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SurfacedTeam-Surfaced-1.5.3 icon


Adds Sea Creatures on land

Date uploaded a day ago
Version 1.5.3
Download link
Downloads 4484
Dependency string SurfacedTeam-Surfaced-1.5.3

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.15.1 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.15.1
SolidStone-SolidLib-1.2.1 icon

My Personal Lib

Preferred version: 1.2.1




About this mod

This mod adds multiple new aquatic themed enemies to the game. So far this mod adds 7 enemies,3 scrap, 1 equipment and 2 hazards

Monster Mechanics (Spoilers ahead!)

  • Bruce The Flying Shark : Bruce is a docile outside enemy that likes to spawn during the midday. He only attacks players who are injured near him. The more a player is injured, the further away Bruce will be able to smell them. Only one can spawn at once.

  • Mantis Shrimps : Don't let their small size fool you; these little guys pack a punch! Docile, these inside creatures roam around the facility until a player walks too close. Once a player gets too close, they stop moving and warn the player, and if the player persists in their approach... the player becomes history. They spawn in small groups.

  • Sea Mines : Nobody knows how they float or how they got there, but all that we know is that the Sea Mines are a new inside hazard. Much like landmines, they explode on touch. However, Sea Mines cannot be jumped over, but can be crouched under. Listen closely to their ghostly beeps, for these pieces of ancient technology cannot be hacked via the terminal or located on the map.

  • Big Bertha : An imposing sight, this massive seamine known as "The Mother of all Sea mines" is slow to explode but has a big radius going off of line of sight. So make sure to take cover.

  • Urchins : It only takes one to ruin your day. These outside spiky balls damage the player on touch and multiply during the day. Urchins grow over time until they mitosis (split) into two smaller urchins that continue the cycle. They like to spawn at the start of the day in small numbers and then balloon in quantity by the end of the day. However, you can combat this invasive threat with a trusty dose of violence! Give it a whack and eliminate them before it's too late.

  • Bell Crab : The Bell Crab is a small crab that hides in Brass Bells, upon picking it up, it will start snipping the player until dropped. When dropped, it will run away and hide again. The Bell Crab can be killed for its scrap.

  • HorseShoot Crab : Spring loaded and ready to launch, these flat creatures can be used to launch yourself to many higher up areas. Hitting them cycles between 3 launch powers. They can also be pushed around to move them to your preferred spot.

  • ClownHorn Fish : Toot toot! This little clownfish will follow the first player it sees, even able to follow them inside. It will occasionally honk its magical clown horn giving varying buffs and rarely some debuffs. It can be interacted with and Squeezed for a guaranteed boost but it comes at a cost...

  • Super scary mode : Terrifying creature that mimics random sound effects and scares the player when looked at.

Bug Reporting

If you have any issues related to the mod itself, please contact us on the Lethal Modding Server ( in the "LC : Surfaced" page in mod releases.


Special thanks to

Asset Credits



  • Added a config to configure the Bertha explosion timer (Should've done this a long time ago)


  • Made the Murder Bird more rotund and cute (Not any less deadly)


  • More lobter sounds :)

  • Fixed some of the previous new lobster sounds not playing


  • Reverted Chrism mode changes

  • Potentially fixed Clownhorn fish giving persistent effects

  • Buffed Clownhord fish positive effects


  • Fixed Rodrigo the snowbird's textures

  • Added new sound to scary

  • Still not deprecated (suck it code rebirth)


  • Fixed gift crab's bell being barely visible

  • This christmas, Rodrigo's sea mine heart grew 3 times in size


  • Fixed christmas urchins not being green for clients

  • Fixed ugly seam on the bauble that annoyed me

  • Readded goopygoblin


  • Chrismas time fr


  • The creatures are celebrating chrism!


  • Taught an old lobster new tricks


  • Fixed murder bird not working for clients

  • Fed the murder bird even more mines

  • Taught Bruce how to backflip


  • Added a config for Bertha being able to kill enemies

  • Fixed layering on all enemies and hazards

  • Fed the murder bird more mines


  • Fixed Big Bertha not despawning after explosion

  • Fixed Blahuce drop orientation for real this time

  • Bertha will now detonate nearby Sea mines

  • Tweaked Bertha default configs

  • Stuffed Big Berthas in the Murder Bird scrap :)


