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Swaggies-BetterEXP-1.2.0 icon


Lethal Company mod to replace the vanilla EXP system with a more advanced system, plus some cool performance report changes.

Date uploaded 6 months ago
Version 1.2.0
Download link
Downloads 5837
Dependency string Swaggies-BetterEXP-1.2.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100




BetterEXP is a Lethal Company mod looking to spice up the current experience system in the game. Right now the XP system feels a bit clunky and not a good (enough) measure of a player's true experience working for The Company, so I've created BetterEXP to hopefully make the XP system feel much more satisfying and rewarding/punishing, depending on your actions.

If you would like to help, give ideas, report bugs, or just play Lethal Company with me, you can contact me on Discord @swaggies. Shoot me a message anytime and I'll get back as soon as I can!

Showcase Round Summary

End-game Notes

This mod also includes custom player notes! I've changed the way notes are distributed to make sure up to 3 notes can be shown consistently, and also display the corresponding stat for each note (eg. how much scrap the most profitable employee collected). This (hopefully) also fixes some bugs where the Most profitable and Most paranoid stats weren't getting reset after the day ended (somewhat important for this mod).

Note that this may conflict with mods that also tamper with player notes, I haven't tested compatibilities, report to me on Discord with findings!!

Here's the list of notes including old and new:

  • "The laziest employee" -> The Laziest: took the fewest amount of steps.
  • "The most paranoid employee" -> Most Paranoid: had the most camera turns.
  • "Sustained the most injuries" -> Most Injured: took the most damage.
  • "Most profitable" -> Most Profitable: collected the most scrap value.
  • Most Active: took the most amount of steps.
  • Least Working: collected the least amount of scrap value.

If any two (or more) players tie on any of these stats, they will all get the note!

BetterXP System

  • You will now gain "BetterXP" (BXP) based on a fixed amount of scrap you get, rather than the percentage of total you can get. This makes going to harder moons net more BXP.
    • Collecting between 0 to 100 scrap awards 0 to 5 BXP
    • Collecting 100 to 400 awards 5 to 35 BXP
    • Collecting 400 to 700 awards 35 to 55 BXP
    • Collecting 700 to 1000 awards 55 to 70 BXP
    • Collecting 1000 to 1500 awards 70 to 80 BXP
    • Collecting any more than 1500 will cap at 80 BXP
    • The BXP scales with each credit earned; for example, getting 850 creds (halfway between 700 and 1000) gives 62 BXP (halfway between 55 and 70 BXP).
  • Being the most profitable employee or playing solo grants a 25% bonus to your scrap collected, unless everyone died.
  • Dying will lose you 15 BXP by default, but you'll lose more and more the higher rank you are.
  • If everyone dies, the BXP Penalty for dying is amplified by 50%.
  • The BXP Penalty for dying is capped at -99 BXP. Likewise, the BXP from collecting scrap is capped at +99 BXP.
  • Killing enemies will earn you BXP, regardless of how it dies or who kills it. Using landmines, lightning, or even another enemy to kill an enemy will grant BXP. You will also be notified at the bottom of your screen when an enemy dies (configurable).
  • Depending on the weather of the moon, you may receive a bonus to your BXP earned from collecting scrap. Be warned though, as dying will also bear a larger penalty.

New Rank Table

Rank BXP
Intern 0 BXP
Trainee 25 BXP
Apprentice 50 BXP
Part-Timer 100 BXP
Full-Timer 200 BXP
Leader 300 BXP
Manager 500 BXP
Sr. Manager 700 BXP
3rd Boss 1000 BXP
2nd Boss 1300 BXP
1st Boss 1600 BXP
3rd Vice President 2000 BXP
2nd Vice President 2400 BXP
1st Vice President 2800 BXP
3rd Executive V.P. 3200 BXP
2nd Executive V.P. 3600 BXP
1st Executive V.P. 4000 BXP
Deputy President 4500 BXP
President 5000 BXP
Vice Chairman 6000 BXP
Chairman 7000 BXP
Co-Founder 8000 BXP
Founder 9000 BXP
Greatest Asset 10000+ BXP
The Company 20000+ BXP

Enemy Bonuses

Enemy BXP Awarded
Snare Flea 3 BXP
Hoarding Bug 4 BXP
Thumper 6 BXP
Bunker Spider 9 BXP
Nutcracker 9 BXP
Masked 10 BXP
Baboon Hawk 10 BXP
Bracken 12 BXP
Eyeless Dog 15 BXP

Weather Bonuses

Weather Scrap/Death Multiplier
None 0%
Rainy +5%
Foggy +15%
Flooded +15%
Stormy +25%
Eclipsed +25%

Things to note

Does BetterEXP replace the old system?

