Keys => new HashSet<string>(Entries.Keys);

		public bool ShouldBeSerializedInline
				if (!ForceNoInline && Entries.Count < 4)
					return Entries.All<KeyValuePair<string, TomlValue>>((KeyValuePair<string, TomlValue> e) => !e.Key.Contains(" ") && e.Value.Comments.ThereAreNoComments && ((!(e.Value is TomlArray tomlArray)) ? (!(e.Value is TomlTable)) : tomlArray.IsSimpleArray));
				return false;

		public override string SerializedValue
				if (!ShouldBeSerializedInline)
					throw new Exception("Cannot use SerializeValue to serialize non-inline tables. Use SerializeNonInlineTable(keyName).");
				StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("{ ");
				stringBuilder.Append(string.Join(", ", Entries.Select<KeyValuePair<string, TomlValue>, string>((KeyValuePair<string, TomlValue> o) => o.Key + " = " + o.Value.SerializedValue).ToArray()));
				stringBuilder.Append(" }");
				return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public string SerializeNonInlineTable(string? keyName, bool includeHeader = true)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			if (includeHeader)
				if (base.Comments.InlineComment != null)
					stringBuilder.Append(" # ").Append(base.Comments.InlineComment);
			string one;
			TomlValue two;
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TomlValue> entry in Entries)
				Extensions.Deconstruct(entry, out one, out two);
				string subKey = one;
				TomlValue tomlValue = two;
				if (tomlValue is TomlTable tomlTable)
					if (!tomlTable.ShouldBeSerializedInline)
						goto IL_00a4;
				else if (tomlValue is TomlArray tomlArray && !tomlArray.CanBeSerializedInline)
					goto IL_00a4;
				bool flag = false;
				goto IL_00ac;
				flag = true;
				goto IL_00ac;
				if (!flag)
					WriteValueToStringBuilder(keyName, subKey, stringBuilder);
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TomlValue> entry2 in Entries)
				Extensions.Deconstruct(entry2, out one, out two);
				string subKey2 = one;
				if (two is TomlTable tomlTable2 && !tomlTable2.ShouldBeSerializedInline)
					WriteValueToStringBuilder(keyName, subKey2, stringBuilder);
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TomlValue> entry3 in Entries)
				Extensions.Deconstruct(entry3, out one, out two);
				string subKey3 = one;
				if (two is TomlArray tomlArray2 && !tomlArray2.CanBeSerializedInline)
					WriteValueToStringBuilder(keyName, subKey3, stringBuilder);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		private void WriteValueToStringBuilder(string? keyName, string subKey, StringBuilder builder)
			TomlValue value = GetValue(subKey);
			subKey = EscapeKeyIfNeeded(subKey);
			if (keyName != null)
				keyName = EscapeKeyIfNeeded(keyName);
			string text = ((keyName == null) ? subKey : (keyName + "." + subKey));
			bool flag = builder.Length < 2 || builder[builder.Length - 2] == '\n';
			if (value.Comments.PrecedingComment != null)
			if (value is TomlArray tomlArray)
				if (!tomlArray.CanBeSerializedInline)
					if (!flag)
				TomlArray tomlArray2 = tomlArray;
				builder.Append(subKey).Append(" = ").Append(tomlArray2.SerializedValue);
			else if (value is TomlTable tomlTable)
				if (!tomlTable.ShouldBeSerializedInline)
					TomlTable tomlTable2 = tomlTable;
				builder.Append(subKey).Append(" = ").Append(tomlTable.SerializedValue);
				builder.Append(subKey).Append(" = ").Append(value.SerializedValue);
			if (value.Comments.InlineComment != null)
				builder.Append(" # ").Append(value.Comments.InlineComment);

		private string EscapeKeyIfNeeded(string key)
			bool flag = false;
			if (key.StartsWith("\"") && key.EndsWith("\"") && key.Count((char c) => c == '"') == 2)
				return key;
			if (key.StartsWith("'") && key.EndsWith("'") && key.Count((char c) => c == '\'') == 2)
				return key;
			if (key.Contains("\"") || key.Contains("'"))
				key = TomlUtils.AddCorrectQuotes(key);
				flag = true;
			string text = TomlUtils.EscapeStringValue(key);
			if (text.Contains(" ") || (text.Contains("\\") && !flag))
				text = TomlUtils.AddCorrectQuotes(text);
			return text;

		internal void ParserPutValue(string key, TomlValue value, int lineNumber)
			if (Locked)
				throw new TomlTableLockedException(lineNumber, key);
			InternalPutValue(key, value, lineNumber, callParserForm: true);

		public void PutValue(string key, TomlValue value, bool quote = false)
			if (key == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
			if (value == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
			if (quote)
				key = TomlUtils.AddCorrectQuotes(key);
			InternalPutValue(key, value, null, callParserForm: false);

		public void Put<T>(string key, T t, bool quote = false)
			TomlValue tomlValue2 = ((!((object)t is TomlValue tomlValue)) ? TomletMain.ValueFrom(t) : tomlValue);
			if (tomlValue2 == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Value to insert into TOML table serialized to null.", "t");
			PutValue(key, tomlValue2, quote);

		public string DeQuoteKey(string key)
			if ((key.StartsWith("\"") && key.EndsWith("\"")) || (key.StartsWith("'") && key.EndsWith("'")))
				return key.Substring(1, key.Length - 2);
			return key;

		private void InternalPutValue(string key, TomlValue value, int? lineNumber, bool callParserForm)
			key = key.Trim();
			TomlKeyUtils.GetTopLevelAndSubKeys(key, out string ourKeyName, out string restOfKey);
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(restOfKey))
				if (!Entries.TryGetValue(DeQuoteKey(ourKeyName), out TomlValue value2))
					TomlTable tomlTable = new TomlTable();
					if (callParserForm)
						ParserPutValue(ourKeyName, tomlTable, lineNumber.Value);
						PutValue(ourKeyName, tomlTable);
					if (callParserForm)
						tomlTable.ParserPutValue(restOfKey, value, lineNumber.Value);
						tomlTable.PutValue(restOfKey, value);
				if (!(value2 is TomlTable tomlTable2))
					if (lineNumber.HasValue)
						throw new TomlDottedKeyParserException(lineNumber.Value, ourKeyName);
					throw new TomlDottedKeyException(ourKeyName);
				if (callParserForm)
					tomlTable2.ParserPutValue(restOfKey, value, lineNumber.Value);
					tomlTable2.PutValue(restOfKey, value);
				key = DeQuoteKey(key);
				if (Entries.ContainsKey(key) && lineNumber.HasValue)
					throw new TomlKeyRedefinitionException(lineNumber.Value, key);
				Entries[key] = value;

		public bool ContainsKey(string key)
			if (key == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
			TomlKeyUtils.GetTopLevelAndSubKeys(key, out string ourKeyName, out string restOfKey);
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(restOfKey))
				return Entries.ContainsKey(DeQuoteKey(key));
			if (!Entries.TryGetValue(ourKeyName, out TomlValue value))
				return false;
			if (value is TomlTable tomlTable)
				return tomlTable.ContainsKey(restOfKey);
			throw new TomlContainsDottedKeyNonTableException(key);

		public bool TryGetValue(string key, out TomlValue? value)
			if (ContainsKey(key))
				return (value = GetValue(key)) != null;
			value = null;
			return false;

		public TomlValue GetValue(string key)
			if (key == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
			if (!ContainsKey(key))
				throw new TomlNoSuchValueException(key);
			TomlKeyUtils.GetTopLevelAndSubKeys(key, out string ourKeyName, out string restOfKey);
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(restOfKey))
				return Entries[DeQuoteKey(key)];
			if (!Entries.TryGetValue(ourKeyName, out TomlValue value))
				throw new TomlNoSuchValueException(key);
			if (value is TomlTable tomlTable)
				return tomlTable.GetValue(restOfKey);
			throw new Exception("Tomlet Internal bug - existing key is not a table in TomlTable GetValue, but we didn't throw in ContainsKey?");

		public string GetString(string key)
			if (key == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
			TomlValue value = GetValue(TomlUtils.AddCorrectQuotes(key));
			return ((value as TomlString) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlString), value.GetType(), typeof(string))).Value;

		public int GetInteger(string key)
			if (key == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
			TomlValue value = GetValue(TomlUtils.AddCorrectQuotes(key));
			return (int)((value as TomlLong) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlLong), value.GetType(), typeof(int))).Value;

		public long GetLong(string key)
			if (key == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
			TomlValue value = GetValue(TomlUtils.AddCorrectQuotes(key));
			return ((value as TomlLong) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlLong), value.GetType(), typeof(int))).Value;

		public float GetFloat(string key)
			if (key == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
			TomlValue value = GetValue(TomlUtils.AddCorrectQuotes(key));
			return (float)((value as TomlDouble) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlDouble), value.GetType(), typeof(float))).Value;

		public bool GetBoolean(string key)
			if (key == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
			TomlValue value = GetValue(TomlUtils.AddCorrectQuotes(key));
			return ((value as TomlBoolean) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlBoolean), value.GetType(), typeof(bool))).Value;

		public TomlArray GetArray(string key)
			if (key == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
			TomlValue value = GetValue(TomlUtils.AddCorrectQuotes(key));
			return (value as TomlArray) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlArray), value.GetType(), typeof(TomlArray));

		public TomlTable GetSubTable(string key)
			if (key == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
			TomlValue value = GetValue(TomlUtils.AddCorrectQuotes(key));
			return (value as TomlTable) ?? throw new TomlTypeMismatchException(typeof(TomlTable), value.GetType(), typeof(TomlTable));
	public abstract class TomlValue
		public TomlCommentData Comments { get; } = new TomlCommentData();

		public abstract string StringValue { get; }

		public abstract string SerializedValue { get; }
	public interface ITomlValueWithDateTime
		DateTime Value { get; }
namespace Tomlet.Exceptions
	public class InvalidTomlDateTimeException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly string _inputString;

		public override string Message => $"Found an invalid TOML date/time string '{_inputString}' on line {LineNumber}";

		public InvalidTomlDateTimeException(int lineNumber, string inputString)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_inputString = inputString;
	public class InvalidTomlEscapeException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly string _escapeSequence;

		public override string Message => $"Found an invalid escape sequence '\\{_escapeSequence}' on line {LineNumber}";

		public InvalidTomlEscapeException(int lineNumber, string escapeSequence)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_escapeSequence = escapeSequence;
	public class InvalidTomlInlineTableException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => $"Found an invalid inline TOML table on line {LineNumber}. See further down for cause.";

		public InvalidTomlInlineTableException(int lineNumber, TomlException cause)
			: base(lineNumber, cause)
	public class InvalidTomlKeyException : TomlException
		private readonly string _key;

		public override string Message => "The string |" + _key + "| (between the two bars) contains at least one of both a double quote and a single quote, so it cannot be used for a TOML key.";

		public InvalidTomlKeyException(string key)
			_key = key;
	public class InvalidTomlNumberException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly string _input;

		public override string Message => $"While reading input line {LineNumber}, found an invalid number literal '{_input}'";

		public InvalidTomlNumberException(int lineNumber, string input)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_input = input;
	public class MissingIntermediateInTomlTableArraySpecException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly string _missing;

		public override string Message => $"Missing intermediate definition for {_missing} in table-array specification on line {LineNumber}. This is undefined behavior, and I chose to define it as an error.";

		public MissingIntermediateInTomlTableArraySpecException(int lineNumber, string missing)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_missing = missing;
	public class NewLineInTomlInlineTableException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => "Found a new-line character within a TOML inline table. This is not allowed.";

		public NewLineInTomlInlineTableException(int lineNumber)
			: base(lineNumber)
	public class NoTomlKeyException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => $"Expected a TOML key on line {LineNumber}, but found an equals sign ('=').";

		public NoTomlKeyException(int lineNumber)
			: base(lineNumber)
	public class TimeOffsetOnTomlDateOrTimeException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly string _tzString;

		public override string Message => $"Found a time offset string {_tzString} in a partial datetime on line {LineNumber}. This is not allowed - either specify both the date and the time, or remove the offset specifier.";

		public TimeOffsetOnTomlDateOrTimeException(int lineNumber, string tzString)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_tzString = tzString;
	public class TomlArraySyntaxException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly char _charFound;

		public override string Message => $"Expecting ',' or ']' after value in array on line {LineNumber}, found '{_charFound}'";

		public TomlArraySyntaxException(int lineNumber, char charFound)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_charFound = charFound;
	public class TomlContainsDottedKeyNonTableException : TomlException
		internal readonly string Key;

		public override string Message => "A call was made on a TOML table which attempted to access a sub-key of " + Key + ", but the value it refers to is not a table";

		public TomlContainsDottedKeyNonTableException(string key)
			Key = key;
	public class TomlDateTimeMissingSeparatorException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => $"Found a date-time on line {LineNumber} which is missing a separator (T, t, or a space) between the date and time.";

		public TomlDateTimeMissingSeparatorException(int lineNumber)
			: base(lineNumber)
	public class TomlDateTimeUnnecessarySeparatorException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => $"Found an unnecessary date-time separator (T, t, or a space) in a date or time on line {LineNumber}";

		public TomlDateTimeUnnecessarySeparatorException(int lineNumber)
			: base(lineNumber)
	public class TomlDottedKeyException : TomlException
		private readonly string _key;

		public override string Message => "Tried to redefine key " + _key + " as a table (by way of a dotted key) when it's already defined as not being a table.";

		public TomlDottedKeyException(string key)
			_key = key;
	public class TomlDottedKeyParserException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly string _key;

		public override string Message => $"Tried to redefine key {_key} as a table (by way of a dotted key on line {LineNumber}) when it's already defined as not being a table.";

		public TomlDottedKeyParserException(int lineNumber, string key)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_key = key;
	public class TomlDoubleDottedKeyException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => "Found two consecutive dots, or a leading dot, in a key on line " + LineNumber;

		public TomlDoubleDottedKeyException(int lineNumber)
			: base(lineNumber)
	public class TomlEndOfFileException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => $"Found unexpected EOF on line {LineNumber} when parsing TOML file";

		public TomlEndOfFileException(int lineNumber)
			: base(lineNumber)
	public class TomlEnumParseException : TomlException
		private string _valueName;

		private Type _enumType;

		public override string Message => $"Could not find enum value by name \"{_valueName}\" in enum class {_enumType} while deserializing.";

		public TomlEnumParseException(string valueName, Type enumType)
			_valueName = valueName;
			_enumType = enumType;
	public abstract class TomlException : Exception
		protected TomlException()

		protected TomlException(Exception cause)
			: base("", cause)
	public abstract class TomlExceptionWithLine : TomlException
		protected int LineNumber;

		protected TomlExceptionWithLine(int lineNumber)
			LineNumber = lineNumber;

		protected TomlExceptionWithLine(int lineNumber, Exception cause)
			: base(cause)
			LineNumber = lineNumber;
	public class TomlFieldTypeMismatchException : TomlTypeMismatchException
		private readonly Type _typeBeingInstantiated;

		private readonly FieldInfo _fieldBeingDeserialized;

		public override string Message => $"While deserializing an object of type {_typeBeingInstantiated}, found field {_fieldBeingDeserialized.Name} expecting a type of {ExpectedTypeName}, but value in TOML was of type {ActualTypeName}";

		public TomlFieldTypeMismatchException(Type typeBeingInstantiated, FieldInfo fieldBeingDeserialized, TomlTypeMismatchException cause)
			: base(cause.ExpectedType, cause.ActualType, fieldBeingDeserialized.FieldType)
			_typeBeingInstantiated = typeBeingInstantiated;
			_fieldBeingDeserialized = fieldBeingDeserialized;
	public class TomlInlineTableSeparatorException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly char _found;

		public override string Message => $"Expected '}}' or ',' after key-value pair in TOML inline table, found '{_found}'";

		public TomlInlineTableSeparatorException(int lineNumber, char found)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_found = found;
	public class TomlInstantiationException : TomlException
		private readonly Type _type;

		public override string Message => "Could not find a no-argument constructor for type " + _type.FullName;

		public TomlInstantiationException(Type type)
			_type = type;
	public class TomlInternalException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => $"An internal exception occured while parsing line {LineNumber} of the TOML document";

		public TomlInternalException(int lineNumber, Exception cause)
			: base(lineNumber, cause)
	public class TomlInvalidValueException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly char _found;

		public override string Message => $"Expected the start of a number, string literal, boolean, array, or table on line {LineNumber}, found '{_found}'";

		public TomlInvalidValueException(int lineNumber, char found)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_found = found;
	public class TomlKeyRedefinitionException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly string _key;

		public override string Message => $"TOML document attempts to re-define key '{_key}' on line {LineNumber}";

		public TomlKeyRedefinitionException(int lineNumber, string key)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_key = key;
	public class TomlMissingEqualsException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly char _found;

		public override string Message => $"Expecting an equals sign ('=') on line {LineNumber}, but found '{_found}'";

		public TomlMissingEqualsException(int lineNumber, char found)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_found = found;
	public class TomlMissingNewlineException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly char _found;

		public override string Message => $"Expecting a newline character at the end of a statement on line {LineNumber}, but found an unexpected '{_found}'";

		public TomlMissingNewlineException(int lineNumber, char found)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_found = found;
	public class TomlNewlineInInlineCommentException : TomlException
		public override string Message => "An attempt was made to set an inline comment which contains a newline. This obviously cannot be done, as inline comments must fit on one line.";
	public class TomlNonTableArrayUsedAsTableArrayException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly string _arrayName;

		public override string Message => $"{_arrayName} is used as a table-array on line {LineNumber} when it has previously been defined as a static array. This is not allowed.";

		public TomlNonTableArrayUsedAsTableArrayException(int lineNumber, string arrayName)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_arrayName = arrayName;
	public class TomlNoSuchValueException : TomlException
		private readonly string _key;

		public override string Message => "Attempted to get the value for key " + _key + " but no value is associated with that key";

		public TomlNoSuchValueException(string key)
			_key = key;
	public class TomlPrimitiveToDocumentException : TomlException
		private Type primitiveType;

		public override string Message => "Tried to create a TOML document from a primitive value of type " + primitiveType.Name + ". Documents can only be created from objects.";

		public TomlPrimitiveToDocumentException(Type primitiveType)
			this.primitiveType = primitiveType;
	public class TomlPropertyTypeMismatchException : TomlTypeMismatchException
		private readonly Type _typeBeingInstantiated;

		private readonly PropertyInfo _propBeingDeserialized;

		public override string Message => $"While deserializing an object of type {_typeBeingInstantiated}, found property {_propBeingDeserialized.Name} expecting a type of {ExpectedTypeName}, but value in TOML was of type {ActualTypeName}";

		public TomlPropertyTypeMismatchException(Type typeBeingInstantiated, PropertyInfo propBeingDeserialized, TomlTypeMismatchException cause)
			: base(cause.ExpectedType, cause.ActualType, propBeingDeserialized.PropertyType)
			_typeBeingInstantiated = typeBeingInstantiated;
			_propBeingDeserialized = propBeingDeserialized;
	public class TomlStringException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => $"Found an invalid TOML string on line {LineNumber}";

		public TomlStringException(int lineNumber)
			: base(lineNumber)
	public class TomlTableArrayAlreadyExistsAsNonArrayException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly string _arrayName;

		public override string Message => $"{_arrayName} is defined as a table-array (double-bracketed section) on line {LineNumber} but it has previously been used as a non-array type.";

		public TomlTableArrayAlreadyExistsAsNonArrayException(int lineNumber, string arrayName)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_arrayName = arrayName;
	public class TomlTableLockedException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly string _key;

		public override string Message => $"TOML table is locked (e.g. defined inline), cannot add or update key {_key} to it on line {LineNumber}";

		public TomlTableLockedException(int lineNumber, string key)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_key = key;
	public class TomlTableRedefinitionException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly string _key;

		public override string Message => $"TOML document attempts to re-define table '{_key}' on line {LineNumber}";

		public TomlTableRedefinitionException(int lineNumber, string key)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_key = key;
	public class TomlTripleQuotedKeyException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => $"Found a triple-quoted key on line {LineNumber}. This is not allowed.";

		public TomlTripleQuotedKeyException(int lineNumber)
			: base(lineNumber)
	public class TomlTypeMismatchException : TomlException
		protected readonly string ExpectedTypeName;

		protected readonly string ActualTypeName;

		protected internal readonly Type ExpectedType;

		protected internal readonly Type ActualType;

		private readonly Type _context;

		public override string Message => $"While trying to convert to type {_context}, a TOML value of type {ExpectedTypeName} was required but a value of type {ActualTypeName} was found";

		public TomlTypeMismatchException(Type expected, Type actual, Type context)
			ExpectedTypeName = (typeof(TomlValue).IsAssignableFrom(expected) ? expected.Name.Replace("Toml", "") : expected.Name);
			ActualTypeName = (typeof(TomlValue).IsAssignableFrom(actual) ? actual.Name.Replace("Toml", "") : actual.Name);
			ExpectedType = expected;
			ActualType = actual;
			_context = context;
	public class TomlUnescapedUnicodeControlCharException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		private readonly int _theChar;

		public override string Message => $"Found an unescaped unicode control character U+{_theChar:0000} on line {LineNumber}. Control character other than tab (U+0009) are not allowed in TOML unless they are escaped.";

		public TomlUnescapedUnicodeControlCharException(int lineNumber, int theChar)
			: base(lineNumber)
			_theChar = theChar;
	public class TomlWhitespaceInKeyException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => "Found whitespace in an unquoted TOML key at line " + LineNumber;

		public TomlWhitespaceInKeyException(int lineNumber)
			: base(lineNumber)
	public class TripleQuoteInTomlMultilineLiteralException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => $"Found a triple-single-quote (''') inside a multiline string literal on line {LineNumber}. This is not allowed.";

		public TripleQuoteInTomlMultilineLiteralException(int lineNumber)
			: base(lineNumber)
	public class TripleQuoteInTomlMultilineSimpleStringException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => $"Found a triple-double-quote (\"\"\") inside a multiline simple string on line {LineNumber}. This is not allowed.";

		public TripleQuoteInTomlMultilineSimpleStringException(int lineNumber)
			: base(lineNumber)
	public class UnterminatedTomlKeyException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => $"Found an unterminated quoted key on line {LineNumber}";

		public UnterminatedTomlKeyException(int lineNumber)
			: base(lineNumber)
	public class UnterminatedTomlStringException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => $"Found an unterminated TOML string on line {LineNumber}";

		public UnterminatedTomlStringException(int lineNumber)
			: base(lineNumber)
	public class UnterminatedTomlTableArrayException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => $"Found an unterminated table-array (expecting two ]s to close it) on line {LineNumber}";

		public UnterminatedTomlTableArrayException(int lineNumber)
			: base(lineNumber)
	public class UnterminatedTomlTableNameException : TomlExceptionWithLine
		public override string Message => $"Found an unterminated table name on line {LineNumber}";

		public UnterminatedTomlTableNameException(int lineNumber)
			: base(lineNumber)
namespace Tomlet.Attributes
	internal class NoCoverageAttribute : Attribute
	public class TomlDoNotInlineObjectAttribute : Attribute
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field)]
	public class TomlInlineCommentAttribute : Attribute
		internal string Comment { get; }

		public TomlInlineCommentAttribute(string comment)
			Comment = comment;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field)]
	public class TomlPrecedingCommentAttribute : Attribute
		internal string Comment { get; }

		public TomlPrecedingCommentAttribute(string comment)
			Comment = comment;
	public class TomlPropertyAttribute : Attribute
		private readonly string _mapFrom;

		public TomlPropertyAttribute(string mapFrom)
			_mapFrom = mapFrom;

		public string GetMappedString()
			return _mapFrom;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using WebSocketDotNet.Http;
using WebSocketDotNet.Messages;
using WebSocketDotNet.Protocol;
using WebSocketDotNet.Utils;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("WebSocketDotNet.Tests")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("N/A")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("\r\n            WebSocketDotNet is a .NET library for WebSockets. Compared to similar libraries, the main advantage is that it works\r\n            on more versions of .NET, from .NET Framework 3.5 to .NET 6.0.\r\n        ")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.0+e1c3c33f40bfed34fd57b5a048540bcb1e8db26f")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("WebSocketDotNet")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("WebSocketDotNet")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	internal sealed class IsReadOnlyAttribute : Attribute
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte[] NullableFlags;

		public NullableAttribute(byte P_0)
			NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 };

		public NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0)
			NullableFlags = P_0;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableContextAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte Flag;

		public NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0)
			Flag = P_0;
namespace WebSocketDotNet
	internal static class AssemblyInfo
		public static readonly string Name = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name;

		public static readonly Version Version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
	public enum MessageChunkingMode
	public class WebSocket
		private static readonly Guid WebsocketKeyGuid = new Guid("258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11");

		private readonly Random _random = new Random();

		private readonly SHA1 _sha1 = SHA1.Create();

		private readonly HttpHandler _httpHandler;

		private readonly List<WebSocketFragment> _currentPartialFragments = new List<WebSocketFragment>();

		private readonly object _sendLock = new object();

		private readonly object _receiveLock = new object();

		private Thread? _receiveThread;

		private WebSocketCloseMessage? _closeMessage;

		private WebSocketConfiguration _configuration;

		public WebSocketState State { get; private set; }

		public event Action Opened = delegate

		public event Action<WebSocketCloseCode, string?> Closing = delegate

		public event Action<WebSocketCloseCode, string?> Closed = delegate

		public event Action<byte[]> PongReceived = delegate

		public event Action<byte[]> BinaryReceived = delegate

		public event Action<string> TextReceived = delegate

		public event Action<WebSocketMessage> MessageReceived = delegate

		[Obsolete("Use the constructor that takes a WebSocketConfiguration instead")]
		public WebSocket(string url, bool autoConnect = true, bool useReceiveThread = true)
			: this(url, new WebSocketConfiguration
				AutoConnect = autoConnect,
				UseAutomaticReceiveThread = useReceiveThread

		public WebSocket(string url, WebSocketConfiguration configuration = default(WebSocketConfiguration))
			_configuration = configuration;
			UriUtils.ValidateUrlScheme(ref url);
			_httpHandler = new HttpHandler(new Uri(url));
			State = WebSocketState.Closed;
			if (configuration.AutoConnect)

		public void Connect()
			if (State != WebSocketState.Closed)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot connect while in state " + State);
			catch (Exception e)

		private void SendHandshakeRequest()
			State = WebSocketState.Connecting;
			Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = BuildHandshakeHeaders();
			HttpResponse resp = _httpHandler.SendRequestWithHeaders(dictionary);
			ValidateResponse(resp, dictionary["Sec-WebSocket-Key"]);

		private Dictionary<string, string> BuildHandshakeHeaders()
			byte[] array = new byte[16];
			string value = Convert.ToBase64String(array);
			return new Dictionary<string, string>
				{ "Upgrade", "websocket" },
				{ "Connection", "Upgrade" },
				{ "Sec-WebSocket-Key", value },
				{ "Sec-WebSocket-Version", "13" }

		private void ValidateResponse(HttpResponse resp, string key)
			string text = Convert.ToBase64String(_sha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key + WebsocketKeyGuid.ToString().ToUpperInvariant())));
			if (resp.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.SwitchingProtocols)
				throw new WebException($"Expecting HTTP 101/SwitchingProtocols, got {(int)resp.StatusCode}/{resp.StatusCode}");
			if (!resp.Headers.TryGetValue("Upgrade", out string value) || value != "websocket")
				throw new WebException("Expecting Upgrade: websocket, got \"" + value + "\"");
			if (!resp.Headers.TryGetValue("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", out string value2) || value2 != text)
				throw new WebException("Invalid or no Sec-WebSocket-Accept header in response (got \"" + value2 + "\", expected \"" + text + "\")");

		public void Send(WebSocketMessage message)
			WebSocketState state = State;
			if (state != WebSocketState.Open && state != WebSocketState.Closing)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("WebSocket is not open");
			List<WebSocketFragment> list = message.ToFrame().ToFragments(_configuration.MessageChunkingMode);
			Stream orOpenStream = _httpHandler.GetOrOpenStream();
			foreach (WebSocketFragment item in list)
				byte[] bytes = item.Serialize();
				Extensions.Write(orOpenStream, bytes);

		public void SendClose(WebSocketCloseCode code = WebSocketCloseCode.ClosedOk, string? reason = null)
			if (State == WebSocketState.Closed)
			if (State == WebSocketState.Closing)
				if (code == WebSocketCloseCode.InternalError)
					this.Closing(code, reason);
			if (State == WebSocketState.Connecting)
				if (code == WebSocketCloseCode.ProtocolError || code == WebSocketCloseCode.InternalError)
					this.Closing(code, reason);
					_closeMessage = new WebSocketCloseMessage(code, reason);
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot send close message while connecting");
			if (code == WebSocketCloseCode.Reserved)
				throw new ArgumentException("Cannot use reserved close codes", "code");
			State = WebSocketState.Closing;
			_closeMessage = new WebSocketCloseMessage(code, reason);
			this.Closing(code, reason);
			catch (Exception e)

		public void ReceiveAllAvailable()
			WebSocketState state = State;
			if (state != WebSocketState.Open && state != WebSocketState.Closing)
			List<WebSocketFragment> list = new List<WebSocketFragment>();
					WebSocketFragment item = ReceiveOneFragment();
				catch (Exception e)
			while (_httpHandler.AnyDataAvailable);
			catch (Exception e2)

		private void ReceiveLoop()
			while (true)
				WebSocketState state = State;
				if (state == WebSocketState.Open || state == WebSocketState.Closing)
					catch (Exception e)

		private WebSocketFragment ReceiveOneFragment()
			WebSocketState state = State;
			if (state != WebSocketState.Open && state != WebSocketState.Closing)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("WebSocket is not open");
			return WebSocketFragment.Read(_httpHandler.GetOrOpenStream());

		private void ProcessFragment(WebSocketFragment fragment)
			if (fragment.Reserved1 || fragment.Reserved2 || fragment.Reserved3)
				throw new WebSocketProtocolException("Reserved bits set in fragment");
			if (fragment.Opcode == WebSocketOpcode.Continuation)
				if (_currentPartialFragments.Count == 0)
					throw new WebSocketProtocolException("Received unexpected continuation fragment with no partial fragments");
				if (fragment.IsFinal)
					WebSocketFrame frame = WebSocketFrame.FromFragments(_currentPartialFragments);
			if (_currentPartialFragments.Count > 0 && !fragment.Opcode.IsControlOpcode())
				throw new WebSocketProtocolException("Received non-continuation, non-control fragment with incomplete frame in buffer");
			if (fragment.IsFinal)
			if (fragment.Opcode.IsControlOpcode())
				throw new WebSocketProtocolException($"Received fragmented control frame! (opcode: {fragment.Opcode})");

		private void ProcessFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)

		private void ProcessMessage(WebSocketMessage message)
			if (!(message is WebSocketPingMessage webSocketPingMessage))
				if (!(message is WebSocketPongMessage webSocketPongMessage))
					if (!(message is WebSocketCloseMessage webSocketCloseMessage))
						if (!(message is WebSocketBinaryMessage webSocketBinaryMessage))
							if (message is WebSocketTextMessage webSocketTextMessage)
					else if (State == WebSocketState.Closing)
						_closeMessage = webSocketCloseMessage;
						WebSocketCloseMessage webSocketCloseMessage2 = webSocketCloseMessage;
						SendClose(webSocketCloseMessage2.CloseReason, webSocketCloseMessage2.CloseReasonText);
				Send(new WebSocketPongMessage(webSocketPingMessage.PingPayload));

		private void OnClose()
			if (State != WebSocketState.Closing || _closeMessage == null)
				_closeMessage = new WebSocketCloseMessage(WebSocketCloseCode.AbnormalClosure, "Unexpected close");
			State = WebSocketState.Closed;
			this.Closed(_closeMessage.CloseReason, _closeMessage.CloseReasonText);

		private void OnOpen()
			_closeMessage = null;
			if (_receiveThread != null)
				if (_receiveThread.IsAlive)
					Console.WriteLine("Warning - receive thread still running!");
				_receiveThread = null;
			State = WebSocketState.Open;
			if (_configuration.UseAutomaticReceiveThread)
				_receiveThread = new Thread(ReceiveLoop)
					Name = "WebSocket Receive Thread",
					IsBackground = true

		private void OnException(Exception e)
			if (e is WebSocketProtocolException ex)
				SendClose(WebSocketCloseCode.ProtocolError, ex.Message);
			if (e is IOException ex2)
				if (ex2.InnerException is SocketException ex3)
					e = ex3;
				else if (State == WebSocketState.Closing)
			if (e is SocketException ex4)
				if (ex4.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionReset)
					if (State == WebSocketState.Closing)
						_closeMessage = new WebSocketCloseMessage(WebSocketCloseCode.ClosedOk, "Websocket closed");
						State = WebSocketState.Closing;
				if (ex4.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionRefused)
					_closeMessage = new WebSocketCloseMessage(WebSocketCloseCode.ProtocolError, "Connection refused");
					State = WebSocketState.Closing;
			SendClose(WebSocketCloseCode.InternalError, e.Message);
	public enum WebSocketCloseCode : ushort
		Unspecified = 0,
		ClosedOk = 1000,
		GoingAway = 1001,
		ProtocolError = 1002,
		UnsupportedData = 1003,
		Reserved = 1004,
		NoStatus = 1005,
		AbnormalClosure = 1006,
		MismatchTypeAndPayload = 1007,
		PolicyViolation = 1008,
		MessageTooBig = 1009,
		MissingMandatoryExtension = 1010,
		InternalError = 1011,
		TlsHandshakeFailure = 1015
	public struct WebSocketConfiguration
		public bool AutoConnect { get; set; }

		public bool UseAutomaticReceiveThread { get; set; }

		public MessageChunkingMode MessageChunkingMode { get; set; }

		public WebSocketConfiguration()
			AutoConnect = true;
			UseAutomaticReceiveThread = true;
			MessageChunkingMode = MessageChunkingMode.LimitTo16BitExtendedLength;
	public class WebSocketProtocolException : Exception
		public WebSocketProtocolException(string message)
			: base(message)
	public enum WebSocketState
namespace WebSocketDotNet.Utils
	internal static class Extensions
		internal static byte[] ReadToEnd(this Stream s, NetworkStreamProvider provider)
			List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
			byte[] array = new byte[1024];
			int num;
			while (provider.AnythingToRead && (num = s.Read(array, 0, array.Length)) > 0)
				byte[] array2 = new byte[num];
				Array.Copy(array, 0, array2, 0, num);
			return list.ToArray();

		internal static void Write(this Stream s, byte[] bytes)
			s.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

		internal static bool Bit(this byte b, int bit)
			return (b & (1 << bit)) != 0;

		internal static byte Bits(this byte b, int start, int end)
			int num = 255 >> 8 - (end - start + 1);
			return (byte)((b >> start) & num);

		public static bool IsControlOpcode(this WebSocketOpcode opcode)
			if (opcode != WebSocketOpcode.Close && opcode != WebSocketOpcode.Ping)
				return opcode == WebSocketOpcode.Pong;
			return true;
	internal static class MiscUtils
		public static T[] EmptyArray<T>()
			return new T[0];
	internal class NoCoverageAttribute : Attribute
	internal static class UriUtils
		public static void ValidateUrlScheme(ref string url)
			Uri uri = new Uri(url);
			if (uri.Scheme == "http")
				url = $"ws://{uri.Host}:{uri.Port}{uri.PathAndQuery}";
			if (uri.Scheme == "https")
				url = $"wss://{uri.Host}:{uri.Port}{uri.PathAndQuery}";
			string scheme = uri.Scheme;
			if (scheme == "ws" || scheme == "wss")
			throw new WebException("Invalid url protocol. Must be one of http, https, ws or wss");
namespace WebSocketDotNet.Protocol
	internal class WebSocketFragment
		private const byte MaxSingleFragmentPayloadSize = 125;

		private const byte ShortLengthExtended16Bit = 126;

		private const byte ShortLengthExtended64Bit = 127;

		private static readonly Random MaskGenerator = new Random();

		public bool IsFinal;

		public bool Reserved1;

		public bool Reserved2;

		public bool Reserved3;

		public WebSocketOpcode Opcode;

		public bool IsMasked;

		private byte _shortPayloadLength;

		private ulong _extendedPayloadLength;

		public byte[] Mask;

		private byte[] _rawPayload;

		public ulong PayloadLength
				if (!UsesExtendedPayloadLength)
					return _shortPayloadLength;
				return _extendedPayloadLength;

		public byte[] Payload => _rawPayload;

		private bool UsesExtendedPayloadLength => _extendedPayloadLength != ulong.MaxValue;

		private WebSocketFragment()
			Mask = new byte[4];
			_rawPayload = MiscUtils.EmptyArray<byte>();

		public WebSocketFragment(bool final, WebSocketOpcode opcode, byte[] payload, bool mask)
			: this()
			IsFinal = final;
			Opcode = opcode;
			_rawPayload = (byte[])payload.Clone();
			if (mask)

		private void XorPayloadWithMask()
			for (int i = 0; i < _rawPayload.Length; i++)
				int num = i % 4;
				byte b = Mask[num];
				_rawPayload[i] ^= b;

		private void UnmaskPayload()
			IsMasked = false;
			Array.Clear(Mask, 0, 4);

		private void MaskPayload()
			IsMasked = true;

		private void ReadLength(byte[] initialHeader, Stream stream)
			byte b = initialHeader[1].Bits(0, 6);
			switch (b)
			case 126:
				if (stream.Read(initialHeader, 0, 2) != 2)
					throw new IOException("Failed to read 2-byte extended length from stream");
				ref byte reference = ref initialHeader[0];
				ref byte reference2 = ref initialHeader[1];
				byte b2 = initialHeader[1];
				byte b3 = initialHeader[0];
				reference = b2;
				reference2 = b3;
				_extendedPayloadLength = BitConverter.ToUInt16(initialHeader, 0);
			case 127:
				initialHeader = new byte[8];
				if (stream.Read(initialHeader, 0, 8) != 8)
					throw new IOException("Failed to read 8-byte extended length from stream");
				_extendedPayloadLength = BitConverter.ToUInt64(initialHeader, 0);
				if (_extendedPayloadLength >> 63 != 0L)
					throw new IOException("64-bit extended payload length has most significant bit set, which is not allowed");
				_shortPayloadLength = b;
				_extendedPayloadLength = ulong.MaxValue;

		private void ComputeOutgoingLength()
			if (_rawPayload.Length <= 125)
				_shortPayloadLength = (byte)_rawPayload.Length;
				_extendedPayloadLength = ulong.MaxValue;
			if (_rawPayload.Length <= 65535)
				_shortPayloadLength = 126;
				_shortPayloadLength = 127;
			_extendedPayloadLength = (ulong)_rawPayload.Length;

		public static WebSocketFragment Read(Stream from)
			byte[] array = new byte[2];
			if (from.Read(array, 0, 2) != 2)
				throw new IOException("Failed to read 2-byte header from stream");
			WebSocketFragment webSocketFragment = ParseTwoByteHeader(array);
			webSocketFragment.ReadLength(array, from);
			if (webSocketFragment.IsMasked && from.Read(webSocketFragment.Mask, 0, 4) != 4)
				throw new IOException("Failed to read 4-byte mask from stream");
			if (webSocketFragment.PayloadLength > int.MaxValue)
				throw new IOException($"Cannot read >2GiB payload (length in header was {webSocketFragment.PayloadLength} bytes)");
			webSocketFragment._rawPayload = new byte[(uint)webSocketFragment.PayloadLength];
			if (from.Read(webSocketFragment._rawPayload, 0, (int)webSocketFragment.PayloadLength) != (int)webSocketFragment.PayloadLength)
				throw new IOException("Failed to read payload from stream");
			if (webSocketFragment.IsMasked)
			return webSocketFragment;

		private static WebSocketFragment ParseTwoByteHeader(byte[] buf)
			return new WebSocketFragment
				IsFinal = buf[0].Bit(7),
				Reserved1 = buf[0].Bit(6),
				Reserved2 = buf[0].Bit(5),
				Reserved3 = buf[0].Bit(4),
				Opcode = (WebSocketOpcode)buf[0].Bits(0, 3),
				IsMasked = buf[1].Bit(7)

		public byte[] Serialize()
			byte[] array;
			if (!UsesExtendedPayloadLength && !IsMasked)
				array = new byte[2 + _rawPayload.Length];
				Array.Copy(_rawPayload, 0, array, 2, _rawPayload.Length);
			else if (!UsesExtendedPayloadLength && IsMasked)
				array = new byte[6 + _rawPayload.Length];
				Array.Copy(Mask, 0, array, 2, 4);
				Array.Copy(_rawPayload, 0, array, 6, _rawPayload.Length);
				int num = ((_shortPayloadLength == 126) ? 2 : 8);
				int num2 = (IsMasked ? 4 : 0);
				array = new byte[2 + num + num2 + _rawPayload.Length];
				if (num == 2)
					array[2] = (byte)(_extendedPayloadLength >> 8);
					array[3] = (byte)_extendedPayloadLength;
					byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(_extendedPayloadLength);
					Array.Copy(bytes, 0, array, 2, 8);
				if (IsMasked)
					Array.Copy(Mask, 0, array, 2 + num, 4);
				Array.Copy(_rawPayload, 0, array, 2 + num + num2, _rawPayload.Length);
			return array;

		private void WriteTwoByteHeader(byte[] toWrite)
			toWrite[0] = (byte)((uint)Opcode | (uint)(byte)(IsFinal ? 128u : 0u) | (byte)(Reserved1 ? 64u : 0u) | (byte)(Reserved2 ? 32u : 0u) | (byte)(Reserved3 ? 16u : 0u));
			toWrite[1] = (byte)(_shortPayloadLength | (byte)(IsMasked ? 128u : 0u));
	internal class WebSocketFrame
		public WebSocketOpcode Opcode { get; set; }

		public byte[] Payload { get; set; }

		public WebSocketFrame(WebSocketOpcode opcode, byte[] payload)
			Opcode = opcode;
			Payload = payload;

		internal List<WebSocketFragment> ToFragments(MessageChunkingMode configurationMessageChunkingMode)
			List<WebSocketFragment> list = new List<WebSocketFragment>();
			int num = configurationMessageChunkingMode switch
				MessageChunkingMode.AlwaysUseExtendedLength => int.MaxValue, 
				MessageChunkingMode.NeverUseExtendedLength => 127, 
				MessageChunkingMode.LimitTo16BitExtendedLength => 65535, 
				_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("configurationMessageChunkingMode", configurationMessageChunkingMode, null), 
			if (Payload.Length < num)
				list.Add(new WebSocketFragment(final: true, Opcode, Payload, mask: true));
				int num2 = 0;
				int num3 = Payload.Length;
				WebSocketOpcode opcode = Opcode;
				while (num3 > 0)
					int num4 = Math.Min(num3, num);
					byte[] array = new byte[num4];
					Array.Copy(Payload, num2, array, 0, num4);
					num3 -= num4;
					num2 += num4;
					WebSocketFragment item = new WebSocketFragment(num3 == 0, opcode, array, mask: true);
					opcode = WebSocketOpcode.Continuation;
			return list;

		internal static WebSocketFrame FromFragments(List<WebSocketFragment> fragments)
			List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
			foreach (WebSocketFragment fragment in fragments)
			return new WebSocketFrame(fragments[0].Opcode, list.ToArray());

		internal static WebSocketFrame FromFragment(WebSocketFragment fragment)
			return new WebSocketFrame(fragment.Opcode, fragment.Payload);
	public enum WebSocketOpcode : byte
namespace WebSocketDotNet.Messages
	public class WebSocketBinaryMessage : WebSocketMessage
		public byte[] Data { get; private set; }

		protected override WebSocketOpcode OpcodeToSend => WebSocketOpcode.Binary;

		public WebSocketBinaryMessage(byte[] data)
			Data = data;

		internal WebSocketBinaryMessage()
			Data = MiscUtils.EmptyArray<byte>();

		protected override void ReadData(byte[] payload)
			Data = payload;

		protected override byte[] GetPayload()
			return Data;
	public class WebSocketCloseMessage : WebSocketMessage
		public WebSocketCloseCode CloseReason { get; private set; }

		public string? CloseReasonText { get; private set; }

		protected override WebSocketOpcode OpcodeToSend => WebSocketOpcode.Close;

		public WebSocketCloseMessage(WebSocketCloseCode closeReason, string? closeReasonText = null)
			CloseReason = closeReason;
			CloseReasonText = closeReasonText;

		internal WebSocketCloseMessage()
			CloseReason = WebSocketCloseCode.NoStatus;

		protected override void ReadData(byte[] payload)
			if (payload.Length != 0)
				if (payload.Length < 2)
					throw new WebSocketProtocolException($"Close message payload is too short. Expected at least 2 bytes, got {payload.Length}");
				CloseReason = (WebSocketCloseCode)((payload[0] << 8) | payload[1]);
				if (payload.Length > 2)
					CloseReasonText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payload, 2, payload.Length - 2);

		protected override byte[] GetPayload()
			if (CloseReasonText == null)
				if (CloseReason != 0)
					return new byte[2]
						(byte)((int)CloseReason >> 8),
						(byte)(CloseReason & (WebSocketCloseCode)255)
				return MiscUtils.EmptyArray<byte>();
			byte[] array = new byte[Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(CloseReasonText) + 2];
			array[0] = (byte)((int)CloseReason >> 8);
			array[1] = (byte)(CloseReason & (WebSocketCloseCode)255);
			Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(CloseReasonText, 0, CloseReasonText.Length, array, 2);
			return array;
	public abstract class WebSocketMessage
		protected abstract WebSocketOpcode OpcodeToSend { get; }

		protected abstract void ReadData(byte[] payload);

		protected abstract byte[] GetPayload();

		internal WebSocketFrame ToFrame()
			return new WebSocketFrame(OpcodeToSend, GetPayload());

		internal static WebSocketMessage FromFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
			WebSocketMessage webSocketMessage;
			switch (frame.Opcode)
			case WebSocketOpcode.Continuation:
				throw new Exception("How did we get here? Received continuation frame?");
			case WebSocketOpcode.Text:
				webSocketMessage = new WebSocketTextMessage();
			case WebSocketOpcode.Binary:
				webSocketMessage = new WebSocketBinaryMessage();
			case WebSocketOpcode.Close:
				webSocketMessage = new WebSocketCloseMessage();
			case WebSocketOpcode.Ping:
				webSocketMessage = new WebSocketPingMessage();
			case WebSocketOpcode.Pong:
				webSocketMessage = new WebSocketPongMessage();
			case WebSocketOpcode.ReservedData3:
			case WebSocketOpcode.ReservedData4:
			case WebSocketOpcode.ReservedData5:
			case WebSocketOpcode.ReservedData6:
			case WebSocketOpcode.ReservedData7:
			case WebSocketOpcode.ReservedControlB:
			case WebSocketOpcode.ReservedControlC:
			case WebSocketOpcode.ReservedControlD:
			case WebSocketOpcode.ReservedControlE:
				throw new WebSocketProtocolException($"Received frame with reserved opcode {frame.Opcode}");
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Opcode", "Unknown opcode");
			return webSocketMessage;
	public class WebSocketPingMessage : WebSocketMessage
		public byte[] PingPayload { get; private set; }

		protected override WebSocketOpcode OpcodeToSend => WebSocketOpcode.Ping;

		public WebSocketPingMessage()
			: this(MiscUtils.EmptyArray<byte>())

		public WebSocketPingMessage(string payload)
			: this(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload))

		public WebSocketPingMessage(byte[] payload)
			if (payload.Length > 125)
				throw new ArgumentException("Ping payload must be at most 125 bytes", "payload");
			PingPayload = payload;

		protected override void ReadData(byte[] payload)
			PingPayload = payload;

		protected override byte[] GetPayload()
			return PingPayload;
	public class WebSocketPongMessage : WebSocketMessage
		public byte[] PongPayload { get; private set; }

		protected override WebSocketOpcode OpcodeToSend => WebSocketOpcode.Pong;

		public WebSocketPongMessage(byte[] pongPayload)
			PongPayload = pongPayload;

		internal WebSocketPongMessage()
			PongPayload = MiscUtils.EmptyArray<byte>();

		protected override void ReadData(byte[] payload)
			PongPayload = payload;

		protected override byte[] GetPayload()
			return PongPayload;
	public class WebSocketTextMessage : WebSocketMessage
		public string Text { get; private set; }

		protected override WebSocketOpcode OpcodeToSend => WebSocketOpcode.Text;

		public WebSocketTextMessage(string text)
			Text = text;

		internal WebSocketTextMessage()
			Text = "Incoming message not decoded yet.";

		protected override void ReadData(byte[] payload)
			Text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payload);

		protected override byte[] GetPayload()
			return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Text);
namespace WebSocketDotNet.Http
	internal class EncryptedNetworkStreamProvider : RawTcpNetworkStreamProvider
		public EncryptedNetworkStreamProvider(string host, int port)
			: base(host, port)

		public override Stream GetStream()
			SslStream sslStream = new SslStream(base.GetStream(), leaveInnerStreamOpen: false);
			return sslStream;
	internal class HttpHandler
		private Uri _uri;

		private NetworkStreamProvider _underlyingClient;

		private Stream? _stream;

		public bool AnyDataAvailable => _underlyingClient.AnythingToRead;

		public Stream GetOrOpenStream()
			return _stream ?? (_stream = _underlyingClient.GetStream());

		public void CloseAnyExistingStream()
			_stream = null;

		public HttpHandler(Uri uri)
			_uri = uri;
			_underlyingClient = ((_uri.Scheme == "wss") ? new EncryptedNetworkStreamProvider(uri.DnsSafeHost, uri.Port) : new RawTcpNetworkStreamProvider(uri.DnsSafeHost, uri.Port));

		public HttpResponse SendRequestWithHeaders(Dictionary<string, string> headers)
			Stream orOpenStream = GetOrOpenStream();
			Extensions.Write(orOpenStream, GetRequestBytes(headers));
			return HttpResponse.Parse(orOpenStream.ReadToEnd(_underlyingClient));

		private byte[] GetRequestBytes(Dictionary<string, string> headers)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> header in headers)
			string s = stringBuilder.ToString();
			return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);

		private void AddRequiredHeaders(Dictionary<string, string> headers)
			if (!headers.ContainsKey("User-Agent"))
				headers.Add("User-Agent", $"{AssemblyInfo.Name}/{AssemblyInfo.Version}");
			headers["Host"] = _uri.Host;

		private string BuildProtocolLine()
			return "GET " + _uri.PathAndQuery + " HTTP/1.1";

		private string BuildHeaderLine(KeyValuePair<string, string> header)
			if (!header.Key.Contains(":"))
				return header.Key + ": " + header.Value;
			throw new Exception("Invalid HTTP Header " + header.Key);
	internal class HttpResponse
		public HttpStatusCode StatusCode { get; }

		public string StatusDescription { get; }

		public Dictionary<string, string> Headers { get; }

		private HttpResponse(HttpStatusCode statusCode, string statusDescription, Dictionary<string, string> headers)
			StatusCode = statusCode;
			StatusDescription = statusDescription;
			Headers = headers;

		public static HttpResponse Parse(byte[] resultBytes)
			string @string = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(resultBytes);
			if (!@string.StartsWith("HTTP/1.1"))
				throw new Exception("Invalid response from server - not a HTTP/1.1 response");
			string[] array = @string.Split(new string[1] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
			string text = array[0];
			string text2 = text.Substring(9, text.Length - 9);
			int num = text2.IndexOf(' ');
			int statusCode = int.Parse(text2.Substring(0, num));
			text = text2;
			int num2 = num + 1;
			string statusDescription = text.Substring(num2, text.Length - num2);
			Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
			for (int i = 1; i < array.Length; i++)
				string text3 = array[i];
				if (text3.Length == 0)
				int num3 = text3.IndexOf(':');
				string key = text3.Substring(0, num3);
				text = text3;
				num2 = num3 + 2;
				string value = text.Substring(num2, text.Length - num2);
				dictionary.Add(key, value);
			return new HttpResponse((HttpStatusCode)statusCode, statusDescription, dictionary);
	internal abstract class NetworkStreamProvider
		private const int WaitIntervalMs = 10;

		protected string Host { get; }

		protected int Port { get; }

		public abstract bool AnythingToRead { get; }

		protected NetworkStreamProvider(string host, int port)
			Host = host;
			Port = port;

		public abstract Stream GetStream();

		public void WaitForData(int timeout = 5000)
			int num = 0;
			while (!AnythingToRead)
				if ((num += 10) > timeout)
					throw new Exception("Timeout waiting for response to initial handshake");
	internal class RawTcpNetworkStreamProvider : NetworkStreamProvider
		private TcpClient? _client;

		private NetworkStream? _lastStream;

		public override bool AnythingToRead => _lastStream?.DataAvailable ?? false;

		public virtual bool IsClosed => false;

		public RawTcpNetworkStreamProvider(string host, int port)
			: base(host, port)

		private void ResetClient()
			_client = new TcpClient();
			_lastStream = null;

		public override Stream GetStream()
			_client.Connect(base.Host, base.Port);
			return _lastStream = _client.GetStream();


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using Boardgame.Modding;
using HarmonyLib;
using MelonLoader;
using MelonLoader.Modules;
using Prototyping;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Created by Lava Gang")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: Guid("FEAA0159-5871-4419-9827-3CF5CAD69A53")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("0.5.7")]
[assembly: PatchShield]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace MelonLoader
	public class Demeo_LobbyRequirement : Attribute
namespace MelonLoader.CompatibilityLayers
	internal static class Extensions
		private static FieldInfo name_field;

		private static MethodInfo name_get_method;

		private static MethodInfo name_set_method;

		private static FieldInfo version_field;

		private static MethodInfo version_method;

		private static FieldInfo author_field;

		private static MethodInfo author_method;

		private static FieldInfo description_field;

		private static MethodInfo description_method;

		private static FieldInfo isNetworkCompatible_field;

		private static MethodInfo isNetworkCompatible_method;

		internal static string GetName(this ModInformation info)
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				if (name_get_method == null)
					name_get_method = AccessTools.Property(typeof(ModInformation), "name").GetGetMethod();
				if (name_get_method != null)
					return (string)name_get_method.Invoke(info, new object[0]);
				if (name_field == null)
					name_field = AccessTools.Field(typeof(ModInformation), "name");
				if (name_field != null)
					return (string)name_field.GetValue(info);
			return null;

		internal static void SetName(this ModInformation info, string name)
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				if (name_set_method == null)
					name_set_method = AccessTools.Property(typeof(ModInformation), "name").GetSetMethod();
				if (name_set_method != null)
					name_set_method.Invoke(info, new object[1] { name });
				if (name_field == null)
					name_field = AccessTools.Field(typeof(ModInformation), "name");
				if (name_field != null)
					name_field.SetValue(info, name);

		internal static string GetVersion(this ModInformation info)
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				if (version_method == null)
					version_method = AccessTools.Property(typeof(ModInformation), "version").GetGetMethod();
				if (version_method != null)
					return (string)version_method.Invoke(info, new object[0]);
				if (version_field == null)
					version_field = AccessTools.Field(typeof(ModInformation), "version");
				if (version_field != null)
					return (string)version_field.GetValue(info);
			return null;

		internal static void SetVersion(this ModInformation info, string version)
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				if (version_method == null)
					version_method = AccessTools.Property(typeof(ModInformation), "version").GetSetMethod();
				if (version_method != null)
					version_method.Invoke(info, new object[1] { version });
				if (version_field == null)
					version_field = AccessTools.Field(typeof(ModInformation), "version");
				if (version_field != null)
					version_field.SetValue(info, version);

		internal static string GetAuthor(this ModInformation info)
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				if (author_method == null)
					author_method = AccessTools.Property(typeof(ModInformation), "author").GetGetMethod();
				if (author_method != null)
					return (string)author_method.Invoke(info, new object[0]);
				if (author_field == null)
					author_field = AccessTools.Field(typeof(ModInformation), "author");
				if (author_field != null)
					return (string)author_field.GetValue(info);
			return null;

		internal static void SetAuthor(this ModInformation info, string author)
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				if (author_method == null)
					author_method = AccessTools.Property(typeof(ModInformation), "author").GetSetMethod();
				if (author_method != null)
					author_method.Invoke(info, new object[1] { author });
				if (author_field == null)
					author_field = AccessTools.Field(typeof(ModInformation), "author");
				if (author_field != null)
					author_field.SetValue(info, author);

		internal static void SetDescription(this ModInformation info, string description)
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				if (description_method == null)
					description_method = AccessTools.Property(typeof(ModInformation), "description").GetSetMethod();
				if (description_method != null)
					description_method.Invoke(info, new object[1] { description });
				if (description_field == null)
					description_field = AccessTools.Field(typeof(ModInformation), "description");
				if (description_field != null)
					description_field.SetValue(info, description);

		internal static void SetIsNetworkCompatible(this ModInformation info, bool isNetworkCompatible)
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				if (isNetworkCompatible_method == null)
					isNetworkCompatible_method = AccessTools.Property(typeof(ModInformation), "isNetworkCompatible").GetSetMethod();
				if (isNetworkCompatible_method != null)
					isNetworkCompatible_method.Invoke(info, new object[1] { isNetworkCompatible });
				if (isNetworkCompatible_field == null)
					isNetworkCompatible_field = AccessTools.Field(typeof(ModInformation), "isNetworkCompatible");
				if (isNetworkCompatible_field != null)
					isNetworkCompatible_field.SetValue(info, isNetworkCompatible);
	internal class Demeo_Module : MelonModule
		private static Dictionary<MelonBase, ModInformation> ModInformation = new Dictionary<MelonBase, ModInformation>();

		public override void OnInitialize()
			//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			((MelonEventBase<LemonAction>)(object)MelonEvents.OnApplicationStart).Subscribe(new LemonAction(OnPreAppStart), int.MaxValue, false);
			((MelonEventBase<LemonAction<MelonBase>>)(object)MelonBase.OnMelonRegistered).Subscribe((LemonAction<MelonBase>)ParseMelon<MelonBase>, int.MaxValue, false);
			((MelonEventBase<LemonAction<MelonBase>>)(object)MelonBase.OnMelonUnregistered).Subscribe((LemonAction<MelonBase>)OnUnregister, int.MaxValue, false);

		private static void OnPreAppStart()
			//IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			new Harmony("DemeoIntegration").Patch((MethodBase)Assembly.Load("Assembly-CSharp").GetType("Prototyping.RG").GetMethod("Initialize", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public), MelonUtils.ToNewHarmonyMethod(typeof(Demeo_Module).GetMethod("InitFix", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null);
			foreach (MelonPlugin registeredMelon in MelonTypeBase<MelonPlugin>.RegisteredMelons)
			foreach (MelonMod registeredMelon2 in MelonTypeBase<MelonMod>.RegisteredMelons)

		private static void OnUnregister(MelonBase melon)
			if (melon != null && ModInformation.ContainsKey(melon))
				if (ModdingAPI.ExternallyInstalledMods == null)
					ModdingAPI.ExternallyInstalledMods = new List<ModInformation>();

		private static void ParseMelon<T>(T melon) where T : MelonBase
			//IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0022: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (melon != null && !ModInformation.ContainsKey((MelonBase)(object)melon))
				ModInformation val = new ModInformation();
				val.SetIsNetworkCompatible(MelonUtils.PullAttributeFromAssembly<Demeo_LobbyRequirement>(((MelonBase)melon).MelonAssembly.Assembly, false) == null);
				ModInformation.Add((MelonBase)(object)melon, val);
				if (ModdingAPI.ExternallyInstalledMods == null)
					ModdingAPI.ExternallyInstalledMods = new List<ModInformation>();

		private static bool InitFix()
			if (MotherbrainGlobalVars.IsRunningOnDesktop)
			return true;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using IllusionInjector;
using IllusionPlugin;
using MelonLoader;
using MelonLoader.Modules;
using MelonLoader.MonoInternals;
using MelonLoader.Preferences;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Created by Lava Gang")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: Guid("5100810A-9842-4073-9658-E5841FDF9D73")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("0.5.7")]
[assembly: PatchShield]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace IllusionInjector
	public static class PluginManager
		public class AppInfo
			public static string StartupPath => MelonUtils.GameDirectory;

		internal static List<IPlugin> _Plugins = new List<IPlugin>();

		public static IEnumerable<IPlugin> Plugins => _Plugins;
namespace IllusionPlugin
	public interface IEnhancedPlugin : IPlugin
		string[] Filter { get; }

		void OnLateUpdate();
	public interface IPlugin
		string Name { get; }

		string Version { get; }

		void OnApplicationStart();

		void OnApplicationQuit();

		void OnLevelWasLoaded(int level);

		void OnLevelWasInitialized(int level);

		void OnUpdate();

		void OnFixedUpdate();
	public static class ModPrefs
		public static string GetString(string section, string name, string defaultValue = "", bool autoSave = false)
			MelonPreferences_Category val = MelonPreferences.GetCategory(section);
			if (val == null)
				val = MelonPreferences.CreateCategory(section);
			MelonPreferences_Entry<string> val2 = val.GetEntry<string>(name);
			if (val2 == null)
				val2 = val.CreateEntry<string>(name, defaultValue, (string)null, (string)null, false, false, (ValueValidator)null, (string)null);
			return val2.Value;

		public static int GetInt(string section, string name, int defaultValue = 0, bool autoSave = false)
			MelonPreferences_Category val = MelonPreferences.GetCategory(section);
			if (val == null)
				val = MelonPreferences.CreateCategory(section);
			MelonPreferences_Entry<int> val2 = val.GetEntry<int>(name);
			if (val2 == null)
				val2 = val.CreateEntry<int>(name, defaultValue, (string)null, (string)null, false, false, (ValueValidator)null, (string)null);
			return val2.Value;

		public static float GetFloat(string section, string name, float defaultValue = 0f, bool autoSave = false)
			MelonPreferences_Category val = MelonPreferences.GetCategory(section);
			if (val == null)
				val = MelonPreferences.CreateCategory(section);
			MelonPreferences_Entry<float> val2 = val.GetEntry<float>(name);
			if (val2 == null)
				val2 = val.CreateEntry<float>(name, defaultValue, (string)null, (string)null, false, false, (ValueValidator)null, (string)null);
			return val2.Value;

		public static bool GetBool(string section, string name, bool defaultValue = false, bool autoSave = false)
			MelonPreferences_Category val = MelonPreferences.GetCategory(section);
			if (val == null)
				val = MelonPreferences.CreateCategory(section);
			MelonPreferences_Entry<bool> val2 = val.GetEntry<bool>(name);
			if (val2 == null)
				val2 = val.CreateEntry<bool>(name, defaultValue, (string)null, (string)null, false, false, (ValueValidator)null, (string)null);
			return val2.Value;

		public static bool HasKey(string section, string name)
			return MelonPreferences.HasEntry(section, name);

		public static void SetFloat(string section, string name, float value)
			MelonPreferences_Category val = MelonPreferences.GetCategory(section);
			if (val == null)
				val = MelonPreferences.CreateCategory(section);
			MelonPreferences_Entry<float> val2 = val.GetEntry<float>(name);
			if (val2 == null)
				val2 = val.CreateEntry<float>(name, value, (string)null, (string)null, false, false, (ValueValidator)null, (string)null);
			val2.Value = value;

		public static void SetInt(string section, string name, int value)
			MelonPreferences_Category val = MelonPreferences.GetCategory(section);
			if (val == null)
				val = MelonPreferences.CreateCategory(section);
			MelonPreferences_Entry<int> val2 = val.GetEntry<int>(name);
			if (val2 == null)
				val2 = val.CreateEntry<int>(name, value, (string)null, (string)null, false, false, (ValueValidator)null, (string)null);
			val2.Value = value;

		public static void SetString(string section, string name, string value)
			MelonPreferences_Category val = MelonPreferences.GetCategory(section);
			if (val == null)
				val = MelonPreferences.CreateCategory(section);
			MelonPreferences_Entry<string> val2 = val.GetEntry<string>(name);
			if (val2 == null)
				val2 = val.CreateEntry<string>(name, value, (string)null, (string)null, false, false, (ValueValidator)null, (string)null);
			val2.Value = value;

		public static void SetBool(string section, string name, bool value)
			MelonPreferences_Category val = MelonPreferences.GetCategory(section);
			if (val == null)
				val = MelonPreferences.CreateCategory(section);
			MelonPreferences_Entry<bool> val2 = val.GetEntry<bool>(name);
			if (val2 == null)
				val2 = val.CreateEntry<bool>(name, value, (string)null, (string)null, false, false, (ValueValidator)null, (string)null);
			val2.Value = value;
namespace MelonLoader.CompatibilityLayers
	internal class IPAPluginWrapper : MelonMod
		internal IPlugin pluginInstance;

		public override void OnInitializeMelon()

		public override void OnDeinitializeMelon()

		public override void OnSceneWasLoaded(int buildIndex, string sceneName)

		public override void OnSceneWasInitialized(int buildIndex, string sceneName)

		public override void OnUpdate()

		public override void OnFixedUpdate()

		public override void OnLateUpdate()
			if (pluginInstance is IEnhancedPlugin enhancedPlugin)
	internal class IPA_Module : MelonModule
		public override void OnInitialize()
			string[] obj = new string[2] { "IllusionPlugin", "IllusionInjector" };
			Assembly assembly = typeof(IPA_Module).Assembly;
			string[] array = obj;
			for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
				MonoResolveManager.GetAssemblyResolveInfo(array[i]).Override = assembly;
			MelonAssembly.CustomMelonResolvers += Resolve;

		private ResolvedMelons Resolve(Assembly asm)
			//IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0039: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0099: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009f: Expected O, but got Unknown
			IEnumerable<Type> validTypes = MelonUtils.GetValidTypes(asm, (LemonFunc<Type, bool>)delegate(Type x)
				Type[] interfaces = x.GetInterfaces();
				return interfaces != null && interfaces.Any() && interfaces.Contains(typeof(IPlugin));
			if (validTypes != null && validTypes.Any())
				List<MelonBase> list = new List<MelonBase>();
				List<RottenMelon> list2 = new List<RottenMelon>();
				foreach (Type item in validTypes)
					RottenMelon rottenMelon;
					MelonBase val = LoadPlugin(asm, item, out rottenMelon);
					if (val != null)
				return new ResolvedMelons(list.ToArray(), list2.ToArray());
			return new ResolvedMelons((MelonBase[])null, (RottenMelon[])null);

		private MelonBase LoadPlugin(Assembly asm, Type pluginType, out RottenMelon rottenMelon)
			//IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0022: Expected O, but got Unknown
			rottenMelon = null;
			IPlugin plugin;
				plugin = Activator.CreateInstance(pluginType) as IPlugin;
			catch (Exception ex)
				rottenMelon = new RottenMelon(pluginType, "Failed to create a new instance of the IPA Plugin.", ex);
				return null;
			MelonProcessAttribute[] array = null;
			if (plugin is IEnhancedPlugin enhancedPlugin)
				array = enhancedPlugin.Filter?.Select((Func<string, MelonProcessAttribute>)((string x) => new MelonProcessAttribute(x))).ToArray();
			string text = plugin.Name;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
				text = pluginType.FullName;
			string text2 = plugin.Version;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text2))
				text2 = asm.GetName().Version.ToString();
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text2) || text2.Equals(""))
				text2 = "";
			IPAPluginWrapper iPAPluginWrapper = MelonBase.CreateWrapper<IPAPluginWrapper>(text, (string)null, text2, (MelonGameAttribute[])null, array, 0, (ConsoleColor?)null, (ConsoleColor?)null, (string)null);
			iPAPluginWrapper.pluginInstance = plugin;
			return (MelonBase)(object)iPAPluginWrapper;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using AssetRipper.VersionUtilities;
using Il2CppSystem;
using MelonLoader;
using MelonLoader.InternalUtils;
using MelonLoader.MelonStartScreen.NativeUtils;
using MelonLoader.MelonStartScreen.Properties;
using MelonLoader.MelonStartScreen.UI;
using MelonLoader.MelonStartScreen.UI.Objects;
using MelonLoader.MelonStartScreen.UI.Themes;
using MelonLoader.Modules;
using MelonLoader.NativeUtils;
using MelonLoader.NativeUtils.PEParser;
using MelonLoader.Preferences;
using MelonUnityEngine;
using MelonUnityEngine.CoreModule;
using MelonUnityEngine.Rendering;
using Tomlet;
using Tomlet.Attributes;
using Tomlet.Models;
using UnhollowerMini;
using UnityPlayer;
using Windows;
using mgGif;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Created by Lava Gang")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: Guid("762d7545-6f6b-441a-b040-49cc31a1713b")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("0.5.7")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace Windows
	internal class DropFile
		private uint pFiles = 14u;

		public Point pt;

		public bool fNC;

		private bool fWide = true;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 300)]
		public string file = "";
	internal struct Msg
		public IntPtr hwnd;

		public WindowMessage message;

		public IntPtr wParam;

		public IntPtr lParam;

		public uint time;

		public Point pt;
	internal struct Point
		public int x;

		public int y;
	internal static class User32
		public delegate void TimerProc(IntPtr hWnd, uint uMsg, IntPtr nIDEvent, uint dwTime);

		public static extern bool PeekMessage(out Msg lpMsg, IntPtr hWnd, uint wMsgFilterMin, uint wMsgFilterMax, uint wRemoveMsg);

		public static extern bool TranslateMessage([In] ref Msg lpMsg);

		public static extern IntPtr DispatchMessage([In] ref Msg lpmsg);

		public static extern IntPtr GetMessageExtraInfo();

