Add a polaroid. Take pictures of the worst moment of your expeditions and try to sell them to the evil company
- 1.5.7:
- Changelog fix
- 1.5.6:
- Auto remove unused saved pictures (left out of the ship, sold, gameover)
- New config option to disallow the ability to pin picture to another player
- Better log of unregistered monsters (monster with no values set in the config)
- Add error picture when picture doesn't exist locally
- 1.5.5:
- Fix picture size distortion which could happen when using other mod (LC office)
- 1.5.4:
- Fix error preventing picture form being printed when monster is in it
- 1.5.3:
- Add all monsters values in the default config (and rearange config organisation)
- Add default value config for monster not set in the list
- Add scale multiplier for pictures
- 1.5.2:
- Add customisable monster value in the config file : "AddMonsterValue" (can be used to overide values)
- Set default monster value to 10 (will be applied to every modded monster if not added in the config)
- Fix Hoarding bug not being stunned by flash
- Split read me and changelog
- 1.5.1:
- Monster react when photographed
- Most of them will be more agressive
- Special behaviour for Jester and Hoarding bugs
- Can be disabled in the config
- Rebalancing picture values (They will give a lot more for some monsters)
- Fix no battery audio feedback wasn't triggered
- Fix equip audio feedback was triggerred when grabbing the polaroid
- Monster react when photographed
- 1.5.0:
- Picture pin position, description and value is now properly saved (a JSON file is created in the picture folder)
- Fix picture monster value
- Add all based monster values multiplier (and fix names)
- Outside monster now can have value (Mouth Dog, Forest Giant, Earth worm)
- Unique detection is now based on the picture name (reset after each day)
- Update polaroid description
- 1.4.5:
- Fix visibility detection and improve debug
- Picture are now save (scrap value, description and pin position will come in the next update)
- 1.4.4:
- Render texture optim (No need to convert it to texture 2d every frame)
- Add more debug
- Start tidying the code
- 1.4.3:
- Fix picture pin position (picture no longer vanish from existence when pinned :) )
- Fix: Client player can pin picture to the host too
- Add config parameter to set the camera far clipping plane (how far the camera can see things)
- Add debug mode in the config
- Fix door visibility in the pictures
- 1.4.2:
- Fix railling collider visibility
- Picture no longer disapear when trying to pin it to wall in the dungeon
- 1.4.1:
- Fix camera rendering twice per screen render
- Fix zoom / inspect tooltips
- Add new parameter to config the screen and picture resolution separatly
- Picture can not be pinned to other pictures
- 1.4.0:
- Add polaroid and picture audio (Thanks Apoal <3)
- Pictures can now be pinned to any surface
- Set default polaroid screen update delay to 0 (update every frame, before was 0.2)
- 1.3.5:
- Optimisation (properly disable camera when unused + reduce far clip plane + solid color for sky rendering)
- Add config to change the screen update rate and the possibility to disable the screen update
- Fix monsters being seen through wall
- Fix invisible element on the polaroid (Terminal etc.)
- 1.3.4: fix readme again ><
- 1.3.3: fix readme
- 1.3.2:
- [Balancing] increase default polaroid cost from 50 to 150 (require config reset if you already have launch this mod)
- [Balancing] Decrease default spawn rate from 20 to 5
- [Balancing] Decrease base score of monster form 30 to 20
- Different monster type give a different value (bracken give the max, blobs the less)
- Fix camera and flash synchronisation between clients (picture will look similar for every clients)
- Add new polaroid and picture icons (Thanks to Balroguette)
- improve picture spawn position
- prevent free cam players form being register in the picture
- Add battery feedback on the polaroid screen
- 1.3.1:
- Fix picture taking a long time to appear in dungeon
- Add white border on picture to find them more easily
- 1.3.0:
- [GAMEPLAY] Similar picture will have 0 value (similarity is based on the monster and the player visible in the picture)
- Add new polaroid model (with bigger screen)
- Polaroid can be found in dungeon (Add config for rarity, cost, and enable/disbale in store)
- Add cooldown and picture taken feedback
- Add tool tips
- Polaroid Flash can be enable/disable with [Q] + feedback on the model
- minor optimisation
- 1.2.4: Add config file to parameter the mod: Flash intensity / range / duration, picture resolution, max number of pictures per battery. (BepixEx/config/LethalSnapProject.cfg will appear after a first launch)