Nope, the BetterEXP system will run alongside the vanilla exp system. After a game, the XP bar will show your BetterXP Rank and XP amount, but your vanilla xp will still secretly be accounted for in the background. At any time, you may type bxp/vanilla in the in-game chat to view your current vanilla xp. You may also type bxp/level or open the pause menu to view your current BetterXP level.

Can I turn off enemy notifications?

Yeah! You can tweak a few options in the config file. Access it through your mod manager, or BepInEx/config.


When you first load in with the BetterEXP mod, you'll start with 0 BXP at Intern rank. However, if you've played Lethal Company quite a bit, you'll start at a higher BetterXP level than just Intern. You'll receive a notification in-game about what your starting rank is. This will only display once, even if you reinstall the mod. You will be able to safely uninstall and reinstall the mod without affecting your vanilla XP, however, you can not progress your BetterXP level without having the mod active (duh).

Vanilla Rank BetterEXP Starting Rank
Part-Timer Trainee
Employee Apprentice
Leader Part-Timer
Boss Full-Timer
Boss (1000 EXP) Leader
Boss (1500 EXP) Manager
Boss (2000 EXP) Sr. Manager
Boss (2500 EXP) 3rd Boss
Boss (3000 EXP) 2nd Boss


None that I'm aware of. Please check GitHub for updates on this, or to report an incompatibility.

betterexp version 1.2.0

lethal company version 49

Check GitHub for updates on compatibility with newer Lethal Company versions.




  • Added configuration options for each custom note, allowing you to toggle them on or off.
  • Added a configuration option to toggle "negative notes" on or off, "The Laziest" or "Least Profitable" for example.
  • Added a configuration option to toggle on or off the styling and colors of notes on the Performance Report screen.
  • Added a configuration option to choose whether or not to show the exact statistic that comes with a note, for example, "Most Active (1234 steps) <-".
  • Added five new custom notes:
    • Most Jumpy / Most Grounded: Given to the employees with the most and least amount of jumps respectively.
    • The Bravest / Most Outdoors: Given to the employees with the most time spent inside and outside respectively.
    • The Ship Guy: Given to the employee who spent the most time in the ship.
    • All of these new notes are disabled by default. You can enable them in the config!


This version revamps the BetterXP system to allow the mod to be more open with other mods that may amplify or reduce scrap amounts/value and enemy counts, while also attempting to balance the system for vanilla. With this revamped system, ranks will be reset. You will start at a slightly higher rank depending on how high your old BetterXP is at the time of updating. You may choose to continue to use 1.2.2, however this version is untested on v50, I will not support the V1 system with future Lethal Company updates.

Version 2 is NOT compatible with LC v49. Do NOT update if you intend to continue playing on v49.


  • BetterXP system reworked. You will now gain BXP based on your ability to full-clear moons, gaining more BXP with higher "scrap potential" (total available scrap in a moon). Depending on your previous BXP, you may be placed at a higher starting point for V2.
    • With the way V2 experience is implemented, you should hopefully be able to switch between V1 and V2 without messing with either of the saved values. V1 and V2 BXP will be saved separately to allow for version switching, however again, I cannot guarantee that V1 will work properly in future LC updates.
    • When using V2, BXP will be colored in a bright yellow instead of the game's default orange color. This should keep V1 and V2 distinct.
    • The rank cap was raised from 99,999 BXP to 999,999,999 BXP for all of you overachievers out there, with new ranks after The Company to fill in the space.


  • The new killable enemies were added to the BXP bonus list.
  • Added two new notes: "Most Lethal" for most enemies killed in a day, and "The Pacifist" if you were the only crew member to not kill an enemy in a day.



  • Rainy Weather Bonus: +5% >>> +10%
  • Foggy Weather Bonus: +10% >>> +15%
  • Enemies killed will now only give a BXP bonus if they were killed by you. This means using lightning, landmines, or other third-party damage sources to kill enemies no longer rewards you. There is one exception however - if a player damages the entity beforehand, they will be rewarded with the kill. If multiple players damage the entity, the most recent player to deal damage will be rewarded.
    • This system will likely be reworked in the future to allow for cases where one player does all the work, while another can "steal the kill", but for the time being this is only a minor issue.
  • Enemy BXP bonuses have been adjusted. See the relevant table in the readme for the new values.


  • The configuation option for Show Enemy Kill Notifications was split into allowing players to only receive kill notifications if they killed the entity, rather than any crew member.
  • Contribution bonus is now no longer based on if you were Most Profitable, but rather how much you contributed compared to everyone else.
  • When your rank changes, your new rank title will switch color for a brief period to notify you. image
  • Death penalty now uses a different algorithm but roughly follows the same system as "higher BXP means higher penalty".
  • The Round Summary was slightly adjusted so that the BXP gains are lined up with each other. image
  • The BXP requirements for ranks leading up to 11,000 BXP have been slightly adjusted, but generally follow the same progression as it did before. See the rank table in the readme.
  • Removed the initial notification when first playing with BetterEXP.


i literally uploaded the wrong build. mb guys since im uploading another patch again i thought i might as well change something so i made death penalty very slightly more forgiving at high ranks (-1 per 240bxp >>> -1 per 250bxp).