		[DllImport("user32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
		public static extern IntPtr SetTimer(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr nIDEvent, uint uElapse, TimerProc lpTimerFunc);

		[DllImport("user32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
		public static extern bool KillTimer(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr uIDEvent);

		public static extern IntPtr SetClipboardData(uint uFormat, ref DropFile hMem);
	internal enum WindowMessage : uint
		NULL = 0u,
		CREATE = 1u,
		DESTROY = 2u,
		MOVE = 3u,
		SIZE = 5u,
		ACTIVATE = 6u,
		SETFOCUS = 7u,
		ENABLE = 10u,
		SETREDRAW = 11u,
		SETTEXT = 12u,
		GETTEXT = 13u,
		PAINT = 15u,
		CLOSE = 16u,
		QUERYOPEN = 19u,
		QUIT = 18u,
		SETCURSOR = 32u,
		QUEUESYNC = 35u,
		PAINTICON = 38u,
		DRAWITEM = 43u,
		SETFONT = 48u,
		GETFONT = 49u,
		SETHOTKEY = 50u,
		GETHOTKEY = 51u,
		GETOBJECT = 61u,
		POWER = 72u,
		COPYDATA = 74u,
		NOTIFY = 78u,
		TCARD = 82u,
		HELP = 83u,
		GETICON = 127u,
		SETICON = 128u,
		NCCREATE = 129u,
		NCDESTROY = 130u,
		NCCALCSIZE = 131u,
		NCHITTEST = 132u,
		NCPAINT = 133u,
		NCACTIVATE = 134u,
		GETDLGCODE = 135u,
		SYNCPAINT = 136u,
		INPUT = 255u,
		KEYFIRST = 256u,
		KEYDOWN = 256u,
		KEYUP = 257u,
		CHAR = 258u,
		DEADCHAR = 259u,
		SYSKEYDOWN = 260u,
		SYSKEYUP = 261u,
		SYSCHAR = 262u,
		UNICHAR = 265u,
		KEYLAST = 264u,
		IME_KEYLAST = 271u,
		INITDIALOG = 272u,
		COMMAND = 273u,
		SYSCOMMAND = 274u,
		TIMER = 275u,
		HSCROLL = 276u,
		VSCROLL = 277u,
		INITMENU = 278u,
		MENUSELECT = 287u,
		MENUCHAR = 288u,
		ENTERIDLE = 289u,
		MENUDRAG = 291u,
		MOUSEFIRST = 512u,
		MOUSEMOVE = 512u,
		LBUTTONUP = 514u,
		RBUTTONUP = 517u,
		MBUTTONUP = 520u,
		MOUSEWHEEL = 522u,
		XBUTTONUP = 524u,
		MOUSELAST = 526u,
		NEXTMENU = 531u,
		SIZING = 532u,
		MOVING = 534u,
		MDICREATE = 544u,
		MDIDESTROY = 545u,
		MDIRESTORE = 547u,
		MDINEXT = 548u,
		MDITILE = 550u,
		MDICASCADE = 551u,
		MDISETMENU = 560u,
		DROPFILES = 563u,
		IME_NOTIFY = 642u,
		IME_CONTROL = 643u,
		IME_SELECT = 645u,
		IME_CHAR = 646u,
		IME_REQUEST = 648u,
		IME_KEYDOWN = 656u,
		IME_KEYUP = 657u,
		MOUSEHOVER = 673u,
		MOUSELEAVE = 675u,
		TABLET_FIRST = 704u,
		TABLET_LAST = 735u,
		CUT = 768u,
		COPY = 769u,
		PASTE = 770u,
		CLEAR = 771u,
		UNDO = 772u,
		HOTKEY = 786u,
		PRINT = 791u,
		APPCOMMAND = 793u,
		AFXFIRST = 864u,
		AFXLAST = 895u,
		PENWINLAST = 911u,
		APP = 32768u,
		USER = 1024u,
		CPL_LAUNCH = 5120u,
		CPL_LAUNCHED = 5121u,
		SYSTIMER = 280u,
namespace UnityPlayer
	internal class GfxDevice
		private delegate void PresentFrameDelegate();

		private delegate void WaitForLastPresentationAndGetTimestampDelegate(IntPtr gfxDevice);

		private delegate IntPtr GetRealGfxDeviceDelegate();

		[NativeSignature(1u, NativeSignatureFlags.X86, "e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 85 c0 74 12 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8b ?? 8b ?? 8b 42 70 ff d0 84 c0 75", new string[] { "2017.1.0", "5.6.0", "2017.1.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(2u, NativeSignatureFlags.X86, "55 8b ec 51 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 85 c0 74 12 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8b c8 8b 10 8b 42 ?? ff d0 84 c0 75", new string[] { "2018.1.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(3u, NativeSignatureFlags.X86, "55 8b ec 51 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 85 c0 74 15 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8b c8 8b 10 8b 82 ?? 00 00 00 ff d0", new string[] { "2018.4.9", "2019.1.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(4u, NativeSignatureFlags.X86, "55 8b ec 51 56 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8b f0 8b ce e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 85 c0 74 ?? e8", new string[] { "2018.4.18", "2019.3.0", "2020.1.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(1u, NativeSignatureFlags.X64, "48 83 ec 28 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 85 c0 74 15 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8b c8 48 8b 10 ff 92 e0 00 00 00 84 c0", new string[] { "5.6.0", "2017.1.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(2u, NativeSignatureFlags.X64, "48 83 ec 28 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 85 c0 74 15 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8b c8 48 8b 10 ff 92 ?? ?? 00 00 84 c0", new string[] { "2018.3.0", "2019.1.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(3u, NativeSignatureFlags.X64, "40 53 48 83 ec 20 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8b c8 48 8b d8 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 85 c0 74", new string[] { "2018.4.18", "2019.3.0", "2020.1.0" })]
		private static PresentFrameDelegate m_PresentFrame;

		[NativeSignature(0u, NativeSignatureFlags.None, null, new string[] { "2017.1.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(1u, NativeSignatureFlags.X86, "55 8b ec 83 ec 40 53 56 8b d9 57 89 5d fc e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 6a 02 8b c8", new string[] { "2020.2.7", "2020.3.0", "2021.1.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(2u, NativeSignatureFlags.X86, "55 8b ec 83 ec 48 53 56 8b d9 57 89 5d fc e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 6a 02 8b c8", new string[] { "2021.1.5", "2021.2.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(3u, NativeSignatureFlags.X86, "55 8b ec 83 ec 58 53 56 8b d9 57 89 5d fc e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 6a 02 8b c8", new string[] { "2022.1.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(4u, (NativeSignatureFlags)18, null, new string[] { "2020.3.9" })]
		[NativeSignature(1u, NativeSignatureFlags.X64, "48 89 5c 24 10 56 48 81 ec 90 00 00 00 0f 29 b4 24 80 00 00 00 48 8b f1", new string[] { "2020.2.7", "2020.3.0", "2021.1.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(2u, NativeSignatureFlags.X64, "48 89 5c 24 10 56 48 81 ec b0 00 00 00 0f 29 b4 24 a0 00 00 00 48 8b f1", new string[] { "2022.1.0" })]
		private static WaitForLastPresentationAndGetTimestampDelegate m_D3D11WaitForLastPresentationAndGetTimestamp;

		[NativeSignature(0u, NativeSignatureFlags.None, null, new string[] { "2017.1.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(1u, NativeSignatureFlags.X86, "55 8b ec 83 ec 40 53 56 57 8b f9 89 7d f4 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 6a 02 8b c8", new string[] { "2020.2.7", "2020.3.0", "2021.1.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(2u, NativeSignatureFlags.X86, "55 8b ec 83 ec 48 56 57 8b f9 89 7d f0 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 6a 02 8b c8", new string[] { "2020.3.9", "2021.1.5" })]
		[NativeSignature(3u, NativeSignatureFlags.X86, "55 8b ec 83 ec 48 56 57 8b f9 89 7d f8 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 6a 02 8b c8", new string[] { "2021.2.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(4u, NativeSignatureFlags.X86, "55 8b ec 83 ec 58 56 57 8b f9 89 7d f8 e8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 6a 02 8b c8", new string[] { "2022.1.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(1u, NativeSignatureFlags.X64, "48 89 5c 24 08 57 48 81 ec 90 00 00 00 0f 29 b4 24 80 00 00 00 48 8b d9", new string[] { "2020.2.7", "2020.3.0", "2021.1.0" })]
		[NativeSignature(2u, NativeSignatureFlags.X64, "48 89 5c 24 08 57 48 81 ec b0 00 00 00 0f 29 b4 24 a0 00 00 00 48 8b d9", new string[] { "2022.1.0" })]
		private static WaitForLastPresentationAndGetTimestampDelegate m_D3D12WaitForLastPresentationAndGetTimestamp;

		private static GetRealGfxDeviceDelegate m_GetRealGfxDevice;

		static GfxDevice()
			//IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			UnityVersion engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
			if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[3] { "2020.2.7", "2020.3.0", "2021.1.0" }))
				m_GetRealGfxDevice = (GetRealGfxDeviceDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(CppUtils.ResolveRelativeInstruction((IntPtr)((long)UnityInternals.ResolveICall("UnityEngine.FrameTimingManager::CaptureFrameTimings") + ((!MelonUtils.IsGame32Bit()) ? 4 : 0))), typeof(GetRealGfxDeviceDelegate));

		public static void PresentFrame()

		public static IntPtr GetRealGfxDevice()
			return m_GetRealGfxDevice();

		internal static void WaitForLastPresentationAndGetTimestamp(uint deviceType)
			if (m_GetRealGfxDevice == null)
				throw new NotImplementedException();
			IntPtr realGfxDevice = GetRealGfxDevice();
			if (realGfxDevice == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new NotImplementedException();
			switch (deviceType)
			case 2u:
				if (m_D3D11WaitForLastPresentationAndGetTimestamp == null)
					throw new NotImplementedException();
			case 18u:
				if (m_D3D12WaitForLastPresentationAndGetTimestamp == null)
					throw new NotImplementedException();
				throw new NotImplementedException();
namespace MelonUnityEngine
	internal struct Color
		private static readonly IntPtr m_ToString;

		public float r;

		public float g;

		public float b;

		public float a;

		static Color()
			InternalClassPointerStore<Color>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Color");
			m_ToString = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<Color>.NativeClassPtr, "ToString", "System.String");

		public Color(float r, float g, float b, float a = 1f)
			this.r = r;
			this.g = g;
			this.b = b;
			this.a = a;
	internal struct Color32
		public byte r;

		public byte g;

		public byte b;

		public byte a;

		public int rgba;

		static Color32()
			InternalClassPointerStore<Color32>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Color32");

		public Color32(byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a)
			rgba = 0;
			this.r = r;
			this.g = g;
			this.b = b;
			this.a = a;

		public static implicit operator Color(Color32 c)
			return new Color((float)(int)c.r / 255f, (float)(int)c.g / 255f, (float)(int)c.b / 255f, (float)(int)c.a / 255f);
	internal enum FilterMode
	internal sealed class GL
		private delegate bool d_get_sRGBWrite();

		private static readonly d_get_sRGBWrite m_get_sRGBWrite;

		public static bool sRGBWrite => m_get_sRGBWrite();

		static GL()
			m_get_sRGBWrite = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<d_get_sRGBWrite>("UnityEngine.GL::get_sRGBWrite");
	internal class Graphics : InternalObjectBase
		private delegate IntPtr Internal_DrawMeshNow1_InjectedDelegate(IntPtr mesh, int subsetIndex, ref Vector3 position, ref Quaternion rotation);

		private delegate void Internal_DrawTextureDelegate(IntPtr args);

		private static readonly Internal_DrawTextureDelegate fd_Internal_DrawTexture;

		private static readonly Internal_DrawMeshNow1_InjectedDelegate fd_Internal_DrawMeshNow1_Injected;

		private static readonly int m_DrawTexture_Internal_struct;

		static Graphics()
			//IL_002e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ae: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00da: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00df: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_010b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0110: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			m_DrawTexture_Internal_struct = -1;
			InternalClassPointerStore<Graphics>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Graphics");
			fd_Internal_DrawTexture = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<Internal_DrawTextureDelegate>("UnityEngine.Graphics::Internal_DrawTexture");
			UnityVersion engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
			if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[2] { "2018.2.0", "2019.1.0" }))
				fd_Internal_DrawMeshNow1_Injected = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<Internal_DrawMeshNow1_InjectedDelegate>("UnityEngine.Graphics::Internal_DrawMeshNow1_Injected");
				fd_Internal_DrawMeshNow1_Injected = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<Internal_DrawMeshNow1_InjectedDelegate>("UnityEngine.Graphics::INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_DrawMeshNow1");
			engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
			if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[2] { "2019.3.0", "2020.1.0" }))
				m_DrawTexture_Internal_struct = 3;
			engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
			if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[2] { "2018.2.0", "2019.1.0" }))
				m_DrawTexture_Internal_struct = 2;
			engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
			if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[2] { "2017.3.0", "2018.1.0" }))
				m_DrawTexture_Internal_struct = 1;
			engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
			if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[1] { "2017.2.0" }))
				m_DrawTexture_Internal_struct = 0;

		public Graphics(IntPtr ptr)
			: base(ptr)

		public unsafe static void DrawTexture(Rect screenRect, Texture2D texture)
			if (texture != null && !(texture.Pointer == IntPtr.Zero))
				if (m_DrawTexture_Internal_struct == 0)
					Internal_DrawTextureArguments_2017 internal_DrawTextureArguments_ = default(Internal_DrawTextureArguments_2017);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_.screenRect = screenRect;
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_.sourceRect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_.color = new Color32(128, 128, 128, 128);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_.texture = UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(texture);
				else if (m_DrawTexture_Internal_struct == 1)
					Internal_DrawTextureArguments_2018 internal_DrawTextureArguments_2 = default(Internal_DrawTextureArguments_2018);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_2.screenRect = screenRect;
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_2.sourceRect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_2.color = new Color32(128, 128, 128, 128);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_2.texture = UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(texture);
				else if (m_DrawTexture_Internal_struct == 2)
					Internal_DrawTextureArguments_2019 internal_DrawTextureArguments_3 = default(Internal_DrawTextureArguments_2019);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_3.screenRect = screenRect;
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_3.sourceRect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_3.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_3.texture = UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(texture);
				else if (m_DrawTexture_Internal_struct == 3)
					Internal_DrawTextureArguments_2020 internal_DrawTextureArguments_4 = default(Internal_DrawTextureArguments_2020);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_4.screenRect = screenRect;
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_4.sourceRect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_4.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_4.leftBorderColor = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_4.topBorderColor = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_4.rightBorderColor = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_4.bottomBorderColor = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f);
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_4.smoothCorners = true;
					internal_DrawTextureArguments_4.texture = UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(texture);

		public static void DrawMeshNow(Mesh mesh, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
			DrawMeshNow(mesh, position, rotation, -1);

		public static void DrawMeshNow(Mesh mesh, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, int materialIndex)
			if (mesh == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("mesh");
			Internal_DrawMeshNow1(mesh, materialIndex, position, rotation);

		private static void Internal_DrawMeshNow1(Mesh mesh, int subsetIndex, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
			Internal_DrawMeshNow1_Injected(mesh, subsetIndex, ref position, ref rotation);

		private static void Internal_DrawMeshNow1_Injected(Mesh mesh, int subsetIndex, ref Vector3 position, ref Quaternion rotation)
			if (mesh != null && !(mesh.Pointer == IntPtr.Zero))
				fd_Internal_DrawMeshNow1_Injected(UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtr(mesh), subsetIndex, ref position, ref rotation);
	internal enum HideFlags
		None = 0,
		HideInHierarchy = 1,
		HideInInspector = 2,
		DontSaveInEditor = 4,
		NotEditable = 8,
		DontSaveInBuild = 16,
		DontUnloadUnusedAsset = 32,
		DontSave = 52,
		HideAndDontSave = 61
	internal static class ImageConversion
		private delegate bool ImageConversion_LoadImage_Delegate(IntPtr tex, IntPtr data, bool markNonReadable);

		private static ImageConversion_LoadImage_Delegate ImageConversion_LoadImage;

		static ImageConversion()
			IntPtr intPtr = UnityInternals.ResolveICall("UnityEngine.ImageConversion::LoadImage(UnityEngine.Texture2D,System.Byte[],System.Boolean)");
			if (intPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
				ImageConversion_LoadImage = (ImageConversion_LoadImage_Delegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(intPtr, typeof(ImageConversion_LoadImage_Delegate));
				MelonLogger.Error("Failed to resolve icall UnityEngine.ImageConversion::LoadImage(UnityEngine.Texture2D,System.Byte[],System.Boolean)");

		public unsafe static bool LoadImage(Texture2D tex, byte[] data, bool markNonReadable)
			if (ImageConversion_LoadImage == null)
				MelonLogger.Error("Failed to run UnityEngine.ImageConversion::LoadImage(UnityEngine.Texture2D,System.Byte[],System.Boolean)");
				return false;
			IntPtr intPtr = UnityInternals.array_new(InternalClassPointerStore<byte>.NativeClassPtr, (uint)data.Length);
			for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
				((byte*)((IntPtr)((long)intPtr + 4 * IntPtr.Size)).ToPointer())[i] = data[i];
			return ImageConversion_LoadImage(tex.Pointer, intPtr, markNonReadable);
	internal struct Internal_DrawTextureArguments_2017
		public Rect screenRect;

		public Rect sourceRect;

		public int leftBorder;

		public int rightBorder;

		public int topBorder;

		public int bottomBorder;

		public Color32 color;

		public Vector4 borderWidths;

		public float cornerRadius;

		public int pass;

		public IntPtr texture;

		public IntPtr mat;
	internal struct Internal_DrawTextureArguments_2018
		public Rect screenRect;

		public Rect sourceRect;

		public int leftBorder;

		public int rightBorder;

		public int topBorder;

		public int bottomBorder;

		public Color32 color;

		public Vector4 borderWidths;

		public Vector4 cornerRadius;

		public int pass;

		public IntPtr texture;

		public IntPtr mat;
	internal struct Internal_DrawTextureArguments_2019
		public Rect screenRect;

		public Rect sourceRect;

		public int leftBorder;

		public int rightBorder;

		public int topBorder;

		public int bottomBorder;

		public Color color;

		public Vector4 borderWidths;

		public Vector4 cornerRadius;

		public int pass;

		public IntPtr texture;

		public IntPtr mat;
	internal struct Internal_DrawTextureArguments_2020
		public Rect screenRect;

		public Rect sourceRect;

		public int leftBorder;

		public int rightBorder;

		public int topBorder;

		public int bottomBorder;

		public Color leftBorderColor;

		public Color rightBorderColor;

		public Color topBorderColor;

		public Color bottomBorderColor;

		public Color color;

		public Vector4 borderWidths;

		public Vector4 cornerRadiuses;

		public bool smoothCorners;

		public int pass;

		public IntPtr texture;

		public IntPtr mat;
	internal class Material : UnityObject
		private delegate bool d_SetPass(IntPtr @this, int pass);

		private static readonly d_SetPass m_SetPass;

		static Material()
			InternalClassPointerStore<Material>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Material");
			m_SetPass = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<d_SetPass>("UnityEngine.Material::SetPass");

		public Material(IntPtr ptr)
			: base(ptr)

		public bool SetPass(int pass)
			return m_SetPass(UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this), pass);
	internal sealed class Mesh : UnityObject
		private delegate void SetArrayForChannelImpl_2017(IntPtr @this, int channel, int format, int dim, IntPtr values, int arraySize);

		private delegate void SetArrayForChannelImpl_2019(IntPtr @this, int channel, int format, int dim, IntPtr values, int arraySize, int valuesStart, int valuesCount);

		private delegate void SetArrayForChannelImpl_2020(IntPtr @this, int channel, int format, int dim, IntPtr values, int arraySize, int valuesStart, int valuesCount, int updateFlags);

		private static readonly IntPtr m_ctor;

		private static readonly IntPtr m_set_triangles;

		private static readonly IntPtr m_RecalculateBounds;

		private static readonly SetArrayForChannelImpl_2017 m_SetArrayForChannelImpl_2017;

		private static readonly SetArrayForChannelImpl_2019 m_SetArrayForChannelImpl_2019;

		private static readonly SetArrayForChannelImpl_2020 m_SetArrayForChannelImpl_2020;

		private static readonly int type_SetArrayForChannelImpl;

		public unsafe Vector3[] vertices
				int num = value.Length;
				IntPtr intPtr = UnityInternals.array_new(InternalClassPointerStore<Vector3>.NativeClassPtr, (ulong)num);
				for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
					*(Vector3*)((nint)((long)intPtr + 4 * IntPtr.Size) + (nint)i * (nint)sizeof(Vector3)) = value[i];
				SetArrayForChannelImpl(VertexAttribute.Vertex, intPtr, 3, num);

		public unsafe Vector3[] normals
				int num = value.Length;
				IntPtr intPtr = UnityInternals.array_new(InternalClassPointerStore<Vector3>.NativeClassPtr, (ulong)num);
				for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
					*(Vector3*)((nint)((long)intPtr + 4 * IntPtr.Size) + (nint)i * (nint)sizeof(Vector3)) = value[i];
				SetArrayForChannelImpl(VertexAttribute.Normal, intPtr, 3, num);

		public unsafe Vector4[] tangents
				int num = value.Length;
				IntPtr intPtr = UnityInternals.array_new(InternalClassPointerStore<Vector4>.NativeClassPtr, (ulong)num);
				for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
					*(Vector4*)((nint)((long)intPtr + 4 * IntPtr.Size) + (nint)i * (nint)sizeof(Vector4)) = value[i];
				SetArrayForChannelImpl(VertexAttribute.Tangent, intPtr, 4, num);

		public unsafe Vector2[] uv
				int num = value.Length;
				IntPtr intPtr = UnityInternals.array_new(InternalClassPointerStore<Vector2>.NativeClassPtr, (ulong)num);
				for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
					*(Vector2*)((nint)((long)intPtr + 4 * IntPtr.Size) + (nint)i * (nint)sizeof(Vector2)) = value[i];
				SetArrayForChannelImpl(VertexAttribute.TexCoord0, intPtr, 2, num);

		public unsafe Color[] colors
				int num = value.Length;
				IntPtr intPtr = UnityInternals.array_new(InternalClassPointerStore<Color>.NativeClassPtr, (ulong)num);
				for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
					*(Color*)((nint)((long)intPtr + 4 * IntPtr.Size) + (nint)i * (nint)sizeof(Color)) = value[i];
				SetArrayForChannelImpl(VertexAttribute.Color, intPtr, 4, num);

		public unsafe int[] triangles
				IntPtr intPtr = UnityInternals.array_new(InternalClassPointerStore<int>.NativeClassPtr, (ulong)value.Length);
				for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)
					*(int*)((nint)((long)intPtr + 4 * IntPtr.Size) + (nint)i * (nint)4) = value[i];
				void** ptr = stackalloc void*[1];
				*ptr = (void*)intPtr;
				IntPtr exc = default(IntPtr);
				UnityInternals.runtime_invoke(m_set_triangles, UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this), ptr, ref exc);

		static Mesh()
			//IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0093: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00cb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00fe: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0103: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			type_SetArrayForChannelImpl = -1;
			InternalClassPointerStore<Mesh>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Mesh");
			m_ctor = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<Mesh>.NativeClassPtr, ".ctor", "System.Void");
			m_set_triangles = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<Mesh>.NativeClassPtr, "set_triangles", "System.Void", "System.Int32[]");
			m_RecalculateBounds = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<Mesh>.NativeClassPtr, "RecalculateBounds", "System.Void");
			UnityVersion engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
			if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[1] { "2020.1.0" }))
				m_SetArrayForChannelImpl_2020 = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<SetArrayForChannelImpl_2020>("UnityEngine.Mesh::SetArrayForChannelImpl");
				type_SetArrayForChannelImpl = 2;
			engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
			if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[1] { "2019.3.0" }))
				m_SetArrayForChannelImpl_2019 = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<SetArrayForChannelImpl_2019>("UnityEngine.Mesh::SetArrayForChannelImpl");
				type_SetArrayForChannelImpl = 1;
			engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
			if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[1] { "2017.1.0" }))
				m_SetArrayForChannelImpl_2017 = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<SetArrayForChannelImpl_2017>("UnityEngine.Mesh::SetArrayForChannelImpl");
				type_SetArrayForChannelImpl = 0;

		public Mesh(IntPtr ptr)
			: base(ptr)

		public unsafe Mesh()
			: base(UnityInternals.object_new(InternalClassPointerStore<Mesh>.NativeClassPtr))
			IntPtr exc = default(IntPtr);
			UnityInternals.runtime_invoke(m_ctor, UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this), null, ref exc);

		private void SetArrayForChannelImpl(int channel, IntPtr values, int channelDimensions, int valuesCount)
			if (type_SetArrayForChannelImpl == 0)
				m_SetArrayForChannelImpl_2017(UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this), channel, 0, channelDimensions, values, valuesCount);
			if (type_SetArrayForChannelImpl == 1)
				m_SetArrayForChannelImpl_2019(UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this), channel, 0, channelDimensions, values, valuesCount, 0, valuesCount);
			if (type_SetArrayForChannelImpl == 2)
				m_SetArrayForChannelImpl_2020(UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this), channel, 0, channelDimensions, values, valuesCount, 0, valuesCount, 0);
			throw new NotImplementedException("SetArrayForChannel isn't implemented for this version of Unity");

		public unsafe void RecalculateBounds()
			IntPtr exc = default(IntPtr);
			UnityInternals.runtime_invoke(m_RecalculateBounds, UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this), null, ref exc);
	internal struct Quaternion
		public float x;

		public float y;

		public float z;

		public float w;

		public static Quaternion identity => default(Quaternion);

		static Quaternion()
			InternalClassPointerStore<Quaternion>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Quaternion");
	internal struct Rect
		public float m_XMin;

		public float m_YMin;

		public float m_Width;

		public float m_Height;

		static Rect()
			InternalClassPointerStore<Rect>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Rect");

		public Rect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
			m_XMin = x;
			m_YMin = y;
			m_Width = width;
			m_Height = height;
	internal class Resources
		private static readonly IntPtr m_GetBuiltinResource;

		static Resources()
			InternalClassPointerStore<Resources>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Resources");
			m_GetBuiltinResource = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<Resources>.NativeClassPtr, "GetBuiltinResource", "UnityEngine.Object", "System.Type", "System.String");

		public unsafe static IntPtr GetBuiltinResource(Il2CppSystem.Type type, string path)
			void** ptr = stackalloc void*[2];
			*ptr = (void*)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtr(type);
			ptr[1] = (void*)UnityInternals.ManagedStringToInternal(path);
			IntPtr exc = default(IntPtr);
			MelonDebug.Msg("Calling runtime_invoke for GetBuiltinResource");
			IntPtr result = UnityInternals.runtime_invoke(m_GetBuiltinResource, IntPtr.Zero, ptr, ref exc);
			MelonDebug.Msg("returnedException: " + exc + ", objectPointer: " + result);
			return result;

		public static T GetBuiltinResource<T>(string path) where T : InternalObjectBase
			IntPtr builtinResource = GetBuiltinResource(InternalType.Of<T>(), path);
			if (!(builtinResource != IntPtr.Zero))
				return null;
			return (T)typeof(T).GetConstructor(new System.Type[1] { typeof(IntPtr) }).Invoke(new object[1] { builtinResource });
	internal class Screen
		private static IntPtr m_get_width;

		private static IntPtr m_get_height;

		public unsafe static int width
				IntPtr* param = null;
				IntPtr exc = IntPtr.Zero;
				IntPtr obj = UnityInternals.runtime_invoke(m_get_width, IntPtr.Zero, (void**)param, ref exc);
				return *(int*)(void*)UnityInternals.object_unbox(obj);

		public unsafe static int height
				IntPtr* param = null;
				IntPtr exc = IntPtr.Zero;
				IntPtr obj = UnityInternals.runtime_invoke(m_get_height, IntPtr.Zero, (void**)param, ref exc);
				return *(int*)(void*)UnityInternals.object_unbox(obj);

		static Screen()
			InternalClassPointerStore<Screen>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Screen");
			m_get_width = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<Screen>.NativeClassPtr, "get_width", "System.Int32");
			m_get_height = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<Screen>.NativeClassPtr, "get_height", "System.Int32");
	internal class Texture : UnityObject
		private delegate int GetDataWidthDelegate(IntPtr @this);

		private delegate int GetDataHeightDelegate(IntPtr @this);

		private delegate int set_filterModeDelegate(IntPtr @this, FilterMode filterMode);

		private static readonly GetDataWidthDelegate getDataWidth;

		private static readonly GetDataHeightDelegate getDataHeight;

		private static readonly set_filterModeDelegate set_filterMode_;

		public int width => getDataWidth(UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this));

		public int height => getDataHeight(UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this));

		public FilterMode filterMode
				set_filterMode_(UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this), value);

		static Texture()
			//IL_0019: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0060: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			InternalClassPointerStore<Texture>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Texture");
			UnityVersion engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
			if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[1] { "2018.1.0" }))
				getDataWidth = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<GetDataWidthDelegate>("UnityEngine.Texture::GetDataWidth");
				getDataHeight = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<GetDataHeightDelegate>("UnityEngine.Texture::GetDataHeight");
				engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
				if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[1] { "2017.1.0" }))
					getDataWidth = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<GetDataWidthDelegate>("UnityEngine.Texture::Internal_GetWidth");
					getDataHeight = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<GetDataHeightDelegate>("UnityEngine.Texture::Internal_GetHeight");
			set_filterMode_ = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<set_filterModeDelegate>("UnityEngine.Texture::set_filterMode");

		public Texture(IntPtr ptr)
			: base(ptr)
	internal class Texture2D : Texture
		private delegate void SetPixelsImplDelegate_2017(IntPtr @this, int x, int y, int w, int h, IntPtr pixel, int miplevel);

		private delegate void SetPixelsImplDelegate_2018(IntPtr @this, int x, int y, int w, int h, IntPtr pixel, int miplevel, int frame);

		private static readonly IntPtr m_get_whiteTexture;

		private static readonly IntPtr m_ctor;

		private static readonly SetPixelsImplDelegate_2017 m_SetPixelsImpl_2017;

		private static readonly SetPixelsImplDelegate_2018 m_SetPixelsImpl_2018;

		private static readonly IntPtr m_Apply;

		private static readonly int type_SetPixelsImpl;

		public unsafe static Texture2D whiteTexture
				IntPtr exc = IntPtr.Zero;
				IntPtr intPtr = UnityInternals.runtime_invoke(m_get_whiteTexture, IntPtr.Zero, null, ref exc);
				if (!(intPtr == IntPtr.Zero))
					return new Texture2D(intPtr);
				return null;

		static Texture2D()
			//IL_0077: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			type_SetPixelsImpl = -1;
			InternalClassPointerStore<Texture2D>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Texture2D");
			m_ctor = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<Texture2D>.NativeClassPtr, ".ctor", "System.Void", "System.Int32", "System.Int32");
			m_get_whiteTexture = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<Texture2D>.NativeClassPtr, "get_whiteTexture", "UnityEngine.Texture2D");
			UnityVersion engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
			if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[1] { "2018.1.0" }))
				type_SetPixelsImpl = 1;
				m_SetPixelsImpl_2018 = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<SetPixelsImplDelegate_2018>("UnityEngine.Texture2D::SetPixelsImpl");
				engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
				if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[1] { "2017.1.0" }))
					type_SetPixelsImpl = 0;
					m_SetPixelsImpl_2017 = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<SetPixelsImplDelegate_2017>("UnityEngine.Texture2D::SetPixels");
			m_Apply = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<Texture2D>.NativeClassPtr, "Apply", "System.Void");

		public Texture2D(IntPtr ptr)
			: base(ptr)

		public unsafe Texture2D(int width, int height)
			: base(UnityInternals.object_new(InternalClassPointerStore<Texture2D>.NativeClassPtr))
			void** ptr = stackalloc void*[2];
			*ptr = &width;
			ptr[1] = &height;
			IntPtr exc = default(IntPtr);
			UnityInternals.runtime_invoke(m_ctor, UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this), ptr, ref exc);

		public void SetPixels(Color[] colors)
			SetPixels(0, 0, base.width, base.height, colors);

		public void SetPixels(int x, int y, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, Color[] colors, int miplevel = 0)
			SetPixelsImpl(x, y, blockWidth, blockHeight, colors, miplevel, 0);

		public unsafe void SetPixelsImpl(int x, int y, int w, int h, Color[] pixel, int miplevel, int frame)
			IntPtr intPtr = UnityInternals.array_new(InternalClassPointerStore<Color>.NativeClassPtr, (uint)pixel.Length);
			for (int i = 0; i < pixel.Length; i++)
				*(Color*)((byte*)((IntPtr)((long)intPtr + 4 * IntPtr.Size)).ToPointer() + (nint)i * (nint)sizeof(Color)) = pixel[i];
			if (type_SetPixelsImpl == 0)
				m_SetPixelsImpl_2017(UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this), x, y, w, h, intPtr, miplevel);
			else if (type_SetPixelsImpl == 1)
				m_SetPixelsImpl_2018(UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this), x, y, w, h, intPtr, miplevel, frame);

		public unsafe void Apply()
			IntPtr exc = default(IntPtr);
			UnityInternals.runtime_invoke(m_Apply, UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this), null, ref exc);
	internal static class UnityDebug
		private delegate bool get_isDebugBuild_Delegate();

		private static get_isDebugBuild_Delegate get_isDebugBuild_Ptr;

		internal static bool isDebugBuild => get_isDebugBuild_Ptr();

		static UnityDebug()
			IntPtr intPtr = UnityInternals.ResolveICall("UnityEngine.Debug::get_isDebugBuild");
			if (intPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
				get_isDebugBuild_Ptr = (get_isDebugBuild_Delegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(intPtr, typeof(get_isDebugBuild_Delegate));
				MelonLogger.Error("Failed to resolve icall UnityEngine.Debug::get_isDebugBuild");
	internal class UnityObject : InternalObjectBase
		private delegate HideFlags get_hideFlags_Delegate(IntPtr obj);

		private delegate void set_hideFlags_Delegate(IntPtr obj, HideFlags hideFlags);

		private static get_hideFlags_Delegate m_get_hideFlags;

		private static set_hideFlags_Delegate m_set_hideFlags;

		private static IntPtr m_DestroyImmediate;

		private static IntPtr m_DontDestroyOnLoad;

		public HideFlags hideFlags
				if (base.Pointer == IntPtr.Zero)
					return HideFlags.None;
				return m_get_hideFlags(base.Pointer);
				if (!(base.Pointer == IntPtr.Zero))
					m_set_hideFlags(base.Pointer, value);

		static UnityObject()
			InternalClassPointerStore<UnityObject>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Object");
			m_DestroyImmediate = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<UnityObject>.NativeClassPtr, "DestroyImmediate", "System.Void", "UnityEngine.Object");
			m_DontDestroyOnLoad = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<UnityObject>.NativeClassPtr, "DontDestroyOnLoad", "System.Void", "UnityEngine.Object");
			m_get_hideFlags = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<get_hideFlags_Delegate>("UnityEngine.Object::get_hideFlags(UnityEngine.Object)");
			m_set_hideFlags = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<set_hideFlags_Delegate>("UnityEngine.Object::set_hideFlags(UnityEngine.Object)");

		public UnityObject(IntPtr ptr)
			: base(ptr)

		public unsafe void DestroyImmediate()
			if (!(base.Pointer == IntPtr.Zero))
				void** ptr = stackalloc void*[1];
				*ptr = base.Pointer.ToPointer();
				IntPtr exc = IntPtr.Zero;
				UnityInternals.runtime_invoke(m_DestroyImmediate, IntPtr.Zero, ptr, ref exc);

		public unsafe void DontDestroyOnLoad()
			if (!(base.Pointer == IntPtr.Zero))
				void** ptr = stackalloc void*[1];
				*ptr = base.Pointer.ToPointer();
				IntPtr exc = IntPtr.Zero;
				UnityInternals.runtime_invoke(m_DontDestroyOnLoad, IntPtr.Zero, ptr, ref exc);
	internal struct Vector2
		public float x;

		public float y;

		static Vector2()
			InternalClassPointerStore<Vector2>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Vector2");

		public Vector2(float x, float y)
			this.x = x;
			this.y = y;
	internal struct Vector3
		public float x;

		public float y;

		public float z;

		public static Vector3 zero => default(Vector3);

		static Vector3()
			InternalClassPointerStore<Vector3>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Vector3");

		public Vector3(float x, float y, float z)
			this.x = x;
			this.y = y;
			this.z = z;

		public static Vector3 operator *(Vector3 a, float d)
			return new Vector3(a.x * d, a.y * d, a.z * d);

		public override string ToString()
			return $"{x} {y} {z}";
	internal struct Vector4
		public float x;

		public float y;

		public float z;

		public float w;

		static Vector4()
			InternalClassPointerStore<Vector4>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Vector4");

		public static explicit operator Vector2(Vector4 src)
			return new Vector2(src.x, src.y);
	internal enum VerticalWrapMode
	internal class Font : UnityObject
		private static IntPtr m_get_material;

		public unsafe Material material
				IntPtr exc = default(IntPtr);
				IntPtr intPtr = UnityInternals.runtime_invoke(m_get_material, UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this), null, ref exc);
				if (!(intPtr != IntPtr.Zero))
					return null;
				return new Material(intPtr);

		static Font()
			InternalClassPointerStore<Font>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "Font");
			m_get_material = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<Font>.NativeClassPtr, "get_material", "UnityEngine.Material");

		public Font(IntPtr ptr)
			: base(ptr)
	internal enum FontStyle
	internal enum TextAnchor
	internal class TextGenerationSettings : InternalObjectBase
		private static readonly int classsize;

		private static readonly IntPtr f_font;

		private static readonly IntPtr f_color;

		private static readonly IntPtr f_fontSize;

		private static readonly IntPtr f_lineSpacing;

		private static readonly IntPtr f_richText;

		private static readonly IntPtr f_scaleFactor;

		private static readonly IntPtr f_fontStyle;

		private static readonly IntPtr f_textAnchor;

		private static readonly IntPtr f_verticalOverflow;

		private static readonly IntPtr f_generationExtents;

		private static readonly IntPtr f_pivot;

		public unsafe Font font
				IntPtr intPtr = *(IntPtr*)((uint)(int)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_font));
				if (!(intPtr != IntPtr.Zero))
					return null;
				return new Font(intPtr);
				*(IntPtr*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_font)) = UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtr(value);

		public unsafe Color color
				return *(Color*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_color));
				*(Color*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_color)) = value;

		public unsafe int fontSize
				return *(int*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_fontSize));
				*(int*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_fontSize)) = value;

		public unsafe float lineSpacing
				return *(float*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_lineSpacing));
				*(float*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_lineSpacing)) = value;

		public unsafe bool richText
				return *(bool*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_richText));
				*(bool*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_richText)) = value;

		public unsafe float scaleFactor
				return *(float*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_scaleFactor));
				*(float*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_scaleFactor)) = value;

		public unsafe FontStyle fontStyle
				return *(FontStyle*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_fontStyle));
				*(FontStyle*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_fontStyle)) = value;

		public unsafe TextAnchor textAnchor
				return *(TextAnchor*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_textAnchor));
				*(TextAnchor*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_textAnchor)) = value;

		public unsafe VerticalWrapMode verticalOverflow
				return *(VerticalWrapMode*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_verticalOverflow));
				*(VerticalWrapMode*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_verticalOverflow)) = value;

		public unsafe Vector2 generationExtents
				return *(Vector2*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_generationExtents));
				*(Vector2*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_generationExtents)) = value;

		public unsafe Vector2 pivot
				return *(Vector2*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_pivot));
				*(Vector2*)((long)UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this) + UnityInternals.field_get_offset(f_pivot)) = value;

		static TextGenerationSettings()
			InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerationSettings>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "TextGenerationSettings");
			uint align = 0u;
			classsize = UnityInternals.class_value_size(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerationSettings>.NativeClassPtr, ref align);
			f_font = UnityInternals.GetField(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerationSettings>.NativeClassPtr, "font");
			f_color = UnityInternals.GetField(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerationSettings>.NativeClassPtr, "color");
			f_fontSize = UnityInternals.GetField(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerationSettings>.NativeClassPtr, "fontSize");
			f_lineSpacing = UnityInternals.GetField(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerationSettings>.NativeClassPtr, "lineSpacing");
			f_richText = UnityInternals.GetField(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerationSettings>.NativeClassPtr, "richText");
			f_scaleFactor = UnityInternals.GetField(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerationSettings>.NativeClassPtr, "scaleFactor");
			f_fontStyle = UnityInternals.GetField(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerationSettings>.NativeClassPtr, "fontStyle");
			f_textAnchor = UnityInternals.GetField(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerationSettings>.NativeClassPtr, "textAnchor");
			f_verticalOverflow = UnityInternals.GetField(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerationSettings>.NativeClassPtr, "verticalOverflow");
			f_generationExtents = UnityInternals.GetField(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerationSettings>.NativeClassPtr, "generationExtents");
			f_pivot = UnityInternals.GetField(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerationSettings>.NativeClassPtr, "pivot");

		public TextGenerationSettings(IntPtr ptr)
			: base(ptr)

		public unsafe TextGenerationSettings()
			byte** ptr = stackalloc byte*[classsize];
			IntPtr obj = UnityInternals.value_box(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerationSettings>.NativeClassPtr, (IntPtr)ptr);
			myGcHandle = UnityInternals.gchandle_new(obj, pinned: false);
	internal class TextGenerator : InternalObjectBase
		private delegate int get_vertexCountDelegate(IntPtr @this);

		private delegate IntPtr GetVerticesArrayDelegate(IntPtr @this);

		private static readonly IntPtr m_ctor;

		private static readonly IntPtr m_Populate;

		private static readonly get_vertexCountDelegate fd_get_vertexCount;

		private static readonly GetVerticesArrayDelegate fd_GetVerticesArray;

		public int vertexCount => fd_get_vertexCount(UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this));

		static TextGenerator()
			InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerator>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll", "UnityEngine", "TextGenerator");
			m_ctor = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerator>.NativeClassPtr, ".ctor", "System.Void");
			m_Populate = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerator>.NativeClassPtr, "Populate", "System.Boolean", "System.String", "UnityEngine.TextGenerationSettings");
			fd_get_vertexCount = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<get_vertexCountDelegate>("UnityEngine.TextGenerator::get_vertexCount");
			fd_GetVerticesArray = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<GetVerticesArrayDelegate>("UnityEngine.TextGenerator::GetVerticesArray");

		public TextGenerator(IntPtr ptr)
			: base(ptr)

		public unsafe TextGenerator()
			: this(UnityInternals.object_new(InternalClassPointerStore<TextGenerator>.NativeClassPtr))
			IntPtr exc = default(IntPtr);
			UnityInternals.runtime_invoke(m_ctor, UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this), null, ref exc);

		public unsafe bool Populate(string str, TextGenerationSettings settings)
			void** ptr = stackalloc void*[2];
			*ptr = (void*)UnityInternals.ManagedStringToInternal(str);
			ptr[1] = (void*)UnityInternals.object_unbox(UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(settings));
			IntPtr exc = default(IntPtr);
			IntPtr obj = UnityInternals.runtime_invoke(m_Populate, UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this), ptr, ref exc);
			return *(bool*)(void*)UnityInternals.object_unbox(obj);

		public UIVertexWrapper[] GetVerticesArray()
			IntPtr intPtr = fd_GetVerticesArray(UnityInternals.ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(this));
			if (intPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				return null;
			UIVertexWrapper[] array = new UIVertexWrapper[UnityInternals.array_length(intPtr)];
			for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
				array[i] = new UIVertexWrapper((IntPtr)((long)intPtr + 4 * IntPtr.Size + i * UIVertexWrapper.sizeOfElement));
			return array;
	internal struct UIVertex_2020
		public Vector3 position;

		public Vector3 normal;

		public Vector4 tangent;

		public Color32 color;

		public Vector4 uv0;

		public Vector4 uv1;

		public Vector4 uv2;

		public Vector4 uv3;
	internal struct UIVertex_2018
		public Vector3 position;

		public Vector3 normal;

		public Vector4 tangent;

		public Color32 color;

		public Vector2 uv0;

		public Vector2 uv1;

		public Vector2 uv2;

		public Vector2 uv3;
	internal struct UIVertex_2017
		public Vector3 position;

		public Vector3 normal;

		public Color32 color;

		public Vector2 uv0;

		public Vector2 uv1;

		public Vector2 uv2;

		public Vector2 uv3;

		public Vector4 tangent;
	internal struct UIVertexWrapper
		private static readonly int mode;

		public static readonly int sizeOfElement;

		private IntPtr ptr;

		public unsafe Vector3 position
				if (mode != 2)
					if (mode != 1)
						if (mode != 0)
							throw new Exception("UIVertex mode not set");
						return ((UIVertex_2017*)(void*)ptr)->position;
					return ((UIVertex_2018*)(void*)ptr)->position;
				return ((UIVertex_2020*)(void*)ptr)->position;

		public unsafe Vector3 normal
				if (mode != 2)
					if (mode != 1)
						if (mode != 0)
							throw new Exception("UIVertex mode not set");
						return ((UIVertex_2017*)(void*)ptr)->normal;
					return ((UIVertex_2018*)(void*)ptr)->normal;
				return ((UIVertex_2020*)(void*)ptr)->normal;

		public unsafe Vector4 tangent
				if (mode != 2)
					if (mode != 1)
						if (mode != 0)
							throw new Exception("UIVertex mode not set");
						return ((UIVertex_2017*)(void*)ptr)->tangent;
					return ((UIVertex_2018*)(void*)ptr)->tangent;
				return ((UIVertex_2020*)(void*)ptr)->tangent;

		public unsafe Color32 color
				if (mode != 2)
					if (mode != 1)
						if (mode != 0)
							throw new Exception("UIVertex mode not set");
						return ((UIVertex_2017*)(void*)ptr)->color;
					return ((UIVertex_2018*)(void*)ptr)->color;
				return ((UIVertex_2020*)(void*)ptr)->color;

		public unsafe Vector2 uv0
				if (mode != 2)
					if (mode != 1)
						if (mode != 0)
							throw new Exception("UIVertex mode not set");
						return ((UIVertex_2017*)(void*)ptr)->uv0;
					return ((UIVertex_2018*)(void*)ptr)->uv0;
				return (Vector2)((UIVertex_2020*)(void*)ptr)->uv0;

		unsafe static UIVertexWrapper()
			//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0048: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0081: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			mode = -1;
			sizeOfElement = 0;
			UnityVersion engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
			if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[2] { "2020.2.0", "2021.1.0" }))
				mode = 2;
				sizeOfElement = sizeof(UIVertex_2020);
			engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
			if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[1] { "2018.1.0" }))
				mode = 1;
				sizeOfElement = sizeof(UIVertex_2018);
			engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
			if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[1] { "2017.2.0" }))
				mode = 0;
				sizeOfElement = sizeof(UIVertex_2017);

		public UIVertexWrapper(IntPtr ptr)
			this.ptr = ptr;
namespace MelonUnityEngine.Rendering
	internal static class VertexAttribute
		public static int Vertex = 0;

		public static int Normal = 1;

		[NativeFieldValue(1u, NativeSignatureFlags.None, 7, new string[] { "2017.1.0" })]
		[NativeFieldValue(2u, NativeSignatureFlags.None, 2, new string[] { "2018.1.0" })]
		public static int Tangent = 0;

		[NativeFieldValue(1u, NativeSignatureFlags.None, 2, new string[] { "2017.1.0" })]
		[NativeFieldValue(2u, NativeSignatureFlags.None, 3, new string[] { "2018.1.0" })]
		public static int Color = 0;

		[NativeFieldValue(1u, NativeSignatureFlags.None, 3, new string[] { "2017.1.0" })]
		[NativeFieldValue(2u, NativeSignatureFlags.None, 4, new string[] { "2018.1.0" })]
		public static int TexCoord0 = 0;
namespace MelonUnityEngine.CoreModule
	internal sealed class SystemInfo
		private delegate uint d_GetGraphicsDeviceType();

		private static readonly d_GetGraphicsDeviceType m_GetGraphicsDeviceType;

		static SystemInfo()
			//IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			UnityVersion engineVersion = UnityInformationHandler.EngineVersion;
			if (NativeSignatureResolver.IsUnityVersionOverOrEqual(((UnityVersion)(ref engineVersion)).ToStringWithoutType(), new string[1] { "2018.1.0" }))
				m_GetGraphicsDeviceType = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<d_GetGraphicsDeviceType>("UnityEngine.SystemInfo::GetGraphicsDeviceType");
				m_GetGraphicsDeviceType = UnityInternals.ResolveICall<d_GetGraphicsDeviceType>("UnityEngine.SystemInfo::get_graphicsDeviceType");

		public static uint GetGraphicsDeviceType()
			return m_GetGraphicsDeviceType();
namespace Il2CppSystem
	internal class Byte
		public byte m_value;

		static Byte()
			InternalClassPointerStore<byte>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("mscorlib.dll", "System", "Byte");
	internal class Int32
		public int m_value;

		static Int32()
			InternalClassPointerStore<int>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("mscorlib.dll", "System", "Int32");
	internal class Type : InternalObjectBase
		private static readonly IntPtr m_internal_from_handle;

		static Type()
			InternalClassPointerStore<Type>.NativeClassPtr = UnityInternals.GetClass("mscorlib.dll", "System", "Type");
			m_internal_from_handle = UnityInternals.GetMethod(InternalClassPointerStore<Type>.NativeClassPtr, "internal_from_handle", "System.Type", "System.IntPtr");

		public Type(IntPtr ptr)
			: base(ptr)

		public unsafe static Type internal_from_handle(IntPtr handle)
			void** ptr = stackalloc void*[1];
			*ptr = &handle;
			IntPtr exc = default(IntPtr);
			IntPtr intPtr = UnityInternals.runtime_invoke(m_internal_from_handle, IntPtr.Zero, ptr, ref exc);
			if (!(intPtr != IntPtr.Zero))
				return null;
			return new Type(intPtr);
namespace UnhollowerMini
	internal class Il2CppException : Exception
		private static byte[] ourMessageBytes;

		public static Func<IntPtr, string> ParseMessageHook;

		public Il2CppException(IntPtr exception)
			: base(BuildMessage(exception))

		private unsafe static string BuildMessage(IntPtr exception)
			if (ParseMessageHook != null)
				return ParseMessageHook(exception);
			if (ourMessageBytes == null)
				ourMessageBytes = new byte[65536];
			fixed (byte* message = ourMessageBytes)
				UnityInternals.format_exception(exception, message, ourMessageBytes.Length);
			string @string = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ourMessageBytes, 0, Array.IndexOf(ourMessageBytes, (byte)0));
			fixed (byte* output = ourMessageBytes)
				UnityInternals.format_stack_trace(exception, output, ourMessageBytes.Length);
			return @string + "\n" + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ourMessageBytes, 0, Array.IndexOf(ourMessageBytes, (byte)0));

		public static void RaiseExceptionIfNecessary(IntPtr returnedException)
			if (returnedException == IntPtr.Zero)
			throw new Il2CppException(returnedException);
	internal static class InternalClassPointerStore<T>
		public static IntPtr NativeClassPtr;

		public static System.Type CreatedTypeRedirect;

		static InternalClassPointerStore()
			System.Type typeFromHandle = typeof(T);
			if (typeFromHandle.IsPrimitive || (object)typeFromHandle == typeof(string))
				MelonDebug.Msg("Running class constructor on Il2Cpp" + typeFromHandle.FullName);
				RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor(typeof(InternalClassPointerStore<>).Assembly.GetType("Il2Cpp" + typeFromHandle.FullName).TypeHandle);
				MelonDebug.Msg("Done running class constructor");
	internal class InternalObjectBase
		protected uint myGcHandle;

		public IntPtr Pointer
				IntPtr intPtr = UnityInternals.gchandle_get_target(myGcHandle);
				if (intPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
					throw new ObjectCollectedException("Object was garbage collected");
				return intPtr;

		protected InternalObjectBase()

		public InternalObjectBase(IntPtr pointer)
			if (pointer == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new NullReferenceException();
			myGcHandle = UnityInternals.gchandle_new(pointer, pinned: false);

	internal static class InternalType
		public static Il2CppSystem.Type TypeFromPointer(IntPtr classPointer, string typeName = "<unknown type>")
			if (classPointer == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ArgumentException(typeName + " does not have a corresponding internal class pointer");
			IntPtr intPtr = UnityInternals.class_get_type(classPointer);
			if (intPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ArgumentException(typeName + " does not have a corresponding class type pointer");
			return Il2CppSystem.Type.internal_from_handle(intPtr);

		public static Il2CppSystem.Type Of<T>()
			return TypeFromPointer(InternalClassPointerStore<T>.NativeClassPtr, typeof(T).Name);
	internal class ObjectCollectedException : Exception
		public ObjectCollectedException(string message)
			: base(message)
	internal static class UnityInternals
		private delegate void delegate_gfunc_mono_assembly_foreach(IntPtr assembly, IntPtr user_data);

		private class InternalAssembly
			public IntPtr ptr;

			public string name;

			public InternalAssembly(IntPtr ptr)
				this.ptr = ptr;
				if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
					name = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(il2cpp_image_get_filename(this.ptr));
					name = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(mono_image_get_filename(this.ptr));

		private class InternalClass
			public IntPtr ptr;

			public string name;

			public string name_space;

			public InternalClass(IntPtr ptr)
				this.ptr = ptr;
				if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
					name = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(il2cpp_class_get_name(ptr));
					name_space = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(il2cpp_class_get_namespace(ptr));
				throw new NotImplementedException();

			public InternalClass(IntPtr ptr, string name, string name_space)
				if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
					throw new NotImplementedException();
				this.ptr = ptr; = name;
				this.name_space = name_space;

		private struct MonoMethod
			public ushort flags;

			public ushort iflags;

			public uint token;

			public unsafe MonoClass* klass;

			public unsafe MonoMethodSignature* signature;

			public unsafe byte* name;

			public IntPtr method_pointer;

			public IntPtr invoke_pointer;

			public ushort bitfield;

			public int slot;

			internal unsafe void applyZeroes()
				flags = 0;
				iflags = 0;
				token = 0u;
				klass = null;
				signature = null;
				name = null;
				method_pointer = IntPtr.Zero;
				invoke_pointer = IntPtr.Zero;
				bitfield = 0;
				slot = 0;

		private struct MonoMethodSignature
			public IntPtr ret;

			public ushort param_cout;

			internal void ApplyZeroes()
				ret = (IntPtr)0;
				param_cout = 0;

		private struct MonoClass
			public unsafe MonoClass* element_class;

			public unsafe MonoClass* cast_class;

			public unsafe MonoClass** supertypes;

			public ushort idepth;

			public byte rank;

			public byte class_kind;

			public int instance_size;

			public uint bitfield1;

			public byte min_align;

			public uint bitfield2;

			private byte exception_type;

			public unsafe MonoClass* parent;

			public unsafe MonoClass* nested_in;

			public IntPtr nested_in_0x04;

			public IntPtr nested_in_0x08;

			public IntPtr nested_in_0x0C;

			public IntPtr nested_in_0x10;

			internal unsafe void applyZeroes()
				element_class = null;
				cast_class = null;
				supertypes = null;
				idepth = 0;
				rank = 0;
				class_kind = 0;
				instance_size = 0;
				bitfield1 = 0u;
				min_align = 0;
				bitfield2 = 0u;
				exception_type = 0;
				parent = null;
				nested_in = null;
				nested_in_0x04 = (IntPtr)0;
				nested_in_0x08 = (IntPtr)0;
				nested_in_0x0C = (IntPtr)0;
				nested_in_0x10 = (IntPtr)0;

		private struct MonoType
			public IntPtr data;

			public short attrs;

			public byte type;

			public byte bitflags;

			internal void applyZeroes()
				data = (IntPtr)0;
				attrs = 0;
				type = 0;
				bitflags = 0;

		private static readonly IntPtr domain;

		private static readonly List<InternalAssembly> assemblies;

		private static readonly uint monoClassOffset;

		unsafe static UnityInternals()
			assemblies = new List<InternalAssembly>();
			monoClassOffset = 0u;
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				domain = il2cpp_domain_get();
				uint size = 0u;
				IntPtr* ptr = il2cpp_domain_get_assemblies(domain, ref size);
				for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
					assemblies.Add(new InternalAssembly(il2cpp_assembly_get_image(ptr[i])));
			domain = mono_domain_get();
			MonoClass* ptr2 = (MonoClass*)(void*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(MonoClass));
			ptr2->nested_in_0x04 = (IntPtr)4660;
			ptr2->nested_in_0x08 = (IntPtr)22136;
			ptr2->nested_in_0x0C = (IntPtr)36882;
			long num = (long)mono_class_get_name((IntPtr)ptr2);
			MelonDebug.Msg($"returnedName {num:X}");
			switch (num)
			case 4660L:
				monoClassOffset = 0u;
			case 22136L:
				monoClassOffset = (uint)IntPtr.Size;
			case 36882L:
				monoClassOffset = (uint)(IntPtr.Size * 2);
				throw new Exception("Failed to find MonoClass name offset");
			MelonDebug.Msg("monoClassOffset? " + monoClassOffset);

		internal unsafe static IntPtr GetClass(string assemblyname, string name_space, string classname)
			MelonDebug.Msg("GetClass " + assemblyname + " " + name_space + " " + classname);
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				IntPtr intPtr = il2cpp_class_from_name((assemblies.FirstOrDefault((InternalAssembly a) => == assemblyname) ?? throw new Exception("Unable to find assembly " + assemblyname + " in il2cpp domain")).ptr, name_space, classname);
				MelonDebug.Msg($" > 0x{(long)intPtr:X}");
				return intPtr;
			string text = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name_space) ? "" : (name_space + "." + classname));
			System.Type type = (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FirstOrDefault((Assembly a) => a.GetName().Name + ".dll" == assemblyname) ?? throw new Exception("Unable to find assembly " + assemblyname + " in mono domain")).GetType(text);
			if ((object)type == null)
				throw new Exception("Unable to find class " + text + " in assembly " + assemblyname);
			MelonDebug.Msg($" > 0x{(long)(*(IntPtr*)(void*)type.TypeHandle.Value):X}");
			return *(IntPtr*)(void*)type.TypeHandle.Value;

		public static IntPtr GetField(IntPtr clazz, string fieldName)
			MelonDebug.Msg("GetField " + fieldName);
			if (clazz == IntPtr.Zero)
				return IntPtr.Zero;
			IntPtr intPtr = (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp() ? il2cpp_class_get_field_from_name(clazz, fieldName) : mono_class_get_field_from_name(clazz, fieldName));
			if (intPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new Exception("Field " + fieldName + " was not found on class " + Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp() ? il2cpp_class_get_name(clazz) : mono_class_get_name(clazz)));
			MelonDebug.Msg($" > 0x{(long)intPtr:X}");
			return intPtr;

		internal static IntPtr GetMethod(IntPtr clazz, string name, string returntype, params string[] parameters)
			MelonDebug.Msg("GetMethod " + returntype + " " + name + "(" + string.Join(", ", parameters) + ")");
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				IntPtr iter = IntPtr.Zero;
				IntPtr intPtr;
				while ((intPtr = il2cpp_class_get_methods(clazz, ref iter)) != IntPtr.Zero)
					if (Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(il2cpp_method_get_name(intPtr)) != name || Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(il2cpp_type_get_name(il2cpp_method_get_return_type(intPtr))) != returntype || parameters.Length != il2cpp_method_get_param_count(intPtr))
					bool flag = true;
					for (uint num = 0u; num < parameters.Length; num++)
						if (Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(il2cpp_type_get_name(il2cpp_method_get_param(intPtr, num))) != parameters[num])
							flag = false;
					if (flag)
						MelonDebug.Msg($" > 0x{(long)intPtr:X}");
						return intPtr;
				IntPtr iter2 = IntPtr.Zero;
				IntPtr intPtr2;
				while ((intPtr2 = mono_class_get_methods(clazz, ref iter2)) != IntPtr.Zero)
					if (Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(mono_method_get_name(intPtr2)) != name)
					IntPtr sig = mono_method_get_signature(intPtr2, IntPtr.Zero, 0u);
					if (Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(mono_type_get_name(mono_signature_get_return_type(sig))) != returntype || parameters.Length != mono_signature_get_param_count(sig))
					bool flag2 = true;
					IntPtr iter3 = IntPtr.Zero;
					int num2 = 0;
					IntPtr type;
					while ((type = mono_signature_get_params(sig, ref iter3)) != IntPtr.Zero)
						if (Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(mono_type_get_name(type)) != parameters[num2])
							flag2 = false;
					if (flag2)
						MelonDebug.Msg($" > 0x{(long)intPtr2:X}");
						return intPtr2;
			throw new Exception("Unable to find method " + returntype + " " + name + "(" + string.Join(", ", parameters) + ")");

		public static IntPtr ObjectBaseToPtr(InternalObjectBase obj)
			return obj?.Pointer ?? IntPtr.Zero;

		public static IntPtr ObjectBaseToPtrNotNull(InternalObjectBase obj)
			if (obj == null)
				throw new NullReferenceException();
			return obj.Pointer;

		public unsafe static IntPtr ManagedStringToInternal(string str)
			if (str == null)
				return IntPtr.Zero;
			fixed (char* text = str)
				if (!MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
					return mono_string_new_utf16(domain, text, str.Length);
				return il2cpp_string_new_utf16(text, str.Length);

		public unsafe static IntPtr ResolveICall(string signature)
			MelonDebug.Msg("Resolving ICall " + signature);
			IntPtr intPtr;
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				intPtr = il2cpp_resolve_icall(signature);
				MonoMethod* intPtr2 = IcallToFakeMonoMethod(signature);
				intPtr = mono_lookup_internal_call((IntPtr)intPtr2);
			if (intPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new Exception("ICall " + signature + " not resolved");
			MelonDebug.Msg($" > 0x{(long)intPtr:X}");
			return intPtr;

		public static T ResolveICall<T>(string signature) where T : Delegate
			IntPtr intPtr = ResolveICall(signature);
			if (!(intPtr == IntPtr.Zero))
				return (T)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(intPtr, typeof(T));
			return null;

		private unsafe static MonoMethod* IcallToFakeMonoMethod(string icallName)
			string[] array = icallName.Split(new string[1] { "::" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
			int num = array[1].IndexOf('(');
			if (num >= 0)
				array[1] = array[1].Substring(0, num);
			MonoMethod* ptr = (MonoMethod*)(void*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(MonoMethod) + 256);
			ptr->klass = (MonoClass*)(void*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(MonoClass) + 256);
			ptr->name = (byte*)(void*)Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(array[1]);
			int num2 = array[0].LastIndexOf('.');
			if (num2 < 0)
				*(IntPtr*)((ulong)(&ptr->klass->nested_in_0x08) + (ulong)monoClassOffset) = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("");
				*(IntPtr*)((ulong)(&ptr->klass->nested_in_0x04) + (ulong)monoClassOffset) = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(array[0]);
				string s = array[0].Substring(0, num2);
				string s2 = array[0].Substring(num2 + 1);
				*(IntPtr*)((ulong)(&ptr->klass->nested_in_0x08) + (ulong)monoClassOffset) = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(s);
				*(IntPtr*)((ulong)(&ptr->klass->nested_in_0x04) + (ulong)monoClassOffset) = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(s2);
			MonoMethodSignature* ptr2 = (MonoMethodSignature*)(void*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(MonoMethodSignature));
			ptr->signature = ptr2;
			return ptr;

		private unsafe static void DestroyFakeMonoMethod(MonoMethod* monoMethod)
			Marshal.FreeHGlobal(*(IntPtr*)((ulong)(&monoMethod->klass->nested_in_0x04) + (ulong)monoClassOffset));
			Marshal.FreeHGlobal(*(IntPtr*)((ulong)(&monoMethod->klass->nested_in_0x08) + (ulong)monoClassOffset));

		public static IntPtr class_get_type(IntPtr klass)
			if (!MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				return mono_class_get_type(klass);
			return il2cpp_class_get_type(klass);

		public static void runtime_class_init(IntPtr klass)
			if (klass == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ArgumentException("Class to init is null");
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())

		public unsafe static IntPtr runtime_invoke(IntPtr method, IntPtr obj, void** param, ref IntPtr exc)
			if (!MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				return mono_runtime_invoke(method, obj, param, ref exc);
			return il2cpp_runtime_invoke(method, obj, param, ref exc);

		public static IntPtr array_new(IntPtr elementTypeInfo, ulong length)
			if (!MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				return mono_array_new(domain, elementTypeInfo, length);
			return il2cpp_array_new(elementTypeInfo, length);

		public unsafe static uint array_length(IntPtr array)
			if (!MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				return *(uint*)((long)array + IntPtr.Size * 3);
			return il2cpp_array_length(array);

		public static uint field_get_offset(IntPtr field)
			if (!MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				return mono_field_get_offset(field);
			return il2cpp_field_get_offset(field);

		public static IntPtr object_unbox(IntPtr obj)
			if (!MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				return mono_object_unbox(obj);
			return il2cpp_object_unbox(obj);

		public static IntPtr object_new(IntPtr klass)
			if (!MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				return mono_object_new(domain, klass);
			return il2cpp_object_new(klass);

		public static int class_value_size(IntPtr klass, ref uint align)
			if (!MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				return mono_class_value_size(klass, ref align);
			return il2cpp_class_value_size(klass, ref align);

		public static uint gchandle_new(IntPtr obj, bool pinned)
			if (!MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				return mono_gchandle_new(obj, pinned ? 1 : 0);
			return il2cpp_gchandle_new(obj, pinned);

		public static void gchandle_free(uint gchandle)
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())

		public static IntPtr gchandle_get_target(uint gchandle)
			if (!MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				return mono_gchandle_get_target(gchandle);
			return il2cpp_gchandle_get_target(gchandle);

		public static IntPtr value_box(IntPtr klass, IntPtr val)
			if (!MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				return mono_value_box(domain, klass, val);
			return il2cpp_value_box(klass, val);

		public unsafe static void format_exception(IntPtr ex, void* message, int message_size)
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				il2cpp_format_exception(ex, message, message_size);

		public unsafe static void format_stack_trace(IntPtr ex, void* output, int output_size)
			if (MelonUtils.IsGameIl2Cpp())
				il2cpp_format_stack_trace(ex, output, output_size);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_domain_get();

