Swaggies-VersionNine icon


Bring back some of the legacy features from the Version 9 release of Lethal Company, like hour-based quota, different times on different moons, and more. Changes gameplay a lot for a somewhat fresh experience.

Last updated 2 hours ago
Total downloads 17
Total rating 2 
Categories Mods Misc BepInEx Server-side Tweaks & Quality Of Life
Dependency string Swaggies-VersionNine-0.9.7
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
BMX-LobbyCompatibility-1.2.0 icon

Towards a future with fewer lobby incompatibility errors.

Preferred version: 1.2.0


Version 9 (in v64)

Hi!! This mod aims to add some of the great features from the Version 9 alpha build of the game. I will list almost all features included in this readme. If you have any inquiries or bug reports, please contact me on Discord (@swaggies) and I'll get back to you asap. This changes the core gameplay of Lethal Company a lot as new strategies are required to account for the mod's tweaked gameplay mechanics and much attention is required for certain elements such as time and the Company's buying rate.

If you want to experience this mod completely blind, read no further than the Incompatibilities section!


Some mods may interfere with the changes this mod makes to the game. I would recommend not installing (or utilizing) any mods that do the following:

  • Changes the terminal's moons catalogue list
  • Changes scrap values
  • Changes day speed or day time
  • Changes the fines for player deaths
  • Changes the company's buying rate or modifies its logic

This mod was mainly intended to replace vanilla gameplay, and I am not responsible if your game explodes based on the mods you put into your pack :3. All players joining your lobby will need this mod to play.


Profit Quota & Deadline Changes

  • Each quota consists of four days.
  • Deadline is updated by the hour, and leaving a planet will not subtract a day. Only the amount of time that is spent on the planet will be deducted from the deadline (unless you're on the Company building).
  • Overtime bonus for deadline has been adjusted to account for individual hours. The more hours remaining, the more overtime you'll receive.
  • The first profit quota will be $300 and will scale up much quicker than previously.
  • If you sell a lot, the next quota may be much higher than expected as the Company sets the bar higher for your crew.

Planet Times & Costs

  • Each moon will have its own "timezone", meaning it will be a different time on every moon. As a result, you may land on a moon while it's evening and encounter nighttime enemies immediately.
  • You will not be allowed to route to or land on a moon if it's past sundown due to safety protocols.
  • The ship will still leave at midnight (or the voted time if applicable) as usual.
  • You can see the local time of each moon on the terminal, and on the map monitor screen.


  • Jumping will no longer take stamina
    • Due to the utility against Eyeless dogs, jumping can now be heard by enemies
  • Players have the ability to lockpick doors, usually taking 30 seconds to complete. Multiple players lockpicking will speed up the process.
    • Lockpickers (the equipment) will unlock doors about three times faster than players.
  • The fines for player bodies have been lowered a lot to account for longer quotas and planet costs (since you'll need to route between them often)
    • On the Company building, the fines are further reduced.
    • The game will breakdown the total fines for both missing and recovered bodies on the Fines screen.

Company Buy Rate

  • The company buy rate will change hourly and can be viewed in the terminal's moons list at any time.
  • Each hour, the company buy rate will rise or drop depending on its "trajectory", which also determines how much it changes by per hour.
  • You can get a feel for the current "trajectory" by observing how much the buy rate changes after an hour. If the rate of change gets smaller, it may be switching directions (such as switching from going up to going down).
  • Use this information to predict when the buy rate will be at its highest to maximize profits when selling. The buy rate will never change while in orbit or on the Company building.

Gameplay Changes & Balancing

  • The costs to route to almost all planets have been adjusted. Some previously free moons will now cost credits and some previously expensive moons will cost a bit less, as rerouting occurs often.
  • The chance for getting the Mineshaft interior on all moons that supports it has been halved.
  • Scrap values are inflated by a factor of about 2.5x
    • The Apparatus' value will now be moon-dependent, usually being 200 but can be higher based on conditions
    • Keys will now be considered scrap and sell for $10 each (to add strategy with lockpicking). They can still be used to unlock doors at the cost of its value
    • Hives will be worth anywhere between 120 and 349
    • The apparatus and bee hives will now count towards the bottom number on the performance report screen
  • The "1 day left" warning will now appear whenever the final day of the quota begins. This can and will usually happen while you're on a moon, and you will only get this warning once. Watch the deadline.

versionnine version 0.9.7

lethal company version 64