Swordsm4n-Rainer_Fanclub icon

Rainer Fanclub

A fun Modpack for true Winkler fans. Adds Moons, a bunch of scrap, Monsters and more.


1.1.2 Removed the mods: -QuotaRollover -FreddyBrackenSounds this is because it broke the deadline never letting it go to 0 and stopping the quota from changing Freddy sounds was removed, to fit the new bracken theme more Added the mods: -omni_bracken-> to replace the now missing Freddy Bracken -SpectateEnemies-> cause why not, its cool

1.0.1 Removed the mods: -Bigger Lobby -permanent Moons -creepy bracken -Aurora Explorers bigger lobbies caused a glitch, where the game would bug out if the ship left using auto-pilot permanent moons permanent moons seemed to cause lag on custom moons creepy bracken audio always kicked one player out of the lobby, dont know why, but the audio isn't worth the crashing Aurora Explorer map was glichted, where you couldn't enter the moons base

1.0.0 A modpack that adds multiple new moons, a few new Dungeons, a ton of scrap, new Monsters and more. Some funny sounds and mods to cause a bit more chaos with friends. A better way to open and manage your lobby including a ton of custom settigns when creating a lobby such as item prices, values weights, moon costs and more. A fully functioning Level systems, which allows you to increase how much weight/ how many items one can carry, damage taken and dealt and more. This modpack may still be unstable, because it is it's first version, but if I find any bugs I will try to fix them.