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern void mono_assembly_foreach(delegate_gfunc_mono_assembly_foreach func, IntPtr user_data);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_assembly_get_image(IntPtr assembly);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_image_get_filename(IntPtr image);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern uint mono_image_get_class_count(IntPtr image);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_image_get_class(IntPtr image, uint index);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_class_get_name(IntPtr klass);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_class_get_namespace(IntPtr klass);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_lookup_internal_call(IntPtr method);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		public static extern IntPtr mono_class_get_type(IntPtr klass);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private unsafe static extern IntPtr mono_runtime_invoke(IntPtr method, IntPtr obj, void** param, ref IntPtr exc);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern void mono_runtime_class_init(IntPtr klass);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_array_new(IntPtr domain, IntPtr eclass, ulong n);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern uint mono_field_get_offset(IntPtr field);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_object_unbox(IntPtr obj);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_object_new(IntPtr domain, IntPtr klass);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern int mono_class_value_size(IntPtr klass, ref uint align);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern uint mono_gchandle_new(IntPtr obj, int pinned);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern void mono_gchandle_free(uint gchandle);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_gchandle_get_target(uint gchandle);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_class_get_field_from_name(IntPtr klass, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_value_box(IntPtr domain, IntPtr klass, IntPtr data);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_class_get_methods(IntPtr klass, ref IntPtr iter);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		public static extern IntPtr mono_method_get_name(IntPtr method);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_type_get_name(IntPtr type);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_image_get_table_info(IntPtr image, int table_id);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern int mono_table_info_get_rows(IntPtr table);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern void mono_metadata_decode_row(IntPtr t, int idx, uint[] res, int res_size);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_metadata_string_heap(IntPtr meta, uint index);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_class_from_name(IntPtr image, string name_space, string name);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_domain_try_type_resolve(IntPtr domain, string name, IntPtr typebuilder_raw);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_method_get_signature(IntPtr method, IntPtr image, uint token);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_signature_get_return_type(IntPtr sig);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern uint mono_signature_get_param_count(IntPtr sig);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr mono_signature_get_params(IntPtr sig, ref IntPtr iter);

		[DllImport("__Internal", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private unsafe static extern IntPtr mono_string_new_utf16(IntPtr domain, char* text, int len);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_domain_get();

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_resolve_icall([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern uint il2cpp_array_length(IntPtr array);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_array_new(IntPtr elementTypeInfo, ulong length);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_assembly_get_image(IntPtr assembly);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_class_get_field_from_name(IntPtr klass, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_class_get_methods(IntPtr klass, ref IntPtr iter);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_class_get_name(IntPtr klass);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_class_get_namespace(IntPtr klass);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		public static extern IntPtr il2cpp_class_get_type(IntPtr klass);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern int il2cpp_class_value_size(IntPtr klass, ref uint align);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private unsafe static extern IntPtr* il2cpp_domain_get_assemblies(IntPtr domain, ref uint size);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private unsafe static extern void il2cpp_format_exception(IntPtr ex, void* message, int message_size);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private unsafe static extern void il2cpp_format_stack_trace(IntPtr ex, void* output, int output_size);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern uint il2cpp_field_get_offset(IntPtr field);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern uint il2cpp_gchandle_new(IntPtr obj, bool pinned);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_gchandle_get_target(uint gchandle);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern void il2cpp_gchandle_free(uint gchandle);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_method_get_return_type(IntPtr method);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern uint il2cpp_method_get_param_count(IntPtr method);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_method_get_param(IntPtr method, uint index);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		public static extern IntPtr il2cpp_method_get_name(IntPtr method);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_object_new(IntPtr klass);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_object_unbox(IntPtr obj);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_value_box(IntPtr klass, IntPtr data);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private unsafe static extern IntPtr il2cpp_runtime_invoke(IntPtr method, IntPtr obj, void** param, ref IntPtr exc);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern void il2cpp_runtime_class_init(IntPtr klass);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private unsafe static extern IntPtr il2cpp_string_new_utf16(char* text, int len);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_type_get_name(IntPtr type);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_image_get_filename(IntPtr image);

		[DllImport("GameAssembly", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
		private static extern IntPtr il2cpp_class_from_name(IntPtr image, string namespaze, string name);
namespace mgGif
	internal class Decoder : IDisposable
		private enum ImageFlag
			Interlaced = 64,
			ColourTable = 128,
			TableSizeMask = 7,
			BitDepthMask = 112

		private enum Block
			Image = 44,
			Extension = 33,
			End = 59

		private enum Extension
			GraphicControl = 249,
			Comments = 254,
			PlainText = 1,
			ApplicationData = 255

		private enum Disposal
			None = 0,
			DoNotDispose = 4,
			RestoreBackground = 8,
			ReturnToPrevious = 12

		private enum ControlFlags
			HasTransparency = 1,
			DisposalMask = 12

		public string Version;

		public ushort Width;

		public ushort Height;

		public Color32 BackgroundColour;

		private const uint NoCode = 65535u;

		private const ushort NoTransparency = ushort.MaxValue;

		private byte[] Input;

		private int D;

		private Color32[] GlobalColourTable;

		private Color32[] LocalColourTable;

		private Color32[] ActiveColourTable;

		private ushort TransparentIndex;

		private Image Image = new Image();

		private ushort ImageLeft;

		private ushort ImageTop;

		private ushort ImageWidth;

		private ushort ImageHeight;

		private Color32[] Output;

		private Color32[] PreviousImage;

		private readonly int[] Pow2 = new int[13]
			1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512,
			1024, 2048, 4096

		private int[] Indices = new int[4096];

		private ushort[] Codes = new ushort[131072];

		private uint[] CurBlock = new uint[64];

		public Decoder(byte[] data)
			: this()

		public Decoder Load(byte[] data)
			Input = data;
			D = 0;
			GlobalColourTable = new Color32[256];
			LocalColourTable = new Color32[256];
			TransparentIndex = ushort.MaxValue;
			Output = null;
			PreviousImage = null;
			Image.Delay = 0;
			return this;

		private byte ReadByte()
			return Input[D++];

		private ushort ReadUInt16()
			return (ushort)(Input[D++] | (Input[D++] << 8));

		private void ReadHeader()
			if (Input == null || Input.Length <= 12)
				throw new Exception("Invalid data");
			Version = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Input, 0, 6);
			D = 6;
			if (Version != "GIF87a" && Version != "GIF89a")
				throw new Exception("Unsupported GIF version");
			Width = ReadUInt16();
			Height = ReadUInt16();
			Image.Width = Width;
			Image.Height = Height;
			ImageFlag imageFlag = (ImageFlag)ReadByte();
			byte b = ReadByte();
			if (EnumExtensions.HasFlag((Enum)imageFlag, (Enum)ImageFlag.ColourTable))
				ReadColourTable(GlobalColourTable, imageFlag);
			BackgroundColour = GlobalColourTable[b];

		public Image NextImage()
			if (D == 0)
			while (true)
				switch ((Block)ReadByte())
				case Block.Image:
					Image image = ReadImageBlock();
					if (image != null)
						return image;
				case Block.Extension:
					if (ReadByte() == 249)
				case Block.End:
					return null;
					throw new Exception("Unexpected block type");

		private Color32[] ReadColourTable(Color32[] colourTable, ImageFlag flags)
			int num = Pow2[(int)((flags & ImageFlag.TableSizeMask) + 1)];
			for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
				colourTable[i] = new Color32(Input[D++], Input[D++], Input[D++], byte.MaxValue);
			return colourTable;

		private void SkipBlocks()
			for (byte b = Input[D++]; b != 0; b = Input[D++])
				D += b;

		private void ReadControlBlock()
			byte num = ReadByte();
			Image.Delay = ReadUInt16() * 10;
			byte transparentIndex = ReadByte();
			if (EnumExtensions.HasFlag((Enum)(ControlFlags)num, (Enum)ControlFlags.HasTransparency))
				TransparentIndex = transparentIndex;
				TransparentIndex = ushort.MaxValue;
			switch ((Disposal)(num & 0xC))
				PreviousImage = Output;
			case Disposal.RestoreBackground:
				Output = new Color32[Width * Height];
			case Disposal.ReturnToPrevious:
				Output = new Color32[Width * Height];
				if (PreviousImage != null)
					Array.Copy(PreviousImage, Output, Output.Length);

		private Image ReadImageBlock()
			ImageLeft = ReadUInt16();
			ImageTop = ReadUInt16();
			ImageWidth = ReadUInt16();
			ImageHeight = ReadUInt16();
			ImageFlag imageFlag = (ImageFlag)ReadByte();
			if (ImageWidth == 0 || ImageHeight == 0)
				return null;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using MelonLoader;
using MelonLoader.Support.Preferences;
using Tomlet;
using Tomlet.Models;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Created by Lava Gang")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: Guid("EE48CA52-CCD3-48A5-B507-91773672E216")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("0.5.7")]
[assembly: PatchShield]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace MelonLoader.Support
	internal static class Main
		internal static ISupportModule_From Interface;

		internal static GameObject obj;

		internal static SM_Component component;

		private static ISupportModule_To Initialize(ISupportModule_From interface_from)
			Interface = interface_from;
			if (IsUnity53OrLower())
			return (ISupportModule_To)(object)new SupportModule_To();

		private static bool IsUnity53OrLower()
				Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load("UnityEngine");
				if ((object)assembly == null)
					return true;
				Type type = assembly.GetType("UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager");
				if ((object)type == null)
					return true;
				if ((object)type.GetEvent("sceneLoaded") == null)
					return true;
				return false;
				return true;
	internal class SM_Component : MonoBehaviour
		private bool isQuitting;

		private static MethodInfo SetAsLastSiblingMethod;

		static SM_Component()
				SetAsLastSiblingMethod = typeof(Transform).GetMethod("SetAsLastSibling", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
			catch (Exception arg)
				MelonLogger.Warning($"Exception while Getting Transform.SetAsLastSibling: {arg}");

		internal static void Create()
			//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0018: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (!((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)null))
				Main.obj = new GameObject();
				((Object)Main.obj).hideFlags = (HideFlags)52;
				Main.component = (SM_Component)(object)Main.obj.AddComponent(typeof(SM_Component));

		private void SiblingFix()
			SetAsLastSiblingMethod?.Invoke(((Component)this).gameObject.transform, new object[0]);
			SetAsLastSiblingMethod?.Invoke(((Component)this).transform, new object[0]);

		internal void Destroy()

		private void Start()
			if (!((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)null) || !((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)(object)this))

		private void Awake()
			if ((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)null && (Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)(object)this)
			foreach (IEnumerator queuedCoroutine in SupportModule_To.QueuedCoroutines)

		private void Update()
			if (!((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)null) || !((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)(object)this))
				isQuitting = false;

		private void OnDestroy()
			if (!((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)null) || !((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)(object)this))
				if (!isQuitting)

		private void OnApplicationQuit()
			if (!((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)null) || !((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)(object)this))
				isQuitting = true;

		private void OnApplicationDefiniteQuit()

		private void FixedUpdate()
			if (!((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)null) || !((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)(object)this))

		private void LateUpdate()
			if (!((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)null) || !((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)(object)this))

		private void OnGUI()
			if (!((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)null) || !((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)(object)this))
	internal class SupportModule_To : ISupportModule_To
		internal static readonly List<IEnumerator> QueuedCoroutines = new List<IEnumerator>();

		public object StartCoroutine(IEnumerator coroutine)
			if ((Object)(object)Main.component != (Object)null)
				return ((MonoBehaviour)Main.component).StartCoroutine(coroutine);
			return coroutine;

		public void StopCoroutine(object coroutineToken)
			if ((Object)(object)Main.component == (Object)null)
				QueuedCoroutines.Remove(coroutineToken as IEnumerator);
				((MonoBehaviour)Main.component).StopCoroutine((Coroutine)((coroutineToken is Coroutine) ? coroutineToken : null));

		public void UnityDebugLog(string msg)
	internal static class SceneHandler
		internal class SceneInitEvent
			internal int buildIndex;

			internal string name;

			internal bool wasLoadedThisTick;

		private static Queue<SceneInitEvent> scenesLoaded = new Queue<SceneInitEvent>();

		internal static void Init()
				SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoad;
			catch (Exception arg)
				MelonLogger.Error($"SceneManager.sceneLoaded override failed: {arg}");
				SceneManager.sceneUnloaded += OnSceneUnload;
			catch (Exception arg2)
				MelonLogger.Error($"SceneManager.sceneUnloaded override failed: {arg2}");

		private static void OnSceneLoad(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
			//IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if ((Object)(object)Main.obj == (Object)null)
			if ((object)scene != null)
				Main.Interface.OnSceneWasLoaded(((Scene)(ref scene)).buildIndex, ((Scene)(ref scene)).name);
				scenesLoaded.Enqueue(new SceneInitEvent
					buildIndex = ((Scene)(ref scene)).buildIndex,
					name = ((Scene)(ref scene)).name

		private static void OnSceneUnload(Scene scene)
			//IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if ((object)scene != null)
				Main.Interface.OnSceneWasUnloaded(((Scene)(ref scene)).buildIndex, ((Scene)(ref scene)).name);

		internal static void OnUpdate()
			if (scenesLoaded.Count <= 0)
			Queue<SceneInitEvent> queue = new Queue<SceneInitEvent>();
			SceneInitEvent sceneInitEvent = null;
			while (scenesLoaded.Count > 0 && (sceneInitEvent = scenesLoaded.Dequeue()) != null)
				if (sceneInitEvent.wasLoadedThisTick)
				sceneInitEvent.wasLoadedThisTick = true;
			while (queue.Count > 0 && (sceneInitEvent = queue.Dequeue()) != null)
namespace MelonLoader.Support.Preferences
	internal static class UnityMappers
		internal static void RegisterMappers()
			TomletMain.RegisterMapper<Color>((Serialize<Color>)WriteColor, (Deserialize<Color>)ReadColor);
			TomletMain.RegisterMapper<Color32>((Serialize<Color32>)WriteColor32, (Deserialize<Color32>)ReadColor32);
			TomletMain.RegisterMapper<Vector2>((Serialize<Vector2>)WriteVector2, (Deserialize<Vector2>)ReadVector2);
			TomletMain.RegisterMapper<Vector3>((Serialize<Vector3>)WriteVector3, (Deserialize<Vector3>)ReadVector3);
			TomletMain.RegisterMapper<Vector4>((Serialize<Vector4>)WriteVector4, (Deserialize<Vector4>)ReadVector4);
			TomletMain.RegisterMapper<Quaternion>((Serialize<Quaternion>)WriteQuaternion, (Deserialize<Quaternion>)ReadQuaternion);

		private static Color ReadColor(TomlValue value)
			//IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0043: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			float[] array = MelonPreferences.Mapper.ReadArray<float>(value);
			if (array == null || array.Length != 4)
				return default(Color);
			return new Color(array[0] / 255f, array[1] / 255f, array[2] / 255f, array[3] / 255f);

		private static TomlValue WriteColor(Color value)
			//IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0026: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			float[] array = new float[4]
				value.r * 255f,
				value.g * 255f,
				value.b * 255f,
				value.a * 255f
			return (TomlValue)(object)MelonPreferences.Mapper.WriteArray<float>(array);

		private static Color32 ReadColor32(TomlValue value)
			//IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			byte[] array = MelonPreferences.Mapper.ReadArray<byte>(value);
			if (array == null || array.Length != 4)
				return default(Color32);
			return new Color32(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3]);

		private static TomlValue WriteColor32(Color32 value)
			//IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			byte[] array = new byte[4] { value.r, value.g, value.b, value.a };
			return (TomlValue)(object)MelonPreferences.Mapper.WriteArray<byte>(array);

		private static Vector2 ReadVector2(TomlValue value)
			//IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			float[] array = MelonPreferences.Mapper.ReadArray<float>(value);
			if (array == null || array.Length != 2)
				return default(Vector2);
			return new Vector2(array[0], array[1]);

		private static TomlValue WriteVector2(Vector2 value)
			//IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			float[] array = new float[2] { value.x, value.y };
			return (TomlValue)(object)MelonPreferences.Mapper.WriteArray<float>(array);

		private static Vector3 ReadVector3(TomlValue value)
			//IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0028: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			float[] array = MelonPreferences.Mapper.ReadArray<float>(value);
			if (array == null || array.Length != 3)
				return default(Vector3);
			return new Vector3(array[0], array[1], array[2]);

		private static TomlValue WriteVector3(Vector3 value)
			//IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			float[] array = new float[3] { value.x, value.y, value.z };
			return (TomlValue)(object)MelonPreferences.Mapper.WriteArray<float>(array);

		private static Vector4 ReadVector4(TomlValue value)
			//IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			float[] array = MelonPreferences.Mapper.ReadArray<float>(value);
			if (array == null || array.Length != 4)
				return default(Vector4);
			return new Vector4(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3]);

		private static TomlValue WriteVector4(Vector4 value)
			//IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			float[] array = new float[4] { value.x, value.y, value.z, value.w };
			return (TomlValue)(object)MelonPreferences.Mapper.WriteArray<float>(array);

		private static Quaternion ReadQuaternion(TomlValue value)
			//IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			float[] array = MelonPreferences.Mapper.ReadArray<float>(value);
			if (array == null || array.Length != 4)
				return default(Quaternion);
			return new Quaternion(array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3]);

		private static TomlValue WriteQuaternion(Quaternion value)
			//IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			float[] array = new float[4] { value.x, value.y, value.z, value.w };
			return (TomlValue)(object)MelonPreferences.Mapper.WriteArray<float>(array);


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using MelonLoader;
using MelonLoader.Modules;
using MelonLoader.MonoInternals;
using ModHelper;
using ModLoader;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Created by Lava Gang")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: Guid("C268E68B-3DF1-4EE3-A49F-750A8F55B799")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("0.5.7")]
[assembly: PatchShield]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace ModLoader
	public class ModLoader
		internal static List<IMod> mods = new List<IMod>();

		internal static Dictionary<string, Assembly> depends = new Dictionary<string, Assembly>();

		public static void LoadDependency(Assembly assembly)
			string[] manifestResourceNames = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
			foreach (string text in manifestResourceNames)
				string text2 = assembly.GetName().Name + ".Depends.";
				if (!text.StartsWith(text2) || !text.EndsWith(".dll"))
				string text3 = text.Remove(text.LastIndexOf(".dll")).Remove(0, text2.Length);
				if (depends.ContainsKey(text3))
					MelonLogger.Error("Dependency conflict: " + text3 + " First at: " + depends[text3].GetName().Name);
				Assembly value;
				using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(text))
					byte[] array = new byte[stream.Length];
					stream.Read(array, 0, array.Length);
					value = Assembly.Load(array);
				depends.Add(text3, value);
namespace ModHelper
	public interface IMod
		string Name { get; }

		string Description { get; }

		string Author { get; }

		string HomePage { get; }

		void DoPatching();
	public static class ModLogger
		public static void Debug(object obj)
			StackFrame? frame = new StackTrace().GetFrame(1);
			string name = frame.GetMethod().ReflectedType.Name;
			string name2 = frame.GetMethod().Name;
			AddLog(name, name2, obj);

		public static void AddLog(string className, string methodName, object obj)
			MelonLogger.Msg($"[{className}:{methodName}]: {obj}");
namespace MelonLoader
	internal class MuseDashModWrapper : MelonMod
		internal IMod modInstance;

		public override void OnInitializeMelon()
namespace MelonLoader.CompatibilityLayers
	internal class Muse_Dash_Mono_Module : MelonModule
		public override void OnInitialize()
			string[] obj = new string[2] { "ModHelper", "ModLoader" };
			Assembly assembly = typeof(Muse_Dash_Mono_Module).Assembly;
			string[] array = obj;
			for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
				MonoResolveManager.GetAssemblyResolveInfo(array[i]).Override = assembly;
			MelonAssembly.CustomMelonResolvers += Resolve;

		private ResolvedMelons Resolve(Assembly asm)
			//IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0039: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0099: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009f: Expected O, but got Unknown
			IEnumerable<Type> validTypes = MelonUtils.GetValidTypes(asm, (LemonFunc<Type, bool>)delegate(Type x)
				Type[] interfaces = x.GetInterfaces();
				return interfaces != null && interfaces.Any() && interfaces.Contains(typeof(IMod));
			if (validTypes != null && validTypes.Any())
				List<MelonBase> list = new List<MelonBase>();
				List<RottenMelon> list2 = new List<RottenMelon>();
				foreach (Type item in validTypes)
					RottenMelon rottenMelon;
					MelonBase val = LoadMod(asm, item, out rottenMelon);
					if (val != null)
				return new ResolvedMelons(list.ToArray(), list2.ToArray());
			return new ResolvedMelons((MelonBase[])null, (RottenMelon[])null);

		private MelonBase LoadMod(Assembly asm, Type modType, out RottenMelon rottenMelon)
			//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0020: Expected O, but got Unknown
			rottenMelon = null;
			IMod mod;
				mod = Activator.CreateInstance(modType) as IMod;
			catch (Exception ex)
				rottenMelon = new RottenMelon(modType, "Failed to create an instance of the MMDL Mod.", ex);
				return null;
			string text = mod.Name;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
				text = modType.FullName;
			string text2 = asm.GetName().Version.ToString();
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text2) || text2.Equals(""))
				text2 = "";
			MuseDashModWrapper museDashModWrapper = MelonBase.CreateWrapper<MuseDashModWrapper>(text, (string)null, text2, (MelonGameAttribute[])null, (MelonProcessAttribute[])null, 0, (ConsoleColor?)null, (ConsoleColor?)null, (string)null);
			museDashModWrapper.modInstance = mod;
			return (MelonBase)(object)museDashModWrapper;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using MelonLoader.Support.Properties;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("MelonLoader")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Created by Lava Gang")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: Guid("08BE056B-C854-4F88-92E8-F3B39187B6AF")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("0.5.7")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace MelonLoader
	public static class BuildInfo
		public const string Name = "MelonLoader";

		public const string Description = "MelonLoader";

		public const string Author = "Lava Gang";

		public const string Company = "";

		public const string Version = "0.5.7";
namespace MelonLoader.Support
	internal static class Preload
		private static void Initialize()
			string path = string.Copy(GetManagedDirectory());
			string path2 = Path.Combine(path, "System.dll");
			if (!File.Exists(path2))
				File.WriteAllBytes(path2, Resources.System);
			string path3 = Path.Combine(path, "System.Core.dll");
			if (!File.Exists(path3))
				File.WriteAllBytes(path3, Resources.System_Core);

		[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
		private static extern string GetManagedDirectory();
namespace MelonLoader.Support.Properties
	[GeneratedCode("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", "")]
	internal class Resources
		private static ResourceManager resourceMan;

		private static CultureInfo resourceCulture;

		internal static ResourceManager ResourceManager
				if (resourceMan == null)
					resourceMan = new ResourceManager("MelonLoader.Support.Properties.Resources", typeof(Resources).Assembly);
				return resourceMan;

		internal static CultureInfo Culture
				return resourceCulture;
				resourceCulture = value;

		internal static byte[] System => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("System", resourceCulture);

		internal static byte[] System_Core => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("System_Core", resourceCulture);

		internal Resources()


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BiggerLobby.Models;
using BiggerLobby.Patches;
using BiggerLobby.UI;
using Dissonance.Audio.Playback;
using GameNetcodeStuff;
using HarmonyLib;
using LC_API.BundleAPI;
using LC_API.ServerAPI;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Steamworks;
using Steamworks.Data;
using TMPro;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Audio;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("BiggerLobby")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Increase the max players to 50 in Lethal Company")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("2.6.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("BiggerLobby")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("BiggerLobby")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte[] NullableFlags;

		public NullableAttribute(byte P_0)
			NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 };

		public NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0)
			NullableFlags = P_0;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableContextAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte Flag;

		public NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0)
			Flag = P_0;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace BiggerLobby
	public static class Helper
		public static T[] ResizeArray<T>(T[] oldArray, int newSize)
			if (oldArray.Length >= newSize)
				return oldArray;
			T[] array = new T[newSize];
			oldArray.CopyTo(array, 0);
			return array;

		public static void ResizeList<T>(this List<T> list, int size, T element = default(T))
			int count = list.Count;
			if (size < count)
				list.RemoveRange(size, count - size);
			else if (size > count)
				if (size > list.Capacity)
					list.Capacity = size;
				list.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(element, size - count));
	[BepInPlugin("BiggerLobby", "BiggerLobby", "2.6.0")]
	public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
		public static Plugin Instance;

		public static bool oldhastime;

		public static int MaxPlayers = 16;

		public static bool instantiating;

		public static NetworkObject[] PlayerObjects = (NetworkObject[])(object)new NetworkObject[0];

		public static Harmony _harmony;

		public static Harmony _harmony2;

		public static ConfigEntry<int>? _LoudnessMultiplier;

		public static bool Initialized = false;

		public static IDictionary<uint, NetworkObject> CustomNetObjects = new Dictionary<uint, NetworkObject>();

		private void Awake()
			//IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0035: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0044: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00e2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ec: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00ec: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f6: Expected O, but got Unknown
			Instance = this;
			_LoudnessMultiplier = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("General", "Player loudness", 1, "Default player loudness");
			_harmony = new Harmony("BiggerLobby");
			_harmony2 = new Harmony("BiggerLobbyA");
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"BiggerLobby loaded");
			BundleLoader.OnLoadedAssets = (OnLoadedAssetsDelegate)Delegate.Combine((Delegate?)(object)BundleLoader.OnLoadedAssets, (Delegate?)new OnLoadedAssetsDelegate(OnLoaded));

		private void Start()

		private void OnDestroy()

		private void Initialize()
			if (!Initialized)
				Initialized = true;

		private void OnLoaded()

		public static int GetPlayerCount()
			return MaxPlayers;

		public static int GetPlayerCountMinusOne()
			return MaxPlayers - 1;

		public static PlayerControllerB[] GetRealPlayerScripts(StartOfRound startOfRound)
			if ((Object)(object)startOfRound == (Object)null || startOfRound.allPlayerScripts == null)
				return (PlayerControllerB[])(object)new PlayerControllerB[0];
			return startOfRound.allPlayerScripts.Where((PlayerControllerB x) => x.isPlayerDead || x.isPlayerControlled).ToArray();
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "BiggerLobby";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "BiggerLobby";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "2.6.0";
namespace BiggerLobby.UI
	public class ExpandedStatsUI : MonoBehaviour
		private bool _initialized;

		private bool _debugStatsUI;

		private static StatsUIReferences? _statsUIReferences;

		private PlayerStatsList _fourPlayersList;

		private PlayerStatsList _eightPlayersList;

		private PlayerStatsList _moreThanEightPlayersList;

		private List<GameObject> _moreThanEightPlayersPages = new List<GameObject>();

		public int UpperPlayerLimit = 40;

		public float SecondsPanelVisible = 8.5f;

		private Sprite FourPlayerStatBoxes;

		private Sprite EightPlayerStatBoxes;

		private void Start()
			if (!_initialized)
				if (_debugStatsUI)
				EightPlayerStatBoxes = _statsUIReferences.StatsBoxesThin;
				FourPlayerStatBoxes = ((Component)((Component)this).transform.GetChild(1)).GetComponent<Image>().sprite;
				_initialized = true;

		private void DebugStats()
			((Behaviour)((Component)this).gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>()).enabled = false;
			((Component)((Component)this).transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1f;
			((Component)((Component)this).transform.GetChild(1)).GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1f;
			((Component)((Component)this).transform.GetChild(2)).GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1f;

		private void SetupFourPlayerSlots()
			_fourPlayersList = new PlayerStatsList(CreateTransformAtParentOrigin("FourPlayersList", ((Component)this).transform.GetChild(2)));
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
				Transform val = ((Component)this).transform.GetChild(2).Find($"PlayerSlot{i + 1}");

		private void SetupEightPlayerSlots()
			_eightPlayersList = new PlayerStatsList(CreateTransformAtParentOrigin("EightPlayersList", ((Component)this).transform.GetChild(2)));
			List<Transform> playerSlots = SetupEightPlayerPage(_eightPlayersList.transform);

		private void SetupMoreThanEightPlayersSlots()
			_moreThanEightPlayersList = new PlayerStatsList(CreateTransformAtParentOrigin("MoreThanEightPlayersList", ((Component)this).transform.GetChild(2)));
			int num = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)UpperPlayerLimit / 8f);
			for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
				Transform val = CreateTransformAtParentOrigin($"Page{i}", _moreThanEightPlayersList.transform);
				List<Transform> playerSlots = SetupEightPlayerPage(val);
				if (i != 0)

		private List<Transform> SetupEightPlayerPage(Transform parent)
			//IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0049: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			List<Transform> list = new List<Transform>();
			for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
				Transform val = Object.Instantiate<Transform>(_fourPlayersList.transform.GetChild(0), parent, true);
				val.localPosition = new Vector3(val.localPosition.x, -26.1f * (float)i, val.localPosition.z);
			return list;

		private void SetupPlayerSlot(Transform playerSlot)
			//IL_005a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0074: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0090: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ab: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00bb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			TextMeshProUGUI component = ((Component)playerSlot.Find("Notes")).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
			TextMeshProUGUI component2 = ((Component)playerSlot.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
			RectTransform component3 = ((Component)component2).GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			Image component4 = ((Component)playerSlot.GetChild(1)).GetComponent<Image>();
			RectTransform component5 = ((Component)component4).GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			((TMP_Text)component).text = "* Most lazy employee\n* Most paranoid employee\n* Sustained the most injuries";
			((TMP_Text)component).fontSize = 9f;
			((TMP_Text)component2).text = "CrazyDude12WW";
			((Transform)component3).localPosition = new Vector3(((Transform)component3).localPosition.x, 101.5f, ((Transform)component3).localPosition.z);
			component4.sprite = _statsUIReferences.CheckmarkThin;
			component5.sizeDelta = new Vector2(component5.sizeDelta.x, 31.235f);
			((Transform)component5).localPosition = new Vector3(((Transform)component5).localPosition.x, 101.5f, ((Transform)component5).localPosition.z);

		private Transform CreateTransformAtParentOrigin(string name, Transform parent)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Transform transform = new GameObject(name).transform;
			transform.localPosition =;
			transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
			transform.localScale =;
			return transform;

		public void LoadStatsUIBundle()
			AssetBundle obj = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Path.Join((ReadOnlySpan<char>)Path.GetDirectoryName(((BaseUnityPlugin)Plugin.Instance).Info.Location), (ReadOnlySpan<char>)"statsuireferences"));
			_statsUIReferences = obj.LoadAsset<GameObject>("assets/prefabs/statsuireferences.prefab").GetComponent<StatsUIReferences>();

		public PlayerStatsList GetStatsListFromPlayerCount(int playerCount)
			PlayerStatsList playerStatsList = _fourPlayersList;
			if (playerCount > 8)
				playerStatsList = _moreThanEightPlayersList;
			else if (playerCount > 4)
				playerStatsList = _eightPlayersList;
			SetupStatsList(playerStatsList, playerCount);
			return playerStatsList;

		private void SetupStatsList(PlayerStatsList playerStatsList, int playerCount)
			((Component)((Component)this).transform.GetChild(1)).GetComponent<Image>().sprite = ((playerCount <= 4) ? FourPlayerStatBoxes : EightPlayerStatBoxes);
			if (playerCount > 8)
			for (int i = 0; i < playerStatsList.Names.Count; i++)
				((TMP_Text)playerStatsList.Names[i]).text = "";
				((TMP_Text)playerStatsList.Notes[i]).text = "";
				((Behaviour)playerStatsList.States[i]).enabled = false;

		private IEnumerator PaginatePlayers(int playerCount)
			int maxPageCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)playerCount / 8f);
			float pageDuration = SecondsPanelVisible / (float)maxPageCount;
			foreach (GameObject moreThanEightPlayersPage in _moreThanEightPlayersPages)
			for (int i = 0; i < maxPageCount; i++)
				if (i > 0)
					_moreThanEightPlayersPages[i - 1].SetActive(false);
				yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(pageDuration);

		public static ExpandedStatsUI GetFromAnimator(Animator endgameStatsAnimator)
			ExpandedStatsUI result = default(ExpandedStatsUI);
			if (((Component)endgameStatsAnimator).TryGetComponent<ExpandedStatsUI>(ref result))
				return result;
			ExpandedStatsUI expandedStatsUI = ((Component)endgameStatsAnimator).gameObject.AddComponent<ExpandedStatsUI>();
			if ((Object)(object)_statsUIReferences == (Object)null)
			return expandedStatsUI;

		public static Sprite? GetReplacementCheckmark()
			return _statsUIReferences?.CheckmarkThin;
namespace BiggerLobby.Patches
	internal class InternalPatch3
		private static MethodInfo TargetMethod()
			return typeof(HUDManager).GetMethod("AddChatMessage", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

		private static void Prefix(HUDManager __instance, string chatMessage, string nameOfUserWhoTyped = "")
			if (!(__instance.lastChatMessage == chatMessage))
				__instance.lastChatMessage = chatMessage;
				__instance.PingHUDElement(__instance.Chat, 4f, 1f, 0.2f);
				if (__instance.ChatMessageHistory.Count >= 4)
					((TMP_Text)__instance.chatText).text.Remove(0, __instance.ChatMessageHistory[0].Length);
				StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(chatMessage);
				for (int i = 1; i < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.Length; i++)
					stringBuilder.Replace("[playerNum" + i + "]", StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts[i].playerUsername);
				stringBuilder.Replace("bizzlemip", "<color=#008282>bizzlemip</color>");
				chatMessage = stringBuilder.ToString();
				nameOfUserWhoTyped = nameOfUserWhoTyped.Replace("bizzlemip", "<color=#008282>bizzlemip</color>");
				string item = ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameOfUserWhoTyped)) ? ("<color=#FF0000>" + nameOfUserWhoTyped + "</color>: <color=#FFFF00>'" + chatMessage + "'</color>") : ("<color=#7069ff>" + chatMessage + "</color>"));
				((TMP_Text)__instance.chatText).text = "";
				for (int j = 0; j < __instance.ChatMessageHistory.Count; j++)
					TextMeshProUGUI chatText = __instance.chatText;
					((TMP_Text)chatText).text = ((TMP_Text)chatText).text + "\n" + __instance.ChatMessageHistory[j];
	public class ListSizeTranspilers
		private static MethodInfo _playerCountMethod = AccessTools.Method(typeof(Plugin), "GetPlayerCount", (Type[])null, (Type[])null);

		private static MethodInfo _playerCountMinusOneMethod = AccessTools.Method(typeof(Plugin), "GetPlayerCountMinusOne", (Type[])null, (Type[])null);

		private static MethodInfo _realPlayerScriptsMethod = AccessTools.Method(typeof(Plugin), "GetRealPlayerScripts", (Type[])null, (Type[])null);

		private static void CheckAndReplace(List<CodeInstruction> codes, int index)
			if (codes[index].opcode == OpCodes.Ldc_I4_4)
				codes[index].opcode = OpCodes.Call;
				codes[index].operand = _playerCountMethod;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HUDManager), "SyncAllPlayerLevelsServerRpc", new Type[] { })]
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(DressGirlAI), "ChoosePlayerToHaunt")]
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(CrawlerAI), "Start")]
		public static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> SyncLevelsRpc(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions)
			List<CodeInstruction> list = new List<CodeInstruction>(instructions);
			for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
				if (list[i].opcode == OpCodes.Newarr)
					CheckAndReplace(list, i - 1);
			return list.AsEnumerable();

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "SendNewPlayerValuesServerRpc")]
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(StartOfRound), "SyncShipUnlockablesClientRpc")]
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(DressGirlAI), "ChoosePlayerToHaunt")]
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(EnemyAI), "GetClosestPlayer")]
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SpringManAI), "DoAIInterval")]
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SpringManAI), "Update")]
		public static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> SendNewPlayerValuesServerRpc(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions)
			List<CodeInstruction> list = new List<CodeInstruction>(instructions);
			for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
				if (list[i].opcode == OpCodes.Blt)
					CheckAndReplace(list, i - 1);
			return list.AsEnumerable();

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(QuickMenuManager), "ConfirmKickUserFromServer")]
		public static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> ConfirmKickUserFromServer(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions)
			List<CodeInstruction> list = new List<CodeInstruction>(instructions);
			for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
				if (list[i].opcode == OpCodes.Ldc_I4_3)
					list[i].opcode = OpCodes.Call;
					list[i].operand = _playerCountMinusOneMethod;
					Debug.Log((object)"Kick Fix Applied");
			return list.AsEnumerable();

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HUDManager), "FillEndGameStats")]
		public static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> FillEndGameStatsPatch(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions)
			List<CodeInstruction> list = new List<CodeInstruction>(instructions);
			for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
				if (list[i].opcode == OpCodes.Ldfld && list[i].operand is FieldInfo fieldInfo && fieldInfo.Name == "allPlayerScripts")
					list[i].opcode = OpCodes.Call;
					list[i].operand = _realPlayerScriptsMethod;
			return list.Where((CodeInstruction x) => x.opcode != OpCodes.Nop).AsEnumerable();

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(StartOfRound), "SyncShipUnlockablesServerRpc")]
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(StartOfRound), "OnClientConnect")]
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "SpectateNextPlayer")]
		public static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> SyncShipUnlockablesServerRpc(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions)
			List<CodeInstruction> list = new List<CodeInstruction>(instructions);
			for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
				if (list[i].opcode == OpCodes.Ldc_I4_4)
					list[i].opcode = OpCodes.Call;
					list[i].operand = _playerCountMethod;
			return list.AsEnumerable();
	public class NonGamePatches
		internal class InternalPatches
			private static MethodInfo TargetMethod()
				return typeof(GameNetworkManager).GetMethod("ConnectionApproval", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

			private static bool PostFix(GameNetworkManager __instance, ConnectionApprovalRequest request, ConnectionApprovalResponse response)
				//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0080: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				Debug.Log((object)("Connection approval callback! Game version of client request: " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(request.Payload).ToString()));
				Debug.Log((object)$"Joining client id: {request.ClientNetworkId}; Local/host client id: {NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId}");
				if (request.ClientNetworkId == NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId)
					Debug.Log((object)"Stopped connection approval callback, as the client in question was the host!");
					return false;
				bool flag = !__instance.disallowConnection;
				if (flag)
					string @string = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(request.Payload);
					string[] array = @string.Split(",");
					if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(@string))
						response.Reason = "Unknown; please verify your game files.";
						flag = false;
					else if (__instance.gameHasStarted)
						response.Reason = "Game has already started!";
						flag = false;
					else if (__instance.gameVersionNum.ToString() != array[0])
						response.Reason = $"Game version mismatch! Their version: {__instance.gameVersionNum}. Your version: {array[0]}";
						flag = false;
					else if (!__instance.disableSteam && ((Object)(object)StartOfRound.Instance == (Object)null || array.Length < 2 || StartOfRound.Instance.KickedClientIds.Contains((ulong)Convert.ToInt64(array[1]))))
						response.Reason = "You cannot rejoin after being kicked.";
						flag = false;
					else if (!@string.Contains("BiggerLobbyVersion2.5.0"))
						response.Reason = "You need to have <color=#008282>BiggerLobby V2.5.0</color> to join this server!";
						flag = false;
					response.Reason = "The host was not accepting connections.";
				Debug.Log((object)$"Approved connection?: {flag}. Connected players #: {__instance.connectedPlayers}");
				Debug.Log((object)("Disapproval reason: " + response.Reason));
				response.CreatePlayerObject = false;
				response.Approved = flag;
				response.Pending = false;
				return false;

		internal class InternalPatches2
			private static MethodInfo TargetMethod()
				return typeof(GameNetworkManager).GetMethod("SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyCreated", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

			private static void PostFix(GameNetworkManager __instance, Result result, Lobby lobby)
				((Lobby)(ref lobby)).SetData("name", "[BiggerLobby]" + ((Lobby)(ref lobby)).GetData("name"));

		private static PropertyInfo _playbackVolumeProperty = typeof(VoicePlayback).GetInterface("IVoicePlaybackInternal").GetProperty("PlaybackVolume");

		private static FieldInfo _lobbyListField = AccessTools.Field(typeof(SteamLobbyManager), "currentLobbyList");

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(StartOfRound), "UpdatePlayerVoiceEffects")]
		public static void UpdatePlayerVoiceEffects(StartOfRound __instance)
			if ((Object)(object)GameNetworkManager.Instance == (Object)null || (Object)(object)GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController == (Object)null)
			typeof(StartOfRound).GetField("updatePlayerVoiceInterval", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(__instance, 2f);
			PlayerControllerB val = ((!GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.isPlayerDead || !((Object)(object)GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.spectatedPlayerScript != (Object)null)) ? GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController : GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.spectatedPlayerScript);
			for (int i = 0; i < __instance.allPlayerScripts.Length; i++)
				PlayerControllerB val2 = __instance.allPlayerScripts[i];
				if ((!val2.isPlayerControlled && !val2.isPlayerDead) || (Object)(object)val2 == (Object)(object)GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController)
				if (val2.voicePlayerState == null || val2.currentVoiceChatIngameSettings._playerState == null || (Object)(object)val2.currentVoiceChatAudioSource == (Object)null)
					if (val2.voicePlayerState == null || (Object)(object)val2.currentVoiceChatAudioSource == (Object)null)
						Debug.Log((object)$"Was not able to access voice chat object for player #{i}; {val2.voicePlayerState == null}; {(Object)(object)val2.currentVoiceChatAudioSource == (Object)null}");
				AudioSource currentVoiceChatAudioSource = __instance.allPlayerScripts[i].currentVoiceChatAudioSource;
				bool flag = val2.speakingToWalkieTalkie && val.holdingWalkieTalkie && (Object)(object)val2 != (Object)(object)val;
				if (val2.isPlayerDead)
					((Behaviour)((Component)currentVoiceChatAudioSource).GetComponent<AudioLowPassFilter>()).enabled = false;
					((Behaviour)((Component)currentVoiceChatAudioSource).GetComponent<AudioHighPassFilter>()).enabled = false;
					currentVoiceChatAudioSource.panStereo = 0f;
					SoundManager.Instance.playerVoicePitchTargets[val2.playerClientId] = 1f;
					SoundManager.Instance.SetPlayerPitch(1f, (int)val2.playerClientId);
					if (GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.isPlayerDead)
						currentVoiceChatAudioSource.spatialBlend = 0f;
						val2.currentVoiceChatIngameSettings.set2D = true;
						if ((Object)(object)val2.currentVoiceChatIngameSettings != (Object)null && (Object)(object)val2.currentVoiceChatIngameSettings._playbackComponent != (Object)null)
							_playbackVolumeProperty.SetValue(val2.currentVoiceChatIngameSettings._playbackComponent, Mathf.Clamp((SoundManager.Instance.playerVoiceVolumes[i] + 1f) * (float)(2 * Plugin._LoudnessMultiplier.Value), 0f, 1f));
						currentVoiceChatAudioSource.spatialBlend = 1f;
						val2.currentVoiceChatIngameSettings.set2D = false;
						if ((Object)(object)val2.currentVoiceChatIngameSettings != (Object)null && (Object)(object)val2.currentVoiceChatIngameSettings._playbackComponent != (Object)null)
							_playbackVolumeProperty.SetValue(val2.currentVoiceChatIngameSettings._playbackComponent, 0);
				AudioLowPassFilter component = ((Component)currentVoiceChatAudioSource).GetComponent<AudioLowPassFilter>();
				OccludeAudio component2 = ((Component)currentVoiceChatAudioSource).GetComponent<OccludeAudio>();
				((Behaviour)component).enabled = true;
				component2.overridingLowPass = flag || __instance.allPlayerScripts[i].voiceMuffledByEnemy;
				((Behaviour)((Component)currentVoiceChatAudioSource).GetComponent<AudioHighPassFilter>()).enabled = flag;
				if (!flag)
					currentVoiceChatAudioSource.spatialBlend = 1f;
					val2.currentVoiceChatIngameSettings.set2D = false;
					currentVoiceChatAudioSource.bypassListenerEffects = false;
					currentVoiceChatAudioSource.bypassEffects = false;
					currentVoiceChatAudioSource.outputAudioMixerGroup = SoundManager.Instance.playerVoiceMixers[val2.playerClientId];
					component.lowpassResonanceQ = 1f;
					currentVoiceChatAudioSource.spatialBlend = 0f;
					val2.currentVoiceChatIngameSettings.set2D = true;
					if (GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.isPlayerDead)
						currentVoiceChatAudioSource.panStereo = 0f;
						currentVoiceChatAudioSource.outputAudioMixerGroup = SoundManager.Instance.playerVoiceMixers[val2.playerClientId];
						currentVoiceChatAudioSource.bypassListenerEffects = false;
						currentVoiceChatAudioSource.bypassEffects = false;
						currentVoiceChatAudioSource.panStereo = 0.4f;
						currentVoiceChatAudioSource.bypassListenerEffects = false;
						currentVoiceChatAudioSource.bypassEffects = false;
						currentVoiceChatAudioSource.outputAudioMixerGroup = SoundManager.Instance.playerVoiceMixers[val2.playerClientId];
					component2.lowPassOverride = 4000f;
					component.lowpassResonanceQ = 3f;
				if ((Object)(object)val2.currentVoiceChatIngameSettings != (Object)null && (Object)(object)val2.currentVoiceChatIngameSettings._playbackComponent != (Object)null)
					_playbackVolumeProperty.SetValue(val2.currentVoiceChatIngameSettings._playbackComponent, Mathf.Clamp((SoundManager.Instance.playerVoiceVolumes[i] + 1f) * (float)(2 * Plugin._LoudnessMultiplier.Value), 0f, 1f));

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(StartOfRound), "Awake")]
		public static void ResizeLists(ref StartOfRound __instance)
			//IL_007b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0081: Expected O, but got Unknown
			__instance.allPlayerObjects = Helper.ResizeArray(__instance.allPlayerObjects, Plugin.MaxPlayers);
			__instance.allPlayerScripts = Helper.ResizeArray(__instance.allPlayerScripts, Plugin.MaxPlayers);
			__instance.gameStats.allPlayerStats = Helper.ResizeArray(__instance.gameStats.allPlayerStats, Plugin.MaxPlayers);
			__instance.playerSpawnPositions = Helper.ResizeArray(__instance.playerSpawnPositions, Plugin.MaxPlayers);
			for (int i = 4; i < Plugin.MaxPlayers; i++)
				__instance.gameStats.allPlayerStats[i] = new PlayerStats();
				__instance.playerSpawnPositions[i] = __instance.playerSpawnPositions[0];

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HUDManager), "Awake")]
		public static void ResizeHUD(ref HUDManager __instance)

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SoundManager), "SetPlayerVoiceFilters")]
		public static bool SetPlayerVoiceFilters(ref SoundManager __instance)
			for (int i = 0; i < StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts.Length; i++)
				if (!StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts[i].isPlayerControlled && !StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts[i].isPlayerDead)
					__instance.playerVoicePitches[i] = 1f;
					__instance.playerVoiceVolumes[i] = 1f;
				if (StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts[i].voicePlayerState != null)
					typeof(VoicePlayback).GetProperty("Dissonance.Audio.Playback.IVoicePlaybackInternal.PlaybackVolume", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts[i].currentVoiceChatIngameSettings._playbackComponent, Mathf.Clamp((SoundManager.Instance.playerVoiceVolumes[i] + 1f) * (float)(2 * Plugin._LoudnessMultiplier.Value), 0f, 1f));
				if (Mathf.Abs(__instance.playerVoicePitches[i] - __instance.playerVoicePitchTargets[i]) > 0.025f)
					__instance.playerVoicePitches[i] = Mathf.Lerp(__instance.playerVoicePitches[i], __instance.playerVoicePitchTargets[i], 3f * Time.deltaTime);
				else if (__instance.playerVoicePitches[i] != __instance.playerVoicePitchTargets[i])
					__instance.playerVoicePitches[i] = __instance.playerVoicePitchTargets[i];
			return false;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(MenuManager), "OnEnable")]
		public static void CustomMenu(ref MenuManager __instance)
			//IL_01c7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01d6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01e2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01f1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01ff: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_020e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_021c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_022b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0239: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0248: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0256: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0265: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0273: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0282: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_028d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_029c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02c1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject p2;
			RectTransform rt9 = default(RectTransform);
			if (!__instance.isInitScene)
				GameObject gameObject = ((Component)__instance.HostSettingsOptionsNormal.transform.parent.parent).gameObject;
				Component component = gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(RectTransform));
				RectTransform val = (RectTransform)(object)((component is RectTransform) ? component : null);
				p2 = ((Component)gameObject.transform.Find("PrivatePublicDescription")).gameObject;
				Component component2 = p2.GetComponent(typeof(RectTransform));
				RectTransform val2 = (RectTransform)(object)((component2 is RectTransform) ? component2 : null);
				Component component3 = ((Component)__instance.HostSettingsOptionsNormal.transform.Find("EnterAName")).gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(RectTransform));
				RectTransform val3 = (RectTransform)(object)((component3 is RectTransform) ? component3 : null);
				GameObject gameObject2 = ((Component)__instance.HostSettingsOptionsNormal.transform.Find("ServerNameField")).gameObject;
				Component component4 = gameObject2.GetComponent(typeof(RectTransform));
				RectTransform val4 = (RectTransform)(object)((component4 is RectTransform) ? component4 : null);
				Component component5 = ((Component)gameObject.transform.Find("Confirm")).gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(RectTransform));
				RectTransform val5 = (RectTransform)(object)((component5 is RectTransform) ? component5 : null);
				Component component6 = ((Component)gameObject.transform.Find("Back")).gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(RectTransform));
				RectTransform val6 = (RectTransform)(object)((component6 is RectTransform) ? component6 : null);
				Component component7 = ((Component)__instance.HostSettingsOptionsNormal.transform.Find("Public")).gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(RectTransform));
				RectTransform val7 = (RectTransform)(object)((component7 is RectTransform) ? component7 : null);
				Component component8 = ((Component)__instance.HostSettingsOptionsNormal.transform.Find("Private")).gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(RectTransform));
				Component obj = ((component8 is RectTransform) ? component8 : null);
				GameObject val8 = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(gameObject2, gameObject2.transform.parent);
				ref RectTransform reference = ref rt9;
				Component component9 = val8.GetComponent(typeof(RectTransform));
				reference = (RectTransform)(object)((component9 is RectTransform) ? component9 : null);
				val.sizeDelta = new Vector2(val.sizeDelta.x, 200f);
				val2.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(val2.anchoredPosition.x, -50f);
				val3.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(val3.anchoredPosition.x, 40f);
				val4.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(val4.anchoredPosition.x, 55f);
				val5.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(val5.anchoredPosition.x, -60f);
				val6.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(val6.anchoredPosition.x, -85f);
				val7.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(val7.anchoredPosition.x, -23f);
				((RectTransform)obj).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(((RectTransform)obj).anchoredPosition.x, -23f);
				rt9.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(rt9.anchoredPosition.x, 21f);
				((Object)rt9).name = "ServerPlayersField";
				((Component)rt9).GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().contentType = (ContentType)2;
				((TMP_Text)((Component)((Component)rt9).transform.Find("Text Area").Find("Placeholder")).gameObject.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = "Max players (16)...";
				((Component)rt9).transform.parent = __instance.HostSettingsOptionsNormal.transform;
			void OnChange()
				string text = Regex.Replace(((Component)rt9).GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text, "[^0-9]", "");
				if (!int.TryParse(text, out var result))
					result = 16;
				result = Math.Min(Math.Max(result, 4), 40);
				if (result > 16)
					((TMP_Text)p2.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = "Notice: High max player counts\nmay cause lag.";
				else if (((TMP_Text)p2.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text == "Notice: High max player counts\nmay cause lag.")
					((TMP_Text)p2.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = "yeah you should be good now lol";

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(MenuManager), "StartHosting")]
		public static bool StartHost(MenuManager __instance)
			//IL_008f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0094: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (!GameNetworkManager.Instance.currentLobby.HasValue)
				return true;
			if (!int.TryParse(Regex.Replace(((TMP_Text)((Component)((Component)__instance.HostSettingsOptionsNormal.transform.Find("ServerPlayersField")).gameObject.transform.Find("Text Area").Find("Text")).gameObject.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text, "[^0-9]", ""), out var result))
				result = 16;
			result = Math.Min(Math.Max(result, 4), 40);
			Lobby valueOrDefault = GameNetworkManager.Instance.currentLobby.GetValueOrDefault();
			((Lobby)(ref valueOrDefault)).SetData("MaxPlayers", result.ToString());
			Debug.Log((object)$"SETTING MAX PLAYERS TO {result}!");
			Plugin.MaxPlayers = result;
			if ((Object)(object)GameNetworkManager.Instance != (Object)null)
				GameNetworkManager.Instance.maxAllowedPlayers = Plugin.MaxPlayers;
			return true;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HUDManager), "FillEndGameStats")]
		public static void FillEndGameStats(HUDManager __instance)
			ExpandedStatsUI fromAnimator = ExpandedStatsUI.GetFromAnimator(__instance.endgameStatsAnimator);
			if (!((Object)(object)fromAnimator == (Object)null) && !((Object)(object)StartOfRound.Instance == (Object)null))
				PlayerStatsList statsListFromPlayerCount = fromAnimator.GetStatsListFromPlayerCount(Plugin.GetRealPlayerScripts(StartOfRound.Instance).Length);
				__instance.statsUIElements.playerNamesText = statsListFromPlayerCount.Names.ToArray();
				__instance.statsUIElements.playerStates = statsListFromPlayerCount.States.ToArray();
				__instance.statsUIElements.playerNotesText = statsListFromPlayerCount.Notes.ToArray();
				Debug.Log((object)"Adding EXPANDED stats!");

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HUDManager), "FillEndGameStats")]
		public static void FillEndGameStatsPostfix(HUDManager __instance)
			if ((Object)(object)StartOfRound.Instance == (Object)null || Plugin.GetRealPlayerScripts(StartOfRound.Instance).Length <= 4)
			TextMeshProUGUI[] playerNotesText = __instance.statsUIElements.playerNotesText;
			foreach (TextMeshProUGUI val in playerNotesText)
				if (!(((TMP_Text)val).text == ""))
					((TMP_Text)val).text = ((TMP_Text)val).text.Replace("Notes:", "").Trim();
			Sprite replacementCheckmark = ExpandedStatsUI.GetReplacementCheckmark();
			if ((Object)(object)replacementCheckmark == (Object)null)
			Image[] playerStates = __instance.statsUIElements.playerStates;
			foreach (Image val2 in playerStates)
				if (!((Object)(object)val2.sprite != (Object)(object)__instance.statsUIElements.aliveIcon))
					val2.sprite = replacementCheckmark;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameNetworkManager), "StartHost")]
		public static bool DoTheThe()
			return true;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameNetworkManager), "StartClient")]
		public static bool StartClient(GameNetworkManager __instance)
			return true;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(MenuManager), "StartAClient")]
		public static bool StartAClient()
			return true;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SteamLobbyManager), "loadLobbyListAndFilter")]
		public static IEnumerator LoadLobbyListAndFilter(IEnumerator result, SteamLobbyManager __instance)
			while (result.MoveNext())
				yield return result.Current;
			Debug.Log((object)"Injecting BL playercounts into lobby list.");
			LobbySlot[] componentsInChildren = ((Component)__instance.levelListContainer).GetComponentsInChildren<LobbySlot>(true);
			foreach (LobbySlot val in componentsInChildren)
					((TMP_Text)val.LobbyName).text = ((TMP_Text)val.LobbyName).text.Replace("[BiggerLobby]", "[BL]");
					if (!int.TryParse(((Lobby)(ref val.thisLobby)).GetData("MaxPlayers"), out var result2))
						result2 = 4;
					((TMP_Text)val.playerCount).text = ((TMP_Text)val.playerCount).text.Replace("/ 4", $"/ {result2}");
				catch (Exception ex)
					Debug.LogWarning((object)"Exception while injecting BL lobby metadata:");

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SteamMatchmaking), "CreateLobbyAsync")]
		public static void SetMaxMembers(ref int maxMembers)
			maxMembers = Plugin.MaxPlayers;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameNetworkManager), "SetConnectionDataBeforeConnecting")]
		public static bool SetConnectionDataBeforeConnecting(GameNetworkManager __instance)
			//IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			__instance.localClientWaitingForApproval = true;
			Debug.Log((object)("Game version: " + __instance.gameVersionNum));
			if (__instance.disableSteam)
				NetworkManager.Singleton.NetworkConfig.ConnectionData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(__instance.gameVersionNum + ",BiggerLobbyVersion2.5.0");
				NetworkManager.Singleton.NetworkConfig.ConnectionData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(__instance.gameVersionNum + "," + SteamId.op_Implicit(SteamClient.SteamId) + ",BiggerLobbyVersion2.5.0");
			return false;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameNetworkManager), "LobbyDataIsJoinable")]
		public static bool SkipLobbySizeCheck(ref GameNetworkManager __instance, ref bool __result, Lobby lobby)
			//IL_004f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0095: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			string data = ((Lobby)(ref lobby)).GetData("vers");
			if (!int.TryParse(((Lobby)(ref lobby)).GetData("MaxPlayers"), out var result))
				result = 16;
			result = Math.Min(Math.Max(result, 4), 40);
			if (((Lobby)(ref lobby)).MemberCount >= result || ((Lobby)(ref lobby)).MemberCount < 1)
				Debug.Log((object)$"Lobby join denied! Too many members in lobby! {((Lobby)(ref lobby)).Id}");
				Object.FindObjectOfType<MenuManager>().SetLoadingScreen(false, (RoomEnter)4, "The server is full!");
				__result = false;
				return false;
			if (data != __instance.gameVersionNum.ToString())
				Debug.Log((object)$"Lobby join denied! Attempted to join vers.{data} lobby id: {((Lobby)(ref lobby)).Id}");
				Object.FindObjectOfType<MenuManager>().SetLoadingScreen(false, (RoomEnter)2, $"The server host is playing on version {data} while you are on version {__instance.gameVersionNum}.");
				__result = false;
				return false;
			if (((Lobby)(ref lobby)).GetData("joinable") == "false")
				Debug.Log((object)"Lobby join denied! Host lobby is not joinable");
				Object.FindObjectOfType<MenuManager>().SetLoadingScreen(false, (RoomEnter)2, "The server host has already landed their ship, or they are still loading in.");
				__result = false;
				return false;
			Plugin.MaxPlayers = result;
			Debug.Log((object)$"SETTING MAX PLAYERS TO {result}!");
			if ((Object)(object)__instance != (Object)null)
				__instance.maxAllowedPlayers = Plugin.MaxPlayers;
			__result = true;
			return false;
	internal class PlayerObjects
		private static StartOfRound startOfRound;

		private static bool instantiating;

		private static int nextClientId;

		private static PlayerControllerB referencePlayer;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(StartOfRound), "Awake")]
		public static void ResizeLists(ref StartOfRound __instance)
			//IL_007b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0081: Expected O, but got Unknown
			__instance.allPlayerObjects = Helper.ResizeArray(__instance.allPlayerObjects, Plugin.MaxPlayers);
			__instance.allPlayerScripts = Helper.ResizeArray(__instance.allPlayerScripts, Plugin.MaxPlayers);
			__instance.gameStats.allPlayerStats = Helper.ResizeArray(__instance.gameStats.allPlayerStats, Plugin.MaxPlayers);
			__instance.playerSpawnPositions = Helper.ResizeArray(__instance.playerSpawnPositions, Plugin.MaxPlayers);
			for (int i = 4; i < Plugin.MaxPlayers; i++)
				__instance.gameStats.allPlayerStats[i] = new PlayerStats();
				__instance.playerSpawnPositions[i] = __instance.playerSpawnPositions[0];

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(ForestGiantAI), "Start")]
		public static bool ResizeLists2(ref ForestGiantAI __instance)
			__instance.playerStealthMeters = Helper.ResizeArray(__instance.playerStealthMeters, Plugin.MaxPlayers);
			return true;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HUDManager), "Awake")]
		public static void ResizeLists2(ref HUDManager __instance)
			//IL_0026: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			__instance.playerLevels = Helper.ResizeArray(__instance.playerLevels, Plugin.MaxPlayers + 1);
			for (int i = 4; i < Plugin.MaxPlayers; i++)
				__instance.playerLevels[i] = new PlayerLevel();