  • On the Performance Report screen, the amount of scrap collected for each player will be shown under their name.


  • The weather bonus will now also apply to the MVP Bonus and Enemy Kill Bonus, instead of only Scrap BXP. Death penalty multiplier remains unchanged.
  • Adjusted the curve of scrap value to BXP so that you can get a maximum of 80 BXP for $1500 instead of 75. You should also notice a slight difference in BXP gain when collecting $400 or more.
  • Weather bonus for Rainy: 4% >>> 5%
  • Weather bonus for Foggy: 8% >>> 10%


  • For player notes, if a specific stat is tied, all players with equal values will receive the note, instead of just the first player in the list of player scripts.
    • For example, if three players each collect $350 worth of scrap, they will all be shown with the "Most Profitable" note.
  • Adjusted the way player notes get written to allow compatibility with Coroner.
  • If a player disconnects mid-day, they will (or at least should) not have notes applied to them.
  • Notes will now have different colours tied to them to make them stand out more. "Most Profitable" will also have slightly larger text.
  • Death Penalty will no longer show up on the Round Summary if you did not die.
  • Adjusted the starts and ends of ranks to make way for two new ranks: "Apprentice" (between Trainee and Part-Timer), and "Founder" (after Co-Founder).
  • When playing solo, "MVP BONUS" will instead say "SOLO BONUS".
    • It's intended that you always receive the 25% bonus in solo to balance the death penalty being higher due to the team-wipe BXP reduction. If balance issues with solo gameplay are found, I'll make another patch, but for now it should be fine.


  • Fixed a bug where if you tied with another player for Most Profitable, there would be a chance you would not get the MVP Bonus (see the first listed change).
  • Adjusted the bxp/level command output to prevent the first line from wrapping due to a long rank name.



  • Added a config file with the following tweakable settings:
    • Whether or not to show the enemy kill notifications.
    • Whether or not to show the round summary at the end of each day.
    • Whether or not to show your current rank in the pause menu.


  • Adjusted the weather bonuses for the following conditions:
    • Rainy: 5% >>> 4%
    • Foggy: 5% >>> 8%
    • Flooded: 10% >>> 15%
    • Stormy: 15% >>> 25%
    • Eclipsed: 35% >>> 25%


  • Removed the most/least jumps player note (as it just didn't work lmao).
  • Removed the bxp/killnotif command, please use configuration instead.
  • Adjusted the colors used in the round summary to better contrast with the bright yellow background of the UI element.
    • BXP gains will use purple
    • BXP bonuses will use magenta
    • BXP losses will use a darkish blue
    • No changes in BXP will use a darker gray


  • Fixed a visual bug where the MVP bonus was seemingly doubled in the round summary.
  • Fixed a swag moment bug where the weather bonus color in the round summary was the normal gain color instead of the bonus gain color.


  • Moved the pause menu rank display to the bottom right of the menu (maximize compatibilities with mods like Compatibility Checker).



  • Added a command to toggle enemy kill notifications: bxp/killnotif. This setting will be saved upon change.
  • You can now view your current BetterXP Rank from the pause menu in-game. The bxp/level command will still exist but this viewing method pretty much makes it obsolete.
  • BXP from collecting scrap will now be increased based on the weather of the moon you visited. Be aware however, as the Death Penalty will also be raised by the same amount.
Weather Multiplier
None 0%
Rainy +5%
Foggy +5%
Flooded +10%
Stormy +15%
Eclipsed +35%

Changes / Balancing

  • The base Death Penalty was increased: 10 >>> 15.
  • Reduced the increase to the Death Penalty based on your rank: +1 per 200 BXP >>> +1 per 240 BXP.
  • Getting team wiped will now amplify the Death Penalty by a smaller amount: 2.0x >>> 1.5x.
  • Enemy kill bonuses will now be reduced by 75% if you die.
    • This reduction is unaffected by your rank, or if a team wipe occurs.
  • Adjusted the round summary graphic to show a bit more information in terms of the breakdown of BXP.
    • An MVP bonus will be displayed next to the scrap bonus. Will not show if you did not receive Most Profitable.
    • Enemy kill bonus is now its own category. Will not show if no enemies were killed.
    • Weather bonus is also its own category. Will not show if the moon had no weather.
  • You will no longer get a bonus for being Most Profitable if your entire team dies.
  • The following changes to enemy bonuses were made:
    • Bunker Spider: 8 >>> 9.
    • Eyeless Dog: 24 >>> 15.
    • Masked: 9 >>> 10.
    • Nutcracker: 8 >>> 9.


  • Fixed a bug where the rank-up animation may not play if you were ranking up from a rank equal to or higher than Manager.