  • Added a New Hazard

  • Reworked Bruce's balancing

  • Bruce can no longer go up ladders

  • Fixed Blahuce being conductive

  • Fixed drop orientation for the Blahuce Scrap

  • Fixed desync with clownhorn fish buffs


  • Reduced the hitbox for the Clownhorn fish

  • Fixed drop orientation for the Murder Bird and Bell Crab scrap

  • Fixed Horseshoot Crab Spamming logs during launch


  • Added the Murder Bird scrap in Scary mode

  • Added configs for min and max sound time for Scary and Seamines

  • Made the Squeeze interact on the Clownhorn fish a hold interact

  • Added a health config to the Clownhorn fish

  • Added a check for disabling the squeeze feature on the Clownhorn fish


  • Fixed Error with Urchin mesh renderer


  • Fixed horseshoot no longer launching players after being pushed alot

  • Undid the health scaling on urchins


  • Made Urchins have varying colors between Black, Purple and Blue

  • Made Weedkiller affect Urchins

  • Added size configs for Urchins

  • Added an aggressive mode to Urchins (On by default)

  • Made Urchins health scale with size

  • Fixed Scary spamming logs when unable to path to a player


  • Fixed Bruce not being rideable

  • Added config to disable the pickle on a stick in the store


  • Added new good and bad effects to the Clownhorn fish

  • Increased negative effect chance

  • Tweaked Clownhorn fish death effect

  • Added set fall damage to the different horseshoot tiers


  • Fixed Horseshoot not preventing fall damage


  • Fixed Horseshoot breaking for all other players when used by a client


  • Fixed Blahuce making the player 67lbs


  • Fixed Horseshoot Crab's Launch power depending on the framerate

  • Made Clownhorn fish able to follow the player through fire exits

  • Tweaked Clownhorn fish buffs

  • Made seamines scannable from further

  • Tweaked Bruce's speed

  • Made Horseshoot's tail color darker

  • Updated mod page


  • Fixed Horsheshoot being broken for clients

  • Fixed Clownhorn fish not giving the same buff to everyone

  • Made Bruce go to the player holding the pickle on a stick

  • Added configs for the clownhornfish buffs

  • Fixed Bruce's biting being high pitched

  • Blahaj :3


  • Added 2 new monsters and 1 equipment

  • Fixed BellCrab scrap desyncs for clients on the ship

  • Changed how sounds are handled to avoid client desyncs

  • Tweaked spawnrates for most enemies

  • Fixed BellCrab's default spawnweight being 100


  • Added failsafes for Bell Crab reference errors on grab


  • Made the Bell Crab spawn as an enemy instead of a hazard

  • Changed Bell Crab configs

  • Fixed bestiary errors with terminal mods


  • Additional desync fixes for the Bell Crab


  • Fixed mod not loading correctly due to build error


  • Fixed issues with the Bell Crab tooltip

  • Made the drop key while holding the crab "G"

  • Numerous bug fixes for the Bell Crab

  • Fixed Bell Crab animation desyncs in multiplayer

  • Bruce's tail now has dynamic bones (Jiggle physics)


  • Added a new monster

  • Added Configs for Bruce's range and player health threshold

  • Made Bruce rideable and able to carry objects dropped onto him

  • Changed how Urchins path to avoid clumping behaviour

  • Fixed issues with Urchins going over the limit set in the configs

  • Bruce will no longer target players on the ship

  • Mantis Shrimps will now back away after a long time when in warn mode

  • Adjusted Bruce's biting, speed and stun hitbox

  • Fixed Bruce having the same Network Id as Wicked, causing visual issues

  • Mantis Shrimp punch effect has been reworked

  • Bruce will now chomp players in half

  • Updated our enemy lighting to be like Zeekerss lighting

  • Bruce can now path in the Artifice warehouses


  • Adjusted base spawn weights for Bruce, Super scary mode enemy and Mantis shrimps

  • Added spawn weight config for Super scary mode enemy


  • Fixed logs spamming

  • Fixed some errors in the Readme


  • Configs added: BruceMaxSpawn,MantisGroupSize,MantisMaxSpawn,UrchinGrowthRate,UrchinShipPadding

  • Adjusted base spawn weights for Bruce and Mantis shrimps

  • Urchin Split will try to not spawn inside the ship when splitting near the ship

  • Bruce Bite zone tuned down.

  • Default Mantis spawn values changed to 2 in a group max of 8 on moon.

  • Stopped urchins being able to split on death past the max spawn count

  • Sealed away QwerkyRodrigo in scary mode. He cannot be contained...


  • Initial release, Bruce is loose.