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SoundManager), "Awake")]
		public static void SoundWake(ref SoundManager __instance)
			__instance.playerVoiceMixers = Helper.ResizeArray(__instance.playerVoiceMixers, Plugin.MaxPlayers);
			for (int i = 0; i < Plugin.MaxPlayers; i++)
				__instance.playerVoiceMixers[i] = __instance.diageticMixer.outputAudioMixerGroup;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SoundManager), "Start")]
		public static void ResizeSoundManagerLists(ref SoundManager __instance)
			__instance.playerVoicePitchLerpSpeed = new float[Plugin.MaxPlayers + 1];
			__instance.playerVoicePitchTargets = new float[Plugin.MaxPlayers + 1];
			__instance.playerVoiceVolumes = new float[Plugin.MaxPlayers + 1];
			__instance.playerVoicePitches = new float[Plugin.MaxPlayers + 1];
			for (int i = 1; i < Plugin.MaxPlayers + 1; i++)
				__instance.playerVoicePitchLerpSpeed[i] = 3f;
				__instance.playerVoicePitchTargets[i] = 1f;
				__instance.playerVoicePitches[i] = 1f;
				__instance.playerVoiceVolumes[i] = 1f;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(EnemyAI), "EnableEnemyMesh")]
		public static bool EnableEnemyMesh(EnemyAI __instance, bool enable, bool overrideDoNotSet = false)
			int layer = ((!enable) ? 23 : 19);
			for (int i = 0; i < __instance.skinnedMeshRenderers.Length; i++)
				if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)__instance.skinnedMeshRenderers[i]) && (!((Component)__instance.skinnedMeshRenderers[i]).CompareTag("DoNotSet") || overrideDoNotSet))
					((Component)__instance.skinnedMeshRenderers[i]).gameObject.layer = layer;
			for (int j = 0; j < __instance.meshRenderers.Length; j++)
				if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)__instance.meshRenderers[j]) && (!((Component)__instance.meshRenderers[j]).CompareTag("DoNotSet") || overrideDoNotSet))
					((Component)__instance.meshRenderers[j]).gameObject.layer = layer;
			return false;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(ShipTeleporter), "Awake")]
		public static bool Awake2(ShipTeleporter __instance)
			int[] array = new int[Plugin.MaxPlayers];
			for (int i = 0; i < Plugin.MaxPlayers; i++)
				array[i] = -1;
			typeof(ShipTeleporter).GetField("playersBeingTeleported", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(__instance, array);
			__instance.buttonTrigger.interactable = false;
			typeof(ShipTeleporter).GetField("cooldownTime", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(__instance, __instance.cooldownAmount);
			return false;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(NetworkSceneManager), "PopulateScenePlacedObjects")]
		public static bool AddPlayers(NetworkSceneManager __instance)
			//IL_019d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_022c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0231: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			startOfRound = StartOfRound.Instance;
			if ((Object)(object)startOfRound.allPlayerObjects[Plugin.MaxPlayers - 1] != (Object)null)
				return true;
			referencePlayer = startOfRound.allPlayerObjects[0].GetComponent<PlayerControllerB>();
			GameObject playerPrefab = startOfRound.playerPrefab;
			Transform transform = ((Component)startOfRound.playersContainer).transform;
			FieldInfo field = typeof(NetworkObject).GetField("GlobalObjectIdHash", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			PropertyInfo property = typeof(NetworkObject).GetProperty("NetworkObjectId", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
			typeof(NetworkSceneManager).GetField("ScenePlacedObjects", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			instantiating = true;
			typeof(NetworkSpawnManager).GetMethod("SpawnNetworkObjectLocally", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, CallingConventions.Any, new Type[6]
			}, null);
			for (int i = 4; i < Plugin.MaxPlayers; i++)
				nextClientId = i;
				GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(playerPrefab, transform);
				PlayerControllerB component = val.GetComponent<PlayerControllerB>();
				NetworkObject component2 = val.GetComponent<NetworkObject>();
				NetworkObject component3 = ((Component)val.transform.Find("PlayerPhysicsBox")).gameObject.GetComponent<NetworkObject>();
				NetworkObject component4 = ((Component)val.transform.Find("ScavengerModel/metarig/ScavengerModelArmsOnly/metarig/spine.003/shoulder.R/arm.R_upper/arm.R_lower/hand.R/LocalItemHolder")).gameObject.GetComponent<NetworkObject>();
				NetworkObject component5 = ((Component)val.transform.Find("ScavengerModel/metarig/spine/spine.001/spine.002/spine.003/shoulder.R/arm.R_upper/arm.R_lower/hand.R/ServerItemHolder")).gameObject.GetComponent<NetworkObject>();
				component.TeleportPlayer(StartOfRound.Instance.notSpawnedPosition.position, false, 0f, false, true);
				startOfRound.allPlayerObjects[i] = val;
				startOfRound.allPlayerScripts[i] = component;
				uint num = (uint)(6942069 + i);
				ulong num2 = 6942069uL + (ulong)i;
				uint num3 = (uint)(123456789 + i);
				uint num4 = (uint)(987654321 + i);
				uint num5 = (uint)(124585949 + i);
				ulong num6 = 123456789uL + (ulong)i;
				ulong num7 = 987654321uL + (ulong)i;
				ulong num8 = 124585949uL + (ulong)i;
				Scene scene = ((Component)component2).gameObject.scene;
				_ = ((Scene)(ref scene)).handle;
				field.SetValue(component2, num);
				property.SetValue(component2, num2);
				field.SetValue(component3, num3);
				property.SetValue(component3, num6);
				field.SetValue(component4, num4);
				property.SetValue(component4, num7);
				field.SetValue(component5, num5);
				property.SetValue(component5, num8);
				ManualCameraRenderer[] array = Object.FindObjectsByType<ManualCameraRenderer>((FindObjectsInactive)1, (FindObjectsSortMode)0);
				for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++)
					array[j].AddTransformAsTargetToRadar(((Component)component).transform, "Player #" + j, false);
			instantiating = false;
			return true;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(QuickMenuManager), "AddUserToPlayerList")]
		public static bool AddUserToPlayerList(QuickMenuManager __instance, ulong steamId, string playerName, int playerObjectId)
			if (playerObjectId >= 0 && playerObjectId <= Plugin.MaxPlayers)
				__instance.playerListSlots[playerObjectId].isConnected = true;
				__instance.playerListSlots[playerObjectId].playerSteamId = steamId;
				((TMP_Text)__instance.playerListSlots[playerObjectId].usernameHeader).text = playerName.Replace("bizzlemip", "<color=#008282>bizzlemip</color>");
				if ((Object)(object)GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController != (Object)null)
					__instance.playerListSlots[playerObjectId].volumeSliderContainer.SetActive(playerObjectId != (int)GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.playerClientId);
			return false;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(QuickMenuManager), "Update")]
		private static bool Update(QuickMenuManager __instance)
			for (int i = 0; i < __instance.playerListSlots.Length; i++)
				if (__instance.playerListSlots[i].isConnected)
					float num = __instance.playerListSlots[i].volumeSlider.value / __instance.playerListSlots[i].volumeSlider.maxValue;
					if (num == -1f)
						SoundManager.Instance.playerVoiceVolumes[i] = -1f;
						SoundManager.Instance.playerVoiceVolumes[i] = num;
			return false;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(QuickMenuManager), "Start")]
		public static bool FixPlayerList(ref QuickMenuManager __instance)
			//IL_0050: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0056: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_005b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0061: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0066: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0072: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0079: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00c5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0100: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_011f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_013e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0159: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0173: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0192: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01f2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_020d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_022d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02a8: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_032b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0335: Expected O, but got Unknown
			GameObject val = null;
			GameObject gameObject = ((Component)__instance.playerListPanel.transform.Find("Image")).gameObject;
			if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)gameObject.transform.Find("Mask")))
				val = ((Component)gameObject.transform.Find("Mask")).gameObject;
			GameObject val2 = new GameObject("Mask");
			GameObject val3 = new GameObject("ScrollViewport");
			GameObject val4 = new GameObject("BGCollision");
			GameObject val5 = new GameObject("ScrollContent");
			val2.transform.localScale =;
			val3.transform.localScale =;
			val5.transform.localScale =;
			val2.AddComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(300f, 280f);
			val2.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-10f, 110f, 0f);
			val3.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, -10f, 0f);
			val5.AddComponent<RectTransform>().pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f);
			val2.GetComponent<RectTransform>().pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f);
			val2.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-10f, 110f, 0f);
			VerticalLayoutGroup val6 = val5.AddComponent<VerticalLayoutGroup>();
			ContentSizeFitter obj = val5.AddComponent<ContentSizeFitter>();
			ScrollRect obj2 = val3.AddComponent<ScrollRect>();
			obj2.viewport = val3.AddComponent<RectTransform>();
			obj2.content = val5.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			obj2.horizontal = false;
			Image val7 = val4.AddComponent<Image>();
			val4.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
			val4.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
			((Graphic)val7).color = new Color(255f, 255f, 255f, 0f);
			((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val6).spacing = 50f;
			obj.horizontalFit = (FitMode)0;
			obj.verticalFit = (FitMode)2;
			__instance.playerListSlots = Helper.ResizeArray(__instance.playerListSlots, Plugin.MaxPlayers);
			for (int i = 0; i < Plugin.MaxPlayers; i++)
				if (i < 4)
				PlayerListSlot val8 = new PlayerListSlot();
				GameObject val9 = (val8.slotContainer = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(__instance.playerListSlots[0].slotContainer));
				val8.volumeSliderContainer = ((Component)val9.transform.Find("VoiceVolumeSlider")).gameObject;
				val8.KickUserButton = ((Component)val9.transform.Find("KickButton")).gameObject;
				QuickMenuManager yeahoriginal = __instance;
				int localI = i;
				val8.isConnected = false;
				val8.usernameHeader = ((Component)val9.transform.Find("PlayerNameButton").Find("PName")).gameObject.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
				val8.volumeSlider = ((Component)val9.transform.Find("VoiceVolumeSlider").Find("Slider")).gameObject.GetComponent<Slider>();
				val8.playerSteamId = __instance.playerListSlots[0].playerSteamId;
				val9.transform.SetParent(val5.transform, false);
				__instance.playerListSlots[i] = val8;
			if ((Object)(object)val != (Object)null)
			return true;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(ManualCameraRenderer), "Awake")]
		public static bool Mawake(ref ManualCameraRenderer __instance)
			//IL_002e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0038: Expected O, but got Unknown
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
				__instance.radarTargets.Add(new TransformAndName(((Component)StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts[i]).transform, StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts[i].playerUsername, false));
			__instance.targetTransformIndex = 0;
			__instance.targetedPlayer = StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts[0];
			return false;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "Awake")]
		public static bool FixPlayerObject(ref PlayerControllerB __instance)
			if (!instantiating)
				return true;
			((Object)((Component)__instance).gameObject).name = $"ExtraPlayer{nextClientId}";
			__instance.playerClientId = (ulong)nextClientId;
			__instance.actualClientId = (ulong)nextClientId;
			StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerObjects[nextClientId] = ((Component)((Component)__instance).transform.parent).gameObject;
			StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts[nextClientId] = __instance;
			FieldInfo[] fields = typeof(PlayerControllerB).GetFields();
			foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in fields)
				object value = fieldInfo.GetValue(__instance);
				object value2 = fieldInfo.GetValue(referencePlayer);
				if (value == null && value2 != null)
					fieldInfo.SetValue(__instance, value2);
			((Behaviour)__instance).enabled = true;
			return true;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(StartOfRound), "GetPlayerSpawnPosition")]
		public static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> GetPlayerSpawnPosition(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions)
			List<CodeInstruction> list = new List<CodeInstruction>(instructions);
			list[0].opcode = OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1;
			return list.AsEnumerable();
namespace BiggerLobby.Models
	public class PlayerStatsList
		public Transform transform;

		public List<TextMeshProUGUI> Names = new List<TextMeshProUGUI>();

		public List<Image> States = new List<Image>();

		public List<TextMeshProUGUI> Notes = new List<TextMeshProUGUI>();

		public GameObject gameObject => ((Component)transform).gameObject;

		public PlayerStatsList(Transform transform)
			this.transform = transform;

		public void AddPlayerSlotTransform(Transform playerSlot)
			TextMeshProUGUI component = ((Component)playerSlot.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
			Image component2 = ((Component)playerSlot.GetChild(1)).GetComponent<Image>();
			TextMeshProUGUI component3 = ((Component)playerSlot.Find("Notes")).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();

		public void AddPlayerSlotTransforms(List<Transform> playerSlots)
			foreach (Transform playerSlot in playerSlots)
	public enum StatsScreenType
	public class StatsUIReferences : MonoBehaviour
		public Sprite StatsBoxesThin;

		public Sprite StatsBoxesGradeOnly;

		public Sprite CheckmarkThin;

		public ScrollRect ThinScrollRect;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using CustomSounds.Networking;
using CustomSounds.Patches;
using HarmonyLib;
using LCSoundTool;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("CustomSounds")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("CustomSounds")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2023")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("9e086160-a7fd-4721-ba09-3e8534cb7011")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
internal class <Module>
	static <Module>()
namespace CustomSounds
	[BepInPlugin("CustomSounds", "Custom Sounds", "2.1.2")]
	public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
		private const string PLUGIN_GUID = "CustomSounds";

		private const string PLUGIN_NAME = "Custom Sounds";

		private const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "2.1.2";

		public static Plugin Instance;

		internal ManualLogSource logger;

		private Harmony harmony;

		public HashSet<string> currentSounds = new HashSet<string>();

		public HashSet<string> oldSounds = new HashSet<string>();

		public HashSet<string> modifiedSounds = new HashSet<string>();

		public Dictionary<string, string> soundHashes = new Dictionary<string, string>();

		public Dictionary<string, string> soundPacks = new Dictionary<string, string>();

		public static ConfigEntry<KeyboardShortcut> AcceptSyncKey;

		public ConfigEntry<bool> configUseNetworking;

		private Dictionary<string, string> customSoundNames = new Dictionary<string, string>();

		public static bool Initialized { get; private set; }

		private void Awake()
			//IL_0076: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0090: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009a: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (!((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null))
			Instance = this;
			logger = Logger.CreateLogSource("CustomSounds");
			logger.LogInfo((object)"Plugin CustomSounds is loaded!");
			configUseNetworking = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("Experimental", "EnableNetworking", true, "Whether or not to use the networking built into this plugin. If set to true everyone in the lobby needs CustomSounds to join and also \"EnableNetworking\" set to true.");
			AcceptSyncKey = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<KeyboardShortcut>("Experimental", "AcceptSyncKey", new KeyboardShortcut((KeyCode)289, Array.Empty<KeyCode>()), "Key to accept audio sync.");
			harmony = new Harmony("CustomSounds");
			if (configUseNetworking.Value)
			modifiedSounds = new HashSet<string>();
			string customSoundsFolderPath = GetCustomSoundsFolderPath();
			if (!Directory.Exists(customSoundsFolderPath))
				logger.LogInfo((object)"\"CustomSounds\" folder not found. Creating it now.");
			string path = Path.Combine(Paths.BepInExConfigPath);
				List<string> list = File.ReadAllLines(path).ToList();
				int num = list.FindIndex((string line) => line.StartsWith("HideManagerGameObject"));
				if (num != -1)
					logger.LogInfo((object)"\"hideManagerGameObject\" value not correctly set. Fixing it now.");
					list[num] = "HideManagerGameObject = true";
				File.WriteAllLines(path, list);
			catch (Exception ex)
				logger.LogError((object)("Error modifying config file: " + ex.Message));
			Type[] types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes();
			Type[] array = types;
			foreach (Type type in array)
				MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
				MethodInfo[] array2 = methods;
				foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in array2)
					object[] customAttributes = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute), inherit: false);
					if (customAttributes.Length != 0)
						methodInfo.Invoke(null, null);

		internal void Start()

		internal void OnDestroy()

		internal void Initialize()
			if (!Initialized)
				Initialized = true;
				ReloadSounds(serverSync: false, isTemporarySync: false);

		private void OnApplicationQuit()

		public GameObject LoadNetworkPrefabFromEmbeddedResource()
			Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
			string name = "CustomSounds.Bundle.audionetworkhandler";
			using Stream stream = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name);
			if (stream == null)
				Debug.LogError((object)"Asset bundle not found in embedded resources.");
				return null;
			byte[] array = new byte[stream.Length];
			stream.Read(array, 0, array.Length);
			AssetBundle val = AssetBundle.LoadFromMemory(array);
			if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null)
				Debug.LogError((object)"Failed to load AssetBundle from memory.");
				return null;
			return val.LoadAsset<GameObject>("audionetworkhandler");

		public void DeleteTempFolder()
			string customSoundsTempFolderPath = GetCustomSoundsTempFolderPath();
			if (Directory.Exists(customSoundsTempFolderPath))
					Directory.Delete(customSoundsTempFolderPath, recursive: true);
					logger.LogInfo((object)"Temporary-Sync folder deleted successfully.");
				catch (Exception ex)
					logger.LogError((object)("Error deleting Temporary-Sync folder: " + ex.Message));

		public string GetCustomSoundsFolderPath()
			return Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(((BaseUnityPlugin)Instance).Info.Location), "CustomSounds");

		public string GetCustomSoundsTempFolderPath()
			return Path.Combine(GetCustomSoundsFolderPath(), "Temporary-Sync");

		public static byte[] SerializeWavToBytes(string filePath)
				return File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
			catch (Exception ex)
				Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + ex.Message);
				return null;

		public static string SerializeWavToBase64(string filePath)
				byte[] inArray = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
				return Convert.ToBase64String(inArray);
			catch (Exception ex)
				Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + ex.Message);
				return null;

		public static void DeserializeBytesToWav(byte[] byteArray, string audioFileName)
				string customSoundsTempFolderPath = Instance.GetCustomSoundsTempFolderPath();
				if (!Directory.Exists(customSoundsTempFolderPath))
					Instance.logger.LogInfo((object)"\"Temporary-Sync\" folder not found. Creating it now.");
				File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(customSoundsTempFolderPath, audioFileName), byteArray);
				Console.WriteLine("WAV file \"" + audioFileName + "\" created!");
			catch (Exception ex)
				Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + ex.Message);

		public static List<byte[]> SplitAudioData(byte[] audioData, int maxSegmentSize = 62000)
			List<byte[]> list = new List<byte[]>();
			for (int i = 0; i < audioData.Length; i += maxSegmentSize)
				int num = Mathf.Min(maxSegmentSize, audioData.Length - i);
				byte[] array = new byte[num];
				Array.Copy(audioData, i, array, 0, num);
			return list;

		public static byte[] CombineAudioSegments(List<byte[]> segments)
			List<byte> list = new List<byte>();
			foreach (byte[] segment in segments)
			return list.ToArray();

		public void ShowCustomTip(string header, string body, bool isWarning)
			HUDManager.Instance.DisplayTip(header, body, isWarning, false, "LC_Tip1");

		public void ForceUnsync()
			ReloadSounds(serverSync: false, isTemporarySync: false);

		public void RevertSounds()
			HashSet<string> hashSet = new HashSet<string>();
			foreach (string currentSound in currentSounds)
				string text = currentSound;
				if (currentSound.Contains("-"))
					text = currentSound.Substring(0, currentSound.IndexOf("-"));
				if (!hashSet.Contains(text))
					logger.LogInfo((object)(text + " restored."));
			logger.LogInfo((object)"Original game sounds restored.");

		public static string CalculateMD5(string filename)
			using MD5 mD = MD5.Create();
			using FileStream inputStream = File.OpenRead(filename);
			byte[] array = mD.ComputeHash(inputStream);
			return BitConverter.ToString(array).Replace("-", "").ToLowerInvariant();

		public void ReloadSounds(bool serverSync, bool isTemporarySync)
			oldSounds = new HashSet<string>(currentSounds);
			string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(Paths.PluginPath);
			string customSoundsTempFolderPath = GetCustomSoundsTempFolderPath();
			logger.LogInfo((object)("Temporary folder: " + customSoundsTempFolderPath));
			if (Directory.Exists(customSoundsTempFolderPath) && isTemporarySync)
				ProcessDirectory(customSoundsTempFolderPath, serverSync, isTemporarySync: true);
			ProcessDirectory(directoryName, serverSync, isTemporarySync: false);

		private void ProcessDirectory(string directoryPath, bool serverSync, bool isTemporarySync)
			string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(directoryPath, "CustomSounds", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
			foreach (string text in directories)
				string fileName = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(text));
				ProcessSoundFiles(text, fileName, serverSync, isTemporarySync);
				string[] directories2 = Directory.GetDirectories(text);
				foreach (string text2 in directories2)
					string fileName2 = Path.GetFileName(text2);
					ProcessSoundFiles(text2, fileName2, serverSync, isTemporarySync);

		private (string soundName, int? percentage, string customName) ParseSoundFileName(string fullSoundName)
			string[] array = fullSoundName.Split(new char[1] { '-' });
			string s = array[^1].Replace(".wav", "");
			if (int.TryParse(s, out var result))
				string item = array[0];
				string item2 = string.Join(" ", array.Skip(1).Take(array.Length - 2));
				return (item, result, item2);
			return (array[0], null, string.Join(" ", array.Skip(1)).Replace(".wav", ""));

		private void ProcessSoundFiles(string directoryPath, string packName, bool serverSync, bool isTemporarySync)
			string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath, "*.wav");
			foreach (string text in files)
				string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(text);
				(string soundName, int? percentage, string customName) tuple = ParseSoundFileName(fileNameWithoutExtension);
				string item = tuple.soundName;
				int? item2 = tuple.percentage;
				string item3 = tuple.customName;
				string text2 = (item2.HasValue ? $"{item}-{item3}-{item2.Value}" : (item + "-" + item3));
				string text3 = CalculateMD5(text);
				if (isTemporarySync || !currentSounds.Contains(text2))
					if (soundHashes.TryGetValue(text2, out var value) && value != text3)
					AudioClip audioClip = SoundTool.GetAudioClip(directoryPath, "", text);
					SoundTool.ReplaceAudioClip(item, audioClip);
					soundHashes[text2] = text3;
					soundPacks[item] = packName;
					string text4 = "[" + packName + "] " + item + " sound replaced!";
					if (item2 > 0)
						text4 += $" (Random chance: {item2}%)";
					string key = item + (item2.HasValue ? $"-{item2.Value}-{item3}" : ("-" + item3));
					if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item3))
						customSoundNames[key] = item3;
					if (serverSync)
						string text5 = Path.Combine(directoryPath, fileNameWithoutExtension + ".wav");
						logger.LogInfo((object)("[" + text5 + "] " + fileNameWithoutExtension + ".wav!"));
						AudioNetworkHandler.Instance.QueueAudioData(SerializeWavToBytes(text5), fileNameWithoutExtension + ".wav");

		public string ListAllSounds(bool isListing)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(isListing ? "Listing all currently loaded custom sounds:\n\n" : "Customsounds reloaded.\n\n");
			Dictionary<string, List<string>> soundsByPack = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
			Action<HashSet<string>, string> action = delegate(HashSet<string> soundsSet, string status)
				foreach (string item5 in soundsSet)
					(string soundName, int? percentage, string customName) tuple = ParseSoundFileName(item5);
					string item = tuple.soundName;
					int? item2 = tuple.percentage;
					string item3 = tuple.customName;
					string text = (item2.HasValue ? $" (Random: {item2.Value}%)" : "");
					string text2 = "";
					string key = item + (item2.HasValue ? $"-{item2.Value}-{item3}" : ("-" + item3));
					if (customSoundNames.TryGetValue(key, out var value))
						text2 = " [" + value + "]";
					string key2 = (soundPacks.ContainsKey(item) ? soundPacks[item] : "Unknown");
					if (!soundsByPack.ContainsKey(key2))
						soundsByPack[key2] = new List<string>();
					string item4 = (isListing ? (item + text + text2) : (item + " (" + status + ")" + text + text2));
			if (!isListing)
				action(new HashSet<string>(currentSounds.Except(oldSounds)), "N¹");
				action(new HashSet<string>(oldSounds.Except(currentSounds)), "D²");
				action(new HashSet<string>(oldSounds.Intersect(currentSounds).Except(modifiedSounds)), "A.E³");
				action(new HashSet<string>(modifiedSounds), "M⁴");
				action(new HashSet<string>(currentSounds), "N¹");
			foreach (string key3 in soundsByPack.Keys)
				stringBuilder.AppendLine(key3 + " :");
				foreach (string item6 in soundsByPack[key3])
					stringBuilder.AppendLine("- " + item6);
			if (!isListing)
				stringBuilder.AppendLine("¹ N = New");
				stringBuilder.AppendLine("² D = Deleted");
				stringBuilder.AppendLine("³ A.E = Already Existed");
				stringBuilder.AppendLine("⁴ M = Modified");
			return stringBuilder.ToString();
namespace CustomSounds.Patches
	public class NetworkObjectManager
		private static GameObject networkPrefab;

		private static GameObject networkHandlerHost;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameNetworkManager), "Start")]
		public static void Init()
			if (!((Object)(object)networkPrefab != (Object)null))
				networkPrefab = Plugin.Instance.LoadNetworkPrefabFromEmbeddedResource();
				Plugin.Instance.logger.LogInfo((object)"Created AudioNetworkHandler prefab");

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(StartOfRound), "Awake")]
		private static void SpawnNetworkHandler()
			//IL_003d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0042: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsHost || NetworkManager.Singleton.IsServer)
					Plugin.Instance.logger.LogInfo((object)"Spawning network handler");
					networkHandlerHost = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(networkPrefab,, Quaternion.identity);
					if (networkHandlerHost.GetComponent<NetworkObject>().IsSpawned)
						Debug.Log((object)"NetworkObject is spawned and active.");
						Debug.Log((object)"Failed to spawn NetworkObject.");
					if ((Object)(object)AudioNetworkHandler.Instance != (Object)null)
						Debug.Log((object)"Successfully accessed AudioNetworkHandler instance.");
						Debug.Log((object)"AudioNetworkHandler instance is null.");
				Plugin.Instance.logger.LogError((object)"Failed to spawned network handler");

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameNetworkManager), "StartDisconnect")]
		private static void DestroyNetworkHandler()
				if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsHost || NetworkManager.Singleton.IsServer)
					Plugin.Instance.logger.LogInfo((object)"Destroying network handler");
					networkHandlerHost = null;
				Plugin.Instance.logger.LogError((object)"Failed to destroy network handler");
	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Terminal), "ParsePlayerSentence")]
	public static class TerminalParsePlayerSentencePatch
		public static bool Prefix(Terminal __instance, ref TerminalNode __result)
			string[] array = __instance.screenText.text.Split(new char[1] { '\n' });
			if (array.Length == 0)
				return true;
			string[] array2 = array.Last().Trim().ToLower()
				.Split(new char[1] { ' ' });
			if (array2.Length == 0 || (array2[0] != "customsounds" && array2[0] != "cs"))
				return true;
			Plugin.Instance.logger.LogInfo((object)("Received terminal command: " + string.Join(" ", array2)));
			if (array2.Length > 1 && (array2[0] == "customsounds" || array2[0] == "cs"))
				switch (array2[1])
				case "reload":
				case "rl":
					Plugin.Instance.ReloadSounds(serverSync: false, isTemporarySync: false);
					__result = CreateTerminalNode(Plugin.Instance.ListAllSounds(isListing: false));
					return false;
				case "revert":
				case "rv":
					__result = CreateTerminalNode("Game sounds reverted to original.\n\n");
					return false;
				case "list":
				case "l":
					__result = CreateTerminalNode(Plugin.Instance.ListAllSounds(isListing: true));
					return false;
				case "help":
				case "h":
					if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsHost)
						__result = CreateTerminalNode("CustomSounds commands \n(Can also be used with 'CS' as an alias).\n\n>CUSTOMSOUNDS LIST/L\nTo display all currently loaded sounds\n\n>CUSTOMSOUNDS RELOAD/RL\nTo reload and apply sounds from the 'CustomSounds' folder and its subfolders.\n\n>CUSTOMSOUNDS REVERT/RV\nTo unload all custom sounds and restore original game sounds\n\n>CUSTOMSOUNDS SYNC/S\nTo start the sync of custom sounds with clients\n\n>CUSTOMSOUNDS FORCE-UNSYNC/FU\nTo force the unsync process for all clients\n\n");
						__result = CreateTerminalNode("CustomSounds commands \n(Can also be used with 'CS' as an alias).\n\n>CUSTOMSOUNDS LIST/L\nTo display all currently loaded sounds\n\n>CUSTOMSOUNDS RELOAD/RL\nTo reload and apply sounds from the 'CustomSounds' folder and its subfolders.\n\n>CUSTOMSOUNDS REVERT/RV\nTo unload all custom sounds and restore original game sounds\n\n>CUSTOMSOUNDS UNSYNC/U\nUnsyncs sounds sent by the host.\n\n");
					return false;
				case "sync":
				case "s":
					if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsHost)
						if (Plugin.Instance.configUseNetworking.Value)
							__result = CreateTerminalNode("Custom sound sync initiated. \nSyncing sounds with clients...\n\n");
							Plugin.Instance.ReloadSounds(serverSync: true, isTemporarySync: false);
							__result = CreateTerminalNode("Custom sound sync is currently disabled. \nPlease enable network support in the plugin config to use this feature.\n\n");
						__result = CreateTerminalNode("/!\\ ERROR /!\\ \nThis command can only be used by the host!\n\n");
					return false;
				case "unsync":
				case "u":
					if (!NetworkManager.Singleton.IsHost)
						__result = CreateTerminalNode("Unsyncing custom sounds. \nTemporary files deleted and original sounds reloaded.\n\n");
						Plugin.Instance.ReloadSounds(serverSync: false, isTemporarySync: false);
						__result = CreateTerminalNode("/!\\ ERROR /!\\ \nThis command cannot be used by the host!\n\n");
					return false;
				case "fu":
				case "force-unsync":
					if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsHost)
						__result = CreateTerminalNode("Forcing unsync for all clients. \nAll client-side temporary synced files have been deleted, and original sounds reloaded.\n\n");
						__result = CreateTerminalNode("/!\\ ERROR /!\\ \nThis command can only be used by the host!\n\n");
					return false;
					__result = CreateTerminalNode("Unknown customsounds command.\n\n");
					return false;
			return true;

		private static TerminalNode CreateTerminalNode(string message)
			TerminalNode val = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TerminalNode>();
			val.displayText = message;
			val.clearPreviousText = true;
			return val;
namespace CustomSounds.Networking
	public class AudioNetworkHandler : NetworkBehaviour
		private struct AudioData
			public List<byte[]> Segments;

			public string FileName;

			public AudioData(List<byte[]> segments, string fileName)
				Segments = segments;
				FileName = fileName;

		private List<byte[]> receivedAudioSegments = new List<byte[]>();

		private string audioFileName;

		private int totalAudioFiles;

		private int processedAudioFiles;

		private int totalSegments;

		private int processedSegments;

		private bool isRequestingSync;

		private float[] progressThresholds = new float[4] { 0.25f, 0.5f, 0.75f, 1f };

		private int lastThresholdIndex = -1;

		private bool hasAcceptedSync = false;

		private Queue<AudioData> audioQueue = new Queue<AudioData>();

		private bool isSendingAudio = false;

		public static AudioNetworkHandler Instance { get; private set; }

		private void Awake()
			if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null)
				Instance = this;
				Debug.Log((object)"AudioNetworkHandler instance created.");
				Debug.Log((object)"Extra AudioNetworkHandler instance destroyed.");

		private void Update()
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (isRequestingSync)
				KeyboardShortcut value = Plugin.AcceptSyncKey.Value;
				if (((KeyboardShortcut)(ref value)).IsPressed())
					Plugin.Instance.ShowCustomTip("CustomSounds Sync", "Sync request accepted successfully!", isWarning: false);
					hasAcceptedSync = true;
					isRequestingSync = false;

		public void QueueAudioData(byte[] audioData, string audioName)
			List<byte[]> list = Plugin.SplitAudioData(audioData);
			totalSegments += list.Count;
			audioQueue.Enqueue(new AudioData(list, audioName));
			if (!isSendingAudio)
				totalAudioFiles = audioQueue.Count;
				processedAudioFiles = 0;

		private IEnumerator SendAudioDataQueue()
			isSendingAudio = true;
			totalSegments = 0;
			processedSegments = 0;
			lastThresholdIndex = -1;
			yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(6f);
			isRequestingSync = false;
			yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(2f);
			while (audioQueue.Count > 0)
				AudioData audioData = audioQueue.Dequeue();
				yield return ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(SendAudioDataCoroutine(audioData.Segments, audioData.FileName));
			isSendingAudio = false;

		private void RequestSyncWithClients()
			foreach (NetworkClient connectedClients in NetworkManager.Singleton.ConnectedClientsList)

		private void RequestSyncClientRpc(ulong clientId)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_0099: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a3: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0071: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0089: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 2 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
					ClientRpcParams val = default(ClientRpcParams);
					FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendClientRpc(3186703908u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
					BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(val2, clientId);
					((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendClientRpc(ref val2, 3186703908u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 2 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost) && !((NetworkBehaviour)this).IsServer)
					Plugin.Instance.ShowCustomTip("CustomSounds Sync", $"Press {Plugin.AcceptSyncKey.Value} to accept the audio sync request.", isWarning: false);
					isRequestingSync = true;

		[ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)]
		private void NotifyClientsQueueCompletedServerRpc(ServerRpcParams rpcParams = default(ServerRpcParams))
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_008c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 1 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost))
					FastBufferWriter val = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendServerRpc(152710787u, rpcParams, (RpcDelivery)0);
					((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendServerRpc(ref val, 152710787u, rpcParams, (RpcDelivery)0);
				if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 1 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))

		public void ForceUnsync()

		private void ForceUnsyncClientsClientRpc()
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_008c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 2 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
				ClientRpcParams val = default(ClientRpcParams);
				FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendClientRpc(3960362720u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendClientRpc(ref val2, 3960362720u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 2 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost))
				if (((NetworkBehaviour)this).IsServer)
					Debug.Log((object)"Forcing all clients to delete Temporary-Sync folder.");
				Plugin.Instance.ShowCustomTip("CustomSounds Sync", "The CustomSounds sync has been reset by the host.\nTemporary files deleted and original sounds reloaded", isWarning: false);
				Plugin.Instance.ReloadSounds(serverSync: false, isTemporarySync: false);

		private void ProcessLastAudioFileClientRpc()
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_008c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 2 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
					ClientRpcParams val = default(ClientRpcParams);
					FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendClientRpc(234624598u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
					((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendClientRpc(ref val2, 234624598u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 2 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost) && hasAcceptedSync)
					hasAcceptedSync = false;
					Debug.Log((object)"Reverting all sounds.");
					Debug.Log((object)"All sounds reverted!");
					Debug.Log((object)"Reloading all sounds.");
					Plugin.Instance.ReloadSounds(serverSync: false, isTemporarySync: true);
					Debug.Log((object)"All sounds reloaded!");

		private void ProcessLastAudioFile()
			if (receivedAudioSegments.Count > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(audioFileName))
				byte[] byteArray = Plugin.CombineAudioSegments(receivedAudioSegments);
				Plugin.DeserializeBytesToWav(byteArray, audioFileName);
				audioFileName = null;

		public void SendAudioData(byte[] audioData, string audioName)
			List<byte[]> list = Plugin.SplitAudioData(audioData);
			audioFileName = audioName;
			SendAudioMetaDataToClientsServerRpc(list.Count, audioName);
			((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(SendAudioDataCoroutine(list, audioName));

		public void SendAudioMetaDataToClientsServerRpc(int totalSegments, string fileName)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_011d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0127: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00a5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ae: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00db: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0084: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_010d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 1 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost))
				if (((NetworkBehaviour)this).OwnerClientId != networkManager.LocalClientId)
					if ((int)networkManager.LogLevel <= 1)
						Debug.LogError((object)"Only the owner can invoke a ServerRpc that requires ownership!");
				ServerRpcParams val = default(ServerRpcParams);
				FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendServerRpc(3991320206u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(val2, totalSegments);
				bool flag = fileName != null;
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe(fileName, false);
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendServerRpc(ref val2, 3991320206u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 1 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
				Debug.Log((object)$"Sending metadata to clients: {totalSegments} segments, file name: {fileName}");
				ReceiveAudioMetaDataClientRpc(totalSegments, fileName);

		private IEnumerator SendAudioDataCoroutine(List<byte[]> audioSegments, string audioName)
			foreach (byte[] segment in audioSegments)
				SendBytesToServerRpc(segment, audioName);
				yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(0.2f);

		public void SendBytesToServerRpc(byte[] audioSegment, string audioName)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_015b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0165: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00a5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ae: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ce: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0084: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_0119: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_011f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_014b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 1 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost))
				if (((NetworkBehaviour)this).OwnerClientId != networkManager.LocalClientId)
					if ((int)networkManager.LogLevel <= 1)
						Debug.LogError((object)"Only the owner can invoke a ServerRpc that requires ownership!");
				ServerRpcParams val = default(ServerRpcParams);
				FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendServerRpc(3131260794u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				bool flag = audioSegment != null;
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<byte>(audioSegment, default(ForPrimitives));
				bool flag2 = audioName != null;
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<bool>(ref flag2, default(ForPrimitives));
				if (flag2)
					((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe(audioName, false);
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendServerRpc(ref val2, 3131260794u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 1 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
				Debug.Log((object)("Sending segment to server: " + audioName));
				ReceiveBytesClientRpc(audioSegment, audioName);

		public void ReceiveAudioMetaDataClientRpc(int totalSegments, string fileName)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00d7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e1: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0071: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0095: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 2 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
				ClientRpcParams val = default(ClientRpcParams);
				FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendClientRpc(1027341762u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(val2, totalSegments);
				bool flag = fileName != null;
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe(fileName, false);
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendClientRpc(ref val2, 1027341762u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 2 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost))
				Debug.Log((object)$"Received metadata on client: {totalSegments} segments expected, file name: {fileName}");
				audioFileName = fileName;

		public void ReceiveBytesClientRpc(byte[] audioSegment, string audioName)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_0115: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_011f: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ac: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0105: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 2 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
				ClientRpcParams val = default(ClientRpcParams);
				FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendClientRpc(2945580654u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				bool flag = audioSegment != null;
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<byte>(audioSegment, default(ForPrimitives));
				bool flag2 = audioName != null;
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<bool>(ref flag2, default(ForPrimitives));
				if (flag2)
					((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe(audioName, false);
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendClientRpc(ref val2, 2945580654u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 2 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost) && !((NetworkBehaviour)this).IsServer && hasAcceptedSync)
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(audioName) && audioFileName != audioName)
					audioFileName = audioName;

		private void DisplayStartingSyncMessageClientRpc()
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_008c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 2 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
				ClientRpcParams val = default(ClientRpcParams);
				FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendClientRpc(3964799390u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendClientRpc(ref val2, 3964799390u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 2 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost))
				if (hasAcceptedSync)
					Plugin.Instance.ShowCustomTip("CustomSounds Sync", "Starting audio synchronization. Please wait...", isWarning: false);
				else if (((NetworkBehaviour)this).IsServer)
					Plugin.Instance.ShowCustomTip("CustomSounds Sync", "Initiating audio synchronization. Sending files to clients...", isWarning: false);

		private void UpdateProgress()
			float progress = (float)processedSegments / (float)totalSegments;
			int currentThresholdIndex = GetCurrentThresholdIndex(progress);
			if (currentThresholdIndex > lastThresholdIndex)
				lastThresholdIndex = currentThresholdIndex;

		private int GetCurrentThresholdIndex(float progress)
			for (int num = progressThresholds.Length - 1; num >= 0; num--)
				if (progress >= progressThresholds[num])
					return num;
			return -1;

		private void UpdateProgressClientRpc(float progress)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00a7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b1: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0083: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0097: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 2 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
				ClientRpcParams val = default(ClientRpcParams);
				FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendClientRpc(3902617409u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<float>(ref progress, default(ForPrimitives));
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendClientRpc(ref val2, 3902617409u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 2 || (!networkManager.IsClient && !networkManager.IsHost) || (!((NetworkBehaviour)this).IsServer && !hasAcceptedSync))
			string text = GenerateProgressBar(progress);
			if (progress < 1f)
				if (!((NetworkBehaviour)this).IsServer)
					Plugin.Instance.ShowCustomTip("CustomSounds Sync", "Sounds transfer progression:\n" + text, isWarning: false);
			else if (((NetworkBehaviour)this).IsServer)
				Plugin.Instance.ShowCustomTip("CustomSounds Sync", "All sounds have been successfully sent!", isWarning: false);
				Plugin.Instance.ShowCustomTip("CustomSounds Sync", "All sounds have been successfully received!", isWarning: false);

		private string GenerateProgressBar(float progress)
			int num = 26;
			progress = Mathf.Clamp(progress, 0f, 1f);
			int num2 = (int)(progress * (float)num);
			return "[" + new string('#', num2) + new string('-', num - num2) + "] " + (int)(progress * 100f) + "%";

		protected override void __initializeVariables()

		internal static void InitializeRPCS_AudioNetworkHandler()
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0036: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0051: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0062: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0087: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0098: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a2: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00bd: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00ce: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d8: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00e9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f3: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0104: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_010e: Expected O, but got Unknown
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(3186703908u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_3186703908));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(152710787u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_152710787));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(3960362720u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_3960362720));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(234624598u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_234624598));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(3991320206u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_3991320206));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(3131260794u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_3131260794));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(1027341762u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_1027341762));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(2945580654u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_2945580654));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(3964799390u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_3964799390));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(3902617409u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_3902617409));

		private static void __rpc_handler_3186703908(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0050: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				ulong clientId = default(ulong);
				ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, ref clientId);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)2;
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_152710787(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				ServerRpcParams server = rpcParams.Server;
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)1;
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_3960362720(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)2;
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_234624598(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)2;
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_3991320206(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0070: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0089: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0055: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00bb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if (rpcParams.Server.Receive.SenderClientId != target.OwnerClientId)
				if ((int)networkManager.LogLevel <= 1)
					Debug.LogError((object)"Only the owner can invoke a ServerRpc that requires ownership!");
			int num = default(int);
			ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, ref num);
			bool flag = default(bool);
			((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
			string fileName = null;
			if (flag)
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe(ref fileName, false);
			target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)1;
			((AudioNetworkHandler)(object)target).SendAudioMetaDataToClientsServerRpc(num, fileName);
			target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_3131260794(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0082: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0055: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00c1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ab: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0111: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if (rpcParams.Server.Receive.SenderClientId != target.OwnerClientId)
				if ((int)networkManager.LogLevel <= 1)
					Debug.LogError((object)"Only the owner can invoke a ServerRpc that requires ownership!");
			bool flag = default(bool);
			((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
			byte[] audioSegment = null;
			if (flag)
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<byte>(ref audioSegment, default(ForPrimitives));
			bool flag2 = default(bool);
			((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<bool>(ref flag2, default(ForPrimitives));
			string audioName = null;
			if (flag2)
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe(ref audioName, false);
			target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)1;
			((AudioNetworkHandler)(object)target).SendBytesToServerRpc(audioSegment, audioName);
			target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_1027341762(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0042: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				int num = default(int);
				ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, ref num);
				bool flag = default(bool);
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				string fileName = null;
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe(ref fileName, false);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)2;
				((AudioNetworkHandler)(object)target).ReceiveAudioMetaDataClientRpc(num, fileName);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_2945580654(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0074: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0058: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				bool flag = default(bool);
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				byte[] audioSegment = null;
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<byte>(ref audioSegment, default(ForPrimitives));
				bool flag2 = default(bool);
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<bool>(ref flag2, default(ForPrimitives));
				string audioName = null;
				if (flag2)
					((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe(ref audioName, false);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)2;
				((AudioNetworkHandler)(object)target).ReceiveBytesClientRpc(audioSegment, audioName);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_3964799390(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)2;
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_3902617409(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0044: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				float progress = default(float);
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<float>(ref progress, default(ForPrimitives));
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)2;
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		protected internal override string __getTypeName()
			return "AudioNetworkHandler";


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using HarmonyLib;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("FasterItemDropship")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Mod made by flipf17")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("FasterItemDropship")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2023")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("a5a250fd-b706-48b9-9be9-da360fd939dc")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace FasterItemDropship
	public static class ConfigSettings
		public static ConfigEntry<int> dropshipDeliveryTime;

		public static ConfigEntry<int> dropshipMaxStayDuration;

		public static ConfigEntry<int> dropshipLeaveAfterSecondsOpenDoors;

		public static void BindConfigSettings()
			dropshipDeliveryTime = ((BaseUnityPlugin)Plugin.instance).Config.Bind<int>("FasterItemDropship", "DeliveryTime", 10, "How long it takes (in seconds) for the item dropship to arrive.");
			dropshipMaxStayDuration = ((BaseUnityPlugin)Plugin.instance).Config.Bind<int>("FasterItemDropship", "MaxLandDuration", 40, "The max duration (in seconds) the item dropship will stay.");
			dropshipLeaveAfterSecondsOpenDoors = ((BaseUnityPlugin)Plugin.instance).Config.Bind<int>("FasterItemDropship", "LeaveAfterSecondsOpenDoors", 3, "How long (in seconds) the item dropship will stay for after opening its doors.");
	[BepInPlugin("FlipMods.FasterItemDropship", "FasterItemDropship", "1.2.0")]
	public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
		private Harmony _harmony;

		public static Plugin instance;

		private void Awake()
			//IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			instance = this;
			_harmony = new Harmony("FasterItemDropship");
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"FasterItemDropship loaded");

		public static void Log(string message)
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "FlipMods.FasterItemDropship";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "FasterItemDropship";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.2.0";
namespace FasterItemDropship.Patches
	internal class FasterItemDropshipPatcher
		private static Terminal terminalScript;

		private static StartOfRound playersManager;

		private static List<int> itemsToDeliver;

		private static List<int> orderedItemsFromTerminal;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(ItemDropship), "Start")]
		public static void InitializeDropship(ItemDropship __instance)
			playersManager = Object.FindObjectOfType<StartOfRound>();
			terminalScript = Object.FindObjectOfType<Terminal>();
			itemsToDeliver = (List<int>)Traverse.Create((object)__instance).Field("itemsToDeliver").GetValue();

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Terminal), "Start")]
		public static void InitializeTerminal(Terminal __instance)
			orderedItemsFromTerminal = __instance.orderedItemsFromTerminal;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(ItemDropship), "Update")]
		public static void DropshipUpdate(ItemDropship __instance)
			if (((NetworkBehaviour)__instance).IsServer && !__instance.deliveringOrder && terminalScript.orderedItemsFromTerminal.Count > 0 && !playersManager.shipHasLanded)
				__instance.shipTimer += Time.deltaTime;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(ItemDropship), "Update")]
		private static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> Transpiler(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions)
			List<CodeInstruction> list = new List<CodeInstruction>(instructions);
			for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
				if (list[i].opcode == OpCodes.Ldc_R4)
					if ((float)list[i].operand == 20f)
						list[i].operand = (float)ConfigSettings.dropshipMaxStayDuration.Value;
					else if ((float)list[i].operand == 40f)
						list[i].operand = (float)(ConfigSettings.dropshipMaxStayDuration.Value + ConfigSettings.dropshipDeliveryTime.Value);
					else if ((float)list[i].operand == 30f)
						list[i].operand = (float)ConfigSettings.dropshipMaxStayDuration.Value;
			return list.AsEnumerable();

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(ItemDropship), "OpenShipDoorsOnServer")]
		public static void OnOpenShipDoors(ItemDropship __instance)
			if (((NetworkBehaviour)__instance).IsServer)
				__instance.shipTimer = Mathf.Max(__instance.shipTimer, (float)(ConfigSettings.dropshipMaxStayDuration.Value - ConfigSettings.dropshipLeaveAfterSecondsOpenDoors.Value));

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(ItemDropship), "ShipLandedAnimationEvent")]
		public static void AddLateItemsServer(ItemDropship __instance)
			if (((NetworkBehaviour)__instance).IsServer && __instance.shipLanded && !__instance.shipDoorsOpened)
				while (orderedItemsFromTerminal.Count > 0 && itemsToDeliver.Count < 12)


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using GameNetcodeStuff;
using HarmonyLib;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using UnityEngine;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("TermSpeak")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Automatically speak on talkie-walkies in your inventory while you're in the terminal")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.3")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("TermSpeak")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("TermSpeak")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace TermMacros
	[BepInPlugin("me.kdcf.termspeak", "TermSpeak", "1.0.3")]
	[BepInProcess("Lethal Company.exe")]
	public class TermSpeak : BaseUnityPlugin
		private Harmony _harmony = new Harmony("me.kdcf.termspeak");

		private static ManualLogSource _log = Logger.CreateLogSource("TermSpeak");

		private void Awake()
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Plugin me.kdcf.termspeak is loaded!");

		public static void OpenTerminal(Terminal __instance)
			SetWalkieMode(enabled: true);

		public static void CloseTerminal(Terminal __instance)
			SetWalkieMode(enabled: false);

		public static void SetWalkieMode(bool enabled)
			_log.LogInfo((object)"Terminal opened! Trying to find walkie talkie...");
			PlayerControllerB localPlayerController = GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController;
			_log.LogInfo((object)$"There are {localPlayerController.ItemSlots.Length} item slots to check.");
			GrabbableObject val = null;
			for (int i = 0; i < localPlayerController.ItemSlots.Length; i++)
				if (localPlayerController.ItemSlots[i] is WalkieTalkie && (!enabled || localPlayerController.ItemSlots[i].isBeingUsed))
					val = localPlayerController.ItemSlots[i];
			if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null)
				_log.LogInfo((object)"No walkie talkie found!");
			_log.LogInfo((object)"Found walkie talkie! Trying to set its mode...");
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "TermSpeak";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "TermSpeak";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.0.3";


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using GameNetcodeStuff;
using HarmonyLib;
using TMPro;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("HealthMetrics")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("HealthMetrics")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2023")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("eba7b111-51e5-4353-807d-1268e6290901")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.8", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.8")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace HealthMetrics
	[BepInPlugin("Matsuura.HealthMetrics", "HealthMetrics", "1.0.0")]
	public class HealthMetricsBase : BaseUnityPlugin
		private const string modGUID = "Matsuura.HealthMetrics";

		private const string modName = "HealthMetrics";

		private const string modVersion = "1.0.0";

		private readonly Harmony _harmony = new Harmony("Matsuura.HealthMetrics");

		private static HealthMetricsBase _instance;

		private static ManualLogSource _logSource;

		internal void Awake()
			if ((Object)(object)_instance == (Object)null)
				_instance = this;
			if (_logSource == null)
				_logSource = Logger.CreateLogSource("Matsuura.HealthMetrics");
			_logSource.LogInfo((object)"HealthMetrics Awake");

		internal static void Log(string message)
			if (_logSource != null)

		internal static void LogD(string message)
			if (_logSource != null)
namespace HealthMetrics.Patches
	internal class HealthHUDPatches
		private static TextMeshProUGUI _healthText;

		private static readonly string DefaultValueHealthText = " ¤";

		public static int _oldValuehealthValueForUpdater = 0;

		public static int _healthValueForUpdater = 100;

		private static readonly Color _healthyColor = Color32.op_Implicit(new Color32((byte)0, byte.MaxValue, (byte)0, byte.MaxValue));

		private static readonly Color _criticalHealthColor = Color32.op_Implicit(new Color32(byte.MaxValue, (byte)0, (byte)0, byte.MaxValue));

		private static void Start(ref HUDManager __instance)
			//IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0039: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = new GameObject("HealthHUDDisplay");
			TextMeshProUGUI obj = val.AddComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
			RectTransform rectTransform = ((TMP_Text)obj).rectTransform;
			((Transform)rectTransform).SetParent(((Component)__instance.PTTIcon).transform, false);
			rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(8f, -57f);
			((TMP_Text)obj).font = ((TMP_Text)__instance.controlTipLines[0]).font;
			((TMP_Text)obj).fontSize = 16f;
			((TMP_Text)obj).text = "100";
			((Graphic)obj).color = _healthyColor;
			((TMP_Text)obj).overflowMode = (TextOverflowModes)0;
			((Behaviour)obj).enabled = true;
			_healthText = obj;

		private static void Update()
			//IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0082: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if ((Object)(object)_healthText != (Object)null && _healthValueForUpdater != _oldValuehealthValueForUpdater)
				_oldValuehealthValueForUpdater = _healthValueForUpdater;
				if (_healthValueForUpdater > 0)
					((TMP_Text)_healthText).text = _healthValueForUpdater.ToString().PadLeft((_healthValueForUpdater < 10) ? 2 : 3, ' ');
					((TMP_Text)_healthText).text = DefaultValueHealthText;
				double percentage = (double)_healthValueForUpdater / 100.0;
				((Graphic)_healthText).color = ColorInterpolation(_criticalHealthColor, _healthyColor, percentage);

		public static int LinearInterpolation(int start, int end, double percentage)
			return start + (int)Math.Round(percentage * (double)(end - start));

		public static Color ColorInterpolation(Color start, Color end, double percentage)
			//IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0042: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return new Color(hexToFloat(LinearInterpolation(floatToHex(start.r), floatToHex(end.r), percentage)), hexToFloat(LinearInterpolation(floatToHex(start.g), floatToHex(end.g), percentage)), hexToFloat(LinearInterpolation(floatToHex(start.b), floatToHex((int)end.b), percentage)), 1f);

		public static float hexToFloat(int hex)
			return (float)hex / 255f;

		public static int floatToHex(float f)
			return (int)f * 255;
	internal class PlayerPatches
		private static void LateUpdate_Prefix(PlayerControllerB __instance)
			if (((NetworkBehaviour)__instance).IsOwner && (!((NetworkBehaviour)__instance).IsServer || __instance.isHostPlayerObject))
				HealthHUDPatches._healthValueForUpdater = (( >= 0) ? : 0);


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using HarmonyLib;
using UnityEngine;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("HideChat")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("HideChat")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2023")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("fa900f4d-71b1-433a-ad23-a10fc53dc3d8")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.8", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.8")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace HideChat
	[BepInPlugin("Miodec.HideChat", "Hide Chat", "1.0.0")]
	public class HidePlayerNames : BaseUnityPlugin
		private const string modGUID = "Miodec.HideChat";

		private const string modName = "Hide Chat";

		private const string modVersion = "1.0.0";

		private static HidePlayerNames Instance;

		internal ManualLogSource mls;

		private void Awake()
			if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null)
				Instance = this;
			mls = Logger.CreateLogSource("Miodec.HideChat");
			mls.LogDebug((object)"hidechat is awake");
			Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), (string)null);
namespace HideChat.Patches
	internal class HUDManagerPatch
		public static void FadeToNothing(ref HUDManager __instance)
			__instance.PingHUDElement(__instance.Chat, 5f, 1f, 0f);


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using HarmonyLib;
using LCSoundTool.Networking;
using LCSoundTool.Patches;
using LCSoundTool.Resources;
using LCSoundTool.Utilities;
using LCSoundToolMod.Properties;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("LC_SoundTool")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Various audio related functions. Mainly logs all sounds that are playing and what type of playback they're into the BepInEx console.")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.3.2")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("LC_SoundTool")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("LC_SoundTool")]
[assembly: AssemblyMetadata("RepositoryUrl", "")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
internal class <Module>
	static <Module>()
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace LCSoundToolMod
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "LC_SoundTool";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "LC_SoundTool";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.3.2";
namespace LCSoundToolMod.Properties
	[GeneratedCode("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", "")]
	internal class Resources
		private static ResourceManager resourceMan;

		private static CultureInfo resourceCulture;

		internal static ResourceManager ResourceManager
				if (resourceMan == null)
					ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager("LCSoundToolMod.Properties.Resources", typeof(Resources).Assembly);
					resourceMan = resourceManager;
				return resourceMan;

		internal static CultureInfo Culture
				return resourceCulture;
				resourceCulture = value;

		internal static byte[] soundtool
				object @object = ResourceManager.GetObject("soundtool", resourceCulture);
				return (byte[])@object;

		internal Resources()
namespace LCSoundTool
	public class AudioSourceExtension : MonoBehaviour
		public AudioSource audioSource;

		public bool playOnAwake = false;

		public bool loop = false;

		private void OnEnable()
			if (!((Object)(object)audioSource == (Object)null) && !((Object)(object)audioSource.clip == (Object)null) && !audioSource.isPlaying)
				if (playOnAwake)
				if (SoundTool.indepthDebugging)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"(AudioSourceExtension) Started playback of {audioSource} with clip {audioSource.clip} in OnEnable function!");

		private void OnDisable()
			if (!((Object)(object)audioSource == (Object)null) && !((Object)(object)audioSource.clip == (Object)null) && audioSource.isPlaying)
				if (playOnAwake)
				if (SoundTool.indepthDebugging)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"(AudioSourceExtension) Stopped playback of {audioSource} with clip {audioSource.clip} in OnDisable function!");
	public class RandomAudioClip
		public AudioClip clip;

		[Range(0f, 1f)]
		public float chance = 1f;

		public RandomAudioClip(AudioClip clip, float chance)
			this.clip = clip;
			this.chance = chance;
	[BepInPlugin("LCSoundTool", "LC Sound Tool", "1.3.2")]
	public class SoundTool : BaseUnityPlugin
		private const string PLUGIN_GUID = "LCSoundTool";

		private const string PLUGIN_NAME = "LC Sound Tool";

		private ConfigEntry<bool> configUseNetworking;

		private readonly Harmony harmony = new Harmony("LCSoundTool");

		public static SoundTool Instance;

		internal ManualLogSource logger;

		public KeyboardShortcut toggleAudioSourceDebugLog;

		public KeyboardShortcut toggleIndepthDebugLog;

		public bool wasKeyDown;

		public bool wasKeyDown2;

		public static bool debugAudioSources;

		public static bool indepthDebugging;

		public static bool networkingInitialized { get; private set; }

		public static bool networkingAvailable { get; private set; }

		public static Dictionary<string, List<RandomAudioClip>> replacedClips { get; private set; }

		public static Dictionary<string, AudioClip> networkedClips => NetworkHandler.networkedAudioClips;

		public static event Action ClientNetworkedAudioChanged
				NetworkHandler.ClientNetworkedAudioChanged += value;
				NetworkHandler.ClientNetworkedAudioChanged -= value;

		public static event Action HostNetworkedAudioChanged
				NetworkHandler.HostNetworkedAudioChanged += value;
				NetworkHandler.HostNetworkedAudioChanged -= value;

		private void Awake()
			//IL_00e8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ed: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0106: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_010b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			networkingAvailable = true;
			if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null)
				Instance = this;
			configUseNetworking = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("Experimental", "EnableNetworking", false, "Whether or not to use the networking built into this plugin. If set to true everyone in the lobby needs LCSoundTool to join.");
			Type[] types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes();
			Type[] array = types;
			foreach (Type type in array)
				MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
				MethodInfo[] array2 = methods;
				foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in array2)
					object[] customAttributes = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute), inherit: false);
					if (customAttributes.Length != 0)
						methodInfo.Invoke(null, null);
			logger = Logger.CreateLogSource("LCSoundTool");
			logger.LogInfo((object)"Plugin LCSoundTool is loaded!");
			toggleAudioSourceDebugLog = new KeyboardShortcut((KeyCode)286, (KeyCode[])(object)new KeyCode[0]);
			toggleIndepthDebugLog = new KeyboardShortcut((KeyCode)286, (KeyCode[])(object)new KeyCode[1] { (KeyCode)308 });
			debugAudioSources = false;
			indepthDebugging = false;
			replacedClips = new Dictionary<string, List<RandomAudioClip>>();

		private void Start()
			if (!configUseNetworking.Value)
				networkingAvailable = false;
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Networking disabled. Mod in fully client side mode, but no networked actions can take place!");
				networkingAvailable = true;
			if (configUseNetworking.Value)
				logger.LogDebug((object)"Loading SoundTool AssetBundle...");
				Assets.bundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromMemory(LCSoundToolMod.Properties.Resources.soundtool);
				if ((Object)(object)Assets.bundle == (Object)null)
					logger.LogError((object)"Failed to load SoundTool AssetBundle!");
					logger.LogDebug((object)"Finished loading SoundTool AssetBundle!");
			if (configUseNetworking.Value)
			SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded;

		private void Update()
			if (configUseNetworking.Value)
				if (!networkingInitialized)
					if ((Object)(object)NetworkHandler.Instance != (Object)null)
						networkingInitialized = true;
				else if ((Object)(object)NetworkHandler.Instance == (Object)null)
					networkingInitialized = false;
				networkingInitialized = false;
			if (((KeyboardShortcut)(ref toggleIndepthDebugLog)).IsDown() && !wasKeyDown2)
				wasKeyDown2 = true;
				wasKeyDown = false;
			if (((KeyboardShortcut)(ref toggleIndepthDebugLog)).IsUp() && wasKeyDown2)
				wasKeyDown2 = false;
				wasKeyDown = false;
				debugAudioSources = !debugAudioSources;
				indepthDebugging = debugAudioSources;
				Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"Toggling in-depth AudioSource debug logs {debugAudioSources}!");
			if (!wasKeyDown2 && !((KeyboardShortcut)(ref toggleIndepthDebugLog)).IsDown() && ((KeyboardShortcut)(ref toggleAudioSourceDebugLog)).IsDown() && !wasKeyDown)
				wasKeyDown = true;
				wasKeyDown2 = false;
			if (((KeyboardShortcut)(ref toggleAudioSourceDebugLog)).IsUp() && wasKeyDown)
				wasKeyDown = false;
				wasKeyDown2 = false;
				debugAudioSources = !debugAudioSources;
				Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"Toggling AudioSource debug logs {debugAudioSources}!");

		private void OnDestroy()
			SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= OnSceneLoaded;

		private void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
			if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null)
			if (debugAudioSources || indepthDebugging)
				Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)("Grabbing all playOnAwake AudioSources for loaded scene " + ((Scene)(ref scene)).name));
			AudioSource[] allPlayOnAwakeAudioSources = GetAllPlayOnAwakeAudioSources();
			if (debugAudioSources || indepthDebugging)
				Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"Found a total of {allPlayOnAwakeAudioSources.Length} playOnAwake AudioSources!");
				Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"Starting setup on {allPlayOnAwakeAudioSources.Length} compatable playOnAwake AudioSources...");
			AudioSource[] array = allPlayOnAwakeAudioSources;
			AudioSourceExtension audioSourceExtension = default(AudioSourceExtension);
			foreach (AudioSource val in array)
				if (((Component)((Component)val).transform).TryGetComponent<AudioSourceExtension>(ref audioSourceExtension))
					audioSourceExtension.playOnAwake = true;
					audioSourceExtension.audioSource = val;
					audioSourceExtension.loop = val.loop;
					val.playOnAwake = false;
					if (debugAudioSources || indepthDebugging)
						Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"-Set- {Array.IndexOf(allPlayOnAwakeAudioSources, val) + 1} {val} done!");
				AudioSourceExtension audioSourceExtension2 = ((Component)val).gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSourceExtension>();
				audioSourceExtension2.audioSource = val;
				audioSourceExtension2.playOnAwake = true;
				audioSourceExtension2.loop = val.loop;
				val.playOnAwake = false;
				if (debugAudioSources || indepthDebugging)
					Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"-Add- {Array.IndexOf(allPlayOnAwakeAudioSources, val) + 1} {val} done!");
			if (debugAudioSources || indepthDebugging)
				Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"Done setting up {allPlayOnAwakeAudioSources.Length} compatable playOnAwake AudioSources!");

		public AudioSource[] GetAllPlayOnAwakeAudioSources()
			AudioSource[] array = Object.FindObjectsOfType<AudioSource>(true);
			List<AudioSource> list = new List<AudioSource>();
			for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
				if (array[i].playOnAwake)
			return list.ToArray();

		public static void ReplaceAudioClip(string originalName, AudioClip newClip)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(originalName))
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Plugin LCSoundTool is trying to replace an audio clip without original clip specified! This is not allowed.");
			if ((Object)(object)newClip == (Object)null)
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Plugin LCSoundTool is trying to replace an audio clip without new clip specified! This is not allowed.");
			string name = newClip.GetName();
			float num = 100f;
			if (name.Contains("-"))
				string[] array = name.Split('-');
				if (array.Length > 1)
					string s = array[^1];
					if (int.TryParse(s, out var result))
						num = (float)result * 0.01f;
						name = string.Join("-", array, 0, array.Length - 1);
			if (replacedClips.ContainsKey(originalName) && num >= 100f)
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Plugin LCSoundTool is trying to replace an audio clip that already has been replaced with 100% chance of playback! This is not allowed.");
			num = Mathf.Clamp01(num);
			if (replacedClips.ContainsKey(originalName))
				replacedClips[originalName].Add(new RandomAudioClip(newClip, num));
				replacedClips[originalName] = new List<RandomAudioClip>
					new RandomAudioClip(newClip, num)
			float num2 = 0f;
			for (int i = 0; i < replacedClips[originalName].Count(); i++)
				num2 += replacedClips[originalName][i].chance;
			if ((num2 < 1f || num2 > 1f) && replacedClips[originalName].Count() > 1)
				Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"The current total combined chance for replaced {replacedClips[originalName].Count()} random audio clips for audio clip {originalName} does not equal 100%");

		public static void ReplaceAudioClip(AudioClip originalClip, AudioClip newClip)
			if ((Object)(object)originalClip == (Object)null)
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Plugin LCSoundTool is trying to replace an audio clip without original clip specified! This is not allowed.");
			else if ((Object)(object)newClip == (Object)null)
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Plugin LCSoundTool is trying to replace an audio clip without new clip specified! This is not allowed.");
				ReplaceAudioClip(originalClip.GetName(), newClip);

		public static void RemoveRandomAudioClip(string name, float chance)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Plugin LCSoundTool is trying to restore an audio clip without original clip specified! This is not allowed.");
			else if (!replacedClips.ContainsKey(name))
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Plugin LCSoundTool is trying to restore an audio clip that does not exist! This is not allowed.");
				if (!(chance > 0f))
				for (int i = 0; i < replacedClips[name].Count(); i++)
					if (replacedClips[name][i].chance == chance)

		public static void RestoreAudioClip(string name)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Plugin LCSoundTool is trying to restore an audio clip without original clip specified! This is not allowed.");
			else if (!replacedClips.ContainsKey(name))
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Plugin LCSoundTool is trying to restore an audio clip that does not exist! This is not allowed.");

		public static void RestoreAudioClip(AudioClip clip)
			if ((Object)(object)clip == (Object)null)
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Plugin LCSoundTool is trying to restore an audio clip without original clip specified! This is not allowed.");

		public static AudioClip GetAudioClip(string modFolder, string soundName)
			return GetAudioClip(modFolder, string.Empty, soundName);

		public static AudioClip GetAudioClip(string modFolder, string subFolder, string soundName)
			bool flag = true;
			string text = " ";
			string text2 = Path.Combine(Paths.PluginPath, modFolder, subFolder, soundName);
			string text3 = Path.Combine(Paths.PluginPath, modFolder, soundName);
			string path = Path.Combine(Paths.PluginPath, modFolder, subFolder);
			string text4 = Path.Combine(Paths.PluginPath, subFolder, soundName);
			string path2 = Path.Combine(Paths.PluginPath, subFolder);
			if (!Directory.Exists(path))
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subFolder))
					Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)("Requested directory at BepInEx/Plugins/" + modFolder + "/" + subFolder + " does not exist!"));
					Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)("Requested directory at BepInEx/Plugins/" + modFolder + " does not exist!"));
					if (!modFolder.Contains("-"))
						Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"This sound mod might not be compatable with mod managers. You should contact the sound mod's author.");
				flag = false;
			if (!File.Exists(text2))
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)("Requested audio file does not exist at path " + text2 + "!"));
				flag = false;
				Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)("Looking for audio file from mod root instead at " + text3 + "..."));
				if (File.Exists(text3))
					Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)("Found audio file at path " + text3 + "!"));
					text2 = text3;
					flag = true;
					Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)("Requested audio file does not exist at mod root path " + text3 + "!"));
			if (Directory.Exists(path2))
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subFolder))
					Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)("Legacy directory location at BepInEx/Plugins/" + subFolder + " found!"));
				else if (!modFolder.Contains("-"))
					Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Legacy directory location at BepInEx/Plugins found!");
			if (File.Exists(text4))
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)("Legacy path contains the requested audio file at path " + text4 + "!"));
				text = " legacy ";
				text2 = text4;
				flag = true;
			AudioClip val = null;
			if (flag)
				Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)("Loading AudioClip " + soundName + " from" + text + "path: " + text2));
				val = WavUtility.LoadFromDiskToAudioClip(text2);
				Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"Finished loading AudioClip {soundName} with length of {val.length}!");
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)("Failed to load AudioClip " + soundName + " from invalid" + text + "path at " + text2 + "!"));
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val.GetName()))
				((Object)val).name = soundName.Replace(".wav", "");
			return val;

		public static void SendNetworkedAudioClip(AudioClip audioClip)
			if (!Instance.configUseNetworking.Value)
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)$"Networking disabled! Failed to send {audioClip}!");
			else if ((Object)(object)audioClip == (Object)null)
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)$"audioClip variable of SendAudioClip not assigned! Failed to send {audioClip}!");
			else if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null || (Object)(object)GameNetworkManagerPatch.networkHandlerHost == (Object)null || (Object)(object)NetworkHandler.Instance == (Object)null)
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)$"Instance of SoundTool not found or networking has not finished initializing. Failed to send {audioClip}! If you're sending things in Awake or in a scene such as the main menu it might be too early, please try some of the other built-in Unity methods and make sure your networked audio runs only after the player setups a networked connection!");
				NetworkHandler.Instance.SendAudioClipServerRpc(audioClip.GetName(), WavUtility.AudioClipToByteArray(audioClip, out var _));

		public static void RemoveNetworkedAudioClip(AudioClip audioClip)

		public static void RemoveNetworkedAudioClip(string audioClip)
			if (!Instance.configUseNetworking.Value)
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)("Networking disabled! Failed to remove " + audioClip + "!"));
			else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(audioClip))
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)("audioClip variable of RemoveAudioClip not assigned! Failed to remove " + audioClip + "!"));
			else if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null || (Object)(object)GameNetworkManagerPatch.networkHandlerHost == (Object)null || (Object)(object)NetworkHandler.Instance == (Object)null)
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)("Instance of SoundTool not found or networking has not finished initializing. Failed to remove " + audioClip + "! If you're removing things in Awake or in a scene such as the main menu it might be too early, please try some of the other built-in Unity methods and make sure your networked audio runs only after the player setups a networked connection!"));

		public static void SyncNetworkedAudioClips()
			if (!Instance.configUseNetworking.Value)
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Networking disabled! Failed to sync audio clips!");
			else if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null || (Object)(object)GameNetworkManagerPatch.networkHandlerHost == (Object)null || (Object)(object)NetworkHandler.Instance == (Object)null)
				Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Instance of SoundTool not found or networking has not finished initializing. Failed to sync networked audio! If you're syncing things in Awake or in a scene such as the main menu it might be too early, please try some of the other built-in Unity methods and make sure your networked audio runs only after the player setups a networked connection!");
namespace LCSoundTool.Utilities
	public static class WavUtility
		public static byte[] AudioClipToByteArray(AudioClip audioClip, out float[] samples)
			samples = new float[audioClip.samples * audioClip.channels];
			audioClip.GetData(samples, 0);
			byte[] array = new byte[samples.Length * 2];
			int num = 32767;
			for (int i = 0; i < samples.Length; i++)
				short value = (short)(samples[i] * (float)num);
				BitConverter.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(array, i * 2);
			return array;

		public static AudioClip ByteArrayToAudioClip(byte[] byteArray, string clipName)
			int num = 16;
			int num2 = num / 8;
			AudioClip val = AudioClip.Create(clipName, byteArray.Length / num2, 1, 44100, false);
			val.SetData(ConvertByteArrayToFloatArray(byteArray), 0);
			return val;

		private static float[] ConvertByteArrayToFloatArray(byte[] byteArray)
			float[] array = new float[byteArray.Length / 2];
			int num = 32767;
			for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
				short num2 = BitConverter.ToInt16(byteArray, i * 2);
				array[i] = (float)num2 / (float)num;
			return array;

		public static AudioClip LoadFromDiskToAudioClip(string path)
			//IL_0027: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002d: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			AudioClip result = null;
			UnityWebRequest audioClip = UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip(path, (AudioType)20);
					while (!audioClip.isDone)
					if ((int)audioClip.result != 1)
						SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogError((object)("Failed to load AudioClip from path: " + path + " Full error: " + audioClip.error));
						result = DownloadHandlerAudioClip.GetContent(audioClip);
				catch (Exception ex)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogError((object)(ex.Message + ", " + ex.StackTrace));
			return result;
namespace LCSoundTool.Patches
	internal class AudioSourcePatch
		private static Dictionary<string, AudioClip> originalClips = new Dictionary<string, AudioClip>();

		[HarmonyPatch("Play", new Type[] { })]
		public static void Play_Patch(AudioSource __instance)

		[HarmonyPatch("Play", new Type[] { typeof(ulong) })]
		public static void Play_UlongPatch(AudioSource __instance)

		[HarmonyPatch("Play", new Type[] { typeof(double) })]
		public static void Play_DoublePatch(AudioSource __instance)

		[HarmonyPatch("PlayDelayed", new Type[] { typeof(float) })]
		public static void PlayDelayed_Patch(AudioSource __instance)

		[HarmonyPatch("PlayClipAtPoint", new Type[]
		public static bool PlayClipAtPoint_Patch(AudioClip clip, Vector3 position, float volume)
			//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = new GameObject("One shot audio");
			val.transform.position = position;
			AudioSource val2 = val.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
			val2.clip = clip;
			val2.spatialBlend = 1f;
			val2.volume = volume;
			DebugPlayClipAtPointMethod(val2, position);
			Object.Destroy((Object)(object)val, clip.length * ((Time.timeScale < 0.01f) ? 0.01f : Time.timeScale));
			return false;

		[HarmonyPatch("PlayOneShotHelper", new Type[]
		public static void PlayOneShotHelper_Patch(AudioSource source, ref AudioClip clip, float volumeScale)
			clip = ReplaceClipWithNew(clip);
			DebugPlayOneShotMethod(source, clip);

		private static void DebugPlayMethod(AudioSource instance)
			if (SoundTool.debugAudioSources && !SoundTool.indepthDebugging && (Object)(object)instance != (Object)null)
				SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"{instance} at {((Component)instance).transform.root} is playing {((Object)instance.clip).name}");
			else if (SoundTool.indepthDebugging && (Object)(object)instance != (Object)null)
				SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"{instance} is playing {((Object)instance.clip).name} at");
				Transform val = ((Component)instance).transform;
				while ((Object)(object)val.parent != (Object)null || (Object)(object)val != (Object)(object)((Component)instance).transform.root)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"--- {val.parent}");
					val = val.parent;
				if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)(object)((Component)instance).transform.root)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"--- {((Component)instance).transform.root}");

		private static void DebugPlayDelayedMethod(AudioSource instance)
			if (SoundTool.debugAudioSources && !SoundTool.indepthDebugging && (Object)(object)instance != (Object)null)
				SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"{instance} at {((Component)instance).transform.root} is playing {((Object)instance.clip).name} with delay");
			else if (SoundTool.indepthDebugging && (Object)(object)instance != (Object)null)
				SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"{instance} is playing {((Object)instance.clip).name} with delay at");
				Transform val = ((Component)instance).transform;
				while ((Object)(object)val.parent != (Object)null || (Object)(object)val != (Object)(object)((Component)instance).transform.root)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"--- {val.parent}");
					val = val.parent;
				if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)(object)((Component)instance).transform.root)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"--- {((Component)instance).transform.root}");

		private static void DebugPlayClipAtPointMethod(AudioSource audioSource, Vector3 position)
			//IL_0055: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (SoundTool.debugAudioSources && !SoundTool.indepthDebugging && (Object)(object)audioSource != (Object)null)
				SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"{audioSource} at {((Component)audioSource).transform.root} is playing {((Object)audioSource.clip).name} at point {position}");
			else if (SoundTool.indepthDebugging && (Object)(object)audioSource != (Object)null)
				SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"{audioSource} is playing {((Object)audioSource.clip).name} located at point {position} within ");
				Transform val = ((Component)audioSource).transform;
				while ((Object)(object)val.parent != (Object)null || (Object)(object)val != (Object)(object)((Component)audioSource).transform.root)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"--- {val.parent}");
					val = val.parent;
				if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)(object)((Component)audioSource).transform.root)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"--- {((Component)audioSource).transform.root}");

		private static void DebugPlayOneShotMethod(AudioSource source, AudioClip clip)
			if (SoundTool.debugAudioSources && !SoundTool.indepthDebugging && (Object)(object)source != (Object)null)
				SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"{source} at {((Component)source).transform.root} is playing one shot {((Object)clip).name}");
			else if (SoundTool.indepthDebugging && (Object)(object)source != (Object)null)
				SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"{source} is playing one shot {((Object)clip).name} at");
				Transform val = ((Component)source).transform;
				while ((Object)(object)val.parent != (Object)null || (Object)(object)val != (Object)(object)((Component)source).transform.root)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"--- {val.parent}");
					val = val.parent;
				if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)(object)((Component)source).transform.root)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"--- {((Component)source).transform.root}");

		private static void RunDynamicClipReplacement(AudioSource instance)
			if ((Object)(object)instance == (Object)null || (Object)(object)instance.clip == (Object)null)
			string name = instance.clip.GetName();
			if (SoundTool.replacedClips.ContainsKey(name))
				if (!originalClips.ContainsKey(name))
					originalClips.Add(name, instance.clip);
				List<RandomAudioClip> list = SoundTool.replacedClips[name];
				float num = 0f;
				foreach (RandomAudioClip item in list)
					num += item.chance;
				float num2 = Random.Range(0f, num);
					foreach (RandomAudioClip item2 in list)
						if (num2 <= item2.chance)
							instance.clip = item2.clip;
						num2 -= item2.chance;
			if (originalClips.ContainsKey(name))
				instance.clip = originalClips[name];

		private static AudioClip ReplaceClipWithNew(AudioClip original)
			if ((Object)(object)original == (Object)null)
				return original;
			string name = original.GetName();
			if (SoundTool.replacedClips.ContainsKey(name))
				if (!originalClips.ContainsKey(name))
					originalClips.Add(name, original);
				List<RandomAudioClip> list = SoundTool.replacedClips[name];
				float num = 0f;
				foreach (RandomAudioClip item in list)
					num += item.chance;
				float num2 = Random.Range(0f, num);
				foreach (RandomAudioClip item2 in list)
					if (num2 <= item2.chance)
						return item2.clip;
					num2 -= item2.chance;
			else if (originalClips.ContainsKey(name))
				AudioClip result = originalClips[name];
				return result;
			return original;
	internal class GameNetworkManagerPatch
		public static GameObject networkPrefab;

		public static GameObject networkHandlerHost;

		public static void Start_Patch()
			if (!((Object)(object)networkPrefab != (Object)null))
				SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)"Loading NetworkHandler prefab...");
				networkPrefab = Assets.bundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("SoundToolNetworkHandler.prefab");
				if ((Object)(object)networkPrefab == (Object)null)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogError((object)"Failed to load NetworkHandler prefab!");
				if ((Object)(object)networkPrefab != (Object)null)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)"Registered NetworkHandler prefab!");
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Failed to registered NetworkHandler prefab! No networking can take place.");

		private static void StartDisconnect_Patch()
				if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsHost || NetworkManager.Singleton.IsServer)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)"Destroying NetworkHandler prefab!");
					networkHandlerHost = null;
				SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogError((object)"Failed to destroy NetworkHandler prefab!");
	internal class NetworkSceneManagerPatch
		public static void OnSceneLoaded_Patch()
			if ((Object)(object)SoundTool.Instance == (Object)null)
			SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)"Grabbing all playOnAwake AudioSources...");
			AudioSource[] allPlayOnAwakeAudioSources = SoundTool.Instance.GetAllPlayOnAwakeAudioSources();
			SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"Found {allPlayOnAwakeAudioSources.Length} playOnAwake AudioSources!");
			SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"Starting setup on {allPlayOnAwakeAudioSources.Length} compatable playOnAwake AudioSources...");
			AudioSource[] array = allPlayOnAwakeAudioSources;
			AudioSourceExtension audioSourceExtension = default(AudioSourceExtension);
			foreach (AudioSource val in array)
				if (((Component)((Component)val).transform).TryGetComponent<AudioSourceExtension>(ref audioSourceExtension))
					audioSourceExtension.playOnAwake = true;
					audioSourceExtension.audioSource = val;
					audioSourceExtension.loop = val.loop;
					val.playOnAwake = false;
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"-Set- {Array.IndexOf(allPlayOnAwakeAudioSources, val) + 1} {val} done!");
					AudioSourceExtension audioSourceExtension2 = ((Component)val).gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSourceExtension>();
					audioSourceExtension2.audioSource = val;
					audioSourceExtension2.playOnAwake = true;
					audioSourceExtension2.loop = val.loop;
					val.playOnAwake = false;
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"-Add- {Array.IndexOf(allPlayOnAwakeAudioSources, val) + 1} {val} done!");
			SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)$"Done setting up {allPlayOnAwakeAudioSources.Length} compatable playOnAwake AudioSources!");
	internal class StartOfRoundPatch
		private static void SpawnNetworkHandler()
			//IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsHost || NetworkManager.Singleton.IsServer)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)"Spawning NetworkHandler prefab!");
					GameNetworkManagerPatch.networkHandlerHost = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(GameNetworkManagerPatch.networkPrefab,, Quaternion.identity);
				SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogError((object)"Failed to spawn NetworkHandler prefab!");
namespace LCSoundTool.Networking
	public class NetworkHandler : NetworkBehaviour
		public static NetworkHandler Instance { get; private set; }

		public static Dictionary<string, AudioClip> networkedAudioClips { get; private set; }

		public static event Action ClientNetworkedAudioChanged;

		public static event Action HostNetworkedAudioChanged;

		public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
			Debug.Log((object)"LCSoundTool - NetworkHandler created!");
			NetworkHandler.ClientNetworkedAudioChanged = null;
			NetworkHandler.HostNetworkedAudioChanged = null;
			networkedAudioClips = new Dictionary<string, AudioClip>();
			Instance = this;

		public void ReceiveAudioClipClientRpc(string clipName, byte[] audioData)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_0115: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_011f: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00cc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0105: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ea: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 2 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
				ClientRpcParams val = default(ClientRpcParams);
				FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendClientRpc(2736638642u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				bool flag = clipName != null;
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe(clipName, false);
				bool flag2 = audioData != null;
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<bool>(ref flag2, default(ForPrimitives));
				if (flag2)
					((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<byte>(audioData, default(ForPrimitives));
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendClientRpc(ref val2, 2736638642u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 2 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost))
				if (!networkedAudioClips.ContainsKey(clipName))
					AudioClip value = WavUtility.ByteArrayToAudioClip(audioData, clipName);
					networkedAudioClips.Add(clipName, value);
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)("Sound " + clipName + " already exists for this client! Skipping addition of this sound for this client."));

		public void RemoveAudioClipClientRpc(string clipName)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00ca: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d4: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ba: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 2 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
				ClientRpcParams val = default(ClientRpcParams);
				FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendClientRpc(1355469546u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				bool flag = clipName != null;
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe(clipName, false);
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendClientRpc(ref val2, 1355469546u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 2 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost) && networkedAudioClips.ContainsKey(clipName))

		public void SyncAudioClipsClientRpc(Strings clipNames)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00a7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b1: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0083: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0097: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 2 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
				ClientRpcParams val = default(ClientRpcParams);
				FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendClientRpc(3300200130u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<Strings>(ref clipNames, default(ForNetworkSerializable));
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendClientRpc(ref val2, 3300200130u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 2 || (!networkManager.IsClient && !networkManager.IsHost))
			string[] myStrings = clipNames.MyStrings;
			for (int i = 0; i < myStrings.Length; i++)
				if (!networkedAudioClips.ContainsKey(myStrings[i]))

		[ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)]
		public void SendAudioClipServerRpc(string clipName, byte[] audioData)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_0115: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_011f: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00cc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0105: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ea: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 1 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost))
				ServerRpcParams val = default(ServerRpcParams);
				FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendServerRpc(867452943u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				bool flag = clipName != null;
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe(clipName, false);
				bool flag2 = audioData != null;
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<bool>(ref flag2, default(ForPrimitives));
				if (flag2)
					((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<byte>(audioData, default(ForPrimitives));
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendServerRpc(ref val2, 867452943u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 1 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
				ReceiveAudioClipClientRpc(clipName, audioData);

		[ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)]
		public void RemoveAudioClipServerRpc(string clipName)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00ca: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d4: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ba: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 1 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost))
				ServerRpcParams val = default(ServerRpcParams);
				FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendServerRpc(3103497155u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				bool flag = clipName != null;
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe(clipName, false);
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendServerRpc(ref val2, 3103497155u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 1 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))

		[ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)]
		public void SyncAudioClipsServerRpc()
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_008c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 1 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost))
				ServerRpcParams val = default(ServerRpcParams);
				FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendServerRpc(178607916u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendServerRpc(ref val2, 178607916u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 1 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
				Strings clipNames = new Strings(networkedAudioClips.Keys.ToArray());
				if (clipNames.MyStrings.Length < 1)
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogDebug((object)"No sounds found in networkedClips. Syncing process cancelled!");

		[ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)]
		public void SendExistingAudioClipServerRpc(string clipName)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00ca: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d4: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ba: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager == null || !networkManager.IsListening)
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 1 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost))
				ServerRpcParams val = default(ServerRpcParams);
				FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendServerRpc(4006259189u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				bool flag = clipName != null;
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferWriter)(ref val2)).WriteValueSafe(clipName, false);
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendServerRpc(ref val2, 4006259189u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
			if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 1 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
				if (networkedAudioClips.ContainsKey(clipName))
					ReceiveAudioClipClientRpc(clipName, WavUtility.AudioClipToByteArray(networkedAudioClips[clipName], out var _));
					SoundTool.Instance.logger.LogWarning((object)"Trying to obtain and sync a sound from the host that does not exist in the host's game!");

		protected override void __initializeVariables()

		internal static void InitializeRPCS_NetworkHandler()
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0036: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0051: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0062: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0087: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0098: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a2: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00bd: Expected O, but got Unknown
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(2736638642u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_2736638642));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(1355469546u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_1355469546));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(3300200130u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_3300200130));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(867452943u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_867452943));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(3103497155u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_3103497155));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(178607916u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_178607916));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(4006259189u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_4006259189));

		private static void __rpc_handler_2736638642(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0067: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0090: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				bool flag = default(bool);
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				string clipName = null;
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe(ref clipName, false);
				bool flag2 = default(bool);
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<bool>(ref flag2, default(ForPrimitives));
				byte[] audioData = null;
				if (flag2)
					((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<byte>(ref audioData, default(ForPrimitives));
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)2;
				((NetworkHandler)(object)target).ReceiveAudioClipClientRpc(clipName, audioData);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_1355469546(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				bool flag = default(bool);
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				string clipName = null;
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe(ref clipName, false);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)2;
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_3300200130(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0044: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				Strings clipNames = default(Strings);
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<Strings>(ref clipNames, default(ForNetworkSerializable));
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)2;
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_867452943(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0067: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0090: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				bool flag = default(bool);
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				string clipName = null;
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe(ref clipName, false);
				bool flag2 = default(bool);
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<bool>(ref flag2, default(ForPrimitives));
				byte[] audioData = null;
				if (flag2)
					((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<byte>(ref audioData, default(ForPrimitives));
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)1;
				((NetworkHandler)(object)target).SendAudioClipServerRpc(clipName, audioData);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_3103497155(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				bool flag = default(bool);
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				string clipName = null;
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe(ref clipName, false);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)1;
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_178607916(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)1;
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_4006259189(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				bool flag = default(bool);
				((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe<bool>(ref flag, default(ForPrimitives));
				string clipName = null;
				if (flag)
					((FastBufferReader)(ref reader)).ReadValueSafe(ref clipName, false);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)1;
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		protected internal override string __getTypeName()
			return "NetworkHandler";
	public struct Strings : INetworkSerializable
		private string[] myStrings;

		public string[] MyStrings
				return myStrings;
				myStrings = value;

		public Strings(string[] myStrings)
			this.myStrings = myStrings;

		public void NetworkSerialize<T>(BufferSerializer<T> serializer) where T : IReaderWriter
			//IL_000f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0073: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0080: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0086: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (serializer.IsWriter)
				FastBufferWriter fastBufferWriter = serializer.GetFastBufferWriter();
				int num = myStrings.Length;
				((FastBufferWriter)(ref fastBufferWriter)).WriteValueSafe<int>(ref num, default(ForPrimitives));
				for (int i = 0; i < myStrings.Length; i++)
					((FastBufferWriter)(ref fastBufferWriter)).WriteValueSafe(myStrings[i], false);
			if (serializer.IsReader)
				FastBufferReader fastBufferReader = serializer.GetFastBufferReader();
				int num2 = default(int);
				((FastBufferReader)(ref fastBufferReader)).ReadValueSafe<int>(ref num2, default(ForPrimitives));
				myStrings = new string[num2];
				for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++)
					((FastBufferReader)(ref fastBufferReader)).ReadValueSafe(ref myStrings[j], false);
namespace LCSoundTool.Resources
	public static class Assets
		internal static AssetBundle bundle;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using HarmonyLib;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("NotAtomicBomb")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Terminal Api for the terminal in Lethal Company")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.4.0+b87452af897d2b57619d1b55b8887fd436be901a")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("TerminalApi")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("TerminalApi")]
[assembly: AssemblyMetadata("RepositoryUrl", "")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace TerminalApi
	internal class DelayedAction
		internal Action<TerminalKeyword> Action { get; set; }

		internal TerminalKeyword Keyword { get; set; }

		internal void Run()
	[BepInPlugin("atomic.terminalapi", "Terminal Api", "1.3.0")]
	public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
		public ManualLogSource Log = new ManualLogSource("Terminal Api");

		private void Awake()
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Plugin TerminalApi is loaded!");
			TerminalApi.plugin = this;
			Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), (string)null);
	public static class TerminalApi
		public static Plugin plugin;

		internal static List<DelayedAction> QueuedActions = new List<DelayedAction>();

		public static Terminal Terminal { get; internal set; }

		public static string CurrentText => Terminal.currentText;

		public static TMP_InputField ScreenText => Terminal.screenText;

		public static bool IsInGame()
				return Terminal != null;
			catch (NullReferenceException)
				return false;

		public static void AddCommand(string commandWord, string displayText, string verbWord = null, bool clearPreviousText = true)
			commandWord = commandWord.ToLower();
			TerminalKeyword val = CreateTerminalKeyword(commandWord);
			TerminalNode val2 = CreateTerminalNode(displayText, clearPreviousText);
			if (verbWord != null)
				verbWord = verbWord.ToLower();
				TerminalKeyword terminalKeyword = CreateTerminalKeyword(verbWord, isVerb: true);
				AddTerminalKeyword(val.defaultVerb = terminalKeyword.AddCompatibleNoun(val, val2));
				val.specialKeywordResult = val2;

		public static TerminalKeyword CreateTerminalKeyword(string word, bool isVerb = false, TerminalNode triggeringNode = null)
			TerminalKeyword obj = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TerminalKeyword>();
			obj.word = word.ToLower();
			obj.isVerb = isVerb;
			obj.specialKeywordResult = triggeringNode;
			return obj;

		public static TerminalKeyword CreateTerminalKeyword(string word, string displayText, bool clearPreviousText = false, string terminalEvent = "")
			TerminalKeyword obj = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TerminalKeyword>();
			obj.word = word.ToLower();
			obj.isVerb = false;
			obj.specialKeywordResult = CreateTerminalNode(displayText, clearPreviousText, terminalEvent);
			return obj;

		public static TerminalNode CreateTerminalNode(string displayText, bool clearPreviousText = false, string terminalEvent = "")
			TerminalNode obj = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TerminalNode>();
			obj.displayText = displayText;
			obj.clearPreviousText = clearPreviousText;
			obj.terminalEvent = terminalEvent;
			return obj;

		public static void AddTerminalKeyword(TerminalKeyword terminalKeyword)
			if (IsInGame())
				if (GetKeyword(terminalKeyword.word) == null)
					Terminal.terminalNodes.allKeywords = Terminal.terminalNodes.allKeywords.Add(terminalKeyword);
					plugin.Log.LogMessage((object)("Added " + terminalKeyword.word + " keyword to terminal keywords."));
					plugin.Log.LogWarning((object)("Failed to add " + terminalKeyword.word + " keyword. Already exists."));
				plugin.Log.LogMessage((object)("Not in game, waiting to be in game to add " + terminalKeyword.word + " keyword."));
				Action<TerminalKeyword> action = AddTerminalKeyword;
				DelayedAction item = new DelayedAction
					Action = action,
					Keyword = terminalKeyword

		public static TerminalKeyword GetKeyword(string keyword)
			if (IsInGame())
				return ((IEnumerable<TerminalKeyword>)Terminal.terminalNodes.allKeywords).FirstOrDefault((Func<TerminalKeyword, bool>)((TerminalKeyword Kw) => Kw.word == keyword));
			return null;

		public static void UpdateKeyword(TerminalKeyword keyword)
			if (!IsInGame())
			for (int i = 0; i < Terminal.terminalNodes.allKeywords.Length; i++)
				if (Terminal.terminalNodes.allKeywords[i].word == keyword.word)
					Terminal.terminalNodes.allKeywords[i] = keyword;
			plugin.Log.LogWarning((object)("Failed to update " + keyword.word + ". Was not found in keywords."));

		public static void DeleteKeyword(string word)
			if (!IsInGame())
			for (int i = 0; i < Terminal.terminalNodes.allKeywords.Length; i++)
				if (Terminal.terminalNodes.allKeywords[i].word == word.ToLower())
					int newSize = Terminal.terminalNodes.allKeywords.Length - 1;
					for (int j = i + 1; j < Terminal.terminalNodes.allKeywords.Length; j++)
						Terminal.terminalNodes.allKeywords[j - 1] = Terminal.terminalNodes.allKeywords[j];
					Array.Resize(ref Terminal.terminalNodes.allKeywords, newSize);
					plugin.Log.LogMessage((object)(word + " was deleted successfully."));
			plugin.Log.LogWarning((object)("Failed to delete " + word + ". Was not found in keywords."));

		public static void UpdateKeywordCompatibleNoun(TerminalKeyword verbKeyword, string noun, TerminalNode newTriggerNode)
			if (!IsInGame() || !verbKeyword.isVerb)
			for (int i = 0; i < verbKeyword.compatibleNouns.Length; i++)
				CompatibleNoun val = verbKeyword.compatibleNouns[i];
				if (val.noun.word == noun)
					val.result = newTriggerNode;
			plugin.Log.LogWarning((object)$"WARNING: No noun found for {verbKeyword}");

		public static void UpdateKeywordCompatibleNoun(string verbWord, string noun, TerminalNode newTriggerNode)
			if (!IsInGame())
			TerminalKeyword keyword = GetKeyword(verbWord);
			if (!keyword.isVerb || verbWord == null)
			for (int i = 0; i < keyword.compatibleNouns.Length; i++)
				CompatibleNoun val = keyword.compatibleNouns[i];
				if (val.noun.word == noun)
					val.result = newTriggerNode;
			plugin.Log.LogWarning((object)$"WARNING: No noun found for {keyword}");

		public static void UpdateKeywordCompatibleNoun(TerminalKeyword verbKeyword, string noun, string newDisplayText)
			if (!IsInGame() || !verbKeyword.isVerb)
			for (int i = 0; i < verbKeyword.compatibleNouns.Length; i++)
				CompatibleNoun val = verbKeyword.compatibleNouns[i];
				if (val.noun.word == noun)
					val.result.displayText = newDisplayText;
			plugin.Log.LogWarning((object)$"WARNING: No noun found for {verbKeyword}");

		public static void UpdateKeywordCompatibleNoun(string verbWord, string noun, string newDisplayText)
			if (!IsInGame())
			TerminalKeyword keyword = GetKeyword(verbWord);
			if (!keyword.isVerb)
			for (int i = 0; i < keyword.compatibleNouns.Length; i++)
				CompatibleNoun val = keyword.compatibleNouns[i];
				if (val.noun.word == noun)
					val.result.displayText = newDisplayText;
			plugin.Log.LogWarning((object)$"WARNING: No noun found for {keyword}");

		public static void AddCompatibleNoun(TerminalKeyword verbKeyword, string noun, string displayText, bool clearPreviousText = false)
			if (IsInGame())
				TerminalKeyword keyword = GetKeyword(noun);
				verbKeyword = verbKeyword.AddCompatibleNoun(keyword, displayText, clearPreviousText);

		public static void AddCompatibleNoun(TerminalKeyword verbKeyword, string noun, TerminalNode triggerNode)
			if (IsInGame())
				TerminalKeyword keyword = GetKeyword(noun);
				verbKeyword = verbKeyword.AddCompatibleNoun(keyword, triggerNode);

		public static void AddCompatibleNoun(string verbWord, string noun, TerminalNode triggerNode)
			if (IsInGame())
				TerminalKeyword keyword = GetKeyword(verbWord);
				TerminalKeyword keyword2 = GetKeyword(noun);
				if ((Object)(object)keyword == (Object)null)
					plugin.Log.LogWarning((object)"The verb given does not exist.");
				keyword = keyword.AddCompatibleNoun(keyword2, triggerNode);

		public static void AddCompatibleNoun(string verbWord, string noun, string displayText, bool clearPreviousText = false)
			if (IsInGame())
				TerminalKeyword keyword = GetKeyword(verbWord);
				TerminalKeyword keyword2 = GetKeyword(noun);
				if ((Object)(object)keyword == (Object)null)
					plugin.Log.LogWarning((object)"The verb given does not exist.");
				keyword = keyword.AddCompatibleNoun(keyword2, displayText, clearPreviousText);

		public static string GetTerminalInput()
			if (IsInGame())
				return CurrentText.Substring(CurrentText.Length - Terminal.textAdded);
			return "";

		public static void SetTerminalInput(string terminalInput)
			Terminal.TextChanged(CurrentText.Substring(0, CurrentText.Length - Terminal.textAdded) + terminalInput);
			ScreenText.text = CurrentText;
			Terminal.textAdded = terminalInput.Length;
	public static class TerminalExtenstionMethods
		public static TerminalKeyword AddCompatibleNoun(this TerminalKeyword terminalKeyword, TerminalKeyword noun, TerminalNode result)
			//IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (terminalKeyword.isVerb)
				CompatibleNoun val = new CompatibleNoun
					noun = noun,
					result = result
				if (terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns == null)
					terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns = (CompatibleNoun[])(object)new CompatibleNoun[1] { val };
					terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns = terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns.Add(val);
				return terminalKeyword;
			return null;

		public static TerminalKeyword AddCompatibleNoun(this TerminalKeyword terminalKeyword, string noun, TerminalNode result)
			//IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0023: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (terminalKeyword.isVerb)
				CompatibleNoun val = new CompatibleNoun
					noun = TerminalApi.CreateTerminalKeyword(noun),
					result = result
				if (terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns == null)
					terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns = (CompatibleNoun[])(object)new CompatibleNoun[1] { val };
					terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns = terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns.Add(val);
				return terminalKeyword;
			return null;

		public static TerminalKeyword AddCompatibleNoun(this TerminalKeyword terminalKeyword, string noun, string displayText)
			//IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (terminalKeyword.isVerb)
				CompatibleNoun val = new CompatibleNoun
					noun = TerminalApi.CreateTerminalKeyword(noun),
					result = TerminalApi.CreateTerminalNode(displayText)
				if (terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns == null)
					terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns = (CompatibleNoun[])(object)new CompatibleNoun[1] { val };
					terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns = terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns.Add(val);
				return terminalKeyword;
			return null;

		public static TerminalKeyword AddCompatibleNoun(this TerminalKeyword terminalKeyword, TerminalKeyword noun, string displayText, bool clearPreviousText = false)
			//IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0027: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (terminalKeyword.isVerb)
				CompatibleNoun val = new CompatibleNoun
					noun = noun,
					result = TerminalApi.CreateTerminalNode(displayText, clearPreviousText)
				if (terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns == null)
					terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns = (CompatibleNoun[])(object)new CompatibleNoun[1] { val };
					terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns = terminalKeyword.compatibleNouns.Add(val);
				return terminalKeyword;
			return null;

		internal static T[] Add<T>(this T[] array, T newItem)
			int num = array.Length + 1;
			Array.Resize(ref array, num);
			array[num - 1] = newItem;
			return array;
	public static class MyPluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "TerminalApi";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "TerminalApi";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.4.0";
namespace TerminalApi.Events
	public static class Events
		public class TerminalEventArgs : EventArgs
			public Terminal Terminal { get; set; }

		public delegate void TerminalEventHandler(object sender, TerminalEventArgs e);

		public class TerminalParseSentenceEventArgs : TerminalEventArgs
			public TerminalNode ReturnedNode { get; set; }

			public string SubmittedText { get; set; }

		public delegate void TerminalParseSentenceEventHandler(object sender, TerminalParseSentenceEventArgs e);

		public class TerminalTextChangedEventArgs : TerminalEventArgs
			public string NewText;

			public string CurrentInputText;

		public delegate void TerminalTextChangedEventHandler(object sender, TerminalTextChangedEventArgs e);

		public static event TerminalEventHandler TerminalAwake;

		public static event TerminalEventHandler TerminalWaking;

		public static event TerminalEventHandler TerminalStarted;

		public static event TerminalEventHandler TerminalStarting;

		public static event TerminalEventHandler TerminalBeginUsing;

		public static event TerminalEventHandler TerminalBeganUsing;

		public static event TerminalEventHandler TerminalExited;

		public static event TerminalParseSentenceEventHandler TerminalParsedSentence;

		public static event TerminalTextChangedEventHandler TerminalTextChanged;

		public static void Awake(ref Terminal __instance)
			TerminalApi.Terminal = __instance;
			if (TerminalApi.QueuedActions.Count > 0)
				TerminalApi.plugin.Log.LogMessage((object)"In game, now adding words.");
				foreach (DelayedAction queuedAction in TerminalApi.QueuedActions)
			Events.TerminalAwake?.Invoke(__instance, new TerminalEventArgs
				Terminal = __instance

		public static void BeganUsing(ref Terminal __instance)
			Events.TerminalBeganUsing?.Invoke(__instance, new TerminalEventArgs
				Terminal = __instance

		public static void OnQuitTerminal(ref Terminal __instance)
			Events.TerminalExited?.Invoke(__instance, new TerminalEventArgs
				Terminal = __instance

		public static void OnBeginUsing(ref Terminal __instance)
			Events.TerminalBeginUsing?.Invoke(__instance, new TerminalEventArgs
				Terminal = __instance

		public static void ParsePlayerSentence(ref Terminal __instance, TerminalNode __result)
			string submittedText = __instance.screenText.text.Substring(__instance.screenText.text.Length - __instance.textAdded);
			Events.TerminalParsedSentence?.Invoke(__instance, new TerminalParseSentenceEventArgs
				Terminal = __instance,
				SubmittedText = submittedText,
				ReturnedNode = __result

		public static void Started(ref Terminal __instance)
			Events.TerminalStarted?.Invoke(__instance, new TerminalEventArgs
				Terminal = __instance

		public static void Starting(ref Terminal __instance)
			Events.TerminalStarting?.Invoke(__instance, new TerminalEventArgs
				Terminal = __instance

		public static void OnTextChanged(ref Terminal __instance, string newText)
			string currentInputText = "";
			if (newText.Trim().Length >= __instance.textAdded)
				currentInputText = newText.Substring(newText.Length - __instance.textAdded);
			Events.TerminalTextChanged?.Invoke(__instance, new TerminalTextChangedEventArgs
				Terminal = __instance,
				NewText = newText,
				CurrentInputText = currentInputText

		public static void Waking(ref Terminal __instance)
			Events.TerminalWaking?.Invoke(__instance, new TerminalEventArgs
				Terminal = __instance


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx;
using HarmonyLib;
using LCBetterSaves;
using LCBetterSaves.Properties;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.UI;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("LCBetterSaves")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Better save files for Lethal Company")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.4.0+c4704fdbef04f8b1a1445fc922475f8ee41eee5e")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("LCBetterSaves")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("LCBetterSaves")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
public class NewFileUISlot_BetterSaves : MonoBehaviour
	public Animator buttonAnimator;

	public Button button;

	public bool isSelected;

	public void Awake()
		//IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0035: Expected O, but got Unknown
		buttonAnimator = ((Component)this).GetComponent<Animator>();
		button = ((Component)this).GetComponent<Button>();
		((UnityEvent)button.onClick).AddListener(new UnityAction(SetFileToThis));

	public void SetFileToThis()
		string currentSaveFileName = "LCSaveFile" + Plugin.newSaveFileNum;
		GameNetworkManager.Instance.currentSaveFileName = currentSaveFileName;
		GameNetworkManager.Instance.saveFileNum = Plugin.newSaveFileNum;
		isSelected = true;

	public void SetButtonColorForAllFileSlots()
		SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves[] array = Object.FindObjectsOfType<SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves>();
		SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves[] array2 = array;
		foreach (SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves saveFileUISlot_BetterSaves in array2)

	public void SetButtonColor()
		buttonAnimator.SetBool("isPressed", isSelected);
public class SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves : MonoBehaviour
	public Animator buttonAnimator;

	public Button button;

	public TextMeshProUGUI fileStatsText;

	public int fileNum;

	public string fileString;

	public TextMeshProUGUI fileNotCompatibleAlert;

	public GameObject deleteButton;

	public GameObject renameButton;

	public void Awake()
		//IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0035: Expected O, but got Unknown
		buttonAnimator = ((Component)this).GetComponent<Animator>();
		button = ((Component)this).GetComponent<Button>();
		((UnityEvent)button.onClick).AddListener(new UnityAction(SetFileToThis));
		fileStatsText = ((Component)((Component)this).transform.GetChild(2)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
		fileNotCompatibleAlert = ((Component)((Component)this).transform.GetChild(4)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
		deleteButton = ((Component)((Component)this).transform.GetChild(3)).gameObject;

	public void Start()

	private void OnEnable()
		if (!Object.FindObjectOfType<MenuManager>().filesCompatible[fileNum])
			((Behaviour)fileNotCompatibleAlert).enabled = true;

	public void UpdateStats()
			if (ES3.FileExists(fileString))
				int num = ES3.Load<int>("GroupCredits", fileString, 30);
				int num2 = ES3.Load<int>("Stats_DaysSpent", fileString, 0);
				((TMP_Text)fileStatsText).text = $"${num}\nDays: {num2}";
				((TMP_Text)fileStatsText).text = "";
		catch (Exception ex)
			Debug.LogError((object)("Error updating stats: " + ex.Message));

	public void SetButtonColor()
		buttonAnimator.SetBool("isPressed", GameNetworkManager.Instance.currentSaveFileName == fileString);

	public void SetFileToThis()
		Plugin.fileToModify = fileNum;
		GameNetworkManager.Instance.currentSaveFileName = fileString;
		GameNetworkManager.Instance.saveFileNum = fileNum;

	public void SetButtonColorForAllFileSlots()
		SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves[] array = Object.FindObjectsOfType<SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves>();
		SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves[] array2 = array;
		foreach (SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves saveFileUISlot_BetterSaves in array2)
			saveFileUISlot_BetterSaves.deleteButton.SetActive((Object)(object)saveFileUISlot_BetterSaves == (Object)(object)this);
			saveFileUISlot_BetterSaves.renameButton.SetActive((Object)(object)saveFileUISlot_BetterSaves == (Object)(object)this);
		NewFileUISlot_BetterSaves newFileUISlot_BetterSaves = Object.FindObjectOfType<NewFileUISlot_BetterSaves>();
		newFileUISlot_BetterSaves.isSelected = false;
public class RenameFileButton_BetterSaves : MonoBehaviour
	public void RenameFile()
		string text = $"LCSaveFile{Plugin.fileToModify}";
		string text2 = GameObject.Find("Canvas/MenuContainer/LobbyHostSettings/Panel/LobbyHostOptions/OptionsNormal/ServerNameField/Text Area/Text").GetComponent<TMP_Text>().text;
		if (ES3.FileExists(text))
			ES3.Save<string>("Alias_BetterSaves", text2, text);
			Debug.Log((object)("Granted alias " + text2 + " to file " + text));
public class DeleteFileButton_BetterSaves : MonoBehaviour
	public int fileToDelete;

	public AudioClip deleteFileSFX;

	public TextMeshProUGUI deleteFileText;

	public void UpdateFileToDelete()
		fileToDelete = Plugin.fileToModify;
		if (ES3.Load<string>("Alias_BetterSaves", $"LCSaveFile{fileToDelete}", "") != "")
			((TMP_Text)deleteFileText).text = "Do you want to delete file (" + ES3.Load<string>("Alias_BetterSaves", $"LCSaveFile{fileToDelete}", "") + ")?";
			((TMP_Text)deleteFileText).text = $"Do you want to delete File {fileToDelete + 1}?";

	public void DeleteFile()
		string text = $"LCSaveFile{fileToDelete}";
		if (ES3.FileExists(text))
		SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves[] array = Object.FindObjectsOfType<SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves>(true);
		SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves[] array2 = array;
		foreach (SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves saveFileUISlot_BetterSaves in array2)
			Debug.Log((object)$"Deleted {fileToDelete}");
			if (saveFileUISlot_BetterSaves.fileNum == fileToDelete)
				((Behaviour)saveFileUISlot_BetterSaves.fileNotCompatibleAlert).enabled = false;
				Object.FindObjectOfType<MenuManager>().filesCompatible[fileToDelete] = true;
namespace LCBetterSaves
	[BepInPlugin("LCBetterSaves", "LCBetterSaves", "1.4.0")]
	public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
		private Harmony _harmony = new Harmony("BetterSaves");

		public static int fileToModify = -1;

		public static int newSaveFileNum;

		public static Sprite renameSprite;

		public static MenuManager menuManager;

		public static AudioClip deleteFileSFX;

		public static TextMeshProUGUI deleteFileText;

		public static float buttonBaseY;

		public void Awake()
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Plugin LCBetterSaves is loaded!");

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(MenuManager), "Start")]
		public static void Postfix(MenuManager __instance)
			//IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0056: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			menuManager = __instance;
			if ((Object)(object)renameSprite == (Object)null)
				AssetBundle val = AssetBundle.LoadFromMemory(Resources.lcbettersaves);
				Texture2D val2 = val.LoadAsset<Texture2D>("Assets/RenameSprite.png");
				renameSprite = Sprite.Create(val2, new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)((Texture)val2).width, (float)((Texture)val2).height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));

		public static void InitializeBetterSaves()
			catch (Exception ex)
				Debug.LogError((object)("An error occurred during initialization: " + ex.Message));

		public static void DestroyBetterSavesButtons()
				SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves[] array = Object.FindObjectsOfType<SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves>();
				foreach (SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves saveFileUISlot_BetterSaves in array)
				NewFileUISlot_BetterSaves[] array2 = Object.FindObjectsOfType<NewFileUISlot_BetterSaves>();
				foreach (NewFileUISlot_BetterSaves newFileUISlot_BetterSaves in array2)
			catch (Exception ex)
				Debug.LogError((object)("Error occurred while destroying better saves buttons: " + ex.Message));

		public static void UpdateTopText()
			GameObject val = GameObject.Find("Canvas/MenuContainer/LobbyHostSettings/FilesPanel/EnterAName");
			if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null)
				Debug.LogError((object)"Panel label not found.");
				((TMP_Text)val.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = "BetterSaves";

		public static void CreateModdedDeleteFileButton()
			//IL_0117: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0121: Expected O, but got Unknown
			GameObject val = GameObject.Find("Canvas/MenuContainer/DeleteFileConfirmation/Panel/Delete");
			if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null)
				Debug.LogError((object)"Delete file game object not found.");
			if ((Object)(object)val.GetComponent<DeleteFileButton_BetterSaves>() != (Object)null)
				Debug.LogWarning((object)"DeleteFileButton_BetterSaves component already exists on deleteFileGO");
			DeleteFileButton component = val.GetComponent<DeleteFileButton>();
			if ((Object)(object)component == (Object)null)
				Debug.LogError((object)"DeleteFileButton component not found on deleteFileGO");
			if ((Object)(object)deleteFileSFX == (Object)null)
				deleteFileSFX = component.deleteFileSFX;
			if ((Object)(object)deleteFileText == (Object)null)
				deleteFileText = component.deleteFileText;
			if ((Object)(object)val.GetComponent<DeleteFileButton_BetterSaves>() == (Object)null)
				DeleteFileButton_BetterSaves deleteFileButton_BetterSaves = val.AddComponent<DeleteFileButton_BetterSaves>();
				deleteFileButton_BetterSaves.deleteFileSFX = deleteFileSFX;
				deleteFileButton_BetterSaves.deleteFileText = deleteFileText;
				Button component2 = val.GetComponent<Button>();
				if ((Object)(object)component2 != (Object)null)
					((UnityEvent)component2.onClick).AddListener(new UnityAction(deleteFileButton_BetterSaves.DeleteFile));
					Debug.LogError((object)"Button component not found on deleteFileGO");
				Debug.LogWarning((object)"DeleteFileButton_BetterSaves component already exists on deleteFileGO");

		public static void CreateBetterSaveButtons()
				GameObject val = GameObject.Find("Canvas/MenuContainer/LobbyHostSettings/FilesPanel/File1");
				int numSaves = CountSaveFiles();
				Debug.Log((object)("Positioning based on " + numSaves + " saves."));
				NewFileUISlot_BetterSaves newFileUISlot_BetterSaves = CreateNewFileNode(numSaves);
				List<string> list = NormalizeFileNames();
				newSaveFileNum = list.Count;
				menuManager.filesCompatible = new bool[16];
				for (int i = 0; i < menuManager.filesCompatible.Length; i++)
					menuManager.filesCompatible[i] = true;
				for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++)
					CreateModdedSaveNode(int.Parse(list[j].Replace("LCSaveFile", "")), j, ((Component)newFileUISlot_BetterSaves).gameObject);
			catch (Exception ex)
				Debug.LogError((object)("Error occurred while refreshing save buttons: " + ex.Message));

		public static NewFileUISlot_BetterSaves CreateNewFileNode(int numSaves)
			//IL_0134: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_017f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_019b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0155: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0161: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = GameObject.Find("Canvas/MenuContainer/LobbyHostSettings/FilesPanel/File1");
			if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null)
				Debug.LogError((object)"Original GameObject not found.");
				return null;
			Transform parent = val.transform.parent;
			SaveFileUISlot component = val.GetComponent<SaveFileUISlot>();
			if ((Object)(object)component != (Object)null)
			GameObject val2 = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(val, parent);
			((Object)val2).name = "NewFile";
			TMP_Text component2 = ((Component)val2.transform.GetChild(1)).GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
			if ((Object)(object)component2 != (Object)null)
				component2.text = "New File";
				NewFileUISlot_BetterSaves newFileUISlot_BetterSaves = val2.AddComponent<NewFileUISlot_BetterSaves>();
				if ((Object)(object)newFileUISlot_BetterSaves == (Object)null)
					Debug.LogError((object)"Failed to add NewFileUISlot_BetterSaves component.");
					return null;
				Transform child = val2.transform.GetChild(3);
				if ((Object)(object)child != (Object)null)
						RectTransform component3 = val2.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
						if (!((Object)(object)component3 != (Object)null))
							Debug.LogError((object)"RectTransform component not found.");
							return null;
						float x = component3.anchoredPosition.x;
						if (buttonBaseY == 0f)
							buttonBaseY = component3.anchoredPosition.y - component3.sizeDelta.y * 1.75f;
						float num = buttonBaseY + component3.sizeDelta.y * (float)numSaves / 2f;
						component3.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x, num);
					catch (Exception ex)
						Debug.LogError((object)("Error setting anchored position: " + ex.Message));
						return null;
					return newFileUISlot_BetterSaves;
				Debug.LogError((object)"Delete button not found.");
				return null;
			Debug.LogError((object)"Text component not found.");
			return null;

		private static int CountSaveFiles()
			int num = 0;
			string[] files = ES3.GetFiles();
			foreach (string text in files)
				if (ES3.FileExists(text) && text.StartsWith("LCSaveFile"))
			return num;

		public static void DestroyOriginalSaveButtons()

		public static List<string> NormalizeFileNames()
			List<string> list = new List<string>();
			List<string> list2 = new List<string>();
			string[] files = ES3.GetFiles();
			foreach (string text in files)
				if (ES3.FileExists(text) && text.StartsWith("LCSaveFile"))
					Debug.Log((object)("Found file: " + text));
				if (ES3.FileExists(text) && text.StartsWith("LGU"))
					Debug.Log((object)("Found LGU file: " + text));
				else if (ES3.FileExists(text) && text.StartsWith("LCSaveFile"))
			int num = 0;
			foreach (string item in list)
				string text2 = "TempFile" + num;
				ES3.RenameFile(item, text2);
				Debug.Log((object)("Renamed " + item + " to " + text2));
			num = 0;
			foreach (string item2 in list2)
				if (item2 == "placeholder")
				string text3 = "LGUTempFile" + num;
				ES3.RenameFile(item2, text3);
				Debug.Log((object)("Renamed " + item2 + " to " + text3));
			int num2 = 0;
			List<string> list3 = new List<string>();
			foreach (string item3 in list)
				string text4 = "TempFile" + num2;
				string text5 = "LCSaveFile" + num2;
				if (ES3.FileExists(text4))
					ES3.RenameFile(text4, text5);
					Debug.Log((object)("Renamed " + text4 + " to " + text5));
					Debug.Log((object)("Temporary file " + text4 + " not found. It might have been moved or deleted."));
			num2 = 0;
			List<string> list4 = new List<string>();
			foreach (string item4 in list2)
				string text6 = "LGUTempFile" + num2;
				string text7 = "LGU_" + num2;
				if (item4 == "placeholder")
				if (ES3.FileExists(text6))
					ES3.RenameFile(text6, text7);
					Debug.Log((object)("Renamed " + text6 + " to " + text7));
					Debug.Log((object)("Temporary file " + text6 + " not found. It might have been moved or deleted."));
			return list3;

		public static void CreateModdedSaveNode(int fileIndex, int listIndex, GameObject newFileButton)
			//IL_01c9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01d3: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0148: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_015a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_016a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0180: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			int num = fileIndex + 1;
			GameObject val = GameObject.Find("Canvas/MenuContainer/LobbyHostSettings/FilesPanel/File1");
			if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null)
				Debug.LogError((object)"Original GameObject not found.");
			Transform parent = val.transform.parent;
			GameObject val2 = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(val, parent);
			((Object)val2).name = "File" + num + "_BetterSaves";
			string text = ES3.Load<string>("Alias_BetterSaves", "LCSaveFile" + fileIndex, "");
			if (text == "")
				((Component)val2.transform.GetChild(1)).GetComponent<TMP_Text>().text = "File " + num;
				((Component)val2.transform.GetChild(1)).GetComponent<TMP_Text>().text = text;
			SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves component = val2.GetComponent<SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves>();
			if ((Object)(object)component != (Object)null)
				component.fileNum = fileIndex;
				component.fileString = "LCSaveFile" + fileIndex;
				RectTransform component2 = val2.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
				if ((Object)(object)component2 != (Object)null)
					float x = component2.anchoredPosition.x;
					float y = newFileButton.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition.y;
					float num2 = y - component2.sizeDelta.y * (float)num;
					component2.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x, num2);
				GameObject gameObject = ((Component)val2.transform.GetChild(3)).gameObject;
				DeleteFileButton_BetterSaves component3 = GameObject.Find("Canvas/MenuContainer/DeleteFileConfirmation/Panel/Delete").GetComponent<DeleteFileButton_BetterSaves>();
				((UnityEvent)gameObject.gameObject.GetComponent<Button>().onClick).AddListener(new UnityAction(component3.UpdateFileToDelete));
				component.renameButton = CreateRenameFileButton(val2);
				Debug.LogError((object)"SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves component not found on the cloned GameObject.");

		public static GameObject CreateRenameFileButton(GameObject fileNode)
			//IL_0046: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0050: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_007a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0084: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00ae: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				GameObject gameObject = ((Component)fileNode.transform.GetChild(3)).gameObject;
				GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(gameObject, fileNode.transform);
				((Object)val).name = "RenameButton";
				val.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = renameSprite;
				Button component = val.GetComponent<Button>();
				component.onClick = new ButtonClickedEvent();
				RenameFileButton_BetterSaves component2 = val.GetComponent<RenameFileButton_BetterSaves>();
				if ((Object)(object)component2 != (Object)null)
					((UnityEvent)component.onClick).AddListener(new UnityAction(component2.RenameFile));
					Debug.LogError((object)"RenameFileButton_BetterSaves component not found on renameButton");
				RectTransform component3 = val.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
				if ((Object)(object)component3 != (Object)null)
					float num = ((Transform)component3).localPosition.x + 20f;
					float y = ((Transform)component3).localPosition.y;
					((Transform)component3).localPosition = Vector2.op_Implicit(new Vector2(num, y));
				return val;
			catch (Exception ex)
				Debug.LogError((object)("Error occurred while creating rename file button: " + ex.Message));
				return null;

		public static void UpdateFilesPanelRect(int numSaves)
			//IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0083: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				GameObject obj = GameObject.Find("Canvas/MenuContainer/LobbyHostSettings/FilesPanel");
				RectTransform val = ((obj != null) ? obj.GetComponent<RectTransform>() : null);
				if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null)
					throw new Exception("Failed to find FilesPanel RectTransform.");
				Vector2 sizeDelta = val.sizeDelta;
				GameObject obj2 = GameObject.Find("Canvas/MenuContainer/LobbyHostSettings/FilesPanel/File1");
				RectTransform val2 = ((obj2 != null) ? obj2.GetComponent<RectTransform>() : null);
				if ((Object)(object)val2 == (Object)null)
					throw new Exception("Failed to find File1 RectTransform.");
				float y = val2.sizeDelta.y;
				sizeDelta.y = y * (float)(numSaves + 3);
				val.sizeDelta = sizeDelta;
			catch (Exception ex)
				Debug.LogError((object)("Error occurred while updating files panel rect: " + ex.Message));

		public static void RefreshNameFields()
			SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves[] array = Object.FindObjectsOfType<SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves>();
			SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves[] array2 = array;
			foreach (SaveFileUISlot_BetterSaves saveFileUISlot_BetterSaves in array2)
				string text = ES3.Load<string>("Alias_BetterSaves", saveFileUISlot_BetterSaves.fileString, "");
				if (text == "")
					((Component)((Component)saveFileUISlot_BetterSaves).transform.GetChild(1)).GetComponent<TMP_Text>().text = "File " + (saveFileUISlot_BetterSaves.fileNum + 1);
					((Component)((Component)saveFileUISlot_BetterSaves).transform.GetChild(1)).GetComponent<TMP_Text>().text = text;
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "LCBetterSaves";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "LCBetterSaves";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.4.0";
namespace LCBetterSaves.Properties
	[GeneratedCode("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", "")]
	public class Resources
		private static ResourceManager resourceMan;

		private static CultureInfo resourceCulture;

		public static ResourceManager ResourceManager
				if (resourceMan == null)
					ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager("LCBetterSaves.Properties.Resources", typeof(Resources).Assembly);
					resourceMan = resourceManager;
				return resourceMan;

		public static CultureInfo Culture
				return resourceCulture;
				resourceCulture = value;

		public static byte[] lcbettersaves
				object @object = ResourceManager.GetObject("lcbettersaves", resourceCulture);
				return (byte[])@object;

		internal Resources()


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using GameNetcodeStuff;
using HarmonyLib;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Control")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("My first plugin")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.0+0465852cfa101b431accf8b751972dc96a66f057")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Control")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Control")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace Control
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "Control";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "Control";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.0.0";
namespace Flashlight
	[BepInPlugin("rr.Flashlight", "Flashlight", "1.4.0")]
	public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
		private static string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/flashlightbutton.txt";

		internal static ManualLogSource logSource;

		private static InputActionAsset asset;

		private static string defaultkey = "/Keyboard/f";

		private Harmony _harmony = new Harmony("Flashlight");

		private void Awake()
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"------Flashlight done.------");
			logSource = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger;

		public static void setAsset(string thing)
			asset = InputActionAsset.FromJson("\r\n                {\r\n                    \"maps\" : [\r\n                        {\r\n                            \"name\" : \"Flashlight\",\r\n                            \"actions\": [\r\n                                {\"name\": \"togglef\", \"type\" : \"button\"}\r\n                            ],\r\n                            \"bindings\" : [\r\n                                {\"path\" : \"" + thing + "\", \"action\": \"togglef\"}\r\n                            ]\r\n                        }\r\n                    ]\r\n                }");

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "KillPlayer")]
		public static void ClearFlashlight(PlayerControllerB __instance)
			__instance.pocketedFlashlight = null;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(IngamePlayerSettings), "CompleteRebind")]
		public static void SavingToFile(IngamePlayerSettings __instance)
			//IL_0031: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (!( != "togglef"))
				File.WriteAllText(path, __instance.rebindingOperation.action.controls[0].path);
				string text = defaultkey;
				if (File.Exists(path))
					text = File.ReadAllText(path);

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(KepRemapPanel), "LoadKeybindsUI")]
		public static void Testing(KepRemapPanel __instance)
			//IL_007f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0085: Expected O, but got Unknown
			string text = defaultkey;
			if (!File.Exists(path))
				File.WriteAllText(path, defaultkey);
				text = File.ReadAllText(path);
			for (int i = 0; i < __instance.remappableKeys.Count; i++)
				if (__instance.remappableKeys[i].ControlName == "Flashlight")
			RemappableKey val = new RemappableKey();
			InputActionReference currentInput = InputActionReference.Create(asset.FindAction("Flashlight/togglef", false));
			val.ControlName = "Flashlight";
			val.currentInput = currentInput;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "Update")]
		public static void ReadInput(PlayerControllerB __instance)
			if (((!((NetworkBehaviour)__instance).IsOwner || !__instance.isPlayerControlled || (((NetworkBehaviour)__instance).IsServer && !__instance.isHostPlayerObject)) && !__instance.isTestingPlayer) || __instance.inTerminalMenu || __instance.isTypingChat || !Application.isFocused)
			if (__instance.currentlyHeldObjectServer is FlashlightItem && (Object)(object)__instance.currentlyHeldObjectServer != (Object)(object)__instance.pocketedFlashlight)
				__instance.pocketedFlashlight = __instance.currentlyHeldObjectServer;
			if ((Object)(object)__instance.pocketedFlashlight == (Object)null)
			string text = defaultkey;
			if (!File.Exists(path))
				File.WriteAllText(path, defaultkey);
				text = File.ReadAllText(path);
			if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)asset) || !asset.enabled)
			if (!asset.FindAction("Flashlight/togglef", false).triggered || !(__instance.pocketedFlashlight is FlashlightItem) || !__instance.pocketedFlashlight.isHeld)
				if (!(__instance.currentlyHeldObjectServer is FlashlightItem))
					GrabbableObject pocketedFlashlight = __instance.pocketedFlashlight;
					((Behaviour)((FlashlightItem)((pocketedFlashlight is FlashlightItem) ? pocketedFlashlight : null)).flashlightBulbGlow).enabled = false;
					GrabbableObject pocketedFlashlight2 = __instance.pocketedFlashlight;
					((Behaviour)((FlashlightItem)((pocketedFlashlight2 is FlashlightItem) ? pocketedFlashlight2 : null)).flashlightBulb).enabled = false;
					GrabbableObject pocketedFlashlight3 = __instance.pocketedFlashlight;
					if (((pocketedFlashlight3 is FlashlightItem) ? pocketedFlashlight3 : null).isBeingUsed)
						((Behaviour)__instance.helmetLight).enabled = true;
						GrabbableObject pocketedFlashlight4 = __instance.pocketedFlashlight;
						((FlashlightItem)((pocketedFlashlight4 is FlashlightItem) ? pocketedFlashlight4 : null)).usingPlayerHelmetLight = true;
						GrabbableObject pocketedFlashlight5 = __instance.pocketedFlashlight;
						((FlashlightItem)((pocketedFlashlight5 is FlashlightItem) ? pocketedFlashlight5 : null)).PocketFlashlightServerRpc(true);
						((Behaviour)__instance.helmetLight).enabled = false;
						GrabbableObject pocketedFlashlight6 = __instance.pocketedFlashlight;
						((FlashlightItem)((pocketedFlashlight6 is FlashlightItem) ? pocketedFlashlight6 : null)).usingPlayerHelmetLight = false;
						GrabbableObject pocketedFlashlight7 = __instance.pocketedFlashlight;
						((FlashlightItem)((pocketedFlashlight7 is FlashlightItem) ? pocketedFlashlight7 : null)).PocketFlashlightServerRpc(false);


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using HarmonyLib;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("HelmetCamera")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("HelmetCamera")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2023")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("b99c4d46-5f13-47b3-a5af-5e3f37772e77")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.8", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.8")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace HelmetCamera
	[BepInPlugin("RickArg.lethalcompany.helmetcameras", "Helmet_Cameras", "2.1.5")]
	public class PluginInit : BaseUnityPlugin
		public static Harmony _harmony;

		public static ConfigEntry<int> config_isHighQuality;

		public static ConfigEntry<int> config_renderDistance;

		public static ConfigEntry<int> config_cameraFps;

		private void Awake()
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0072: Expected O, but got Unknown
			config_isHighQuality = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("MONITOR QUALITY", "monitorResolution", 0, "Low FPS affection. High Quality mode. 0 - vanilla (48x48), 1 - vanilla+ (128x128), 2 - mid quality (256x256), 3 - high quality (512x512), 4 - Very High Quality (1024x1024)");
			config_renderDistance = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("MONITOR QUALITY", "renderDistance", 20, "Low FPS affection. Render distance for helmet camera.");
			config_cameraFps = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("MONITOR QUALITY", "cameraFps", 30, "Very high FPS affection. FPS for helmet camera. To increase YOUR fps, you should low cameraFps value.");
			_harmony = new Harmony("HelmetCamera");
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Plugin Helmet_Cameras is loaded with version 2.1.5!");
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"--------Helmet camera patch done.---------");
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "RickArg.lethalcompany.helmetcameras";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "Helmet_Cameras";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "2.1.5";
	public class Plugin : MonoBehaviour
		private RenderTexture renderTexture;

		private bool isMonitorChanged = false;

		private GameObject helmetCameraNew;

		private bool isSceneLoaded = false;

		private bool isCoroutineStarted = false;

		private int currentTransformIndex;

		private int resolution = 0;

		private int renderDistance = 50;

		private float cameraFps = 30f;

		private float elapsed;

		private void Awake()
			//IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0077: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0081: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0090: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009a: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00a9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b3: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00c2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00cc: Expected O, but got Unknown
			resolution = PluginInit.config_isHighQuality.Value;
			renderDistance = PluginInit.config_renderDistance.Value;
			cameraFps = PluginInit.config_cameraFps.Value;
			switch (resolution)
			case 0:
				renderTexture = new RenderTexture(48, 48, 24);
			case 1:
				renderTexture = new RenderTexture(128, 128, 24);
			case 2:
				renderTexture = new RenderTexture(256, 256, 24);
			case 3:
				renderTexture = new RenderTexture(512, 512, 24);
			case 4:
				renderTexture = new RenderTexture(1024, 1024, 24);

		public void Start()
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0031: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0063: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			isCoroutineStarted = false;
			while ((Object)(object)helmetCameraNew == (Object)null)
				helmetCameraNew = new GameObject("HelmetCamera");
			Scene activeScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
			if (((Scene)(ref activeScene)).name != "MainMenu")
				activeScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
				if (((Scene)(ref activeScene)).name != "InitScene")
					activeScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
					if (((Scene)(ref activeScene)).name != "InitSceneLaunchOptions")
						isSceneLoaded = true;
						Debug.Log((object)"[HELMET_CAMERAS] Starting coroutine...");
			isSceneLoaded = false;
			isMonitorChanged = false;

		private IEnumerator LoadSceneEnter()
			Debug.Log((object)"[HELMET_CAMERAS] 5 seconds for init mode... Please wait...");
			yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(5f);
			isCoroutineStarted = true;
			if ((Object)(object)GameObject.Find("Environment/HangarShip/Cameras/ShipCamera") != (Object)null)
				Debug.Log((object)"[HELMET_CAMERAS] Ship camera founded...");
				if (!isMonitorChanged)
					((Renderer)GameObject.Find("Environment/HangarShip/ShipModels2b/MonitorWall/Cube").GetComponent<MeshRenderer>()).materials[2].mainTexture = ((Renderer)GameObject.Find("Environment/HangarShip/ShipModels2b/MonitorWall/Cube.001").GetComponent<MeshRenderer>()).materials[2].mainTexture;
					((Renderer)GameObject.Find("Environment/HangarShip/ShipModels2b/MonitorWall/Cube.001").GetComponent<MeshRenderer>()).materials[2].mainTexture = (Texture)(object)renderTexture;
					((Behaviour)helmetCameraNew.GetComponent<Camera>()).enabled = false;
					helmetCameraNew.GetComponent<Camera>().targetTexture = renderTexture;
					helmetCameraNew.GetComponent<Camera>().cullingMask = 20649983;
					helmetCameraNew.GetComponent<Camera>().farClipPlane = renderDistance;
					helmetCameraNew.GetComponent<Camera>().nearClipPlane = 0.55f;
					isMonitorChanged = true;
					Debug.Log((object)"[HELMET_CAMERAS] Monitors were changed...");
					Debug.Log((object)"[HELMET_CAMERAS] Turning off vanilla internal ship camera");
					((Behaviour)GameObject.Find("Environment/HangarShip/Cameras/ShipCamera").GetComponent<Camera>()).enabled = false;

		public void Update()
			//IL_022b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_023f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0244: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_024f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0263: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0268: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0100: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0114: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0119: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_012e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0142: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0147: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01a7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01c5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01d9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01de: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			bool flag = isSceneLoaded && isCoroutineStarted;
			if (flag && StartOfRound.Instance.localPlayerController.isInHangarShipRoom)
				elapsed += Time.deltaTime;
				if (elapsed > 1f / cameraFps)
					elapsed = 0f;
					((Behaviour)helmetCameraNew.GetComponent<Camera>()).enabled = true;
					((Behaviour)helmetCameraNew.GetComponent<Camera>()).enabled = false;
				GameObject val = GameObject.Find("Environment/HangarShip/ShipModels2b/MonitorWall/Cube.001/CameraMonitorScript");
				currentTransformIndex = val.GetComponent<ManualCameraRenderer>().targetTransformIndex;
				TransformAndName val2 = val.GetComponent<ManualCameraRenderer>().radarTargets[currentTransformIndex];
				if (!val2.isNonPlayer)
						helmetCameraNew.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(val2.transform.Find("ScavengerModel/metarig/CameraContainer/MainCamera/HelmetLights").position + new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), val2.transform.Find("ScavengerModel/metarig/CameraContainer/MainCamera/HelmetLights").rotation * Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, 0f));
						DeadBodyInfo[] array = Object.FindObjectsOfType<DeadBodyInfo>();
						for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
							if (array[i].playerScript.playerUsername ==
								helmetCameraNew.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(((Component)array[i]).gameObject.transform.Find("spine.001/spine.002/spine.003").position, ((Component)array[i]).gameObject.transform.Find("spine.001/spine.002/spine.003").rotation * Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, 0f));
					catch (NullReferenceException)
				helmetCameraNew.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(val2.transform.position + new Vector3(0f, 1.6f, 0f), val2.transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(0f, -90f, 0f));
			else if (flag && !StartOfRound.Instance.localPlayerController.isInHangarShipRoom)
namespace HelmetCamera.Patches
	internal class HelmetCamera
		public static void InitCameras()
			GameObject val = GameObject.Find("Environment/HangarShip/Cameras/ShipCamera");

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(StartOfRound), "Start")]
		public static void InitCamera(ref ManualCameraRenderer __instance)


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using GameNetcodeStuff;
using HarmonyLib;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("FovAdjust")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("FovAdjust")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2023")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("dfb6681a-9f25-4737-a7fe-10b3c23f65b3")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace FovAdjust;

[BepInPlugin("Rozebud.FovAdjust", "FOV Adjust", "1.1.1")]
public class FovAdjustBase : BaseUnityPlugin
	private const string modGUID = "Rozebud.FovAdjust";

	private const string modName = "FOV Adjust";

	private const string modVer = "1.1.1";

	private readonly Harmony harmony = new Harmony("Rozebud.FovAdjust");

	private static FovAdjustBase Instance;

	public static ManualLogSource log;

	public static ConfigEntry<float> configFov;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> configHideVisor;

	public static bool inDebugMode;

	private void Awake()
		if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null)
			Instance = this;
		log = Logger.CreateLogSource("Rozebud.FovAdjust");
		configFov = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<float>("General", "fov", 66f, "Change the field of view of the camera. Clamped from 66 to 130 for my sanity. Also keep in mind that this is vertical FOV.");
		configHideVisor = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "hideVisor", false, "Changes whether the first person visor is visible.");
		PlayerControllerBPatches.newTargetFovBase = Mathf.Clamp(configFov.Value, 66f, 130f);
		PlayerControllerBPatches.hideVisor = configHideVisor.Value;
		log.LogInfo((object)"Configs DONE!");
		log.LogInfo((object)"All FOV Adjust patches have loaded successfully.");
public class PlayerControllerBPatches
	public static float newTargetFovBase = 66f;

	private static float prefixCamFov = 0f;

	public static bool hideVisor = false;

	private static Vector3 visorScale;

	public static Vector3 visorScaleBottom = new Vector3(0.68f, 0.8f, 0.95f);

	public static Vector3 visorScaleTop = new Vector3(0.68f, 0.35f, 0.99f);

	public static float linToSinLerp = 0.6f;

	public static float visorScaleTopRefFOV = 130f;

	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "Awake")]
	private static void Awake_Postfix(PlayerControllerB __instance)
		//IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		if (!filterPlayerControllers(__instance))
			__instance.localVisor.localScale = visorScale;

	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "Update")]
	private static void Update_Prefix(PlayerControllerB __instance)
		//IL_01b1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_01b6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_01cd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_005a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0099: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_00d8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0119: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0158: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0199: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		if (filterPlayerControllers(__instance))
		prefixCamFov = __instance.gameplayCamera.fieldOfView;
		if (FovAdjustBase.inDebugMode)
			if (((ButtonControl)Keyboard.current.minusKey).wasPressedThisFrame)
				visorScale.x -= 0.00049999997f;
			else if (((ButtonControl)Keyboard.current.equalsKey).wasPressedThisFrame)
				visorScale.x += 0.00049999997f;
			if (((ButtonControl)Keyboard.current.leftBracketKey).wasPressedThisFrame)
				visorScale.y -= 0.00049999997f;
			else if (((ButtonControl)Keyboard.current.rightBracketKey).wasPressedThisFrame)
				visorScale.y += 0.00049999997f;
			if (((ButtonControl)Keyboard.current.semicolonKey).wasPressedThisFrame)
				visorScale.z -= 0.00049999997f;
			else if (((ButtonControl)Keyboard.current.quoteKey).wasPressedThisFrame)
				visorScale.z += 0.00049999997f;
		if (__instance.localVisor.localScale != visorScale)
			__instance.localVisor.localScale = visorScale;

	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "Update")]
	private static void Update_Postfix(PlayerControllerB __instance)
		if (!filterPlayerControllers(__instance))
			float num = newTargetFovBase;
			if (__instance.inTerminalMenu)
				num = 60f;
			else if (__instance.IsInspectingItem)
				num = 46f;
			else if (__instance.isSprinting)
				num *= 1.03f;
			__instance.gameplayCamera.fieldOfView = Mathf.Lerp(prefixCamFov, num, 6f * Time.deltaTime);

	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "LateUpdate")]
	private static void LateUpdate_Postfix(PlayerControllerB __instance)
		//IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_003e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0052: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_005c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		if (!filterPlayerControllers(__instance) && (newTargetFovBase > 66f || FovAdjustBase.inDebugMode))
			__instance.localVisor.position = __instance.localVisor.position + __instance.localVisor.rotation * new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.06f);

	private static float easeOutSine(float x)
		return Mathf.Sin(x * (float)Math.PI / 2f);

	public static void calculateVisorStuff()
		//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0093: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0098: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_006b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0070: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0076: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_007b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		if (hideVisor)
			visorScale = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
		else if (newTargetFovBase > 66f || FovAdjustBase.inDebugMode)
			float num = (newTargetFovBase - 66f) / (visorScaleTopRefFOV - 66f);
			num = Mathf.Lerp(num, easeOutSine(num), linToSinLerp);
			visorScale = Vector3.LerpUnclamped(visorScaleBottom, visorScaleTop, num);
			visorScale = new Vector3(0.36f, 0.49f, 0.49f);

	private static bool filterPlayerControllers(PlayerControllerB player)
		return !((NetworkBehaviour)player).IsOwner || !player.isPlayerControlled || (((NetworkBehaviour)player).IsServer && !player.isHostPlayerObject && !player.isTestingPlayer);
public class HUDManagerPatches
	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HUDManager), "SubmitChat_performed")]
	public static bool SubmitChat_performed_Prefix(HUDManager __instance)
		//IL_0120: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0125: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_017a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_017f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0239: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_023e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0262: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0267: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		string text = __instance.chatTextField.text;
		if (text.StartsWith("/fov"))
			string[] array = text.Split(new char[1] { ' ' });
			if (array.Length > 1 && float.TryParse(array[1], out var result))
				result = Mathf.Clamp(result, 66f, 130f);
				PlayerControllerBPatches.newTargetFovBase = result;
				if (!FovAdjustBase.inDebugMode)
		else if (text.StartsWith("/toggleVisor"))
			PlayerControllerBPatches.hideVisor = !PlayerControllerBPatches.hideVisor;
		else if (text.StartsWith("/recalcVisor") && FovAdjustBase.inDebugMode)
		else if (text.StartsWith("/setScaleBottom") && FovAdjustBase.inDebugMode)
			string[] array2 = text.Split(new char[1] { ' ' });
			PlayerControllerBPatches.visorScaleBottom = new Vector3(float.Parse(array2[1]), float.Parse(array2[2]), float.Parse(array2[3]));
		else if (text.StartsWith("/setScaleTop") && FovAdjustBase.inDebugMode)
			string[] array3 = text.Split(new char[1] { ' ' });
			PlayerControllerBPatches.visorScaleTop = new Vector3(float.Parse(array3[1]), float.Parse(array3[2]), float.Parse(array3[3]));
		else if (text.StartsWith("/setSinAmount") && FovAdjustBase.inDebugMode)
			string[] array4 = text.Split(new char[1] { ' ' });
			PlayerControllerBPatches.linToSinLerp = float.Parse(array4[1]);
		else if (text.StartsWith("/setTopRef") && FovAdjustBase.inDebugMode)
			string[] array5 = text.Split(new char[1] { ' ' });
			PlayerControllerBPatches.visorScaleTopRefFOV = float.Parse(array5[1]);
			if (!text.StartsWith("/gimmeMyValues") || !FovAdjustBase.inDebugMode)
				return true;
			ManualLogSource log = FovAdjustBase.log;
			Vector3 val = PlayerControllerBPatches.visorScaleBottom;
			log.LogMessage((object)("visorScaleBottom: " + ((object)(Vector3)(ref val)).ToString()));
			ManualLogSource log2 = FovAdjustBase.log;
			val = PlayerControllerBPatches.visorScaleTop;
			log2.LogMessage((object)("visorScaleTop: " + ((object)(Vector3)(ref val)).ToString()));
			FovAdjustBase.log.LogMessage((object)("linToSinLerp: " + PlayerControllerBPatches.linToSinLerp));
			FovAdjustBase.log.LogMessage((object)("visorScaleTopRefFOV: " + PlayerControllerBPatches.visorScaleTopRefFOV));
		__instance.localPlayer = GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController;
		__instance.localPlayer.isTypingChat = false;
		__instance.chatTextField.text = "";
		((Behaviour)__instance.typingIndicator).enabled = false;
		return false;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using Dissonance.Config;
using HarmonyLib;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("SkinwalkerMod")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("SkinwalkerMod")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2023")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("fd4979a2-cef0-46af-8bf8-97e630b11475")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.8", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.8")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
internal class <Module>
	static <Module>()
namespace SkinwalkerMod;

[BepInPlugin("RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod", "Skinwalker Mod", "1.0.8")]
internal class PluginLoader : BaseUnityPlugin
	private readonly Harmony harmony = new Harmony("RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod");

	private const string modGUID = "RugbugRedfern.SkinwalkerMod";

	private const string modVersion = "1.0.8";

	private static bool initialized;

	public static PluginLoader Instance { get; private set; }

	private void Awake()
		//IL_00e0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_00e6: Expected O, but got Unknown
		if (initialized)
		initialized = true;
		Instance = this;
		Type[] types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes();
		Type[] array = types;
		foreach (Type type in array)
			MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			MethodInfo[] array2 = methods;
			foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in array2)
				object[] customAttributes = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute), inherit: false);
				if (customAttributes.Length != 0)
					methodInfo.Invoke(null, null);
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("SKINWALKER MOD STARTING UP 1.0.8");
		SceneManager.sceneLoaded += SkinwalkerNetworkManagerHandler.ClientConnectInitializer;
		GameObject val = new GameObject("Skinwalker Mod");
		((Object)val).hideFlags = (HideFlags)61;

	public void BindConfig<T>(ref ConfigEntry<T> config, string section, string key, T defaultValue, string description = "")
		config = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<T>(section, key, defaultValue, description);
internal class SkinwalkerBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
	private AudioSource audioSource;

	public const float PLAY_INTERVAL_MIN = 15f;

	public const float PLAY_INTERVAL_MAX = 40f;

	private const float MAX_DIST = 100f;

	private float nextTimeToPlayAudio;

	private EnemyAI ai;

	public void Initialize(EnemyAI ai)
	{ = ai;
		audioSource = ai.creatureVoice;

	private void Update()
		//IL_0077: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0082: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		if (!(Time.time > nextTimeToPlayAudio))
		float num = -1f;
		if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)ai) && !ai.isEnemyDead)
			if ((Object)(object)GameNetworkManager.Instance == (Object)null || (Object)(object)GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController == (Object)null || (num = Vector3.Distance(((Component)GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController).transform.position, ((Component)this).transform.position)) < 100f)
				AudioClip sample = SkinwalkerModPersistent.Instance.GetSample();
				if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)sample))
					SkinwalkerLogger.Log(((Object)this).name + " played voice line 1");
					SkinwalkerLogger.Log(((Object)this).name + " played voice line 0");
				SkinwalkerLogger.Log(((Object)this).name + " played voice line no (too far away) " + num);
			SkinwalkerLogger.Log(((Object)this).name + " played voice line no (dead) EnemyAI: " + (object)ai);

	private void SetNextTime()
		if (SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceLineFrequency.Value <= 0f)
			nextTimeToPlayAudio = Time.time + 100000000f;
			nextTimeToPlayAudio = Time.time + Random.Range(15f, 40f) / SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceLineFrequency.Value;

	private T CopyComponent<T>(T original, GameObject destination) where T : Component
		Type type = ((object)original).GetType();
		Component val = destination.AddComponent(type);
		FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields();
		FieldInfo[] array = fields;
		foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in array)
			fieldInfo.SetValue(val, fieldInfo.GetValue(original));
		return (T)(object)((val is T) ? val : null);
internal class SkinwalkerConfig
	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_BaboonHawk;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_Bracken;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_BunkerSpider;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_Centipede;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_CoilHead;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_EyelessDog;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_ForestGiant;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_GhostGirl;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_GiantWorm;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_HoardingBug;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_Hygrodere;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_Jester;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_Masked;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_Nutcracker;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_SporeLizard;

	public static ConfigEntry<bool> VoiceEnabled_Thumper;

	public static ConfigEntry<float> VoiceLineFrequency;

	public static void InitConfig()
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceLineFrequency, "Voice Settings", "VoiceLineFrequency", 1f, "1 is the default, and voice lines will occur every " + 15f.ToString("0") + " to " + 40f.ToString("0") + " seconds per enemy. Setting this to 2 means they will occur twice as often, 0.5 means half as often, etc.");
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_BaboonHawk, "Monster Voices", "Baboon Hawk", defaultValue: true);
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_Bracken, "Monster Voices", "Bracken", defaultValue: true);
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_BunkerSpider, "Monster Voices", "Bunker Spider", defaultValue: true);
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_Centipede, "Monster Voices", "Centipede", defaultValue: true);
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_CoilHead, "Monster Voices", "Coil Head", defaultValue: true);
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_EyelessDog, "Monster Voices", "Eyeless Dog", defaultValue: true);
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_ForestGiant, "Monster Voices", "Forest Giant", defaultValue: false);
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_GhostGirl, "Monster Voices", "Ghost Girl", defaultValue: true);
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_GiantWorm, "Monster Voices", "Giant Worm", defaultValue: false);
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_HoardingBug, "Monster Voices", "Hoarding Bug", defaultValue: true);
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_Hygrodere, "Monster Voices", "Hygrodere", defaultValue: false);
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_Jester, "Monster Voices", "Jester", defaultValue: true);
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_Masked, "Monster Voices", "Masked", defaultValue: true);
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_Nutcracker, "Monster Voices", "Nutcracker", defaultValue: true);
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_SporeLizard, "Monster Voices", "Spore Lizard", defaultValue: true);
		PluginLoader.Instance.BindConfig(ref VoiceEnabled_Thumper, "Monster Voices", "Thumper", defaultValue: true);
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_BaboonHawk" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_BaboonHawk.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_Bracken" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_Bracken.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_BunkerSpider" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_BunkerSpider.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_Centipede" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_Centipede.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_CoilHead" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_CoilHead.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_EyelessDog" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_EyelessDog.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_ForestGiant" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_ForestGiant.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_GhostGirl" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_GhostGirl.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_GiantWorm" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_GiantWorm.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_HoardingBug" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_HoardingBug.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_Hygrodere" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_Hygrodere.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_Jester" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_Jester.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_Masked" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_Masked.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_Nutcracker" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_Nutcracker.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_SporeLizard" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_SporeLizard.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceEnabled_Thumper" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceEnabled_Thumper.Value}]");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("VoiceLineFrequency" + $" VALUE LOADED FROM CONFIG: [{VoiceLineFrequency.Value}]");
internal static class SkinwalkerLogger
	internal static ManualLogSource logSource;

	public static void Initialize(string modGUID)
		logSource = Logger.CreateLogSource(modGUID);

	public static void Log(object message)

	public static void LogError(object message)

	public static void LogWarning(object message)
public class SkinwalkerModPersistent : MonoBehaviour
	private string audioFolder;

	private List<AudioClip> cachedAudio = new List<AudioClip>();

	private float nextTimeToCheckFolder = 30f;

	private float nextTimeToCheckEnemies = 30f;

	private const float folderScanInterval = 8f;

	private const float enemyScanInterval = 5f;

	public static SkinwalkerModPersistent Instance { get; private set; }

	private void Awake()
		//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		Instance = this;
		((Component)this).transform.position =;
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("Skinwalker Mod Object Initialized");
		audioFolder = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "..", "Dissonance_Diagnostics");
		if (!Directory.Exists(audioFolder))

	private void Start()
			if (Directory.Exists(audioFolder))
				Directory.Delete(audioFolder, recursive: true);
		catch (Exception message)

	private void OnApplicationQuit()

	private void EnableRecording()
		DebugSettings.Instance.EnablePlaybackDiagnostics = true;
		DebugSettings.Instance.RecordFinalAudio = true;

	private void Update()
		if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup > nextTimeToCheckFolder)
			nextTimeToCheckFolder = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + 8f;
			if (!Directory.Exists(audioFolder))
				SkinwalkerLogger.Log("Audio folder not present. Don't worry about it, it will be created automatically when you play with friends. (" + audioFolder + ")");
			string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(audioFolder);
			SkinwalkerLogger.Log($"Got audio file paths ({files.Length})");
			string[] array = files;
			foreach (string path in array)
				((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(LoadWavFile(path, delegate(AudioClip audioClip)
		if (!(Time.realtimeSinceStartup > nextTimeToCheckEnemies))
		nextTimeToCheckEnemies = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + 5f;
		EnemyAI[] array2 = Object.FindObjectsOfType<EnemyAI>(true);
		EnemyAI[] array3 = array2;
		SkinwalkerBehaviour skinwalkerBehaviour = default(SkinwalkerBehaviour);
		foreach (EnemyAI val in array3)
			SkinwalkerLogger.Log("IsEnemyEnabled " + ((Object)val).name + " " + IsEnemyEnabled(val));
			if (IsEnemyEnabled(val) && !((Component)val).TryGetComponent<SkinwalkerBehaviour>(ref skinwalkerBehaviour))

	private bool IsEnemyEnabled(EnemyAI enemy)
		if ((Object)(object)enemy == (Object)null)
			return false;
		return ((Object)((Component)enemy).gameObject).name switch
			"MaskedPlayerEnemy(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_Masked.Value, 
			"NutcrackerEnemy(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_Nutcracker.Value, 
			"BaboonHawkEnemy(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_BaboonHawk.Value, 
			"Flowerman(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_Bracken.Value, 
			"SandSpider(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_BunkerSpider.Value, 
			"RedLocustBees(Clone)" => false, 
			"Centipede(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_Centipede.Value, 
			"SpringMan(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_CoilHead.Value, 
			"MouthDog(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_EyelessDog.Value, 
			"ForestGiant(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_ForestGiant.Value, 
			"DressGirl(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_GhostGirl.Value, 
			"SandWorm(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_GiantWorm.Value, 
			"HoarderBug(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_HoardingBug.Value, 
			"Blob(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_Hygrodere.Value, 
			"JesterEnemy(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_Jester.Value, 
			"PufferEnemy(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_SporeLizard.Value, 
			"Crawler(Clone)" => SkinwalkerNetworkManager.Instance.VoiceEnabled_Thumper.Value, 
			"DocileLocustBees(Clone)" => false, 
			"DoublewingedBird(Clone)" => false, 
			_ => true, 

	internal IEnumerator LoadWavFile(string path, Action<AudioClip> callback)
		UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip(path, (AudioType)20);
			yield return www.SendWebRequest();
			if ((int)www.result == 1)
				SkinwalkerLogger.Log("Loaded clip from path " + path);
				AudioClip audioClip = DownloadHandlerAudioClip.GetContent(www);
				if (audioClip.length > 0.9f)
				catch (Exception e)

	private void DisableRecording()
		DebugSettings.Instance.EnablePlaybackDiagnostics = false;
		DebugSettings.Instance.RecordFinalAudio = false;
		if (Directory.Exists(audioFolder))
			Directory.Delete(audioFolder, recursive: true);

	public AudioClip GetSample()
		if (cachedAudio.Count > 0)
			int index = Random.Range(0, cachedAudio.Count - 1);
			AudioClip result = cachedAudio[index];
			return result;
		while (cachedAudio.Count > 200)
		return null;

	public void ClearCache()
internal static class SkinwalkerNetworkManagerHandler
	internal static void ClientConnectInitializer(Scene sceneName, LoadSceneMode sceneEnum)
		//IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0022: Expected O, but got Unknown
		if (((Scene)(ref sceneName)).name == "SampleSceneRelay")
			GameObject val = new GameObject("SkinwalkerNetworkManager");
			Debug.Log((object)"Initialized SkinwalkerNetworkManager");
internal class SkinwalkerNetworkManager : NetworkBehaviour
	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_BaboonHawk = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_Bracken = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_BunkerSpider = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_Centipede = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_CoilHead = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_EyelessDog = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_ForestGiant = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_GhostGirl = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_GiantWorm = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_HoardingBug = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_Hygrodere = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_Jester = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_Masked = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_Nutcracker = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_SporeLizard = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<bool> VoiceEnabled_Thumper = new NetworkVariable<bool>(true, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public NetworkVariable<float> VoiceLineFrequency = new NetworkVariable<float>(1f, (NetworkVariableReadPermission)0, (NetworkVariableWritePermission)0);

	public static SkinwalkerNetworkManager Instance { get; private set; }

	private void Awake()
		Instance = this;
		if (GameNetworkManager.Instance.isHostingGame)
			VoiceEnabled_BaboonHawk.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_BaboonHawk.Value;
			VoiceEnabled_Bracken.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_Bracken.Value;
			VoiceEnabled_BunkerSpider.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_BunkerSpider.Value;
			VoiceEnabled_Centipede.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_Centipede.Value;
			VoiceEnabled_CoilHead.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_CoilHead.Value;
			VoiceEnabled_EyelessDog.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_EyelessDog.Value;
			VoiceEnabled_ForestGiant.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_ForestGiant.Value;
			VoiceEnabled_GhostGirl.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_GhostGirl.Value;
			VoiceEnabled_GiantWorm.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_GiantWorm.Value;
			VoiceEnabled_HoardingBug.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_HoardingBug.Value;
			VoiceEnabled_Hygrodere.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_Hygrodere.Value;
			VoiceEnabled_Jester.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_Jester.Value;
			VoiceEnabled_Masked.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_Masked.Value;
			VoiceEnabled_Nutcracker.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_Nutcracker.Value;
			VoiceEnabled_SporeLizard.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_SporeLizard.Value;
			VoiceEnabled_Thumper.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceEnabled_Thumper.Value;
			VoiceLineFrequency.Value = SkinwalkerConfig.VoiceLineFrequency.Value;
			SkinwalkerLogger.Log("HOST SENDING CONFIG TO CLIENTS");
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("SkinwalkerNetworkManager Awake");

	public override void OnDestroy()
		SkinwalkerLogger.Log("SkinwalkerNetworkManager OnDestroy");

	protected override void __initializeVariables()
		if (VoiceEnabled_BaboonHawk == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_BaboonHawk cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_BaboonHawk, "VoiceEnabled_BaboonHawk");
		if (VoiceEnabled_Bracken == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_Bracken cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_Bracken, "VoiceEnabled_Bracken");
		if (VoiceEnabled_BunkerSpider == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_BunkerSpider cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_BunkerSpider, "VoiceEnabled_BunkerSpider");
		if (VoiceEnabled_Centipede == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_Centipede cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_Centipede, "VoiceEnabled_Centipede");
		if (VoiceEnabled_CoilHead == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_CoilHead cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_CoilHead, "VoiceEnabled_CoilHead");
		if (VoiceEnabled_EyelessDog == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_EyelessDog cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_EyelessDog, "VoiceEnabled_EyelessDog");
		if (VoiceEnabled_ForestGiant == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_ForestGiant cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_ForestGiant, "VoiceEnabled_ForestGiant");
		if (VoiceEnabled_GhostGirl == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_GhostGirl cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_GhostGirl, "VoiceEnabled_GhostGirl");
		if (VoiceEnabled_GiantWorm == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_GiantWorm cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_GiantWorm, "VoiceEnabled_GiantWorm");
		if (VoiceEnabled_HoardingBug == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_HoardingBug cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_HoardingBug, "VoiceEnabled_HoardingBug");
		if (VoiceEnabled_Hygrodere == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_Hygrodere cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_Hygrodere, "VoiceEnabled_Hygrodere");
		if (VoiceEnabled_Jester == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_Jester cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_Jester, "VoiceEnabled_Jester");
		if (VoiceEnabled_Masked == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_Masked cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_Masked, "VoiceEnabled_Masked");
		if (VoiceEnabled_Nutcracker == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_Nutcracker cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_Nutcracker, "VoiceEnabled_Nutcracker");
		if (VoiceEnabled_SporeLizard == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_SporeLizard cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_SporeLizard, "VoiceEnabled_SporeLizard");
		if (VoiceEnabled_Thumper == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceEnabled_Thumper cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceEnabled_Thumper, "VoiceEnabled_Thumper");
		if (VoiceLineFrequency == null)
			throw new Exception("SkinwalkerNetworkManager.VoiceLineFrequency cannot be null. All NetworkVariableBase instances must be initialized.");
		((NetworkBehaviour)this).__nameNetworkVariable((NetworkVariableBase)(object)VoiceLineFrequency, "VoiceLineFrequency");

	protected internal override string __getTypeName()
		return "SkinwalkerNetworkManager";


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Bootstrap;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using CompatibilityChecker.Netcode;
using HarmonyLib;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Steamworks;
using Steamworks.Data;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = "")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Ryokune")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Lethal Company Library that lets you know which mods a modded server has.")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.6")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("CompatibilityChecker")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Ryokune.CompatibilityChecker")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
internal class <Module>
	static <Module>()
namespace CompatibilityChecker
	[BepInPlugin("Ryokune.CompatibilityChecker", "CompatibilityChecker", "1.0.6")]
	[BepInProcess("Lethal Company.exe")]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	public class ModNotifyBase : BaseUnityPlugin
		public static ModNotifyBase instance;

		public static ManualLogSource logger;

		private readonly Harmony harmony = new Harmony("Ryokune.CompatibilityChecker");

		public static Dictionary<string, PluginInfo> ModList = new Dictionary<string, PluginInfo>();

		public static string ModListString;

		public static string[] ModListArray;

		public static Package[] thunderStoreList;

		private void Awake()
			Type[] types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes();
			Type[] array = types;
			foreach (Type type in array)
				MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
				MethodInfo[] array2 = methods;
				foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in array2)
					object[] customAttributes = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute), inherit: false);
					if (customAttributes.Length != 0)
						methodInfo.Invoke(null, null);
			if ((Object)(object)instance == (Object)null)
				instance = this;
				logger = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger;
			Task.Run(async delegate
				thunderStoreList = await ThunderstoreAPI.GetThunderstorePackages();
				((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"thunderStoreList initialized!");
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Plugin Ryokune.CompatibilityChecker is loaded!");
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Modded servers with CompatibilityChecker will now notify you what mods are needed.");

		public static void InitializeModList()
			ModList = Chainloader.PluginInfos;
			foreach (PluginInfo info in ModList.Values)
				Package package2 = thunderStoreList?.FirstOrDefault((Package package) => package.Name == info.Metadata.Name);
				if (package2 != null && package2.Categories.Contains("Server-side"))
					if (package2.Name == "CompatibilityChecker" && package2.Versions[0].VersionNumber != "1.0.6")
						string text = "Current CompatibilityChecker v1.0.6 does not equal latest release v" + package2.Versions[0].VersionNumber + "!\nPlease update to the latest version of CompatibilityChecker!!!";
						Object.FindObjectOfType<MenuManager>().DisplayMenuNotification(text, (string)null);
					ModListString = ModListString + package2.Name + "/@/";
				else if (package2 == null)
					ModListString = ModListString + info.Metadata.GUID + "/@/";
			ModListString = ModListString.Remove(ModListString.Length - 3, 3);
			ModListArray = ModListString.Split("/@/");
	public class Package
		public string Name;

		public string FullName;

		public string Owner;

		public string PackageUrl;

		public string[] Categories;

		public Version[] Versions;
	public class Version
		public string Name;

		public string FullName;

		public string VersionNumber;

		public Uri DownloadUrl;

		public long Downloads;

		public Uri WebsiteUrl;
	public static class ThunderstoreAPI
		private const string ApiBaseUrl = "";

		private static readonly HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();

		public static async Task<Package[]> GetThunderstorePackages()
			return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Package[]>(await httpClient.GetStringAsync(""));
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "Ryokune.CompatibilityChecker";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "CompatibilityChecker";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.0.6";
namespace CompatibilityChecker.Netcode
	internal class PlayerJoinNetcode
		private static string[] serverModList;

		private static Coroutine currentCoroutine;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameNetworkManager), "SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyCreated")]
		public static bool OnLobbyCreated(Result result, ref Lobby lobby)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0003: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			if ((int)result == 1)
				((Lobby)(ref lobby)).SetData("mods", ModNotifyBase.ModListString);
				ModNotifyBase.logger.LogInfo((object)("Set lobby mods to: " + ModNotifyBase.ModListString));
			return true;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameNetworkManager), "LobbyDataIsJoinable")]
		public static bool IsJoinable(ref Lobby lobby)
			string data = ((Lobby)(ref lobby)).GetData("mods");
			if (!Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data))
				serverModList = data.Split("/@/");
				ModNotifyBase.logger.LogWarning((object)(((Lobby)(ref lobby)).GetData("name") + " returned:"));
				string[] array = serverModList;
				foreach (string mod in array)
					string text = mod;
					Package package2 = ModNotifyBase.thunderStoreList?.FirstOrDefault((Package package) => package.Name == mod);
					if (package2 != null)
						text = mod + " v" + package2.Versions[0].VersionNumber;
			return true;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameNetworkManager), "ConnectionApproval")]
		public static void JoinLobbyPostfix()
			if (ModNotifyBase.ModList.Count == 0)

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(MenuManager), "SetLoadingScreen")]
		public static void SetLoadingScreenPatch(ref MenuManager __instance, ref RoomEnter result, ref bool isLoading)
			//IL_00ce: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01d5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01da: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (ModNotifyBase.ModList.Count == 0)
			if ((int)result != 5 || serverModList == null || isLoading)
			string[] array = serverModList.Except(ModNotifyBase.ModListArray).ToArray();
			string[] array2 = ModNotifyBase.ModListArray.Except(serverModList).ToArray();
			string text = ((array == null || array.Length == 0) ? "None..?" : string.Join("\n", array));
			string text2 = ((array2 == null || array2.Length == 0) ? "None." : string.Join("\n\t\t", array2));
			__instance.DisplayMenuNotification("Modded crew\n(Check logs/console for links)!\n Missing mods:\n" + text, "[ Close ]");
			ManualLogSource logger = ModNotifyBase.logger;
			GameNetworkManager instance = GameNetworkManager.Instance;
			object obj;
			Lobby value;
			if (instance == null)
				obj = null;
				value = instance.currentLobby.Value;
				obj = ((Lobby)(ref value)).GetData("name");
			logger.LogError((object)("\nMissing server-sided mods from lobby " + (string?)obj + ":"));
			string[] array3 = array;
			foreach (string mod in array3)
				string text3 = mod;
				Package package2 = ModNotifyBase.thunderStoreList?.FirstOrDefault((Package package) => package.Name == mod);
				if (package2 != null)
					text3 = string.Format("\n\t--Name: {0}\n\t--Link: {1}\n\t--Downloads: {2}\n\t--Categories: [{3}]", mod, package2.PackageUrl, package2.Versions[0].Downloads, string.Join(", ", package2.Categories));
			ManualLogSource logger2 = ModNotifyBase.logger;
			GameNetworkManager instance2 = GameNetworkManager.Instance;
			object obj2;
			if (instance2 == null)
				obj2 = null;
				value = instance2.currentLobby.Value;
				obj2 = ((Lobby)(ref value)).GetData("name");
			logger2.LogWarning((object)("Mods \"" + (string?)obj2 + "\" may not be compatible with:\n\t\t" + text2));
			serverModList = null;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(MenuManager), "DisplayMenuNotification")]
		public static void DisplayMenuNotificationPostfix(ref MenuManager __instance)
			ContentSizeFitter val = __instance.menuNotification.gameObject.GetComponent<ContentSizeFitter>();
			if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null)
				val = __instance.menuNotification.gameObject.AddComponent<ContentSizeFitter>();
			val.verticalFit = (FitMode)2;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(MenuManager), "connectionTimeOut")]
		public static void timeoutPatch()
			//IL_0032: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (GameNetworkManager.Instance.currentLobby.HasValue && serverModList == null)
				Lobby value = GameNetworkManager.Instance.currentLobby.Value;
				serverModList = ((Lobby)(ref value)).GetData("mods")?.Split("/@/");

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SteamLobbyManager), "LoadServerList")]
		[HarmonyAfter(new string[] { "me.swipez.melonloader.morecompany" })]
		public static void loadserverListPatch(ref SteamLobbyManager __instance, ref Lobby[] ___currentLobbyList)
			currentCoroutine = ((MonoBehaviour)__instance).StartCoroutine(Thing(__instance));

		public static IEnumerator Thing(SteamLobbyManager lobbyManager)
			if (currentCoroutine != null)
				yield break;
			yield return (object)new WaitUntil((Func<bool>)(() => ((Transform)((Component)lobbyManager.levelListContainer).GetComponent<RectTransform>()).childCount - 1 != 0 && ((Transform)((Component)lobbyManager.levelListContainer).GetComponent<RectTransform>()).childCount - 1 == Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(LobbySlot)).Length && !GameNetworkManager.Instance.waitingForLobbyDataRefresh));
			LobbySlot[] array = (LobbySlot[])(object)Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(LobbySlot));
			foreach (LobbySlot slot in array)
				Lobby lobby = slot.thisLobby;
				if (!Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(((Lobby)(ref lobby)).GetData("mods")) && !((TMP_Text)slot.LobbyName).text.Contains("[Checker]"))
					((TMP_Text)slot.LobbyName).text = ((TMP_Text)slot.LobbyName).text + " [Checker]";
				ContentSizeFitter fitter = ((Component)slot).gameObject.GetComponent<ContentSizeFitter>();
				if ((Object)(object)fitter == (Object)null)
					fitter = ((Component)slot).gameObject.AddComponent<ContentSizeFitter>();
				fitter.verticalFit = (FitMode)0;
				fitter.horizontalFit = (FitMode)0;
				lobby = default(Lobby);
			RectTransform rect = ((Component)lobbyManager.levelListContainer).GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			float newWidth = rect.sizeDelta.x;
			float newHeight = Mathf.Max(0f, (float)(((Transform)rect).childCount - 1) * 42f);
			rect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors((Axis)0, newWidth);
			rect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors((Axis)1, newHeight);
			currentCoroutine = null;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SteamLobbyManager), "loadLobbyListAndFilter")]
		[HarmonyAfter(new string[] { "me.swipez.melonloader.morecompany" })]
		public static bool loadLobbyPrefixPatch(ref SteamLobbyManager __instance, ref Lobby[] ___currentLobbyList, ref float ___lobbySlotPositionOffset, ref IEnumerator __result)
			__result = modifiedLoadLobbyIEnumerator(__instance, ___currentLobbyList, ___lobbySlotPositionOffset);
			return false;

		public static IEnumerator modifiedLoadLobbyIEnumerator(SteamLobbyManager __instance, Lobby[] ___currentLobbyList, float ___lobbySlotPositionOffset)
			string[] offensiveWords = new string[21]
				"nigger", "faggot", "n1g", "nigers", "cunt", "pussies", "pussy", "minors", "chink", "buttrape",
				"molest", "rape", "coon", "negro", "beastiality", "cocks", "cumshot", "ejaculate", "pedophile", "furfag",
			for (int i = 0; i < ___currentLobbyList.Length; i++)
				Lobby currentLobby = ___currentLobbyList[i];
				Friend[] blockedUsers = SteamFriends.GetBlocked().ToArray();
				if (blockedUsers != null)
					Friend[] array = blockedUsers;
					for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++)
						Friend blockedUser = array[j];
						if (((Lobby)(ref currentLobby)).IsOwnedBy(blockedUser.Id))
				string lobbyName = ((Lobby)(ref currentLobby)).GetData("name");
				bool lobbyModded = !Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(((Lobby)(ref currentLobby)).GetData("mods"));
				if (!Utility.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lobbyName))
					string lobbyNameLowercase = lobbyName.ToLower();
					if (__instance.censorOffensiveLobbyNames)
						string[] array2 = offensiveWords;
						foreach (string word in array2)
							if (lobbyNameLowercase.Contains(word))
					GameObject gameObject = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(__instance.LobbySlotPrefab, __instance.levelListContainer);
					gameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, ___lobbySlotPositionOffset);
					___lobbySlotPositionOffset -= 42f;
					LobbySlot componentInChildren = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<LobbySlot>();
					((TMP_Text)componentInChildren.LobbyName).text = lobbyName + " " + (lobbyModded ? "[Checker]" : "");
					((TMP_Text)componentInChildren.playerCount).text = $"{((Lobby)(ref currentLobby)).MemberCount} / 4";
					componentInChildren.lobbyId = ((Lobby)(ref currentLobby)).Id;
					componentInChildren.thisLobby = currentLobby;
				currentLobby = default(Lobby);
			yield break;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using GameNetcodeStuff;
using HDLethalCompany.Patch;
using HDLethalCompany.Tools;
using HarmonyLib;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("HDLethalCompanyRemake")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("HDLethalCompanyRemake")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2023")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("7f379bc1-1fd4-4c72-9247-a181862eec6b")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace HDLethalCompany
	[BepInPlugin("HDLethalCompany", "HDLethalCompany-Sligili", "1.5.5")]
	public class HDLethalCompanyInitialization : BaseUnityPlugin
		private static ConfigEntry<float> config_ResMult;

		private static ConfigEntry<bool> config_EnablePostProcessing;

		private static ConfigEntry<bool> config_EnableFog;

		private static ConfigEntry<bool> config_EnableAntialiasing;

		private static ConfigEntry<bool> config_EnableResolution;

		private static ConfigEntry<bool> config_EnableFoliage;

		private static ConfigEntry<int> config_FogQuality;

		private static ConfigEntry<int> config_TextureQuality;

		private static ConfigEntry<int> config_LOD;

		private static ConfigEntry<int> config_ShadowmapQuality;

		private Harmony _harmony;

		private void Awake()
			//IL_0042: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"HDLethalCompany loaded");
			GraphicsPatch.assetBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "HDLethalCompany/hdlethalcompany"));
			_harmony = new Harmony("HDLethalCompany");

		private void ConfigFile()
			config_ResMult = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<float>("RESOLUTION", "Value", 2.233f, "Resolution Scale Multiplier - <EXAMPLES -> | 1.000 = 860x520p | 2.233 =~ 1920x1080p | 2.977 = 2560x1440p | 4.465 = 3840x2060p > - The UI scanned elements have slightly incorrect offsets after 3.000");
			config_EnableResolution = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("RESOLUTION", "EnableRes", true, "Resolution Fix - In case you wanna use another resolution mod or apply any widescreen mod while keeping the graphics settings");
			config_EnableAntialiasing = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("EFFECTS", "EnableAA", false, "Anti-Aliasing (Unity's SMAA)");
			config_EnablePostProcessing = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("EFFECTS", "EnablePP", true, "Post-Processing (Color grading)");
			config_TextureQuality = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("EFFECTS", "TextureQuality", 3, "Texture Resolution Quality - <PRESETS -> | 0 = VERY LOW (1/8) | 1 = LOW (1/4) | 2 = MEDIUM (1/2) | 3 = HIGH (1/1 VANILLA) >");
			config_FogQuality = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("EFFECTS", "FogQuality", 1, "Volumetric Fog Quality - <PRESETS -> | 0 = VERY LOW | 1 = VANILLA FOG | 2 = MEDIUM | 3 = HIGH >");
			config_EnableFog = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("EFFECTS", "EnableFOG", true, "Volumetric Fog Toggle - Use this as a last resource in case lowering the fog quality is not enough to get decent performance");
			config_LOD = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("EFFECTS", "LOD", 1, "Level Of Detail - <PRESETS -> | 0 = LOW (HALF DISTANCE) | 1 = VANILLA | 2 = HIGH (TWICE THE DISTANCE) >");
			config_ShadowmapQuality = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("EFFECTS", "ShadowQuality", 3, "Shadows Resolution - <PRESETS -> 0 = VERY LOW (SHADOWS DISABLED)| 1 = LOW (256) | 2 = MEDIUM (1024) | 3 = VANILLA (2048) > - Shadowmap max resolution");
			config_EnableFoliage = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("EFFECTS", "EnableF", true, "Foliage Toggle - If the game camera should or not render bushes/grass (trees won't be affected)");
			GraphicsPatch.m_enableFoliage = config_EnableFoliage.Value;
			GraphicsPatch.m_enableResolutionFix = config_EnableResolution.Value;
			GraphicsPatch.m_setShadowQuality = config_ShadowmapQuality.Value;
			GraphicsPatch.m_setLOD = config_LOD.Value;
			GraphicsPatch.m_setTextureResolution = config_TextureQuality.Value;
			GraphicsPatch.m_setFogQuality = config_FogQuality.Value;
			GraphicsPatch.multiplier = config_ResMult.Value;
			GraphicsPatch.anchorOffsetZ = 0.123f * config_ResMult.Value + 0.877f;
			GraphicsPatch.m_widthResolution = 860f * config_ResMult.Value;
			GraphicsPatch.m_heightResolution = 520f * config_ResMult.Value;
			GraphicsPatch.m_enableAntiAliasing = config_EnableAntialiasing.Value;
			GraphicsPatch.m_enableFog = config_EnableFog.Value;
			GraphicsPatch.m_enablePostProcessing = config_EnablePostProcessing.Value;
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string Guid = "HDLethalCompany";

		public const string Name = "HDLethalCompany-Sligili";

		public const string Ver = "1.5.5";
namespace HDLethalCompany.Tools
	public class Reflection
		public static object GetInstanceField(Type type, object instance, string fieldName)
			BindingFlags bindingAttr = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
			FieldInfo field = type.GetField(fieldName, bindingAttr);
			return field.GetValue(instance);

		public static object CallMethod(object instance, string methodName, params object[] args)
			MethodInfo method = instance.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			if (method != null)
				return method.Invoke(instance, args);
			return null;
namespace HDLethalCompany.Patch
	internal class GraphicsPatch
		public static bool m_enablePostProcessing;

		public static bool m_enableFog;

		public static bool m_enableAntiAliasing;

		public static bool m_enableResolutionFix;

		public static bool m_enableFoliage = true;

		public static int m_setFogQuality;

		public static int m_setTextureResolution;

		public static int m_setLOD;

		public static int m_setShadowQuality;

		private static HDRenderPipelineAsset myAsset;

		public static AssetBundle assetBundle;

		public static float anchorOffsetX = 439.48f;

		public static float anchorOffsetY = 244.8f;

		public static float anchorOffsetZ;

		public static float multiplier;

		public static float m_widthResolution;

		public static float m_heightResolution;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "Start")]
		private static void StartPrefix(PlayerControllerB __instance)
			//IL_0080: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0085: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0087: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0094: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0099: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Object[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(HDAdditionalCameraData));
			foreach (Object obj in array)
				HDAdditionalCameraData val = (HDAdditionalCameraData)(object)((obj is HDAdditionalCameraData) ? obj : null);
				if (!(((Object)((Component)val).gameObject).name == "MapCamera"))
					val.customRenderingSettings = true;
					ToggleCustomPass(val, m_enablePostProcessing);
					ToggleVolumetricFog(val, m_enableFog);
					if (!m_enableFoliage)
						LayerMask val2 = LayerMask.op_Implicit(((Component)val).GetComponent<Camera>().cullingMask);
						val2 = LayerMask.op_Implicit(LayerMask.op_Implicit(val2) & -1025);
						((Component)val).GetComponent<Camera>().cullingMask = LayerMask.op_Implicit(val2);
					SetShadowQuality(assetBundle, val);
					if (!(((Object)((Component)val).gameObject).name == "SecurityCamera") && !(((Object)((Component)val).gameObject).name == "ShipCamera"))
			array = null;
			if (m_enableResolutionFix && multiplier != 1f)
				int width = (int)Math.Round(m_widthResolution, 0);
				int height = (int)Math.Round(m_heightResolution, 0);
				((Texture)__instance.gameplayCamera.targetTexture).width = width;
				((Texture)__instance.gameplayCamera.targetTexture).height = height;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(RoundManager), "GenerateNewFloor")]
		private static void RoundPostFix()
			if (m_setLOD == 0)

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HUDManager), "UpdateScanNodes")]
		private static void UpdateScanNodesPostfix(PlayerControllerB playerScript, HUDManager __instance)
			//IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0041: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0249: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_024e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0253: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0264: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0276: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_028b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_029e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02b0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02c2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02c7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0322: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02fe: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (anchorOffsetZ > 1.238f)
				anchorOffsetZ = 1.238f;
			if (!m_enableResolutionFix || multiplier == 1f)
			Vector3 zero =;
			bool flag = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < __instance.scanElements.Length; i++)
				if ((Traverse.Create((object)__instance).Field("scanNodes").GetValue() as Dictionary<RectTransform, ScanNodeProperties>).Count > 0 && (Traverse.Create((object)__instance).Field("scanNodes").GetValue() as Dictionary<RectTransform, ScanNodeProperties>).TryGetValue(__instance.scanElements[i], out var value) && (Object)(object)value != (Object)null)
						if ((bool)Reflection.CallMethod(__instance, "NodeIsNotVisible", value, i))
						if (!((Component)__instance.scanElements[i]).gameObject.activeSelf)
							((Component)__instance.scanElements[i]).GetComponent<Animator>().SetInteger("colorNumber", value.nodeType);
							if (value.creatureScanID != -1)
								Traverse.Create((object)__instance).Method("AttemptScanNewCreature", new object[1] { value.creatureScanID });
						goto IL_0186;
					catch (Exception arg)
						Debug.LogError((object)$"Error in updatescanNodes A: {arg}");
						goto IL_0186;
				(Traverse.Create((object)__instance).Field("scanNodes").GetValue() as Dictionary<RectTransform, ScanNodeProperties>).Remove(__instance.scanElements[i]);
					if ((Traverse.Create((object)__instance).Field("scanElementText").GetValue() as TextMeshProUGUI[]).Length > 1)
						((TMP_Text)(Traverse.Create((object)__instance).Field("scanElementText").GetValue() as TextMeshProUGUI[])[0]).text = value.headerText;
						((TMP_Text)(Traverse.Create((object)__instance).Field("scanElementText").GetValue() as TextMeshProUGUI[])[1]).text = value.subText;
					if (value.nodeType == 2)
						flag = true;
					zero = playerScript.gameplayCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(((Component)value).transform.position);
					((Transform)__instance.scanElements[i]).position = new Vector3(((Transform)__instance.scanElements[i]).position.x, ((Transform)__instance.scanElements[i]).position.y, 12.17f * anchorOffsetZ);
					__instance.scanElements[i].anchoredPosition = Vector2.op_Implicit(new Vector3(zero.x - anchorOffsetX * multiplier, zero.y - anchorOffsetY * multiplier));
					if (!(multiplier > 3f))
						((Transform)__instance.scanElements[i]).localScale = new Vector3(multiplier, multiplier, multiplier);
						((Transform)__instance.scanElements[i]).localScale = new Vector3(3f, 3f, 3f);
				catch (Exception arg2)
					Debug.LogError((object)$"Error in updatescannodes B: {arg2}");
				if (!flag)
					__instance.totalScrapScanned = 0;
				__instance.scanInfoAnimator.SetBool("display", (int)Reflection.GetInstanceField(typeof(HUDManager), __instance, "scannedScrapNum") >= 2 && flag);
			catch (Exception arg3)
				Debug.LogError((object)$"Error in updatescannodes C: {arg3}");

		public static void SetShadowQuality(AssetBundle assetBundle, HDAdditionalCameraData cameraData)
			//IL_005c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if ((Object)(object)assetBundle == (Object)null)
				Debug.LogError((object)"HDLETHALCOMPANY: Something is wrong with the Asset Bundle - Null");
			((BitArray128)(ref cameraData.renderingPathCustomFrameSettingsOverrideMask.mask))[20u] = true;
			((FrameSettings)(ref cameraData.renderingPathCustomFrameSettings)).SetEnabled((FrameSettingsField)20, (m_setShadowQuality != 0) ? true : false);
			myAsset = (HDRenderPipelineAsset)((m_setShadowQuality != 1) ? ((m_setShadowQuality != 2) ? ((object)(HDRenderPipelineAsset)QualitySettings.renderPipeline) : ((object)(myAsset = assetBundle.LoadAsset<HDRenderPipelineAsset>("Assets/HDLethalCompany/MediumShadowsAsset.asset")))) : (myAsset = assetBundle.LoadAsset<HDRenderPipelineAsset>("Assets/HDLethalCompany/VeryLowShadowsAsset.asset")));
			QualitySettings.renderPipeline = (RenderPipelineAsset)(object)myAsset;

		public static void SetLevelOfDetail(HDAdditionalCameraData cameraData)
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (m_setLOD != 1)
				((BitArray128)(ref cameraData.renderingPathCustomFrameSettingsOverrideMask.mask))[60u] = true;
				((BitArray128)(ref cameraData.renderingPathCustomFrameSettingsOverrideMask.mask))[61u] = true;
				((FrameSettings)(ref cameraData.renderingPathCustomFrameSettings)).SetEnabled((FrameSettingsField)60, true);
				((FrameSettings)(ref cameraData.renderingPathCustomFrameSettings)).SetEnabled((FrameSettingsField)61, true);
				cameraData.renderingPathCustomFrameSettings.lodBiasMode = (LODBiasMode)2;
				cameraData.renderingPathCustomFrameSettings.lodBias = ((m_setLOD == 0) ? 0.6f : 2.3f);
				if (m_setLOD == 0 && ((Component)cameraData).GetComponent<Camera>().farClipPlane > 180f)
					((Component)cameraData).GetComponent<Camera>().farClipPlane = 170f;

		public static void SetTextureQuality()
			if (m_setTextureResolution < 3)
				int globalTextureMipmapLimit = 3 - m_setTextureResolution;
				QualitySettings.globalTextureMipmapLimit = globalTextureMipmapLimit;

		public static void SetAntiAliasing(HDAdditionalCameraData cameraData)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (m_enableAntiAliasing)
				cameraData.antialiasing = (AntialiasingMode)3;

		public static void ToggleCustomPass(HDAdditionalCameraData cameraData, bool enable)
			((BitArray128)(ref cameraData.renderingPathCustomFrameSettingsOverrideMask.mask))[6u] = true;
			((FrameSettings)(ref cameraData.renderingPathCustomFrameSettings)).SetEnabled((FrameSettingsField)6, enable);

		public static void ToggleVolumetricFog(HDAdditionalCameraData cameraData, bool enable)
			((BitArray128)(ref cameraData.renderingPathCustomFrameSettingsOverrideMask.mask))[28u] = true;
			((FrameSettings)(ref cameraData.renderingPathCustomFrameSettings)).SetEnabled((FrameSettingsField)28, enable);

		public static void SetFogQuality()
			Object[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Volume));
			if (array.Length == 0)
				Debug.LogError((object)"No volumes found");
			Fog val2 = default(Fog);
			foreach (Object obj in array)
				Volume val = (Volume)(object)((obj is Volume) ? obj : null);
				if (!val.sharedProfile.TryGet<Fog>(ref val2))
				switch (m_setFogQuality)
				case -1:
					if (val2.volumetricFogBudget > 0.05f)
						val2.volumetricFogBudget = 0.05f;
					if (val2.resolutionDepthRatio > 0.5f)
						val2.resolutionDepthRatio = 0.5f;
				case 0:
					if (val2.volumetricFogBudget > 0.05f)
						val2.volumetricFogBudget = 0.05f;
					if (val2.resolutionDepthRatio > 0.5f)
						val2.resolutionDepthRatio = 0.5f;
				case 2:
					if (val2.volumetricFogBudget > 0.333f)
						val2.volumetricFogBudget = 0.333f;
					if (val2.resolutionDepthRatio > 0.666f)
						val2.resolutionDepthRatio = 0.666f;
				case 3:
					if (val2.volumetricFogBudget > 0.666f)
						val2.volumetricFogBudget = 0.666f;
					if (val2.resolutionDepthRatio > 0.5f)
						val2.resolutionDepthRatio = 0.5f;

		public static void RemoveLodFromGameObject(string name)
			Object[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(LODGroup));
			foreach (Object obj in array)
				LODGroup val = (LODGroup)(object)((obj is LODGroup) ? obj : null);
				if (((Object)((Component)val).gameObject).name == name)
					val.enabled = false;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Bootstrap;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using GameNetcodeStuff;
using HarmonyLib;
using MoreEmotes.Patch;
using Tools;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls;
using UnityEngine.UI;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("FuckYouMod")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("FuckYouMod")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2023")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("5ecc2bf2-af12-4e83-a6f1-cf2eacbf3060")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace Tools
	public class Reflection
		public static object GetInstanceField(Type type, object instance, string fieldName)
			BindingFlags bindingAttr = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
			FieldInfo field = type.GetField(fieldName, bindingAttr);
			return field.GetValue(instance);

		public static object CallMethod(object instance, string methodName, params object[] args)
			MethodInfo method = instance.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			if (method != null)
				return method.Invoke(instance, args);
			return null;
namespace MoreEmotes
	[BepInPlugin("MoreEmotes", "MoreEmotes-Sligili", "1.2.0")]
	public class FuckYouModInitialization : BaseUnityPlugin
		private Harmony _harmony;

		private ConfigEntry<string> config_KeyWheel;

		private ConfigEntry<bool> config_InventoryCheck;

		private ConfigEntry<string> config_KeyEmote3;

		private ConfigEntry<string> config_KeyEmote4;

		private ConfigEntry<string> config_KeyEmote5;

		private ConfigEntry<string> config_KeyEmote6;

		private ConfigEntry<string> config_KeyEmote7;

		private ConfigEntry<string> config_KeyEmote8;

		private ConfigEntry<bool> config_toggleEmote3;

		private ConfigEntry<bool> config_toggleEmote4;

		private ConfigEntry<bool> config_toggleEmote5;

		private ConfigEntry<bool> config_toggleEmote6;

		private ConfigEntry<bool> config_toggleEmote7;

		private ConfigEntry<bool> config_toggleEmote8;

		private void Awake()
			//IL_00c0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ca: Expected O, but got Unknown
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"MoreEmotes loaded");
			EmotePatch.animationsBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "MoreEmotes/animationsbundle"));
			EmotePatch.animatorBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "MoreEmotes/animatorbundle"));
			EmotePatch.local = EmotePatch.animatorBundle.LoadAsset<RuntimeAnimatorController>("Assets/MoreEmotes/NEWmetarig.controller");
			EmotePatch.others = EmotePatch.animatorBundle.LoadAsset<RuntimeAnimatorController>("Assets/MoreEmotes/NEWmetarigOtherPlayers.controller");
			CustomAudioAnimationEvent.claps[0] = EmotePatch.animationsBundle.LoadAsset<AudioClip>("Assets/MoreEmotes/SingleClapEmote1.wav");
			CustomAudioAnimationEvent.claps[1] = EmotePatch.animationsBundle.LoadAsset<AudioClip>("Assets/MoreEmotes/SingleClapEmote2.wav");
			_harmony = new Harmony("MoreEmotes");

		private void IncompatibilityAids()
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PluginInfo> pluginInfo in Chainloader.PluginInfos)
				BepInPlugin metadata = pluginInfo.Value.Metadata;
				if (metadata.GUID.Equals("com.malco.lethalcompany.moreshipupgrades") || metadata.GUID.Equals("Stoneman.LethalProgression"))
					EmotePatch.IncompatibleStuff = true;

		private void ConfigFile()
			EmotePatch.keybinds = new string[8];
			config_KeyWheel = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("EMOTE WHEEL", "Key", "v", "SUPPORTED KEYS A-Z | 0-9 | F1-F12 ");
			EmotePatch.wheelKeybind = config_KeyWheel.Value;
			config_InventoryCheck = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("OTHERS", "InventoryCheck", true, "Prevents some emotes from performing while holding any item/scrap");
			EmotePatch.InvCheck = config_InventoryCheck.Value;
			config_KeyEmote3 = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("QUICK EMOTES", "Middle Finger", "3", "MIDDLEFINGER: SUPPORTED KEYS A-Z | 0-9 | F1-F12 ");
			config_toggleEmote3 = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("QUICK EMOTES", "Enable Middle Finger", true, "ENABLE QUICK MIDDLEFINGER");
			EmotePatch.keybinds[2] = (config_toggleEmote3.Value ? config_KeyEmote3.Value : "/");
			EmotePatch.enable3 = config_toggleEmote3.Value;
			config_KeyEmote4 = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("QUICK EMOTES", "The Griddy", "6", "THE GRIDDY: SUPPORTED KEYS A-Z | 0-9 | F1-F12 ");
			config_toggleEmote4 = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("QUICK EMOTES", "Enable The Griddy", true, "ENABLE QUICK THE GRIDDY");
			EmotePatch.keybinds[5] = (config_toggleEmote4.Value ? config_KeyEmote4.Value : "/");
			EmotePatch.enable4 = config_toggleEmote4.Value;
			config_KeyEmote5 = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("QUICK EMOTES", "Shy", "5", "SHY: SUPPORTED KEYS A-Z | 0-9 | F1-F12 ");
			config_toggleEmote5 = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("QUICK EMOTES", "Enable Shy", true, "ENABLE QUICK SHY");
			EmotePatch.keybinds[4] = (config_toggleEmote5.Value ? config_KeyEmote5.Value : "/");
			EmotePatch.enable5 = config_toggleEmote5.Value;
			config_KeyEmote6 = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("QUICK EMOTES", "Clap", "4", "CLAP: SUPPORTED KEYS A-Z | 0-9 | F1-F12 ");
			config_toggleEmote6 = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("QUICK EMOTES", "Enable Clap", true, "ENABLE QUICK CLAP");
			EmotePatch.keybinds[3] = (config_toggleEmote6.Value ? config_KeyEmote6.Value : "/");
			EmotePatch.enable6 = config_toggleEmote6.Value;
			config_KeyEmote7 = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("QUICK EMOTES", "Twerk", "7", "TWERK: SUPPORTED KEYS A-Z | 0-9 | F1-F12 ");
			config_toggleEmote7 = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("QUICK EMOTES", "Enable Twerk", true, "ENABLE QUICK TWERK");
			EmotePatch.keybinds[6] = (config_toggleEmote7.Value ? config_KeyEmote7.Value : "/");
			EmotePatch.enable7 = config_toggleEmote7.Value;
			config_KeyEmote8 = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("QUICK EMOTES", "Salute", "8", "SALUTE: SUPPORTED KEYS A-Z | 0-9 | F1-F12 ");
			config_toggleEmote8 = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("QUICK EMOTES", "Enable Salute", true, "ENABLE QUICK SALUTE");
			EmotePatch.keybinds[7] = (config_toggleEmote8.Value ? config_KeyEmote8.Value : "/");
			EmotePatch.enable8 = config_toggleEmote8.Value;
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string Guid = "MoreEmotes";

		public const string Name = "MoreEmotes-Sligili";

		public const string Ver = "1.2.0";
namespace MoreEmotes.Patch
	internal class EmotePatch
		public static AssetBundle animationsBundle;

		public static AssetBundle animatorBundle;

		public static bool enable3;

		public static bool enable4;

		public static bool enable5;

		public static bool enable6;

		public static bool enable7;

		public static bool enable8;

		public static string[] keybinds;

		public static string wheelKeybind;

		private static CallbackContext context;

		public static RuntimeAnimatorController local;

		public static RuntimeAnimatorController others;

		private static int currentEmoteID;

		private static float svMovSpeed;

		public static bool IncompatibleStuff;

		public static bool InvCheck;

		public static bool emoteWheelIsOpened;

		public static GameObject wheel;

		private static SelectionWheel selectionWheel;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "Start")]
		private static void StartPostfix(PlayerControllerB __instance)
			GameObject gameObject = ((Component)((Component)((Component)__instance).gameObject.transform.Find("ScavengerModel")).transform.Find("metarig")).gameObject;
			CustomAudioAnimationEvent customAudioAnimationEvent = gameObject.AddComponent<CustomAudioAnimationEvent>();
			svMovSpeed = __instance.movementSpeed;
			customAudioAnimationEvent.player = __instance;
			if (Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(SelectionWheel)).Length == 0)
				GameObject val = animationsBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Assets/MoreEmotes/Resources/MoreEmotesMenu.prefab");
				GameObject gameObject2 = ((Component)((Component)GameObject.Find("Systems").gameObject.transform.Find("UI")).gameObject.transform.Find("Canvas")).gameObject;
				if ((Object)(object)wheel != (Object)null)
				wheel = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(val, gameObject2.transform);
				selectionWheel = wheel.AddComponent<SelectionWheel>();
				SelectionWheel.emotes_Keybinds = new string[keybinds.Length + 1];
				SelectionWheel.emotes_Keybinds = keybinds;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "Update")]
		private static void UpdatePostfix(PlayerControllerB __instance)
			//IL_01c3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01e4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (!__instance.isPlayerControlled || !((NetworkBehaviour)__instance).IsOwner)
				__instance.playerBodyAnimator.runtimeAnimatorController = others;
			if ((Object)(object)__instance.playerBodyAnimator != (Object)(object)local)
				__instance.playerBodyAnimator.runtimeAnimatorController = local;
			if (__instance.performingEmote)
				currentEmoteID = __instance.playerBodyAnimator.GetInteger("emoteNumber");
			if (!IncompatibleStuff)
				bool flag = (bool)Reflection.CallMethod(__instance, "CheckConditionsForEmote") && currentEmoteID == 6 && __instance.performingEmote;
				__instance.movementSpeed = (flag ? (svMovSpeed / 2f) : svMovSpeed);
			if (InputControlExtensions.IsPressed(((InputControl)Keyboard.current)[wheelKeybind], 0f) && !emoteWheelIsOpened && !__instance.isPlayerDead && !__instance.inTerminalMenu && !__instance.quickMenuManager.isMenuOpen)
				emoteWheelIsOpened = true;
				Cursor.visible = true;
				Cursor.lockState = (CursorLockMode)2;
				__instance.disableLookInput = true;
			else if ((!InputControlExtensions.IsPressed(((InputControl)Keyboard.current)[wheelKeybind], 0f) && emoteWheelIsOpened) || __instance.quickMenuManager.isMenuOpen)
				if (!__instance.quickMenuManager.isMenuOpen || __instance.isPlayerDead)
					int selectedEmoteID = selectionWheel.selectedEmoteID;
					if (selectedEmoteID <= 3 || selectedEmoteID == 6 || !InvCheck)
						__instance.PerformEmote(context, selectedEmoteID);
					else if (!__instance.isHoldingObject)
						__instance.PerformEmote(context, selectedEmoteID);
					Cursor.visible = false;
					Cursor.lockState = (CursorLockMode)1;
				if (__instance.isPlayerDead && !__instance.quickMenuManager.isMenuOpen)
					Cursor.visible = false;
					Cursor.lockState = (CursorLockMode)1;
				__instance.disableLookInput = false;
				emoteWheelIsOpened = false;
			if (!__instance.performingEmote || currentEmoteID == 7)
			if (!emoteWheelIsOpened)
				EmoteInput(keybinds[2], enable3, needsEmptyHands: false, 3, __instance);
				EmoteInput(keybinds[3], enable6, needsEmptyHands: true, 4, __instance);
				EmoteInput(keybinds[4], enable5, needsEmptyHands: true, 5, __instance);
				EmoteInput(keybinds[5], enable4, needsEmptyHands: false, 6, __instance);
				EmoteInput(keybinds[6], enable7, needsEmptyHands: true, 7, __instance);
				EmoteInput(keybinds[7], enable8, needsEmptyHands: true, 8, __instance);

		private static void EmoteInput(string keyBind, bool enabled, bool needsEmptyHands, int emoteID, PlayerControllerB player)
			//IL_0054: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (InputControlExtensions.IsPressed(((InputControl)Keyboard.current)[keyBind], 0f) && enabled && (!player.isHoldingObject || !needsEmptyHands || !InvCheck) && (!player.performingEmote || currentEmoteID != emoteID))
				player.PerformEmote(context, emoteID);

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "CheckConditionsForEmote")]
		private static bool prefixCheckConditions(ref bool __result, PlayerControllerB __instance)
			bool flag = (bool)Reflection.GetInstanceField(typeof(PlayerControllerB), __instance, "isJumping");
			if (currentEmoteID == 6)
				__result = !__instance.inSpecialInteractAnimation && !__instance.isPlayerDead && !flag && __instance.moveInputVector.x == 0f && !__instance.isSprinting && !__instance.isCrouching && !__instance.isClimbingLadder && !__instance.isGrabbingObjectAnimation && !__instance.inTerminalMenu && !__instance.isTypingChat;
				return false;
			return true;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(PlayerControllerB), "PerformEmote")]
		private static void PerformEmotePrefix(CallbackContext context, int emoteID, PlayerControllerB __instance)
			if ((emoteID >= 3 || emoteWheelIsOpened || ((CallbackContext)(ref context)).performed) && ((((NetworkBehaviour)__instance).IsOwner && __instance.isPlayerControlled && (!((NetworkBehaviour)__instance).IsServer || __instance.isHostPlayerObject)) || __instance.isTestingPlayer) && (bool)Reflection.CallMethod(__instance, "CheckConditionsForEmote") && !(__instance.timeSinceStartingEmote < 0.5f))
				__instance.timeSinceStartingEmote = 0f;
				__instance.performingEmote = true;
				__instance.playerBodyAnimator.SetInteger("emoteNumber", emoteID);
	public class CustomAudioAnimationEvent : MonoBehaviour
		private Animator animator;

		private AudioSource SoundsSource;

		public static AudioClip[] claps = (AudioClip[])(object)new AudioClip[2];

		public PlayerControllerB player;

		private void Start()
			animator = ((Component)this).GetComponent<Animator>();
			SoundsSource = player.movementAudio;

		public void PlayClapSound()
			//IL_0087: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (player.performingEmote && (!((NetworkBehaviour)player).IsOwner || !player.isPlayerControlled || animator.GetInteger("emoteNumber") == 4))
				bool flag = player.isInHangarShipRoom && player.playersManager.hangarDoorsClosed;
				RoundManager.Instance.PlayAudibleNoise(((Component)player).transform.position, 22f, 0.6f, 0, flag, 6);
				SoundsSource.pitch = Random.Range(0.59f, 0.79f);
				SoundsSource.PlayOneShot(claps[Random.Range(0, claps.Length)]);

		public void PlayFootstepSound()
			if (player.performingEmote && (!((NetworkBehaviour)player).IsOwner || !player.isPlayerControlled || animator.GetInteger("emoteNumber") == 6 || animator.GetInteger("emoteNumber") == 8) && ((Vector2)(ref player.moveInputVector)).sqrMagnitude == 0f)
	public enum Emotes
		Dance_1 = 1,
	public class SelectionWheel : MonoBehaviour
		public RectTransform selectionBlock;

		public Text emoteInformation;

		public Text pageInformation;

		private int blocksNumber = 8;

		private int currentBlock = 1;

		public int pageNumber;

		public int selectedEmoteID;

		private float angle;

		private float pageCooldown = 0.1f;

		public GameObject[] Pages;

		private int cuadrante = 0;

		public string selectedEmoteName;

		public float wheelMovementOffset = 3.3f;

		public static string[] emotes_Keybinds;

		private Vector2 center;

		private void OnEnable()
			//IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01a7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			center = new Vector2((float)(Screen.width / 2), (float)(Screen.height / 2));
			PlayerInput component = GameObject.Find("PlayerSettingsObject").GetComponent<PlayerInput>();
			emotes_Keybinds[0] = InputActionRebindingExtensions.GetBindingDisplayString(component.currentActionMap.FindAction("Emote1", false), 0, (DisplayStringOptions)0);
			emotes_Keybinds[1] = InputActionRebindingExtensions.GetBindingDisplayString(component.currentActionMap.FindAction("Emote2", false), 0, (DisplayStringOptions)0);
			Cursor.visible = true;
			selectionBlock = ((Component)((Component)this).gameObject.transform.Find("SelectedEmote")).gameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			GameObject gameObject = ((Component)((Component)this).gameObject.transform.Find("FunctionalContent")).gameObject;
			emoteInformation = ((Component)((Component)((Component)this).gameObject.transform.Find("Graphics")).gameObject.transform.Find("EmoteInfo")).GetComponent<Text>();
			Pages = (GameObject[])(object)new GameObject[gameObject.transform.childCount];
			pageInformation = ((Component)((Component)((Component)this).gameObject.transform.Find("Graphics")).gameObject.transform.Find("PageNumber")).GetComponent<Text>();
			pageInformation.text = "Page " + Pages.Length + "/" + (pageNumber + 1);
			for (int i = 0; i < gameObject.transform.childCount; i++)
				Pages[i] = ((Component)gameObject.transform.GetChild(i)).gameObject;

		private void Update()
			selectedEmoteID = currentBlock + Mathf.RoundToInt((float)(blocksNumber / 4)) + blocksNumber * pageNumber;

		private void wheelSelection()
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0173: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0183: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0197: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (!(Vector2.Distance(center, ((InputControl<Vector2>)(object)((Pointer)Mouse.current).position).ReadValue()) < wheelMovementOffset))
				bool flag = ((InputControl<float>)(object)((Pointer)Mouse.current).position.x).ReadValue() > center.x;
				bool flag2 = ((InputControl<float>)(object)((Pointer)Mouse.current).position.y).ReadValue() > center.y;
				cuadrante = ((!flag) ? (flag2 ? 2 : 3) : (flag2 ? 1 : 4));
				float num = (((InputControl<float>)(object)((Pointer)Mouse.current).position.y).ReadValue() - center.y) / (((InputControl<float>)(object)((Pointer)Mouse.current).position.x).ReadValue() - center.x);
				float num2 = 180 * (cuadrante - ((cuadrante <= 2) ? 1 : 2));
				angle = Mathf.Atan(num) * (180f / (float)Math.PI) + num2;
				if (angle == 90f)
					angle = 270f;
				else if (angle == 270f)
					angle = 90f;
				float num3 = 360 / blocksNumber;
				currentBlock = Mathf.RoundToInt((angle - num3 * 1.5f) / num3);
				((Transform)selectionBlock).localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(((Component)this).transform.rotation.z, ((Component)this).transform.rotation.y, num3 * (float)currentBlock);

		private void pageSelection()
			pageInformation.text = "Page " + Pages.Length + "/" + (pageNumber + 1);
			if (pageCooldown > 0f)
				pageCooldown -= Time.deltaTime;
			else if (((InputControl<float>)(object)((Vector2Control)Mouse.current.scroll).y).ReadValue() != 0f)
				GameObject[] pages = Pages;
				foreach (GameObject val in pages)
				int num = ((((InputControl<float>)(object)((Vector2Control)Mouse.current.scroll).y).ReadValue() > 0f) ? 1 : (-1));
				if (pageNumber + 1 > Pages.Length - 1 && num > 0)
					pageNumber = 0;
				else if (pageNumber - 1 < 0 && num < 0)
					pageNumber = Pages.Length - 1;
					pageNumber += num;
				pageCooldown = 0.1f;

		private void displayEmoteInfo()
			string text = ((selectedEmoteID > emotes_Keybinds.Length) ? "" : emotes_Keybinds[selectedEmoteID - 1]);
			object obj;
			if (selectedEmoteID <= Enum.GetValues(typeof(Emotes)).Length)
				Emotes emotes = (Emotes)selectedEmoteID;
				obj = emotes.ToString().Replace("_", " ");
				obj = "EMPTY";
			string text2 = (string)obj;
			emoteInformation.text = text2 + "\n[" + text.ToUpper() + "]";


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Text;
using Discord;
using LethalPresence;
using MelonLoader;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Lethal Presence")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany(null)]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Lethal Presence")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Created by squidypal")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark(null)]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("1.0.0")]
[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en")]
[assembly: MelonInfo(typeof(global::LethalPresence.LethalPresence), "Lethal Presence", "1.0.0", "squidypal", null)]
[assembly: MelonGame(null, null)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace LethalPresence
	public static class BuildInfo
		public const string Name = "Lethal Presence";

		public const string Author = "squidypal";

		public const string Company = null;

		public const string Version = "1.0.0";

		public const string DownloadLink = null;
	public class LethalPresence : MelonMod
		public class EmbeddedResourceHelper
			public static byte[] GetResourceBytes(string filename)
				Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
				string[] manifestResourceNames = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
				foreach (string text in manifestResourceNames)
					if (!text.Contains(filename))
					using Stream stream = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(text);
					if (stream == null)
						return null;
					byte[] array = new byte[stream.Length];
					stream.Read(array, 0, array.Length);
					return array;
				return null;

		public static class DllTools
			public static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string dllPath);

		private static global::Discord.Discord _discord;

		private static ActivityManager _activityManager;

		private static long _clientId = 1174141549764935721L;

		private int quota = 0;

		public List<string> Moons;

		private bool inGame;

		public static Activity defaultActivity = new Activity
			State = "Picking a launch mode",
			Details = "Ready to be a great great asset!",
			Assets = 
				LargeImage = "lethalcompanylargeimage",
				LargeText = "Lethal Company",
				SmallImage = "faceicon",
				SmallText = "Lethal Company"

		public override void OnApplicationStart()
				_discord = new global::Discord.Discord(_clientId, 0uL);
				_activityManager = _discord.GetActivityManager();
				MelonLogger.Msg("RichPresence created.");
			catch (Exception ex)
				MelonLogger.Error("Error in OnApplicationStart: " + ex.Message);

		public override void OnUpdate()
			if (inGame)
				if (TimeOfDay.Instance.profitQuota > TimeOfDay.Instance.quotaFulfilled)
					defaultActivity.Details = "Not meeting quota " + TimeOfDay.Instance.quotaFulfilled + "/" + TimeOfDay.Instance.profitQuota;
					defaultActivity.Details = "Meeting quota " + TimeOfDay.Instance.quotaFulfilled + "/" + TimeOfDay.Instance.profitQuota;
				defaultActivity.State = TimeOfDay.Instance.daysUntilDeadline + " days and " + TimeOfDay.Instance.hoursUntilDeadline + " hours until deadline";
				string text = ((object)TimeOfDay.Instance.currentLevel).ToString();
				string text2 = text;

		public static void LoadEmbeddedDll()
			byte[] resourceBytes = EmbeddedResourceHelper.GetResourceBytes("discord_game_sdk.dll");
			if (resourceBytes == null)
				throw new Exception("Failed to find embedded resource: discord_game_sdk.dll");
			string text = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "discord_game_sdk.dll");
			File.WriteAllBytes(text, resourceBytes);
			IntPtr intPtr = DllTools.LoadLibrary(text);
			if (intPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				int lastWin32Error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
				throw new Exception($"Failed to load discord_game_sdk.dll. Error Code: {lastWin32Error}");

		public override void OnSceneWasLoaded(int buildIndex, string sceneName)
			if (!(sceneName == "SampleSceneRelay"))
				if (sceneName == "MainMenu")
					defaultActivity.Details = "In the Menu";
					inGame = false;
				inGame = true;

		public static void SetActivity(Activity activity)
			_activityManager.UpdateActivity(activity, delegate(Result result)
				if (result != 0)
					MelonLogger.Msg("Failed: " + result);
namespace Discord
	public class ActivityManager
		internal struct FFIEvents
			internal delegate void ActivityJoinHandler(IntPtr ptr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string secret);

			internal delegate void ActivitySpectateHandler(IntPtr ptr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string secret);

			internal delegate void ActivityJoinRequestHandler(IntPtr ptr, ref User user);

			internal delegate void ActivityInviteHandler(IntPtr ptr, ActivityActionType type, ref User user, ref Activity activity);

			internal ActivityJoinHandler OnActivityJoin;

			internal ActivitySpectateHandler OnActivitySpectate;

			internal ActivityJoinRequestHandler OnActivityJoinRequest;

			internal ActivityInviteHandler OnActivityInvite;

		internal struct FFIMethods
			internal delegate Result RegisterCommandMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string command);

			internal delegate Result RegisterSteamMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, uint steamId);

			internal delegate void UpdateActivityCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void UpdateActivityMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ref Activity activity, IntPtr callbackData, UpdateActivityCallback callback);

			internal delegate void ClearActivityCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void ClearActivityMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, IntPtr callbackData, ClearActivityCallback callback);

			internal delegate void SendRequestReplyCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void SendRequestReplyMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long userId, ActivityJoinRequestReply reply, IntPtr callbackData, SendRequestReplyCallback callback);

			internal delegate void SendInviteCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void SendInviteMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long userId, ActivityActionType type, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string content, IntPtr callbackData, SendInviteCallback callback);

			internal delegate void AcceptInviteCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void AcceptInviteMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long userId, IntPtr callbackData, AcceptInviteCallback callback);

			internal RegisterCommandMethod RegisterCommand;

			internal RegisterSteamMethod RegisterSteam;

			internal UpdateActivityMethod UpdateActivity;

			internal ClearActivityMethod ClearActivity;

			internal SendRequestReplyMethod SendRequestReply;

			internal SendInviteMethod SendInvite;

			internal AcceptInviteMethod AcceptInvite;

		public delegate void UpdateActivityHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void ClearActivityHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void SendRequestReplyHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void SendInviteHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void AcceptInviteHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void ActivityJoinHandler(string secret);

		public delegate void ActivitySpectateHandler(string secret);

		public delegate void ActivityJoinRequestHandler(ref User user);

		public delegate void ActivityInviteHandler(ActivityActionType type, ref User user, ref Activity activity);

		private IntPtr MethodsPtr;

		private object MethodsStructure;

		private FFIMethods Methods
				if (MethodsStructure == null)
					MethodsStructure = Marshal.PtrToStructure(MethodsPtr, typeof(FFIMethods));
				return (FFIMethods)MethodsStructure;

		public event ActivityJoinHandler OnActivityJoin;

		public event ActivitySpectateHandler OnActivitySpectate;

		public event ActivityJoinRequestHandler OnActivityJoinRequest;

		public event ActivityInviteHandler OnActivityInvite;

		public void RegisterCommand()

		internal ActivityManager(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			if (eventsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);
			InitEvents(eventsPtr, ref events);
			MethodsPtr = ptr;
			if (MethodsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);

		private void InitEvents(IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			events.OnActivityJoin = OnActivityJoinImpl;
			events.OnActivitySpectate = OnActivitySpectateImpl;
			events.OnActivityJoinRequest = OnActivityJoinRequestImpl;
			events.OnActivityInvite = OnActivityInviteImpl;
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(events, eventsPtr, fDeleteOld: false);

		public void RegisterCommand(string command)
			Result result = Methods.RegisterCommand(MethodsPtr, command);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		public void RegisterSteam(uint steamId)
			Result result = Methods.RegisterSteam(MethodsPtr, steamId);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		private static void UpdateActivityCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			UpdateActivityHandler updateActivityHandler = (UpdateActivityHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void UpdateActivity(Activity activity, UpdateActivityHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.UpdateActivity(MethodsPtr, ref activity, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), UpdateActivityCallbackImpl);

		private static void ClearActivityCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			ClearActivityHandler clearActivityHandler = (ClearActivityHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void ClearActivity(ClearActivityHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.ClearActivity(MethodsPtr, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), ClearActivityCallbackImpl);

		private static void SendRequestReplyCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			SendRequestReplyHandler sendRequestReplyHandler = (SendRequestReplyHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void SendRequestReply(long userId, ActivityJoinRequestReply reply, SendRequestReplyHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.SendRequestReply(MethodsPtr, userId, reply, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), SendRequestReplyCallbackImpl);

		private static void SendInviteCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			SendInviteHandler sendInviteHandler = (SendInviteHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void SendInvite(long userId, ActivityActionType type, string content, SendInviteHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.SendInvite(MethodsPtr, userId, type, content, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), SendInviteCallbackImpl);

		private static void AcceptInviteCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			AcceptInviteHandler acceptInviteHandler = (AcceptInviteHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void AcceptInvite(long userId, AcceptInviteHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.AcceptInvite(MethodsPtr, userId, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), AcceptInviteCallbackImpl);

		private static void OnActivityJoinImpl(IntPtr ptr, string secret)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.ActivityManagerInstance.OnActivityJoin != null)

		private static void OnActivitySpectateImpl(IntPtr ptr, string secret)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.ActivityManagerInstance.OnActivitySpectate != null)

		private static void OnActivityJoinRequestImpl(IntPtr ptr, ref User user)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.ActivityManagerInstance.OnActivityJoinRequest != null)
				discord.ActivityManagerInstance.OnActivityJoinRequest(ref user);

		private static void OnActivityInviteImpl(IntPtr ptr, ActivityActionType type, ref User user, ref Activity activity)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.ActivityManagerInstance.OnActivityInvite != null)
				discord.ActivityManagerInstance.OnActivityInvite(type, ref user, ref activity);
	internal static class Constants
		public const string DllName = "discord_game_sdk";
	public enum Result
	public enum CreateFlags
	public enum LogLevel
		Error = 1,
	public enum UserFlag
		Partner = 2,
		HypeSquadEvents = 4,
		HypeSquadHouse1 = 0x40,
		HypeSquadHouse2 = 0x80,
		HypeSquadHouse3 = 0x100
	public enum PremiumType
	public enum ImageType
	public enum ActivityType
	public enum ActivityActionType
		Join = 1,
	public enum ActivityJoinRequestReply
	public enum Status
	public enum RelationshipType
	public enum LobbyType
		Private = 1,
	public enum LobbySearchComparison
		LessThanOrEqual = -2,
	public enum LobbySearchCast
		String = 1,
	public enum LobbySearchDistance
	public enum EntitlementType
		Purchase = 1,
	public enum SkuType
		Application = 1,
	public enum InputModeType
	public struct User
		public long Id;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 256)]
		public string Username;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 8)]
		public string Discriminator;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
		public string Avatar;

		public bool Bot;
	public struct OAuth2Token
		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
		public string AccessToken;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 1024)]
		public string Scopes;

		public long Expires;
	public struct ImageHandle
		public ImageType Type;

		public long Id;

		public uint Size;

		public static ImageHandle User(long id)
			return User(id, 128u);

		public static ImageHandle User(long id, uint size)
			ImageHandle result = default(ImageHandle);
			result.Type = ImageType.User;
			result.Id = id;
			result.Size = size;
			return result;
	public struct ImageDimensions
		public uint Width;

		public uint Height;
	public struct ActivityTimestamps
		public long Start;

		public long End;
	public struct ActivityAssets
		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
		public string LargeImage;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
		public string LargeText;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
		public string SmallImage;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
		public string SmallText;
	public struct PartySize
		public int CurrentSize;

		public int MaxSize;
	public struct ActivityParty
		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
		public string Id;

		public PartySize Size;
	public struct ActivitySecrets
		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
		public string Match;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
		public string Join;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
		public string Spectate;
	public struct Activity
		public ActivityType Type;

		public long ApplicationId;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
		public string Name;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
		public string State;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
		public string Details;

		public ActivityTimestamps Timestamps;

		public ActivityAssets Assets;

		public ActivityParty Party;

		public ActivitySecrets Secrets;

		public bool Instance;
	public struct Presence
		public Status Status;

		public Activity Activity;
	public struct Relationship
		public RelationshipType Type;

		public User User;

		public Presence Presence;
	public struct Lobby
		public long Id;

		public LobbyType Type;

		public long OwnerId;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
		public string Secret;

		public uint Capacity;

		public bool Locked;
	public struct FileStat
		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 260)]
		public string Filename;

		public ulong Size;

		public ulong LastModified;
	public struct Entitlement
		public long Id;

		public EntitlementType Type;

		public long SkuId;
	public struct SkuPrice
		public uint Amount;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 16)]
		public string Currency;
	public struct Sku
		public long Id;

		public SkuType Type;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 256)]
		public string Name;

		public SkuPrice Price;
	public struct InputMode
		public InputModeType Type;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 256)]
		public string Shortcut;
	public struct UserAchievement
		public long UserId;

		public long AchievementId;

		public byte PercentComplete;

		[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 64)]
		public string UnlockedAt;
	public struct LobbyTransaction
		internal struct FFIMethods
			internal delegate Result SetTypeMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, LobbyType type);

			internal delegate Result SetOwnerMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long ownerId);

			internal delegate Result SetCapacityMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, uint capacity);

			internal delegate Result SetMetadataMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string key, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string value);

			internal delegate Result DeleteMetadataMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string key);

			internal delegate Result SetLockedMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, bool locked);

			internal SetTypeMethod SetType;

			internal SetOwnerMethod SetOwner;

			internal SetCapacityMethod SetCapacity;

			internal SetMetadataMethod SetMetadata;

			internal DeleteMetadataMethod DeleteMetadata;

			internal SetLockedMethod SetLocked;

		internal IntPtr MethodsPtr;

		internal object MethodsStructure;

		private FFIMethods Methods
				if (MethodsStructure == null)
					MethodsStructure = Marshal.PtrToStructure(MethodsPtr, typeof(FFIMethods));
				return (FFIMethods)MethodsStructure;

		public void SetType(LobbyType type)
			if (MethodsPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
				Result result = Methods.SetType(MethodsPtr, type);
				if (result != 0)
					throw new ResultException(result);

		public void SetOwner(long ownerId)
			if (MethodsPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
				Result result = Methods.SetOwner(MethodsPtr, ownerId);
				if (result != 0)
					throw new ResultException(result);

		public void SetCapacity(uint capacity)
			if (MethodsPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
				Result result = Methods.SetCapacity(MethodsPtr, capacity);
				if (result != 0)
					throw new ResultException(result);

		public void SetMetadata(string key, string value)
			if (MethodsPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
				Result result = Methods.SetMetadata(MethodsPtr, key, value);
				if (result != 0)
					throw new ResultException(result);

		public void DeleteMetadata(string key)
			if (MethodsPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
				Result result = Methods.DeleteMetadata(MethodsPtr, key);
				if (result != 0)
					throw new ResultException(result);

		public void SetLocked(bool locked)
			if (MethodsPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
				Result result = Methods.SetLocked(MethodsPtr, locked);
				if (result != 0)
					throw new ResultException(result);
	public struct LobbyMemberTransaction
		internal struct FFIMethods
			internal delegate Result SetMetadataMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string key, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string value);

			internal delegate Result DeleteMetadataMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string key);

			internal SetMetadataMethod SetMetadata;

			internal DeleteMetadataMethod DeleteMetadata;

		internal IntPtr MethodsPtr;

		internal object MethodsStructure;

		private FFIMethods Methods
				if (MethodsStructure == null)
					MethodsStructure = Marshal.PtrToStructure(MethodsPtr, typeof(FFIMethods));
				return (FFIMethods)MethodsStructure;

		public void SetMetadata(string key, string value)
			if (MethodsPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
				Result result = Methods.SetMetadata(MethodsPtr, key, value);
				if (result != 0)
					throw new ResultException(result);

		public void DeleteMetadata(string key)
			if (MethodsPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
				Result result = Methods.DeleteMetadata(MethodsPtr, key);
				if (result != 0)
					throw new ResultException(result);
	public struct LobbySearchQuery
		internal struct FFIMethods
			internal delegate Result FilterMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string key, LobbySearchComparison comparison, LobbySearchCast cast, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string value);

			internal delegate Result SortMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string key, LobbySearchCast cast, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string value);

			internal delegate Result LimitMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, uint limit);

			internal delegate Result DistanceMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, LobbySearchDistance distance);

			internal FilterMethod Filter;

			internal SortMethod Sort;

			internal LimitMethod Limit;

			internal DistanceMethod Distance;

		internal IntPtr MethodsPtr;

		internal object MethodsStructure;

		private FFIMethods Methods
				if (MethodsStructure == null)
					MethodsStructure = Marshal.PtrToStructure(MethodsPtr, typeof(FFIMethods));
				return (FFIMethods)MethodsStructure;

		public void Filter(string key, LobbySearchComparison comparison, LobbySearchCast cast, string value)
			if (MethodsPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
				Result result = Methods.Filter(MethodsPtr, key, comparison, cast, value);
				if (result != 0)
					throw new ResultException(result);

		public void Sort(string key, LobbySearchCast cast, string value)
			if (MethodsPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
				Result result = Methods.Sort(MethodsPtr, key, cast, value);
				if (result != 0)
					throw new ResultException(result);

		public void Limit(uint limit)
			if (MethodsPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
				Result result = Methods.Limit(MethodsPtr, limit);
				if (result != 0)
					throw new ResultException(result);

		public void Distance(LobbySearchDistance distance)
			if (MethodsPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
				Result result = Methods.Distance(MethodsPtr, distance);
				if (result != 0)
					throw new ResultException(result);
	public class ResultException : Exception
		public readonly Result Result;

		public ResultException(Result result)
			: base(result.ToString())
	public class Discord : IDisposable
		internal struct FFIEvents

		internal struct FFIMethods
			internal delegate void DestroyHandler(IntPtr MethodsPtr);

			internal delegate Result RunCallbacksMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr);

			internal delegate void SetLogHookCallback(IntPtr ptr, LogLevel level, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string message);

			internal delegate void SetLogHookMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, LogLevel minLevel, IntPtr callbackData, SetLogHookCallback callback);

			internal delegate IntPtr GetApplicationManagerMethod(IntPtr discordPtr);

			internal delegate IntPtr GetUserManagerMethod(IntPtr discordPtr);

			internal delegate IntPtr GetImageManagerMethod(IntPtr discordPtr);

			internal delegate IntPtr GetActivityManagerMethod(IntPtr discordPtr);

			internal delegate IntPtr GetRelationshipManagerMethod(IntPtr discordPtr);

			internal delegate IntPtr GetLobbyManagerMethod(IntPtr discordPtr);

			internal delegate IntPtr GetNetworkManagerMethod(IntPtr discordPtr);

			internal delegate IntPtr GetOverlayManagerMethod(IntPtr discordPtr);

			internal delegate IntPtr GetStorageManagerMethod(IntPtr discordPtr);

			internal delegate IntPtr GetStoreManagerMethod(IntPtr discordPtr);

			internal delegate IntPtr GetVoiceManagerMethod(IntPtr discordPtr);

			internal delegate IntPtr GetAchievementManagerMethod(IntPtr discordPtr);

			internal DestroyHandler Destroy;

			internal RunCallbacksMethod RunCallbacks;

			internal SetLogHookMethod SetLogHook;

			internal GetApplicationManagerMethod GetApplicationManager;

			internal GetUserManagerMethod GetUserManager;

			internal GetImageManagerMethod GetImageManager;

			internal GetActivityManagerMethod GetActivityManager;

			internal GetRelationshipManagerMethod GetRelationshipManager;

			internal GetLobbyManagerMethod GetLobbyManager;

			internal GetNetworkManagerMethod GetNetworkManager;

			internal GetOverlayManagerMethod GetOverlayManager;

			internal GetStorageManagerMethod GetStorageManager;

			internal GetStoreManagerMethod GetStoreManager;

			internal GetVoiceManagerMethod GetVoiceManager;

			internal GetAchievementManagerMethod GetAchievementManager;

		internal struct FFICreateParams
			internal long ClientId;

			internal ulong Flags;

			internal IntPtr Events;

			internal IntPtr EventData;

			internal IntPtr ApplicationEvents;

			internal uint ApplicationVersion;

			internal IntPtr UserEvents;

			internal uint UserVersion;

			internal IntPtr ImageEvents;

			internal uint ImageVersion;

			internal IntPtr ActivityEvents;

			internal uint ActivityVersion;

			internal IntPtr RelationshipEvents;

			internal uint RelationshipVersion;

			internal IntPtr LobbyEvents;

			internal uint LobbyVersion;

			internal IntPtr NetworkEvents;

			internal uint NetworkVersion;

			internal IntPtr OverlayEvents;

			internal uint OverlayVersion;

			internal IntPtr StorageEvents;

			internal uint StorageVersion;

			internal IntPtr StoreEvents;

			internal uint StoreVersion;

			internal IntPtr VoiceEvents;

			internal uint VoiceVersion;

			internal IntPtr AchievementEvents;

			internal uint AchievementVersion;

		public delegate void SetLogHookHandler(LogLevel level, string message);

		private GCHandle SelfHandle;

		private IntPtr EventsPtr;

		private FFIEvents Events;

		private IntPtr ApplicationEventsPtr;

		private ApplicationManager.FFIEvents ApplicationEvents;

		internal ApplicationManager ApplicationManagerInstance;

		private IntPtr UserEventsPtr;

		private UserManager.FFIEvents UserEvents;

		internal UserManager UserManagerInstance;

		private IntPtr ImageEventsPtr;

		private ImageManager.FFIEvents ImageEvents;

		internal ImageManager ImageManagerInstance;

		private IntPtr ActivityEventsPtr;

		private ActivityManager.FFIEvents ActivityEvents;

		internal ActivityManager ActivityManagerInstance;

		private IntPtr RelationshipEventsPtr;

		private RelationshipManager.FFIEvents RelationshipEvents;

		internal RelationshipManager RelationshipManagerInstance;

		private IntPtr LobbyEventsPtr;

		private LobbyManager.FFIEvents LobbyEvents;

		internal LobbyManager LobbyManagerInstance;

		private IntPtr NetworkEventsPtr;

		private NetworkManager.FFIEvents NetworkEvents;

		internal NetworkManager NetworkManagerInstance;

		private IntPtr OverlayEventsPtr;

		private OverlayManager.FFIEvents OverlayEvents;

		internal OverlayManager OverlayManagerInstance;

		private IntPtr StorageEventsPtr;

		private StorageManager.FFIEvents StorageEvents;

		internal StorageManager StorageManagerInstance;

		private IntPtr StoreEventsPtr;

		private StoreManager.FFIEvents StoreEvents;

		internal StoreManager StoreManagerInstance;

		private IntPtr VoiceEventsPtr;

		private VoiceManager.FFIEvents VoiceEvents;

		internal VoiceManager VoiceManagerInstance;

		private IntPtr AchievementEventsPtr;

		private AchievementManager.FFIEvents AchievementEvents;

		internal AchievementManager AchievementManagerInstance;

		private IntPtr MethodsPtr;

		private object MethodsStructure;

		private GCHandle? setLogHook;

		private FFIMethods Methods
				if (MethodsStructure == null)
					MethodsStructure = Marshal.PtrToStructure(MethodsPtr, typeof(FFIMethods));
				return (FFIMethods)MethodsStructure;

		[DllImport("discord_game_sdk", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)]
		private static extern Result DiscordCreate(uint version, ref FFICreateParams createParams, out IntPtr manager);

		public Discord(long clientId, ulong flags)
			FFICreateParams createParams = default(FFICreateParams);
			createParams.ClientId = clientId;
			createParams.Flags = flags;
			Events = default(FFIEvents);
			EventsPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(Events));
			createParams.Events = EventsPtr;
			SelfHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(this);
			createParams.EventData = GCHandle.ToIntPtr(SelfHandle);
			ApplicationEvents = default(ApplicationManager.FFIEvents);
			ApplicationEventsPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ApplicationEvents));
			createParams.ApplicationEvents = ApplicationEventsPtr;
			createParams.ApplicationVersion = 1u;
			UserEvents = default(UserManager.FFIEvents);
			UserEventsPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(UserEvents));
			createParams.UserEvents = UserEventsPtr;
			createParams.UserVersion = 1u;
			ImageEvents = default(ImageManager.FFIEvents);
			ImageEventsPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ImageEvents));
			createParams.ImageEvents = ImageEventsPtr;
			createParams.ImageVersion = 1u;
			ActivityEvents = default(ActivityManager.FFIEvents);
			ActivityEventsPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ActivityEvents));
			createParams.ActivityEvents = ActivityEventsPtr;
			createParams.ActivityVersion = 1u;
			RelationshipEvents = default(RelationshipManager.FFIEvents);
			RelationshipEventsPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(RelationshipEvents));
			createParams.RelationshipEvents = RelationshipEventsPtr;
			createParams.RelationshipVersion = 1u;
			LobbyEvents = default(LobbyManager.FFIEvents);
			LobbyEventsPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(LobbyEvents));
			createParams.LobbyEvents = LobbyEventsPtr;
			createParams.LobbyVersion = 1u;
			NetworkEvents = default(NetworkManager.FFIEvents);
			NetworkEventsPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(NetworkEvents));
			createParams.NetworkEvents = NetworkEventsPtr;
			createParams.NetworkVersion = 1u;
			OverlayEvents = default(OverlayManager.FFIEvents);
			OverlayEventsPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(OverlayEvents));
			createParams.OverlayEvents = OverlayEventsPtr;
			createParams.OverlayVersion = 1u;
			StorageEvents = default(StorageManager.FFIEvents);
			StorageEventsPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(StorageEvents));
			createParams.StorageEvents = StorageEventsPtr;
			createParams.StorageVersion = 1u;
			StoreEvents = default(StoreManager.FFIEvents);
			StoreEventsPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(StoreEvents));
			createParams.StoreEvents = StoreEventsPtr;
			createParams.StoreVersion = 1u;
			VoiceEvents = default(VoiceManager.FFIEvents);
			VoiceEventsPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(VoiceEvents));
			createParams.VoiceEvents = VoiceEventsPtr;
			createParams.VoiceVersion = 1u;
			AchievementEvents = default(AchievementManager.FFIEvents);
			AchievementEventsPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(AchievementEvents));
			createParams.AchievementEvents = AchievementEventsPtr;
			createParams.AchievementVersion = 1u;
			InitEvents(EventsPtr, ref Events);
			Result result = DiscordCreate(2u, ref createParams, out MethodsPtr);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		private void InitEvents(IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(events, eventsPtr, fDeleteOld: false);

		public void Dispose()
			if (MethodsPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
			if (setLogHook.HasValue)

		public void RunCallbacks()
			Result result = Methods.RunCallbacks(MethodsPtr);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		private static void SetLogHookCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, LogLevel level, string message)
			SetLogHookHandler setLogHookHandler = (SetLogHookHandler)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			setLogHookHandler(level, message);

		public void SetLogHook(LogLevel minLevel, SetLogHookHandler callback)
			if (setLogHook.HasValue)
			setLogHook = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.SetLogHook(MethodsPtr, minLevel, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(setLogHook.Value), SetLogHookCallbackImpl);

		public ApplicationManager GetApplicationManager()
			if (ApplicationManagerInstance == null)
				ApplicationManagerInstance = new ApplicationManager(Methods.GetApplicationManager(MethodsPtr), ApplicationEventsPtr, ref ApplicationEvents);
			return ApplicationManagerInstance;

		public UserManager GetUserManager()
			if (UserManagerInstance == null)
				UserManagerInstance = new UserManager(Methods.GetUserManager(MethodsPtr), UserEventsPtr, ref UserEvents);
			return UserManagerInstance;

		public ImageManager GetImageManager()
			if (ImageManagerInstance == null)
				ImageManagerInstance = new ImageManager(Methods.GetImageManager(MethodsPtr), ImageEventsPtr, ref ImageEvents);
			return ImageManagerInstance;

		public ActivityManager GetActivityManager()
			if (ActivityManagerInstance == null)
				ActivityManagerInstance = new ActivityManager(Methods.GetActivityManager(MethodsPtr), ActivityEventsPtr, ref ActivityEvents);
			return ActivityManagerInstance;

		public RelationshipManager GetRelationshipManager()
			if (RelationshipManagerInstance == null)
				RelationshipManagerInstance = new RelationshipManager(Methods.GetRelationshipManager(MethodsPtr), RelationshipEventsPtr, ref RelationshipEvents);
			return RelationshipManagerInstance;

		public LobbyManager GetLobbyManager()
			if (LobbyManagerInstance == null)
				LobbyManagerInstance = new LobbyManager(Methods.GetLobbyManager(MethodsPtr), LobbyEventsPtr, ref LobbyEvents);
			return LobbyManagerInstance;

		public NetworkManager GetNetworkManager()
			if (NetworkManagerInstance == null)
				NetworkManagerInstance = new NetworkManager(Methods.GetNetworkManager(MethodsPtr), NetworkEventsPtr, ref NetworkEvents);
			return NetworkManagerInstance;

		public OverlayManager GetOverlayManager()
			if (OverlayManagerInstance == null)
				OverlayManagerInstance = new OverlayManager(Methods.GetOverlayManager(MethodsPtr), OverlayEventsPtr, ref OverlayEvents);
			return OverlayManagerInstance;

		public StorageManager GetStorageManager()
			if (StorageManagerInstance == null)
				StorageManagerInstance = new StorageManager(Methods.GetStorageManager(MethodsPtr), StorageEventsPtr, ref StorageEvents);
			return StorageManagerInstance;

		public StoreManager GetStoreManager()
			if (StoreManagerInstance == null)
				StoreManagerInstance = new StoreManager(Methods.GetStoreManager(MethodsPtr), StoreEventsPtr, ref StoreEvents);
			return StoreManagerInstance;

		public VoiceManager GetVoiceManager()
			if (VoiceManagerInstance == null)
				VoiceManagerInstance = new VoiceManager(Methods.GetVoiceManager(MethodsPtr), VoiceEventsPtr, ref VoiceEvents);
			return VoiceManagerInstance;

		public AchievementManager GetAchievementManager()
			if (AchievementManagerInstance == null)
				AchievementManagerInstance = new AchievementManager(Methods.GetAchievementManager(MethodsPtr), AchievementEventsPtr, ref AchievementEvents);
			return AchievementManagerInstance;
	internal class MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute : Attribute
	public class ApplicationManager
		internal struct FFIEvents

		internal struct FFIMethods
			internal delegate void ValidateOrExitCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void ValidateOrExitMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, IntPtr callbackData, ValidateOrExitCallback callback);

			internal delegate void GetCurrentLocaleMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, StringBuilder locale);

			internal delegate void GetCurrentBranchMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, StringBuilder branch);

			internal delegate void GetOAuth2TokenCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ref OAuth2Token oauth2Token);

			internal delegate void GetOAuth2TokenMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, IntPtr callbackData, GetOAuth2TokenCallback callback);

			internal delegate void GetTicketCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] ref string data);

			internal delegate void GetTicketMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, IntPtr callbackData, GetTicketCallback callback);

			internal ValidateOrExitMethod ValidateOrExit;

			internal GetCurrentLocaleMethod GetCurrentLocale;

			internal GetCurrentBranchMethod GetCurrentBranch;

			internal GetOAuth2TokenMethod GetOAuth2Token;

			internal GetTicketMethod GetTicket;

		public delegate void ValidateOrExitHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void GetOAuth2TokenHandler(Result result, ref OAuth2Token oauth2Token);

		public delegate void GetTicketHandler(Result result, ref string data);

		private IntPtr MethodsPtr;

		private object MethodsStructure;

		private FFIMethods Methods
				if (MethodsStructure == null)
					MethodsStructure = Marshal.PtrToStructure(MethodsPtr, typeof(FFIMethods));
				return (FFIMethods)MethodsStructure;

		internal ApplicationManager(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			if (eventsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);
			InitEvents(eventsPtr, ref events);
			MethodsPtr = ptr;
			if (MethodsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);

		private void InitEvents(IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(events, eventsPtr, fDeleteOld: false);

		private static void ValidateOrExitCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			ValidateOrExitHandler validateOrExitHandler = (ValidateOrExitHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void ValidateOrExit(ValidateOrExitHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.ValidateOrExit(MethodsPtr, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), ValidateOrExitCallbackImpl);

		public string GetCurrentLocale()
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(128);
			Methods.GetCurrentLocale(MethodsPtr, stringBuilder);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public string GetCurrentBranch()
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(4096);
			Methods.GetCurrentBranch(MethodsPtr, stringBuilder);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		private static void GetOAuth2TokenCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ref OAuth2Token oauth2Token)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			GetOAuth2TokenHandler getOAuth2TokenHandler = (GetOAuth2TokenHandler)gCHandle.Target;
			getOAuth2TokenHandler(result, ref oauth2Token);

		public void GetOAuth2Token(GetOAuth2TokenHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.GetOAuth2Token(MethodsPtr, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), GetOAuth2TokenCallbackImpl);

		private static void GetTicketCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ref string data)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			GetTicketHandler getTicketHandler = (GetTicketHandler)gCHandle.Target;
			getTicketHandler(result, ref data);

		public void GetTicket(GetTicketHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.GetTicket(MethodsPtr, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), GetTicketCallbackImpl);
	public class UserManager
		internal struct FFIEvents
			internal delegate void CurrentUserUpdateHandler(IntPtr ptr);

			internal CurrentUserUpdateHandler OnCurrentUserUpdate;

		internal struct FFIMethods
			internal delegate Result GetCurrentUserMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ref User currentUser);

			internal delegate void GetUserCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ref User user);

			internal delegate void GetUserMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long userId, IntPtr callbackData, GetUserCallback callback);

			internal delegate Result GetCurrentUserPremiumTypeMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ref PremiumType premiumType);

			internal delegate Result CurrentUserHasFlagMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, UserFlag flag, ref bool hasFlag);

			internal GetCurrentUserMethod GetCurrentUser;

			internal GetUserMethod GetUser;

			internal GetCurrentUserPremiumTypeMethod GetCurrentUserPremiumType;

			internal CurrentUserHasFlagMethod CurrentUserHasFlag;

		public delegate void GetUserHandler(Result result, ref User user);

		public delegate void CurrentUserUpdateHandler();

		private IntPtr MethodsPtr;

		private object MethodsStructure;

		private FFIMethods Methods
				if (MethodsStructure == null)
					MethodsStructure = Marshal.PtrToStructure(MethodsPtr, typeof(FFIMethods));
				return (FFIMethods)MethodsStructure;

		public event CurrentUserUpdateHandler OnCurrentUserUpdate;

		internal UserManager(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			if (eventsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);
			InitEvents(eventsPtr, ref events);
			MethodsPtr = ptr;
			if (MethodsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);

		private void InitEvents(IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			events.OnCurrentUserUpdate = OnCurrentUserUpdateImpl;
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(events, eventsPtr, fDeleteOld: false);

		public User GetCurrentUser()
			User currentUser = default(User);
			Result result = Methods.GetCurrentUser(MethodsPtr, ref currentUser);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return currentUser;

		private static void GetUserCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ref User user)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			GetUserHandler getUserHandler = (GetUserHandler)gCHandle.Target;
			getUserHandler(result, ref user);

		public void GetUser(long userId, GetUserHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.GetUser(MethodsPtr, userId, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), GetUserCallbackImpl);

		public PremiumType GetCurrentUserPremiumType()
			PremiumType premiumType = PremiumType.None;
			Result result = Methods.GetCurrentUserPremiumType(MethodsPtr, ref premiumType);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return premiumType;

		public bool CurrentUserHasFlag(UserFlag flag)
			bool hasFlag = false;
			Result result = Methods.CurrentUserHasFlag(MethodsPtr, flag, ref hasFlag);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return hasFlag;

		private static void OnCurrentUserUpdateImpl(IntPtr ptr)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.UserManagerInstance.OnCurrentUserUpdate != null)
	public class ImageManager
		internal struct FFIEvents

		internal struct FFIMethods
			internal delegate void FetchCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ImageHandle handleResult);

			internal delegate void FetchMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ImageHandle handle, bool refresh, IntPtr callbackData, FetchCallback callback);

			internal delegate Result GetDimensionsMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ImageHandle handle, ref ImageDimensions dimensions);

			internal delegate Result GetDataMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ImageHandle handle, byte[] data, int dataLen);

			internal FetchMethod Fetch;

			internal GetDimensionsMethod GetDimensions;

			internal GetDataMethod GetData;

		public delegate void FetchHandler(Result result, ImageHandle handleResult);

		private IntPtr MethodsPtr;

		private object MethodsStructure;

		private FFIMethods Methods
				if (MethodsStructure == null)
					MethodsStructure = Marshal.PtrToStructure(MethodsPtr, typeof(FFIMethods));
				return (FFIMethods)MethodsStructure;

		internal ImageManager(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			if (eventsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);
			InitEvents(eventsPtr, ref events);
			MethodsPtr = ptr;
			if (MethodsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);

		private void InitEvents(IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(events, eventsPtr, fDeleteOld: false);

		private static void FetchCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ImageHandle handleResult)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			FetchHandler fetchHandler = (FetchHandler)gCHandle.Target;
			fetchHandler(result, handleResult);

		public void Fetch(ImageHandle handle, bool refresh, FetchHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.Fetch(MethodsPtr, handle, refresh, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), FetchCallbackImpl);

		public ImageDimensions GetDimensions(ImageHandle handle)
			ImageDimensions dimensions = default(ImageDimensions);
			Result result = Methods.GetDimensions(MethodsPtr, handle, ref dimensions);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return dimensions;

		public void GetData(ImageHandle handle, byte[] data)
			Result result = Methods.GetData(MethodsPtr, handle, data, data.Length);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		public void Fetch(ImageHandle handle, FetchHandler callback)
			Fetch(handle, refresh: false, callback);

		public byte[] GetData(ImageHandle handle)
			ImageDimensions dimensions = GetDimensions(handle);
			byte[] array = new byte[dimensions.Width * dimensions.Height * 4];
			GetData(handle, array);
			return array;
	public class RelationshipManager
		internal struct FFIEvents
			internal delegate void RefreshHandler(IntPtr ptr);

			internal delegate void RelationshipUpdateHandler(IntPtr ptr, ref Relationship relationship);

			internal RefreshHandler OnRefresh;

			internal RelationshipUpdateHandler OnRelationshipUpdate;

		internal struct FFIMethods
			internal delegate bool FilterCallback(IntPtr ptr, ref Relationship relationship);

			internal delegate void FilterMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, IntPtr callbackData, FilterCallback callback);

			internal delegate Result CountMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ref int count);

			internal delegate Result GetMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long userId, ref Relationship relationship);

			internal delegate Result GetAtMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, uint index, ref Relationship relationship);

			internal FilterMethod Filter;

			internal CountMethod Count;

			internal GetMethod Get;

			internal GetAtMethod GetAt;

		public delegate bool FilterHandler(ref Relationship relationship);

		public delegate void RefreshHandler();

		public delegate void RelationshipUpdateHandler(ref Relationship relationship);

		private IntPtr MethodsPtr;

		private object MethodsStructure;

		private FFIMethods Methods
				if (MethodsStructure == null)
					MethodsStructure = Marshal.PtrToStructure(MethodsPtr, typeof(FFIMethods));
				return (FFIMethods)MethodsStructure;

		public event RefreshHandler OnRefresh;

		public event RelationshipUpdateHandler OnRelationshipUpdate;

		internal RelationshipManager(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			if (eventsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);
			InitEvents(eventsPtr, ref events);
			MethodsPtr = ptr;
			if (MethodsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);

		private void InitEvents(IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			events.OnRefresh = OnRefreshImpl;
			events.OnRelationshipUpdate = OnRelationshipUpdateImpl;
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(events, eventsPtr, fDeleteOld: false);

		private static bool FilterCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, ref Relationship relationship)
			FilterHandler filterHandler = (FilterHandler)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			return filterHandler(ref relationship);

		public void Filter(FilterHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.Filter(MethodsPtr, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), FilterCallbackImpl);

		public int Count()
			int count = 0;
			Result result = Methods.Count(MethodsPtr, ref count);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return count;

		public Relationship Get(long userId)
			Relationship relationship = default(Relationship);
			Result result = Methods.Get(MethodsPtr, userId, ref relationship);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return relationship;

		public Relationship GetAt(uint index)
			Relationship relationship = default(Relationship);
			Result result = Methods.GetAt(MethodsPtr, index, ref relationship);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return relationship;

		private static void OnRefreshImpl(IntPtr ptr)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.RelationshipManagerInstance.OnRefresh != null)

		private static void OnRelationshipUpdateImpl(IntPtr ptr, ref Relationship relationship)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.RelationshipManagerInstance.OnRelationshipUpdate != null)
				discord.RelationshipManagerInstance.OnRelationshipUpdate(ref relationship);
	public class LobbyManager
		internal struct FFIEvents
			internal delegate void LobbyUpdateHandler(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId);

			internal delegate void LobbyDeleteHandler(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId, uint reason);

			internal delegate void MemberConnectHandler(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId, long userId);

			internal delegate void MemberUpdateHandler(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId, long userId);

			internal delegate void MemberDisconnectHandler(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId, long userId);

			internal delegate void LobbyMessageHandler(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId, long userId, IntPtr dataPtr, int dataLen);

			internal delegate void SpeakingHandler(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId, long userId, bool speaking);

			internal delegate void NetworkMessageHandler(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId, long userId, byte channelId, IntPtr dataPtr, int dataLen);

			internal LobbyUpdateHandler OnLobbyUpdate;

			internal LobbyDeleteHandler OnLobbyDelete;

			internal MemberConnectHandler OnMemberConnect;

			internal MemberUpdateHandler OnMemberUpdate;

			internal MemberDisconnectHandler OnMemberDisconnect;

			internal LobbyMessageHandler OnLobbyMessage;

			internal SpeakingHandler OnSpeaking;

			internal NetworkMessageHandler OnNetworkMessage;

		internal struct FFIMethods
			internal delegate Result GetLobbyCreateTransactionMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ref IntPtr transaction);

			internal delegate Result GetLobbyUpdateTransactionMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, ref IntPtr transaction);

			internal delegate Result GetMemberUpdateTransactionMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, long userId, ref IntPtr transaction);

			internal delegate void CreateLobbyCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ref Lobby lobby);

			internal delegate void CreateLobbyMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, IntPtr transaction, IntPtr callbackData, CreateLobbyCallback callback);

			internal delegate void UpdateLobbyCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void UpdateLobbyMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, IntPtr transaction, IntPtr callbackData, UpdateLobbyCallback callback);

			internal delegate void DeleteLobbyCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void DeleteLobbyMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, IntPtr callbackData, DeleteLobbyCallback callback);

			internal delegate void ConnectLobbyCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ref Lobby lobby);

			internal delegate void ConnectLobbyMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string secret, IntPtr callbackData, ConnectLobbyCallback callback);

			internal delegate void ConnectLobbyWithActivitySecretCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ref Lobby lobby);

			internal delegate void ConnectLobbyWithActivitySecretMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string activitySecret, IntPtr callbackData, ConnectLobbyWithActivitySecretCallback callback);

			internal delegate void DisconnectLobbyCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void DisconnectLobbyMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, IntPtr callbackData, DisconnectLobbyCallback callback);

			internal delegate Result GetLobbyMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, ref Lobby lobby);

			internal delegate Result GetLobbyActivitySecretMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, StringBuilder secret);

			internal delegate Result GetLobbyMetadataValueMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string key, StringBuilder value);

			internal delegate Result GetLobbyMetadataKeyMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, int index, StringBuilder key);

			internal delegate Result LobbyMetadataCountMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, ref int count);

			internal delegate Result MemberCountMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, ref int count);

			internal delegate Result GetMemberUserIdMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, int index, ref long userId);

			internal delegate Result GetMemberUserMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, long userId, ref User user);

			internal delegate Result GetMemberMetadataValueMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, long userId, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string key, StringBuilder value);

			internal delegate Result GetMemberMetadataKeyMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, long userId, int index, StringBuilder key);

			internal delegate Result MemberMetadataCountMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, long userId, ref int count);

			internal delegate void UpdateMemberCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void UpdateMemberMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, long userId, IntPtr transaction, IntPtr callbackData, UpdateMemberCallback callback);

			internal delegate void SendLobbyMessageCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void SendLobbyMessageMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, byte[] data, int dataLen, IntPtr callbackData, SendLobbyMessageCallback callback);

			internal delegate Result GetSearchQueryMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ref IntPtr query);

			internal delegate void SearchCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void SearchMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, IntPtr query, IntPtr callbackData, SearchCallback callback);

			internal delegate void LobbyCountMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ref int count);

			internal delegate Result GetLobbyIdMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, int index, ref long lobbyId);

			internal delegate void ConnectVoiceCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void ConnectVoiceMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, IntPtr callbackData, ConnectVoiceCallback callback);

			internal delegate void DisconnectVoiceCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void DisconnectVoiceMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, IntPtr callbackData, DisconnectVoiceCallback callback);

			internal delegate Result ConnectNetworkMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId);

			internal delegate Result DisconnectNetworkMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId);

			internal delegate Result FlushNetworkMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr);

			internal delegate Result OpenNetworkChannelMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, byte channelId, bool reliable);

			internal delegate Result SendNetworkMessageMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, long lobbyId, long userId, byte channelId, byte[] data, int dataLen);

			internal GetLobbyCreateTransactionMethod GetLobbyCreateTransaction;

			internal GetLobbyUpdateTransactionMethod GetLobbyUpdateTransaction;

			internal GetMemberUpdateTransactionMethod GetMemberUpdateTransaction;

			internal CreateLobbyMethod CreateLobby;

			internal UpdateLobbyMethod UpdateLobby;

			internal DeleteLobbyMethod DeleteLobby;

			internal ConnectLobbyMethod ConnectLobby;

			internal ConnectLobbyWithActivitySecretMethod ConnectLobbyWithActivitySecret;

			internal DisconnectLobbyMethod DisconnectLobby;

			internal GetLobbyMethod GetLobby;

			internal GetLobbyActivitySecretMethod GetLobbyActivitySecret;

			internal GetLobbyMetadataValueMethod GetLobbyMetadataValue;

			internal GetLobbyMetadataKeyMethod GetLobbyMetadataKey;

			internal LobbyMetadataCountMethod LobbyMetadataCount;

			internal MemberCountMethod MemberCount;

			internal GetMemberUserIdMethod GetMemberUserId;

			internal GetMemberUserMethod GetMemberUser;

			internal GetMemberMetadataValueMethod GetMemberMetadataValue;

			internal GetMemberMetadataKeyMethod GetMemberMetadataKey;

			internal MemberMetadataCountMethod MemberMetadataCount;

			internal UpdateMemberMethod UpdateMember;

			internal SendLobbyMessageMethod SendLobbyMessage;

			internal GetSearchQueryMethod GetSearchQuery;

			internal SearchMethod Search;

			internal LobbyCountMethod LobbyCount;

			internal GetLobbyIdMethod GetLobbyId;

			internal ConnectVoiceMethod ConnectVoice;

			internal DisconnectVoiceMethod DisconnectVoice;

			internal ConnectNetworkMethod ConnectNetwork;

			internal DisconnectNetworkMethod DisconnectNetwork;

			internal FlushNetworkMethod FlushNetwork;

			internal OpenNetworkChannelMethod OpenNetworkChannel;

			internal SendNetworkMessageMethod SendNetworkMessage;

		public delegate void CreateLobbyHandler(Result result, ref Lobby lobby);

		public delegate void UpdateLobbyHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void DeleteLobbyHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void ConnectLobbyHandler(Result result, ref Lobby lobby);

		public delegate void ConnectLobbyWithActivitySecretHandler(Result result, ref Lobby lobby);

		public delegate void DisconnectLobbyHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void UpdateMemberHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void SendLobbyMessageHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void SearchHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void ConnectVoiceHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void DisconnectVoiceHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void LobbyUpdateHandler(long lobbyId);

		public delegate void LobbyDeleteHandler(long lobbyId, uint reason);

		public delegate void MemberConnectHandler(long lobbyId, long userId);

		public delegate void MemberUpdateHandler(long lobbyId, long userId);

		public delegate void MemberDisconnectHandler(long lobbyId, long userId);

		public delegate void LobbyMessageHandler(long lobbyId, long userId, byte[] data);

		public delegate void SpeakingHandler(long lobbyId, long userId, bool speaking);

		public delegate void NetworkMessageHandler(long lobbyId, long userId, byte channelId, byte[] data);

		private IntPtr MethodsPtr;

		private object MethodsStructure;

		private FFIMethods Methods
				if (MethodsStructure == null)
					MethodsStructure = Marshal.PtrToStructure(MethodsPtr, typeof(FFIMethods));
				return (FFIMethods)MethodsStructure;

		public event LobbyUpdateHandler OnLobbyUpdate;

		public event LobbyDeleteHandler OnLobbyDelete;

		public event MemberConnectHandler OnMemberConnect;

		public event MemberUpdateHandler OnMemberUpdate;

		public event MemberDisconnectHandler OnMemberDisconnect;

		public event LobbyMessageHandler OnLobbyMessage;

		public event SpeakingHandler OnSpeaking;

		public event NetworkMessageHandler OnNetworkMessage;

		internal LobbyManager(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			if (eventsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);
			InitEvents(eventsPtr, ref events);
			MethodsPtr = ptr;
			if (MethodsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);

		private void InitEvents(IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			events.OnLobbyUpdate = OnLobbyUpdateImpl;
			events.OnLobbyDelete = OnLobbyDeleteImpl;
			events.OnMemberConnect = OnMemberConnectImpl;
			events.OnMemberUpdate = OnMemberUpdateImpl;
			events.OnMemberDisconnect = OnMemberDisconnectImpl;
			events.OnLobbyMessage = OnLobbyMessageImpl;
			events.OnSpeaking = OnSpeakingImpl;
			events.OnNetworkMessage = OnNetworkMessageImpl;
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(events, eventsPtr, fDeleteOld: false);

		public LobbyTransaction GetLobbyCreateTransaction()
			LobbyTransaction result = default(LobbyTransaction);
			Result result2 = Methods.GetLobbyCreateTransaction(MethodsPtr, ref result.MethodsPtr);
			if (result2 != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result2);
			return result;

		public LobbyTransaction GetLobbyUpdateTransaction(long lobbyId)
			LobbyTransaction result = default(LobbyTransaction);
			Result result2 = Methods.GetLobbyUpdateTransaction(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, ref result.MethodsPtr);
			if (result2 != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result2);
			return result;

		public LobbyMemberTransaction GetMemberUpdateTransaction(long lobbyId, long userId)
			LobbyMemberTransaction result = default(LobbyMemberTransaction);
			Result result2 = Methods.GetMemberUpdateTransaction(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, userId, ref result.MethodsPtr);
			if (result2 != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result2);
			return result;

		private static void CreateLobbyCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ref Lobby lobby)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			CreateLobbyHandler createLobbyHandler = (CreateLobbyHandler)gCHandle.Target;
			createLobbyHandler(result, ref lobby);

		public void CreateLobby(LobbyTransaction transaction, CreateLobbyHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.CreateLobby(MethodsPtr, transaction.MethodsPtr, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), CreateLobbyCallbackImpl);
			transaction.MethodsPtr = IntPtr.Zero;

		private static void UpdateLobbyCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			UpdateLobbyHandler updateLobbyHandler = (UpdateLobbyHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void UpdateLobby(long lobbyId, LobbyTransaction transaction, UpdateLobbyHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.UpdateLobby(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, transaction.MethodsPtr, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), UpdateLobbyCallbackImpl);
			transaction.MethodsPtr = IntPtr.Zero;

		private static void DeleteLobbyCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			DeleteLobbyHandler deleteLobbyHandler = (DeleteLobbyHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void DeleteLobby(long lobbyId, DeleteLobbyHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.DeleteLobby(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), DeleteLobbyCallbackImpl);

		private static void ConnectLobbyCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ref Lobby lobby)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			ConnectLobbyHandler connectLobbyHandler = (ConnectLobbyHandler)gCHandle.Target;
			connectLobbyHandler(result, ref lobby);

		public void ConnectLobby(long lobbyId, string secret, ConnectLobbyHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.ConnectLobby(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, secret, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), ConnectLobbyCallbackImpl);

		private static void ConnectLobbyWithActivitySecretCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result, ref Lobby lobby)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			ConnectLobbyWithActivitySecretHandler connectLobbyWithActivitySecretHandler = (ConnectLobbyWithActivitySecretHandler)gCHandle.Target;
			connectLobbyWithActivitySecretHandler(result, ref lobby);

		public void ConnectLobbyWithActivitySecret(string activitySecret, ConnectLobbyWithActivitySecretHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.ConnectLobbyWithActivitySecret(MethodsPtr, activitySecret, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), ConnectLobbyWithActivitySecretCallbackImpl);

		private static void DisconnectLobbyCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			DisconnectLobbyHandler disconnectLobbyHandler = (DisconnectLobbyHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void DisconnectLobby(long lobbyId, DisconnectLobbyHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.DisconnectLobby(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), DisconnectLobbyCallbackImpl);

		public Lobby GetLobby(long lobbyId)
			Lobby lobby = default(Lobby);
			Result result = Methods.GetLobby(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, ref lobby);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return lobby;

		public string GetLobbyActivitySecret(long lobbyId)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(128);
			Result result = Methods.GetLobbyActivitySecret(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, stringBuilder);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public string GetLobbyMetadataValue(long lobbyId, string key)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(4096);
			Result result = Methods.GetLobbyMetadataValue(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, key, stringBuilder);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public string GetLobbyMetadataKey(long lobbyId, int index)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(256);
			Result result = Methods.GetLobbyMetadataKey(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, index, stringBuilder);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public int LobbyMetadataCount(long lobbyId)
			int count = 0;
			Result result = Methods.LobbyMetadataCount(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, ref count);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return count;

		public int MemberCount(long lobbyId)
			int count = 0;
			Result result = Methods.MemberCount(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, ref count);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return count;

		public long GetMemberUserId(long lobbyId, int index)
			long userId = 0L;
			Result result = Methods.GetMemberUserId(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, index, ref userId);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return userId;

		public User GetMemberUser(long lobbyId, long userId)
			User user = default(User);
			Result result = Methods.GetMemberUser(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, userId, ref user);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return user;

		public string GetMemberMetadataValue(long lobbyId, long userId, string key)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(4096);
			Result result = Methods.GetMemberMetadataValue(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, userId, key, stringBuilder);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public string GetMemberMetadataKey(long lobbyId, long userId, int index)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(256);
			Result result = Methods.GetMemberMetadataKey(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, userId, index, stringBuilder);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public int MemberMetadataCount(long lobbyId, long userId)
			int count = 0;
			Result result = Methods.MemberMetadataCount(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, userId, ref count);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return count;

		private static void UpdateMemberCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			UpdateMemberHandler updateMemberHandler = (UpdateMemberHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void UpdateMember(long lobbyId, long userId, LobbyMemberTransaction transaction, UpdateMemberHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.UpdateMember(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, userId, transaction.MethodsPtr, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), UpdateMemberCallbackImpl);
			transaction.MethodsPtr = IntPtr.Zero;

		private static void SendLobbyMessageCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			SendLobbyMessageHandler sendLobbyMessageHandler = (SendLobbyMessageHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void SendLobbyMessage(long lobbyId, byte[] data, SendLobbyMessageHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.SendLobbyMessage(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, data, data.Length, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), SendLobbyMessageCallbackImpl);

		public LobbySearchQuery GetSearchQuery()
			LobbySearchQuery result = default(LobbySearchQuery);
			Result result2 = Methods.GetSearchQuery(MethodsPtr, ref result.MethodsPtr);
			if (result2 != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result2);
			return result;

		private static void SearchCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			SearchHandler searchHandler = (SearchHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void Search(LobbySearchQuery query, SearchHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.Search(MethodsPtr, query.MethodsPtr, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), SearchCallbackImpl);
			query.MethodsPtr = IntPtr.Zero;

		public int LobbyCount()
			int count = 0;
			Methods.LobbyCount(MethodsPtr, ref count);
			return count;

		public long GetLobbyId(int index)
			long lobbyId = 0L;
			Result result = Methods.GetLobbyId(MethodsPtr, index, ref lobbyId);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);
			return lobbyId;

		private static void ConnectVoiceCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			ConnectVoiceHandler connectVoiceHandler = (ConnectVoiceHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void ConnectVoice(long lobbyId, ConnectVoiceHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.ConnectVoice(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), ConnectVoiceCallbackImpl);

		private static void DisconnectVoiceCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			DisconnectVoiceHandler disconnectVoiceHandler = (DisconnectVoiceHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void DisconnectVoice(long lobbyId, DisconnectVoiceHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.DisconnectVoice(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), DisconnectVoiceCallbackImpl);

		public void ConnectNetwork(long lobbyId)
			Result result = Methods.ConnectNetwork(MethodsPtr, lobbyId);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		public void DisconnectNetwork(long lobbyId)
			Result result = Methods.DisconnectNetwork(MethodsPtr, lobbyId);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		public void FlushNetwork()
			Result result = Methods.FlushNetwork(MethodsPtr);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		public void OpenNetworkChannel(long lobbyId, byte channelId, bool reliable)
			Result result = Methods.OpenNetworkChannel(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, channelId, reliable);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		public void SendNetworkMessage(long lobbyId, long userId, byte channelId, byte[] data)
			Result result = Methods.SendNetworkMessage(MethodsPtr, lobbyId, userId, channelId, data, data.Length);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		private static void OnLobbyUpdateImpl(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.LobbyManagerInstance.OnLobbyUpdate != null)

		private static void OnLobbyDeleteImpl(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId, uint reason)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.LobbyManagerInstance.OnLobbyDelete != null)
				discord.LobbyManagerInstance.OnLobbyDelete(lobbyId, reason);

		private static void OnMemberConnectImpl(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId, long userId)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.LobbyManagerInstance.OnMemberConnect != null)
				discord.LobbyManagerInstance.OnMemberConnect(lobbyId, userId);

		private static void OnMemberUpdateImpl(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId, long userId)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.LobbyManagerInstance.OnMemberUpdate != null)
				discord.LobbyManagerInstance.OnMemberUpdate(lobbyId, userId);

		private static void OnMemberDisconnectImpl(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId, long userId)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.LobbyManagerInstance.OnMemberDisconnect != null)
				discord.LobbyManagerInstance.OnMemberDisconnect(lobbyId, userId);

		private static void OnLobbyMessageImpl(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId, long userId, IntPtr dataPtr, int dataLen)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.LobbyManagerInstance.OnLobbyMessage != null)
				byte[] array = new byte[dataLen];
				Marshal.Copy(dataPtr, array, 0, dataLen);
				discord.LobbyManagerInstance.OnLobbyMessage(lobbyId, userId, array);

		private static void OnSpeakingImpl(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId, long userId, bool speaking)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.LobbyManagerInstance.OnSpeaking != null)
				discord.LobbyManagerInstance.OnSpeaking(lobbyId, userId, speaking);

		private static void OnNetworkMessageImpl(IntPtr ptr, long lobbyId, long userId, byte channelId, IntPtr dataPtr, int dataLen)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.LobbyManagerInstance.OnNetworkMessage != null)
				byte[] array = new byte[dataLen];
				Marshal.Copy(dataPtr, array, 0, dataLen);
				discord.LobbyManagerInstance.OnNetworkMessage(lobbyId, userId, channelId, array);

		public IEnumerable<User> GetMemberUsers(long lobbyID)
			int num = MemberCount(lobbyID);
			List<User> list = new List<User>();
			for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
				list.Add(GetMemberUser(lobbyID, GetMemberUserId(lobbyID, i)));
			return list;

		public void SendLobbyMessage(long lobbyID, string data, SendLobbyMessageHandler handler)
			SendLobbyMessage(lobbyID, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data), handler);
	public class NetworkManager
		internal struct FFIEvents
			internal delegate void MessageHandler(IntPtr ptr, ulong peerId, byte channelId, IntPtr dataPtr, int dataLen);

			internal delegate void RouteUpdateHandler(IntPtr ptr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string routeData);

			internal MessageHandler OnMessage;

			internal RouteUpdateHandler OnRouteUpdate;

		internal struct FFIMethods
			internal delegate void GetPeerIdMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ref ulong peerId);

			internal delegate Result FlushMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr);

			internal delegate Result OpenPeerMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ulong peerId, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string routeData);

			internal delegate Result UpdatePeerMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ulong peerId, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string routeData);

			internal delegate Result ClosePeerMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ulong peerId);

			internal delegate Result OpenChannelMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ulong peerId, byte channelId, bool reliable);

			internal delegate Result CloseChannelMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ulong peerId, byte channelId);

			internal delegate Result SendMessageMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ulong peerId, byte channelId, byte[] data, int dataLen);

			internal GetPeerIdMethod GetPeerId;

			internal FlushMethod Flush;

			internal OpenPeerMethod OpenPeer;

			internal UpdatePeerMethod UpdatePeer;

			internal ClosePeerMethod ClosePeer;

			internal OpenChannelMethod OpenChannel;

			internal CloseChannelMethod CloseChannel;

			internal SendMessageMethod SendMessage;

		public delegate void MessageHandler(ulong peerId, byte channelId, byte[] data);

		public delegate void RouteUpdateHandler(string routeData);

		private IntPtr MethodsPtr;

		private object MethodsStructure;

		private FFIMethods Methods
				if (MethodsStructure == null)
					MethodsStructure = Marshal.PtrToStructure(MethodsPtr, typeof(FFIMethods));
				return (FFIMethods)MethodsStructure;

		public event MessageHandler OnMessage;

		public event RouteUpdateHandler OnRouteUpdate;

		internal NetworkManager(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			if (eventsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);
			InitEvents(eventsPtr, ref events);
			MethodsPtr = ptr;
			if (MethodsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);

		private void InitEvents(IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			events.OnMessage = OnMessageImpl;
			events.OnRouteUpdate = OnRouteUpdateImpl;
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(events, eventsPtr, fDeleteOld: false);

		public ulong GetPeerId()
			ulong peerId = 0uL;
			Methods.GetPeerId(MethodsPtr, ref peerId);
			return peerId;

		public void Flush()
			Result result = Methods.Flush(MethodsPtr);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		public void OpenPeer(ulong peerId, string routeData)
			Result result = Methods.OpenPeer(MethodsPtr, peerId, routeData);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		public void UpdatePeer(ulong peerId, string routeData)
			Result result = Methods.UpdatePeer(MethodsPtr, peerId, routeData);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		public void ClosePeer(ulong peerId)
			Result result = Methods.ClosePeer(MethodsPtr, peerId);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		public void OpenChannel(ulong peerId, byte channelId, bool reliable)
			Result result = Methods.OpenChannel(MethodsPtr, peerId, channelId, reliable);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		public void CloseChannel(ulong peerId, byte channelId)
			Result result = Methods.CloseChannel(MethodsPtr, peerId, channelId);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		public void SendMessage(ulong peerId, byte channelId, byte[] data)
			Result result = Methods.SendMessage(MethodsPtr, peerId, channelId, data, data.Length);
			if (result != 0)
				throw new ResultException(result);

		private static void OnMessageImpl(IntPtr ptr, ulong peerId, byte channelId, IntPtr dataPtr, int dataLen)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.NetworkManagerInstance.OnMessage != null)
				byte[] array = new byte[dataLen];
				Marshal.Copy(dataPtr, array, 0, dataLen);
				discord.NetworkManagerInstance.OnMessage(peerId, channelId, array);

		private static void OnRouteUpdateImpl(IntPtr ptr, string routeData)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.NetworkManagerInstance.OnRouteUpdate != null)
	public class OverlayManager
		internal struct FFIEvents
			internal delegate void ToggleHandler(IntPtr ptr, bool locked);

			internal ToggleHandler OnToggle;

		internal struct FFIMethods
			internal delegate void IsEnabledMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ref bool enabled);

			internal delegate void IsLockedMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ref bool locked);

			internal delegate void SetLockedCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void SetLockedMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, bool locked, IntPtr callbackData, SetLockedCallback callback);

			internal delegate void OpenActivityInviteCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void OpenActivityInviteMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ActivityActionType type, IntPtr callbackData, OpenActivityInviteCallback callback);

			internal delegate void OpenGuildInviteCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void OpenGuildInviteMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string code, IntPtr callbackData, OpenGuildInviteCallback callback);

			internal delegate void OpenVoiceSettingsCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void OpenVoiceSettingsMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, IntPtr callbackData, OpenVoiceSettingsCallback callback);

			internal IsEnabledMethod IsEnabled;

			internal IsLockedMethod IsLocked;

			internal SetLockedMethod SetLocked;

			internal OpenActivityInviteMethod OpenActivityInvite;

			internal OpenGuildInviteMethod OpenGuildInvite;

			internal OpenVoiceSettingsMethod OpenVoiceSettings;

		public delegate void SetLockedHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void OpenActivityInviteHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void OpenGuildInviteHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void OpenVoiceSettingsHandler(Result result);

		public delegate void ToggleHandler(bool locked);

		private IntPtr MethodsPtr;

		private object MethodsStructure;

		private FFIMethods Methods
				if (MethodsStructure == null)
					MethodsStructure = Marshal.PtrToStructure(MethodsPtr, typeof(FFIMethods));
				return (FFIMethods)MethodsStructure;

		public event ToggleHandler OnToggle;

		internal OverlayManager(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			if (eventsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);
			InitEvents(eventsPtr, ref events);
			MethodsPtr = ptr;
			if (MethodsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);

		private void InitEvents(IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			events.OnToggle = OnToggleImpl;
			Marshal.StructureToPtr(events, eventsPtr, fDeleteOld: false);

		public bool IsEnabled()
			bool enabled = false;
			Methods.IsEnabled(MethodsPtr, ref enabled);
			return enabled;

		public bool IsLocked()
			bool locked = false;
			Methods.IsLocked(MethodsPtr, ref locked);
			return locked;

		private static void SetLockedCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			SetLockedHandler setLockedHandler = (SetLockedHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void SetLocked(bool locked, SetLockedHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.SetLocked(MethodsPtr, locked, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), SetLockedCallbackImpl);

		private static void OpenActivityInviteCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			OpenActivityInviteHandler openActivityInviteHandler = (OpenActivityInviteHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void OpenActivityInvite(ActivityActionType type, OpenActivityInviteHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.OpenActivityInvite(MethodsPtr, type, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), OpenActivityInviteCallbackImpl);

		private static void OpenGuildInviteCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			OpenGuildInviteHandler openGuildInviteHandler = (OpenGuildInviteHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void OpenGuildInvite(string code, OpenGuildInviteHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.OpenGuildInvite(MethodsPtr, code, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), OpenGuildInviteCallbackImpl);

		private static void OpenVoiceSettingsCallbackImpl(IntPtr ptr, Result result)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr);
			OpenVoiceSettingsHandler openVoiceSettingsHandler = (OpenVoiceSettingsHandler)gCHandle.Target;

		public void OpenVoiceSettings(OpenVoiceSettingsHandler callback)
			GCHandle value = GCHandle.Alloc(callback);
			Methods.OpenVoiceSettings(MethodsPtr, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(value), OpenVoiceSettingsCallbackImpl);

		private static void OnToggleImpl(IntPtr ptr, bool locked)
			Discord discord = (Discord)GCHandle.FromIntPtr(ptr).Target;
			if (discord.OverlayManagerInstance.OnToggle != null)
	public class StorageManager
		internal struct FFIEvents

		internal struct FFIMethods
			internal delegate Result ReadMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name, byte[] data, int dataLen, ref uint read);

			internal delegate void ReadAsyncCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result, IntPtr dataPtr, int dataLen);

			internal delegate void ReadAsyncMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name, IntPtr callbackData, ReadAsyncCallback callback);

			internal delegate void ReadAsyncPartialCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result, IntPtr dataPtr, int dataLen);

			internal delegate void ReadAsyncPartialMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name, ulong offset, ulong length, IntPtr callbackData, ReadAsyncPartialCallback callback);

			internal delegate Result WriteMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name, byte[] data, int dataLen);

			internal delegate void WriteAsyncCallback(IntPtr ptr, Result result);

			internal delegate void WriteAsyncMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name, byte[] data, int dataLen, IntPtr callbackData, WriteAsyncCallback callback);

			internal delegate Result DeleteMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name);

			internal delegate Result ExistsMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name, ref bool exists);

			internal delegate void CountMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, ref int count);

			internal delegate Result StatMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name, ref FileStat stat);

			internal delegate Result StatAtMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, int index, ref FileStat stat);

			internal delegate Result GetPathMethod(IntPtr methodsPtr, StringBuilder path);

			internal ReadMethod Read;

			internal ReadAsyncMethod ReadAsync;

			internal ReadAsyncPartialMethod ReadAsyncPartial;

			internal WriteMethod Write;

			internal WriteAsyncMethod WriteAsync;

			internal DeleteMethod Delete;

			internal ExistsMethod Exists;

			internal CountMethod Count;

			internal StatMethod Stat;

			internal StatAtMethod StatAt;

			internal GetPathMethod GetPath;

		public delegate void ReadAsyncHandler(Result result, byte[] data);

		public delegate void ReadAsyncPartialHandler(Result result, byte[] data);

		public delegate void WriteAsyncHandler(Result result);

		private IntPtr MethodsPtr;

		private object MethodsStructure;

		private FFIMethods Methods
				if (MethodsStructure == null)
					MethodsStructure = Marshal.PtrToStructure(MethodsPtr, typeof(FFIMethods));
				return (FFIMethods)MethodsStructure;

		internal StorageManager(IntPtr ptr, IntPtr eventsPtr, ref FFIEvents events)
			if (eventsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalError);
			InitEvents(eventsPtr, ref events);
			MethodsPtr = ptr;
			if (MethodsPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
				throw new ResultException(Result.InternalErr


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx;
using HarmonyLib;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("HideModList")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Hides the LC api modlist info")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("HideModList")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("HideModList")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace HideModList
	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HUDManager), "DisplayTip")]
	public static class DisplayTipPatch
		public static bool Prefix(HUDManager __instance, string headerText, string bodyText, bool isWarning = false, bool useSave = false, string prefsKey = "LC_Tip1")
			if (headerText.StartsWith("Mod List"))
				return false;
			return true;
	[BepInPlugin("HideModList", "HideModList", "1.0.0")]
	public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
		private void Awake()
			//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			Harmony val = new Harmony("plugin.HideModList");
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Plugin HideModList is loaded!");
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "HideModList";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "HideModList";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.0.0";


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using HarmonyLib;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("ShipLoot")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("ShipLoot")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © tinyhoot 2023")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("1.0")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace ShipLoot
	[BepInPlugin("com.github.tinyhoot.ShipLoot", "ShipLoot", "1.0")]
	internal class ShipLoot : BaseUnityPlugin
		public const string GUID = "com.github.tinyhoot.ShipLoot";

		public const string NAME = "ShipLoot";

		public const string VERSION = "1.0";

		internal static ManualLogSource Log;

		private void Awake()
			//IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Log = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger;
			new Harmony("com.github.tinyhoot.ShipLoot").PatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
namespace ShipLoot.Patches
	internal class HudManagerPatcher
		private static GameObject _totalCounter;

		private static TextMeshProUGUI _textMesh;

		private static float _displayTimeLeft;

		private const float DisplayTime = 5f;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HUDManager), "PingScan_performed")]
		private static void OnScan(HUDManager __instance, CallbackContext context)
			if (!((Object)(object)GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController == (Object)null) && ((CallbackContext)(ref context)).performed && __instance.CanPlayerScan() && !(__instance.playerPingingScan > -0.5f) && (StartOfRound.Instance.inShipPhase || GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.isInHangarShipRoom))
				if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)_totalCounter))
				float num = CalculateLootValue();
				((TMP_Text)_textMesh).text = $"SHIP: ${num:F0}";
				_displayTimeLeft = 5f;
				if (!_totalCounter.activeSelf)

		private static IEnumerator ShipLootCoroutine()
			while (_displayTimeLeft > 0f)
				float displayTimeLeft = _displayTimeLeft;
				_displayTimeLeft = 0f;
				yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(displayTimeLeft);

		private static float CalculateLootValue()
			List<GrabbableObject> list = (from obj in GameObject.Find("/Environment/HangarShip").GetComponentsInChildren<GrabbableObject>()
				where ((Object)obj).name != "ClipboardManual" && ((Object)obj).name != "StickyNoteItem"
				select obj).ToList();
			ShipLoot.Log.LogDebug((object)"Calculating total ship scrap value.");
			CollectionExtensions.Do<GrabbableObject>((IEnumerable<GrabbableObject>)list, (Action<GrabbableObject>)delegate(GrabbableObject scrap)
				ShipLoot.Log.LogDebug((object)$"{((Object)scrap).name} - ${scrap.scrapValue}");
			return list.Sum((GrabbableObject scrap) => scrap.scrapValue);

		private static void CopyValueCounter()
			//IL_0066: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0076: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0087: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = GameObject.Find("/Systems/UI/Canvas/IngamePlayerHUD/BottomMiddle/ValueCounter");
			if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val))
				ShipLoot.Log.LogError((object)"Failed to find ValueCounter object to copy!");
			_totalCounter = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(val.gameObject, val.transform.parent, false);
			_totalCounter.transform.Translate(0f, 1f, 0f);
			Vector3 localPosition = _totalCounter.transform.localPosition;
			_totalCounter.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(localPosition.x + 50f, -50f, localPosition.z);
			_textMesh = _totalCounter.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshProUGUI>();


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using GameNetcodeStuff;
using HarmonyLib;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Controls;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("ItemQuickSwitchMod")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Mod for selecting item slots directly")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.1.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("ItemQuickSwitchMod")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("ItemQuickSwitchMod")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace ItemQuickSwitchMod
	public sealed class CustomAction
		public class ActionItem
			public string Id { get; }

			public Key Shortcut { get; }

			public string Description { get; }

			public int SlotNumber { get; }

			public ConfigEntry<Key> ConfigEntry { get; set; }

			public ActionItem(string id, Key config, string description, int slotNumber)
				//IL_0009: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0018: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0019: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				Id = id;
				Shortcut = config;
				Description = description;
				SlotNumber = slotNumber;

		public static readonly ActionItem Emote1 = new ActionItem("Emote1", (Key)94, "Dance emote", 0);

		public static readonly ActionItem Emote2 = new ActionItem("Emote2", (Key)95, "Point emote", 0);

		public static readonly ActionItem Slot1 = new ActionItem("Slot1", (Key)41, "Equip Slot 1", 0);

		public static readonly ActionItem Slot2 = new ActionItem("Slot2", (Key)42, "Equip Slot 2", 1);

		public static readonly ActionItem Slot3 = new ActionItem("Slot3", (Key)43, "Equip Slot 3", 2);

		public static readonly ActionItem Slot4 = new ActionItem("Slot4", (Key)44, "Equip Slot 4", 3);

		public static readonly ActionItem[] AllActions = new ActionItem[6] { Emote1, Emote2, Slot1, Slot2, Slot3, Slot4 };
	[BepInPlugin("de.vasanex.ItemQuickSwitchMod", "ItemQuickSwitchMod", "1.1.0")]
	public class ItemQuickSwitchMod : BaseUnityPlugin
		private Harmony _harmony;

		private void Awake()
			//IL_0034: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Expected O, but got Unknown
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"ItemQuickSwitchMod is creating binds!");
			CustomAction.ActionItem[] allActions = CustomAction.AllActions;
			foreach (CustomAction.ActionItem actionItem in allActions)
				ConfigEntry<Key> configEntry = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<Key>("Bindings", actionItem.Id, actionItem.Shortcut, actionItem.Description);
				actionItem.ConfigEntry = configEntry;
			_harmony = new Harmony("de.vasanex.ItemQuickSwitchMod");
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Plugin ItemQuickSwitchMod is loaded!");
	public static class StaticPluginInfo
		public const string GUID = "de.vasanex.ItemQuickSwitchMod";

		public const string NAME = "ItemQuickSwitchMod";
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "ItemQuickSwitchMod";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "ItemQuickSwitchMod";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.1.0";
namespace ItemQuickSwitchMod.Patches
	internal class PlayerControllerBPatch
		private static readonly Dictionary<string, MethodInfo> MethodCache = new Dictionary<string, MethodInfo>();

		private static readonly object[] BackwardsParam = new object[1] { false };

		private static readonly object[] ForwardsParam = new object[1] { true };

		private static object InvokePrivateMethod(PlayerControllerB instance, string methodName, object[] parameters = null)
			MethodCache.TryGetValue(methodName, out var value);
			if ((object)value == null)
				value = typeof(PlayerControllerB).GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			MethodCache[methodName] = value;
			return value?.Invoke(instance, parameters);

		public static void PlayerControllerB_Update(PlayerControllerB __instance, ref float ___timeSinceSwitchingSlots, ref bool ___throwingObject)
			if ((!((NetworkBehaviour)__instance).IsOwner || !__instance.isPlayerControlled || (((NetworkBehaviour)__instance).IsServer && !__instance.isHostPlayerObject)) && !__instance.isTestingPlayer)
			CustomAction.ActionItem actionItem = Array.Find(CustomAction.AllActions, (CustomAction.ActionItem it) => ((ButtonControl)Keyboard.current[it.ConfigEntry.Value]).wasPressedThisFrame);
			if (actionItem == null)
			string id = actionItem.Id;
			string text = id;
			if (!(text == "Emote1"))
				if (text == "Emote2")
					PerformEmote(__instance, 2);
				if (SwitchItemSlots(__instance, actionItem.SlotNumber, ___timeSinceSwitchingSlots, ___throwingObject))
					___timeSinceSwitchingSlots = 0f;
				PerformEmote(__instance, 1);

		private static void PerformEmote(PlayerControllerB __instance, int emoteId)
			__instance.timeSinceStartingEmote = 0f;
			__instance.performingEmote = true;
			__instance.playerBodyAnimator.SetInteger("emoteNumber", emoteId);

		private static bool SwitchItemSlots(PlayerControllerB __instance, int requestedSlot, float timeSinceSwitchingSlots, bool isThrowingObject)
			if (!IsItemSwitchPossible(__instance, timeSinceSwitchingSlots, isThrowingObject) || __instance.currentItemSlot == requestedSlot)
				return false;
			int num = __instance.currentItemSlot - requestedSlot;
			bool flag = num > 0;
			if (Math.Abs(num) == __instance.ItemSlots.Length - 1)
				object[] parameters = (flag ? ForwardsParam : BackwardsParam);
				InvokePrivateMethod(__instance, "SwitchItemSlotsServerRpc", parameters);
				object[] parameters2 = (flag ? BackwardsParam : ForwardsParam);
					InvokePrivateMethod(__instance, "SwitchItemSlotsServerRpc", parameters2);
					num += ((!flag) ? 1 : (-1));
				while (num != 0);
			__instance.playerBodyAnimator.SetBool("GrabValidated", false);
			object[] parameters3 = new object[2] { requestedSlot, null };
			InvokePrivateMethod(__instance, "SwitchToItemSlot", parameters3);
			if ((Object)(object)__instance.currentlyHeldObjectServer != (Object)null)
				((Component)__instance.currentlyHeldObjectServer).gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(__instance.currentlyHeldObjectServer.itemProperties.grabSFX, 0.6f);
			return true;

		private static bool IsItemSwitchPossible(PlayerControllerB __instance, float timeSinceSwitchingSlots, bool isThrowingObject)
			return !((double)timeSinceSwitchingSlots < 0.01 || __instance.inTerminalMenu || __instance.isGrabbingObjectAnimation || __instance.inSpecialInteractAnimation || isThrowingObject) && !__instance.isTypingChat && !__instance.twoHanded && !__instance.activatingItem && !__instance.jetpackControls && !__instance.disablingJetpackControls;

		private static void StopEmotes(PlayerControllerB __instance)
			__instance.performingEmote = false;
			__instance.timeSinceStartingEmote = 0f;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using GameNetcodeStuff;
using HarmonyLib;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using MoreSuits;
using TMPro;
using TooManySuits.Helper;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("TooManySuits")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("TooManySuits")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("TooManySuits")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte[] NullableFlags;

		public NullableAttribute(byte P_0)
			NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 };

		public NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0)
			NullableFlags = P_0;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableContextAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte Flag;

		public NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0)
			Flag = P_0;
namespace TooManySuits
	[BepInPlugin("verity.TooManySuits", "Too Many Suits", "1.0.4")]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
		public static ManualLogSource LogSource;

		public static ConfigEntry<string> NextButton;

		public static ConfigEntry<string> BackButton;

		public static ConfigEntry<float> TextScale;

		private void Awake()
			//IL_007c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0081: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0095: Expected O, but got Unknown
			LogSource = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger;
			NextButton = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("General", "Next-Page-Keybind", "<Keyboard>/n", "Next page button.");
			BackButton = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("General", "Back-Page-Keybind", "<Keyboard>/b", "Back page button.");
			TextScale = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<float>("General", "Text-Scale", 0.003f, "Size of the text above the suit rack.");
			GameObject val = new GameObject("TooManySuits");
			((Object)val).hideFlags = (HideFlags)61;
	public class PluginLoader : MonoBehaviour
		private class Hooks
			public static bool SetUI;

			public static GameObject SuitPanel;

			public static void HookStartGame()
				SuitPanel = GameObject.Find("SuitPanel");
				SetUI = true;

		private readonly Harmony Harmony = new Harmony("TooManySuits");

		private InputAction moveRightAction;

		private InputAction moveLeftAction;

		private int currentPage;

		private int suitsPerPage = 13;

		private int suitsLength;

		private UnlockableSuit[] allSuits;

		private static AssetBundle suitSelectBundle;

		private void Awake()
			//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0029: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_005b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0065: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00bc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c9: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00ff: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_010c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			Plugin.LogSource.LogInfo((object)"TooManySuits Mod Loaded.");
			moveRightAction = new InputAction((string)null, (InputActionType)0, Plugin.NextButton.Value, (string)null, (string)null, (string)null);
			moveRightAction.performed += MoveRightAction;
			moveLeftAction = new InputAction((string)null, (InputActionType)0, Plugin.BackButton.Value, (string)null, (string)null, (string)null);
			moveLeftAction.performed += MoveLeftAction;
			MethodInfo method = typeof(StartOfRound).GetMethod("Start", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			MethodInfo method2 = typeof(Hooks).GetMethod("HookStartGame");
			Harmony.Patch((MethodBase)method, (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(method2), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null);
			MethodInfo method3 = typeof(PlayerControllerB).GetMethod("Start", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			MethodInfo method4 = typeof(LocalPlayer).GetMethod("PlayerControllerStart");
			Harmony.Patch((MethodBase)method3, (HarmonyMethod)null, new HarmonyMethod(method4), (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null, (HarmonyMethod)null);
			suitSelectBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "suitselect"));
			if (MoreSuitsMod.MakeSuitsFitOnRack)
				suitsPerPage = 20;

		private void Update()
			if (!((Object)(object)StartOfRound.Instance == (Object)null))
				allSuits = (from suit in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<UnlockableSuit>()
					orderby suit.syncedSuitID.Value
					select suit).ToArray();

		private void DisplaySuits()
			//IL_023b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0240: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0244: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0258: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_025d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0280: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0121: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0130: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_013d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0142: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0147: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_015d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0162: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00cb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00da: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ee: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0104: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0109: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (allSuits.Length == 0)
			int num = currentPage * suitsPerPage;
			int num2 = Mathf.Min(num + suitsPerPage, allSuits.Length);
			int num3 = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < allSuits.Length; i++)
				UnlockableSuit val = allSuits[i];
				AutoParentToShip component = ((Component)val).gameObject.GetComponent<AutoParentToShip>();
				if ((Object)(object)component == (Object)null)
				bool flag = i >= num && i < num2;
				if (flag)
					component.overrideOffset = true;
					if (MoreSuitsMod.MakeSuitsFitOnRack && suitsLength > 13)
						float num4 = 0.18f;
						num4 /= (float)Math.Min(suitsLength, 20) / 12f;
						component.positionOffset = new Vector3(-2.45f, 2.75f, -8.41f) + StartOfRound.Instance.rightmostSuitPosition.forward * (num4 * (float)num3);
						component.rotationOffset = new Vector3(0f, 90f, 0f);
						component.positionOffset = new Vector3(-2.45f, 2.75f, -8.41f) + StartOfRound.Instance.rightmostSuitPosition.forward * (0.18f * (float)num3);
						component.rotationOffset = new Vector3(0f, 90f, 0f);
			suitsLength = allSuits.Length;
			if (!LocalPlayer.isActive())
			if (LocalPlayer.localPlayer.isInHangarShipRoom)
				((TMP_Text)Hooks.SuitPanel.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = $"Page {currentPage + 1}/{suitsLength / suitsPerPage + 1}";
			if (Hooks.SetUI)
				Hooks.SetUI = false;
				Hooks.SuitPanel.GetComponentInParent<Canvas>().renderMode = (RenderMode)2;
				Hooks.SuitPanel.GetComponentInParent<Canvas>().worldCamera = LocalPlayer.localPlayer.gameplayCamera;
				Transform transform = Hooks.SuitPanel.transform;
				Bounds bounds = StartOfRound.Instance.shipBounds.bounds;
				transform.position = ((Bounds)(ref bounds)).center - new Vector3(2.8992f, 0.7998f, 2f);
				Hooks.SuitPanel.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f);
				Hooks.SuitPanel.transform.localScale = new Vector3(Plugin.TextScale.Value, Plugin.TextScale.Value, Plugin.TextScale.Value);

		private void MoveRightAction(CallbackContext obj)
			currentPage = Mathf.Min(currentPage + 1, Mathf.CeilToInt((float)suitsLength / (float)suitsPerPage) - 1);

		private void MoveLeftAction(CallbackContext obj)
			currentPage = Mathf.Max(currentPage - 1, 0);
namespace TooManySuits.Helper
	public class LocalPlayer
		public static PlayerControllerB localPlayer;

		public static bool isActive()
			return (Object)(object)localPlayer != (Object)null;

		public static void PlayerControllerStart(PlayerControllerB __instance)
			if (NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId == __instance.playerClientId)
				localPlayer = __instance;


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using GokuBracken.AssetManagement;
using GokuBracken.Patches;
using HarmonyLib;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Video;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("GokuBracken")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("GokuBracken")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2023")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("50feedfa-5dd6-4358-936e-87945c1a8cae")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.8", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.8")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace GokuBracken
	[BepInPlugin("Vulf.GokuBracken", "Goku Bracken", "1.1.1")]
	public class GokuBrackenBase : BaseUnityPlugin
		private static GokuBrackenBase _instance;

		private readonly Harmony Harmony = new Harmony("Vulf.GokuBracken");

		internal static GokuBrackenBase Instance
				return _instance;
				if ((Object)(object)_instance == (Object)null)
					_instance = value;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> UseVoicelines { get; private set; }

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> UseMusic { get; private set; }

		private void Awake()
			Instance = this;
			UseVoicelines = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("Sound", "Use Goku Voicelines", true, "Controls whether or not to replace the bracken's kill sound with Goku voicelines");
			UseMusic = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("Sound", "Use UI Music", true, "Controls whether or not to replace the bracken's agressive sound with the Ultra Instinct theme");
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Loading asset bundle...");
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Hey it's me! Goku!");
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Your files look pretty strong! I'm gonna patch them!");

		internal static void LogInfo(object message)

		internal static void LogWarning(object message)

		internal static void LogError(object message)
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string GUID = "Vulf.GokuBracken";

		public const string NAME = "Goku Bracken";

		public const string VERSION = "1.1.1";

		public const string ASSET_BUNDLE_NAME = "gokubracken";
namespace GokuBracken.Patches
	internal class EnemyPatches
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(FlowermanAI), "Start")]
		public static void CreateGokuModel(FlowermanAI __instance)
			//IL_0083: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008a: Expected O, but got Unknown
			Renderer[] componentsInChildren = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(Assets.GokuPrefab, ((Component)__instance).gameObject.transform).GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>();
			Material material = ((Renderer)((Component)StartOfRound.Instance.localPlayerController.thisPlayerModel).GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>()).material;
			Renderer[] array = componentsInChildren;
			foreach (Renderer val in array)
				List<Material> list = new List<Material>();
				Material[] materials = val.materials;
				foreach (Material val2 in materials)
					Material val3 = new Material(material);
					val3.mainTexture = val2.mainTexture;
			if (GokuBrackenBase.UseMusic.Value)
				__instance.creatureAngerVoice.clip = Assets.UltraInstinctTheme;
			if (GokuBrackenBase.UseVoicelines.Value)
				__instance.crackNeckSFX = Assets.GokuVoiceline;
				__instance.crackNeckAudio.clip = Assets.GokuVoiceline;
	internal class TerminalPatches
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Terminal), "Awake")]
		public static void EditTerminal(Terminal __instance)
			__instance.enemyFiles[1].creatureName = "Son Goku";
			__instance.enemyFiles[1].displayText = "Hey, you!\nI think it's about time I got a chance to fight.\n";
			__instance.enemyFiles[1].displayVideo = Assets.GokuLog;
			__instance.terminalNodes.allKeywords[36].word = "son goku";
namespace GokuBracken.AssetManagement
	public static class Assets
		public static AssetBundle AssetBundle { get; private set; }

		public static GameObject GokuPrefab { get; private set; }

		public static AudioClip GokuVoiceline { get; private set; }

		public static AudioClip UltraInstinctTheme { get; private set; }

		public static VideoClip GokuLog { get; private set; }

		private static string GetAssemblyName()
			return Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName.Split(new char[1] { ',' })[0];

		public static void PopulateAssets()
			if ((Object)(object)AssetBundle != (Object)null)
				GokuBrackenBase.LogWarning("Attempted to load the asset bundle but the bundle was not null!");
			string name = GetAssemblyName() + ".AssetManagement.gokubracken";
			using (Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(name))
				AssetBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromStream(stream);
			GokuPrefab = AssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Assets/Prefabs/goku.prefab");
			GokuVoiceline = AssetBundle.LoadAsset<AudioClip>("Assets/SFX/heyitsme.mp3");
			UltraInstinctTheme = AssetBundle.LoadAsset<AudioClip>("Assets/SFX/UI.mp3");
			GokuLog = AssetBundle.LoadAsset<VideoClip>("Assets/Videos/gokuLog.mp4");


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx;
using DunGen;
using GameNetcodeStuff;
using HarmonyLib;
using LethalCompanyMimics.Properties;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = "")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Mimics")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("A mod that adds mimics to Lethal Company")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("2.0.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Mimics")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Mimics")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
internal class <Module>
	static <Module>()
namespace LethalCompanyMimics.Properties
	[GeneratedCode("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", "")]
	internal class Resources
		private static ResourceManager resourceMan;

		private static CultureInfo resourceCulture;

		internal static ResourceManager ResourceManager
				if (resourceMan == null)
					ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager("LethalCompanyMimics.Properties.Resources", typeof(Resources).Assembly);
					resourceMan = resourceManager;
				return resourceMan;

		internal static CultureInfo Culture
				return resourceCulture;
				resourceCulture = value;

		internal static byte[] mimicdoor
				object @object = ResourceManager.GetObject("mimicdoor", resourceCulture);
				return (byte[])@object;

		internal Resources()
namespace Mimics
	[BepInPlugin("x753.Mimics", "Mimics", "2.0.0")]
	public class Mimics : BaseUnityPlugin
		internal class GameNetworkManagerPatch
			private static void StartPatch()

		internal class RoundManagerPatch
			private static void SetExitIDsPatch(ref RoundManager __instance, Vector3 mainEntrancePosition)
				//IL_00ee: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_00fa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_010e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0113: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0118: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_012b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_013f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_014f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0154: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0160: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0167: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0173: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0480: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0491: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0496: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_049b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_04a0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_04ae: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_04b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_04b5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_04b7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_01f6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0207: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_020c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0211: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0216: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0220: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0225: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_022a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0230: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0238: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0241: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_024b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_04eb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_052c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_02cd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_02d5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_02de: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_02e8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_05c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_05cb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_05cf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_05db: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_05e0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_05e4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_05e9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_06d9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_06e3: Expected O, but got Unknown
				//IL_07b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_07d9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0753: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_077a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_088d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_08b4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				if (((NetworkBehaviour)__instance).IsServer && (Object)(object)MimicNetworker.Instance == (Object)null)
					GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(MimicNetworkerPrefab);
				MimicDoor.allMimics = new List<MimicDoor>();
				int num = 0;
				Dungeon currentDungeon = __instance.dungeonGenerator.Generator.CurrentDungeon;
				List<Doorway> list = new List<Doorway>();
				Bounds val3 = default(Bounds);
				foreach (Tile allTile in currentDungeon.AllTiles)
					foreach (Doorway unusedDoorway in allTile.UnusedDoorways)
						if (unusedDoorway.HasDoorPrefabInstance || (Object)(object)((Component)unusedDoorway).GetComponentInChildren<SpawnSyncedObject>(true) == (Object)null)
						GameObject gameObject = ((Component)((Component)((Component)unusedDoorway).GetComponentInChildren<SpawnSyncedObject>(true)).transform.parent).gameObject;
						if (!((Object)gameObject).name.StartsWith("AlleyExitDoorContainer") || gameObject.activeSelf)
						bool flag = false;
						Matrix4x4 val2 = Matrix4x4.TRS(((Component)unusedDoorway).transform.position, ((Component)unusedDoorway).transform.rotation, new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f));
						((Bounds)(ref val3))..ctor(new Vector3(0f, 1.5f, 5.5f), new Vector3(2f, 6f, 8f));
						((Bounds)(ref val3)).center = ((Matrix4x4)(ref val2)).MultiplyPoint3x4(((Bounds)(ref val3)).center);
						Collider[] array = Physics.OverlapBox(((Bounds)(ref val3)).center, ((Bounds)(ref val3)).extents, ((Component)unusedDoorway).transform.rotation, LayerMask.GetMask(new string[3] { "Room", "Railing", "MapHazards" }));
						Collider[] array2 = array;
						int num2 = 0;
						if (num2 < array2.Length)
							Collider val4 = array2[num2];
							flag = true;
						if (flag)
						foreach (Tile allTile2 in currentDungeon.AllTiles)
							if (!((Object)(object)allTile == (Object)(object)allTile2))
								Vector3 origin = ((Component)unusedDoorway).transform.position + 5f * ((Component)unusedDoorway).transform.forward;
								Bounds val5 = UnityUtil.CalculateProxyBounds(((Component)allTile2).gameObject, true, Vector3.up);
								Ray val6 = default(Ray);
								((Ray)(ref val6)).origin = origin;
								((Ray)(ref val6)).direction = Vector3.up;
								if (((Bounds)(ref val5)).IntersectRay(val6) && (((Object)allTile2).name.Contains("Catwalk") || ((Object)allTile2).name.Contains("LargeForkTile") || ((Object)allTile2).name.Contains("4x4BigStair") || ((Object)allTile2).name.Contains("ElevatorConnector") || (((Object)allTile2).name.Contains("StartRoom") && !((Object)allTile2).name.Contains("Manor"))))
									flag = true;
								val6 = default(Ray);
								((Ray)(ref val6)).origin = origin;
								((Ray)(ref val6)).direction = Vector3.down;
								if (((Bounds)(ref val5)).IntersectRay(val6) && (((Object)allTile2).name.Contains("MediumRoomHallway1B") || ((Object)allTile2).name.Contains("LargeForkTile") || ((Object)allTile2).name.Contains("4x4BigStair") || ((Object)allTile2).name.Contains("ElevatorConnector") || ((Object)allTile2).name.Contains("StartRoom")))
									flag = true;
						if (!flag)
				Shuffle(list, StartOfRound.Instance.randomMapSeed);
				List<Vector3> list2 = new List<Vector3>();
				foreach (Doorway item in list)
					int num3 = 0;
					int num4 = 0;
					int[] spawnRates = SpawnRates;
					foreach (int num5 in spawnRates)
						num4 += num5;
					Random random = new Random(StartOfRound.Instance.randomMapSeed + 753);
					int num6 = random.Next(0, num4);
					int num7 = 0;
					for (int j = 0; j < SpawnRates.Length; j++)
						if (num6 < SpawnRates[j] + num7)
							num3 = j;
						num7 += SpawnRates[j];
					if (num3 == num && num3 != 6)
					bool flag2 = false;
					Vector3 val7 = ((Component)item).transform.position + 5f * ((Component)item).transform.forward;
					foreach (Vector3 item2 in list2)
						if (Vector3.Distance(val7, item2) < 4f)
							flag2 = true;
					if (flag2)
					GameObject gameObject2 = ((Component)((Component)((Component)item).GetComponentInChildren<SpawnSyncedObject>(true)).transform.parent).gameObject;
					GameObject val8 = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(MimicPrefab, ((Component)item).transform);
					val8.transform.position = gameObject2.transform.position;
					MimicDoor component = val8.GetComponent<MimicDoor>();
					AudioSource[] componentsInChildren = val8.GetComponentsInChildren<AudioSource>(true);
					foreach (AudioSource val9 in componentsInChildren)
						val9.volume = MimicVolume / 100f;
						val9.outputAudioMixerGroup = StartOfRound.Instance.ship3DAudio.outputAudioMixerGroup;
					component.mimicIndex = num;
					GameObject gameObject3 = ((Component)((Component)item).transform.GetChild(0)).gameObject;
					Bounds bounds = ((Collider)component.frameBox).bounds;
					Vector3 center = ((Bounds)(ref bounds)).center;
					bounds = ((Collider)component.frameBox).bounds;
					Collider[] array3 = Physics.OverlapBox(center, ((Bounds)(ref bounds)).extents, Quaternion.identity);
					foreach (Collider val10 in array3)
						if (((Object)((Component)val10).gameObject).name.Contains("Shelf"))
					Light componentInChildren = gameObject2.GetComponentInChildren<Light>(true);
					MeshRenderer[] componentsInChildren2 = val8.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>();
					MeshRenderer[] array4 = componentsInChildren2;
					foreach (MeshRenderer val11 in array4)
						Material[] materials = ((Renderer)val11).materials;
						foreach (Material val12 in materials)
							val12.shader = ((Renderer)gameObject3.GetComponentInChildren<MeshRenderer>(true)).material.shader;
							val12.renderQueue = ((Renderer)gameObject3.GetComponentInChildren<MeshRenderer>(true)).material.renderQueue;
					component.interactTrigger.onInteract = new InteractEvent();
					if (MimicPerfection)
					component.interactTrigger.timeToHold = 0.9f;
					if (!ColorBlindMode)
						if ((StartOfRound.Instance.randomMapSeed + num) % 2 == 0)
							((Renderer)val8.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>()[0]).material.color = new Color(0.490566f, 0.1226415f, 0.1302275f);
							((Renderer)val8.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>()[1]).material.color = new Color(0.4339623f, 0.1043965f, 0.1150277f);
							componentInChildren.colorTemperature = 1250f;
							((Renderer)val8.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>()[0]).material.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.1580188f, 0.1657038f);
							((Renderer)val8.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>()[1]).material.color = new Color(43f / 106f, 0.1358579f, 0.1393619f);
							componentInChildren.colorTemperature = 1300f;
					else if ((StartOfRound.Instance.randomMapSeed + num) % 2 == 0)
						component.interactTrigger.timeToHold = 1.1f;
						component.interactTrigger.timeToHold = 1f;
					if (!EasyMode)
					Random random2 = new Random(StartOfRound.Instance.randomMapSeed + num);
					switch (random2.Next(0, 4))
					case 0:
						if (!ColorBlindMode)
							((Renderer)val8.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>()[0]).material.color = new Color(0.489f, 0.2415526f, 0.1479868f);
							((Renderer)val8.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>()[1]).material.color = new Color(0.489f, 0.2415526f, 0.1479868f);
							component.interactTrigger.timeToHold = 1.5f;
					case 1:
						component.interactTrigger.hoverTip = "Feed : [LMB]";
						component.interactTrigger.holdTip = "Feed : [LMB]";
					case 2:
						component.interactTrigger.hoverIcon = component.LostFingersIcon;
					case 3:
						component.interactTrigger.holdTip = "DIE : [LMB]";
						component.interactTrigger.timeToHold = 0.5f;
						component.interactTrigger.hoverTip = "BUG, REPORT TO DEVELOPER";

		internal class SprayPaintItemPatch
			private static FieldInfo SprayHit = typeof(SprayPaintItem).GetField("sprayHit", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

			private static void SprayPaintClientRpcPatch(SprayPaintItem __instance, Vector3 sprayPos, Vector3 sprayRot)
				//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				RaycastHit val = (RaycastHit)SprayHit.GetValue(__instance);
				if (((Object)((RaycastHit)(ref val)).collider).name == "MimicSprayCollider")
					MimicDoor component = ((Component)((Component)((RaycastHit)(ref val)).collider).transform.parent.parent).GetComponent<MimicDoor>();
					if (component.sprayCount > 9)
						MimicNetworker.Instance.MimicAddAnger(1, component.mimicIndex);

		private const string modGUID = "x753.Mimics";

		private const string modName = "Mimics";

		private const string modVersion = "2.0.0";

		private readonly Harmony harmony = new Harmony("x753.Mimics");

		private static Mimics Instance;

		public static GameObject MimicPrefab;

		public static GameObject MimicNetworkerPrefab;

		public static int[] SpawnRates;

		public static bool MimicPerfection;

		public static bool EasyMode;

		public static bool ColorBlindMode;

		public static float MimicVolume;

		private void Awake()
			AssetBundle val = AssetBundle.LoadFromMemory(Resources.mimicdoor);
			MimicPrefab = val.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Assets/MimicDoor.prefab");
			MimicNetworkerPrefab = val.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Assets/MimicNetworker.prefab");
			if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null)
				Instance = this;
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Plugin Mimics is loaded!");
			SpawnRates = new int[7]
				((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("Spawn Rate", "Zero Mimics", 22, "Weight of zero mimics spawning").Value,
				((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("Spawn Rate", "One Mimic", 69, "Weight of one mimic spawning").Value,
				((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("Spawn Rate", "Two Mimics", 7, "Weight of two mimics spawning").Value,
				((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("Spawn Rate", "Three Mimics", 1, "Weight of three mimics spawning").Value,
				((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("Spawn Rate", "Four Mimics", 1, "Weight of four mimics spawning").Value,
				((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("Spawn Rate", "Five Mimics", 0, "Weight of five mimics spawning").Value,
				((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("Spawn Rate", "Maximum Mimics", 0, "Weight of maximum mimics spawning").Value
			MimicPerfection = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("Difficulty", "Perfect Mimics", false, "Select this if you want mimics to be the exact same color as the real thing. Overrides all difficulty settings.").Value;
			EasyMode = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("Difficulty", "Easy Mode", false, "Each mimic will have one of several possible imperfections to help you tell if it's a mimic.").Value;
			ColorBlindMode = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("Difficulty", "Color Blind Mode", false, "Replaces all color differences with another way to differentiate mimics.").Value;
			MimicVolume = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("General", "SFX Volume", 100, "Volume of the mimic's SFX (0-100)").Value;
			if (MimicVolume < 0f)
				MimicVolume = 0f;
			if (MimicVolume > 100f)
				MimicVolume = 100f;
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("Difficulty", "Difficulty Level", 0, "This is an old setting, ignore it.");
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Remove(((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config["Difficulty", "Difficulty Level"].Definition);
			Type[] types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes();
			Type[] array = types;
			foreach (Type type in array)
				MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
				MethodInfo[] array2 = methods;
				foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in array2)
					object[] customAttributes = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute), inherit: false);
					if (customAttributes.Length != 0)
						methodInfo.Invoke(null, null);

		public static void Shuffle<T>(IList<T> list, int seed)
			Random random = new Random(seed);
			int num = list.Count;
			while (num > 1)
				int index = random.Next(num + 1);
				T value = list[index];
				list[index] = list[num];
				list[num] = value;
	public class MimicNetworker : NetworkBehaviour
		public static MimicNetworker Instance;

		private void Awake()
			Instance = this;

		public void MimicAttack(int playerId, int mimicIndex, bool ownerOnly = false)
			if (((NetworkBehaviour)this).IsOwner)
				Instance.MimicAttackClientRpc(playerId, mimicIndex);
			else if (!ownerOnly)
				Instance.MimicAttackServerRpc(playerId, mimicIndex);

		public void MimicAttackClientRpc(int playerId, int mimicIndex)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b0: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0071: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 2 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
					ClientRpcParams val = default(ClientRpcParams);
					FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendClientRpc(2885019175u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
					BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(val2, playerId);
					BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(val2, mimicIndex);
					((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendClientRpc(ref val2, 2885019175u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 2 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost))

		[ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)]
		public void MimicAttackServerRpc(int playerId, int mimicIndex)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b0: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0071: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 1 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost))
					ServerRpcParams val = default(ServerRpcParams);
					FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendServerRpc(1024971481u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
					BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(val2, playerId);
					BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(val2, mimicIndex);
					((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendServerRpc(ref val2, 1024971481u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 1 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
					Instance.MimicAttackClientRpc(playerId, mimicIndex);

		public void MimicAddAnger(int amount, int mimicIndex)
			if (((NetworkBehaviour)this).IsOwner)
				Instance.MimicAddAngerClientRpc(amount, mimicIndex);
				Instance.MimicAddAngerServerRpc(amount, mimicIndex);

		public void MimicAddAngerClientRpc(int amount, int mimicIndex)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b0: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0071: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 2 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
					ClientRpcParams val = default(ClientRpcParams);
					FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendClientRpc(1137632670u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
					BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(val2, amount);
					BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(val2, mimicIndex);
					((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendClientRpc(ref val2, 1137632670u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 2 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost))

		[ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)]
		public void MimicAddAngerServerRpc(int amount, int mimicIndex)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b0: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0071: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage != 1 && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost))
					ServerRpcParams val = default(ServerRpcParams);
					FastBufferWriter val2 = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).__beginSendServerRpc(669208889u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
					BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(val2, amount);
					BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(val2, mimicIndex);
					((NetworkBehaviour)this).__endSendServerRpc(ref val2, 669208889u, val, (RpcDelivery)0);
				if ((int)base.__rpc_exec_stage == 1 && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost))
					Instance.MimicAddAngerClientRpc(amount, mimicIndex);

		protected override void __initializeVariables()

		internal static void InitializeRPCS_MimicNetworker()
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0036: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0051: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0062: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(2885019175u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_2885019175));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(1024971481u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_1024971481));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(1137632670u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_1137632670));
			NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(669208889u, new RpcReceiveHandler(__rpc_handler_669208889));

		private static void __rpc_handler_2885019175(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0030: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0043: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				int playerId = default(int);
				ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, ref playerId);
				int mimicIndex = default(int);
				ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, ref mimicIndex);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)2;
				((MimicNetworker)(object)target).MimicAttackClientRpc(playerId, mimicIndex);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_1024971481(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0030: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0043: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				int playerId = default(int);
				ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, ref playerId);
				int mimicIndex = default(int);
				ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, ref mimicIndex);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)1;
				((MimicNetworker)(object)target).MimicAttackServerRpc(playerId, mimicIndex);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_1137632670(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0030: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0043: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				int amount = default(int);
				ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, ref amount);
				int mimicIndex = default(int);
				ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, ref mimicIndex);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)2;
				((MimicNetworker)(object)target).MimicAddAngerClientRpc(amount, mimicIndex);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		private static void __rpc_handler_669208889(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams)
			//IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0030: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0043: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager;
			if (networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening)
				int amount = default(int);
				ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, ref amount);
				int mimicIndex = default(int);
				ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, ref mimicIndex);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)1;
				((MimicNetworker)(object)target).MimicAddAngerServerRpc(amount, mimicIndex);
				target.__rpc_exec_stage = (__RpcExecStage)0;

		protected internal override string __getTypeName()
			return "MimicNetworker";
	public class MimicDoor : MonoBehaviour
		public GameObject playerTarget;

		public BoxCollider frameBox;

		public Sprite LostFingersIcon;

		public Animator mimicAnimator;

		public GameObject grabPoint;

		public InteractTrigger interactTrigger;

		public int anger;

		public bool angering;

		public int sprayCount;

		private bool attacking;

		public static List<MimicDoor> allMimics;

		public int mimicIndex;

		public void TouchMimic(PlayerControllerB player)
			if (!attacking)
				MimicNetworker.Instance.MimicAttack((int)player.playerClientId, mimicIndex);

		public IEnumerator Attack(int playerId)
			attacking = true;
			interactTrigger.interactable = false;
			PlayerControllerB player = StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts[playerId];
			playerTarget.transform.position = ((Component)player).transform.position;
			yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
			playerTarget.transform.position = ((Component)player).transform.position;
			yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
			playerTarget.transform.position = ((Component)player).transform.position;
			yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
			playerTarget.transform.position = ((Component)player).transform.position;
			yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
			float num = Vector3.Distance(((Component)GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController).transform.position, ((Component)frameBox).transform.position);
			if (num < 8f)
			else if (num < 14f)
			yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(0.2f);
			if (((NetworkBehaviour)player).IsOwner && Vector3.Distance(((Component)player).transform.position, ((Component)this).transform.position) < 10f)
				player.KillPlayer(, true, (CauseOfDeath)0, 0);
			float startTime = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;
			yield return (object)new WaitUntil((Func<bool>)(() => (Object)(object)player.deadBody != (Object)null || Time.timeSinceLevelLoad - startTime > 4f));
			if ((Object)(object)player.deadBody != (Object)null)
				player.deadBody.attachedTo = grabPoint.transform;
				player.deadBody.attachedLimb = player.deadBody.bodyParts[5];
				player.deadBody.matchPositionExactly = true;
				for (int i = 0; i < player.deadBody.bodyParts.Length; i++)
					((Component)player.deadBody.bodyParts[i]).GetComponent<Collider>().excludeLayers = LayerMask.op_Implicit(-1);
			yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(2f);
			if ((Object)(object)player.deadBody != (Object)null)
				player.deadBody.attachedTo = null;
				player.deadBody.attachedLimb = null;
				player.deadBody.matchPositionExactly = false;
				player.deadBody = null;
			yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(4.5f);
			attacking = false;
			interactTrigger.interactable = true;

		public IEnumerator AddAnger(int amount)
			if (angering || attacking)
				yield break;
			angering = true;
			anger += amount;
			if (anger == 1)
				Sprite oldIcon2 = interactTrigger.hoverIcon;
				interactTrigger.hoverIcon = LostFingersIcon;
				yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(2.75f);
				interactTrigger.hoverIcon = oldIcon2;
				sprayCount = 0;
				angering = false;
				yield break;
			if (anger == 2)
				interactTrigger.holdTip = "DIE : [LMB]";
				interactTrigger.timeToHold = 0.25f;
				Sprite oldIcon2 = interactTrigger.hoverIcon;
				interactTrigger.hoverIcon = LostFingersIcon;
				yield return (object)new WaitForSeconds(2.75f);
				interactTrigger.hoverIcon = oldIcon2;
				sprayCount = 0;
				angering = false;
				yield break;
			if (anger > 2)
				PlayerControllerB val = null;
				float num = 9999f;
				PlayerControllerB[] allPlayerScripts = StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayerScripts;
				foreach (PlayerControllerB val2 in allPlayerScripts)
					float num2 = Vector3.Distance(((Component)this).transform.position, ((Component)val2).transform.position);
					if (num2 < num)
						num = num2;
						val = val2;
				if ((Object)(object)val != (Object)null)
					MimicNetworker.Instance.MimicAttackClientRpc((int)val.playerClientId, mimicIndex);
			sprayCount = 0;
			angering = false;
	public class MimicCollider : MonoBehaviour, IHittable
		public MimicDoor mimic;

		void IHittable.Hit(int force, Vector3 hitDirection, PlayerControllerB playerWhoHit = null, bool playHitSFX = false)
			MimicNetworker.Instance.MimicAddAnger(1, mimic.mimicIndex);


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx;
using HarmonyLib;
using UnityEngine;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = "")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("MoreSuits")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("A mod that adds more suit options to Lethal Company")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.4.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("MoreSuits")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("MoreSuits")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace MoreSuits;

[BepInPlugin("x753.More_Suits", "More Suits", "1.4.1")]
public class MoreSuitsMod : BaseUnityPlugin
	internal class StartOfRoundPatch
		private static void StartPatch(ref StartOfRound __instance)
			//IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0022: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_067c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0681: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0687: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_068c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03f9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0400: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0310: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0317: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0598: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0204: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_020b: Expected O, but got Unknown
				if (SuitsAdded)
				int count = __instance.unlockablesList.unlockables.Count;
				UnlockableItem val = new UnlockableItem();
				int num = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < __instance.unlockablesList.unlockables.Count; i++)
					UnlockableItem val2 = __instance.unlockablesList.unlockables[i];
					if (!((Object)(object)val2.suitMaterial != (Object)null) || !val2.alreadyUnlocked)
					val = val2;
					List<string> list = Directory.GetDirectories(Paths.PluginPath, "moresuits", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
					List<string> list2 = new List<string>();
					List<string> list3 = new List<string>();
					List<string> list4 = DisabledSuits.ToLower().Replace(".png", "").Split(',')
					List<string> list5 = new List<string>();
					if (!LoadAllSuits)
						foreach (string item2 in list)
							if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(item2, "!less-suits.txt")))
								string[] collection = new string[9] { "glow", "kirby", "knuckles", "luigi", "mario", "minion", "skeleton", "slayer", "smile" };
					foreach (string item3 in list)
						if (item3 != "")
							string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(item3, "*.png");
							string[] files2 = Directory.GetFiles(item3, "*.matbundle");
						foreach (string item4 in list3)
							Object[] array = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(item4).LoadAllAssets();
							foreach (Object val3 in array)
								if (val3 is Material)
									Material item = (Material)val3;
					catch (Exception ex)
						Debug.Log((object)("Something went wrong with More Suits! Could not load materials from asset bundle(s). Error: " + ex));
					foreach (string item5 in list2)
						if (list4.Contains(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item5).ToLower()))
						string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
						if (list5.Contains(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item5).ToLower()) && item5.Contains(directoryName))
						UnlockableItem val4;
						Material val5;
						if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item5).ToLower() == "default")
							val4 = val;
							val5 = val4.suitMaterial;
							val4 = JsonUtility.FromJson<UnlockableItem>(JsonUtility.ToJson((object)val));
							val5 = Object.Instantiate<Material>(val4.suitMaterial);
						byte[] array2 = File.ReadAllBytes(item5);
						Texture2D val6 = new Texture2D(2, 2);
						ImageConversion.LoadImage(val6, array2);
						val5.mainTexture = (Texture)(object)val6;
						val4.unlockableName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item5);
							string path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(item5), "advanced", val4.unlockableName + ".json");
							if (File.Exists(path))
								string[] array3 = File.ReadAllLines(path);
								for (int j = 0; j < array3.Length; j++)
									string[] array4 = array3[j].Trim().Split(':');
									if (array4.Length != 2)
									string text = array4[0].Trim('"', ' ', ',');
									string text2 = array4[1].Trim('"', ' ', ',');
									if (text2.Contains(".png"))
										byte[] array5 = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(item5), "advanced", text2));
										Texture2D val7 = new Texture2D(2, 2);
										ImageConversion.LoadImage(val7, array5);
										val5.SetTexture(text, (Texture)(object)val7);
									if (text == "PRICE" && int.TryParse(text2, out var result))
											val4 = AddToRotatingShop(val4, result, __instance.unlockablesList.unlockables.Count);
										catch (Exception ex2)
											Debug.Log((object)("Something went wrong with More Suits! Could not add a suit to the rotating shop. Error: " + ex2));
									switch (text2)
									case "KEYWORD":
									case "DISABLEKEYWORD":
									case "SHADERPASS":
										val5.SetShaderPassEnabled(text, true);
									case "DISABLESHADERPASS":
										val5.SetShaderPassEnabled(text, false);
									float result2;
									Vector4 vector;
									if (text == "SHADER")
										Shader shader = Shader.Find(text2);
										val5.shader = shader;
									else if (text == "MATERIAL")
										foreach (Material customMaterial in customMaterials)
											if (((Object)customMaterial).name == text2)
												val5 = Object.Instantiate<Material>(customMaterial);
												val5.mainTexture = (Texture)(object)val6;
									else if (float.TryParse(text2, out result2))
										val5.SetFloat(text, result2);
									else if (TryParseVector4(text2, out vector))
										val5.SetVector(text, vector);
						catch (Exception ex3)
							Debug.Log((object)("Something went wrong with More Suits! Error: " + ex3));
						val4.suitMaterial = val5;
						if (val4.unlockableName.ToLower() != "default")
							if (num == MaxSuits)
								Debug.Log((object)"Attempted to add a suit, but you've already reached the max number of suits! Modify the config if you want more.");
					SuitsAdded = true;
				UnlockableItem val8 = JsonUtility.FromJson<UnlockableItem>(JsonUtility.ToJson((object)val));
				val8.alreadyUnlocked = false;
				val8.hasBeenMoved = false;
				val8.placedPosition =;
				val8.placedRotation =;
				val8.unlockableType = 753;
				while (__instance.unlockablesList.unlockables.Count < count + MaxSuits)
			catch (Exception ex4)
				Debug.Log((object)("Something went wrong with More Suits! Error: " + ex4));

		private static bool PositionSuitsOnRackPatch(ref StartOfRound __instance)
			//IL_009a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ac: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00bd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			List<UnlockableSuit> source = Object.FindObjectsOfType<UnlockableSuit>().ToList();
			source = source.OrderBy((UnlockableSuit suit) => suit.syncedSuitID.Value).ToList();
			int num = 0;
			foreach (UnlockableSuit item in source)
				AutoParentToShip component = ((Component)item).gameObject.GetComponent<AutoParentToShip>();
				component.overrideOffset = true;
				float num2 = 0.18f;
				if (MakeSuitsFitOnRack && source.Count > 13)
					num2 /= (float)Math.Min(source.Count, 20) / 12f;
				component.positionOffset = new Vector3(-2.45f, 2.75f, -8.41f) + __instance.rightmostSuitPosition.forward * num2 * (float)num;
				component.rotationOffset = new Vector3(0f, 90f, 0f);
			return false;

	private const string modGUID = "x753.More_Suits";

	private const string modName = "More Suits";

	private const string modVersion = "1.4.1";

	private readonly Harmony harmony = new Harmony("x753.More_Suits");

	private static MoreSuitsMod Instance;

	public static bool SuitsAdded = false;

	public static string DisabledSuits;

	public static bool LoadAllSuits;

	public static bool MakeSuitsFitOnRack;

	public static int MaxSuits;

	public static List<Material> customMaterials = new List<Material>();

	private static TerminalNode cancelPurchase;

	private static TerminalKeyword buyKeyword;

	private void Awake()
		if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null)
			Instance = this;
		DisabledSuits = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("General", "Disabled Suit List", "UglySuit751.png,UglySuit752.png,UglySuit753.png", "Comma-separated list of suits that shouldn't be loaded").Value;
		LoadAllSuits = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Ignore !less-suits.txt", false, "If true, ignores the !less-suits.txt file and will attempt to load every suit, except those in the disabled list. This should be true if you're not worried about having too many suits.").Value;
		MakeSuitsFitOnRack = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Make Suits Fit on Rack", true, "If true, squishes the suits together so more can fit on the rack.").Value;
		MaxSuits = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("General", "Max Suits", 100, "The maximum number of suits to load. If you have more, some will be ignored.").Value;
		((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Plugin More Suits is loaded!");

	private static UnlockableItem AddToRotatingShop(UnlockableItem newSuit, int price, int unlockableID)
		//IL_0065: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0070: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0075: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_010b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0111: Expected O, but got Unknown
		//IL_01ce: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_01d4: Expected O, but got Unknown
		//IL_0298: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_029f: Expected O, but got Unknown
		Terminal val = Object.FindObjectOfType<Terminal>();
		for (int i = 0; i < val.terminalNodes.allKeywords.Length; i++)
			if (((Object)val.terminalNodes.allKeywords[i]).name == "Buy")
				buyKeyword = val.terminalNodes.allKeywords[i];
		newSuit.alreadyUnlocked = false;
		newSuit.hasBeenMoved = false;
		newSuit.placedPosition =;
		newSuit.placedRotation =;
		newSuit.shopSelectionNode = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TerminalNode>();
		((Object)newSuit.shopSelectionNode).name = newSuit.unlockableName + "SuitBuy1";
		newSuit.shopSelectionNode.creatureName = newSuit.unlockableName + " suit";
		newSuit.shopSelectionNode.displayText = "You have requested to order " + newSuit.unlockableName + " suits.\nTotal cost of item: [totalCost].\n\nPlease CONFIRM or DENY.\n\n";
		newSuit.shopSelectionNode.clearPreviousText = true;
		newSuit.shopSelectionNode.shipUnlockableID = unlockableID;
		newSuit.shopSelectionNode.itemCost = price;
		newSuit.shopSelectionNode.overrideOptions = true;
		CompatibleNoun val2 = new CompatibleNoun();
		val2.noun = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TerminalKeyword>();
		val2.noun.word = "confirm";
		val2.noun.isVerb = true;
		val2.result = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TerminalNode>();
		((Object)val2.result).name = newSuit.unlockableName + "SuitBuyConfirm";
		val2.result.creatureName = "";
		val2.result.displayText = "Ordered " + newSuit.unlockableName + " suits! Your new balance is [playerCredits].\n\n";
		val2.result.clearPreviousText = true;
		val2.result.shipUnlockableID = unlockableID;
		val2.result.buyUnlockable = true;
		val2.result.itemCost = price;
		val2.result.terminalEvent = "";
		CompatibleNoun val3 = new CompatibleNoun();
		val3.noun = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TerminalKeyword>();
		val3.noun.word = "deny";
		val3.noun.isVerb = true;
		if ((Object)(object)cancelPurchase == (Object)null)
			cancelPurchase = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TerminalNode>();
		val3.result = cancelPurchase;
		((Object)val3.result).name = "MoreSuitsCancelPurchase";
		val3.result.displayText = "Cancelled order.\n";
		newSuit.shopSelectionNode.terminalOptions = (CompatibleNoun[])(object)new CompatibleNoun[2] { val2, val3 };
		TerminalKeyword val4 = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TerminalKeyword>();
		((Object)val4).name = newSuit.unlockableName + "Suit";
		val4.word = newSuit.unlockableName.ToLower() + " suit";
		val4.defaultVerb = buyKeyword;
		CompatibleNoun val5 = new CompatibleNoun();
		val5.noun = val4;
		val5.result = newSuit.shopSelectionNode;
		List<CompatibleNoun> list = buyKeyword.compatibleNouns.ToList();
		buyKeyword.compatibleNouns = list.ToArray();
		List<TerminalKeyword> list2 = val.terminalNodes.allKeywords.ToList();
		val.terminalNodes.allKeywords = list2.ToArray();
		return newSuit;

	public static bool TryParseVector4(string input, out Vector4 vector)
		//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0051: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_0056: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		vector =;
		string[] array = input.Split(',');
		if (array.Length == 4 && float.TryParse(array[0], out var result) && float.TryParse(array[1], out var result2) && float.TryParse(array[2], out var result3) && float.TryParse(array[3], out var result4))
			vector = new Vector4(result, result2, result3, result4);
			return true;
		return false;